Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. ← Page 3 of 3 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 3 of 3 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 3 of 3 Article ORDERS OF CHIVALRY. Page 1 of 1 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
AVilliam Pratt , T . ; Pidsley and Martin , Stewards . About 40 brethren attended . After the ceremony the brethren attended a sumptuous banquet , provided by Bro . John Harwood , and served in his usual generous style .
BERWICK-ON-TWEED . —Lodge St . David , No 393 . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday evening , the 2 nd inst ., in the lodgeroom , Church-street , Berwick-on-Twecd . There was a large attendance of brethren . Two initiates for uvthcr participation in the privileges of the
Craft were raised to the dignity of Master Masons , and some lodge business was thereafter transacted , two brethren being proposed for initiation , and five for affiliation . The lodge having been closed , the AV . M ., Bro . C . I . Paton , invited the brethren to
partake of refreshment , consisting of champagne and choice preserved fruits . Upwards of thirty brethren accepted the AV . M . ' s generous invitation , and a couple of hours were spent very pleasantly in pledging toasts , recitations , singing of songs , & c .
CAMBRIDGE . —Lodge of the . Three Grand Principles , A o . 441 . —The installation meeting of this prosperous lodge was held at the Red Lion Hotel on Monday , istinst . Bro . A . F . Donagan , P . G . J . D ., AA . M ., presided , and , after having opened the lodge in due and ancient form , raised Bro . John Sheldrick
to the degree of M . M ., and passed Bros . F . AV . Metcalfe and C . T . Metcalfe to that of F . C . The Auditors' report was then read and adopted , the balance-sheet showing a handsimesum in the hands of the Treasurer after payment of all accounts . The AV . M . then vacated the chair in favour of the
Installing Master , to whom he then presented Bro . A . M . Robinson , S . W ., AV . M .-cIect , that he might receive the benefit of installation . Attcr the ceremony , which was admirably performed by Bro . J . Massey , P . M ., P . P . G . S . W ., the AV . M . appointed his officers for the ensuing year , as follow : Bros . A . F .
Donagan , I . P . M . ; F . Bailey , S . W . ; Y . Crawley , J . W . ; J . Vail , P . G . S . W ., Sec . ( reappointed ) ; W . Lawrence , S . D . ; G . Barber , J . D . ; j . Youngman , l . G . ; J . Hammond , D . C ; J . Massey , P . M ., P . P . G . S . AV ., and R . Greef , P . M ., P . G . S . D ., Stewards ; G . AVilderspin , P . M ., P . P . G . P ., Organist . Bro . E .
Haggis , P . M ., P . P . G . J . W ., was unanimously reelected Treasurer . The lodge was then adjourned from labour to refreshment , when about 40 brethren down to an excellent banquet , after which the , AI ., in proposing the usual loyal toasts , gracefully / red to the domestic affliction under which her
Majesty and the Prince of AVales were suffering , and he hoped would speedily be removed from them . The brethren heartily joined in singing " God save the Queen , " and " God bless the Prince of AVales , " accompanied by the Organist , after the respective toasts . Several visiting brethren were paesent .
SOUTIIPORT . —Lodge of Unity , No . 613 . —This lodge held its regular monthly meeting at the Masonic Hall , on Wednesday , the 27 th ultimo . The minutes of the previous meeting having been confirmed , the Auditor ' s report was presented , showing the finances of the lodge to be in a very
satisfactory condition . A'treasurer and a Tyler were elected for the ensuing year . Bro . Thomas Parker was then duly installed in the chair , according to ancient custom , by Bro . AVm . Dodd , the retiring W . M ., assisted by Bro . J . Hamer , P . P . G . Treasurer AA . L . This is the first time the ceremony has been
performed by an I . P . M . of the lodge , and great praise is due to Bro . Dodd for the efficient manner in which he discharged his duties . The following were invested as officers for the next year : Bros . H . E . Cullingworth , S . W . ; T . P . Griffiths , J . W . ; T . Wainwright , Treas . ; G . bailey , Sec . ; T . S . Cory ,
S . D . ; W . B . Leemmg , J . D . ; J . Smallshaw , l . G . ; Jus . Piatt , P . M ., D . C ; J . Sutton , O . ; J . T . Melling , S . ; J . Merchant , S . ; Jas . Hartley , Tyler . Business ended , about forty brethren celebrated the Festival of St . John by a banquet at the Scarisbrick Hotel ,
served in admirable style by Bro . Watson , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were enthusiastically received , the proceedings being enlivened by songs . The brethren separated at an early hour after spending a most enjoyable evening .
LIVERPOOL . —Lverlon Lodge , No . S 23 . - The brethren of this highly-influential lodge were summoned to attend their Masonic duties on the evening of the 20 th ult ., at the Masonic Hall , Hopestreet , Liverpool . There was a very large attendance , Bro . Thomas D . Pierce , AV . M ., was in the
chair of honour , and was supported by the following officers and brethren : Bros . J . R . Goepel , P . M . ; Samuel Haynes , P . M . ; Holland , S . W . ; Wm . John Lunt , P . M ., and Treas . ; Joseph Sharpe , Sec . ; Wm . Cottrcll , S . D . ; Thos . Shaw , J . D . ; R . Stuart Carter , jun ., Org . ; Wm . AVilson , l . G . ; Alfred
T . Lowe , Steward ; AVm . Joseph Ball , T y ler ; James B . Jeffery , John Bishop , John Moulding , Henry Siinonds , John Duncan , jun ., Wm . Bird , George Lowther , Luke Bagnall , Charles Tyrer Thos . Richard Grundy , George Law , W . H . Cooper , R . Cox , R . Warriner , Elias II . G . Benedict , S . Miliikin , Joseph Boyle , Henry Hall , Wm . Robert Ashmore , W . F .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Johnson , Robert Casson , J . E . Hollis , Henry Ashmore , E . Morgan , T . B . Thompson , F . Tuft , W . Houlding , John Davies , J . Marshall , D . Callow , Alfred Penned , Richard Roberts , Arthur Strother , S . R . Wilde , Thos . Sharp , John White , Samuel H . Jones , J . C . Coates . Visitors : Bros . Charles H .
Hill . AV . M . 724 , 321 ; AVilliam Crane , 673 ; Henry James , AV . M . 203 ; James B . Mackenzie , AV . M . 349 ; Win . Henry Humby , 241 ; James T . Callow , S . W . 673 ; AVm . L . Clarke , AV . M . 1242 ; Edward Kyle , J . . ; John Duncan , 40 S . Mr . Joseph Garratt was initiated into the mysteries of the Order
in a most striking and effective manner by the AV . M ., and six other Apprentices were raised to the degree of F . C . At the banquet which followed , the AV . M ., in proposing the toast of "The Queen , " said It is the good fortune of the people of this country to be governed by a sovereign whose devotion to
her subjects , whose attachment to the principles of the constitution , whose domestic virtues and manynoble qualities have made her a bright example , and endeared her to all her people by the tenderest of loyalty and affection . The severe affliction with which the Royal family has recently been visited ,
has called forth expressions of deep sympathy and loyalty from all classes of the community , high and low , rich and poor , and in . my opinion these universal manifestations have clearly demonstrated not only our sincere attachment to the present occupant of the throne and her family , but likewise our keen
appreciation of the manifold blessings and advantages derived from our present system of national government . It is at all times a work of supererogation to dilate upon this toast , but especially on the present occasion surrounded as I am by members of an ancient Institution , equal if not superior to any
other society in the world in their allegiance to the sovereign of their native land . ( The toast was received with the greatest enthusiasm and musical honours . )—In giving the toast of " The Prince of AVales , " the AV . M . said : I rise with the greatest possible satisfaction to propose the next toast , that
of "Our Bro . PLR . H . the Prince of AVales , the Princess of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family . " I rejoice greatly that we have the privilege of drinking this toast upon the present occasion , for , but one short week ago , the life of our illustrious brother , the heir to the proudest monarchy in the
world , hung trembling in the balance and the despondent bulletins issued by his medical attendants , had led us to fear that there wasnohopeof his recovery , but happily for the nation the fatal blow was averted , and them now seems to be reasonable grounds for trusting that he will be spared to fulfil
the high and important duties awaiting him in the future , and if it should be the will of the G . A . O . T . U . in His great mercy to restore him to good health , I for one firmly believe that the Prince of AVales will provchimself worthy of his father , worthy of his mother , worthy of our Masonic Order , and
worthy of the realm over which lie will some day be called to ' reign . Of the Princess of AA ^ ales , we cannot speak in terms of too high admiration , she is known to us all as the very impersonation of all that is good , pure , and womanly , and recent events have tended to strengthen the bond of union
between her and those , I trust , I may call her future subjects . Brethren , I call upon you to receive diis toast with the utmost enthusiasm . —The call was responded to in a manner which showed both sympathy and loyalty after which the semi-national anthem , " God bless the Prince of Wales , " was
sung with the utmost heartiness . " Our Masonic Rulers , supreme and subordinate , " " Our A'isitors , " and "The Health of Bro . AV . Bird , " ( who had been prevented by illness from attending to his Masonic duties for some time ) , were amongst the other admirably proposed and happily responded to toasts .
LANCASTER . — Rowley Lodge , A o . 1051 . —The regular meeting of the Rowley Lodge for the celebration of the Festival of St . John the Evangelist and installation of the AVorshipful Master was held at the Masonic Rooms , Athenrcum , on Tuesday , 2 nd inst . Present : The I . P . M ., Bro . Hall , in the
chair ; Bros . Moore , G . S . B ., as I . P . M . ; J . Hatch , P . M . 281 , as S . AV . ; AVilson Barker , J . W . ; AV . J . Sly , S . D . ; J . Taylor , as J . D . ; E . Aircy , J . W . 281 , as l . G . ; R . Taylor , Tyler ; and other brethren . After other business had been transacted , Bro . J . L . Bradshaw , E . A ., duly received the degree of F . C .
from Bro . Hall , the acting AV . M . The chair having bacn assumed by Bro . Dr . Moore as Installing Officer , the W . M .-elect , Bro . W . Barker , J . ., was presented for installation by Past Masters AV . Hall and John Hatch . A Board of Installed Masters was then appointed , and Bro . Barker was duly installed in the chair of the lodge , and saluted by
the brethren . He then proceeded to invest the following officers ; Bros . AV . Hall , for Bro . Mercer , as I . P . M . ; W . J . Sly , S . W . ; E . A . Sail , LL . D ., JAV . ; Moore , Treas . and Sec . ; James Taylor , S . D . ; and R . Taylor , Tyler . The address to the AV . M . was delivered by tho Installing Officer , and those to the Wardens and brethren by Bro . J . Hatch , P . M . 281 .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
LIVERPOOL . —Fermor-Hesketh Lodge , No . 1350 . —This young , but highly-promising and prosperous lodge held its usual meeting on the 15 th ult ., at the Masonic Temple , Hope-street , Liverpool . Bro . J . Higson Johnston , AV . M ., was supported by the following officers : Bros . E . Harbord , P . M . and
Sec . ; James Ridley , S . AV . ; J . D . Crawford , J . W . ; S . Jones , S . D . ; A . Samuels , J . D . ; and Martin Browne , l . G . Amongst the visitors were Bros . T . Leighton , 605 and 1325 , Sec . ; R . Rillartin , 1094 and 249 ; C . H . Hill , P . M . 1276 and AV . M . 724 ; J . Walsh , S 3 ; J . Midgley , J . AV . 477 ; H . James , AV . M .
203 ; AV . Little , 477 ; J . Skeaf , W . M . 216 and P . G . O . ; J . G . Jacob , 1013 ; and J . W . Jones , P . M . 594 . After the lodge had been duly opened , and the minutes read and confirmed , the Rev . S . Topham , Mr . J . Bernheim , and Mr . W . H . Evans were initiated into the mysteries of the Order , the
ceremony being performed in a most impressive and effective manner by the AV . M . The second degree was given by him with equal efficiency to a duly-qualified brother . The presentation of a spirit case to the lodge by Bro . J . Griffiths , S . AV . 477 , and a J . D . ' s jewel by Bro . J . Midgley , J . W . 477 , was
then made , and suitably acknowledged . After the transaction of some formal business , the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Ball . During the evening the toasts of " The Queen " Jind " The Prince of AVales " were
proposed , and , in admirable speeches , the AVM . spoke of the loyalty towards her Majestyand the universal sympathy felt for their Royal brother during his illness . Both toasts were received and honoured with the greatest enthusiasm .
Orders Of Chivalry.
RED CROSS OF CONSTANTINE . METROPOLITAN . Plantagenet Conclave , No . 2 . —The regular meeting of this conclave was held on Monday , Sth inst ., at the Caledonian Hotel , Adelphi-terrace , Strand . Sir Kt . Thomas , M . P . S . ; Sir Kt . G . States , E . ;
Sir Kt . C . P . AVard , S . ; Sir . Kt . J . Boyd , P . S . ; and Sir Kt . Marsh , Recorder . The conclave was opened in due form , and the business of the evening was the election of Sovereign and Treasurer for the ensuing year . Sir Kt . G . States being next in rotation for the Sovereign ' s chair , declined to accept
office , and Sir Kt . Major Finney was elected . Sir Kt . C . P . AVard was unanimously elected to the chair of Eusebius . Sir Kt . Dicketts was elected as Treasurer , and Sir Kt . Gilbert as Sentinel . No further business being before the conclave , it was closed , and the Sir Knights adjourned to a recherche
supper , provided under the superintendence of the manager , Sir Kt . G . States , and every Sir Knight at the table expressed their satisfaction at the viands and wines provided . We had an opportunity of viewing the same evening the alterations being
made in the hotel by the considerable enlargement of the rooms for the purposes of Craft , chapters , and conclaves of Masons' meetings , under the direction of the enterprising manager , Sir Kt . George States .
* The Edinburgh Courant states that the Freemasons of Scotland have at present under consideration a proposal that the lodges throughout the country should band themselves together for
the extension and enlargement of the general scheme of Scottish Masonic benevolence . It is also proposed to take steps for the erection of lodge halls throughout the provinces .
Experience has shown that lodges meeting in halls of their own prosper more , and discharge the duties of Masonry better , than those which are obliged to meet in hotels and taverns . There are now on the Grand Lodge roll , in good working order , 3 87 lodges , with 24 , 140 members .
STORNOWAY . On Friday , the 27 th ult ., the brethren of Fortrose Lodge , No . 108 , assembled in their Hall at 11 a . m . The lodge being duly opened , the Treasurer ' s report for the past year was read and approved of , showing a clear balance , after deducting all incito the of the
dental expenses , of ^ 30 credit lodgereducing the debt on the Hall to ^ 111 . A vote of thanks was then recorded the Treasurer and Secretary for their faithful and satisfactory discharge of the duties appertaining to their offices . The usual
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
AVilliam Pratt , T . ; Pidsley and Martin , Stewards . About 40 brethren attended . After the ceremony the brethren attended a sumptuous banquet , provided by Bro . John Harwood , and served in his usual generous style .
BERWICK-ON-TWEED . —Lodge St . David , No 393 . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday evening , the 2 nd inst ., in the lodgeroom , Church-street , Berwick-on-Twecd . There was a large attendance of brethren . Two initiates for uvthcr participation in the privileges of the
Craft were raised to the dignity of Master Masons , and some lodge business was thereafter transacted , two brethren being proposed for initiation , and five for affiliation . The lodge having been closed , the AV . M ., Bro . C . I . Paton , invited the brethren to
partake of refreshment , consisting of champagne and choice preserved fruits . Upwards of thirty brethren accepted the AV . M . ' s generous invitation , and a couple of hours were spent very pleasantly in pledging toasts , recitations , singing of songs , & c .
CAMBRIDGE . —Lodge of the . Three Grand Principles , A o . 441 . —The installation meeting of this prosperous lodge was held at the Red Lion Hotel on Monday , istinst . Bro . A . F . Donagan , P . G . J . D ., AA . M ., presided , and , after having opened the lodge in due and ancient form , raised Bro . John Sheldrick
to the degree of M . M ., and passed Bros . F . AV . Metcalfe and C . T . Metcalfe to that of F . C . The Auditors' report was then read and adopted , the balance-sheet showing a handsimesum in the hands of the Treasurer after payment of all accounts . The AV . M . then vacated the chair in favour of the
Installing Master , to whom he then presented Bro . A . M . Robinson , S . W ., AV . M .-cIect , that he might receive the benefit of installation . Attcr the ceremony , which was admirably performed by Bro . J . Massey , P . M ., P . P . G . S . W ., the AV . M . appointed his officers for the ensuing year , as follow : Bros . A . F .
Donagan , I . P . M . ; F . Bailey , S . W . ; Y . Crawley , J . W . ; J . Vail , P . G . S . W ., Sec . ( reappointed ) ; W . Lawrence , S . D . ; G . Barber , J . D . ; j . Youngman , l . G . ; J . Hammond , D . C ; J . Massey , P . M ., P . P . G . S . AV ., and R . Greef , P . M ., P . G . S . D ., Stewards ; G . AVilderspin , P . M ., P . P . G . P ., Organist . Bro . E .
Haggis , P . M ., P . P . G . J . W ., was unanimously reelected Treasurer . The lodge was then adjourned from labour to refreshment , when about 40 brethren down to an excellent banquet , after which the , AI ., in proposing the usual loyal toasts , gracefully / red to the domestic affliction under which her
Majesty and the Prince of AVales were suffering , and he hoped would speedily be removed from them . The brethren heartily joined in singing " God save the Queen , " and " God bless the Prince of AVales , " accompanied by the Organist , after the respective toasts . Several visiting brethren were paesent .
SOUTIIPORT . —Lodge of Unity , No . 613 . —This lodge held its regular monthly meeting at the Masonic Hall , on Wednesday , the 27 th ultimo . The minutes of the previous meeting having been confirmed , the Auditor ' s report was presented , showing the finances of the lodge to be in a very
satisfactory condition . A'treasurer and a Tyler were elected for the ensuing year . Bro . Thomas Parker was then duly installed in the chair , according to ancient custom , by Bro . AVm . Dodd , the retiring W . M ., assisted by Bro . J . Hamer , P . P . G . Treasurer AA . L . This is the first time the ceremony has been
performed by an I . P . M . of the lodge , and great praise is due to Bro . Dodd for the efficient manner in which he discharged his duties . The following were invested as officers for the next year : Bros . H . E . Cullingworth , S . W . ; T . P . Griffiths , J . W . ; T . Wainwright , Treas . ; G . bailey , Sec . ; T . S . Cory ,
S . D . ; W . B . Leemmg , J . D . ; J . Smallshaw , l . G . ; Jus . Piatt , P . M ., D . C ; J . Sutton , O . ; J . T . Melling , S . ; J . Merchant , S . ; Jas . Hartley , Tyler . Business ended , about forty brethren celebrated the Festival of St . John by a banquet at the Scarisbrick Hotel ,
served in admirable style by Bro . Watson , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were enthusiastically received , the proceedings being enlivened by songs . The brethren separated at an early hour after spending a most enjoyable evening .
LIVERPOOL . —Lverlon Lodge , No . S 23 . - The brethren of this highly-influential lodge were summoned to attend their Masonic duties on the evening of the 20 th ult ., at the Masonic Hall , Hopestreet , Liverpool . There was a very large attendance , Bro . Thomas D . Pierce , AV . M ., was in the
chair of honour , and was supported by the following officers and brethren : Bros . J . R . Goepel , P . M . ; Samuel Haynes , P . M . ; Holland , S . W . ; Wm . John Lunt , P . M ., and Treas . ; Joseph Sharpe , Sec . ; Wm . Cottrcll , S . D . ; Thos . Shaw , J . D . ; R . Stuart Carter , jun ., Org . ; Wm . AVilson , l . G . ; Alfred
T . Lowe , Steward ; AVm . Joseph Ball , T y ler ; James B . Jeffery , John Bishop , John Moulding , Henry Siinonds , John Duncan , jun ., Wm . Bird , George Lowther , Luke Bagnall , Charles Tyrer Thos . Richard Grundy , George Law , W . H . Cooper , R . Cox , R . Warriner , Elias II . G . Benedict , S . Miliikin , Joseph Boyle , Henry Hall , Wm . Robert Ashmore , W . F .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Johnson , Robert Casson , J . E . Hollis , Henry Ashmore , E . Morgan , T . B . Thompson , F . Tuft , W . Houlding , John Davies , J . Marshall , D . Callow , Alfred Penned , Richard Roberts , Arthur Strother , S . R . Wilde , Thos . Sharp , John White , Samuel H . Jones , J . C . Coates . Visitors : Bros . Charles H .
Hill . AV . M . 724 , 321 ; AVilliam Crane , 673 ; Henry James , AV . M . 203 ; James B . Mackenzie , AV . M . 349 ; Win . Henry Humby , 241 ; James T . Callow , S . W . 673 ; AVm . L . Clarke , AV . M . 1242 ; Edward Kyle , J . . ; John Duncan , 40 S . Mr . Joseph Garratt was initiated into the mysteries of the Order
in a most striking and effective manner by the AV . M ., and six other Apprentices were raised to the degree of F . C . At the banquet which followed , the AV . M ., in proposing the toast of "The Queen , " said It is the good fortune of the people of this country to be governed by a sovereign whose devotion to
her subjects , whose attachment to the principles of the constitution , whose domestic virtues and manynoble qualities have made her a bright example , and endeared her to all her people by the tenderest of loyalty and affection . The severe affliction with which the Royal family has recently been visited ,
has called forth expressions of deep sympathy and loyalty from all classes of the community , high and low , rich and poor , and in . my opinion these universal manifestations have clearly demonstrated not only our sincere attachment to the present occupant of the throne and her family , but likewise our keen
appreciation of the manifold blessings and advantages derived from our present system of national government . It is at all times a work of supererogation to dilate upon this toast , but especially on the present occasion surrounded as I am by members of an ancient Institution , equal if not superior to any
other society in the world in their allegiance to the sovereign of their native land . ( The toast was received with the greatest enthusiasm and musical honours . )—In giving the toast of " The Prince of AVales , " the AV . M . said : I rise with the greatest possible satisfaction to propose the next toast , that
of "Our Bro . PLR . H . the Prince of AVales , the Princess of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family . " I rejoice greatly that we have the privilege of drinking this toast upon the present occasion , for , but one short week ago , the life of our illustrious brother , the heir to the proudest monarchy in the
world , hung trembling in the balance and the despondent bulletins issued by his medical attendants , had led us to fear that there wasnohopeof his recovery , but happily for the nation the fatal blow was averted , and them now seems to be reasonable grounds for trusting that he will be spared to fulfil
the high and important duties awaiting him in the future , and if it should be the will of the G . A . O . T . U . in His great mercy to restore him to good health , I for one firmly believe that the Prince of AVales will provchimself worthy of his father , worthy of his mother , worthy of our Masonic Order , and
worthy of the realm over which lie will some day be called to ' reign . Of the Princess of AA ^ ales , we cannot speak in terms of too high admiration , she is known to us all as the very impersonation of all that is good , pure , and womanly , and recent events have tended to strengthen the bond of union
between her and those , I trust , I may call her future subjects . Brethren , I call upon you to receive diis toast with the utmost enthusiasm . —The call was responded to in a manner which showed both sympathy and loyalty after which the semi-national anthem , " God bless the Prince of Wales , " was
sung with the utmost heartiness . " Our Masonic Rulers , supreme and subordinate , " " Our A'isitors , " and "The Health of Bro . AV . Bird , " ( who had been prevented by illness from attending to his Masonic duties for some time ) , were amongst the other admirably proposed and happily responded to toasts .
LANCASTER . — Rowley Lodge , A o . 1051 . —The regular meeting of the Rowley Lodge for the celebration of the Festival of St . John the Evangelist and installation of the AVorshipful Master was held at the Masonic Rooms , Athenrcum , on Tuesday , 2 nd inst . Present : The I . P . M ., Bro . Hall , in the
chair ; Bros . Moore , G . S . B ., as I . P . M . ; J . Hatch , P . M . 281 , as S . AV . ; AVilson Barker , J . W . ; AV . J . Sly , S . D . ; J . Taylor , as J . D . ; E . Aircy , J . W . 281 , as l . G . ; R . Taylor , Tyler ; and other brethren . After other business had been transacted , Bro . J . L . Bradshaw , E . A ., duly received the degree of F . C .
from Bro . Hall , the acting AV . M . The chair having bacn assumed by Bro . Dr . Moore as Installing Officer , the W . M .-elect , Bro . W . Barker , J . ., was presented for installation by Past Masters AV . Hall and John Hatch . A Board of Installed Masters was then appointed , and Bro . Barker was duly installed in the chair of the lodge , and saluted by
the brethren . He then proceeded to invest the following officers ; Bros . AV . Hall , for Bro . Mercer , as I . P . M . ; W . J . Sly , S . W . ; E . A . Sail , LL . D ., JAV . ; Moore , Treas . and Sec . ; James Taylor , S . D . ; and R . Taylor , Tyler . The address to the AV . M . was delivered by tho Installing Officer , and those to the Wardens and brethren by Bro . J . Hatch , P . M . 281 .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
LIVERPOOL . —Fermor-Hesketh Lodge , No . 1350 . —This young , but highly-promising and prosperous lodge held its usual meeting on the 15 th ult ., at the Masonic Temple , Hope-street , Liverpool . Bro . J . Higson Johnston , AV . M ., was supported by the following officers : Bros . E . Harbord , P . M . and
Sec . ; James Ridley , S . AV . ; J . D . Crawford , J . W . ; S . Jones , S . D . ; A . Samuels , J . D . ; and Martin Browne , l . G . Amongst the visitors were Bros . T . Leighton , 605 and 1325 , Sec . ; R . Rillartin , 1094 and 249 ; C . H . Hill , P . M . 1276 and AV . M . 724 ; J . Walsh , S 3 ; J . Midgley , J . AV . 477 ; H . James , AV . M .
203 ; AV . Little , 477 ; J . Skeaf , W . M . 216 and P . G . O . ; J . G . Jacob , 1013 ; and J . W . Jones , P . M . 594 . After the lodge had been duly opened , and the minutes read and confirmed , the Rev . S . Topham , Mr . J . Bernheim , and Mr . W . H . Evans were initiated into the mysteries of the Order , the
ceremony being performed in a most impressive and effective manner by the AV . M . The second degree was given by him with equal efficiency to a duly-qualified brother . The presentation of a spirit case to the lodge by Bro . J . Griffiths , S . AV . 477 , and a J . D . ' s jewel by Bro . J . Midgley , J . W . 477 , was
then made , and suitably acknowledged . After the transaction of some formal business , the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Ball . During the evening the toasts of " The Queen " Jind " The Prince of AVales " were
proposed , and , in admirable speeches , the AVM . spoke of the loyalty towards her Majestyand the universal sympathy felt for their Royal brother during his illness . Both toasts were received and honoured with the greatest enthusiasm .
Orders Of Chivalry.
RED CROSS OF CONSTANTINE . METROPOLITAN . Plantagenet Conclave , No . 2 . —The regular meeting of this conclave was held on Monday , Sth inst ., at the Caledonian Hotel , Adelphi-terrace , Strand . Sir Kt . Thomas , M . P . S . ; Sir Kt . G . States , E . ;
Sir Kt . C . P . AVard , S . ; Sir . Kt . J . Boyd , P . S . ; and Sir Kt . Marsh , Recorder . The conclave was opened in due form , and the business of the evening was the election of Sovereign and Treasurer for the ensuing year . Sir Kt . G . States being next in rotation for the Sovereign ' s chair , declined to accept
office , and Sir Kt . Major Finney was elected . Sir Kt . C . P . AVard was unanimously elected to the chair of Eusebius . Sir Kt . Dicketts was elected as Treasurer , and Sir Kt . Gilbert as Sentinel . No further business being before the conclave , it was closed , and the Sir Knights adjourned to a recherche
supper , provided under the superintendence of the manager , Sir Kt . G . States , and every Sir Knight at the table expressed their satisfaction at the viands and wines provided . We had an opportunity of viewing the same evening the alterations being
made in the hotel by the considerable enlargement of the rooms for the purposes of Craft , chapters , and conclaves of Masons' meetings , under the direction of the enterprising manager , Sir Kt . George States .
* The Edinburgh Courant states that the Freemasons of Scotland have at present under consideration a proposal that the lodges throughout the country should band themselves together for
the extension and enlargement of the general scheme of Scottish Masonic benevolence . It is also proposed to take steps for the erection of lodge halls throughout the provinces .
Experience has shown that lodges meeting in halls of their own prosper more , and discharge the duties of Masonry better , than those which are obliged to meet in hotels and taverns . There are now on the Grand Lodge roll , in good working order , 3 87 lodges , with 24 , 140 members .
STORNOWAY . On Friday , the 27 th ult ., the brethren of Fortrose Lodge , No . 108 , assembled in their Hall at 11 a . m . The lodge being duly opened , the Treasurer ' s report for the past year was read and approved of , showing a clear balance , after deducting all incito the of the
dental expenses , of ^ 30 credit lodgereducing the debt on the Hall to ^ 111 . A vote of thanks was then recorded the Treasurer and Secretary for their faithful and satisfactory discharge of the duties appertaining to their offices . The usual