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Installation Meeting Of Macdonald Lodge, No. 1216.
their full enjoyment by all was ensured . The loving cups , of which there were several , the tables being decorated with many of the superb silver tankards won by the marksmen who are members of the lodge , having circulated , the AV . M . proposed the various toasts according to the handsome programme set before each brother present , the
proceedings being varied by appropriate songs and accompaniments , under the direction of Bro . Weaver . " The Sovereign of the Realm , and the Sovereign of the Craft , " having been duly remembered , the W . M " . proposed the toast of " The Deputy Grand Master and past and present Graud Officers , " to which
Bro . HENRY BRIDGES , P . G . S . B ., D . P . G . M ., Somerset , responded , expressing his great gratification at all he had heard and witnessed that evening , the best evidence of the sincerity of his remarks being given by his desire , although resident far distant from the metropolis , to associate himself with the
Macdonald Lodge as a joining member . This he would certainly not do but that , both in the progress made by his nephew , newly initiated into Masonry , and already by merit advanced to office , and in the efficient manner in which the whole proceedings of the lodge were carried out , he felt
assured that the genuine tenets and principles of Freemasonry were well understood and thoroughly practised by those who had the conduct and the government of the lodge . He should probably have many opportunities for observing the progress of the lodge with which he hoped to be connected as a member , and in the best interests
of which he could not fail to be much concerned . On behalf of other grand officers present , and himself , he begged to return thanks for the toast so heartily accorded . The AV . M . proposed the initiates and joining members for the past half year , which was responded to in a very able inauuer by the latest initiate , Bro . CHARLES P ' OUNTAIN .
The AV . M . then called the attention of tho members of the lodge to the next toast , " The Visiting Brethren , " and in very forcible language expressed the great gratification which it at all times gave the lodge to have the opportunity to welcome those who felt interested in its progress , or desired to see its
working . During the past year , he said , many Masons of high standing in the Craft , had supported him by their valued presence ; and he trusted that during the ensuing year ho might have the pleasure to welcome very many more . On this occasion , he found on hip . right and on his left , members of the
Craft of exalted rank and held in high estimation , uot only for their social position and courteous demeanour , but chiefly for their Masonic ability . He was pleased to say that several of these brethren had privately expressed their opinions to him in respect of the lodge , and , being themselves
wellskilled Masons , he felt the value of such opinions ; and the praise they bestowed became , therefore , a still stronger incentive to increased efforts . So highly was this lodge thought of by the visitors present , that three of their number had expressed their desire to become joining members—a
circumstance which spoke for itself in favour of the lodge , and he hoped that at an early date he should have tho pleasure to address the D . P . G . M . for Somerset , Bro . Bridges ; Bro . Major E . D . Smith ; and Bro . Bryant , not as visitors , as now , but as members of the lodge . Meanwhile , he hoped the lodge would
render them , in conjunction with the other esteemed visitors present , that honour which was their due ; and , expressing his personal ^ gratitude to them for the support they had given , and bidding them one and all a most hearty welcome , lie desired that the brethren of the Macdonald Lodgeshould ,
, by the heartiness of their manner in drinking to this toast , endorse all he had said . Ho proposed " The Health of the Visiting Brethren , " coupled with the name of Bro . J . C . Fourdrinier , P . G . J . AV . for North AVales . ( It is almost needless to say that the W . M . ' s request was complied with in a most
enthusiastic manner . ) Bro . C . J FouiiDiUNiEn , in responding , expressed on behalf of his brother visitors and himself his unbounded delight in observing the true Masonic spirit which appeared to be infused into every detail connected with the " Macdonald Lodge . " He felt
himself at a loss to give full expression to all ho thought , for he feared that the praise he could not do otherwise than bestow would appear excess of flattery , and that should bo avoided . Ho could not , however , resist saying that during six and thirty years of active Masonry , he had never seeu anything sonearly approaching perfect order and perfect
working as he had on this occasion . For this they mi ght take an old man s word , given seriously and sincerely . Tho labour in the lod ge , and the refreshment after , left nothing to be desired , and he could but hope , that the progress already made might continue . He asked his brother visitors to join with him in drinking " Prosperity to the Macdonald Lodge , " a request with which they heartily complied . Bro . THOS . MEOQT , P . M . and Grand Steward ,
Installation Meeting Of Macdonald Lodge, No. 1216.
said : Brethren , I have now , in my position as acting Past Master of this lodge , to call your attention to a toast which I am certain will be most cordially received by you . During the past year you have beeu presided over by a Brother , whose qualifierr tions are such , both in respect of position and ability , as
can leave nothing to be desired . Under his genial sway the success of the lodge during the first year of its establishment has been beyond our very utmost expectations , and thers is considerable promise that this success may be further continued . Your AVardens , having the welfare of the lodge more at
heart than their own personal ambition , have counselled us to continue the Mastership of the Past year for yet another , and our unanimous vote has been in accordance with that counsel . For my part I cau but express my belief that the re-appointment of our W . M . has beeu well-deserved , and I have
therefore considerable pleasure in proposing his health on this occasion , both as the first P . M ., and the present AV . M . ofthe lodge . AVoi-shipful Master , I take this opportunity to discharge a pleasing duty entrusted to me by the members of your lodge , and to confer on you that distinction which you have so
ably earned . This jewel will , I trust , be considered by you an evidence of the great esteem they entertain for you , and which I fear I have but feebly expressed . If a consciousness of its having been well-deserved will add to its worth , you may fairly entertain that
emotion within the breast which we trust this emblem of merit may adorn for many years to come . Brethren , I propose to you " The health of Bro . Major A . L , Irvine , our AVorshipful Master . " ( The toast was drank with acclamation . )
The WORSHIPFUL MASTER , in returning thanks , expressed his deep sense of the honour conferred upon him by his re-appointment , and urged upon the members a continuance of those efforts which had resulted in the perfect establishment of the " Macdonald Lodge" Its repute was even now
when only one year of its existence had passed away , of no small moment , and he was certain that each succeed'ng year would increase it . He entertained a high regard for all the willing service which had been rendered by the members generally , and could not let this opportunity pass by without
placing on record the self-denial of his brother wardens and ofiicers in sacrificing their own advancement to higher positions under the conviction that the best interests of the lodge generally would thereby bo best promoted . His senior warden , who had originated the lodge , waived that position
to which the founders would have named him in the charter , —had solicited his acceptance of the Master ' s office during the first year , and had again repeated his desire , supported by the members , that he should continue the office for a further period . But that he felt convinced the brethren were of
opinion that his continuance would strengthen the position of the lodge , he could not have consented to impede the advancement of ofiicers according to usual rota . He thanked them sincerely for the confidence reposed in him . andalso for the testimony of satisfaction with his endeavours hitherto which be
now had the gratification to wear ; and he assured his brethren that no efforts should be wanting on his part to uphold the dignity and promote the honour and reputation of his lodge . The AV . M . then proposed " The health of Bro . James Stevens , P . M . and S . AV ., tho Installing
Master . To the observations which had already fallen from him he desired , in proposing this toast , to add his personal testimony to the energy and zeal of that brother , to whose continued attention to the arrangements for both labour and refreshment much of the success attained must bo attributed .
Bro . Stevens was , fortunately for the lodge , able to devote a little more time than his ( tho AV . M . ' s ) engagements would permit him to give , and at all times he had been enabled to rely upon the ready thoughtfu ' incss and willing assistance of his S . AV . in respect of all matters which required previous
arrangement . He had now to speak of Bro . Stevens in another capacity , that of Installing Master , and he could but refer all present to the evidence given in the lodge of his extreme efficiency in the performance of that lengthy ceremony , an efficiency which , although the task had been then undertaken
by that brother for the first time , had called forth the eulogium of many old Past Masters present as being perfect in all respects , and a complete testimony of Masonic ability . For his services on this occasion especially , as well as in regard to his assistance at all other times , he called upon the brethren to the health of Bro . Stevens with all
Masonic honours . Bro . STKVENS , in a brief speech , returned thanks or the honour conferred , expressing his sincere desire for the continued prosperity of tlio lodgo , and his satisfaction that whatever abilities he might have , or assistance he had rendered , should meet with so much appreciation from thoso with whom he was associated . The W . M . then proposed " The health of the Officer * of the Lodge , " making special mention of
Installation Meeting Of Macdonald Lodge, No. 1216.
each , and eulogising their several efforts to promote the harmony and good order of the lodge . Bro . P . DE KEYSER , J . AV ., on behalf of the officers , replied , endorsing the best wishes of the previous speakers on behalf of the lodge . The several toasts of " The Macdonald Lodge oi
Improvement , " " The Masonic Charities , " and "All poor and distressed Brethren , " were given aud responded to in speeches which , owing to the lateness of the hour , were necessarily brief ; and after the interchange of mutual congratulations
upon the success of tho meeting , and the great interest which had been manifested in the proceedings throughout , the brethren separated fully carrying out the sentiments of our Masonic refrain , " Happy to meet , sorry to part , happy to meet again . "
London Guarantee And Accident Company.
We observe with pleasure that a company has beeu formed specially for the transaction of "Guarantee" and "Accident" business , branches of insurance which are uot only the safest but the
most remunerative in their working and results . From the high character of the directors , and the energy of Mr . Laugh ton Anderson , the secretary , we anticipate a great success for the new company ' . The field of operations is most extensive , and requires only energy and perseverance to boar ample
fruit . From the Prospectus we gather " that one office , transacting Accident business only , has , after having accumulated a very large reserve fund , just divided among its shareholders , in respect of the year 1808 alone , no less than 50 per cent , on its
original capital , and its shares are sought after at a premium of eight hundred per cent . " This is certainly a most encouraging prospect for the shareholders of the " London Guarantee and Accident Company , " whose offices arc at 8 A , Waterloo-place , Pall Mall , S . W .
PRESENTATION . —Mrs . D . Martin , wife of Past Master Martin , of Hibernia Lodge , Saint John ' s New Brunswick , F . & A . M ., was lately made the recipient of a handsome silver tea service , the gift of members of the Lodge . The presentation ceremonies were very pleasing . A delegation of about twelve of
the members waited upon Air . aud Mrs . Martin , and were formally introduced by Past Master Mullih , who said that the object of their gathering was to present Mrs . Martin with the service in testimony of their appreciation of her husband ' s worth as a man , and particularly because of his efficient discharge of the duties
ofthe Chair m Hibernia Lodge m the year that is past . The presentation was formally made by Mr . Johnston , the . Master of the Lodge , and an address on parchment was read to Mr . Martin by Mr . AV . J . Logan , the Senior Warden ofthe Lodge . An
inscription on the service setting forth the object of tlio presentation , is engraved in Mr . Vcnning's best style . After the formal portion of the ceremony was over , the company were hospitably and happily entertained by Mr . and Mrs . Martin , and a most delightful evening sped rapidly away . — St . John ' s Globe .
PRESENTATION TO BRO . SPUATT . —On AVednesday night last a supper was given at the Rosemary Branch Tavern , Hoxton , by the members of the New Concord Lodge of Instruction , to present their worthy Secretary , Bro . Spruit , with a testimonial . Bro . J . Kiniiicns , P . M ., and Grand Officer , in the Chair , who was supported by tho present W . M ., J . Hart , P . M . ; Boyce , P . M . ; Main , P . M . ; l ' edler Preceptor ; Bro .
Capt . Taylor , and Hro . E . A . Musterinan , of the Old Concord Lodge , 172 ; and about 10 others , including members of the Lodge referred to . The Chairman gave the customary loyal toasts , with those ofthe Earl of Zetland , Grand Master , Earl de Grey and Ripon , D . G ., Alaster , and the rest of the Grand Officers ; and
then introduced thc toast of the evening , viz ., their Secretary , Bro . Spratt , which speech our limits preclude us giving in extenso ; but it was throughout received with every demonstration of approval by the company . The Chairman especially referred to the many ycirs Bro . Spratt had so assiduously attended
to their interests , not missing a night ' s attendance , and during his secretaryship no less than £ 15 had been collected and distributed amongst the Masonic Charities , which for a Lodge of Instruction was highly creditable . He could assure Bro . Spratt that he was held in the highest esteem and respect by all , and he
was sure that his brethren had cheerfully subscribed the token he now presented—a handsome gold watch , which he ( the Chairman ) trusted his worthy nnd excellent brother might live many years to regard ns ai token of the esteem of his brethren . Bro . Spratt
returned thanks in a very grateful and earnest speech , and after the toasts to the Chairman , the VV . M . of thc New Concord Lodge , and Visiting Brethren had been given , the meeting closed , all having spent ii very rational and agreeable evening , great credit being dijo to Bro . Gabb for ihe excellent manner in which he contributed towards thc comfort of thc brethren on this and many former occasions .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Meeting Of Macdonald Lodge, No. 1216.
their full enjoyment by all was ensured . The loving cups , of which there were several , the tables being decorated with many of the superb silver tankards won by the marksmen who are members of the lodge , having circulated , the AV . M . proposed the various toasts according to the handsome programme set before each brother present , the
proceedings being varied by appropriate songs and accompaniments , under the direction of Bro . Weaver . " The Sovereign of the Realm , and the Sovereign of the Craft , " having been duly remembered , the W . M " . proposed the toast of " The Deputy Grand Master and past and present Graud Officers , " to which
Bro . HENRY BRIDGES , P . G . S . B ., D . P . G . M ., Somerset , responded , expressing his great gratification at all he had heard and witnessed that evening , the best evidence of the sincerity of his remarks being given by his desire , although resident far distant from the metropolis , to associate himself with the
Macdonald Lodge as a joining member . This he would certainly not do but that , both in the progress made by his nephew , newly initiated into Masonry , and already by merit advanced to office , and in the efficient manner in which the whole proceedings of the lodge were carried out , he felt
assured that the genuine tenets and principles of Freemasonry were well understood and thoroughly practised by those who had the conduct and the government of the lodge . He should probably have many opportunities for observing the progress of the lodge with which he hoped to be connected as a member , and in the best interests
of which he could not fail to be much concerned . On behalf of other grand officers present , and himself , he begged to return thanks for the toast so heartily accorded . The AV . M . proposed the initiates and joining members for the past half year , which was responded to in a very able inauuer by the latest initiate , Bro . CHARLES P ' OUNTAIN .
The AV . M . then called the attention of tho members of the lodge to the next toast , " The Visiting Brethren , " and in very forcible language expressed the great gratification which it at all times gave the lodge to have the opportunity to welcome those who felt interested in its progress , or desired to see its
working . During the past year , he said , many Masons of high standing in the Craft , had supported him by their valued presence ; and he trusted that during the ensuing year ho might have the pleasure to welcome very many more . On this occasion , he found on hip . right and on his left , members of the
Craft of exalted rank and held in high estimation , uot only for their social position and courteous demeanour , but chiefly for their Masonic ability . He was pleased to say that several of these brethren had privately expressed their opinions to him in respect of the lodge , and , being themselves
wellskilled Masons , he felt the value of such opinions ; and the praise they bestowed became , therefore , a still stronger incentive to increased efforts . So highly was this lodge thought of by the visitors present , that three of their number had expressed their desire to become joining members—a
circumstance which spoke for itself in favour of the lodge , and he hoped that at an early date he should have tho pleasure to address the D . P . G . M . for Somerset , Bro . Bridges ; Bro . Major E . D . Smith ; and Bro . Bryant , not as visitors , as now , but as members of the lodge . Meanwhile , he hoped the lodge would
render them , in conjunction with the other esteemed visitors present , that honour which was their due ; and , expressing his personal ^ gratitude to them for the support they had given , and bidding them one and all a most hearty welcome , lie desired that the brethren of the Macdonald Lodgeshould ,
, by the heartiness of their manner in drinking to this toast , endorse all he had said . Ho proposed " The Health of the Visiting Brethren , " coupled with the name of Bro . J . C . Fourdrinier , P . G . J . AV . for North AVales . ( It is almost needless to say that the W . M . ' s request was complied with in a most
enthusiastic manner . ) Bro . C . J FouiiDiUNiEn , in responding , expressed on behalf of his brother visitors and himself his unbounded delight in observing the true Masonic spirit which appeared to be infused into every detail connected with the " Macdonald Lodge . " He felt
himself at a loss to give full expression to all ho thought , for he feared that the praise he could not do otherwise than bestow would appear excess of flattery , and that should bo avoided . Ho could not , however , resist saying that during six and thirty years of active Masonry , he had never seeu anything sonearly approaching perfect order and perfect
working as he had on this occasion . For this they mi ght take an old man s word , given seriously and sincerely . Tho labour in the lod ge , and the refreshment after , left nothing to be desired , and he could but hope , that the progress already made might continue . He asked his brother visitors to join with him in drinking " Prosperity to the Macdonald Lodge , " a request with which they heartily complied . Bro . THOS . MEOQT , P . M . and Grand Steward ,
Installation Meeting Of Macdonald Lodge, No. 1216.
said : Brethren , I have now , in my position as acting Past Master of this lodge , to call your attention to a toast which I am certain will be most cordially received by you . During the past year you have beeu presided over by a Brother , whose qualifierr tions are such , both in respect of position and ability , as
can leave nothing to be desired . Under his genial sway the success of the lodge during the first year of its establishment has been beyond our very utmost expectations , and thers is considerable promise that this success may be further continued . Your AVardens , having the welfare of the lodge more at
heart than their own personal ambition , have counselled us to continue the Mastership of the Past year for yet another , and our unanimous vote has been in accordance with that counsel . For my part I cau but express my belief that the re-appointment of our W . M . has beeu well-deserved , and I have
therefore considerable pleasure in proposing his health on this occasion , both as the first P . M ., and the present AV . M . ofthe lodge . AVoi-shipful Master , I take this opportunity to discharge a pleasing duty entrusted to me by the members of your lodge , and to confer on you that distinction which you have so
ably earned . This jewel will , I trust , be considered by you an evidence of the great esteem they entertain for you , and which I fear I have but feebly expressed . If a consciousness of its having been well-deserved will add to its worth , you may fairly entertain that
emotion within the breast which we trust this emblem of merit may adorn for many years to come . Brethren , I propose to you " The health of Bro . Major A . L , Irvine , our AVorshipful Master . " ( The toast was drank with acclamation . )
The WORSHIPFUL MASTER , in returning thanks , expressed his deep sense of the honour conferred upon him by his re-appointment , and urged upon the members a continuance of those efforts which had resulted in the perfect establishment of the " Macdonald Lodge" Its repute was even now
when only one year of its existence had passed away , of no small moment , and he was certain that each succeed'ng year would increase it . He entertained a high regard for all the willing service which had been rendered by the members generally , and could not let this opportunity pass by without
placing on record the self-denial of his brother wardens and ofiicers in sacrificing their own advancement to higher positions under the conviction that the best interests of the lodge generally would thereby bo best promoted . His senior warden , who had originated the lodge , waived that position
to which the founders would have named him in the charter , —had solicited his acceptance of the Master ' s office during the first year , and had again repeated his desire , supported by the members , that he should continue the office for a further period . But that he felt convinced the brethren were of
opinion that his continuance would strengthen the position of the lodge , he could not have consented to impede the advancement of ofiicers according to usual rota . He thanked them sincerely for the confidence reposed in him . andalso for the testimony of satisfaction with his endeavours hitherto which be
now had the gratification to wear ; and he assured his brethren that no efforts should be wanting on his part to uphold the dignity and promote the honour and reputation of his lodge . The AV . M . then proposed " The health of Bro . James Stevens , P . M . and S . AV ., tho Installing
Master . To the observations which had already fallen from him he desired , in proposing this toast , to add his personal testimony to the energy and zeal of that brother , to whose continued attention to the arrangements for both labour and refreshment much of the success attained must bo attributed .
Bro . Stevens was , fortunately for the lodge , able to devote a little more time than his ( tho AV . M . ' s ) engagements would permit him to give , and at all times he had been enabled to rely upon the ready thoughtfu ' incss and willing assistance of his S . AV . in respect of all matters which required previous
arrangement . He had now to speak of Bro . Stevens in another capacity , that of Installing Master , and he could but refer all present to the evidence given in the lodge of his extreme efficiency in the performance of that lengthy ceremony , an efficiency which , although the task had been then undertaken
by that brother for the first time , had called forth the eulogium of many old Past Masters present as being perfect in all respects , and a complete testimony of Masonic ability . For his services on this occasion especially , as well as in regard to his assistance at all other times , he called upon the brethren to the health of Bro . Stevens with all
Masonic honours . Bro . STKVENS , in a brief speech , returned thanks or the honour conferred , expressing his sincere desire for the continued prosperity of tlio lodgo , and his satisfaction that whatever abilities he might have , or assistance he had rendered , should meet with so much appreciation from thoso with whom he was associated . The W . M . then proposed " The health of the Officer * of the Lodge , " making special mention of
Installation Meeting Of Macdonald Lodge, No. 1216.
each , and eulogising their several efforts to promote the harmony and good order of the lodge . Bro . P . DE KEYSER , J . AV ., on behalf of the officers , replied , endorsing the best wishes of the previous speakers on behalf of the lodge . The several toasts of " The Macdonald Lodge oi
Improvement , " " The Masonic Charities , " and "All poor and distressed Brethren , " were given aud responded to in speeches which , owing to the lateness of the hour , were necessarily brief ; and after the interchange of mutual congratulations
upon the success of tho meeting , and the great interest which had been manifested in the proceedings throughout , the brethren separated fully carrying out the sentiments of our Masonic refrain , " Happy to meet , sorry to part , happy to meet again . "
London Guarantee And Accident Company.
We observe with pleasure that a company has beeu formed specially for the transaction of "Guarantee" and "Accident" business , branches of insurance which are uot only the safest but the
most remunerative in their working and results . From the high character of the directors , and the energy of Mr . Laugh ton Anderson , the secretary , we anticipate a great success for the new company ' . The field of operations is most extensive , and requires only energy and perseverance to boar ample
fruit . From the Prospectus we gather " that one office , transacting Accident business only , has , after having accumulated a very large reserve fund , just divided among its shareholders , in respect of the year 1808 alone , no less than 50 per cent , on its
original capital , and its shares are sought after at a premium of eight hundred per cent . " This is certainly a most encouraging prospect for the shareholders of the " London Guarantee and Accident Company , " whose offices arc at 8 A , Waterloo-place , Pall Mall , S . W .
PRESENTATION . —Mrs . D . Martin , wife of Past Master Martin , of Hibernia Lodge , Saint John ' s New Brunswick , F . & A . M ., was lately made the recipient of a handsome silver tea service , the gift of members of the Lodge . The presentation ceremonies were very pleasing . A delegation of about twelve of
the members waited upon Air . aud Mrs . Martin , and were formally introduced by Past Master Mullih , who said that the object of their gathering was to present Mrs . Martin with the service in testimony of their appreciation of her husband ' s worth as a man , and particularly because of his efficient discharge of the duties
ofthe Chair m Hibernia Lodge m the year that is past . The presentation was formally made by Mr . Johnston , the . Master of the Lodge , and an address on parchment was read to Mr . Martin by Mr . AV . J . Logan , the Senior Warden ofthe Lodge . An
inscription on the service setting forth the object of tlio presentation , is engraved in Mr . Vcnning's best style . After the formal portion of the ceremony was over , the company were hospitably and happily entertained by Mr . and Mrs . Martin , and a most delightful evening sped rapidly away . — St . John ' s Globe .
PRESENTATION TO BRO . SPUATT . —On AVednesday night last a supper was given at the Rosemary Branch Tavern , Hoxton , by the members of the New Concord Lodge of Instruction , to present their worthy Secretary , Bro . Spruit , with a testimonial . Bro . J . Kiniiicns , P . M ., and Grand Officer , in the Chair , who was supported by tho present W . M ., J . Hart , P . M . ; Boyce , P . M . ; Main , P . M . ; l ' edler Preceptor ; Bro .
Capt . Taylor , and Hro . E . A . Musterinan , of the Old Concord Lodge , 172 ; and about 10 others , including members of the Lodge referred to . The Chairman gave the customary loyal toasts , with those ofthe Earl of Zetland , Grand Master , Earl de Grey and Ripon , D . G ., Alaster , and the rest of the Grand Officers ; and
then introduced thc toast of the evening , viz ., their Secretary , Bro . Spratt , which speech our limits preclude us giving in extenso ; but it was throughout received with every demonstration of approval by the company . The Chairman especially referred to the many ycirs Bro . Spratt had so assiduously attended
to their interests , not missing a night ' s attendance , and during his secretaryship no less than £ 15 had been collected and distributed amongst the Masonic Charities , which for a Lodge of Instruction was highly creditable . He could assure Bro . Spratt that he was held in the highest esteem and respect by all , and he
was sure that his brethren had cheerfully subscribed the token he now presented—a handsome gold watch , which he ( the Chairman ) trusted his worthy nnd excellent brother might live many years to regard ns ai token of the esteem of his brethren . Bro . Spratt
returned thanks in a very grateful and earnest speech , and after the toasts to the Chairman , the VV . M . of thc New Concord Lodge , and Visiting Brethren had been given , the meeting closed , all having spent ii very rational and agreeable evening , great credit being dijo to Bro . Gabb for ihe excellent manner in which he contributed towards thc comfort of thc brethren on this and many former occasions .