Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Ancient and Accepted Rite. Page 1 of 1 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 2 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Col . Burdett , the P . G . M ., he expressed his great gratification at the success which had attended this lodge—the lodge of his adoption—and also ou the general progress which Masonry had made in thc province since his appointment to thc office of Provincial Grand Master .
Amongst thc visitors were Bros . Dr . Woodman , 66 ; Edmands , P . G . Secretary ; Grabham , W . M . 1499 ; Waterhousc , 255 ; Shirley , 1118 ; Probert , 8 ; Lemon , 159 ; Green , J . W . 27 ; McLean , 474 ; Clark , 266 ; and others . The banquet was most ably and sumptuously provided by Bro . Sadler .
KENNINGTON LODGE ( NO . 1381 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held at thc Surrey Club House , Kennington Oval , on Tuesday , the 2 nd inst . The lodge was opened at six o'clock in the evening , by Bro . Gardner , thc W . M ., assisted by Bros . Everett , S / VV ., W . M . 177 ; Painter ; j . W . ; Higgins , J . D . ; Webb , I . G . ; Koch , I . P . M . ; Page , P . M ., Treasurer ; Stuart , P . M ., Secretary ; Walls , W . S . ; Kohler ,
A . W . S . The minutes of the installation meeting having been read and confirmed , the W . M . and his officers initiated Mr . Rogers into thc mysteries of the Order . Bro . Richardson being in attendance , was examined , entrusted , and duly passed to the degree of a F . C . Bro . Kock , I . P . M ., gave a notice of motion , to be discussed at thc next meeting ; tha . t thc services of Bio . Stuart , P . M ., as
Secretary of the lodge since February 1874 , should receive some tangible recognition . lie also gave notice of motion that he should move at thc April meeting that a Benevolent Fund in connection with thc lodge should be established . Some minor business having been transacted , the lodge was closed in ancient form , and thc brethren partook of refreshment . Bro . Smith , P . M . and W . M . of the Royal Arthur Lodge , paid the lodgea visit . This being an " off
night , " thc only toasts given were "The Queen and the Craft , " and " The W . M ! " The VV . M . and Bros . Walls and Wormald having contributed some vocal effusions , the proceedings , which were eminently successful , terminated at an early hour . WIDNES . —LODGEOF EQUITY ( N 0 . 13 S 4 ) . —Thc brethren of this lodge met at Walker ' s Commercial I Iotel , Widnes . on Wednesday , thc 24 th ult ., to celebrate their annual festival and assist at thc installation of the W . M . elect .
There was a numerous attendance of members and visitors . The lodge was duly opened by Bro . R . D . Simpson , W . M ., who was supported by a strong array of officers . After the minutes of thc previous meeting had been read and confirmed , and one candidate had been initiated , the chair was taken by Bro . J . W . J . Fowler , P . Prov . A . D . C . 86 ; who proceeded to instill Bro . II . S . Oppcnhtim as the
W . M . of the lodge , the ceremony being performed m that finished and impressive manner for which Bro . Fowler has long been well-known and admired . Bro . Oppenheim subsequently invested the following as his officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . R . D . Simpson , I . P . M . ; W . Jamieson , S . W . ; ] . W . Wareing , J . W . ; W . I . Thomson , Treasurer ; James While , Secretary ; A . Borthwick , S . D . ;
A . Tippett , J . D . ; J . Raven , I . G . ; W . Newsome , D . C . ; R . Neill , S . S . ; J . W . Carlisle , J . S . ; and G . Brown , Tyler . The assembled brethren afterwards sat down to an excellent banquet , which was presided over by the newlychaired W . M . During the evening the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to with great cordiality , the proceedings throughout being of a very enjoyable character .
Royal Arch.
gOBRl IWft
CAVEAC CHAPTER ( XO . 176 ) . —The regular convocation of this well-established chapter was held on Saturday , Feb . 27 th , 18 75 , at the Albion , Aldersgate-street . The chapter was duly opened . There wire present : Comps . T . Quihampton , M . E . Z . * , VV . S . Wyman , II . ; G . K . Lemann , J . ; P . A . Nairne , P . Z . ; C . T . Dorey , P . Z . ; M . Scott , P . Z . ; R . S . Foreman , P . Z . ; F . Walters , P . Z ., Treas . ; VV . M . Goss , S . N . ; J . B . Sorrell , 1 st A . S . ; S . Pownceby ; and others . There were no visitors . Thc minutes of the
previous meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . Ballots were unanimous in favour of the admission of all the candidates who ivcre proposed for exaltation . Apologies were received from all those who were absent . Comp . Scott , in an able manner , installed W . S . Wyman , 11 . elect , as the Haggai of the chapter . Some candidates were
proposed for exaltation , and thc chapter was closed , after thc bye-laws had been revised . There was no banquet , but a few cf thc members dined together . LEICESTER . —CHAPTER or FORTITUDE ( N 0 . 279 ) . —The regular meeting took place at Freemasons' 1 ln . ll , Leicester , on Thursday , February 25 th , and was largely attended by the members . In the unavoidable absence of the
M . E . Z ., Comp . E . J . Crow , the l'irst Principals chair was taken by Com . G . Toller , junr ., P . Z ., who was supported by Comps . S . P . Ekin , II ., and W . Sculthorp , J . ; amongst those present were Comps . C Stretton , P . Z . ; S . S . Partridg . -, S . E . ; R . W . Waite , S . N ., and Treasurer ; Thorpe , P . S . ; Odell , A . S . ; J . W . Smith , W . M . 279 ; F . Baines , P . M . *| 2 , j ; Barfoot , Stallard , VVvkes , and many
others , lhe minutes of the previous convocation hiving been confirmed , a ballot was taken for several candidates who had beo « i proposed . From various causes only Bros . O . Law , I . G . 279 ; and T . M . Quia , 523 , were enabled to lie present . These were exalted in due form by the acting M . E . Z ., who delivered the symbolical and mystical lectures , thc historical being given by Comp . Scullhorpe , J . It is only right to mention that Comp . Thorpe discharged
Ins duties as P . Soj . without a mistake . 1 he ballot was then taken for the election of officers for the ensuing year , and resulted as follows : —Comps . Ekin , ' / .. ' , Scultlmrpe , II . ; Partridge , J . ; Thorpe , S . E . ; J . VV . Smith , S . N . ; Waite , Treasurer ; Rowlctt , P . Soj . ; Wykcs , Dir . of Cer . After discussion £ 10 10 s . was voted to the widow of a deceased member , and £$ ; s . to the Boys' School , to be placed on Comp . Waite's list . The chapter was then
Royal Arch.
closed , and the companions adjourned for refreshment , and passed a short time very agreeably , aided in a great measure by the admirable singing of Comps . Wykes , Stallard , Moore , Thorpe , and others . LIVERPOOL . —EVERTON CHAPTER ( NO . 823 ) . —The annual meeting of this chapter was held last week at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , Liverpool , and was very largely
attended . 1 he chapter was opened at four o clock by Comp . Jesse Banning , M . E . Z ., and after the minutes of the previous meeting had been confirmed , he proceeded to install as Principals Comps . Joseph Holland , Z . ; W . J . Lunt , H . ; and W . Cottrell , J . The ceremony was performed in a faultless and impressive manner . The Z . invested thc following as his officers : —Comps . R . W .
Otjlesby , S'E . ; J . W . Edge , Secretary ; T . Shaw , P . S . ; J . W . C . Browne Cave , First A . S . ; W . Trcvitt , Second A . S . ; T . Ahsmore , P . Z ., Treasurer ; and P . Ball , Janitor . The members present included Comps . J . W . Ballard , W . Boulton , VV . Maddox , F . Tuft , T . Bloomfield , R . Warriner , G . Parry , VV . 11 . Thompson , VV . H . Cooper , R . Carson , T . II . Carefall , G . Graham , J . S . Cuthbert , J . Goodman ,
J . White , W . Nash , J . Iloulding , and II . Ashmore . Thc visitois included Comps . ] . Wood , Treasurer 242 , ; H . Williams , P . Z . s 8 o ; T . Williams , | . 20 * , ; J- McKaiic , P . Z . 21 O ; T . Chcsworth , P . Z . 1086 ; W . Shorter , Z . 1094 ; J . Jones , P . Z . 20 ^ 5 ; J . Pemberton , P . Z . 1094 ; J . Skeaf , Z . 216 , P . G . O . ; ' ) . Parsons , Z . 213 ; and P . G .
Gee , S . N . 249 . Four candidates were exalted by Comp . Holland , M . E . Z ., the work being done by the Principals and P . S ., in a manner rarely equalled . Three guineas were voted for charity , and at the banquet which followed business , a jewel was presented to Comp . Jesse Banning , P . Z . The " Everton " is thc largest in the province , and the funds were reported as in a flourishing condition .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
ST . J ' S SOVEREIGN CHAPTER OF S . P . R . C OI II . R . D . M . —The regular meeting of the above chapter was held in the Freemasons' Hall , Grahamstown , for the purpose of consecrating the new chapter , and for thc instillation of the office-bearers for the ensuing year . Thc usual business of the evening having been disposed of , the installation and consecration were proceeded
with by 111 . Bro . R . W . II . Giddy , S . P . R . S . XXXII . degree , Treasurer-General of Gviqualand West , Representative in this Colony of the Supreme Council XXXUI degree of England and Wales and the British Colonics , A . A . Scottish Rite . The following were the officers installed : — M . E . P . Bros . T . II . Addison , K . R . R . C . K . H . S ., M . W . S . ; VV . Waller , P . M ., P . P . Z ., I LP . ; P . II . Solomon , P . M ., 1 st .
Gen . ; II . Linton , P . M ., 2 nd Gen . ; A . S . Dudley , P . M ., P . P . Z ., Recorder and Organist ; R . Mundy , P . M ., Raphael ; J . F . Darvall , Grand Marshal ; T . Sheffield , T . ; G . G . Locke , 11 . ; F . VV . I lepburn , Captain of Guard ; A . Will , O . G . III . Bro . Giddy , after the installation , congratulated the brethren present upon the auspicious occasion of the installation of the first officers of the first Chapter of Rose Croix Masons formed in Grahamstown , and from the
number of Knights already enrolled under thc banner of this exalted degree , he predicted for it a very successful career . The brethren were afterwards eiitertaine 1 at a banquet by Bro . T . II . Addison , the M . W . S . elect , at his residence , given in honour of 111 . Bro . R . VV . II . Giddy . Thc health of 111 . Bros . Giddy and Addison were drank and duly responded to by each , the brethren separating at midnight .
Scotland .
PROVINCIAL GRAND ROYAL AH-. II CHAPTER ion LANARKSHIRE . Thc quarterly meeting of this chapter was held on the 26 th ult ., in St . Mark ' s Hall , Buchanan-street . Bro . F . A . Barrow , P . G . Supt ., presided , and there were present Comps . William Smith , P . G . ) . ; Archibald M'Taggart , P . G . Scribe E . ; John Fraser , P . G . N . ; James Dutliie , Z .
6 7 ; Thomas D . Humphries , Z . 69 ; James Balfour , First P . GiS . ; James S . Scott , II . 122 ; George Thallon , Z . itg ; George Wheeler , Z . 43 ; James Annand , Z . 144 ; and J . O . Park , Z . 122 . After the minutes of the previous meeting had been read and approved of , the Most Excellent Superintendent intimated that he had appointed Comp . J Eraser to the office of P . G . Scribe N ., which
announcement was received with much cordiality by the companions present . Comp . Park called attention to the fact that no election had taken place since thc reponal of thc Supreme Royal Arch Chapter of Lanarkshire . In reference to this , it was agreed to , that the matter should be allowed to rest over till the meeting of thc P . G . R . A . Chapter in November next . It was next agreed to , that a festival of all the
chapters in the province be held shortly on a convenient date ; and , on the motion of Comp . Ilalket , seconded by Com ]) . Wheeler , it was resolved that the First Principals of the chapters of the province should form a committee to carry out the arrangements , Com )) . Ilalket to be convener . Comp . Duthie called attention to the payment of the annual fees to P . G . Royal
Arch Chapter , when it was determined to make intimation that the fee for the past year was due . P . G . Treasure ! Comp . I Ialkct proposed that thc past year's levy should be limited to £ 1 , which motion was seconded by Comp . Wheeler , and carried unanimously . A letter was then read by the P . G . Scribe E . from Comp . J . D . Porteous ,
Second Grand Principal of the Province , intimating his resignation of that ollice , consequent upon his departure from Glasgow . Com ]) . Porteous therein said— " In doing so , permit me to express my sense of the kindness I have ever experienced from yourself ( the P . G . Super . ) and the companions , who 1 leave with a strong feeling of personal retried . " The Klt . r having been n . ad , it was . * nov : d that
a copy of the minute of the present meeting be sent to Com ]) . Porteous , expressing the universal regret of the Chapter at his withdrawal from them , and their sincere and heartfelt desire for the future happiness of himself and his family , and for his success in the new sphere of labour to which he had been so honourably called . The P . G . Chapter was thereafter closed in due and ancient form .
GLASGOW . —INSTALLATION DEGREE . —On Friday the 19 th inst , in St . Mark's Hall , Buchanan-street , an emergency meeting took p lace , at which a Board of Installed Master Masons was formed , consisting of Bros . Thomas Halket , P . M . 10 J ; Arch . McTaggart , P . M . 27 ; and John Fraser , P . M . 87 ; for the purpose of conferring thc Installed Masters' degree upon three brethren from
Lanark . I hose were Bros . Wm . McLehosc , R . W . M . Lodge 21 , Old St . John , Lanark ; Jchn Currie , P . M . o [ same lodge ; and John Annan , R . W . M . Lodge 326 , Clydesdale , Lanark . The ceremony was efficiently performed by Bro . I lalket . GLASGOW . —THISTLE AND ROSE LODGE ( NO . 73 ) . — The 121 st anniversary of this lodge was held in thc Lesser
Trades Hall , on thc 24 th ult ., Bro . McDonald , R . W . M ., in thc chair . tar . d Bros . Wm . McGregor , S . W . ; and J . T . Ifanbidge , , f . W ., acting Croupiers . After an excellent supper , provided by Bro . Anccll , thc chairman delivered an interesting address , referring to the age of the lodge , and its prosperity . The usual loyal and patriotic toasts having been pledged , 'Bro . McGregor , S . W ., gave the "Three
Grand Lodges , " which was responded to by Bro . Wheeler , for the Grand Lodge of England , and Bro . Currie , for thc Grand Lodge of Ireland . Bro . Ilanbidgc , J . W ., gave "Thc Provincial Grand Lodge , " to which Bro . G . Sinclair replied , giving valuable information ns to the ivork done in that lodge . Bro . VV . B . Pateson gave " The Army , Navy , and Volunteers , " to which Bro . T . Stewart
responded . Bro . Grove , 116 , proposed the toast of the evening , viz . " Thc Thistle and Rose Lodge , No . 73 , " to whicli the Secretary , Bro . Amplcford , replied , stating that during the past year the lodge had been very prosperous , and he had no doubt , with Bro . McDonald as their R . W . M ., it would continue to be so . The other toasts were " Thc Lord Provost , Magistrates , and Town Council , " by Bro .
Banncrman ; " Sister Lodges , " by Bro . G . W . Wheeler ; " The Ladies , " by Bro . W . T . Kay ; replied to by Bro . Richards ; " The Strangers , " by Bro . T . Stewart ; replied to by Mr . Bowker . The toasts were interspersed with songs , ably rendered by Bros . Pemnan , Grove , Prout , and others . Thc concert programme having been brought to a close a spirited ball , kept up to an early hour , completed
one of the most pleasant meetings held under thc auspices of this lodge for some years . GLASGOW . —LODGE SCOTIA ( NO . 178 ) . —Thc eightyfourth annual festival of this lodge was held in thc Crownstreet Assembly-Rooms on the 7 th inst ., taking the form of a soiree , concert , and ball . Bro . Joseph Singleton , R . W . M ., occupied the chair , supported on thc platform by Bros . hev .
J . C . Stewart , John Peters , R . W . M . 15 ^ ( Royal Arch , Pollokshaws ); R . M . Quill , R . W . M . 275 ( Shamrock and Thistle ); J no . Mathicson , Arthur Higgins , Robert Gardner , Peter I lipburn , Runcie ( Gourock ) ; aiid King . After tea , the chairman made a few remarks , at thc outset of which he said that he much appreciated these anniversary gatherings , as he thought it was distinctly good to have at least one meeting in thc year at which they could be
joined by the ladies . With regard to thc state of the lodge he stated further on , that during the last twelve months they had initiated forty-eight candidates , who , he added , would be an honour to Masonry and to the Lodge Scotia . They had remitted to the P . G . L . of Glasgow , for benevolence , thc sum of ten guineas , and they had only had three applications for relief during thc year , two of which were from the widows of Masonic brethren . For the musical
programme , which was a lengthened and attractive one , there were engaged other artistes , Bros . John Good and D . Alexander , and the concert was on thc whole a successful one . The assembly , which followed , was kept up with spirit until an earl y hour . GLASGOW . —LODGE STAR ( No . 219 ) . —Thc fortnightly meeting of this lodge was held in their hall . No . 12 . T
1011-gatc , Glasgow , on Monday , 22 nd February , Bro . John Morgan , R . W . M ., presiding ; Bros . John Garth , S . W . ; Jas . Horn , J . W . ; and the remaining officers in their respective places . There were also present : Bros . John Eraser , P . M . Lodge Thistle , No . 87 ; VV . II . Bickerton ( Freemason ) , and a large attendance of members and visitors . The lodge was opened by the R . W . M ., Bro . lohn
Morgan , thc minutes of last meeting read and approved , also an application from Mr . Win . Stewart Boyd for admittance into thc privileges of Freemasonry was read and approved of , the ceremony of initiation being performed in a very able manner b y Bro . John Morgan , R . W . M . Bro . John Morgan , brought to the notice of the brethren the case of a member of thc Star Lodsre , No . 210 .
being in very great distress , brought on b y illness , and recommended that the lodge vote £ z as . and that the Secretary apply for another £ 2 2 s . from the Provincial Benevolent Fund , to assist this brother in his present wants , which was unanimously agreed to . The R . W . M . also brought to their notice thc great loss Bro . Davidson , P . M . of this lodge , had sustained by the death of his wifewho
, had always been so faithful and dear to him . Bro . Davidson also had been always a true and faithful husband , father , and Freemason , one that the Order mi ght be proud of , and he moved that thc Secretary write ii letter of condolence , on behalf of Lodge Star , No . 219 , 10 Bro .
Davidson , which was unanimously the wish of the lodge . Bro . John Morgan , R . W . M ., then selected Bro . Jasper Martin as Depute Master . With tlie exception of " a few alterations 11 the bye-laws anil respecting the anniversary festival the .-e was no further business before the lodge , which was losed in due form . GOVAN . — LODGE GOVAN DALE ( NO . 437 ) . —The usual meeting o £ . his lodge was held in thc li ' all in Portland
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Col . Burdett , the P . G . M ., he expressed his great gratification at the success which had attended this lodge—the lodge of his adoption—and also ou the general progress which Masonry had made in thc province since his appointment to thc office of Provincial Grand Master .
Amongst thc visitors were Bros . Dr . Woodman , 66 ; Edmands , P . G . Secretary ; Grabham , W . M . 1499 ; Waterhousc , 255 ; Shirley , 1118 ; Probert , 8 ; Lemon , 159 ; Green , J . W . 27 ; McLean , 474 ; Clark , 266 ; and others . The banquet was most ably and sumptuously provided by Bro . Sadler .
KENNINGTON LODGE ( NO . 1381 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held at thc Surrey Club House , Kennington Oval , on Tuesday , the 2 nd inst . The lodge was opened at six o'clock in the evening , by Bro . Gardner , thc W . M ., assisted by Bros . Everett , S / VV ., W . M . 177 ; Painter ; j . W . ; Higgins , J . D . ; Webb , I . G . ; Koch , I . P . M . ; Page , P . M ., Treasurer ; Stuart , P . M ., Secretary ; Walls , W . S . ; Kohler ,
A . W . S . The minutes of the installation meeting having been read and confirmed , the W . M . and his officers initiated Mr . Rogers into thc mysteries of the Order . Bro . Richardson being in attendance , was examined , entrusted , and duly passed to the degree of a F . C . Bro . Kock , I . P . M ., gave a notice of motion , to be discussed at thc next meeting ; tha . t thc services of Bio . Stuart , P . M ., as
Secretary of the lodge since February 1874 , should receive some tangible recognition . lie also gave notice of motion that he should move at thc April meeting that a Benevolent Fund in connection with thc lodge should be established . Some minor business having been transacted , the lodge was closed in ancient form , and thc brethren partook of refreshment . Bro . Smith , P . M . and W . M . of the Royal Arthur Lodge , paid the lodgea visit . This being an " off
night , " thc only toasts given were "The Queen and the Craft , " and " The W . M ! " The VV . M . and Bros . Walls and Wormald having contributed some vocal effusions , the proceedings , which were eminently successful , terminated at an early hour . WIDNES . —LODGEOF EQUITY ( N 0 . 13 S 4 ) . —Thc brethren of this lodge met at Walker ' s Commercial I Iotel , Widnes . on Wednesday , thc 24 th ult ., to celebrate their annual festival and assist at thc installation of the W . M . elect .
There was a numerous attendance of members and visitors . The lodge was duly opened by Bro . R . D . Simpson , W . M ., who was supported by a strong array of officers . After the minutes of thc previous meeting had been read and confirmed , and one candidate had been initiated , the chair was taken by Bro . J . W . J . Fowler , P . Prov . A . D . C . 86 ; who proceeded to instill Bro . II . S . Oppcnhtim as the
W . M . of the lodge , the ceremony being performed m that finished and impressive manner for which Bro . Fowler has long been well-known and admired . Bro . Oppenheim subsequently invested the following as his officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . R . D . Simpson , I . P . M . ; W . Jamieson , S . W . ; ] . W . Wareing , J . W . ; W . I . Thomson , Treasurer ; James While , Secretary ; A . Borthwick , S . D . ;
A . Tippett , J . D . ; J . Raven , I . G . ; W . Newsome , D . C . ; R . Neill , S . S . ; J . W . Carlisle , J . S . ; and G . Brown , Tyler . The assembled brethren afterwards sat down to an excellent banquet , which was presided over by the newlychaired W . M . During the evening the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to with great cordiality , the proceedings throughout being of a very enjoyable character .
Royal Arch.
gOBRl IWft
CAVEAC CHAPTER ( XO . 176 ) . —The regular convocation of this well-established chapter was held on Saturday , Feb . 27 th , 18 75 , at the Albion , Aldersgate-street . The chapter was duly opened . There wire present : Comps . T . Quihampton , M . E . Z . * , VV . S . Wyman , II . ; G . K . Lemann , J . ; P . A . Nairne , P . Z . ; C . T . Dorey , P . Z . ; M . Scott , P . Z . ; R . S . Foreman , P . Z . ; F . Walters , P . Z ., Treas . ; VV . M . Goss , S . N . ; J . B . Sorrell , 1 st A . S . ; S . Pownceby ; and others . There were no visitors . Thc minutes of the
previous meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . Ballots were unanimous in favour of the admission of all the candidates who ivcre proposed for exaltation . Apologies were received from all those who were absent . Comp . Scott , in an able manner , installed W . S . Wyman , 11 . elect , as the Haggai of the chapter . Some candidates were
proposed for exaltation , and thc chapter was closed , after thc bye-laws had been revised . There was no banquet , but a few cf thc members dined together . LEICESTER . —CHAPTER or FORTITUDE ( N 0 . 279 ) . —The regular meeting took place at Freemasons' 1 ln . ll , Leicester , on Thursday , February 25 th , and was largely attended by the members . In the unavoidable absence of the
M . E . Z ., Comp . E . J . Crow , the l'irst Principals chair was taken by Com . G . Toller , junr ., P . Z ., who was supported by Comps . S . P . Ekin , II ., and W . Sculthorp , J . ; amongst those present were Comps . C Stretton , P . Z . ; S . S . Partridg . -, S . E . ; R . W . Waite , S . N ., and Treasurer ; Thorpe , P . S . ; Odell , A . S . ; J . W . Smith , W . M . 279 ; F . Baines , P . M . *| 2 , j ; Barfoot , Stallard , VVvkes , and many
others , lhe minutes of the previous convocation hiving been confirmed , a ballot was taken for several candidates who had beo « i proposed . From various causes only Bros . O . Law , I . G . 279 ; and T . M . Quia , 523 , were enabled to lie present . These were exalted in due form by the acting M . E . Z ., who delivered the symbolical and mystical lectures , thc historical being given by Comp . Scullhorpe , J . It is only right to mention that Comp . Thorpe discharged
Ins duties as P . Soj . without a mistake . 1 he ballot was then taken for the election of officers for the ensuing year , and resulted as follows : —Comps . Ekin , ' / .. ' , Scultlmrpe , II . ; Partridge , J . ; Thorpe , S . E . ; J . VV . Smith , S . N . ; Waite , Treasurer ; Rowlctt , P . Soj . ; Wykcs , Dir . of Cer . After discussion £ 10 10 s . was voted to the widow of a deceased member , and £$ ; s . to the Boys' School , to be placed on Comp . Waite's list . The chapter was then
Royal Arch.
closed , and the companions adjourned for refreshment , and passed a short time very agreeably , aided in a great measure by the admirable singing of Comps . Wykes , Stallard , Moore , Thorpe , and others . LIVERPOOL . —EVERTON CHAPTER ( NO . 823 ) . —The annual meeting of this chapter was held last week at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , Liverpool , and was very largely
attended . 1 he chapter was opened at four o clock by Comp . Jesse Banning , M . E . Z ., and after the minutes of the previous meeting had been confirmed , he proceeded to install as Principals Comps . Joseph Holland , Z . ; W . J . Lunt , H . ; and W . Cottrell , J . The ceremony was performed in a faultless and impressive manner . The Z . invested thc following as his officers : —Comps . R . W .
Otjlesby , S'E . ; J . W . Edge , Secretary ; T . Shaw , P . S . ; J . W . C . Browne Cave , First A . S . ; W . Trcvitt , Second A . S . ; T . Ahsmore , P . Z ., Treasurer ; and P . Ball , Janitor . The members present included Comps . J . W . Ballard , W . Boulton , VV . Maddox , F . Tuft , T . Bloomfield , R . Warriner , G . Parry , VV . 11 . Thompson , VV . H . Cooper , R . Carson , T . II . Carefall , G . Graham , J . S . Cuthbert , J . Goodman ,
J . White , W . Nash , J . Iloulding , and II . Ashmore . Thc visitois included Comps . ] . Wood , Treasurer 242 , ; H . Williams , P . Z . s 8 o ; T . Williams , | . 20 * , ; J- McKaiic , P . Z . 21 O ; T . Chcsworth , P . Z . 1086 ; W . Shorter , Z . 1094 ; J . Jones , P . Z . 20 ^ 5 ; J . Pemberton , P . Z . 1094 ; J . Skeaf , Z . 216 , P . G . O . ; ' ) . Parsons , Z . 213 ; and P . G .
Gee , S . N . 249 . Four candidates were exalted by Comp . Holland , M . E . Z ., the work being done by the Principals and P . S ., in a manner rarely equalled . Three guineas were voted for charity , and at the banquet which followed business , a jewel was presented to Comp . Jesse Banning , P . Z . The " Everton " is thc largest in the province , and the funds were reported as in a flourishing condition .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
ST . J ' S SOVEREIGN CHAPTER OF S . P . R . C OI II . R . D . M . —The regular meeting of the above chapter was held in the Freemasons' Hall , Grahamstown , for the purpose of consecrating the new chapter , and for thc instillation of the office-bearers for the ensuing year . Thc usual business of the evening having been disposed of , the installation and consecration were proceeded
with by 111 . Bro . R . W . II . Giddy , S . P . R . S . XXXII . degree , Treasurer-General of Gviqualand West , Representative in this Colony of the Supreme Council XXXUI degree of England and Wales and the British Colonics , A . A . Scottish Rite . The following were the officers installed : — M . E . P . Bros . T . II . Addison , K . R . R . C . K . H . S ., M . W . S . ; VV . Waller , P . M ., P . P . Z ., I LP . ; P . II . Solomon , P . M ., 1 st .
Gen . ; II . Linton , P . M ., 2 nd Gen . ; A . S . Dudley , P . M ., P . P . Z ., Recorder and Organist ; R . Mundy , P . M ., Raphael ; J . F . Darvall , Grand Marshal ; T . Sheffield , T . ; G . G . Locke , 11 . ; F . VV . I lepburn , Captain of Guard ; A . Will , O . G . III . Bro . Giddy , after the installation , congratulated the brethren present upon the auspicious occasion of the installation of the first officers of the first Chapter of Rose Croix Masons formed in Grahamstown , and from the
number of Knights already enrolled under thc banner of this exalted degree , he predicted for it a very successful career . The brethren were afterwards eiitertaine 1 at a banquet by Bro . T . II . Addison , the M . W . S . elect , at his residence , given in honour of 111 . Bro . R . VV . II . Giddy . Thc health of 111 . Bros . Giddy and Addison were drank and duly responded to by each , the brethren separating at midnight .
Scotland .
PROVINCIAL GRAND ROYAL AH-. II CHAPTER ion LANARKSHIRE . Thc quarterly meeting of this chapter was held on the 26 th ult ., in St . Mark ' s Hall , Buchanan-street . Bro . F . A . Barrow , P . G . Supt ., presided , and there were present Comps . William Smith , P . G . ) . ; Archibald M'Taggart , P . G . Scribe E . ; John Fraser , P . G . N . ; James Dutliie , Z .
6 7 ; Thomas D . Humphries , Z . 69 ; James Balfour , First P . GiS . ; James S . Scott , II . 122 ; George Thallon , Z . itg ; George Wheeler , Z . 43 ; James Annand , Z . 144 ; and J . O . Park , Z . 122 . After the minutes of the previous meeting had been read and approved of , the Most Excellent Superintendent intimated that he had appointed Comp . J Eraser to the office of P . G . Scribe N ., which
announcement was received with much cordiality by the companions present . Comp . Park called attention to the fact that no election had taken place since thc reponal of thc Supreme Royal Arch Chapter of Lanarkshire . In reference to this , it was agreed to , that the matter should be allowed to rest over till the meeting of thc P . G . R . A . Chapter in November next . It was next agreed to , that a festival of all the
chapters in the province be held shortly on a convenient date ; and , on the motion of Comp . Ilalket , seconded by Com ]) . Wheeler , it was resolved that the First Principals of the chapters of the province should form a committee to carry out the arrangements , Com )) . Ilalket to be convener . Comp . Duthie called attention to the payment of the annual fees to P . G . Royal
Arch Chapter , when it was determined to make intimation that the fee for the past year was due . P . G . Treasure ! Comp . I Ialkct proposed that thc past year's levy should be limited to £ 1 , which motion was seconded by Comp . Wheeler , and carried unanimously . A letter was then read by the P . G . Scribe E . from Comp . J . D . Porteous ,
Second Grand Principal of the Province , intimating his resignation of that ollice , consequent upon his departure from Glasgow . Com ]) . Porteous therein said— " In doing so , permit me to express my sense of the kindness I have ever experienced from yourself ( the P . G . Super . ) and the companions , who 1 leave with a strong feeling of personal retried . " The Klt . r having been n . ad , it was . * nov : d that
a copy of the minute of the present meeting be sent to Com ]) . Porteous , expressing the universal regret of the Chapter at his withdrawal from them , and their sincere and heartfelt desire for the future happiness of himself and his family , and for his success in the new sphere of labour to which he had been so honourably called . The P . G . Chapter was thereafter closed in due and ancient form .
GLASGOW . —INSTALLATION DEGREE . —On Friday the 19 th inst , in St . Mark's Hall , Buchanan-street , an emergency meeting took p lace , at which a Board of Installed Master Masons was formed , consisting of Bros . Thomas Halket , P . M . 10 J ; Arch . McTaggart , P . M . 27 ; and John Fraser , P . M . 87 ; for the purpose of conferring thc Installed Masters' degree upon three brethren from
Lanark . I hose were Bros . Wm . McLehosc , R . W . M . Lodge 21 , Old St . John , Lanark ; Jchn Currie , P . M . o [ same lodge ; and John Annan , R . W . M . Lodge 326 , Clydesdale , Lanark . The ceremony was efficiently performed by Bro . I lalket . GLASGOW . —THISTLE AND ROSE LODGE ( NO . 73 ) . — The 121 st anniversary of this lodge was held in thc Lesser
Trades Hall , on thc 24 th ult ., Bro . McDonald , R . W . M ., in thc chair . tar . d Bros . Wm . McGregor , S . W . ; and J . T . Ifanbidge , , f . W ., acting Croupiers . After an excellent supper , provided by Bro . Anccll , thc chairman delivered an interesting address , referring to the age of the lodge , and its prosperity . The usual loyal and patriotic toasts having been pledged , 'Bro . McGregor , S . W ., gave the "Three
Grand Lodges , " which was responded to by Bro . Wheeler , for the Grand Lodge of England , and Bro . Currie , for thc Grand Lodge of Ireland . Bro . Ilanbidgc , J . W ., gave "Thc Provincial Grand Lodge , " to which Bro . G . Sinclair replied , giving valuable information ns to the ivork done in that lodge . Bro . VV . B . Pateson gave " The Army , Navy , and Volunteers , " to which Bro . T . Stewart
responded . Bro . Grove , 116 , proposed the toast of the evening , viz . " Thc Thistle and Rose Lodge , No . 73 , " to whicli the Secretary , Bro . Amplcford , replied , stating that during the past year the lodge had been very prosperous , and he had no doubt , with Bro . McDonald as their R . W . M ., it would continue to be so . The other toasts were " Thc Lord Provost , Magistrates , and Town Council , " by Bro .
Banncrman ; " Sister Lodges , " by Bro . G . W . Wheeler ; " The Ladies , " by Bro . W . T . Kay ; replied to by Bro . Richards ; " The Strangers , " by Bro . T . Stewart ; replied to by Mr . Bowker . The toasts were interspersed with songs , ably rendered by Bros . Pemnan , Grove , Prout , and others . Thc concert programme having been brought to a close a spirited ball , kept up to an early hour , completed
one of the most pleasant meetings held under thc auspices of this lodge for some years . GLASGOW . —LODGE SCOTIA ( NO . 178 ) . —Thc eightyfourth annual festival of this lodge was held in thc Crownstreet Assembly-Rooms on the 7 th inst ., taking the form of a soiree , concert , and ball . Bro . Joseph Singleton , R . W . M ., occupied the chair , supported on thc platform by Bros . hev .
J . C . Stewart , John Peters , R . W . M . 15 ^ ( Royal Arch , Pollokshaws ); R . M . Quill , R . W . M . 275 ( Shamrock and Thistle ); J no . Mathicson , Arthur Higgins , Robert Gardner , Peter I lipburn , Runcie ( Gourock ) ; aiid King . After tea , the chairman made a few remarks , at thc outset of which he said that he much appreciated these anniversary gatherings , as he thought it was distinctly good to have at least one meeting in thc year at which they could be
joined by the ladies . With regard to thc state of the lodge he stated further on , that during the last twelve months they had initiated forty-eight candidates , who , he added , would be an honour to Masonry and to the Lodge Scotia . They had remitted to the P . G . L . of Glasgow , for benevolence , thc sum of ten guineas , and they had only had three applications for relief during thc year , two of which were from the widows of Masonic brethren . For the musical
programme , which was a lengthened and attractive one , there were engaged other artistes , Bros . John Good and D . Alexander , and the concert was on thc whole a successful one . The assembly , which followed , was kept up with spirit until an earl y hour . GLASGOW . —LODGE STAR ( No . 219 ) . —Thc fortnightly meeting of this lodge was held in their hall . No . 12 . T
1011-gatc , Glasgow , on Monday , 22 nd February , Bro . John Morgan , R . W . M ., presiding ; Bros . John Garth , S . W . ; Jas . Horn , J . W . ; and the remaining officers in their respective places . There were also present : Bros . John Eraser , P . M . Lodge Thistle , No . 87 ; VV . II . Bickerton ( Freemason ) , and a large attendance of members and visitors . The lodge was opened by the R . W . M ., Bro . lohn
Morgan , thc minutes of last meeting read and approved , also an application from Mr . Win . Stewart Boyd for admittance into thc privileges of Freemasonry was read and approved of , the ceremony of initiation being performed in a very able manner b y Bro . John Morgan , R . W . M . Bro . John Morgan , brought to the notice of the brethren the case of a member of thc Star Lodsre , No . 210 .
being in very great distress , brought on b y illness , and recommended that the lodge vote £ z as . and that the Secretary apply for another £ 2 2 s . from the Provincial Benevolent Fund , to assist this brother in his present wants , which was unanimously agreed to . The R . W . M . also brought to their notice thc great loss Bro . Davidson , P . M . of this lodge , had sustained by the death of his wifewho
, had always been so faithful and dear to him . Bro . Davidson also had been always a true and faithful husband , father , and Freemason , one that the Order mi ght be proud of , and he moved that thc Secretary write ii letter of condolence , on behalf of Lodge Star , No . 219 , 10 Bro .
Davidson , which was unanimously the wish of the lodge . Bro . John Morgan , R . W . M ., then selected Bro . Jasper Martin as Depute Master . With tlie exception of " a few alterations 11 the bye-laws anil respecting the anniversary festival the .-e was no further business before the lodge , which was losed in due form . GOVAN . — LODGE GOVAN DALE ( NO . 437 ) . —The usual meeting o £ . his lodge was held in thc li ' all in Portland