Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 2 of 2 Article INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1 Article INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
W . M . a happy and prosperous year of office , and called upon them to " drink the toast with a true Pattison fire , and they did most heartily . The VV . M ., in response , said that if he had any difficulty before in introducing the toasts , he had a double difficulty now thathe had to return thanks , because he felt a greater difficulty to speak about oneself than about other people .
The very kind wishes of the brethren were meant for him as Master of the lodge , about the progress of which he bad no hesitancy , allthe hesitatancy he felt was with regard to himself , having to follow so many able Past Masters , because he knew the responsibility of the position . He hoped to be enabled to maintain the prestige of the lodge , and even to raise it to a higher standard , and trusted to
have the hearty co-operation of every individual member of the lodge in so doing . He then referred to the proposed temple , which the lodge were about to build for its meetings , and believed that the installation of the next Master of the Pattison Lodge would be held within its walls . He thanked them most feelingly for the toast , and resumed his seat amid much applause .
The next toast was that of _ " The Past Masters , " and Bro . Penfold , in response , said that the VV . M . had slid that the P . M . 's had promised him their unqualified support during his year of office . _ The P . M . 's always did their utmost to support the chair , but he thought in this case the chair would be able to support itself . Sometimes the P . M . ' s had been apprehensive lest the Master in the chair
should fall short their standard ; but in this case their apprehensions were oF a different character , they were apprehensive lest their W . M . should go on a little too fast for them . The W . M . had told the brethren that he was the youngest brother that had ever been elected to the chair of the Pattison Lodge . Now , whether it was that the W . M ., being so much younger had more steam , or
whether they ( the P . M . ' s ) being older , wanted a little more oiling to get along faster , he could hardly say , but the W . M . might rest assured the P . M . 's would go with him as fast as they could , and would only put the brake on under extreme pressure ; but that was not likely to occur . Bro . Penfold then adverted to the Masonic temple about to be erected by the Pattison Lodge , and said , financially ,
they had been so far fairly successful , nearly £ 1500 being promised by the brethren . This was a subject they all had at heart , and under the direction of their energetic VV . M ., and no less energetic S . VV ., there was some hope of carrying the matter through during the present year . They intended to register the undertaking as a limited liability company , under the Public Companies' Act ; although
primarily , it ivas . notexclusively confined to the Pattison brethren , the committee of which he ( Bro . Penfold ) was Treasurer , would be glad to receive the name of any brother wishing to join in the undertaking , the only qualification they required was that the shareholder should be a Mason , as they intended to keep it entirely in the hands of the Craft . They had two or three very good sites
offered to them , but they were not quite agreed upon that yet , each site had its supporters . The "battle of the sites" would take place very shoitly , and the one that the majority considered the most eligible would be selected . He cordially thanked them for the toast , and expressed the pleasure he felt at having so good a VV . M . in the chair , and looked forward with every confidence to a prosperous
and pleasant year . The Worshipful Master then presented Bro . Palmer with a handsome Past Mastei ' s jewel of the value of ten guineas , and in so doing spoke enthusiastically of the admirable manner in which that brother had devoted himself to the best interests of the lodge during his Mastership . Bro . Palmer , who is deservedly popular among the
brethren , was loudly cheered when he rose to return thanks . He said he accepted the gift with a great feeling of pleasure and gratitude ; with regard to the success that had attended the lodge during the past year , he could not help feeling a little gratified , inasmuch that he had had during his year of office the pleasure of initiating no less than 15 good and excellent gentlemen into the Craft . A larger number
than had ever been initiated in any one year of the hitherto life of the lodge . He hoped Bro . Richardson would have as successful a year as he had had , and although he should be at the left of the W . M ., yet any service that might be required of him , either for the W . M . or brethren generally , would be cheerfully placed at their command . He thanked them hear : ilv for the trenerous manner in
which the toast had been proposed and received . A pleasing episode fieri occurred for Bro . F . T y ler , Organist of the lodge , who has raised and perfectly trained a choir for the occasional anthems and chants incidental to the various ceremonies , was presented with a purse of sovereigns , and Airs . Tyler ( Miss F . C . Atkinson , of the Royal College of Music ) was presented with a handsome
, and costly gold locket , the latter on her recent marriage . Bro . Tyler suitably returned thanks . Bro . Ledger , who was Organist prior to the advent of Bro . Tyler , was also presented with an Organist ' s jewel for P f s f t services rendered , and he returned thanks . ., The Visitors" was the next toast , and Bro . Major W . G . Graham , Dr . Allworth . Moulds , and others
responded , and " The Officers " and Tyler's toast concluded the proceedings . An important feature of the affair was the erection of 5 ? 7 »» ners bearing their respective coats of arms of the W . M ., and Past Masters Coupland , Penfold , and Palmer , they were exceedingly handsome and were much admired by the brethren .
A selection of music was played during dinner by a stringed orchestra , under the direction of Mr . E . P . Birt , ° ' K ° yal Artillery Band , and Miss F . C . Atkinson irJ " ' ? ler ) ' Miss F L an - Clifton , and Mr . J . D . Fitzgerald , sang through an excellent programme of vocal music during the evening . Bro . Tvler presided at the P p ! i ? ' n the w , lole affair was most enjoyable , and worthy ot the Pattison Lodge and its accomplished Master .
ILFRACOMBE . — Lodge of Concord ( No . ** 3 S ) -- —The annual meeting of this lodge was held in me lodge room , High-street , on Tuesday afternoon , the 20 th ult ., to install the W . M . elect , Bro . VV . H . Ivimy , for the ensuing year . The ceremony was most ably performed by Bros S . Jones , P . P . G . J . W ., assisted by the following Hoard of Installed Masters : Bros . D . Attwood , P . P . G . P PM aUe A 'S- ' , ?' ' C ) emow ' PM- > C - G . Barnet ' t , ' r J , ^ £ U 5 ttable > P - -S J- S ' Catford , P . M . ; J P ^ L ^ ' / S ^ - - Campbell , P . M . ; and St . Paufl , r . ivi . ihe Board of Installed Masters having been closed
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
the W . M . appointed the following brethren as officers of the lodge : Bros . C . E . Clemow , I . P . M . ; W . Rees , S . VV . ; A . Laz ' ar , J . VV . ; R . Lake , P . M ., Sec ; F . Brede , S . D . ; A . Wrighton , J . D . ; H . R . Grover , I . G . ; and J . Blackford , Tyler .
The banquet was afterwards held at the Victoria Hotel , the excellent catering of Bro . A . Huxtable being highly appreciated ; the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , and the brethren separated after passing a very pleasant evening .
LIVERPOOL . —Stanley Lodge ( No . 1325 ) . — On Monday , the 2 Sth ult ., the brethren of this lodge held a numerously-attended meeting at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , to install the new W . M ., Bro . M . Brown , an old and popular member of the lodge . The chair was taken by Bro . J . Davies , VV . M ., who appropriately finished his term of office by very efficiently installing his successor .
There were present , among others , Bros . J . W . Burgess , P . P . G . P ., P . M . ; Jos . Bradshaw , P . M . ; | . P . Chapman , P . M . ; J . Holme , P . M . ; A . Burgess , P . M . ; R . Brown , P . P . G . Treas ., P . M . 241 ; J . P . Bryan , P . P . G . O . ; J . Tyson , P . M . 11 S 2 ; and others . The newly-invested officers were Bros . J . Davies , I . P . M . ; W . Barnes , S . VV . ; T . Guile , J . W . ; T . P . Chapman ,
P . M ., Treas . ; W . Lockwood , Sec ; J . Boyle , S . D . ; G . J . Bridgman , J . D . ; J . Rawsthorne , l . G . ; H . Millington , J . Jennings , and VV . Evans , Stwds . ; and J . Clarke , Org . Bro . VV . H . Ball was re-elected Tyler . Bro . Casey provided dinner in good style , and the
proceedings were enlivened by the vocal efforts of Bros . E . Edwards , 1609 ; J . T . Jones , 1657 ; O . J . Rowlands , 2042 ; and J . P . Bryan , P . P . G . O . During the evening a handsome P . M . 's jewel was presented to the I . P . M ., accompanied by a beautifully chased silver tea and coffee service for Mrs . Davies , on behalf of the brethren .
CLEATOR MOOR . —Stirling Lodge ( No . 19 S 9 ) . —A meeting was held on Wednesday , the 30 th ult ., at the Market Hall , when there were present Bros . H . Ward , W . M . ; Jno . Bewley , S . W . ; H . Rothery , J . VV . ; Chas . Gowan , Sec .,- J . D . Welch , S . D . ; Jno . McHarry , J . D . ; J . S . Dickinson , l . G . ; 'Temple , Watson , and Leathes , Stivds . ; John Caffry , Tyler ; J . J . Robinson ,
P . M . ; J . F . Kirkconel , P . M . ; Christie , Nixon , Benson , Frears , Sumpton , and Hindmarch . Visitor : Bro . D . Snedden ( S . C ) The lodge having been opened , Mr . Wm . Heathcote was balloted for , and unanimously accepted as a candidate for Freemasonry , after which Bro . Hindmarch was passed , and Bros . Benson , Frears , and Sumpton were raised . Lodge was then closed .
FIDELITY LODGE ( No . 3 ) . —The usual weekly meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the 30 th ult ., at llro . Silvester's , the Alfred , Roman-road , Iiarnshury , under the able Preceptorship of Bro . Ferguson , P . M . 177 , & c . The chair was occupied by Iiro . G . Gregory , P . M . 1538 , & c , who was supported by Bros . Mcsser , Jackson , Ross , Blcaklcy , Dimsdale , Secretary ; and others .
The lodge having been opened , the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Bleakley acting as candidate , and the First and Second Sections of the First Lecture were worked by Uro . Ferguson , assisted by the brethren . The sum of one guinea was voted out of the lodge funds to Airs . Shury , who was an unsuccessful candidate at the last election of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . Iiro . Mcsser was unanimously elected W . M . for the next meeting , and the lodge was closed in perfect harmony .
HYDE PARK LODGE ( No . 1425 ) . —A meeting was held on Monday , the 5 th inst ., . it the Porchester Hotel , Leinster-place , Cleveland square , Porchcster-terrace , PaddinRton , W . Present : Bros . Jos . Bailey , W . M . ; ' C . S . Mote , S . VV . ; O . W . Battley , J . W . ; H . Dehane , Sec . ; J . C . Conway , S . D . ; W . C . Williams , J . D . j W . I . Mason , I . O . j J . Smith , Stwd . j E . I . Day , Org . ; Capt . A . Nicols , P . M . 1974 ; W . H . Chalfont , P . M . 1425 ; and W . H . Wadham . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last
meeting were read and confirmed . After the usual preliminaries had been observed , the ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro Williams candidate . Bro . Mote was elected W . M . for next lodge meeting , and appointed his officers in rotation . A vote of thanks , to be recorded on the minutes , was passed for the admirable manner Bro . Jos . Bailey had rehearsed the ceremony . It was announced that the only son of Bro , Jos . Taylor had died after a few days'illness ; a vote " of condolence was passed . After' * Hearty good wishes , " the lodge was closed .
METROPOLITAN LODGE ( No . 1507 ) . —A meeting took place on Monday , the jth inst ., at the Moorgate , Finsbury-pavement . Present : Bros . G . W . Knight , W . M . ; W . A . Scurrah , S . W . ; Powell , J . W . ; A . Scurrah , S . D . ; Axford , ) . !> .: Martin , l . G . ; W . M . Stiles , Preceptor j C . J . Scales , Treas . ; Is . Storr , Sec . j and Saunders , Assist . Sec , Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The lodge was opened in the Second and Third Degree . " . Lodge resumed to the Second Degree . Iiro . Scales oll ' ered himself as candidate to be raised to the Third .
Degree , answered the usual questions , and was entrusted . The ceremony of raising was rehearsed . The lodge was resumed to the First Degree . Bro . Hemming oll ' ered himself as candidate for passing , answered the usual questions , and was entrusted . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed . Lodge was closed do vn to the First Degree . Bro . Eaton , of the . Mass Lodge , Boston , U . S . A ., was heartily welcomed as a visitor . In the course of his remarks , he said it gave him great pleasure to visit London lodges . He had visited the Empire , the lohn Hervcv . and others , and it
seemed to him wherever he went he was heartily welcomed by English brethren , and he could assure them , if they would pav a visit to Boston , they would be as well entertained as he had been in England , llro . W . M . Stiles said he had a pleasing duty to perform , that was to propose Bro . Scurrah , S . W ., as W . M , for the next meeting , llro . Scurrah being W . M . of Ihe Henry Levander Lodge , and was shortly going to install his successor , anil would work the ceremony of installation in that lodge ot instruction on the 19 th instant . After "Hearty good wishes , " the lodge was closed .
COVENT GARDEN LODGE ( No . iG , ) .-The usual weekly meeting of this lodge of instruction was held at the Criterion , Piccadilly , W ., on the ist inst ., when there were present Bros . E .. ) . D . Bromley , W . M . ; Hy . Crookcs , S . W . ; } . D . Graham , J . W . j L . Gun / . ell , S . D . ; O . W . Battley , 1 . 1 ) . ; " W . Brindley , l . G . ; W . C . Smith , Preceptor ; G . Reynolds , Treas . and Sec . T . E . Weeks , Tyler ; Geo . Wilson , G . F . Swan , C . Holland , E . J . Gittens , E . C . Mulvcy , John Skinner , Frank Gulliford . (' .
Lambert , C . Corby , 1 ' . IJusterwald , James Woodward , H , | . Weisc , and A . Clark . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of Ihe lint meeting were read and confirmed . The W . M . worked the ist . S .-ttimi of the First Lecture with Bro . G . Reynolds , Bro . F . Gulliford utlcnn' . r , himself as a candidate for initiation , the W . M . was pleased iu rehearse the ceremony . Bro . W . C . Smith worked the 3 rd Section of the First Lecture with Bro . F . Dustcrwald . Bro . W . C . Smith
worked tlie 4 th and Jth Sections of the First Lecture . On rising for the second time , lira . W . C . Smith proposed that Bro . Hy . Crnokes , S . W ., lie W . M . for the ensuing week—seconded by the J . W ., and carried unanimously . The W . M . elect was pleased to appoint his oilicers in rotation . On rising for the third time , Bro . A . Clark proposed that two brethren be appointed to receive Colonial and other brethren who attend on the evening of the 15 th inst ., when the Fifteen Sections are worked—seconded by Uro . NY . O . Smith , and carried unanimously . Whereupon the W . M .,
Bro . p .. J . Bromlev , ami Bro . I " . Dustcrwald said it would give them great pleasure to undertake that duty . Bro . W . C . Smith give notice of motion " That Colonial brethren attending on the evening of the , 15 th inst . be made members , and that each brother be presented with a copy of the bye-laws of the lodge of instruction , and that his name , and ' uame ami number of lodge be written on the front page . llro . G . Reynolds , Sec , proposed that a summer festival take place in connection with this lodne of instruction in
August , and that ladies may attend the same with brethrenseconded by Bro . F . Dustcrwald , and carried unanimously . Bro G . Reynolds proposed that the summer trip be from Waterloo to Windsor , thence on steam launches up the river Thames , with luncheon , returning in time to dine at the Star and Garter , at Windsor , and back * to Waterloo . This route was agreed upon . Nothing further oU ' ering for the good of Freemasonry , the lodge was closed and adjourned .
UBIQUE LODGE ( No . 17 So ) . —A meeting was held on Friday , the 2 nd : 11 st ., at the Crown and Anchor , 79 , Ebury-street , S . W . Present : Bros . Mnsson , W . M . ; Green , P . M ., S . W . ; Glover , J . VV . ; Gibson , P . M ., Preceptor ; Coughlan , Sec . ; Green , junr ,, S . D . ; Hayes , J . D . j Roberts , l . G . ; ami F . Pnrnell . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Green being the candidate . The W . M . having risen for the second time , Bro . Greer , was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing week , and appointed his oilicers in rotation Nothing further ollering , the lodge was closed .
CREATON LODGE ( No . 1791 ) . —A meeting was held on Thursday , the ist inst ., at the Wheatshcaf Hotel , Gold-hawkroad , Shepherd ' s Bush . Present : Bros . Sims , P . M ., W . M . ; W . Williams , S . W . ; li . A . Austin , J . W . ; Chalfont , P . M ., Sec ; Wood , S . D . j Rigely . J . D . j Purdue , P . M ., l . G . ; Spiegel , P . M . ; J . Davies , Preceptor ; Stonnill , Curtis , Cavers , Brietbart , Head , and Craggs . The lodge was opened , and the minutes read and confirmed .
Bro . Curtis oll ' ered himself as a candidate for passing , and having answered the usual questions , was entrusted . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree , and the ceremony completed . The W . M . gave the explanation of the second tracing board . The lodge was resumed to the First Degree , when the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Head candidate . Bro . W . Williams having been elected W . M . for the next meeting , the lodge was closed in perfect harmony .
BRIMON LODGE ( No . 1949 ) . —The usual weekly meeting of this lodge of instruction was licit ! at the Prince Regent , Dulwichroad , Heme Hill , on Tuesday evening , the 6 th inst . Present Bros . E . A . Francis , Preceptor , W . M . j Thos , Poore , I . P . M . W . lioyce , S . W . j S . Richardson , J . W . ; G . R . Langley , Sec . J . Andrews , S . D . j C . J . Axford , J . D . j C . H . Phillips , Treas ., l . G . j Hooper , Tarr , G . C . Banks , R . Banks , Mayer , Stokes , Burridge , Bird , Hicks , and Loncy . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the
previous meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . The lodge was then opened in the Second Degree , and resumed to the First Degree , and Bro . Burridge proved his proficiency , and was entrusted . The lodge was resumed to the Second Degree , and the ceremony of . passing rehearsed b y the W . M ., in his vernal able and impressive manner , Bro . Burridge acting as candidate . The lodge was closed in the Second Degree . Iiro . Langley , Sec , proposed , and Bro . Hooper seconded , that Bros . Hicks and Loney , of the Brixton Lodge , No . 1949 , be elected joining members of this lodge of
instruction , which was carried unanimously . Bros . I licks and Loney returned thanks for their election , and promised a frequent attend , ance . Bro . Thos . Poore proposed , and Bro . Richardson seconded , that Bro . Boyce , S . W ., be elected W . M . for the ensuing week , wdiich was carried unanimously . The Secretary announced that the funds in hand amounted to upwards of jtfjo ios ., and then proposed that a ballot be taken among the 12 members who had been most regular in their attendance during the preceding 13 months for the sum of £ < £ s .. to be
paid into one or other of the Masonic Charities . This was seconded by Bro . C . H . Phillips , Treasurer , and carried unanimously . The ballot proved in favour of Bro . Boyce , J . W . of the United Mariners Lodge , No . 30 , who requested that it might be paid into the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , ( Widows' Fund ) upon the list of Bro . Langley , Secretary , who is a Steward , representing the Lodge of Unity , No . 183 , at the next Festival . The W . M . received the "Hearty good wishes" of the brethren , and the lodge was then
closed in perfect peace and harmony . The usual monthly meeting of the Benevolent Association in connection with this lodge of instruction was | then held , and a ballot was taken for the sum of . t'j 5 s ., which proved in favour of Bro . Archer , and was paid into the Girls' School . This Association was started about three years ago , since when the sum of . £ ' 493 ios . haa been paid through it to the various Masonic Benevolent Institutions , and all this by payments of its members at the rate of is , per share per week . " Great ends from small beginnings come . "
CHISWICK LODGE ( No . 2012 L-A meeting was held at the Windsor Castle Hotel , King-street , Hammersmith , on Saturday , the 3 rd inst . Bros . Charles Sims , P . M ., fulfilled the duties of W . M . j Bros . David Stroud and ) . H . Wood respectively as S . W . and J . W . ; and Bro . G . Gardner , Treas ., as acting Preceptor . The other offices were performed alternately among the brethren present . The W . M . worked the ceremony of the F . C . ' s Degree , Bro . A , Williams being the candidate , after which , in a forcible and didactic rendering , the W . M . gave the lecture on the second tracingboard , which was highly appreciated by the brethren present . Owing to it being the occasion of H . R . H . the Duchess of Albany
laying the foundation-stone of the chancel and tower of the new parish church , and the excitement of the elections , the brethren did not meet in their accustomed numbers . Bro , Stroud was elected W . M . for next meeting , who , on returning thanks for the appointment , expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the brethren o £ the many lodges to which he is allliliated for their kindness and sympathy shown him during his long absence through domestic bereavement . The Chiswick Lodge of Instruction meets every Saturday at 7 . 30 , under the able Prcceptorship of Bro . Ayling , P . M ., than whom there is no better Preceptor in the Craft . Brethren are cordially welcomed .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
ST . DUNSTAN'S CHAPTER ( No . 1589 ) . —This prosperous chapter met at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street , on the 32 nd ult . Amon ^ those in attendance were Comps . G . Manners , C . C , M . E . Z . ; Alfred Tisley , H . ; W . Clemow , J . ; Jenkins , S . E . ; F . Farrington , S . N . ; VV . E . Farrington , P . S . ; Farthing , ist A . S . ; T . A . Woodbridge , C . C , 2 nd A . S . ; T . C . Wails , P . P . G . P . Soj . Middx ., P . Z . ; Lieut .-Col . Radcliffe , Hon . Member ; Skelton , Christian , Gaze , Edwardsand others .
, The minutes of the previous convocation having been read and confirmed , Comp . Lieut .-Col . Radcliffe ably installed Comps . Tisley , as M . E . Z . ; W . Clemow , as H . ; and F . Farrington , as J . The following investments were then made : Comps . Jenkins , S . E . ; VV . E . Farrington , S . N . ; Farthing , P . S . ; T . A . Woodbridge , ist A . S . |; Christian , 2 nd A . S . ; and Gilbert , Janitor . A Past Principal's jewel having been presented to Comp . Manners , a vote of thanks was passed to the Installing Officer .
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
W . M . a happy and prosperous year of office , and called upon them to " drink the toast with a true Pattison fire , and they did most heartily . The VV . M ., in response , said that if he had any difficulty before in introducing the toasts , he had a double difficulty now thathe had to return thanks , because he felt a greater difficulty to speak about oneself than about other people .
The very kind wishes of the brethren were meant for him as Master of the lodge , about the progress of which he bad no hesitancy , allthe hesitatancy he felt was with regard to himself , having to follow so many able Past Masters , because he knew the responsibility of the position . He hoped to be enabled to maintain the prestige of the lodge , and even to raise it to a higher standard , and trusted to
have the hearty co-operation of every individual member of the lodge in so doing . He then referred to the proposed temple , which the lodge were about to build for its meetings , and believed that the installation of the next Master of the Pattison Lodge would be held within its walls . He thanked them most feelingly for the toast , and resumed his seat amid much applause .
The next toast was that of _ " The Past Masters , " and Bro . Penfold , in response , said that the VV . M . had slid that the P . M . 's had promised him their unqualified support during his year of office . _ The P . M . 's always did their utmost to support the chair , but he thought in this case the chair would be able to support itself . Sometimes the P . M . ' s had been apprehensive lest the Master in the chair
should fall short their standard ; but in this case their apprehensions were oF a different character , they were apprehensive lest their W . M . should go on a little too fast for them . The W . M . had told the brethren that he was the youngest brother that had ever been elected to the chair of the Pattison Lodge . Now , whether it was that the W . M ., being so much younger had more steam , or
whether they ( the P . M . ' s ) being older , wanted a little more oiling to get along faster , he could hardly say , but the W . M . might rest assured the P . M . 's would go with him as fast as they could , and would only put the brake on under extreme pressure ; but that was not likely to occur . Bro . Penfold then adverted to the Masonic temple about to be erected by the Pattison Lodge , and said , financially ,
they had been so far fairly successful , nearly £ 1500 being promised by the brethren . This was a subject they all had at heart , and under the direction of their energetic VV . M ., and no less energetic S . VV ., there was some hope of carrying the matter through during the present year . They intended to register the undertaking as a limited liability company , under the Public Companies' Act ; although
primarily , it ivas . notexclusively confined to the Pattison brethren , the committee of which he ( Bro . Penfold ) was Treasurer , would be glad to receive the name of any brother wishing to join in the undertaking , the only qualification they required was that the shareholder should be a Mason , as they intended to keep it entirely in the hands of the Craft . They had two or three very good sites
offered to them , but they were not quite agreed upon that yet , each site had its supporters . The "battle of the sites" would take place very shoitly , and the one that the majority considered the most eligible would be selected . He cordially thanked them for the toast , and expressed the pleasure he felt at having so good a VV . M . in the chair , and looked forward with every confidence to a prosperous
and pleasant year . The Worshipful Master then presented Bro . Palmer with a handsome Past Mastei ' s jewel of the value of ten guineas , and in so doing spoke enthusiastically of the admirable manner in which that brother had devoted himself to the best interests of the lodge during his Mastership . Bro . Palmer , who is deservedly popular among the
brethren , was loudly cheered when he rose to return thanks . He said he accepted the gift with a great feeling of pleasure and gratitude ; with regard to the success that had attended the lodge during the past year , he could not help feeling a little gratified , inasmuch that he had had during his year of office the pleasure of initiating no less than 15 good and excellent gentlemen into the Craft . A larger number
than had ever been initiated in any one year of the hitherto life of the lodge . He hoped Bro . Richardson would have as successful a year as he had had , and although he should be at the left of the W . M ., yet any service that might be required of him , either for the W . M . or brethren generally , would be cheerfully placed at their command . He thanked them hear : ilv for the trenerous manner in
which the toast had been proposed and received . A pleasing episode fieri occurred for Bro . F . T y ler , Organist of the lodge , who has raised and perfectly trained a choir for the occasional anthems and chants incidental to the various ceremonies , was presented with a purse of sovereigns , and Airs . Tyler ( Miss F . C . Atkinson , of the Royal College of Music ) was presented with a handsome
, and costly gold locket , the latter on her recent marriage . Bro . Tyler suitably returned thanks . Bro . Ledger , who was Organist prior to the advent of Bro . Tyler , was also presented with an Organist ' s jewel for P f s f t services rendered , and he returned thanks . ., The Visitors" was the next toast , and Bro . Major W . G . Graham , Dr . Allworth . Moulds , and others
responded , and " The Officers " and Tyler's toast concluded the proceedings . An important feature of the affair was the erection of 5 ? 7 »» ners bearing their respective coats of arms of the W . M ., and Past Masters Coupland , Penfold , and Palmer , they were exceedingly handsome and were much admired by the brethren .
A selection of music was played during dinner by a stringed orchestra , under the direction of Mr . E . P . Birt , ° ' K ° yal Artillery Band , and Miss F . C . Atkinson irJ " ' ? ler ) ' Miss F L an - Clifton , and Mr . J . D . Fitzgerald , sang through an excellent programme of vocal music during the evening . Bro . Tvler presided at the P p ! i ? ' n the w , lole affair was most enjoyable , and worthy ot the Pattison Lodge and its accomplished Master .
ILFRACOMBE . — Lodge of Concord ( No . ** 3 S ) -- —The annual meeting of this lodge was held in me lodge room , High-street , on Tuesday afternoon , the 20 th ult ., to install the W . M . elect , Bro . VV . H . Ivimy , for the ensuing year . The ceremony was most ably performed by Bros S . Jones , P . P . G . J . W ., assisted by the following Hoard of Installed Masters : Bros . D . Attwood , P . P . G . P PM aUe A 'S- ' , ?' ' C ) emow ' PM- > C - G . Barnet ' t , ' r J , ^ £ U 5 ttable > P - -S J- S ' Catford , P . M . ; J P ^ L ^ ' / S ^ - - Campbell , P . M . ; and St . Paufl , r . ivi . ihe Board of Installed Masters having been closed
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
the W . M . appointed the following brethren as officers of the lodge : Bros . C . E . Clemow , I . P . M . ; W . Rees , S . VV . ; A . Laz ' ar , J . VV . ; R . Lake , P . M ., Sec ; F . Brede , S . D . ; A . Wrighton , J . D . ; H . R . Grover , I . G . ; and J . Blackford , Tyler .
The banquet was afterwards held at the Victoria Hotel , the excellent catering of Bro . A . Huxtable being highly appreciated ; the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , and the brethren separated after passing a very pleasant evening .
LIVERPOOL . —Stanley Lodge ( No . 1325 ) . — On Monday , the 2 Sth ult ., the brethren of this lodge held a numerously-attended meeting at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , to install the new W . M ., Bro . M . Brown , an old and popular member of the lodge . The chair was taken by Bro . J . Davies , VV . M ., who appropriately finished his term of office by very efficiently installing his successor .
There were present , among others , Bros . J . W . Burgess , P . P . G . P ., P . M . ; Jos . Bradshaw , P . M . ; | . P . Chapman , P . M . ; J . Holme , P . M . ; A . Burgess , P . M . ; R . Brown , P . P . G . Treas ., P . M . 241 ; J . P . Bryan , P . P . G . O . ; J . Tyson , P . M . 11 S 2 ; and others . The newly-invested officers were Bros . J . Davies , I . P . M . ; W . Barnes , S . VV . ; T . Guile , J . W . ; T . P . Chapman ,
P . M ., Treas . ; W . Lockwood , Sec ; J . Boyle , S . D . ; G . J . Bridgman , J . D . ; J . Rawsthorne , l . G . ; H . Millington , J . Jennings , and VV . Evans , Stwds . ; and J . Clarke , Org . Bro . VV . H . Ball was re-elected Tyler . Bro . Casey provided dinner in good style , and the
proceedings were enlivened by the vocal efforts of Bros . E . Edwards , 1609 ; J . T . Jones , 1657 ; O . J . Rowlands , 2042 ; and J . P . Bryan , P . P . G . O . During the evening a handsome P . M . 's jewel was presented to the I . P . M ., accompanied by a beautifully chased silver tea and coffee service for Mrs . Davies , on behalf of the brethren .
CLEATOR MOOR . —Stirling Lodge ( No . 19 S 9 ) . —A meeting was held on Wednesday , the 30 th ult ., at the Market Hall , when there were present Bros . H . Ward , W . M . ; Jno . Bewley , S . W . ; H . Rothery , J . VV . ; Chas . Gowan , Sec .,- J . D . Welch , S . D . ; Jno . McHarry , J . D . ; J . S . Dickinson , l . G . ; 'Temple , Watson , and Leathes , Stivds . ; John Caffry , Tyler ; J . J . Robinson ,
P . M . ; J . F . Kirkconel , P . M . ; Christie , Nixon , Benson , Frears , Sumpton , and Hindmarch . Visitor : Bro . D . Snedden ( S . C ) The lodge having been opened , Mr . Wm . Heathcote was balloted for , and unanimously accepted as a candidate for Freemasonry , after which Bro . Hindmarch was passed , and Bros . Benson , Frears , and Sumpton were raised . Lodge was then closed .
FIDELITY LODGE ( No . 3 ) . —The usual weekly meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the 30 th ult ., at llro . Silvester's , the Alfred , Roman-road , Iiarnshury , under the able Preceptorship of Bro . Ferguson , P . M . 177 , & c . The chair was occupied by Iiro . G . Gregory , P . M . 1538 , & c , who was supported by Bros . Mcsser , Jackson , Ross , Blcaklcy , Dimsdale , Secretary ; and others .
The lodge having been opened , the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Bleakley acting as candidate , and the First and Second Sections of the First Lecture were worked by Uro . Ferguson , assisted by the brethren . The sum of one guinea was voted out of the lodge funds to Airs . Shury , who was an unsuccessful candidate at the last election of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . Iiro . Mcsser was unanimously elected W . M . for the next meeting , and the lodge was closed in perfect harmony .
HYDE PARK LODGE ( No . 1425 ) . —A meeting was held on Monday , the 5 th inst ., . it the Porchester Hotel , Leinster-place , Cleveland square , Porchcster-terrace , PaddinRton , W . Present : Bros . Jos . Bailey , W . M . ; ' C . S . Mote , S . VV . ; O . W . Battley , J . W . ; H . Dehane , Sec . ; J . C . Conway , S . D . ; W . C . Williams , J . D . j W . I . Mason , I . O . j J . Smith , Stwd . j E . I . Day , Org . ; Capt . A . Nicols , P . M . 1974 ; W . H . Chalfont , P . M . 1425 ; and W . H . Wadham . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last
meeting were read and confirmed . After the usual preliminaries had been observed , the ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro Williams candidate . Bro . Mote was elected W . M . for next lodge meeting , and appointed his officers in rotation . A vote of thanks , to be recorded on the minutes , was passed for the admirable manner Bro . Jos . Bailey had rehearsed the ceremony . It was announced that the only son of Bro , Jos . Taylor had died after a few days'illness ; a vote " of condolence was passed . After' * Hearty good wishes , " the lodge was closed .
METROPOLITAN LODGE ( No . 1507 ) . —A meeting took place on Monday , the jth inst ., at the Moorgate , Finsbury-pavement . Present : Bros . G . W . Knight , W . M . ; W . A . Scurrah , S . W . ; Powell , J . W . ; A . Scurrah , S . D . ; Axford , ) . !> .: Martin , l . G . ; W . M . Stiles , Preceptor j C . J . Scales , Treas . ; Is . Storr , Sec . j and Saunders , Assist . Sec , Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The lodge was opened in the Second and Third Degree . " . Lodge resumed to the Second Degree . Iiro . Scales oll ' ered himself as candidate to be raised to the Third .
Degree , answered the usual questions , and was entrusted . The ceremony of raising was rehearsed . The lodge was resumed to the First Degree . Bro . Hemming oll ' ered himself as candidate for passing , answered the usual questions , and was entrusted . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed . Lodge was closed do vn to the First Degree . Bro . Eaton , of the . Mass Lodge , Boston , U . S . A ., was heartily welcomed as a visitor . In the course of his remarks , he said it gave him great pleasure to visit London lodges . He had visited the Empire , the lohn Hervcv . and others , and it
seemed to him wherever he went he was heartily welcomed by English brethren , and he could assure them , if they would pav a visit to Boston , they would be as well entertained as he had been in England , llro . W . M . Stiles said he had a pleasing duty to perform , that was to propose Bro . Scurrah , S . W ., as W . M , for the next meeting , llro . Scurrah being W . M . of Ihe Henry Levander Lodge , and was shortly going to install his successor , anil would work the ceremony of installation in that lodge ot instruction on the 19 th instant . After "Hearty good wishes , " the lodge was closed .
COVENT GARDEN LODGE ( No . iG , ) .-The usual weekly meeting of this lodge of instruction was held at the Criterion , Piccadilly , W ., on the ist inst ., when there were present Bros . E .. ) . D . Bromley , W . M . ; Hy . Crookcs , S . W . ; } . D . Graham , J . W . j L . Gun / . ell , S . D . ; O . W . Battley , 1 . 1 ) . ; " W . Brindley , l . G . ; W . C . Smith , Preceptor ; G . Reynolds , Treas . and Sec . T . E . Weeks , Tyler ; Geo . Wilson , G . F . Swan , C . Holland , E . J . Gittens , E . C . Mulvcy , John Skinner , Frank Gulliford . (' .
Lambert , C . Corby , 1 ' . IJusterwald , James Woodward , H , | . Weisc , and A . Clark . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of Ihe lint meeting were read and confirmed . The W . M . worked the ist . S .-ttimi of the First Lecture with Bro . G . Reynolds , Bro . F . Gulliford utlcnn' . r , himself as a candidate for initiation , the W . M . was pleased iu rehearse the ceremony . Bro . W . C . Smith worked the 3 rd Section of the First Lecture with Bro . F . Dustcrwald . Bro . W . C . Smith
worked tlie 4 th and Jth Sections of the First Lecture . On rising for the second time , lira . W . C . Smith proposed that Bro . Hy . Crnokes , S . W ., lie W . M . for the ensuing week—seconded by the J . W ., and carried unanimously . The W . M . elect was pleased to appoint his oilicers in rotation . On rising for the third time , Bro . A . Clark proposed that two brethren be appointed to receive Colonial and other brethren who attend on the evening of the 15 th inst ., when the Fifteen Sections are worked—seconded by Uro . NY . O . Smith , and carried unanimously . Whereupon the W . M .,
Bro . p .. J . Bromlev , ami Bro . I " . Dustcrwald said it would give them great pleasure to undertake that duty . Bro . W . C . Smith give notice of motion " That Colonial brethren attending on the evening of the , 15 th inst . be made members , and that each brother be presented with a copy of the bye-laws of the lodge of instruction , and that his name , and ' uame ami number of lodge be written on the front page . llro . G . Reynolds , Sec , proposed that a summer festival take place in connection with this lodne of instruction in
August , and that ladies may attend the same with brethrenseconded by Bro . F . Dustcrwald , and carried unanimously . Bro G . Reynolds proposed that the summer trip be from Waterloo to Windsor , thence on steam launches up the river Thames , with luncheon , returning in time to dine at the Star and Garter , at Windsor , and back * to Waterloo . This route was agreed upon . Nothing further oU ' ering for the good of Freemasonry , the lodge was closed and adjourned .
UBIQUE LODGE ( No . 17 So ) . —A meeting was held on Friday , the 2 nd : 11 st ., at the Crown and Anchor , 79 , Ebury-street , S . W . Present : Bros . Mnsson , W . M . ; Green , P . M ., S . W . ; Glover , J . VV . ; Gibson , P . M ., Preceptor ; Coughlan , Sec . ; Green , junr ,, S . D . ; Hayes , J . D . j Roberts , l . G . ; ami F . Pnrnell . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Green being the candidate . The W . M . having risen for the second time , Bro . Greer , was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing week , and appointed his oilicers in rotation Nothing further ollering , the lodge was closed .
CREATON LODGE ( No . 1791 ) . —A meeting was held on Thursday , the ist inst ., at the Wheatshcaf Hotel , Gold-hawkroad , Shepherd ' s Bush . Present : Bros . Sims , P . M ., W . M . ; W . Williams , S . W . ; li . A . Austin , J . W . ; Chalfont , P . M ., Sec ; Wood , S . D . j Rigely . J . D . j Purdue , P . M ., l . G . ; Spiegel , P . M . ; J . Davies , Preceptor ; Stonnill , Curtis , Cavers , Brietbart , Head , and Craggs . The lodge was opened , and the minutes read and confirmed .
Bro . Curtis oll ' ered himself as a candidate for passing , and having answered the usual questions , was entrusted . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree , and the ceremony completed . The W . M . gave the explanation of the second tracing board . The lodge was resumed to the First Degree , when the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Head candidate . Bro . W . Williams having been elected W . M . for the next meeting , the lodge was closed in perfect harmony .
BRIMON LODGE ( No . 1949 ) . —The usual weekly meeting of this lodge of instruction was licit ! at the Prince Regent , Dulwichroad , Heme Hill , on Tuesday evening , the 6 th inst . Present Bros . E . A . Francis , Preceptor , W . M . j Thos , Poore , I . P . M . W . lioyce , S . W . j S . Richardson , J . W . ; G . R . Langley , Sec . J . Andrews , S . D . j C . J . Axford , J . D . j C . H . Phillips , Treas ., l . G . j Hooper , Tarr , G . C . Banks , R . Banks , Mayer , Stokes , Burridge , Bird , Hicks , and Loncy . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the
previous meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . The lodge was then opened in the Second Degree , and resumed to the First Degree , and Bro . Burridge proved his proficiency , and was entrusted . The lodge was resumed to the Second Degree , and the ceremony of . passing rehearsed b y the W . M ., in his vernal able and impressive manner , Bro . Burridge acting as candidate . The lodge was closed in the Second Degree . Iiro . Langley , Sec , proposed , and Bro . Hooper seconded , that Bros . Hicks and Loney , of the Brixton Lodge , No . 1949 , be elected joining members of this lodge of
instruction , which was carried unanimously . Bros . I licks and Loney returned thanks for their election , and promised a frequent attend , ance . Bro . Thos . Poore proposed , and Bro . Richardson seconded , that Bro . Boyce , S . W ., be elected W . M . for the ensuing week , wdiich was carried unanimously . The Secretary announced that the funds in hand amounted to upwards of jtfjo ios ., and then proposed that a ballot be taken among the 12 members who had been most regular in their attendance during the preceding 13 months for the sum of £ < £ s .. to be
paid into one or other of the Masonic Charities . This was seconded by Bro . C . H . Phillips , Treasurer , and carried unanimously . The ballot proved in favour of Bro . Boyce , J . W . of the United Mariners Lodge , No . 30 , who requested that it might be paid into the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , ( Widows' Fund ) upon the list of Bro . Langley , Secretary , who is a Steward , representing the Lodge of Unity , No . 183 , at the next Festival . The W . M . received the "Hearty good wishes" of the brethren , and the lodge was then
closed in perfect peace and harmony . The usual monthly meeting of the Benevolent Association in connection with this lodge of instruction was | then held , and a ballot was taken for the sum of . t'j 5 s ., which proved in favour of Bro . Archer , and was paid into the Girls' School . This Association was started about three years ago , since when the sum of . £ ' 493 ios . haa been paid through it to the various Masonic Benevolent Institutions , and all this by payments of its members at the rate of is , per share per week . " Great ends from small beginnings come . "
CHISWICK LODGE ( No . 2012 L-A meeting was held at the Windsor Castle Hotel , King-street , Hammersmith , on Saturday , the 3 rd inst . Bros . Charles Sims , P . M ., fulfilled the duties of W . M . j Bros . David Stroud and ) . H . Wood respectively as S . W . and J . W . ; and Bro . G . Gardner , Treas ., as acting Preceptor . The other offices were performed alternately among the brethren present . The W . M . worked the ceremony of the F . C . ' s Degree , Bro . A , Williams being the candidate , after which , in a forcible and didactic rendering , the W . M . gave the lecture on the second tracingboard , which was highly appreciated by the brethren present . Owing to it being the occasion of H . R . H . the Duchess of Albany
laying the foundation-stone of the chancel and tower of the new parish church , and the excitement of the elections , the brethren did not meet in their accustomed numbers . Bro , Stroud was elected W . M . for next meeting , who , on returning thanks for the appointment , expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the brethren o £ the many lodges to which he is allliliated for their kindness and sympathy shown him during his long absence through domestic bereavement . The Chiswick Lodge of Instruction meets every Saturday at 7 . 30 , under the able Prcceptorship of Bro . Ayling , P . M ., than whom there is no better Preceptor in the Craft . Brethren are cordially welcomed .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
ST . DUNSTAN'S CHAPTER ( No . 1589 ) . —This prosperous chapter met at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street , on the 32 nd ult . Amon ^ those in attendance were Comps . G . Manners , C . C , M . E . Z . ; Alfred Tisley , H . ; W . Clemow , J . ; Jenkins , S . E . ; F . Farrington , S . N . ; VV . E . Farrington , P . S . ; Farthing , ist A . S . ; T . A . Woodbridge , C . C , 2 nd A . S . ; T . C . Wails , P . P . G . P . Soj . Middx ., P . Z . ; Lieut .-Col . Radcliffe , Hon . Member ; Skelton , Christian , Gaze , Edwardsand others .
, The minutes of the previous convocation having been read and confirmed , Comp . Lieut .-Col . Radcliffe ably installed Comps . Tisley , as M . E . Z . ; W . Clemow , as H . ; and F . Farrington , as J . The following investments were then made : Comps . Jenkins , S . E . ; VV . E . Farrington , S . N . ; Farthing , P . S . ; T . A . Woodbridge , ist A . S . |; Christian , 2 nd A . S . ; and Gilbert , Janitor . A Past Principal's jewel having been presented to Comp . Manners , a vote of thanks was passed to the Installing Officer .