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Masonic Ball At Warrington.
M . C . ; Mr . and Mrs . Thomas Sutton ; Bro . A . F . Huttman ; Lieuts . W . Cartwright , W . Robinson , and Bolton ; Bro . Lieut . T . Pierpoint , and Mrs . Pierpoint ; Bro . W . Pollitt , J . W . 1250 , Mrs . Pollitt , and Miss Pollitt , Winwick ; Bro . W . Crompton , and Mrs . Crompton ; Bro . Tohn
Harding , S . W . 14 S , and Mrs . Harding ; Bro . W . Sharp , P . W . 14 S ; Bro Lieut . Robert . Webster , Bro . John N . Sharp , Bro . Thomas Morris , Mr . and Mrs . Davies ; the Misses Johnson and party , Miss Maggie Smith , and Miss M'Kay , Mr . James Prior , Bro . Potter and Mrs .
Potter , Mr . Thomas Paterson , Bro . James Wood , Bro . Barlow , Bro . Joseph Chrimes , Mrs . and Miss Chrimes , Mr . Thomas Eaude , jun ., and Miss Wood , Manchester ; Mr . John Lewis , Newcastle , Staffordshire ; Mr . Peter Chrimes and Mrs . Chrimes , Miss Wagstaff , and Miss
Wilson , Mr . George Joseph larbuck , Wigan ; Bro . W . H . Robinson and Mrs . Robinson , Bro . Joseph Cassidy , J . W . 148 ; Bro . Webster , Miss Fanny Rowland , Bro . Peter Worthington , Mrs . Worthington and party ; Mr . Henry Fairclough , Mr . J . J . Rochdale , Mr . and Mrs . B . P . Wood .
Masonic Ceremonial At Liverpool.
LAYING THE FOUNDATION STONE OF A NEW CHURCH AT THE OLD SWAN . Whatever allegations have been made against Freemasonry , it does not form one of the charges against the brethren of the mystic tie that they
find their chief delight in making frequent public parades either of the Order or its honours and virtues . Some twenty years have elapsed since
the Masonic brethren in Liverpool and its immediate neighbourhood were called upon to take any active share in a public work in this town ; and therefore increased interest attached to the
highly impressive ceremony which took place on the 8 th inst ., at the Old Swan , in connection with the laying of the foundation stone of the new Church of All Saints . Brilliant weather favoured the proceedings , and the consequence
was a gathering of the Masonic Fraternity numbering between 300 and 400 . There was a plentiful display of bunting in and around the Old Swan , and large crowds lined the roads taken by the procession .
An especial Prov . Grand Lodge was held at the Assembly Rooms , Salisbury-street , Old Swan , at which Sir Thomas G . Fermor-IIesketh , Bart , M . P ., R . W . Prov . Grand Master for the division of West Lancashire , presided , supported bv the
following Grand Officers : Bros , the Rev . b F . Goggin . P . G . C . ; the Rev . H . J . Vernon , P . P . G . C . ; T . Wylie , P . G . Keg . ; T . Armstrong , P . G . T . ; Hamer , P . P . G . T . ; II . S . Alpass , P . G . Sec . ; R . Wylie , P . G . S . D . ; J . Pickering , P . G . f . D . ; B . W .
Rowson , P . G . Sup . of Works ; Laullaw , P . P . G . Sup . of Works ; G . Broadbridge , P . G . D . C . ; T . Marsh , P . P . G A . D . C . and P . G . S . B . ; J . W . T . Fowler , P . G . A . D . C . ; R . Sharrock , P . GiS . B . ; S . Ibbs , P . P . G . S . B . ; J . Skeaf . P . G . Org . ; J .
Baxendale , P . G . Purst . ; Dr . Mercer Johnson , C . of P . G . S . ; C . H . Hill , J . W . Baker , G . de la Perelle , R . Robinson , W . Doyle , P . G . Stewards ; J . B . Lambert , P . P . G . D . E . L . ; James Taylor , W . M . 1264 ; W . Yate , P . M . 484 ; Edward Shaw , P . M .
680 ; P . M . Larren , P . M . 1044 ; T- Hockcn , P . M . 673 ; R . Thorn , W . M . 11 S 2 ; R . Bennett , 1299 ; Robert Pearson , P . M . 673 ; W . Lunt , W . M . 594 ; R . Landless , W . M . 1256 ; T . Clark , P . M . 6 73 ; Cant . Berry , W . J . Lunt , P . M ., and
Sec . S 23 ; John Lloyd , J . D . 249 ; and W . Howells , P . P . G . S . W . Staffordshire and Worcestershire . The Craft lodge was opened shortly after one o ' clock by the W . M . of No . 220 , assisted by Bro . F . Sargeant , W . M . 594 , as S . W . ; and
Bro . H . Nelson , W . M . 673 , as J . W . Amongst the principals in Masonry present were Bros . T . D . Pierce , W . M . 823 ; D . W . Winstansley , W . M . 1094 ; H . Pearson , W . M . 249 ; R . Williams , 1094 .
After the P . G . Lodge had been duly opened , a procession was formed in the following order , headed by the band of the 1 st L . R . V ., taking St . Oswald-street and Broadgreen-road as the
Masonic Ceremonial At Liverpool.
route to Oakhill Park , where the foundationstone was laid : — Two Tylers , with drawn swords . Lodges , according to their numbers , Juniors walking first . Architect , with the plans . A Cornucopia with corn , borne by a Master of a Lodge .
Two Ewers with wine and oil , borne by Masters of Lodges . Provincial Grand Pursuivant . Provincial Grand Organist . Trowel , borne by a Past Mallet , borne by a Past
Master . Master . Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies . Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies . Pasl Provincial Grand Sword-bearers . Provincial Grand Superintendent of Works , bearing a Plate with the inscription for the Foundation Stone .
Past Provincial Grand Deacons . Provincial Grand Secretary , with the Book of Constitutions . Past Provincial Grand Registrars . Provincial Grand Registrar , bearing the Seal . Provincial Grand Treasurer , bearing a Phial containing
the Coins to be deposited in the Stone . Past Provincial Grand Chaplains . Past Provincial Grand Wardens . Visiting Provincial Grand Officers , two and two , according to rank , Juniors first . The Corinthian Light , borne by the Master of a Lodge . The Column of the Provincial Junior Grand Warden ,
borne by the Master of a Lodge . The Provincial Junior Grand Warden , with the Plumb Rule . Provincial I Banner of the Prov . ) Provincial Grand Steward , j Grand Lodge . ( Grand Steward . The Doric Light , borne by the Master of a Lodge . The Column of the Provincial Senior Grand Warden ,
borne by the Master of a Lodge . The Provincial Senior Grand Warden , with the Level . n • , ( Prov . Junior Grand Deacon . \ ,-, . . , Provincial \ .,,, ,, ¦ , ,. , ,., , / Provincial n 1 ) The Provincial Grand Chap am , f ,, , Grand < , „ . . ' > Grand e . 1 J bearing ( .. , . Steward . I .... ,, , , a ,, , . \ Steward . [ J he Sacred Law on a Cushion . ) The Provincial Deputy Grand Master , with the Square .
The Ionic Light , borne by the Master of a Lodge . The Provincial Grand Sword-bearer . The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master . Provincial Grand Senior Deacon . Two Provincial Grand Stewards , Provincial Grand Tyler .
On nearing the place where the church is to be erected , the brethren divided to the right and left , face inwards , thereby forming an avenue , through which the R . W . P . G . M . passed , preceded by the P . G . S . B ., and followed by the brother bearing the Ionic Light , the
representative of the P . D . G . M ., and the officers and brethren . There was a large gathering of the public on the ground and platforms which surrounded the stone , the highly-impressive proceedings being watched with apparent interest . After the P . G . L . officers and the brethren of
the different lodges had taken up their position , Bro . J . B . Cooper , Chairman of the Building Committee , said he had great pride and pleasure in seeing the R . W . P . G . M . and his officers present that clay at the laying of the foundation stone of the new Church of All Saints , and as it was a general desire that those feelings should
be embodied 111 a more permanent form , he would call upon the Secretary to read an address which had been prepared . Mr . J . H . Yates , Secretary to the Building Committee , then read the following address , which was illuminated with the finest taste by Mr . J . 0 . Marplcs , Liverpool and London Chambers : —
" To Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Thomas G . Fermor-Hcsketh , Bart ., M . F ., R . W . P . G . M . for West Lancashire . " Right Worshipful Sir , —I am deputed by the Committee for building the Church of All Saints , Old Swan , to express , however inadequately ,
under what great obligation you have placed them by acceding to their request in attending here , accompanied by the Provincial Grand Lodge and so many of the brethren , to lay the foundation stone of this church with the ancient and beautiful ceremonials prescribed by the
Masonic Order . To be associated in the erection of a temple dedicated to the Great Architect of the Universe , where brotherly love , the purest charity , and every other moral virtue will be taught , is a work that must commend itself
to every good Mason and right-thinking man ; whilst the fact of receiving material assistance from the Order , of which you are so bright an ornament , in this important ceremony , at the outset of the work , will imbue the Committee with renewed courage to overcome any difficul-
Masonic Ceremonial At Liverpool.
ties they may encounter in the process o bringing to a successiul termination the arduous labours they have entered upon . Animated by these sentiments , the Committee tender you , Right Worshipful Sir , their sincere thanks for
your condescension in presiding on the present occasion , and believe they cannot better prove their good feeling for the brethren at large , and the appreciation in which their valuable cooperation to-day is held , than by expressing a hearty prayer that you may long be spared to
hold your present exalted position , and to continue , as hitherto , by wise precept and generous practice , to promote the best interests of the Masonic Order in this province . " On behalf of the Building Committee , "J . B . COOPER , Chairman . "
The R . W . P . G . M ., after receiving the address , said he could assure them it gave him the greatest pleasure to attend that day in his capacity of P . G . M ., although he was well aware how unworthily he fulfilled the duties of that high
office . While that season of the year brought many festive engagements , and many joyful family meetings , it was also calculated to produce and maintain more serious reflections . They had just entered on a new phase of their
existence , and he was sure the Masonic brethren of West Lancashire could not have inaugurated the new year better than by attending the laying of the foundation stone of a church dedicated to the Great Architect of the Universe . ( Hear , hear . )
He also felt sure that the exertions of the Building Committee , in endeavouring to obtain subscriptions for the erection of the church , proved not only that they are true Masons , but true Christians and citizens , and worthy of the town
in which they reside . ( Hear , hear . ) After again thanking them , Sir Thomas said he would proceed to lay the stone with all Masonic formality . Preparatory to the ceremony the P . G . M . scattered salt as an emblem of purity , after which
the P . G . C . offered an appropriate prayer . The P . G . Treas . then deposited in the cavity of the stone a phial containing the coins and newspapers of theday ; and the P . G . Sec ., after reading the inscriptions on the plate detailing the
circumstances of the ceremony , placed it on the lower stone . The upper stone was then lowered , and after the whole had been Masonically proved the P . G . M . declared it well and truly laid . Corn , wine , and oil were then poured over the stone
with the accustomed ceremonies , the P . G . C . offered a prayer , and the proceedings shortly afterwards terminated . Ten purses , containing about ^ 300 , were then laid on the stone by members of the ladies' committee . The brethren
afterwards returned to the Assembly Rooms , where the Prov . Grand Lodge was closed in due form . The new church will afford ample accommodation for Soo worsTiippers on the ground floor .
I he style of the building is geometric decorated , which prevailed at the beginning of the 14 th century . The tower , 52 feet high , will be a leading feature of the building , with a broach spire above , 70 feet high . The church will
consist of a nave , S 4 feet 2 inches by 25 feet ; chancel , 24 feet by 22 feet 6 inches ; north and south aisles , 32 feet 4 inches by 11 feet 8 inches ; north and south transepts , 16 feet 7 inches by 27 feet 5 inches , & c . The contractor for the whole
work is Mr . T . Bridge , of Burscough , whose tender amounted to ^ 3 708 . Messrs . Wells and Sons , Liverpool , are executing the mason work ; and the whole building has been designed by , and is now being carried out under the direction of , Messrs . Barry and Sons , Church street .
Consecration Of The Lion & Lamb Chapter, No. 192.
The Lion and Lamb Chapter , No . 192 , a charter for which was granted at last Convocation of Grand Chapter , November , 1871 , was consecrated on Wednesday
evening by Comp . Henry Muggeridgc , P . Z . and Past Grand Standard-bearer , in one of the magnificent rooms of the Cannon-street Terminus Hotel . Such an old and famous lodge as the Lion and Lamb was hardly
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Ball At Warrington.
M . C . ; Mr . and Mrs . Thomas Sutton ; Bro . A . F . Huttman ; Lieuts . W . Cartwright , W . Robinson , and Bolton ; Bro . Lieut . T . Pierpoint , and Mrs . Pierpoint ; Bro . W . Pollitt , J . W . 1250 , Mrs . Pollitt , and Miss Pollitt , Winwick ; Bro . W . Crompton , and Mrs . Crompton ; Bro . Tohn
Harding , S . W . 14 S , and Mrs . Harding ; Bro . W . Sharp , P . W . 14 S ; Bro Lieut . Robert . Webster , Bro . John N . Sharp , Bro . Thomas Morris , Mr . and Mrs . Davies ; the Misses Johnson and party , Miss Maggie Smith , and Miss M'Kay , Mr . James Prior , Bro . Potter and Mrs .
Potter , Mr . Thomas Paterson , Bro . James Wood , Bro . Barlow , Bro . Joseph Chrimes , Mrs . and Miss Chrimes , Mr . Thomas Eaude , jun ., and Miss Wood , Manchester ; Mr . John Lewis , Newcastle , Staffordshire ; Mr . Peter Chrimes and Mrs . Chrimes , Miss Wagstaff , and Miss
Wilson , Mr . George Joseph larbuck , Wigan ; Bro . W . H . Robinson and Mrs . Robinson , Bro . Joseph Cassidy , J . W . 148 ; Bro . Webster , Miss Fanny Rowland , Bro . Peter Worthington , Mrs . Worthington and party ; Mr . Henry Fairclough , Mr . J . J . Rochdale , Mr . and Mrs . B . P . Wood .
Masonic Ceremonial At Liverpool.
LAYING THE FOUNDATION STONE OF A NEW CHURCH AT THE OLD SWAN . Whatever allegations have been made against Freemasonry , it does not form one of the charges against the brethren of the mystic tie that they
find their chief delight in making frequent public parades either of the Order or its honours and virtues . Some twenty years have elapsed since
the Masonic brethren in Liverpool and its immediate neighbourhood were called upon to take any active share in a public work in this town ; and therefore increased interest attached to the
highly impressive ceremony which took place on the 8 th inst ., at the Old Swan , in connection with the laying of the foundation stone of the new Church of All Saints . Brilliant weather favoured the proceedings , and the consequence
was a gathering of the Masonic Fraternity numbering between 300 and 400 . There was a plentiful display of bunting in and around the Old Swan , and large crowds lined the roads taken by the procession .
An especial Prov . Grand Lodge was held at the Assembly Rooms , Salisbury-street , Old Swan , at which Sir Thomas G . Fermor-IIesketh , Bart , M . P ., R . W . Prov . Grand Master for the division of West Lancashire , presided , supported bv the
following Grand Officers : Bros , the Rev . b F . Goggin . P . G . C . ; the Rev . H . J . Vernon , P . P . G . C . ; T . Wylie , P . G . Keg . ; T . Armstrong , P . G . T . ; Hamer , P . P . G . T . ; II . S . Alpass , P . G . Sec . ; R . Wylie , P . G . S . D . ; J . Pickering , P . G . f . D . ; B . W .
Rowson , P . G . Sup . of Works ; Laullaw , P . P . G . Sup . of Works ; G . Broadbridge , P . G . D . C . ; T . Marsh , P . P . G A . D . C . and P . G . S . B . ; J . W . T . Fowler , P . G . A . D . C . ; R . Sharrock , P . GiS . B . ; S . Ibbs , P . P . G . S . B . ; J . Skeaf . P . G . Org . ; J .
Baxendale , P . G . Purst . ; Dr . Mercer Johnson , C . of P . G . S . ; C . H . Hill , J . W . Baker , G . de la Perelle , R . Robinson , W . Doyle , P . G . Stewards ; J . B . Lambert , P . P . G . D . E . L . ; James Taylor , W . M . 1264 ; W . Yate , P . M . 484 ; Edward Shaw , P . M .
680 ; P . M . Larren , P . M . 1044 ; T- Hockcn , P . M . 673 ; R . Thorn , W . M . 11 S 2 ; R . Bennett , 1299 ; Robert Pearson , P . M . 673 ; W . Lunt , W . M . 594 ; R . Landless , W . M . 1256 ; T . Clark , P . M . 6 73 ; Cant . Berry , W . J . Lunt , P . M ., and
Sec . S 23 ; John Lloyd , J . D . 249 ; and W . Howells , P . P . G . S . W . Staffordshire and Worcestershire . The Craft lodge was opened shortly after one o ' clock by the W . M . of No . 220 , assisted by Bro . F . Sargeant , W . M . 594 , as S . W . ; and
Bro . H . Nelson , W . M . 673 , as J . W . Amongst the principals in Masonry present were Bros . T . D . Pierce , W . M . 823 ; D . W . Winstansley , W . M . 1094 ; H . Pearson , W . M . 249 ; R . Williams , 1094 .
After the P . G . Lodge had been duly opened , a procession was formed in the following order , headed by the band of the 1 st L . R . V ., taking St . Oswald-street and Broadgreen-road as the
Masonic Ceremonial At Liverpool.
route to Oakhill Park , where the foundationstone was laid : — Two Tylers , with drawn swords . Lodges , according to their numbers , Juniors walking first . Architect , with the plans . A Cornucopia with corn , borne by a Master of a Lodge .
Two Ewers with wine and oil , borne by Masters of Lodges . Provincial Grand Pursuivant . Provincial Grand Organist . Trowel , borne by a Past Mallet , borne by a Past
Master . Master . Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies . Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies . Pasl Provincial Grand Sword-bearers . Provincial Grand Superintendent of Works , bearing a Plate with the inscription for the Foundation Stone .
Past Provincial Grand Deacons . Provincial Grand Secretary , with the Book of Constitutions . Past Provincial Grand Registrars . Provincial Grand Registrar , bearing the Seal . Provincial Grand Treasurer , bearing a Phial containing
the Coins to be deposited in the Stone . Past Provincial Grand Chaplains . Past Provincial Grand Wardens . Visiting Provincial Grand Officers , two and two , according to rank , Juniors first . The Corinthian Light , borne by the Master of a Lodge . The Column of the Provincial Junior Grand Warden ,
borne by the Master of a Lodge . The Provincial Junior Grand Warden , with the Plumb Rule . Provincial I Banner of the Prov . ) Provincial Grand Steward , j Grand Lodge . ( Grand Steward . The Doric Light , borne by the Master of a Lodge . The Column of the Provincial Senior Grand Warden ,
borne by the Master of a Lodge . The Provincial Senior Grand Warden , with the Level . n • , ( Prov . Junior Grand Deacon . \ ,-, . . , Provincial \ .,,, ,, ¦ , ,. , ,., , / Provincial n 1 ) The Provincial Grand Chap am , f ,, , Grand < , „ . . ' > Grand e . 1 J bearing ( .. , . Steward . I .... ,, , , a ,, , . \ Steward . [ J he Sacred Law on a Cushion . ) The Provincial Deputy Grand Master , with the Square .
The Ionic Light , borne by the Master of a Lodge . The Provincial Grand Sword-bearer . The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master . Provincial Grand Senior Deacon . Two Provincial Grand Stewards , Provincial Grand Tyler .
On nearing the place where the church is to be erected , the brethren divided to the right and left , face inwards , thereby forming an avenue , through which the R . W . P . G . M . passed , preceded by the P . G . S . B ., and followed by the brother bearing the Ionic Light , the
representative of the P . D . G . M ., and the officers and brethren . There was a large gathering of the public on the ground and platforms which surrounded the stone , the highly-impressive proceedings being watched with apparent interest . After the P . G . L . officers and the brethren of
the different lodges had taken up their position , Bro . J . B . Cooper , Chairman of the Building Committee , said he had great pride and pleasure in seeing the R . W . P . G . M . and his officers present that clay at the laying of the foundation stone of the new Church of All Saints , and as it was a general desire that those feelings should
be embodied 111 a more permanent form , he would call upon the Secretary to read an address which had been prepared . Mr . J . H . Yates , Secretary to the Building Committee , then read the following address , which was illuminated with the finest taste by Mr . J . 0 . Marplcs , Liverpool and London Chambers : —
" To Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Thomas G . Fermor-Hcsketh , Bart ., M . F ., R . W . P . G . M . for West Lancashire . " Right Worshipful Sir , —I am deputed by the Committee for building the Church of All Saints , Old Swan , to express , however inadequately ,
under what great obligation you have placed them by acceding to their request in attending here , accompanied by the Provincial Grand Lodge and so many of the brethren , to lay the foundation stone of this church with the ancient and beautiful ceremonials prescribed by the
Masonic Order . To be associated in the erection of a temple dedicated to the Great Architect of the Universe , where brotherly love , the purest charity , and every other moral virtue will be taught , is a work that must commend itself
to every good Mason and right-thinking man ; whilst the fact of receiving material assistance from the Order , of which you are so bright an ornament , in this important ceremony , at the outset of the work , will imbue the Committee with renewed courage to overcome any difficul-
Masonic Ceremonial At Liverpool.
ties they may encounter in the process o bringing to a successiul termination the arduous labours they have entered upon . Animated by these sentiments , the Committee tender you , Right Worshipful Sir , their sincere thanks for
your condescension in presiding on the present occasion , and believe they cannot better prove their good feeling for the brethren at large , and the appreciation in which their valuable cooperation to-day is held , than by expressing a hearty prayer that you may long be spared to
hold your present exalted position , and to continue , as hitherto , by wise precept and generous practice , to promote the best interests of the Masonic Order in this province . " On behalf of the Building Committee , "J . B . COOPER , Chairman . "
The R . W . P . G . M ., after receiving the address , said he could assure them it gave him the greatest pleasure to attend that day in his capacity of P . G . M ., although he was well aware how unworthily he fulfilled the duties of that high
office . While that season of the year brought many festive engagements , and many joyful family meetings , it was also calculated to produce and maintain more serious reflections . They had just entered on a new phase of their
existence , and he was sure the Masonic brethren of West Lancashire could not have inaugurated the new year better than by attending the laying of the foundation stone of a church dedicated to the Great Architect of the Universe . ( Hear , hear . )
He also felt sure that the exertions of the Building Committee , in endeavouring to obtain subscriptions for the erection of the church , proved not only that they are true Masons , but true Christians and citizens , and worthy of the town
in which they reside . ( Hear , hear . ) After again thanking them , Sir Thomas said he would proceed to lay the stone with all Masonic formality . Preparatory to the ceremony the P . G . M . scattered salt as an emblem of purity , after which
the P . G . C . offered an appropriate prayer . The P . G . Treas . then deposited in the cavity of the stone a phial containing the coins and newspapers of theday ; and the P . G . Sec ., after reading the inscriptions on the plate detailing the
circumstances of the ceremony , placed it on the lower stone . The upper stone was then lowered , and after the whole had been Masonically proved the P . G . M . declared it well and truly laid . Corn , wine , and oil were then poured over the stone
with the accustomed ceremonies , the P . G . C . offered a prayer , and the proceedings shortly afterwards terminated . Ten purses , containing about ^ 300 , were then laid on the stone by members of the ladies' committee . The brethren
afterwards returned to the Assembly Rooms , where the Prov . Grand Lodge was closed in due form . The new church will afford ample accommodation for Soo worsTiippers on the ground floor .
I he style of the building is geometric decorated , which prevailed at the beginning of the 14 th century . The tower , 52 feet high , will be a leading feature of the building , with a broach spire above , 70 feet high . The church will
consist of a nave , S 4 feet 2 inches by 25 feet ; chancel , 24 feet by 22 feet 6 inches ; north and south aisles , 32 feet 4 inches by 11 feet 8 inches ; north and south transepts , 16 feet 7 inches by 27 feet 5 inches , & c . The contractor for the whole
work is Mr . T . Bridge , of Burscough , whose tender amounted to ^ 3 708 . Messrs . Wells and Sons , Liverpool , are executing the mason work ; and the whole building has been designed by , and is now being carried out under the direction of , Messrs . Barry and Sons , Church street .
Consecration Of The Lion & Lamb Chapter, No. 192.
The Lion and Lamb Chapter , No . 192 , a charter for which was granted at last Convocation of Grand Chapter , November , 1871 , was consecrated on Wednesday
evening by Comp . Henry Muggeridgc , P . Z . and Past Grand Standard-bearer , in one of the magnificent rooms of the Cannon-street Terminus Hotel . Such an old and famous lodge as the Lion and Lamb was hardly