Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. ← Page 2 of 3 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 2 of 3 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 2 of 3 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
221 ; J . W . Taylor , P . M . 221 ; and Caseley , 625 . The lodge having been opened and the preliminary business transacted , the installation of Bro . Robert Walmsley Knowles as W . M . took place , the ceremony being performed by Bro . John Tunnah , Prov . G . Sec . The installation having been completed
the following officers were appointed and invested . Bros . Jame Pilkington , S . W . ; William Slater , J . . ; John Sharpies , Treas . ; G . P . Brockbank , P . M ., Sec . ; James Walker , S . D . ; W . Horrocks , J . D . ; Samuel Ishenvood , P . M ., Dir . of Cer . ; J . Walch , Org . ; R . K . Freeman , l . G . ; AV . Dawson , Tyler ; James Brown , J Martin Ruttcr and Samuel
Crowther , Stewards . A cordial vote of thanks was presented to the retiring Master , Bro . T . H . Winder , for his valuable services in the chair during the past year . Hearty good wishes were expressed by the visiting brethren , and the lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet
provided in excellent style by Mr . B . Almond . The cloth being drawn , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and heartily responded to , the proceedings of the evening being enlivened by glees , songs , & c , which were most efficiently rendered by a glee party consisting of Bros . Smith Dunville ,
AV . Dunville , and Lovatt ; Bro . AValch presiding at the organ . The lodge has in the course of the past year obtained a warrant from the Grand Master authorizing its members to wear a centenary jewel , the lodge having been established in Bolton in the
year 1732 and has continued to meet in Bolton ever since . Within the last few weeks the Freemasons ' Hall , where the meetings of the lodge are held , has been re-decorated , and its appearance certainly reflects great credit on . all concerned in carrying out the embellishment .
HULL . —HumbcrLodge , No . 57 . —The installation of the W . M . ( Bro . R . t . Vivian ) took place on St . John ' s Day , the Installing Master being the D . P . G . M ., Dr . Bell . After the ceremony the brethren partook of a sumptous banquet in the lodge , which was served in an admirable manner
by Bro . Peacock . The following is the list of officers for the ensuing year , notprevioi ^ ly mentioned : Bros . W . Tesseyman , I . P . M . ; James AValker , S . W ' . ; Jonathan West , J . W . ; Henry Preston , S . W . ; Richard Boggett , J . D . ; John Hudson , D . C . ; Morris Haberland , Lecture Master ; Edward Kidd , l . G . ;
and W . Bernard , Librarian . We have not sufficient space togive anything like a report of theinstallation ceremony , but must this week simply confine ourselves to a notification of the fact . Bro . Vivian , the present W . M ., seems to be thoioughly in earnest
regarding all his duties , and having had so good a Masonic example in his predecessor , we believe this lodge will have good reason to rejoice in its selection of a Master . Active prcpar . v ions are now being made for the annual ball , which is always an event of considerable importance in this locality .
PRESTON . —unanimity Lodge , No . 11 3 . — On Monday se ' nnight Bro . Thomas Nevett was installed AV . M . of the Lodge Unanimity , No . 113 , at the Bull and Royal Hotel , Bio . H . Steib , P . M ., ably officiating as the Installing Master . The following members of the lodge were chosen to the
subordinate offices : Bros . Sumner , S . W . ; Barnes , J . W . ; Fryer , P . M ., Treas . ; Hunt , Sec . ; Capt . Lockhart , S . D . ; Townsend , J . D . ; T . Jackson , l . G . ; Steib , and Ellis , Stewards ; Bro . A . McCarter , Tyler . The banquet was served under the personal superintendence of Bro . Townsend , and was of a recherche
description . Bro . Nevett , the newly-installed AV . M ., occupied the chair , and was supported on the left by Bros . Col . Bircha !! . P . P . G . J . W . tt ' est Lancashire ; J . J . Greaves , P . M . ; Fryer , P . M . ; Johnston , P . M . ; Whitehead , P . M . ; Whiteside , P . M . ; and on the right by Bros . Steib , P . M . : Dr . Smith , P . M . ; AV .
Heaps , AV . M . ; Ward , AA ' . M . ; and Worsley , AV . M . Altogether about sixty of the brethren sat down to the banquet . The loyal and patriotic toasts were cordially given , and amongst others were the following : " The Most Hon . the Marquis of Ripon , M . AA' . G . M ., " " The Earl of Carnarvon ,
M . W . D . G . M ., and the Grand Officers ; " " Sir T . G . Fermor-Hesketh , Bart ., M . P ., R . W . P . G . M ., AVest Lancashire , Lord Skelmcrscla'lc , D . P . G . M ., and the P . G . Officers of West Lancashire , past and present ;" " Bro . Nevett , AV . M . ; " "Bio . Greaves , I . P . M ., and
Past Officers ; " " Bro . Steib , Installing Master ;" "The officers of the lodge ; " "The P . M . ' s and Treasurer of the lodge ; " " The Masonic Charities ;" and " To all poor and distressed Masons , and a speedy relief to them . "
SOUTHAMPTON . —Royal Gloucester Lodge , No 130 . —St . John ' s Day was celebrated by this lodge , when Bro . J . N . Poccck was installed AV . M . in ancient foim in the presence of a considerable number of the Fraternity . The ceremony of
installation was performed by the out-going Master Bro . Le Fcuvre , P . G . Sec . Hants , and Isle of Wight , after which the following were appointed and invested as officers for the ensuing year : Bros . W . H . Precce , S . W . ; G . A . L . Brown , J . W . ; H . Abraham , Treas . ; E . Booth , Sec . ; J . B . Thomas , S . D . ; R , Sharp ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
J . D ., and 0 . ; Kenneth AAHlson , l . G . Bro . Le Feuvre was also invested as I . P . M . The brethren dined together in the evening , as usual on this occasion . The mode in which the beautiful ceremony of installation was rendered drew forth very high commendations from a large assembly of old
Masons who were present , and a very special vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Le Feuvre , the Installing Master , for the same . The proceedings on this occasion were of unusual interest , the lodge just entering on its centenary year , its meetings having been held without the omission of a single month
from the 12 th January , 1772 , and its warrant , signed by the Duke of Athol , bears date 22 nd April in the same year . A very special celebration of the interesting event is to take place in the ensuing spring , and in the after-dinner speeches many pleasing references were made to the long and happy days of the Royal Gloucester Lodge .
SimiouTH . —Perseverance Lodge , No . 164 . — The installation meeting of this lodge was held at the London Hotel , Sidmouth , on AVednesday week . There was a good muster of the brethren . The installation ceremony was ablv performed by Bro . Hodge , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D ' ., 30 ° ' who placed Bro .
Keyworth in the chair for the ensuing year . The new AV . M . appointed the following officers : —Rev . N . Clark , I . P . M . ; J . A . Orchard , S . AV . ; J . Dawc . J . AAf . ; M . Mitchell , S . D . ; J . Barber , J . D . ; S . Commings , Sec . ; Perryman , l . G . ; Prout , O . G . ; W . H . Warne , Org . The AV . M . then initiated a
brother into the mysteries of Freemasonry in a most finished manner , ably supported by his new officers . After the close of the lodge the brethren adjourned to a banquet provided for them by Bro . Rogers , to which they did ample justice . Besides the brethren mentioned above , the following were
present ; Bros . Reed , P . P . G . S . B . Somerset ; Dr . Mackenzie , P . M . 372 , P . P . S . G . D . 30 ; B . B . Bastin , P . M . 106 ; Captain W . E . Hare , W . M . 372 ; Pile , P . M . ; Northcott , P . M . ; Hook , Halse , Evans , Bamfylde , 847 ; Hussey , S 47 ; Bunker , Hill , Harwood , 372 ; Rogers , AA'hcaton , Carter , Sharland , & c .
LEICESTER . —St . Joint ' s Lodge , No . 279 . —The brethren commemorated their anniversary and installation meeting 011 the 3 rd instant , at the Freemasons' Hall , Leicester . The lodge was opened at 5 o ' clock p . m ., by Bro . Stretton , AV . M ., assisted by Bros . E . J . Crow , AV . M .-elcct ; j . M . McAllister
J . AV . ; R . AV . AViddowson , Sec . ; AV . AVeare , Treas . ; A . Palmer , S . D . ; J . AV . Smith , J . D . ; and W . T . Rowlctt , l . G . Amongst those present were the R . W . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Kelly ; Bros . E . Gosling , K . A . Barber , R . Blanklcy , H . Deanc ( P . P . G . J . W . ' ) , L . L . Atwood , C . E . Stretton , S . N . Statham , A \ .
Wilkinson , C . Gulden , G . Snnter , and other members of the lodge ; and as visitors , Bros . G . Toller , P . G . S . ; Rev . " Dr . Haycroft , P . P . G . C . ; G . B . Atkins , E . Mace , A . Sergeant , C . Tebbut , W . R . Bryan ( 1007 ) , II . James ( 1007 ) , J . B . II . Fletcher ( 1031 ) , II . Hitchman ( 455 ) , and others . The
minutes of the previous regular meeting , and also of a Lodge of Emergency , were read and confirmed . The much-esteemed R . \ A . Prov . Grand Master , Bro . Kelly , on entering the lodge , was received with grand honours , in expression of the sympathy of the brethren fur his recent indisposition , and ,
though he still suffers from its effects , he cheerfully obeyed the summons to the annual festival of the lodge for the 34 th time , having been initiated in 1838 . How comparatively few imitate the fervency and zeal of this worthy brother in the interests of the Craft . The Treasurer , Bro . Wcare , P . M ., read
an abstract ot the year ' s accounts , showing the financial position of the lodge to be highly satisfactory , lie received the cordial thanks of lie brethren for his past services , and was unanimously re-elected to the office of Treasurer . Other business before the meeting having been disposed of ,
and a candidate balloted for , Bro . E . J . Crow was duly installed Worshipful Master of St . John ' s Lodge , No . 262 , the R . W . Provincial Grand Master conducting the ceremony , assisted by Bro . Toller . P . M ., P . G . S ., as Director of Ceremonies , and Bro . Rowlctt presidingat the organ . The newly-installed
W . M . then proceeded 10 invest his officers as follows : Bros . Stretton , I . P . M . ; E . Gosling , S . W . : R . AV . AViddowson , J . W . ; William Wca ' re , P . M .. Treas . ; J . M . McAllister , Sec . ; J . W . Smith , S . D . ; J . Halford . J . D . ; R . A . Barber , l . G , ; S . N .
Statham and AV . We . ire , Stewards ; and R .. AV . AViddowson and J . M . McAllister , members of the Hall Committee . It was unanimously resolved to devote a sum of money to a Masonic Charily in the name of the I . P . M ., Bro . Stretton , in token of the appreciation of the genial and he . irty manner in which he had discharged the duties of the chair
during the past year . The cordial thanks of the brethren were also recorded 10 liro . Widdowson for his efficient and valuable services as Secretary to the lodge during the past year . Tile candidate for initiation having been admitted in due form , the newly-installed Master impressively completed the ceremony , and , figuratively speaking , placed his
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
first stone in the N . E . in such a masterly and workmanlike manner as , subsequently , to call forth high enconiums from the Rev . Dr . Haycroft , and other eminent brethren who were present . After expressions of hearty good wishes ( per Bro . Widdowson ) from Bro . AA . j / Hughan , P . P . G . S . Cornwall , Hon .
Member , and the representatives of Lodges 1031 , 100 7 , and 523 , the lodge was closed in harmony , and about forty brethren sat down to the banquet . This part of the evening ' s enjoyment was considerably enlivened by the songs of the Worshipful Master , Bros . Atwood , Deanc , Palmer , Gurden ,
Cleaver , AVeare , Mace , and Rowlctt , who al > o presided at the piano , and on the warm reception of the toast of "The Health of the Prince of AVales , " he conducted the enthusiastic rendering by the brethren ( standing ) of the beautiful song , " God bless the Prince of AA ales , " appropriate to the toast .
TEIGNMOUTH . — Benevolent Lodge , 1 Y 0 . 303 . — The installation meeting of this lodge took place at the Masonic Hall , on the 1 st instant . The lodge having been opened by the AV . M ., Bro . G . N . Burden , and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed , the AV . M ., in a very excellent
manner , initiated Mr . J . Payne . Bro . H . AA ^ alrond , P . M . and P . P . G . S . AV . Devon , took the chair as Installing Master , and Bro . F . C . Hallett , the AV . M .-elect , was presented to him for the benefitof installation , which was conferred on him in a very impressive wav . The new AV . M . selected and
invested as his officers : Bros . J . S . Short , S . AV . ; J . Roach , J . W . ; C . H . Callings , S . D . ; R . Pcrrvman , J . D . ; F . Duff , l . G . ; F . Toms , Sec ; J . AVhidborne , Treas . ; and P . Haggcrty , Tyler . The usual addresses were delivered to the newlyappointed officers by the Installing Master in a
most able manner , after which Bro . P . M . AValrond presented to the I . P . M .. Bro . G . N . Burden , a very handsome 18-carat gold Past Master ' s jewel , that had been subscribed for by the brethren of the lodge , and bears the following inscription : " Presented to Bro . G . N . Burden , P . M ., by the brethren
of Benevolent Lodge , No . 303 , as an acknowledgment of his valuable and untiring services as Worshipful Master for the year 1 S 70-71 . " The jewel is very massive , and the workmanship of the finest description ; it was manufactured by Bro . George Kenning , Little Britain . Bro . G . N . Burden
acknowledged the gift in an appropriate speech . The AV . M . then closed the lodge in due form , and the brethren proceeded to Bro . Calling ' s , Royal Hotel , where a very excellent banquet had been prepared . It was the first held at that hotel , and
reflected great credit on the proprietor . The AV . M . presided , supported by several Past Masters and visitors . The usual Masonic toasts were proposed , several very excellent songs were sung , and amort pleasant evening spent , the brethren being all well pleased with the arrangements of the evening .
STOCKPORT . —Lodife of Concord , No . 323 . —The members of this lodge had a very enjoyable reunion on Wednesday , the 201 I 1 ult ., the occasion being the Festival of St . John and installation of Bro . John Cuppleditch . The brethren met at the Golden Ball , Market-place , at half-past 2 o ' clock ,
and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The AV . M . initiated two gentlemen into the mysteries of ancient Freemasonry , and then opened the lodge into the second degree . The gavel was placed in the hands of Bro . John Beresford , P . M . 104 , who had kindly consented to
act as Installing Master , and who conducted the ceremonies in a manner highly gratifying to the brethren present . The duties of S . W . were undertaken by Bro . John Swindells , P . A . G . C , and those of J . W . by Bro . Henry Howard , P . P . G . A . D . C . The new AV . M . then appointed the following brethren as
his officers during the ensuing year : Bros . Thomas Brookes , I . P . M . ; J . H . Tatton , S . AV . ; J . Slack , J . AV . ; J . Helm , S . D . ; J . Hill , J . D . ; J . Spedding , l . G . ; and C . Saxty , Tyler . Hearty good wishes having been given by a number of visiting brethren , the lodge was closed in peace and harmony at
halfpast live o ' clock . The brethren , numbering upwards of forty , immediately afterwards sat down . to a most excellent banquet . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to in the most hearty manner possible , Bro . Howard acting as D . C , and a very agreeable evening was spent .
BuDLEicii SAL'I'ERTON . —Lodge of Harmony , No . 372 . —A meeting of this lodge was held at the Rollc Arms Hotel , on January 2 nd , when the AV . M .-elect , Bro . AVebb Elphinston Stone , Commander R . A ., was presented by Bro . Scott , P . M . 372 , and installed as AV . M . for the ensuing year by Bro . T . Ingleby Mackenzie , P . M . 372 ,
P . P . S . G . D ., in accordar . ee with ancient forms and customs . The ceremony was most impressively performed , after which tl . e following were appointed officers : Bros . AVilliam Knott , S . W . ; Robeit Tucker Pain , J . W . ; G . orge Ware , S . D . ; B . B . Bastin , jun ., J . D . ; Frederick Sowdon , l . G . ; A . Freeman , Sec . ; Robert Tucker Pain , Treas . :
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
221 ; J . W . Taylor , P . M . 221 ; and Caseley , 625 . The lodge having been opened and the preliminary business transacted , the installation of Bro . Robert Walmsley Knowles as W . M . took place , the ceremony being performed by Bro . John Tunnah , Prov . G . Sec . The installation having been completed
the following officers were appointed and invested . Bros . Jame Pilkington , S . W . ; William Slater , J . . ; John Sharpies , Treas . ; G . P . Brockbank , P . M ., Sec . ; James Walker , S . D . ; W . Horrocks , J . D . ; Samuel Ishenvood , P . M ., Dir . of Cer . ; J . Walch , Org . ; R . K . Freeman , l . G . ; AV . Dawson , Tyler ; James Brown , J Martin Ruttcr and Samuel
Crowther , Stewards . A cordial vote of thanks was presented to the retiring Master , Bro . T . H . Winder , for his valuable services in the chair during the past year . Hearty good wishes were expressed by the visiting brethren , and the lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet
provided in excellent style by Mr . B . Almond . The cloth being drawn , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and heartily responded to , the proceedings of the evening being enlivened by glees , songs , & c , which were most efficiently rendered by a glee party consisting of Bros . Smith Dunville ,
AV . Dunville , and Lovatt ; Bro . AValch presiding at the organ . The lodge has in the course of the past year obtained a warrant from the Grand Master authorizing its members to wear a centenary jewel , the lodge having been established in Bolton in the
year 1732 and has continued to meet in Bolton ever since . Within the last few weeks the Freemasons ' Hall , where the meetings of the lodge are held , has been re-decorated , and its appearance certainly reflects great credit on . all concerned in carrying out the embellishment .
HULL . —HumbcrLodge , No . 57 . —The installation of the W . M . ( Bro . R . t . Vivian ) took place on St . John ' s Day , the Installing Master being the D . P . G . M ., Dr . Bell . After the ceremony the brethren partook of a sumptous banquet in the lodge , which was served in an admirable manner
by Bro . Peacock . The following is the list of officers for the ensuing year , notprevioi ^ ly mentioned : Bros . W . Tesseyman , I . P . M . ; James AValker , S . W ' . ; Jonathan West , J . W . ; Henry Preston , S . W . ; Richard Boggett , J . D . ; John Hudson , D . C . ; Morris Haberland , Lecture Master ; Edward Kidd , l . G . ;
and W . Bernard , Librarian . We have not sufficient space togive anything like a report of theinstallation ceremony , but must this week simply confine ourselves to a notification of the fact . Bro . Vivian , the present W . M ., seems to be thoioughly in earnest
regarding all his duties , and having had so good a Masonic example in his predecessor , we believe this lodge will have good reason to rejoice in its selection of a Master . Active prcpar . v ions are now being made for the annual ball , which is always an event of considerable importance in this locality .
PRESTON . —unanimity Lodge , No . 11 3 . — On Monday se ' nnight Bro . Thomas Nevett was installed AV . M . of the Lodge Unanimity , No . 113 , at the Bull and Royal Hotel , Bio . H . Steib , P . M ., ably officiating as the Installing Master . The following members of the lodge were chosen to the
subordinate offices : Bros . Sumner , S . W . ; Barnes , J . W . ; Fryer , P . M ., Treas . ; Hunt , Sec . ; Capt . Lockhart , S . D . ; Townsend , J . D . ; T . Jackson , l . G . ; Steib , and Ellis , Stewards ; Bro . A . McCarter , Tyler . The banquet was served under the personal superintendence of Bro . Townsend , and was of a recherche
description . Bro . Nevett , the newly-installed AV . M ., occupied the chair , and was supported on the left by Bros . Col . Bircha !! . P . P . G . J . W . tt ' est Lancashire ; J . J . Greaves , P . M . ; Fryer , P . M . ; Johnston , P . M . ; Whitehead , P . M . ; Whiteside , P . M . ; and on the right by Bros . Steib , P . M . : Dr . Smith , P . M . ; AV .
Heaps , AV . M . ; Ward , AA ' . M . ; and Worsley , AV . M . Altogether about sixty of the brethren sat down to the banquet . The loyal and patriotic toasts were cordially given , and amongst others were the following : " The Most Hon . the Marquis of Ripon , M . AA' . G . M ., " " The Earl of Carnarvon ,
M . W . D . G . M ., and the Grand Officers ; " " Sir T . G . Fermor-Hesketh , Bart ., M . P ., R . W . P . G . M ., AVest Lancashire , Lord Skelmcrscla'lc , D . P . G . M ., and the P . G . Officers of West Lancashire , past and present ;" " Bro . Nevett , AV . M . ; " "Bio . Greaves , I . P . M ., and
Past Officers ; " " Bro . Steib , Installing Master ;" "The officers of the lodge ; " "The P . M . ' s and Treasurer of the lodge ; " " The Masonic Charities ;" and " To all poor and distressed Masons , and a speedy relief to them . "
SOUTHAMPTON . —Royal Gloucester Lodge , No 130 . —St . John ' s Day was celebrated by this lodge , when Bro . J . N . Poccck was installed AV . M . in ancient foim in the presence of a considerable number of the Fraternity . The ceremony of
installation was performed by the out-going Master Bro . Le Fcuvre , P . G . Sec . Hants , and Isle of Wight , after which the following were appointed and invested as officers for the ensuing year : Bros . W . H . Precce , S . W . ; G . A . L . Brown , J . W . ; H . Abraham , Treas . ; E . Booth , Sec . ; J . B . Thomas , S . D . ; R , Sharp ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
J . D ., and 0 . ; Kenneth AAHlson , l . G . Bro . Le Feuvre was also invested as I . P . M . The brethren dined together in the evening , as usual on this occasion . The mode in which the beautiful ceremony of installation was rendered drew forth very high commendations from a large assembly of old
Masons who were present , and a very special vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Le Feuvre , the Installing Master , for the same . The proceedings on this occasion were of unusual interest , the lodge just entering on its centenary year , its meetings having been held without the omission of a single month
from the 12 th January , 1772 , and its warrant , signed by the Duke of Athol , bears date 22 nd April in the same year . A very special celebration of the interesting event is to take place in the ensuing spring , and in the after-dinner speeches many pleasing references were made to the long and happy days of the Royal Gloucester Lodge .
SimiouTH . —Perseverance Lodge , No . 164 . — The installation meeting of this lodge was held at the London Hotel , Sidmouth , on AVednesday week . There was a good muster of the brethren . The installation ceremony was ablv performed by Bro . Hodge , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D ' ., 30 ° ' who placed Bro .
Keyworth in the chair for the ensuing year . The new AV . M . appointed the following officers : —Rev . N . Clark , I . P . M . ; J . A . Orchard , S . AV . ; J . Dawc . J . AAf . ; M . Mitchell , S . D . ; J . Barber , J . D . ; S . Commings , Sec . ; Perryman , l . G . ; Prout , O . G . ; W . H . Warne , Org . The AV . M . then initiated a
brother into the mysteries of Freemasonry in a most finished manner , ably supported by his new officers . After the close of the lodge the brethren adjourned to a banquet provided for them by Bro . Rogers , to which they did ample justice . Besides the brethren mentioned above , the following were
present ; Bros . Reed , P . P . G . S . B . Somerset ; Dr . Mackenzie , P . M . 372 , P . P . S . G . D . 30 ; B . B . Bastin , P . M . 106 ; Captain W . E . Hare , W . M . 372 ; Pile , P . M . ; Northcott , P . M . ; Hook , Halse , Evans , Bamfylde , 847 ; Hussey , S 47 ; Bunker , Hill , Harwood , 372 ; Rogers , AA'hcaton , Carter , Sharland , & c .
LEICESTER . —St . Joint ' s Lodge , No . 279 . —The brethren commemorated their anniversary and installation meeting 011 the 3 rd instant , at the Freemasons' Hall , Leicester . The lodge was opened at 5 o ' clock p . m ., by Bro . Stretton , AV . M ., assisted by Bros . E . J . Crow , AV . M .-elcct ; j . M . McAllister
J . AV . ; R . AV . AViddowson , Sec . ; AV . AVeare , Treas . ; A . Palmer , S . D . ; J . AV . Smith , J . D . ; and W . T . Rowlctt , l . G . Amongst those present were the R . W . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Kelly ; Bros . E . Gosling , K . A . Barber , R . Blanklcy , H . Deanc ( P . P . G . J . W . ' ) , L . L . Atwood , C . E . Stretton , S . N . Statham , A \ .
Wilkinson , C . Gulden , G . Snnter , and other members of the lodge ; and as visitors , Bros . G . Toller , P . G . S . ; Rev . " Dr . Haycroft , P . P . G . C . ; G . B . Atkins , E . Mace , A . Sergeant , C . Tebbut , W . R . Bryan ( 1007 ) , II . James ( 1007 ) , J . B . II . Fletcher ( 1031 ) , II . Hitchman ( 455 ) , and others . The
minutes of the previous regular meeting , and also of a Lodge of Emergency , were read and confirmed . The much-esteemed R . \ A . Prov . Grand Master , Bro . Kelly , on entering the lodge , was received with grand honours , in expression of the sympathy of the brethren fur his recent indisposition , and ,
though he still suffers from its effects , he cheerfully obeyed the summons to the annual festival of the lodge for the 34 th time , having been initiated in 1838 . How comparatively few imitate the fervency and zeal of this worthy brother in the interests of the Craft . The Treasurer , Bro . Wcare , P . M ., read
an abstract ot the year ' s accounts , showing the financial position of the lodge to be highly satisfactory , lie received the cordial thanks of lie brethren for his past services , and was unanimously re-elected to the office of Treasurer . Other business before the meeting having been disposed of ,
and a candidate balloted for , Bro . E . J . Crow was duly installed Worshipful Master of St . John ' s Lodge , No . 262 , the R . W . Provincial Grand Master conducting the ceremony , assisted by Bro . Toller . P . M ., P . G . S ., as Director of Ceremonies , and Bro . Rowlctt presidingat the organ . The newly-installed
W . M . then proceeded 10 invest his officers as follows : Bros . Stretton , I . P . M . ; E . Gosling , S . W . : R . AV . AViddowson , J . W . ; William Wca ' re , P . M .. Treas . ; J . M . McAllister , Sec . ; J . W . Smith , S . D . ; J . Halford . J . D . ; R . A . Barber , l . G , ; S . N .
Statham and AV . We . ire , Stewards ; and R .. AV . AViddowson and J . M . McAllister , members of the Hall Committee . It was unanimously resolved to devote a sum of money to a Masonic Charily in the name of the I . P . M ., Bro . Stretton , in token of the appreciation of the genial and he . irty manner in which he had discharged the duties of the chair
during the past year . The cordial thanks of the brethren were also recorded 10 liro . Widdowson for his efficient and valuable services as Secretary to the lodge during the past year . Tile candidate for initiation having been admitted in due form , the newly-installed Master impressively completed the ceremony , and , figuratively speaking , placed his
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
first stone in the N . E . in such a masterly and workmanlike manner as , subsequently , to call forth high enconiums from the Rev . Dr . Haycroft , and other eminent brethren who were present . After expressions of hearty good wishes ( per Bro . Widdowson ) from Bro . AA . j / Hughan , P . P . G . S . Cornwall , Hon .
Member , and the representatives of Lodges 1031 , 100 7 , and 523 , the lodge was closed in harmony , and about forty brethren sat down to the banquet . This part of the evening ' s enjoyment was considerably enlivened by the songs of the Worshipful Master , Bros . Atwood , Deanc , Palmer , Gurden ,
Cleaver , AVeare , Mace , and Rowlctt , who al > o presided at the piano , and on the warm reception of the toast of "The Health of the Prince of AVales , " he conducted the enthusiastic rendering by the brethren ( standing ) of the beautiful song , " God bless the Prince of AA ales , " appropriate to the toast .
TEIGNMOUTH . — Benevolent Lodge , 1 Y 0 . 303 . — The installation meeting of this lodge took place at the Masonic Hall , on the 1 st instant . The lodge having been opened by the AV . M ., Bro . G . N . Burden , and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed , the AV . M ., in a very excellent
manner , initiated Mr . J . Payne . Bro . H . AA ^ alrond , P . M . and P . P . G . S . AV . Devon , took the chair as Installing Master , and Bro . F . C . Hallett , the AV . M .-elect , was presented to him for the benefitof installation , which was conferred on him in a very impressive wav . The new AV . M . selected and
invested as his officers : Bros . J . S . Short , S . AV . ; J . Roach , J . W . ; C . H . Callings , S . D . ; R . Pcrrvman , J . D . ; F . Duff , l . G . ; F . Toms , Sec ; J . AVhidborne , Treas . ; and P . Haggcrty , Tyler . The usual addresses were delivered to the newlyappointed officers by the Installing Master in a
most able manner , after which Bro . P . M . AValrond presented to the I . P . M .. Bro . G . N . Burden , a very handsome 18-carat gold Past Master ' s jewel , that had been subscribed for by the brethren of the lodge , and bears the following inscription : " Presented to Bro . G . N . Burden , P . M ., by the brethren
of Benevolent Lodge , No . 303 , as an acknowledgment of his valuable and untiring services as Worshipful Master for the year 1 S 70-71 . " The jewel is very massive , and the workmanship of the finest description ; it was manufactured by Bro . George Kenning , Little Britain . Bro . G . N . Burden
acknowledged the gift in an appropriate speech . The AV . M . then closed the lodge in due form , and the brethren proceeded to Bro . Calling ' s , Royal Hotel , where a very excellent banquet had been prepared . It was the first held at that hotel , and
reflected great credit on the proprietor . The AV . M . presided , supported by several Past Masters and visitors . The usual Masonic toasts were proposed , several very excellent songs were sung , and amort pleasant evening spent , the brethren being all well pleased with the arrangements of the evening .
STOCKPORT . —Lodife of Concord , No . 323 . —The members of this lodge had a very enjoyable reunion on Wednesday , the 201 I 1 ult ., the occasion being the Festival of St . John and installation of Bro . John Cuppleditch . The brethren met at the Golden Ball , Market-place , at half-past 2 o ' clock ,
and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The AV . M . initiated two gentlemen into the mysteries of ancient Freemasonry , and then opened the lodge into the second degree . The gavel was placed in the hands of Bro . John Beresford , P . M . 104 , who had kindly consented to
act as Installing Master , and who conducted the ceremonies in a manner highly gratifying to the brethren present . The duties of S . W . were undertaken by Bro . John Swindells , P . A . G . C , and those of J . W . by Bro . Henry Howard , P . P . G . A . D . C . The new AV . M . then appointed the following brethren as
his officers during the ensuing year : Bros . Thomas Brookes , I . P . M . ; J . H . Tatton , S . AV . ; J . Slack , J . AV . ; J . Helm , S . D . ; J . Hill , J . D . ; J . Spedding , l . G . ; and C . Saxty , Tyler . Hearty good wishes having been given by a number of visiting brethren , the lodge was closed in peace and harmony at
halfpast live o ' clock . The brethren , numbering upwards of forty , immediately afterwards sat down . to a most excellent banquet . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to in the most hearty manner possible , Bro . Howard acting as D . C , and a very agreeable evening was spent .
BuDLEicii SAL'I'ERTON . —Lodge of Harmony , No . 372 . —A meeting of this lodge was held at the Rollc Arms Hotel , on January 2 nd , when the AV . M .-elect , Bro . AVebb Elphinston Stone , Commander R . A ., was presented by Bro . Scott , P . M . 372 , and installed as AV . M . for the ensuing year by Bro . T . Ingleby Mackenzie , P . M . 372 ,
P . P . S . G . D ., in accordar . ee with ancient forms and customs . The ceremony was most impressively performed , after which tl . e following were appointed officers : Bros . AVilliam Knott , S . W . ; Robeit Tucker Pain , J . W . ; G . orge Ware , S . D . ; B . B . Bastin , jun ., J . D . ; Frederick Sowdon , l . G . ; A . Freeman , Sec . ; Robert Tucker Pain , Treas . :