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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
JOHN GOW , -glS & ' NEW BROAD ST ., B . C . -rf ( . Outside Railway Stition ) . rvrtVl ^^ ' H 0 NEY LANE MARKET , CHEAPSIDE . ^ \ J" 93 , THEOBALD'S RD ., HOLBORN , W . C . n 125 , BROMPTON ROAD , S . W . rt ^ lBi JOHN GOW always has OT sale the vi- P- * " Largest Stock in London of the Wry Best ^ Quality at Lowest Prices . Barrclh tl rf \ t ?\\ , u * " Oysters . 0 "to ^ PERFECTLY-FITTED OYSTER SALOON | Now Open at New Broad Street .
| g|CHARLESLANCASTER, ((; no " -rouLmcl )) ( Awarded Three Medals International Exhibition , vioSKIre W ^ l ™ " ^ ani Gold Medal International Inventions ' }> £ gw 0 £ Exhibition ) , ~ IM'RNTOll AM ) r . UKXTI ' . K oi' THK FOE ROOK , 4-BAREEL BREECHLOADING HAMMERLESS ANTILOPE , GUN , RIFLE , d PISTOL EXPRESS W ^ K * * ll >* iy ' - ) ( W « l « Ut 101 b . ) ( -170 bore , 21 b . Qo /„) KTTT TfniJV Illustrated Vet ailed Price Li it a Free on Application . MILITARY , Special Prices for Cash . LARGE BORE 151 , NEW BOND ST ., LONDON . W . RIFLES . Established ISiG .
J.B.KORNER, WHOLESALE & RETAIL CHINA & GLASS WAREHOUSE , 351 late 302 , OXFORD STREET , LONDON , W . Merchant Shippers , Hotel Keepers and the Trade SUPPLIED \ T WHOLESALE PRICES . A lar ^ e assortment of Gas and Lamp Globvs . Goods Packed for all parts of the Globe . ^? ~~^ J . & W . TOLLEY , ^ . < £ Gun and Rifle Manufacturers , \ V CV PIONEER WORKS , BIRMINGHAM j cX . VC' 1 , Conduit Street , Regent Street , London , >^ A . NEW LISTS FREE . O ^ r >\> Sole Makers of the "STANDARD " % ^ HAMMERLESS GUN .
SERJEANT'SPUEETEA7 AT Two Shillings & Half-a-Crown . i , COVENTRY ST ., LONDON , W . iVMiSJ THE [ , 804 . < $ r * * " DUMENLY" CIGARETTES . ** . < A Possessing an aroma of passing excellence , . -v \ V ami unequalled in the world . Manufac--tOfci ? ' Iviml by A . C . PARASCHO & CO ., ol -AvO- . » Dumenly , Venijrli , Twkev . Each Cigarette < YO Sp-s " «> " t'w Trade Mark , '•¦ DUMENLY , " v V jjSw' and Monograms . None others arc ;; en . v \^ V "ine . One sample hox ( sent post free / VM'' for as . 6 d . ) is sufficient to convince am K V connoiseur of their superiority . j < Qjl > Sole address in Ihe United Kingdomvi ^ 57 , Pall Mall , London , W
lb ' Appoint m cut to the Royal Family ) SPECIALITY— j & W £ DDING _ CAKES . % HERBERT and JONES < £ . x $ Frum liunterV ) ( Fnnii II . M . Kitelieii ) Y ^ jt y ^ \ Cooks and Confectioners . * 0 ^ Dinners , WeddinR UicakfasU , and Ball \ fi- ** S . 'ppers supplied , 48 , KENSINGTON IIIGK STREET , W . Estalilhheil : m years .
By Appointment to H . R . H . the Princess of Wales . § MA ISON ISIDORE , g tf \ ( ESTABLISHED iSj / O Q »— Indies' and Children's Haircntting mi Scicntilic _ . { £ Princip les . Latest improvements in Covering UJ Zi for Haldnefs . ( iaums ' s , McUica . Extrait Vegetal JJ P ; Pommade a la Reine for the I lair . ( J ) 14 , BENTINCK STREET , MAWCHESTER SQUARE , W ~ GOUT . DIABETES . EPILErSY . PATIENTS suffering from the above comp laints should winter in NICIi , where they can l > e successfully treated by a new cure at Dr . SCHNfiG'S (" of Carlsbad ) WINTER SANATORIUM _
A NEW VARNISH u <* ( A SPIUIT COPAL ) , ^ y ^ Clear as water c . r pla ' c-wla's ; neverlrefore Vl ^ ^» produced ; drie-i ill live ininutes . Hard , ' /•Ut ^ durable , and hrllliant . A tortile , pi » t free , Ki * t \\ htnm , is .-. Mr . STMNT , 5 , Coventry * y Street , London , W . l'Mahlished 3 oyerirs . _ ; , BUMSTEDS " 36 , KIH 0 WILLIAM ST ., TABLE LONDON , E . C . A •" •A - ' - ^ As supplied to SAL 1 Her Majesty the Queen .
# * HP W . STAPLETON & Co . ^^ p * JL •re-pec : fu ! ly reg to invile atten-V ^ tion to the undermentioned WINES , all M of which are shipped to them direct—OLY ^ -O ^ VP' c \ SHERRIES 20 s ., 24 s ., 28 s ., 30 s ., 36 s ., per doz ^ -oW * ^^ V PORTS 19 s ., 24 s ., 28 s ., 34 s ., 42 s . „ V ° -C $ > CLARETS 12 s ., 16 s ., 20 s ., 24 s ., 30 s ., 3 Gs . „ \ V r \ CHAMPAGNES of all Brands at the 0 . V vO - " ( i v * 'owcst Quotations . I heir celebrated > rOQ ^ Epernay , introduced by them in 1 S 33 , at < -VO ^ ' 36 s . per dozen , is specially recommended . KWC * Price List of all other Wines and rt -r t Jy V Spirits will be sent on application to V ^ " 203 , REGENT ST ., corner of Conduit-st ., W . ~0mURY^7MffJG^ 24 & 25 NEW BOND STREET , W . ( Corner of Conduit Street ) . Purveyors to Her Majesty & the Royal Family . CHEESES OF ALL KINDS . FINE YORK AND OTHER HAMS .
g - J . C . CORDINC AND Co , £ * " » FOR THE DEST ^WATERPROOFS ^* y jCy FOR § O SHOOTING , «? ^ FISHING , § J TRAVELLING . ^I S 7 Only Address—^ Corner of AIR STREET , ^ PICCADILLY . JOSEPH OFFORD'S J SPECIALITIES IN CARRIAaES . 26 Pri / x Medals Awarded and Diploma Honour , London , 1884 . Catalogues free . LANDAUS AND VICTORIAS , & c . f Suspended on Patent Silent or Cee-springs . The lightest , easiest , and most elegant of summer carriages for SALE or HIRE , with option of Purchase . On view , 67 , George-street , Haker-street , and 92-94 , Gloucester-road . South Kensington , S . W .
^ 4 * LUND & BLOCKLEY , . ¦ CQS' r \ r Watdi & Clock Manufacturers to the Queen < £ V > XV and ^ i ' family-* ^ O ^ Keylc ^ snnlf-ClironoineterWntclies . Tni'rctand C ' y > j . ^ Cluireli Cloekfi , I ' atent Cliiiiiilit , ' . Muelrines . 1 * pf *& Chiinlnu Clucks , House Clotlis . < y C \ y" fl ' ateli and Clock Manufacturers to tire Ad-. *& . '' ry * ' luiralty , lloyal Ucofrrapliieal Society , Wa-AK _ A > " ^ Olllee , India Oovernincnt . CJV " O 42 , PALL MALL , LONDON , S . W . ; and Bampart Bow , Bombay . ~ FUNERAL REFORM . Simnlv . Kevereut . iiiiil luespelisivc Funerals , explanatory 1 'alunliH gratis . LONDON NECROPOLIS CO ., 2 1 . ASCASTBH VLAOB , STUAUn , W . C . PATENT EARTH TO EABTH PERISHABLE COFFINS . . . D U E R , / * *? 146 , NEW BOND ST ., W ., / ^ y ( Established 1749 J , A BREAD AND BISCUIT BAKERS , - — / Vans toali parts Daily . Ilimpcrs packed ^" l / and sent to all parts of the Country with V ' FRENCH AND VIENNA FANCY E 0 LLS AND BREAD ;
g HOBBS , HART & COMPANY g 76 & 77 , Cheapside , London . oj Maters lo Her Majesty . t / J Jl By Special Appointment , A . D . May 13 th , 1876 . rj *•* "Strong Rooms , Doors , Locks , and Safes , " ' z * To the Hank of lingland and its Branches . 2 Q QAA GUINEAS REWARD . w ^ C ^ Vw / V ^/ II ., H . and Co . renew their offer from Q ^ January to June , iSSG , as at the Inter-^ national Hxhibition ' of 18 * 62 , also at I aris , 1 S 67 , and a ^ ain at Vienna , in 1 S 73 , to any person who could pick tf ) {/) their locks ( then and now en exhibit anil supplied to t £ KA the public ) with their Patent Combined Protectors , M *> ut l ^ e challenge then made was not accepted , O ^ although the locks were examined by several mechanics . Q O These were the only locks exhibited vender actual n > kJ challenge to pick . W PM N . li .-Skilled mechanics accepting the above offer arc expected to master Eight Lever Locks as a qualilirN cation , II ., II . and Co ., not being eligible to exhibit J * at the Inventions Exhibition , t 88 £ , again make the 2 above offer as a test of the non-pickability of their Q Combined Protector Locks , r ^ N . B . — It-LUsTRATKD LlST OK THK V . \ R' () US SKRIHS of W 5 Suites of Locks , Safes , & c , as designed for Palaces , £ IJanks , Hotels , Cottager , & c , on application . tfi Manufactories—ARLINGTON STREET , N .
METROPOLITAN FREE HOSPITAL , KINGSLAND ROAD . City Offices : 163 , Misliopsjjale Street Without , V .. C . The Committee earnestly AH'KAI . for FUNDS in AID of the NliW UUII . D 1 XG which is intended to supply the sorely needed want of 1 lospital accoiniiiodatioii in the North of London and for current expenses . Contributions will lie most thankfully received by the Hankers , . Messrs . Glyn , Mills , and Co ., 67 , Lombardstreet , K . C . ; by the Chairman , Joseph l ' Vy , Ksq ., 21 , Cresharn House , Old liroad-street , Ji . C . j and by GEORGE CROXTON , Secretary .
SCHWEPPE'S TABLE WATERS r SODA WATER . 3 s . 6 d . per Doz . ) POTASS WATER . ( Exclusive of Bottles . ) ] SELTZER WATER . ( . GINGER ALE . 4 s . 6 d . per doz . MALVERN SELTZER . Carriage Paid on Full and Empties to and from any address in the United Kingdom . "Fountain" Trade Mark on all Labels , and all Corks branded . A list of leading- Agents sent on application to J . SCHWEPPE & CO ., 51 , Berners-street , London . , Tlie Gold Medal Inventions Exhibition , 1885 Ay The Gold Medal of the Society of Arts , 1885 . /^ T The llepnrt upon the Stetmcay Pianos by the A . y ^ Musical Jury of the Inventions Exhibition was / j >^ higher than that of any other Maker . 4 r STEINWAY Grand AS" A * and Upright PIANOS ^ v » r ^ V Are "lc Cheapest becnusc the Best and Most < 5 > JsO Durable . ^ V CQ STEINWAY & SONS are the only Manufactu . ^ rers who make all the component parts of their OS * / l'ianoCortes exterior and interior ( includinR n > r / the t-wtinu of the lull Metal Frames ) , in their JV" / own Factories . fc Cr ' Descriptive Catalogues sent free on application . STEINWAY HALL , 15 & 17 , Lower Seymour Street , Portman Square , London , W .
THY I . BEASLEY'S BOOTS , BOOTS i And ensure Ease and Elegance , combined with ^^ TRITE PIT , BOOTS ! 28 , QUEEN VICTORIA ST . Sear the Mansion House ) . Specialities-Hawl-Sewii . Special Orders in ROOTS ' a few days . Large Stock to select from . wwiu . GoMModnl Awarded at the London International Exhibition , Crystal Palace , 1 SS » . ARTIFICIAL ? TEETH X ^ Such as have been found to be the most useful *> s \ nnd durable , SUFl'UKD by the actual maker * _/ i Vv * from is . 01 . cavh ; : \\\ uppur ov lower set from . Sir \ j VV * - Tl ! i - upwards . Teeth extracted by gas . War-^ V / . f ) ><> rented lo pive i » eri " ect satisfaction . No pain <* y * 1 y > - *> Siven . Advice fiw . Mr . STKNT , Dental r > j V ^ sitrjfeon , s Coventry Street , W ., and 5 . 'C , PuUiam _^\/ Uoad , S . W . Kstablished so yearn . Numerons r \ kviimonials amy )> o seen from ladies and gentlemen .
SPANISH FLY is the acting ingredient in ALEX . KOSS'S CANTHAIUDES . Itactsquickly in producing Hair on the Kace or Head , 3 s , 6 d ., 5 s . fid ., and ios . 6 d . ; sent post f r J 4 , 84 , or 144 stamps . —ROSS , sr , Lamb ' s Conduit-st ., London ( near the Foundling ) . Had of all Chemists . Established 18 J 0 . Tilbury'sWarehouses,.*%, MAHYLEBONE , LONDON ^ 0 * 1 ^ ( Oldest Store Warehouse for Storing ^ vV * -j , Furniture and Ho . isehold Effects , Plate , ^^ / V Luggage , & c . DRY MSTRlCr , HIGH ^< V" t > l > ABO \ "ETHAMESLEVEL , andrcstricted Ay > \ JT to storage purposes only , so avoiding many V ^ QiS * * risks . Office—EmvD . TIUJURV & Co ., 3 J , y Sr High-street , St . Marylebone , W .
CHARLES E . ALLEN , Ladies'andGentlemen'sBootMaker, 69 , JERMYW STREET , & Doors from St , James ' s Street , London , S . W . Prize Medals at the Great Exhibitions ot IS < I , 186 a and 1867 . The Gold Medal , 1870 . eTHAMPAGNl ^^ o ; ^00:\ ( \^ J ^ VJ ^^ - ^ 3 C 8 . per doz . *^ TVW VVIW * - - * ' A Trial Solicited . W Q VJ ^ >^ 19 , SWALLOW ST . < W ^ ^ " ^ PICCADILLY , LONDON , \ V . "V *
BRITISH EQUITABLE ASSURANCE COMPANY—4 Queen Street Place , London , E . C . CAPITAL—AyUARTER-OF-A-MILLION STERLING . MANAGING DIRECTOR AND ACTUARYWILLIAM SUTTON GOVER , Esq ., P . G . S ., P . M ., P . Z . Thirty-First Annual Report—May , 1886 , NEW BUSINESS . 1 , 97 2 Policies issued / or £ 402 , 812 New Premium Income 411 , 324 BUSINESS IN FORCE . 27 , 768 Policies , assuring £ 5 , 215 , 556 REVENUE OF THE YEAR . Premiums £ " 52 , 036 Interest , & c £ 43 , 107 •£ > 95 . " 43 ACCUMULATED FUND . Laid by in the year £ 72 , 452 Accumulated Fund on 31 st January , lSS 0 £ 1 , 083 , 415 Claims and Bonuses paid under Company ' s Policies £ 946 , 340 Average Reversionary Bonus for 30 years , about li per cent , per annum .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
JOHN GOW , -glS & ' NEW BROAD ST ., B . C . -rf ( . Outside Railway Stition ) . rvrtVl ^^ ' H 0 NEY LANE MARKET , CHEAPSIDE . ^ \ J" 93 , THEOBALD'S RD ., HOLBORN , W . C . n 125 , BROMPTON ROAD , S . W . rt ^ lBi JOHN GOW always has OT sale the vi- P- * " Largest Stock in London of the Wry Best ^ Quality at Lowest Prices . Barrclh tl rf \ t ?\\ , u * " Oysters . 0 "to ^ PERFECTLY-FITTED OYSTER SALOON | Now Open at New Broad Street .
| g|CHARLESLANCASTER, ((; no " -rouLmcl )) ( Awarded Three Medals International Exhibition , vioSKIre W ^ l ™ " ^ ani Gold Medal International Inventions ' }> £ gw 0 £ Exhibition ) , ~ IM'RNTOll AM ) r . UKXTI ' . K oi' THK FOE ROOK , 4-BAREEL BREECHLOADING HAMMERLESS ANTILOPE , GUN , RIFLE , d PISTOL EXPRESS W ^ K * * ll >* iy ' - ) ( W « l « Ut 101 b . ) ( -170 bore , 21 b . Qo /„) KTTT TfniJV Illustrated Vet ailed Price Li it a Free on Application . MILITARY , Special Prices for Cash . LARGE BORE 151 , NEW BOND ST ., LONDON . W . RIFLES . Established ISiG .
J.B.KORNER, WHOLESALE & RETAIL CHINA & GLASS WAREHOUSE , 351 late 302 , OXFORD STREET , LONDON , W . Merchant Shippers , Hotel Keepers and the Trade SUPPLIED \ T WHOLESALE PRICES . A lar ^ e assortment of Gas and Lamp Globvs . Goods Packed for all parts of the Globe . ^? ~~^ J . & W . TOLLEY , ^ . < £ Gun and Rifle Manufacturers , \ V CV PIONEER WORKS , BIRMINGHAM j cX . VC' 1 , Conduit Street , Regent Street , London , >^ A . NEW LISTS FREE . O ^ r >\> Sole Makers of the "STANDARD " % ^ HAMMERLESS GUN .
SERJEANT'SPUEETEA7 AT Two Shillings & Half-a-Crown . i , COVENTRY ST ., LONDON , W . iVMiSJ THE [ , 804 . < $ r * * " DUMENLY" CIGARETTES . ** . < A Possessing an aroma of passing excellence , . -v \ V ami unequalled in the world . Manufac--tOfci ? ' Iviml by A . C . PARASCHO & CO ., ol -AvO- . » Dumenly , Venijrli , Twkev . Each Cigarette < YO Sp-s " «> " t'w Trade Mark , '•¦ DUMENLY , " v V jjSw' and Monograms . None others arc ;; en . v \^ V "ine . One sample hox ( sent post free / VM'' for as . 6 d . ) is sufficient to convince am K V connoiseur of their superiority . j < Qjl > Sole address in Ihe United Kingdomvi ^ 57 , Pall Mall , London , W
lb ' Appoint m cut to the Royal Family ) SPECIALITY— j & W £ DDING _ CAKES . % HERBERT and JONES < £ . x $ Frum liunterV ) ( Fnnii II . M . Kitelieii ) Y ^ jt y ^ \ Cooks and Confectioners . * 0 ^ Dinners , WeddinR UicakfasU , and Ball \ fi- ** S . 'ppers supplied , 48 , KENSINGTON IIIGK STREET , W . Estalilhheil : m years .
By Appointment to H . R . H . the Princess of Wales . § MA ISON ISIDORE , g tf \ ( ESTABLISHED iSj / O Q »— Indies' and Children's Haircntting mi Scicntilic _ . { £ Princip les . Latest improvements in Covering UJ Zi for Haldnefs . ( iaums ' s , McUica . Extrait Vegetal JJ P ; Pommade a la Reine for the I lair . ( J ) 14 , BENTINCK STREET , MAWCHESTER SQUARE , W ~ GOUT . DIABETES . EPILErSY . PATIENTS suffering from the above comp laints should winter in NICIi , where they can l > e successfully treated by a new cure at Dr . SCHNfiG'S (" of Carlsbad ) WINTER SANATORIUM _
A NEW VARNISH u <* ( A SPIUIT COPAL ) , ^ y ^ Clear as water c . r pla ' c-wla's ; neverlrefore Vl ^ ^» produced ; drie-i ill live ininutes . Hard , ' /•Ut ^ durable , and hrllliant . A tortile , pi » t free , Ki * t \\ htnm , is .-. Mr . STMNT , 5 , Coventry * y Street , London , W . l'Mahlished 3 oyerirs . _ ; , BUMSTEDS " 36 , KIH 0 WILLIAM ST ., TABLE LONDON , E . C . A •" •A - ' - ^ As supplied to SAL 1 Her Majesty the Queen .
# * HP W . STAPLETON & Co . ^^ p * JL •re-pec : fu ! ly reg to invile atten-V ^ tion to the undermentioned WINES , all M of which are shipped to them direct—OLY ^ -O ^ VP' c \ SHERRIES 20 s ., 24 s ., 28 s ., 30 s ., 36 s ., per doz ^ -oW * ^^ V PORTS 19 s ., 24 s ., 28 s ., 34 s ., 42 s . „ V ° -C $ > CLARETS 12 s ., 16 s ., 20 s ., 24 s ., 30 s ., 3 Gs . „ \ V r \ CHAMPAGNES of all Brands at the 0 . V vO - " ( i v * 'owcst Quotations . I heir celebrated > rOQ ^ Epernay , introduced by them in 1 S 33 , at < -VO ^ ' 36 s . per dozen , is specially recommended . KWC * Price List of all other Wines and rt -r t Jy V Spirits will be sent on application to V ^ " 203 , REGENT ST ., corner of Conduit-st ., W . ~0mURY^7MffJG^ 24 & 25 NEW BOND STREET , W . ( Corner of Conduit Street ) . Purveyors to Her Majesty & the Royal Family . CHEESES OF ALL KINDS . FINE YORK AND OTHER HAMS .
g - J . C . CORDINC AND Co , £ * " » FOR THE DEST ^WATERPROOFS ^* y jCy FOR § O SHOOTING , «? ^ FISHING , § J TRAVELLING . ^I S 7 Only Address—^ Corner of AIR STREET , ^ PICCADILLY . JOSEPH OFFORD'S J SPECIALITIES IN CARRIAaES . 26 Pri / x Medals Awarded and Diploma Honour , London , 1884 . Catalogues free . LANDAUS AND VICTORIAS , & c . f Suspended on Patent Silent or Cee-springs . The lightest , easiest , and most elegant of summer carriages for SALE or HIRE , with option of Purchase . On view , 67 , George-street , Haker-street , and 92-94 , Gloucester-road . South Kensington , S . W .
^ 4 * LUND & BLOCKLEY , . ¦ CQS' r \ r Watdi & Clock Manufacturers to the Queen < £ V > XV and ^ i ' family-* ^ O ^ Keylc ^ snnlf-ClironoineterWntclies . Tni'rctand C ' y > j . ^ Cluireli Cloekfi , I ' atent Cliiiiiilit , ' . Muelrines . 1 * pf *& Chiinlnu Clucks , House Clotlis . < y C \ y" fl ' ateli and Clock Manufacturers to tire Ad-. *& . '' ry * ' luiralty , lloyal Ucofrrapliieal Society , Wa-AK _ A > " ^ Olllee , India Oovernincnt . CJV " O 42 , PALL MALL , LONDON , S . W . ; and Bampart Bow , Bombay . ~ FUNERAL REFORM . Simnlv . Kevereut . iiiiil luespelisivc Funerals , explanatory 1 'alunliH gratis . LONDON NECROPOLIS CO ., 2 1 . ASCASTBH VLAOB , STUAUn , W . C . PATENT EARTH TO EABTH PERISHABLE COFFINS . . . D U E R , / * *? 146 , NEW BOND ST ., W ., / ^ y ( Established 1749 J , A BREAD AND BISCUIT BAKERS , - — / Vans toali parts Daily . Ilimpcrs packed ^" l / and sent to all parts of the Country with V ' FRENCH AND VIENNA FANCY E 0 LLS AND BREAD ;
g HOBBS , HART & COMPANY g 76 & 77 , Cheapside , London . oj Maters lo Her Majesty . t / J Jl By Special Appointment , A . D . May 13 th , 1876 . rj *•* "Strong Rooms , Doors , Locks , and Safes , " ' z * To the Hank of lingland and its Branches . 2 Q QAA GUINEAS REWARD . w ^ C ^ Vw / V ^/ II ., H . and Co . renew their offer from Q ^ January to June , iSSG , as at the Inter-^ national Hxhibition ' of 18 * 62 , also at I aris , 1 S 67 , and a ^ ain at Vienna , in 1 S 73 , to any person who could pick tf ) {/) their locks ( then and now en exhibit anil supplied to t £ KA the public ) with their Patent Combined Protectors , M *> ut l ^ e challenge then made was not accepted , O ^ although the locks were examined by several mechanics . Q O These were the only locks exhibited vender actual n > kJ challenge to pick . W PM N . li .-Skilled mechanics accepting the above offer arc expected to master Eight Lever Locks as a qualilirN cation , II ., II . and Co ., not being eligible to exhibit J * at the Inventions Exhibition , t 88 £ , again make the 2 above offer as a test of the non-pickability of their Q Combined Protector Locks , r ^ N . B . — It-LUsTRATKD LlST OK THK V . \ R' () US SKRIHS of W 5 Suites of Locks , Safes , & c , as designed for Palaces , £ IJanks , Hotels , Cottager , & c , on application . tfi Manufactories—ARLINGTON STREET , N .
METROPOLITAN FREE HOSPITAL , KINGSLAND ROAD . City Offices : 163 , Misliopsjjale Street Without , V .. C . The Committee earnestly AH'KAI . for FUNDS in AID of the NliW UUII . D 1 XG which is intended to supply the sorely needed want of 1 lospital accoiniiiodatioii in the North of London and for current expenses . Contributions will lie most thankfully received by the Hankers , . Messrs . Glyn , Mills , and Co ., 67 , Lombardstreet , K . C . ; by the Chairman , Joseph l ' Vy , Ksq ., 21 , Cresharn House , Old liroad-street , Ji . C . j and by GEORGE CROXTON , Secretary .
SCHWEPPE'S TABLE WATERS r SODA WATER . 3 s . 6 d . per Doz . ) POTASS WATER . ( Exclusive of Bottles . ) ] SELTZER WATER . ( . GINGER ALE . 4 s . 6 d . per doz . MALVERN SELTZER . Carriage Paid on Full and Empties to and from any address in the United Kingdom . "Fountain" Trade Mark on all Labels , and all Corks branded . A list of leading- Agents sent on application to J . SCHWEPPE & CO ., 51 , Berners-street , London . , Tlie Gold Medal Inventions Exhibition , 1885 Ay The Gold Medal of the Society of Arts , 1885 . /^ T The llepnrt upon the Stetmcay Pianos by the A . y ^ Musical Jury of the Inventions Exhibition was / j >^ higher than that of any other Maker . 4 r STEINWAY Grand AS" A * and Upright PIANOS ^ v » r ^ V Are "lc Cheapest becnusc the Best and Most < 5 > JsO Durable . ^ V CQ STEINWAY & SONS are the only Manufactu . ^ rers who make all the component parts of their OS * / l'ianoCortes exterior and interior ( includinR n > r / the t-wtinu of the lull Metal Frames ) , in their JV" / own Factories . fc Cr ' Descriptive Catalogues sent free on application . STEINWAY HALL , 15 & 17 , Lower Seymour Street , Portman Square , London , W .
THY I . BEASLEY'S BOOTS , BOOTS i And ensure Ease and Elegance , combined with ^^ TRITE PIT , BOOTS ! 28 , QUEEN VICTORIA ST . Sear the Mansion House ) . Specialities-Hawl-Sewii . Special Orders in ROOTS ' a few days . Large Stock to select from . wwiu . GoMModnl Awarded at the London International Exhibition , Crystal Palace , 1 SS » . ARTIFICIAL ? TEETH X ^ Such as have been found to be the most useful *> s \ nnd durable , SUFl'UKD by the actual maker * _/ i Vv * from is . 01 . cavh ; : \\\ uppur ov lower set from . Sir \ j VV * - Tl ! i - upwards . Teeth extracted by gas . War-^ V / . f ) ><> rented lo pive i » eri " ect satisfaction . No pain <* y * 1 y > - *> Siven . Advice fiw . Mr . STKNT , Dental r > j V ^ sitrjfeon , s Coventry Street , W ., and 5 . 'C , PuUiam _^\/ Uoad , S . W . Kstablished so yearn . Numerons r \ kviimonials amy )> o seen from ladies and gentlemen .
SPANISH FLY is the acting ingredient in ALEX . KOSS'S CANTHAIUDES . Itactsquickly in producing Hair on the Kace or Head , 3 s , 6 d ., 5 s . fid ., and ios . 6 d . ; sent post f r J 4 , 84 , or 144 stamps . —ROSS , sr , Lamb ' s Conduit-st ., London ( near the Foundling ) . Had of all Chemists . Established 18 J 0 . Tilbury'sWarehouses,.*%, MAHYLEBONE , LONDON ^ 0 * 1 ^ ( Oldest Store Warehouse for Storing ^ vV * -j , Furniture and Ho . isehold Effects , Plate , ^^ / V Luggage , & c . DRY MSTRlCr , HIGH ^< V" t > l > ABO \ "ETHAMESLEVEL , andrcstricted Ay > \ JT to storage purposes only , so avoiding many V ^ QiS * * risks . Office—EmvD . TIUJURV & Co ., 3 J , y Sr High-street , St . Marylebone , W .
CHARLES E . ALLEN , Ladies'andGentlemen'sBootMaker, 69 , JERMYW STREET , & Doors from St , James ' s Street , London , S . W . Prize Medals at the Great Exhibitions ot IS < I , 186 a and 1867 . The Gold Medal , 1870 . eTHAMPAGNl ^^ o ; ^00:\ ( \^ J ^ VJ ^^ - ^ 3 C 8 . per doz . *^ TVW VVIW * - - * ' A Trial Solicited . W Q VJ ^ >^ 19 , SWALLOW ST . < W ^ ^ " ^ PICCADILLY , LONDON , \ V . "V *
BRITISH EQUITABLE ASSURANCE COMPANY—4 Queen Street Place , London , E . C . CAPITAL—AyUARTER-OF-A-MILLION STERLING . MANAGING DIRECTOR AND ACTUARYWILLIAM SUTTON GOVER , Esq ., P . G . S ., P . M ., P . Z . Thirty-First Annual Report—May , 1886 , NEW BUSINESS . 1 , 97 2 Policies issued / or £ 402 , 812 New Premium Income 411 , 324 BUSINESS IN FORCE . 27 , 768 Policies , assuring £ 5 , 215 , 556 REVENUE OF THE YEAR . Premiums £ " 52 , 036 Interest , & c £ 43 , 107 •£ > 95 . " 43 ACCUMULATED FUND . Laid by in the year £ 72 , 452 Accumulated Fund on 31 st January , lSS 0 £ 1 , 083 , 415 Claims and Bonuses paid under Company ' s Policies £ 946 , 340 Average Reversionary Bonus for 30 years , about li per cent , per annum .