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Proceedings Of The Two Grand Lodges Op England In Ratification Of The Union, 1813.
Grand Assembly of Freemasons , for the Union of the two Grand Lodges of England , on St . John ' s Day , 27 th December , 1813 .
( Concluded . ) His Royal Highness was placed on the Throne by the Duke of Kent and the Count Lagardje , and solemnly obligated . The Grand Installation was fixed for St . George ' s Day . Proclamation was then made that the Most
AVorshipful Prince Augustus Frederick , Duke of Sussex , Earl of Inverness , Baron Arklow , Knight Companion of the Most Noble Order of the Garter , was elected and enthroned Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Freemasons of England . And Ills Royal Highness received the homage of the Fraternity .
His Royal Highness the Grand Master , previous to nominating his Grand Officers , took occasion to observe that he had written to an exalted and distinguished nobleman to be his Deputy Grand Master , who being absent from London , and not able to return an answer in time for this meeting , His Royal Highness did not
feel himself at liberty to name him , but would take the earliest opportunity of communicating the appointment , lie then nominated the following Brothers to be the Grand Ofiicers for the year ensuing : — -The Rev . Samuel Hemming , D . D ., Senior Grand AVarden ; Isaac Lindo , Esq ., Junior Grand Warden ; John
Dent , Esq ., Grand Treasurer ; AVilliam Meyrick , Esq ., Grand Register ; William Henry White and Edwards Harper , Grand Secretaries ; Rev . Edward Barry , D . D ., and Rev . Lucius Coghlan , D . D ., Grand Chaplains ; Rev . Henry Isaac Knapp , Deputy Grand Chaplain ;
John Soane , Esq ., Grand Superintendent of the AVorks ; Sir George Naylor , Grand Director ofthe Ceremonies ; Captain Jonathan Parker , Grand Sword bearer ; Samuel Wesley , Esq ., Grand Organist ; Benjamin Aldhouse , Grand Usher ; AVilliam V . Salmon , Grand Tvlcr .
It was then solemnly proclaimed that the two Grand Lodges were incorporated and consolidated into one , and the Grand Alaster declared it to be open in duo form according to ancient usage . The , Grand Lodge was then called to refreshment , and the cup of Brotherly love was delivered by the
Junior Grand AVarden to the Past Deputy Grand Master , who presented the same to the Grand Master ; he drank to the Brethren— " Peace , good will , and Brotherly love , all over the world ;"—and he passed it . During its going round , the vocal band performed a song and glee .
The Grand Lodge was re-called to labour , when as the first act of the United Fraternity , His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent , after an elegant introduction , moved" 1 . That au humble Address be presented to his Royal Highness thc Prim ., Regent , respectfully to
acquaint him with the happy event ofthe Re-union of two Grand Lodges of Ancient Freemasons of England —an event which cannot fail to allurd a lively satisfaction to their Illustrious Patron , who presided for so many years over one of the Fraternities ; and under whose auspices Freemasonry has risen to its present
flourishing condition . That the unchangeable principles of the Institution are well known to his Royal Highness , and the great benefits and end of this Reunion are to promote the influence and operation of these principles , by more extensively inculcating loyalty and affection to their Sovereign—obedience to
the laws and magistrates of their country—and the practice of all the religious and moral duties of lifeobjects which must ever he dear tohis Royal Hi ghness in the government of his Majesty ' s United Kingdom . That they humbly hope and pray for the continuance of the sanction of his Royal Ilighncss ' s fraternal patronage ; and that , they beg leave to express their
fervent gratitude for thc many blessings which , in common with all their fellow subjects , they derive from his benignant sway . "That the great Architect of the Universe may long secure these blessings to them and to their country , by the preservation of his Royal Highness , their Illustrious Patron !"
This motion was seconded by the Honourable AVashington Shirley , and passed unanimously , and with Masonic honours . This was followed by a motion" 2 . That this Address , signed by the Grand Master , be presented to his Royal Highness ,
accompanied by the Past Grand . Masters , his Royal Highness the Duke of Kent , and his Grace the Duko of Athol . " The R . W . Bro . Williams , Provincial Grand Master for Dorsetshire , moved " 3 . That the grateful Thanks of this United Grand Lodgo be given to the Most Worshipful their Royal
Highnesses the Duke of Kent and Duko of Sussex for the . gracious condescension with which they yielded to the prayer of the United Fraternities to take upon themselves the personal conduct of the negotiation for a Re-union , which is this day , through their zeal , conciliation , and fraternal example , so happily completed . To state to them that the removal of all the
Proceedings Of The Two Grand Lodges Op England In Ratification Of The Union, 1813.
slight differences which have so long kept the Brotherhood asunder , will be the means of establishing in the Metropolis of the British Empire one splendid edifice of Ancient Freemasonry , to which the whole Masonic World may confidently look for the maintenance and preservation ofthe pure princi ples of the Craft , as handed down to them from time immemorial
under the protection ofthe illustrious branches of the Royal House of Brunswick ; and may their Royal Hi ghnesses have the heartfelt satisfaction of long beholding the beneficent effects of their work , in the extension and practice of the virtues of loyalty , morality , brotherl y love , and benevolence , which it has been ever the great object of Masonry to inculcate and of its laws to enforce . "
This was also unanimously approved ; and was followed by a motion , made by John Dent , Esq ., Grand Treasurer" 4 . That the thanks of this Grand Lodge be given to the Right AVorshipful James Perry , James Agar , and Thomas Harper , Past Deputy Grand Masters ;
the Right AVorshipful Waller Rodwell AVri ght , Provincial Grand Master ; thc Right AVorshipful Arthur Te . gart and James Deans , Past Grand Wardens ; Commissioners appointed by tho two Fraternities to assist the illustrious Princes in the said negociationfor the zeal , conciliation , and ability with which they
discharged their important trust therein . " The following Resolutions were also severally put , and carried in the affirmative unanimously : — " 5 . ThatBooksbeopened by the Grand Secretaries for the regular entry and record of the proceedings of this United Grand Lodge ; and that there be inserted
therein , in the first instance , an account of all the Resolutions and Proceedings of both Grand Lodges with respect to the Negociation for the Union , and of the conferences ofthe Commissioners thereon ; together with a copy ofthe Articles of Union , and tho confirmation thereof ; also copies of Letters written by their
Royal Ilighnessess the two Grand Masters , and Grand Secretaries , addressed to the Most AVorshipful the Grand Masters and Grand Secretaries of Scotland and Ireland , announcing the same , together with the Resolutions of those Grand Lodges in reply . " G . That the proceedings of this dav be
communicated to the Grand Lodges of Scotland and Ireland , and to express to them that this United Grand Lodge feels with the most sensible satisfaction the Fraternal interest which they take in the important event of this day . To assure them that it is the anxious desire of this Grand Lodge to maintain the rao't constant
cordial and intimate communion with the Sister Grand Lodges ofthe United Kingdom , to which end they are persuaded that nothing is so essential as the preservation of one pure and un _ . ;; : ! i-: ' -yd an founded on the simple and ancient traditions ofthe Craft . " 7 . That all the Rules , Orders , Regulations , and
Acts of thc two Grand Lodges , previous to their consolidation and union , be upheld , maintained , and enforced , by the United Grand Lodge , subject to reconsideration on the establishment of a new code " 8 . That a New Code of Laws , By-laws , Rules and Regulations for the Grand Lodge , for private
Lodges , and generally for the whole government of thc Craft , together with a Book of Constitutions for the same , be made out with all convenient speed , and submitted to the Grand Lodge for their consideration and approval . And that the Commissioners for the Union be empowered to take the necessary steps for
the preparation of the same , by engaging such assistance as they may deem expedient thereto . ' ' " 9 . Thatthcrebcestablishcd Committees , or Boards ol'Grand Officers , for the administration of Finances , of the Works , of the Schools , and of General Purposes , who shall meet on davs to be fixed and announced .
And that the Most Worshipful the Grand Master , Past Grand Masters , Deputy and Past Deputy Grand Masters , Grand Treasurer , Grand Register , ( fraud Secretaries , and the Grand Wardens for the time being , together with the other three Commissioners of the Union , be Members of all the Boards ; tho Senior
Grand Officer present to take the chair . That one of the two Grand Secretaries shall attend these Boards , to keep regular minutes of the proceedings , and that the same shall be reported to the Grand Lodge ensuing , for their consideration and approval . " Several other Resolutions were also passed relative
to the internal management of the Grand Lodge ; aud tho Most AVorshipful Graud Master announced , that in order not to interrupt the course of Masonic benevolence , he should direct summonses to be issued to twelve . Masters of Lodges , to assemble on the third Wednesday of every month as a Committee of
Benevolence agreeably to Article XIX . ofthe Act of Union , to take into consideration such petitions as might be presented to them for Masonic aid . And that it would be expected , in case either of the said twelve Masters so summoned could not attend , he should delegate a Past Master of his own L . dgc to represent
him , properly clothed in the insignia of Master . Ami further the Grand Master announced , that he should permit and authorise his own private Seal of Anns to bo used on the issuing of Certificates and other documents , until the new great seal should be prepared .
Proceedings Of The Two Grand Lodges Op England In Ratification Of The Union, 1813.
The United Grand Lodge was then closed in ample form , and with solemn prayer . The Grand Officers and the Brotherhood then repaired to the Crown and Anchor Tavern , where a grand banquet was provided . His Royal Highness the Duke
of Sussex in the chair ; supported on the ri ght by his Royal Highness the Duke of Kent , and on the left b y his Excellency Count De Lagardje , and other distinguished foreigners . The auspicious day was concluded with the most festive harmony and brotherly love .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
For the Week ending May 22 , 1 SG 9 . Monday , May 17 . Lodge No . 1 , " Grand Masters , " Freemasons' Hall . „ 8 , " British , " ditto . „ 21 , "Emulation , " Albion Tavern , Aldcrsgate-st
„ 58 , " Felicity , " London Tavern , Bishopsgate-st . „ 720 , "Panmure , " Balham Hotel , Balham . „ 1201 , "Eclectic , " Freemasons'Hall . R . A . Chap ., 12 , "Prudence , " Ship and Turtle Tav ., Leadenhall-street .
Tuesday , May 18 . Board of General Purposes , Freemasons' ITall , at 3 . Lodge No . 73 , " Mount Lebanon , " Bridge House Hotel , Southwark . „ 95 , "Eastern Star , " Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-street . ,, 165 , " Honor and Generosity , " London Tavern ,
Bishopsgatc-street . „ 104 , 1 : St . Paul ' s . " City Terminus hotl ., Cannon-st . „ 435 , "Salisbury , " 71 , Dean-street , Soho . „ 701 , "Camden , " Limb Hotel , Metropolitan Cattle Market „ 857 , " St . Mark ' s , " Horns Tavern , Kennington .
Chap , No . 10 , "Mount Sinai , " Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-st . „ 180 , " Industry , " Freemasons' Hall . Metropolitan Chapter of Instruction , George Hotel , Alderinanbury at 7 ; Comn . Brett , Preceptor . Domatic Lodge of Instruction , Palmerston Tavern , Grosvenorpark , Camberwell , at 7 . 30 .
Wednesday , May 19 . General Committee of Grand Lodge and Lodge of Benevolence , Freemasons' Hall at 7 . Lodge No . 174 , " Sincerity , " Cheshire Cheese , Crutched Friars . „ 019 , " Beadon , '' Greyhound Tavern , Dulwich . „ 700 , "Nelson , " Masonic llall , William-street , Woolwich . „ 9 G 9 , " Maybury , " Freemasons' Hall .
,, 1150 , "Buckingham 'iCIiatidos , Freomasons'IIall . „ 1159 , '' Marquis of Dalhousie , " Freemasons' Hall . Thursday , May 20 . House Committee , Girls' School , at 4 . Lodge No . 55 , "Constitutional , " City Terminus Hotel , Camion street . „ CD , " St . Marv ' s , " l " rcemasons'Hall .
„ 109 , "Temperance" High-street , Deptford . K . T . Encampment , " Observance , " If , Bedford-row . Ited X Plantagenet Preceptory of Instruction , Lyceum Tavern , Strand , at 7 .
Friday , May 21 . Annual General Meeting of tlio IJ val Masonic Benevolent Institution , at Freemason ' s Hall , at 12 . House Committee , Boys' School , at 4 . Lodge No . li , " Friendship , " Willis ' s Uooms , King-street ,
St . . Tamess . „ If . ' ! , "Middles . ! .., " Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-st . ,, 813 , "New Concord , " l . oseinary Branch Tavern ., Hoxton . U . A . Chap ., 5 , "St . George ' s , " Freemasons * Hall . Emulation Lodge of Improvement for M . M . ' s , Freemasons '
Hall , at 7 . Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , George Hotel , Aldermanbury , at 7 .
Saturday , May 22 . Ited Cross Conclave , " Itose and Lily , " No . 3 , Greyhound Hotel , Bichmond , Surrey .
Bro . Geo . Tedder , who has for >> o many years been an old favourite of tho public , announces a benefit in the New Assembly Uonin , B : ith-place , Upper Holloway , lately opened by him , on May the 10 th and 17 th . The programme is of a very attractive nature , embracing the names of some very
excellent singers , namely , Miss Rebecca Isaacs , Mdme . Florcnceand Miss Susan Pync , Miss Blanche Reeves , Bros . W . J . Fielding , G . Buckland , and G . Tedder ; Miss F . Crellin , Messrs . Ferguson , Massey , Pah-burn , Charles Braid , & c . Wii have been informed that Captain Warren ,
R . E ., and Sergeant Bertie , who are now exploring the subterranean chambers of Jerusalem , and the ancient water supply of the Holy City , have been invited to become hon . members of St . Kew Lodge , No . 1222 , at Weston-suner-Mare . A resolution to that effect was proposed by Capt . Irwin , and seconded by Gen ,
Gore Munhie , II . E ., and the Secretary has communicated with those gentlemen ( and brothers ) through II . M . Consul . An answer is expected daily , the result of which shall be communicated to THE FREEMASON . Bros . Warren and Bertie have made most interesting and important Masonic discoveries , which cannot be fully disclosed at the present time .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Proceedings Of The Two Grand Lodges Op England In Ratification Of The Union, 1813.
Grand Assembly of Freemasons , for the Union of the two Grand Lodges of England , on St . John ' s Day , 27 th December , 1813 .
( Concluded . ) His Royal Highness was placed on the Throne by the Duke of Kent and the Count Lagardje , and solemnly obligated . The Grand Installation was fixed for St . George ' s Day . Proclamation was then made that the Most
AVorshipful Prince Augustus Frederick , Duke of Sussex , Earl of Inverness , Baron Arklow , Knight Companion of the Most Noble Order of the Garter , was elected and enthroned Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Freemasons of England . And Ills Royal Highness received the homage of the Fraternity .
His Royal Highness the Grand Master , previous to nominating his Grand Officers , took occasion to observe that he had written to an exalted and distinguished nobleman to be his Deputy Grand Master , who being absent from London , and not able to return an answer in time for this meeting , His Royal Highness did not
feel himself at liberty to name him , but would take the earliest opportunity of communicating the appointment , lie then nominated the following Brothers to be the Grand Ofiicers for the year ensuing : — -The Rev . Samuel Hemming , D . D ., Senior Grand AVarden ; Isaac Lindo , Esq ., Junior Grand Warden ; John
Dent , Esq ., Grand Treasurer ; AVilliam Meyrick , Esq ., Grand Register ; William Henry White and Edwards Harper , Grand Secretaries ; Rev . Edward Barry , D . D ., and Rev . Lucius Coghlan , D . D ., Grand Chaplains ; Rev . Henry Isaac Knapp , Deputy Grand Chaplain ;
John Soane , Esq ., Grand Superintendent of the AVorks ; Sir George Naylor , Grand Director ofthe Ceremonies ; Captain Jonathan Parker , Grand Sword bearer ; Samuel Wesley , Esq ., Grand Organist ; Benjamin Aldhouse , Grand Usher ; AVilliam V . Salmon , Grand Tvlcr .
It was then solemnly proclaimed that the two Grand Lodges were incorporated and consolidated into one , and the Grand Alaster declared it to be open in duo form according to ancient usage . The , Grand Lodge was then called to refreshment , and the cup of Brotherly love was delivered by the
Junior Grand AVarden to the Past Deputy Grand Master , who presented the same to the Grand Master ; he drank to the Brethren— " Peace , good will , and Brotherly love , all over the world ;"—and he passed it . During its going round , the vocal band performed a song and glee .
The Grand Lodge was re-called to labour , when as the first act of the United Fraternity , His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent , after an elegant introduction , moved" 1 . That au humble Address be presented to his Royal Highness thc Prim ., Regent , respectfully to
acquaint him with the happy event ofthe Re-union of two Grand Lodges of Ancient Freemasons of England —an event which cannot fail to allurd a lively satisfaction to their Illustrious Patron , who presided for so many years over one of the Fraternities ; and under whose auspices Freemasonry has risen to its present
flourishing condition . That the unchangeable principles of the Institution are well known to his Royal Highness , and the great benefits and end of this Reunion are to promote the influence and operation of these principles , by more extensively inculcating loyalty and affection to their Sovereign—obedience to
the laws and magistrates of their country—and the practice of all the religious and moral duties of lifeobjects which must ever he dear tohis Royal Hi ghness in the government of his Majesty ' s United Kingdom . That they humbly hope and pray for the continuance of the sanction of his Royal Ilighncss ' s fraternal patronage ; and that , they beg leave to express their
fervent gratitude for thc many blessings which , in common with all their fellow subjects , they derive from his benignant sway . "That the great Architect of the Universe may long secure these blessings to them and to their country , by the preservation of his Royal Highness , their Illustrious Patron !"
This motion was seconded by the Honourable AVashington Shirley , and passed unanimously , and with Masonic honours . This was followed by a motion" 2 . That this Address , signed by the Grand Master , be presented to his Royal Highness ,
accompanied by the Past Grand . Masters , his Royal Highness the Duke of Kent , and his Grace the Duko of Athol . " The R . W . Bro . Williams , Provincial Grand Master for Dorsetshire , moved " 3 . That the grateful Thanks of this United Grand Lodgo be given to the Most Worshipful their Royal
Highnesses the Duke of Kent and Duko of Sussex for the . gracious condescension with which they yielded to the prayer of the United Fraternities to take upon themselves the personal conduct of the negotiation for a Re-union , which is this day , through their zeal , conciliation , and fraternal example , so happily completed . To state to them that the removal of all the
Proceedings Of The Two Grand Lodges Op England In Ratification Of The Union, 1813.
slight differences which have so long kept the Brotherhood asunder , will be the means of establishing in the Metropolis of the British Empire one splendid edifice of Ancient Freemasonry , to which the whole Masonic World may confidently look for the maintenance and preservation ofthe pure princi ples of the Craft , as handed down to them from time immemorial
under the protection ofthe illustrious branches of the Royal House of Brunswick ; and may their Royal Hi ghnesses have the heartfelt satisfaction of long beholding the beneficent effects of their work , in the extension and practice of the virtues of loyalty , morality , brotherl y love , and benevolence , which it has been ever the great object of Masonry to inculcate and of its laws to enforce . "
This was also unanimously approved ; and was followed by a motion , made by John Dent , Esq ., Grand Treasurer" 4 . That the thanks of this Grand Lodge be given to the Right AVorshipful James Perry , James Agar , and Thomas Harper , Past Deputy Grand Masters ;
the Right AVorshipful Waller Rodwell AVri ght , Provincial Grand Master ; thc Right AVorshipful Arthur Te . gart and James Deans , Past Grand Wardens ; Commissioners appointed by tho two Fraternities to assist the illustrious Princes in the said negociationfor the zeal , conciliation , and ability with which they
discharged their important trust therein . " The following Resolutions were also severally put , and carried in the affirmative unanimously : — " 5 . ThatBooksbeopened by the Grand Secretaries for the regular entry and record of the proceedings of this United Grand Lodge ; and that there be inserted
therein , in the first instance , an account of all the Resolutions and Proceedings of both Grand Lodges with respect to the Negociation for the Union , and of the conferences ofthe Commissioners thereon ; together with a copy ofthe Articles of Union , and tho confirmation thereof ; also copies of Letters written by their
Royal Ilighnessess the two Grand Masters , and Grand Secretaries , addressed to the Most AVorshipful the Grand Masters and Grand Secretaries of Scotland and Ireland , announcing the same , together with the Resolutions of those Grand Lodges in reply . " G . That the proceedings of this dav be
communicated to the Grand Lodges of Scotland and Ireland , and to express to them that this United Grand Lodge feels with the most sensible satisfaction the Fraternal interest which they take in the important event of this day . To assure them that it is the anxious desire of this Grand Lodge to maintain the rao't constant
cordial and intimate communion with the Sister Grand Lodges ofthe United Kingdom , to which end they are persuaded that nothing is so essential as the preservation of one pure and un _ . ;; : ! i-: ' -yd an founded on the simple and ancient traditions ofthe Craft . " 7 . That all the Rules , Orders , Regulations , and
Acts of thc two Grand Lodges , previous to their consolidation and union , be upheld , maintained , and enforced , by the United Grand Lodge , subject to reconsideration on the establishment of a new code " 8 . That a New Code of Laws , By-laws , Rules and Regulations for the Grand Lodge , for private
Lodges , and generally for the whole government of thc Craft , together with a Book of Constitutions for the same , be made out with all convenient speed , and submitted to the Grand Lodge for their consideration and approval . And that the Commissioners for the Union be empowered to take the necessary steps for
the preparation of the same , by engaging such assistance as they may deem expedient thereto . ' ' " 9 . Thatthcrebcestablishcd Committees , or Boards ol'Grand Officers , for the administration of Finances , of the Works , of the Schools , and of General Purposes , who shall meet on davs to be fixed and announced .
And that the Most Worshipful the Grand Master , Past Grand Masters , Deputy and Past Deputy Grand Masters , Grand Treasurer , Grand Register , ( fraud Secretaries , and the Grand Wardens for the time being , together with the other three Commissioners of the Union , be Members of all the Boards ; tho Senior
Grand Officer present to take the chair . That one of the two Grand Secretaries shall attend these Boards , to keep regular minutes of the proceedings , and that the same shall be reported to the Grand Lodge ensuing , for their consideration and approval . " Several other Resolutions were also passed relative
to the internal management of the Grand Lodge ; aud tho Most AVorshipful Graud Master announced , that in order not to interrupt the course of Masonic benevolence , he should direct summonses to be issued to twelve . Masters of Lodges , to assemble on the third Wednesday of every month as a Committee of
Benevolence agreeably to Article XIX . ofthe Act of Union , to take into consideration such petitions as might be presented to them for Masonic aid . And that it would be expected , in case either of the said twelve Masters so summoned could not attend , he should delegate a Past Master of his own L . dgc to represent
him , properly clothed in the insignia of Master . Ami further the Grand Master announced , that he should permit and authorise his own private Seal of Anns to bo used on the issuing of Certificates and other documents , until the new great seal should be prepared .
Proceedings Of The Two Grand Lodges Op England In Ratification Of The Union, 1813.
The United Grand Lodge was then closed in ample form , and with solemn prayer . The Grand Officers and the Brotherhood then repaired to the Crown and Anchor Tavern , where a grand banquet was provided . His Royal Highness the Duke
of Sussex in the chair ; supported on the ri ght by his Royal Highness the Duke of Kent , and on the left b y his Excellency Count De Lagardje , and other distinguished foreigners . The auspicious day was concluded with the most festive harmony and brotherly love .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
For the Week ending May 22 , 1 SG 9 . Monday , May 17 . Lodge No . 1 , " Grand Masters , " Freemasons' Hall . „ 8 , " British , " ditto . „ 21 , "Emulation , " Albion Tavern , Aldcrsgate-st
„ 58 , " Felicity , " London Tavern , Bishopsgate-st . „ 720 , "Panmure , " Balham Hotel , Balham . „ 1201 , "Eclectic , " Freemasons'Hall . R . A . Chap ., 12 , "Prudence , " Ship and Turtle Tav ., Leadenhall-street .
Tuesday , May 18 . Board of General Purposes , Freemasons' ITall , at 3 . Lodge No . 73 , " Mount Lebanon , " Bridge House Hotel , Southwark . „ 95 , "Eastern Star , " Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-street . ,, 165 , " Honor and Generosity , " London Tavern ,
Bishopsgatc-street . „ 104 , 1 : St . Paul ' s . " City Terminus hotl ., Cannon-st . „ 435 , "Salisbury , " 71 , Dean-street , Soho . „ 701 , "Camden , " Limb Hotel , Metropolitan Cattle Market „ 857 , " St . Mark ' s , " Horns Tavern , Kennington .
Chap , No . 10 , "Mount Sinai , " Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-st . „ 180 , " Industry , " Freemasons' Hall . Metropolitan Chapter of Instruction , George Hotel , Alderinanbury at 7 ; Comn . Brett , Preceptor . Domatic Lodge of Instruction , Palmerston Tavern , Grosvenorpark , Camberwell , at 7 . 30 .
Wednesday , May 19 . General Committee of Grand Lodge and Lodge of Benevolence , Freemasons' Hall at 7 . Lodge No . 174 , " Sincerity , " Cheshire Cheese , Crutched Friars . „ 019 , " Beadon , '' Greyhound Tavern , Dulwich . „ 700 , "Nelson , " Masonic llall , William-street , Woolwich . „ 9 G 9 , " Maybury , " Freemasons' Hall .
,, 1150 , "Buckingham 'iCIiatidos , Freomasons'IIall . „ 1159 , '' Marquis of Dalhousie , " Freemasons' Hall . Thursday , May 20 . House Committee , Girls' School , at 4 . Lodge No . 55 , "Constitutional , " City Terminus Hotel , Camion street . „ CD , " St . Marv ' s , " l " rcemasons'Hall .
„ 109 , "Temperance" High-street , Deptford . K . T . Encampment , " Observance , " If , Bedford-row . Ited X Plantagenet Preceptory of Instruction , Lyceum Tavern , Strand , at 7 .
Friday , May 21 . Annual General Meeting of tlio IJ val Masonic Benevolent Institution , at Freemason ' s Hall , at 12 . House Committee , Boys' School , at 4 . Lodge No . li , " Friendship , " Willis ' s Uooms , King-street ,
St . . Tamess . „ If . ' ! , "Middles . ! .., " Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-st . ,, 813 , "New Concord , " l . oseinary Branch Tavern ., Hoxton . U . A . Chap ., 5 , "St . George ' s , " Freemasons * Hall . Emulation Lodge of Improvement for M . M . ' s , Freemasons '
Hall , at 7 . Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , George Hotel , Aldermanbury , at 7 .
Saturday , May 22 . Ited Cross Conclave , " Itose and Lily , " No . 3 , Greyhound Hotel , Bichmond , Surrey .
Bro . Geo . Tedder , who has for >> o many years been an old favourite of tho public , announces a benefit in the New Assembly Uonin , B : ith-place , Upper Holloway , lately opened by him , on May the 10 th and 17 th . The programme is of a very attractive nature , embracing the names of some very
excellent singers , namely , Miss Rebecca Isaacs , Mdme . Florcnceand Miss Susan Pync , Miss Blanche Reeves , Bros . W . J . Fielding , G . Buckland , and G . Tedder ; Miss F . Crellin , Messrs . Ferguson , Massey , Pah-burn , Charles Braid , & c . Wii have been informed that Captain Warren ,
R . E ., and Sergeant Bertie , who are now exploring the subterranean chambers of Jerusalem , and the ancient water supply of the Holy City , have been invited to become hon . members of St . Kew Lodge , No . 1222 , at Weston-suner-Mare . A resolution to that effect was proposed by Capt . Irwin , and seconded by Gen ,
Gore Munhie , II . E ., and the Secretary has communicated with those gentlemen ( and brothers ) through II . M . Consul . An answer is expected daily , the result of which shall be communicated to THE FREEMASON . Bros . Warren and Bertie have made most interesting and important Masonic discoveries , which cannot be fully disclosed at the present time .