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Installation Festival, Abbey Lodge, Abingdon.
Friday , the 30 th ult ., was quite a " red-letter ' day in the history of this Lodge , the brethren being honoured with the presence of the Grand Master , Sir D . Gooch , Bart ., M . P ., and the D . P . G . M ., Rev .
Sir J . W . Hayes , Bart ., Vicar of Arborfield , near Reading , on the occasion of the installation of Bro . John Blandy-Jenkins ( late High Sheriff of Berks ) as W . M .
The Lodge , which is held in an elegant room adjoining the Council Chamber , was opened in due form at 3 . 30 , and the W . M ., Bro . J . T . Morland , performed the installation ceremony in an admirable
manner . No other business was transacted , except the adoption of votes of thanks to the G . M . and the D . G . M ., both of whom received the customary Lodge honours .
The G . M . assured the brethren that it afforded him great pleasure to attend , and make their acquaintance as their new G . M . He did not accept office without duly considering the duties attaching thereto , and he had resolved to visit each Lodge in the province , as opportunities for doing so presented
themselves . This was the first visit he had paid to the Abbey Lodge , and he could not help expressing the gratification he had experienced in seeing it worked as it had been . He trusted he should find other Lodges in the province worked in an equally satisfactory manner . The D . G . M . also said this was the first occasion
on which he had joined the brethren of the Abbey Lodge , but he hoped to have other opportunities of visiting them . At five o ' clock a banquet was served in the Council Chamber , which contains several fine portraits by Gainsborough , besides well-executed
portraits of some eminent men connected by birth , education , or otherwise , with the borough . The chair was ably occupied by the AVorshipful Master , Bro . J . Blandy-Jenkins , and the company included Bro . Sir Daniel Gooch , Bart ., M . l ., Grand Master of Berks and Bucks ; Bro . the Rev . Sir John
Warren Hayes , Bart ., Grand Chaplain , and Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Berks and Bucks , Bro . Spiers , Deputy Provincial Grand Master ( Oxford ) , and P . G . S . B . of England ; Bro . J . T . Morland , P . M . ; Bro . Captain G . F . Lamert , P . G . S . and AV . M . of " Apollo" Lodge , Oxford ; Bro . AV . C . Bland ,
P . G . J . AV ., AV . M . Lodgo of Hope , Newbury ; Bro . AV . C . Borlasc , Secretary "Apollo" Lodge ; Bro . II . D'Almaine , Secretary , Abbey Lodge ; Bro . AV . Hedges , S . AV . ; Bro . AV . Davenport , J . W . ; Bro . AV . Ballard , S . D . ; Bro . Richard Badcock , Treasurer ; Bro . AValtcr Ballard , I . G . ; Bro . B . Badcock , Steward ;
Bro . J . II . Clarke , M . C ; Bro . F . II . McCalmont , S . AV . "Apollo ; " Bro . E . J . Trendall ; Bro . J . S , Lowe , " Alfred" Lodge , Oxford ; Bro . S . P . Spiers , AV . M . elect " Alfred " Lodge ; Bro . T . G . S . Mahon ; Bro . Edward Morland ; Bro . George J . Cosburn , Secretary Lodge of Hope ; Bro . AV . L . Hunt ; Bro !
T . Stevens ; Bro . T . Parr ; Bro . J . L . Jolcham ; Bro . Trendell , jun ., & c , Tlio tables were adorned with some choice plants from the conservatory of Bro . E . J . Trendell . Grace was said by Bro . the Rev . Sir J . AV . Hayes , and dessert having been introduced ,
The AV . M . rose and said that , as this was an anniversary festival of the Abbey Lodge , he had several toasts to propose , and he would first ask the brethren to drink the health of Her Majesty the ( ., [ 110011 , whom they all respected and honoured , and coupled with the name of hor who occupied the throne he
would give that which must be uppermost in their minds as Masons , namely , the " Craft . " Let them heartily drink the toast of the "Queen and tho Craft . " ( Applause ) . The W . M . said the next toast was the health of the Earl of Zetland , who had long enjoyed the
honour of presiding over the Order in this country , and who had distinguished himself not only as a Mason but also as a nobleman . ( Applause ) . The W . M . next proposed the health of the Right Hon . the Earl de Grey and Ripon , Deputy Provincial Grand Master , and tho Grand Officers , associating with it the name of Bro . Spiers . IIo was
sure Sir John Hayes would pardon him for not giving his name with this toast , but he should have Sir John on another score . ( A pplause and laughter ) . Bro . Smuts , D . G . M . ( Oxford ) , said ho ought not to reply on behalf of Grand Lod go in the presence of Sir John AVarrai Hayes , who was his senior both in rank , and standing , and age ; still , he felt bound
Installation Festival, Abbey Lodge, Abingdon.
to obey the Fconimand of ' the W . M ., and he was pleased and proud to address them , both as a member of the Abbey Lodge , and also as a representative of Grand Lodge . They would , perhaps , be glad to learn that the recent appointment of Grand Lodge officers had afforded general satisfaction . The Right
Hon . the Earl de Grey and Ripon , continued to act as Deputy Grand Master , and it was a subject of congratulation that one who held so high a position , and enjoyed the confidence of royalty , still took so great an interest in everything associated with the Craft . ( Applause . ) Earl Percy , eldest son of the
Duke of Northumberland , had been appointed Senior Grand AVarden , and the appointment was a good one not only on account of the position of him who held it , but also because the noble earl was determined to prove himself worthy of it . ( Applause . ) The J . G . W . was Mr . Dodson , whose
onerous official duties in the House of Commons were not sufficient to prevent him manifesting an active interest in the affairs of Freemasonry . That fact showed there was more in the Craft than the world gave it credit for . ( Applause . ) The Grand Master had determined upon advancing in each
year one brother from the provinces 111 Grand Lodge . Referring to the Abbey Lodge , Bro . Spiers said it embraced within it men who did credit to Masonry , and also to the Town of Abingdon , and he was sure Sir Daniel felt pleased in having such a body to rule over . He was confident they would be obedient
to his command , and would work as well as could be desired . He was some judge of Masonry , and must say that tho ability shown by the late AV . M . ( Bro . Morland ) was above all praise . ( Applause . ) In conclusion , Bro . Sp iers again thanked the brethren for the compliment they had paid him .
The AV . M . then proposed the health of the P . G . M ., Sir Daniel Gooch . ( App lause . ) The brethren felt it to be a very great compliment to have among them their new Grand Master ( applause ) , and he thought that , as a province , thoy must all feel themselves highly honoured in having such a distinguished
Mason to preside over them . ( Applause . ) He had the good fortune to be present at the Provincial Grand Lodge , at Chippenham , when the brethren of that province presented him with the regalia of office , and he ( Bro . . Jenkins ) found out in a moment that Sir Daniel was acquainted with tho working of
every department of the lodge ; and seeing that , and also knowing his urbanity of manner , no brother could possibly wish for a better Mason to preside over the Province of Berks and Bucks . ( Applause . ) It gave him the greatest pleasure to see Sir Daniel there that evening , and he felt it was not only au
honour to the lodge , but also a compliment to himself ( the AV . M . ) . He hoped this would prove but the first of many occasions on which they would have their G . M . among them ; in fact , he trusted Sir Daniel would have cause to feel that the Abbey Lodge did such credit to the province that it was
really incumbent upon him to be present . ( App lause and laughter . ) Perhaps he ought not to have gone so far and said that ; still , ho hoped Sir Daniel would often visit them . ( Applause . ) The GRAND MASTER , in responding , said he should feel it incumbent upon him to visit the Abbey Lodge
not in consequence of any deficiency , but on account of the excellent way in which it was worked , and also because of the kind and cordial reception they had given him . ( App lause . ) The gathering here had been a source of great p leasure to him , as it had given him an opportunity of making the
acquaintance of a number of the brethren . He had attended not only because it was his duty to do so , but because he felt very anxious indeed to ' visit all the lodges in the province , to give him a knowledge of llicmembers aud the way in which the different matters were conducted . Although he should on another occasion
have au opportunity of expressing his views with regard to the ruling of the province , he would take into account as far as he could properly do so , the wishes of the various lodges in the appointments it would be his duty to make . He considered that in all the appointments for the Provincial Grand
Lodge merit and excellence in Freemasonry ought to be tho chief grounds . ( App lause . ) It had sometimes been urged that merit was not altogether what was needed , but he thought himself that the Brother who most zealously performed his duties ought to receive his reward in the shape of the
honours connected with the Craft . ( Applause ) . Ihey ought to aim to make the purple such a mark , that when it was seen in lodge it might be taken as a certain indication that the brother who woro it had done his duty to tho Craft . ( Applause ) . Such feelings as those would guide him in the
appointments he should make , andhe must ask the brethren to believe tbat what he did was for the benefit of the province , and if he made a mistake , it would be an error of judgment , and not committed for the purpose of favouring one individual or the other . ( Applause . )
He would not regard either private or public friendships , but strive to discharge the duties of his office faithfully , and he hoped thoy would give him credit for acting from sincere and conscientious motives . ( Applause . ) He was glad to see amongst them that
Installation Festival, Abbey Lodge, Abingdon.
evening Bro . Spiers , who held so hi gh an office in the Province of Oxford , and whom he had previously had the pleasure of meeting . He assured the brethren , in conclusion , that he had spent a very pleasant and happy evening . ( Applause . ) The AVORSHIKFULMASTER called npon the brethren
to drink the health of the D . P . G . M ., Sir J . W . Hayes , remarking that he felt sure there was not a brother present who was not glad to hear Sir John ' s name mentioned . ( A pplause . ) Sir John was as old in Grand Lodge as Lord Zetland himself , and was initiated in the Apollo Lodge at Oxford .
He was connected in every way with the brethreu present , and it afforded them much gratification to see him present . ( Applause . ) The D . P . G . M . thanked the brethren very sincerely for the kind reception they had given him , and assured them it gave him great satisfaction to be
among the brethren of the Abbey Lodge . He had often wished to attend their meetings , and it was with the utmost possible pleasure with which he accepted the invitation they were so kind as to send him on this occasion . ( Applause . ) He had derived satisfaction from seeing tho working of the Lodge ,
and finding how admirably everything was clone . There was also some satisfaction in knowing that the brethren around him owed something to the Lodge in which he was himself initiated , inasmuch as their new Master had sprung from that Lodge . He felt sure the Abbey Lodge would thrive very much
under the government of Bro . Blandy-Jenkins . ( Applause . ) He should be delighted to see the Abingdon brethren at Reading , and hoped they would swell the gathering at AVindsor on the 21 st of May , when they would do honour to their new Grand Master . ( Applause . )
The G . M . then proposed the health of the AV . M ( Applause . ) He felt that , in a Lodge where Bro . Blandy-Jenkins was so well known it was almost wrong on his part to attempt to describe his many good qualities , for he had already served in tho same capacity . Ho wished him health and happiness
during tho ensuing twelve months , and felt confident that during such period he would zealously discharge the duties of his office . ( Applause . ) The AV . M . said , in reply , that , but for the promise of assistance given by Bro . Morland , who had so efficiently filled the office during the past year , he
must have declined the honour of once more presiding over the Lodge . He could not expect to come up to the standard set by their worthy G . M . ( Sir D . Gooch ) , still he hoped the Lodge would be worked in a satisfactory manner . The AV . M . closed by proposing the health of Bro . Morland , to whom
he paid a well-deserved compliment for the very admirable manner in which he had performed the difficult ceremony of installation . ( Applause . ) Bro . J . T . MORLAND , P . M ., acknowledged the toast , observing that he hoped that what he had done met their approval ( applause ) , although he had not
satisfied himself . He considered it to be a high honour that he had been tho first brother initiated in this lodge who had risen to the chair ; and he assured the brethren that , although no longer Master , ho should still devote his best energies in carrying on the lodge , and so long as he could promote the
interests of either tho lodge or an individual brother , he intended to do so . ( Applause . ) The AV . M . next gave the health of Bro . Lamert , the AV . M . of the Apollo Lodge , who ably responded . Then followed tho health of the Masters of Lodges in the province , coupled with that of Bro . AV . C .
Bland , P . G . J . AV ., and AV . M . of Lodge of Hope , who suitably returned thanks . The health of Bro . Hedges , S . AV ., was also drunk , after which the Tyler ' s toast was given . Several first-rate songs wero sung , and tho brethren separated highly delig hted with the festival of 1809 .
THE SOCIAL BUCKS' PHILANTHROPIC SOCIETY . — On Saturday , May 8 th ( to-day ) , thero will bo a meeting of this society , of which Bro . Thomas Beard is president , at Bro . Swainston ' s , thc "Three Bucks " Hotel , Old Jewry , when it is anticipated there will a large , and influential gathering of the Craft . Amongst
the brethreu who promote this really deserving society are Bros . J . Emmons ( P . G . Purst ., &« . ) , Stroud , M'Namnra , II . Sydney , Thos . Adams , Charles E . Thompson , & c , & c . ENGLAND 81 YEARS AGO . —On AVednesday morning 2 , ) th June , 1788 , were executed at Newgate ,
pursuant to their sentence , AVilliam James , alias Levy , John Gilbertsoii , Jeremiah Grace , and Margaret Sullivan . They were brought out of Newgate about seven o ' clock , and after spending some time in devotion the p latform dropped a quarter before eight . They behaved with a seriousness and decency becoming their unhappy situation . After the men
had been banging about a quarter of an hour , the woman was brought out , dressed iu black , attended by a priest of the Romish persuasion . As soon aa she came to the stake she was placed upon tho stool , which after some time was taken from under her , when the faggots were placed round her , and being set fire to , she was consumed to ashes .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Festival, Abbey Lodge, Abingdon.
Friday , the 30 th ult ., was quite a " red-letter ' day in the history of this Lodge , the brethren being honoured with the presence of the Grand Master , Sir D . Gooch , Bart ., M . P ., and the D . P . G . M ., Rev .
Sir J . W . Hayes , Bart ., Vicar of Arborfield , near Reading , on the occasion of the installation of Bro . John Blandy-Jenkins ( late High Sheriff of Berks ) as W . M .
The Lodge , which is held in an elegant room adjoining the Council Chamber , was opened in due form at 3 . 30 , and the W . M ., Bro . J . T . Morland , performed the installation ceremony in an admirable
manner . No other business was transacted , except the adoption of votes of thanks to the G . M . and the D . G . M ., both of whom received the customary Lodge honours .
The G . M . assured the brethren that it afforded him great pleasure to attend , and make their acquaintance as their new G . M . He did not accept office without duly considering the duties attaching thereto , and he had resolved to visit each Lodge in the province , as opportunities for doing so presented
themselves . This was the first visit he had paid to the Abbey Lodge , and he could not help expressing the gratification he had experienced in seeing it worked as it had been . He trusted he should find other Lodges in the province worked in an equally satisfactory manner . The D . G . M . also said this was the first occasion
on which he had joined the brethren of the Abbey Lodge , but he hoped to have other opportunities of visiting them . At five o ' clock a banquet was served in the Council Chamber , which contains several fine portraits by Gainsborough , besides well-executed
portraits of some eminent men connected by birth , education , or otherwise , with the borough . The chair was ably occupied by the AVorshipful Master , Bro . J . Blandy-Jenkins , and the company included Bro . Sir Daniel Gooch , Bart ., M . l ., Grand Master of Berks and Bucks ; Bro . the Rev . Sir John
Warren Hayes , Bart ., Grand Chaplain , and Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Berks and Bucks , Bro . Spiers , Deputy Provincial Grand Master ( Oxford ) , and P . G . S . B . of England ; Bro . J . T . Morland , P . M . ; Bro . Captain G . F . Lamert , P . G . S . and AV . M . of " Apollo" Lodge , Oxford ; Bro . AV . C . Bland ,
P . G . J . AV ., AV . M . Lodgo of Hope , Newbury ; Bro . AV . C . Borlasc , Secretary "Apollo" Lodge ; Bro . II . D'Almaine , Secretary , Abbey Lodge ; Bro . AV . Hedges , S . AV . ; Bro . AV . Davenport , J . W . ; Bro . AV . Ballard , S . D . ; Bro . Richard Badcock , Treasurer ; Bro . AValtcr Ballard , I . G . ; Bro . B . Badcock , Steward ;
Bro . J . II . Clarke , M . C ; Bro . F . II . McCalmont , S . AV . "Apollo ; " Bro . E . J . Trendall ; Bro . J . S , Lowe , " Alfred" Lodge , Oxford ; Bro . S . P . Spiers , AV . M . elect " Alfred " Lodge ; Bro . T . G . S . Mahon ; Bro . Edward Morland ; Bro . George J . Cosburn , Secretary Lodge of Hope ; Bro . AV . L . Hunt ; Bro !
T . Stevens ; Bro . T . Parr ; Bro . J . L . Jolcham ; Bro . Trendell , jun ., & c , Tlio tables were adorned with some choice plants from the conservatory of Bro . E . J . Trendell . Grace was said by Bro . the Rev . Sir J . AV . Hayes , and dessert having been introduced ,
The AV . M . rose and said that , as this was an anniversary festival of the Abbey Lodge , he had several toasts to propose , and he would first ask the brethren to drink the health of Her Majesty the ( ., [ 110011 , whom they all respected and honoured , and coupled with the name of hor who occupied the throne he
would give that which must be uppermost in their minds as Masons , namely , the " Craft . " Let them heartily drink the toast of the "Queen and tho Craft . " ( Applause ) . The W . M . said the next toast was the health of the Earl of Zetland , who had long enjoyed the
honour of presiding over the Order in this country , and who had distinguished himself not only as a Mason but also as a nobleman . ( Applause ) . The W . M . next proposed the health of the Right Hon . the Earl de Grey and Ripon , Deputy Provincial Grand Master , and tho Grand Officers , associating with it the name of Bro . Spiers . IIo was
sure Sir John Hayes would pardon him for not giving his name with this toast , but he should have Sir John on another score . ( A pplause and laughter ) . Bro . Smuts , D . G . M . ( Oxford ) , said ho ought not to reply on behalf of Grand Lod go in the presence of Sir John AVarrai Hayes , who was his senior both in rank , and standing , and age ; still , he felt bound
Installation Festival, Abbey Lodge, Abingdon.
to obey the Fconimand of ' the W . M ., and he was pleased and proud to address them , both as a member of the Abbey Lodge , and also as a representative of Grand Lodge . They would , perhaps , be glad to learn that the recent appointment of Grand Lodge officers had afforded general satisfaction . The Right
Hon . the Earl de Grey and Ripon , continued to act as Deputy Grand Master , and it was a subject of congratulation that one who held so high a position , and enjoyed the confidence of royalty , still took so great an interest in everything associated with the Craft . ( Applause . ) Earl Percy , eldest son of the
Duke of Northumberland , had been appointed Senior Grand AVarden , and the appointment was a good one not only on account of the position of him who held it , but also because the noble earl was determined to prove himself worthy of it . ( Applause . ) The J . G . W . was Mr . Dodson , whose
onerous official duties in the House of Commons were not sufficient to prevent him manifesting an active interest in the affairs of Freemasonry . That fact showed there was more in the Craft than the world gave it credit for . ( Applause . ) The Grand Master had determined upon advancing in each
year one brother from the provinces 111 Grand Lodge . Referring to the Abbey Lodge , Bro . Spiers said it embraced within it men who did credit to Masonry , and also to the Town of Abingdon , and he was sure Sir Daniel felt pleased in having such a body to rule over . He was confident they would be obedient
to his command , and would work as well as could be desired . He was some judge of Masonry , and must say that tho ability shown by the late AV . M . ( Bro . Morland ) was above all praise . ( Applause . ) In conclusion , Bro . Sp iers again thanked the brethren for the compliment they had paid him .
The AV . M . then proposed the health of the P . G . M ., Sir Daniel Gooch . ( App lause . ) The brethren felt it to be a very great compliment to have among them their new Grand Master ( applause ) , and he thought that , as a province , thoy must all feel themselves highly honoured in having such a distinguished
Mason to preside over them . ( Applause . ) He had the good fortune to be present at the Provincial Grand Lodge , at Chippenham , when the brethren of that province presented him with the regalia of office , and he ( Bro . . Jenkins ) found out in a moment that Sir Daniel was acquainted with tho working of
every department of the lodge ; and seeing that , and also knowing his urbanity of manner , no brother could possibly wish for a better Mason to preside over the Province of Berks and Bucks . ( Applause . ) It gave him the greatest pleasure to see Sir Daniel there that evening , and he felt it was not only au
honour to the lodge , but also a compliment to himself ( the AV . M . ) . He hoped this would prove but the first of many occasions on which they would have their G . M . among them ; in fact , he trusted Sir Daniel would have cause to feel that the Abbey Lodge did such credit to the province that it was
really incumbent upon him to be present . ( App lause and laughter . ) Perhaps he ought not to have gone so far and said that ; still , ho hoped Sir Daniel would often visit them . ( Applause . ) The GRAND MASTER , in responding , said he should feel it incumbent upon him to visit the Abbey Lodge
not in consequence of any deficiency , but on account of the excellent way in which it was worked , and also because of the kind and cordial reception they had given him . ( App lause . ) The gathering here had been a source of great p leasure to him , as it had given him an opportunity of making the
acquaintance of a number of the brethren . He had attended not only because it was his duty to do so , but because he felt very anxious indeed to ' visit all the lodges in the province , to give him a knowledge of llicmembers aud the way in which the different matters were conducted . Although he should on another occasion
have au opportunity of expressing his views with regard to the ruling of the province , he would take into account as far as he could properly do so , the wishes of the various lodges in the appointments it would be his duty to make . He considered that in all the appointments for the Provincial Grand
Lodge merit and excellence in Freemasonry ought to be tho chief grounds . ( App lause . ) It had sometimes been urged that merit was not altogether what was needed , but he thought himself that the Brother who most zealously performed his duties ought to receive his reward in the shape of the
honours connected with the Craft . ( Applause ) . Ihey ought to aim to make the purple such a mark , that when it was seen in lodge it might be taken as a certain indication that the brother who woro it had done his duty to tho Craft . ( Applause ) . Such feelings as those would guide him in the
appointments he should make , andhe must ask the brethren to believe tbat what he did was for the benefit of the province , and if he made a mistake , it would be an error of judgment , and not committed for the purpose of favouring one individual or the other . ( Applause . )
He would not regard either private or public friendships , but strive to discharge the duties of his office faithfully , and he hoped thoy would give him credit for acting from sincere and conscientious motives . ( Applause . ) He was glad to see amongst them that
Installation Festival, Abbey Lodge, Abingdon.
evening Bro . Spiers , who held so hi gh an office in the Province of Oxford , and whom he had previously had the pleasure of meeting . He assured the brethren , in conclusion , that he had spent a very pleasant and happy evening . ( Applause . ) The AVORSHIKFULMASTER called npon the brethren
to drink the health of the D . P . G . M ., Sir J . W . Hayes , remarking that he felt sure there was not a brother present who was not glad to hear Sir John ' s name mentioned . ( A pplause . ) Sir John was as old in Grand Lodge as Lord Zetland himself , and was initiated in the Apollo Lodge at Oxford .
He was connected in every way with the brethreu present , and it afforded them much gratification to see him present . ( Applause . ) The D . P . G . M . thanked the brethren very sincerely for the kind reception they had given him , and assured them it gave him great satisfaction to be
among the brethren of the Abbey Lodge . He had often wished to attend their meetings , and it was with the utmost possible pleasure with which he accepted the invitation they were so kind as to send him on this occasion . ( Applause . ) He had derived satisfaction from seeing tho working of the Lodge ,
and finding how admirably everything was clone . There was also some satisfaction in knowing that the brethren around him owed something to the Lodge in which he was himself initiated , inasmuch as their new Master had sprung from that Lodge . He felt sure the Abbey Lodge would thrive very much
under the government of Bro . Blandy-Jenkins . ( Applause . ) He should be delighted to see the Abingdon brethren at Reading , and hoped they would swell the gathering at AVindsor on the 21 st of May , when they would do honour to their new Grand Master . ( Applause . )
The G . M . then proposed the health of the AV . M ( Applause . ) He felt that , in a Lodge where Bro . Blandy-Jenkins was so well known it was almost wrong on his part to attempt to describe his many good qualities , for he had already served in tho same capacity . Ho wished him health and happiness
during tho ensuing twelve months , and felt confident that during such period he would zealously discharge the duties of his office . ( Applause . ) The AV . M . said , in reply , that , but for the promise of assistance given by Bro . Morland , who had so efficiently filled the office during the past year , he
must have declined the honour of once more presiding over the Lodge . He could not expect to come up to the standard set by their worthy G . M . ( Sir D . Gooch ) , still he hoped the Lodge would be worked in a satisfactory manner . The AV . M . closed by proposing the health of Bro . Morland , to whom
he paid a well-deserved compliment for the very admirable manner in which he had performed the difficult ceremony of installation . ( Applause . ) Bro . J . T . MORLAND , P . M ., acknowledged the toast , observing that he hoped that what he had done met their approval ( applause ) , although he had not
satisfied himself . He considered it to be a high honour that he had been tho first brother initiated in this lodge who had risen to the chair ; and he assured the brethren that , although no longer Master , ho should still devote his best energies in carrying on the lodge , and so long as he could promote the
interests of either tho lodge or an individual brother , he intended to do so . ( Applause . ) The AV . M . next gave the health of Bro . Lamert , the AV . M . of the Apollo Lodge , who ably responded . Then followed tho health of the Masters of Lodges in the province , coupled with that of Bro . AV . C .
Bland , P . G . J . AV ., and AV . M . of Lodge of Hope , who suitably returned thanks . The health of Bro . Hedges , S . AV ., was also drunk , after which the Tyler ' s toast was given . Several first-rate songs wero sung , and tho brethren separated highly delig hted with the festival of 1809 .
THE SOCIAL BUCKS' PHILANTHROPIC SOCIETY . — On Saturday , May 8 th ( to-day ) , thero will bo a meeting of this society , of which Bro . Thomas Beard is president , at Bro . Swainston ' s , thc "Three Bucks " Hotel , Old Jewry , when it is anticipated there will a large , and influential gathering of the Craft . Amongst
the brethreu who promote this really deserving society are Bros . J . Emmons ( P . G . Purst ., &« . ) , Stroud , M'Namnra , II . Sydney , Thos . Adams , Charles E . Thompson , & c , & c . ENGLAND 81 YEARS AGO . —On AVednesday morning 2 , ) th June , 1788 , were executed at Newgate ,
pursuant to their sentence , AVilliam James , alias Levy , John Gilbertsoii , Jeremiah Grace , and Margaret Sullivan . They were brought out of Newgate about seven o ' clock , and after spending some time in devotion the p latform dropped a quarter before eight . They behaved with a seriousness and decency becoming their unhappy situation . After the men
had been banging about a quarter of an hour , the woman was brought out , dressed iu black , attended by a priest of the Romish persuasion . As soon aa she came to the stake she was placed upon tho stool , which after some time was taken from under her , when the faggots were placed round her , and being set fire to , she was consumed to ashes .