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•] f'j „ gs , Govan , on the iCth inst . Thc R . W . M ., Bro . Im McFarlane , presided , and there was a numerous . ttendancc . The lodge having been opened , two can-•* . ' . , atcs received the first degree at the hands of Bro . John Monro R W . M . 360 ( Commercial ); and thereafter two ore passed to the degree of Fellow Craft , by the R . W . M ., I ? McFarlane ,. There being no other business on the ' ¦ lodge was thereafter closed in due and ancient
GLASGOW . —L ODGE CALEDONIAN RAILWAY ( NO . 354 ) . ; r bi-monthly meeting of this lodge was held in St . Mark ' s Hall , Buchanan-street , on the 17 th inst . In the absence of the R . W . M . ( Bro . James Shaw ) , Bro . A . Arrick Smith P . M ., presided . There were present Bros . Win . H . Caldwell , S . M . ; Jno . W . Stafford , S . W . ; Adam B .
Fcryman , J . W . ; A . Carmichael , Treasurer ; W . R . Dunn , Secretary ; Jno . Barley , S . D . ; and a fair number of visiting brethren . The lodge having been opened , and the minutes read , one candidate , James Poole , was duly pronosed for initiation . There was no other business of Lnortance transacted . GLASGOW . —LODGE CLYDE ( NO . 408 ) . —This lodge
lield its usual meeting in the hall at 170 , Buchananstreet , on the 19 th inst . Bro . William Harper , R . W . M ., occupied the chair , with , in their places , Bros . Connie , P . M . ; Mclnncs , S . VV . ; Merriam , acting J . W . ; Stewart , Treasurer ; and D . S . Mitchell , Secretary . Among the visiting brethren present were Bros . Wheeler , 73 ; and A . R . Milson , 27 . The lodge having been opened , the R . W . M .
informed the brethren that St . John s Operative Lodge , No . * M > Rutherglen , would hold their annual festival there on the 26 th inst , and as it was very desirable the lodges should support one another , he hoped as many brethren of No . 408 as could make it convenient , would see it to be their duty to attend on the occasion . Thereafter , Bro . Ino . Lyons , who had been initiated on the 5 th inst ., was
passed to the square degree of Fellow Craft by Bro . Wheeler . A circular was read from lodge 347 ( as above ) , inviting as large a deputation as possible to assist at the laying of the memorial stone of their new hall in Rutherglen , which is to take place with Masonic honours on March 6 th . Bro . John McKinnow was then installed as P . G . S . for the ensuing year , the R . W . M ., Bro .
Harper , officiating . The lodge was thereafter called from labour to refreshment , when , after the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , Bro . Mclnncs proposed that of "The Visiting Brethren , " coupled with thc names of Bros . Wheeler and W . B . Paterson , No . 27 , by both of whom it was acknowledged . Among remaining toasts were " Lodge Clyde , " by Bro . Wheeler ; "The Press , " by Bro .
li . Mitchell , sen . ; " Health and Prosperity to Robert Mitchell , "—who is about leaving home for Western Australia—by the R . W . M . ; and " Absent Brethren , " by Bro . Mclnnes , S . W . The brethren being recalled to labour , the R . W . M . requested the assent of thc lodge to a proposal that Bro . Hugh McDougall , W . M . of a lode-e in Chicago , be made an honorary member
of this lodge , in recognition of his kindness to the late Bro . Parker , a member of Lodge Clyde , who died there a few weeks after his arrival . This was unanimously agreed to , and the Secretary , Bro . Mitchell , was instructed to write to Bro . McDougall on thc subject . Bro . R . Mitchell , sen ., P . M . 332 , reminded the R . W . M . that a sum of £ 11 ios . was now lying in the City of Glasgow Bank , in the name of
three of thc subscribers to a fund , which had been raised to bury with Masonic honours an American brother who died in thc Hoyal Infirmary here on 2 nd Nov . 1 S 73 . The original idea of thc committee , of whom Bro . Harper was Secretary , was to purchase a vault or vaults for the interment of foreign brethren who might happen to die amongst them , and he ( Bro . Mitchell ) hoped the subject would be
again brought up before the members of the Craft in Glasgow . The R . W . M ., in reply , stated that he had not lost sight of the matter , and he would have a meeting convened in March ensuing , and endeavour to have thc intentions of the subscribers carried out to the full . Subsequently Bro . Mclnnes , S . W ., suggested that the ground and obelisk , belonging to this lotlge , in the
Southern Necropolis should be put in proper order now that winter was over . The R . W . M . promised that this should be done . Bro . Mclnncs then presented the lotlge with two covers for thc protection of their paraphernalia , which were accepted , and a vote of thanks to thc donor , moved by Bro . Duncan Downie , P . M ., heartily accorded . The lodge was thereafter duly closed .
GLASGOW . —LODGE ATHOLE ( NO . 413 ) . —The ordinary meeting of this lodge was held on the 23 rd ult , in St . Mark's Hall , Buchanan-street . The R . W . M ., Bro . John Wallace , presided , and there were also present : Bros . John Millar , l ' -M . ; Jas . Louttit , D . M . ; Walter Neilson , S . M . * , Colin McKenzie , S . W . ; and Daniel Leeds , J . W . The lodge having been opened , the following duly approved
candidates received the first degree at the hands of Bro . Millar , P . M ., viz .: Donald Cameron , Robert Russell , Robert Easdale , Peter Simpson , and John Connell . There being no other business before thc meeting , the lodge was there after closed in due form . , The annual festival of the lodge was held on 26 th ult ., in the Clarendon Restaurant , ( Bro . Thornton ' s ) Argyle-st .
she R . W . M ., Bro . Wallace , occupied the chair , and Bro . James Louttit , D . M ., officiated as Croupier . Thc company was a numerous one , amongst brethren from other lodges being Bros . William Bell , R . W . M . St . John ' s , 3 $ * , Thomas Uctcher , P . M . 3 J . Home , S . W . 3 I ; D . Wilson , 3 J- ; Sergeants May aud Robertson , Lodge Maryhill , 510 ; and others . After a substantial supper , the chairman gave
successivel y the toasts of "The Queen , " "Thc Three Grand Lodges , " and "The Provincial Grand Lodge of Wasgow . " In proposing thc latter , coupled with the name of Bro . Jno . Millar , P . G . Director of Music , thc chairman remarked that the Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow > vas thoroughl y deserving of the name which it held as second to none in Scotland . Bro . Millar , in acknowledg-
ing thc compliment , referred to the amount of work which the Provincial Grand Lodge had to go through in the course of a year in a province which included twenty-six lodges , and gave it as his opinion that very few Provincial Grand Lodges would take the same trouble in the periodical visitations as did that of Glasgow . Thc toast of " The Army , Navy , and Volunteers " was then given by
Bro . Fletcher , and replied to for the first-named by Bro . Sergeant Robertson , and for "The Volunteers" by Bro . Davidson . Thc chairman then said that his next duty was , on behalf of the lodge , to make a small presentation to their worthy Treasurer , Bro . Peter Agncw , than whom there was no one more deserving such a mark of recognition . It was but a small token of which they asked his
acceptance , but it would be valued , not so much for its intrinsic worth as for the spontaneous manner in which it had been got up by the brethren . Bro . Agnew hail been their Treasurer for a long period of years , and they all knew his worth in that capacity ; but all who knew him would admit , in addition , that a more worthy or enthusiastic Mason never crossed the threshold of St . Mark's Hall .
The chairman then presented Bro . Agncw with a large and handsome writing-desk , accompanying it with the wish of all the brethren that he might long be spared thereon to write out his accounts . The presentation was accompanied with that of an elegant brooch for Mrs . Agnew , without whose permission , the chairman humorously observed , Bro . Agnew could not
have attended so-- well to the affairs of the lodge . Bro . Agnew , in acknowledging the compliments , said they had taken him completely by surprise . He had never heard a word about it , and it was a thing he never anticipated . Briefly referring to his term of oflice , he stated that for twelve years now he had had charge of the cash in Lodge Athole , during which time he had given out in the way of
charity , nearly £ 100 . He could only heartily thank the brethren for their kindness , and more especially in regard of the remembrance of his wife . The toast of the " Last Laid Stones of No . 413 " having been proposed by the croupier , and responded to by Bro . Cameron , that of " Lodge Athole" was given by Bro . Fletcher , P . M . 34 . He expressed the very great pleasure he had in being present
that evening , and also his conviction that if they ( Lodge Athole ) went on at the rate they were going , they could not fail of great prosperity ; especially under the command of such a worthy Master as Bro . Wallace . The toast was coupled with the name of the R . W . M ., who said it gave him great pleasure to acknowledge the same . This was now the second year that he had occupied the chair , and
he could assure their friends that they were going on at least as harmoniously as when he was first elected to it ; in fact he would say that there was not a lodge in the kingdom of Scotland that worked more harmoniously together than Lodge Athole . As to their progress , he might mention that this year they had already made about as many members as they hnd made last year togethsr . Amongst
the remaining toasts were the " Office-Bearers of Lodge Athole , " coupled with the name of Bro . Stevenson , Sec , who replied ; " The Visiting Brethren , " by the croupier , coupled with the name of Bro . Bell , 3 $ ; "Absent Brethren , " by Bro . Colin McKenzie , S . W . ; " Thc Press . " With a hearty vote of thanks to Bro . Wallace for his conduct in the chair , on the motion of Bro . Bell , and the good old
sentiment , " Happy to meet , cvC , " the very agreeable gathering was brought to a close . GLASGOW . —LODGE MARIE STUART ( No . 541 ) . —The meeting of this lodge on the 22 th ult , was an unusually interesting one , and by far the most successful of any since the installation of the office-bearers . The R . W . M ., Bro . f . D . Porteous , presided , and there were also present
Bros . Wm . Gillies , D . M . ; Julius Erode , S . M . * , Robert Walker , Chaplain ; S . Findlater , Treasurer ; and Robert Buchanan , Secretary . The attendance of visiting brethren was on a much larger scale than usual , including Bros . J . F . Mitchell , R . W . M . 102 ; George Glen , R . W . M . 426 ; J . Millar , P . G . Director of Music ; A . Morton , P . M . l 6 o ; Thomas 11 . Campbell , Proxy Master 4 80 ( Lodge
Caledonian , Haskien , Turkey ); David Lamb , D . M . 360 ; Thos . Graham , J . D . 360 , Wm . Wilson , J . W . 87 , and others . Thc lodge having been opened in the several degrees in full by the R . W . M ., thc latter intimated that he had obtained the assistance of Bro . Lamb , D . M . of Lodge 3 60 , in thc working of the Master degree ; and accordingly , Bro . Lamb proceeded to confer that degree upon Bro .
Peter Martin , who had been passed to thc F . C . degree on the nth ult . As the occasion was not only the regular meeting night of the lodge , but was also the last of the series of three " instruction" meetings , commenced in December last , the ceremonial was more than usually elaborate , and the effect of it greatly enhanced by a service of music , chiefly adapted from Mendelssohn ' s
' Antigone , performed by a vocal choir under thc direction of Bro . Millar , P . G . Director of Music , Glasgow , and with Bro . W . Schob , Organist of the lodge , at thc harmonium . After the working was over , and Bro . Martin having taken his scat in the lodge , the R . W . M . briefly addressed the brethren , referring first to thc fact of his forthcoming departure from
Glasgow , and necessarily from his position in Lodge Mane Stuart . He might say he had got his " walking ticket . " He was under the necessity of leaving Glasgow , and the chances were that he should spend the rest of his days , be they few or many , in the south . Although he was glad at the change on some accounts , he was very sorry about it on others . He was a native of Glasgow , had been for
twenty-six years in the establishment he was about to leave ( the Glasgow Post Oflice ) , and had formed a round of friends here larger and warmer than he could hope to do where he was about to go . As the brethren would have learned from thc minutes , he had informed the lodge committee of the matter at the earliest opportunity ; and it had been agreed to have a special meeting on March ^ ist ,, for the rc-arrangement of office-bearers consequent
upon his resi gnation , and also upon the recent death of Bro . James Stamm , their J . W ., which he referred to in feeling terms . In concluding , the R . W . M . said that , in intimating at an earlier stage of the proceedings that he had obtained the assistance of Bvo . Lamb , he forgot to mention that it was for thc fust time that brother was going to work thc third degree . After seeing how he did it , however
, he ( the R . W . M . ) was very glad of thc omission , as he should have been ashamed at having made any prefatory apology for such admirable working . They were under a very great compliment to Bro . Lamb for his assistance , and he hoped he would accept the best thanks of the Lodge Marie Stuart . He thought by-the-bye , that the lod ^ c might thank him also ( the speaker ) for having brought
forward such a promising pupil . ( Laughter ) , liro . Erode , who expressed his high gratification at the whole proceedings of the evening , said it would hardly be courteous not to move a vote of thanks to their musical brethren , who had come there that night to render such valuable services ; and also to the visiting brethren generally , of whom he had never seen such a turn out
except on their installation night . The compliment was acknowledged on behalf of the visiting brethren by Bros . Glen , 426 , and Mitchell , 102 . Thc former , in referring to the promotion of the chairman to the Postmastership of Bolton , said it showed that he was not only respected in the Lodge Marie Stuart , but by the Government of the country . Bro . Mitchell said they ( the visiting brethren )
owed a very hearty vote cf thanks to the R . W . M . and office-bearers of Lodge 541 , for thc highly interesting and beautiful ceremonial they had that evening witnessed . With regard to the Master , he ( Bro . Mitchell ) hoped he would be happy and prosperous in his new sphere so long as he might be there . The R . W . M ., in briefly replying , and in reference to what had been said about their musical
brethren , took occasion to state that he had the full music arranged for all thc three degrees , which , together with his rituals , he would leave behind for the good of the lodge . He had now , he said in conclusion , to bid them good-bye ; and , in all human probability , he would never occupy that chair again . He was very sorry about it . However , he should take an occasional run down to Glasgow during
holiday periods ; and on some such opportunity he might perhaps yet be able to enjoy himself within Lodge Marie Stuart . The lodge was then closed in due and ancient form . The departure of Bro . Porteous from Glasgow is a distinct event in our local Masonic history . Few brethren of late years have been more intelligently assiduous in promoting the interests of the Craft , or more intimately
identified with it generally , within , and even beyond the province . Thc change he is making has caused him , just now , to resign the following offices : —R . W . M . Lodge Marie Stuart , 541 ; P . G . Junior Warden , Renfrewshire East ; P . G ., Second Principal of Lanarkshire Royal Arch ; P . G . D . M . Royal Order of Scotland , for thc Counties of Lanark , Dumbarton , & c . * , Representative in the Provinces
of Glasgow and Renfrewshire East , of Captain Hernot s scheme for a Benevolent Institution . We may add that Bvo . Porteous is a member of No . 188 , a charter member and Past Secretary of Lodge Athole , 413 ; Past P . G . Marsh ., Province of Glasgow ; a P . M . Lodge Commercial , 360 ; Promoter and Charter Member of Lodge 541 ; Ex-Editor of the Universal Masonic Calendar , besides being an
honorary member of , perhaps , fully a score of different lodges . 1 le leaves , we understand , next week , to enter upon the office of Postmaster of Bolton , Lancashire , to which , as the public are aware , he has just been appointed by the Postmaster-General . GLASGOW . —LODGE CLYDESDALE ( NO . 55 6 ) . —The fortnightly meeting of this , lodge was held within their new
premises at 136 , Rose-street , on 15 th inst . Bro . William Phillips , R . W . M ., occupied the chair , and there were in their respective places , Bros . Dr . Thomas Russell , D . M . ; John McNaught , S . M . ; John B . McNaught , S . W . ; John Howie , J . W ., and G . E . Yuill , Secretary . Among visiting brethren present , were Bros . James Shaw , R . W . M . 1 S 4 ( Caledonian Railway ) ; and R . M . Yuill , R . W . M . 275
( Shamrock and Thistle ) . Thc lodge having been opened on the E . A . degree , Bro . Frederick Stout , of Lodge 347 , St . John ' s Operative , Rutherglen , was affiliated a member of No . 556 ; and thereafter , a candidate , duly recommended , James Barclay , was initiated into the mysteries
of thc Order by Bro . J . B . McNaught , S . W . Subsequently , the lodge was raised to the Fellow Craft degree , when the following were passed to that degree by the R . W . M ., viz ., Bros . James Smith , James F . Murray , Joseph Glen , James Whitehead , John Heron , and Joseph Grainger . There was no other business before the meeting
Consecration Of The Gladsmuir Chapter (No.1385.)
On Thursday , February 25 th , at the Red Lion Hotel , Barnet , a third chapter was added to the roll of Royal Arch Masonry in Hertfordshire . The ceremonies of consecration and installation were performed in a faultless and
painstaking manner by E . Com ]) . Wilson lies , M . D ., P . Z . aud S . E . of the Watford Chapter , No . 434 , Prov . G . Sec , Herts , very ably assisted by E . Comp . Terry , P . Z ., Secretary of the Benevolent Institution . The chapter was opened by E . Comps . Wilson lies , P . Z ., as M . E . Z . ; T . F . Halsey , M . P ., P . Z ., Prov . G . M ., Herts ,
as H . ; and 11 . L . Thomas , Z . 403 , as J * , with several Past Principals . The companions were admitted and were marshalled by E . Com ]) . Terry , who acted most efficiently as Director of Ceremonies . The founders , Comps . Terry , P . Z . ; Cocks , P . Z . ; Verry ,
P . Z ., Hayward , Edwards , and Livingston , having declared that they approved ofthe companions named in the warrant to be the Principals , viz .: Comps . T . S . Carter , S . E . 403 , as M . E . Z . ; J . Lowthin , I-I . ; and W . Cutbush , J . ; the chapter was duly consecrated . That interesting ceremony being
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•] f'j „ gs , Govan , on the iCth inst . Thc R . W . M ., Bro . Im McFarlane , presided , and there was a numerous . ttendancc . The lodge having been opened , two can-•* . ' . , atcs received the first degree at the hands of Bro . John Monro R W . M . 360 ( Commercial ); and thereafter two ore passed to the degree of Fellow Craft , by the R . W . M ., I ? McFarlane ,. There being no other business on the ' ¦ lodge was thereafter closed in due and ancient
GLASGOW . —L ODGE CALEDONIAN RAILWAY ( NO . 354 ) . ; r bi-monthly meeting of this lodge was held in St . Mark ' s Hall , Buchanan-street , on the 17 th inst . In the absence of the R . W . M . ( Bro . James Shaw ) , Bro . A . Arrick Smith P . M ., presided . There were present Bros . Win . H . Caldwell , S . M . ; Jno . W . Stafford , S . W . ; Adam B .
Fcryman , J . W . ; A . Carmichael , Treasurer ; W . R . Dunn , Secretary ; Jno . Barley , S . D . ; and a fair number of visiting brethren . The lodge having been opened , and the minutes read , one candidate , James Poole , was duly pronosed for initiation . There was no other business of Lnortance transacted . GLASGOW . —LODGE CLYDE ( NO . 408 ) . —This lodge
lield its usual meeting in the hall at 170 , Buchananstreet , on the 19 th inst . Bro . William Harper , R . W . M ., occupied the chair , with , in their places , Bros . Connie , P . M . ; Mclnncs , S . VV . ; Merriam , acting J . W . ; Stewart , Treasurer ; and D . S . Mitchell , Secretary . Among the visiting brethren present were Bros . Wheeler , 73 ; and A . R . Milson , 27 . The lodge having been opened , the R . W . M .
informed the brethren that St . John s Operative Lodge , No . * M > Rutherglen , would hold their annual festival there on the 26 th inst , and as it was very desirable the lodges should support one another , he hoped as many brethren of No . 408 as could make it convenient , would see it to be their duty to attend on the occasion . Thereafter , Bro . Ino . Lyons , who had been initiated on the 5 th inst ., was
passed to the square degree of Fellow Craft by Bro . Wheeler . A circular was read from lodge 347 ( as above ) , inviting as large a deputation as possible to assist at the laying of the memorial stone of their new hall in Rutherglen , which is to take place with Masonic honours on March 6 th . Bro . John McKinnow was then installed as P . G . S . for the ensuing year , the R . W . M ., Bro .
Harper , officiating . The lodge was thereafter called from labour to refreshment , when , after the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , Bro . Mclnncs proposed that of "The Visiting Brethren , " coupled with thc names of Bros . Wheeler and W . B . Paterson , No . 27 , by both of whom it was acknowledged . Among remaining toasts were " Lodge Clyde , " by Bro . Wheeler ; "The Press , " by Bro .
li . Mitchell , sen . ; " Health and Prosperity to Robert Mitchell , "—who is about leaving home for Western Australia—by the R . W . M . ; and " Absent Brethren , " by Bro . Mclnnes , S . W . The brethren being recalled to labour , the R . W . M . requested the assent of thc lodge to a proposal that Bro . Hugh McDougall , W . M . of a lode-e in Chicago , be made an honorary member
of this lodge , in recognition of his kindness to the late Bro . Parker , a member of Lodge Clyde , who died there a few weeks after his arrival . This was unanimously agreed to , and the Secretary , Bro . Mitchell , was instructed to write to Bro . McDougall on thc subject . Bro . R . Mitchell , sen ., P . M . 332 , reminded the R . W . M . that a sum of £ 11 ios . was now lying in the City of Glasgow Bank , in the name of
three of thc subscribers to a fund , which had been raised to bury with Masonic honours an American brother who died in thc Hoyal Infirmary here on 2 nd Nov . 1 S 73 . The original idea of thc committee , of whom Bro . Harper was Secretary , was to purchase a vault or vaults for the interment of foreign brethren who might happen to die amongst them , and he ( Bro . Mitchell ) hoped the subject would be
again brought up before the members of the Craft in Glasgow . The R . W . M ., in reply , stated that he had not lost sight of the matter , and he would have a meeting convened in March ensuing , and endeavour to have thc intentions of the subscribers carried out to the full . Subsequently Bro . Mclnnes , S . W ., suggested that the ground and obelisk , belonging to this lotlge , in the
Southern Necropolis should be put in proper order now that winter was over . The R . W . M . promised that this should be done . Bro . Mclnncs then presented the lotlge with two covers for thc protection of their paraphernalia , which were accepted , and a vote of thanks to thc donor , moved by Bro . Duncan Downie , P . M ., heartily accorded . The lodge was thereafter duly closed .
GLASGOW . —LODGE ATHOLE ( NO . 413 ) . —The ordinary meeting of this lodge was held on the 23 rd ult , in St . Mark's Hall , Buchanan-street . The R . W . M ., Bro . John Wallace , presided , and there were also present : Bros . John Millar , l ' -M . ; Jas . Louttit , D . M . ; Walter Neilson , S . M . * , Colin McKenzie , S . W . ; and Daniel Leeds , J . W . The lodge having been opened , the following duly approved
candidates received the first degree at the hands of Bro . Millar , P . M ., viz .: Donald Cameron , Robert Russell , Robert Easdale , Peter Simpson , and John Connell . There being no other business before thc meeting , the lodge was there after closed in due form . , The annual festival of the lodge was held on 26 th ult ., in the Clarendon Restaurant , ( Bro . Thornton ' s ) Argyle-st .
she R . W . M ., Bro . Wallace , occupied the chair , and Bro . James Louttit , D . M ., officiated as Croupier . Thc company was a numerous one , amongst brethren from other lodges being Bros . William Bell , R . W . M . St . John ' s , 3 $ * , Thomas Uctcher , P . M . 3 J . Home , S . W . 3 I ; D . Wilson , 3 J- ; Sergeants May aud Robertson , Lodge Maryhill , 510 ; and others . After a substantial supper , the chairman gave
successivel y the toasts of "The Queen , " "Thc Three Grand Lodges , " and "The Provincial Grand Lodge of Wasgow . " In proposing thc latter , coupled with the name of Bro . Jno . Millar , P . G . Director of Music , thc chairman remarked that the Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow > vas thoroughl y deserving of the name which it held as second to none in Scotland . Bro . Millar , in acknowledg-
ing thc compliment , referred to the amount of work which the Provincial Grand Lodge had to go through in the course of a year in a province which included twenty-six lodges , and gave it as his opinion that very few Provincial Grand Lodges would take the same trouble in the periodical visitations as did that of Glasgow . Thc toast of " The Army , Navy , and Volunteers " was then given by
Bro . Fletcher , and replied to for the first-named by Bro . Sergeant Robertson , and for "The Volunteers" by Bro . Davidson . Thc chairman then said that his next duty was , on behalf of the lodge , to make a small presentation to their worthy Treasurer , Bro . Peter Agncw , than whom there was no one more deserving such a mark of recognition . It was but a small token of which they asked his
acceptance , but it would be valued , not so much for its intrinsic worth as for the spontaneous manner in which it had been got up by the brethren . Bro . Agnew hail been their Treasurer for a long period of years , and they all knew his worth in that capacity ; but all who knew him would admit , in addition , that a more worthy or enthusiastic Mason never crossed the threshold of St . Mark's Hall .
The chairman then presented Bro . Agncw with a large and handsome writing-desk , accompanying it with the wish of all the brethren that he might long be spared thereon to write out his accounts . The presentation was accompanied with that of an elegant brooch for Mrs . Agnew , without whose permission , the chairman humorously observed , Bro . Agnew could not
have attended so-- well to the affairs of the lodge . Bro . Agnew , in acknowledging the compliments , said they had taken him completely by surprise . He had never heard a word about it , and it was a thing he never anticipated . Briefly referring to his term of oflice , he stated that for twelve years now he had had charge of the cash in Lodge Athole , during which time he had given out in the way of
charity , nearly £ 100 . He could only heartily thank the brethren for their kindness , and more especially in regard of the remembrance of his wife . The toast of the " Last Laid Stones of No . 413 " having been proposed by the croupier , and responded to by Bro . Cameron , that of " Lodge Athole" was given by Bro . Fletcher , P . M . 34 . He expressed the very great pleasure he had in being present
that evening , and also his conviction that if they ( Lodge Athole ) went on at the rate they were going , they could not fail of great prosperity ; especially under the command of such a worthy Master as Bro . Wallace . The toast was coupled with the name of the R . W . M ., who said it gave him great pleasure to acknowledge the same . This was now the second year that he had occupied the chair , and
he could assure their friends that they were going on at least as harmoniously as when he was first elected to it ; in fact he would say that there was not a lodge in the kingdom of Scotland that worked more harmoniously together than Lodge Athole . As to their progress , he might mention that this year they had already made about as many members as they hnd made last year togethsr . Amongst
the remaining toasts were the " Office-Bearers of Lodge Athole , " coupled with the name of Bro . Stevenson , Sec , who replied ; " The Visiting Brethren , " by the croupier , coupled with the name of Bro . Bell , 3 $ ; "Absent Brethren , " by Bro . Colin McKenzie , S . W . ; " Thc Press . " With a hearty vote of thanks to Bro . Wallace for his conduct in the chair , on the motion of Bro . Bell , and the good old
sentiment , " Happy to meet , cvC , " the very agreeable gathering was brought to a close . GLASGOW . —LODGE MARIE STUART ( No . 541 ) . —The meeting of this lodge on the 22 th ult , was an unusually interesting one , and by far the most successful of any since the installation of the office-bearers . The R . W . M ., Bro . f . D . Porteous , presided , and there were also present
Bros . Wm . Gillies , D . M . ; Julius Erode , S . M . * , Robert Walker , Chaplain ; S . Findlater , Treasurer ; and Robert Buchanan , Secretary . The attendance of visiting brethren was on a much larger scale than usual , including Bros . J . F . Mitchell , R . W . M . 102 ; George Glen , R . W . M . 426 ; J . Millar , P . G . Director of Music ; A . Morton , P . M . l 6 o ; Thomas 11 . Campbell , Proxy Master 4 80 ( Lodge
Caledonian , Haskien , Turkey ); David Lamb , D . M . 360 ; Thos . Graham , J . D . 360 , Wm . Wilson , J . W . 87 , and others . Thc lodge having been opened in the several degrees in full by the R . W . M ., thc latter intimated that he had obtained the assistance of Bro . Lamb , D . M . of Lodge 3 60 , in thc working of the Master degree ; and accordingly , Bro . Lamb proceeded to confer that degree upon Bro .
Peter Martin , who had been passed to thc F . C . degree on the nth ult . As the occasion was not only the regular meeting night of the lodge , but was also the last of the series of three " instruction" meetings , commenced in December last , the ceremonial was more than usually elaborate , and the effect of it greatly enhanced by a service of music , chiefly adapted from Mendelssohn ' s
' Antigone , performed by a vocal choir under thc direction of Bro . Millar , P . G . Director of Music , Glasgow , and with Bro . W . Schob , Organist of the lodge , at thc harmonium . After the working was over , and Bro . Martin having taken his scat in the lodge , the R . W . M . briefly addressed the brethren , referring first to thc fact of his forthcoming departure from
Glasgow , and necessarily from his position in Lodge Mane Stuart . He might say he had got his " walking ticket . " He was under the necessity of leaving Glasgow , and the chances were that he should spend the rest of his days , be they few or many , in the south . Although he was glad at the change on some accounts , he was very sorry about it on others . He was a native of Glasgow , had been for
twenty-six years in the establishment he was about to leave ( the Glasgow Post Oflice ) , and had formed a round of friends here larger and warmer than he could hope to do where he was about to go . As the brethren would have learned from thc minutes , he had informed the lodge committee of the matter at the earliest opportunity ; and it had been agreed to have a special meeting on March ^ ist ,, for the rc-arrangement of office-bearers consequent
upon his resi gnation , and also upon the recent death of Bro . James Stamm , their J . W ., which he referred to in feeling terms . In concluding , the R . W . M . said that , in intimating at an earlier stage of the proceedings that he had obtained the assistance of Bvo . Lamb , he forgot to mention that it was for thc fust time that brother was going to work thc third degree . After seeing how he did it , however
, he ( the R . W . M . ) was very glad of thc omission , as he should have been ashamed at having made any prefatory apology for such admirable working . They were under a very great compliment to Bro . Lamb for his assistance , and he hoped he would accept the best thanks of the Lodge Marie Stuart . He thought by-the-bye , that the lod ^ c might thank him also ( the speaker ) for having brought
forward such a promising pupil . ( Laughter ) , liro . Erode , who expressed his high gratification at the whole proceedings of the evening , said it would hardly be courteous not to move a vote of thanks to their musical brethren , who had come there that night to render such valuable services ; and also to the visiting brethren generally , of whom he had never seen such a turn out
except on their installation night . The compliment was acknowledged on behalf of the visiting brethren by Bros . Glen , 426 , and Mitchell , 102 . Thc former , in referring to the promotion of the chairman to the Postmastership of Bolton , said it showed that he was not only respected in the Lodge Marie Stuart , but by the Government of the country . Bro . Mitchell said they ( the visiting brethren )
owed a very hearty vote cf thanks to the R . W . M . and office-bearers of Lodge 541 , for thc highly interesting and beautiful ceremonial they had that evening witnessed . With regard to the Master , he ( Bro . Mitchell ) hoped he would be happy and prosperous in his new sphere so long as he might be there . The R . W . M ., in briefly replying , and in reference to what had been said about their musical
brethren , took occasion to state that he had the full music arranged for all thc three degrees , which , together with his rituals , he would leave behind for the good of the lodge . He had now , he said in conclusion , to bid them good-bye ; and , in all human probability , he would never occupy that chair again . He was very sorry about it . However , he should take an occasional run down to Glasgow during
holiday periods ; and on some such opportunity he might perhaps yet be able to enjoy himself within Lodge Marie Stuart . The lodge was then closed in due and ancient form . The departure of Bro . Porteous from Glasgow is a distinct event in our local Masonic history . Few brethren of late years have been more intelligently assiduous in promoting the interests of the Craft , or more intimately
identified with it generally , within , and even beyond the province . Thc change he is making has caused him , just now , to resign the following offices : —R . W . M . Lodge Marie Stuart , 541 ; P . G . Junior Warden , Renfrewshire East ; P . G ., Second Principal of Lanarkshire Royal Arch ; P . G . D . M . Royal Order of Scotland , for thc Counties of Lanark , Dumbarton , & c . * , Representative in the Provinces
of Glasgow and Renfrewshire East , of Captain Hernot s scheme for a Benevolent Institution . We may add that Bvo . Porteous is a member of No . 188 , a charter member and Past Secretary of Lodge Athole , 413 ; Past P . G . Marsh ., Province of Glasgow ; a P . M . Lodge Commercial , 360 ; Promoter and Charter Member of Lodge 541 ; Ex-Editor of the Universal Masonic Calendar , besides being an
honorary member of , perhaps , fully a score of different lodges . 1 le leaves , we understand , next week , to enter upon the office of Postmaster of Bolton , Lancashire , to which , as the public are aware , he has just been appointed by the Postmaster-General . GLASGOW . —LODGE CLYDESDALE ( NO . 55 6 ) . —The fortnightly meeting of this , lodge was held within their new
premises at 136 , Rose-street , on 15 th inst . Bro . William Phillips , R . W . M ., occupied the chair , and there were in their respective places , Bros . Dr . Thomas Russell , D . M . ; John McNaught , S . M . ; John B . McNaught , S . W . ; John Howie , J . W ., and G . E . Yuill , Secretary . Among visiting brethren present , were Bros . James Shaw , R . W . M . 1 S 4 ( Caledonian Railway ) ; and R . M . Yuill , R . W . M . 275
( Shamrock and Thistle ) . Thc lodge having been opened on the E . A . degree , Bro . Frederick Stout , of Lodge 347 , St . John ' s Operative , Rutherglen , was affiliated a member of No . 556 ; and thereafter , a candidate , duly recommended , James Barclay , was initiated into the mysteries
of thc Order by Bro . J . B . McNaught , S . W . Subsequently , the lodge was raised to the Fellow Craft degree , when the following were passed to that degree by the R . W . M ., viz ., Bros . James Smith , James F . Murray , Joseph Glen , James Whitehead , John Heron , and Joseph Grainger . There was no other business before the meeting
Consecration Of The Gladsmuir Chapter (No.1385.)
On Thursday , February 25 th , at the Red Lion Hotel , Barnet , a third chapter was added to the roll of Royal Arch Masonry in Hertfordshire . The ceremonies of consecration and installation were performed in a faultless and
painstaking manner by E . Com ]) . Wilson lies , M . D ., P . Z . aud S . E . of the Watford Chapter , No . 434 , Prov . G . Sec , Herts , very ably assisted by E . Comp . Terry , P . Z ., Secretary of the Benevolent Institution . The chapter was opened by E . Comps . Wilson lies , P . Z ., as M . E . Z . ; T . F . Halsey , M . P ., P . Z ., Prov . G . M ., Herts ,
as H . ; and 11 . L . Thomas , Z . 403 , as J * , with several Past Principals . The companions were admitted and were marshalled by E . Com ]) . Terry , who acted most efficiently as Director of Ceremonies . The founders , Comps . Terry , P . Z . ; Cocks , P . Z . ; Verry ,
P . Z ., Hayward , Edwards , and Livingston , having declared that they approved ofthe companions named in the warrant to be the Principals , viz .: Comps . T . S . Carter , S . E . 403 , as M . E . Z . ; J . Lowthin , I-I . ; and W . Cutbush , J . ; the chapter was duly consecrated . That interesting ceremony being