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Provincial Grand Lodge Of West Lancashire.
The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Lancashire was , by command of the R . W . P . G . M ., Lieut-Colonel Sir Thomas G . Fermor-Hesketh , Bart , M . P ., held at the Town Hall , Southport , on Wednesday last week . The attendance of brethren was very large , from 250
to 300 being present , showing that the interest in the Craft , instead of diminishing , continues to increase in every part of the province . A large number of brethren from the lodges in Liverpool were in attendance , and there was a good representation from other districts . As
a whole , the meeting m point of numbers was considered , even by veterans , one of the most successful gatherings in connection with this province , and one likely to add largely to the prestige of the Craft in this and other parts of the country . Besides the R . W . P . G . M ., the other
officers of Provincial Grand Lodge , and others present , were : Bros , the Right Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , D . P . G . M . ; H . W . Schneider , P . J . G . W . ; Rev . H . G . Vernon , P . G . C . ; James Hamer . P . G . T ; Thomas Wylie , P . G . R . ; C .
Sherlock , P . P . G . R . ; H . L . Alpass , P . G . Sec . ; A . C . Moss , P . S . G . D . ; H . B . White , P . J . G . D . ; J . D . Moore , P . P . G . S . of Works ; R . Wylie , P . G . D . of C . ; Thomas Marsh , A . P . G D . of C . ; Samuel Ibbs , P . G . S . B . ; Joseph Skeaf , P . G . O . ; W . Laidlaw , P . G . Purst ; Capt . J . T . Bourne , P . P . J . G . W ,, ; H . Holbrook , D . D . G . M ., British
Colombia ; Colonel Birchall , P . P . G . J . W . ; T . Armstrong , P . P . G . J . D . ; J . Molineaux , P . P . G . O . ; J . B . Lambert , P . P . G . S . T . East Lancashire ; W . C . J . Bannister , P . G . S . B . of England ; F . Binckes , P . G . Steward of England ; Broadbridge , Pickering , Rowson , and Fowler .
Amongst the more prominent brethren present from the different lodges in the province were Bros . T . Jones , W . M . 594 ; J . Cobham , W . M . 241 ; J . Atherton , W . M . 1002 ; J . Sellar , W . M . 220 ; W . Smith , W . M . 314 ; J . Hatch , W . M . 2 S 1 ; J . Worsley , W . M . 333 ; J . Birchall , W . M .
86 ; W . Cowden , W . M . 1213 ; J . K . Smith , P . M . 1094 , and W . M . 249 ; E . Slee , W . M . 155 ; W . H . Grimmer , P . M . 155 and 216 ; E . Harbord , W . M . 477 ; W . Crane , W . M . 1299 ; J . Pemberton , W . M . 1264 ; A . H . Whitehead , W . M . 113 ; W . Vines , P . M . 220 ; J . W . Baker
P . M . and Treas . 220 ; R . Jones , S . W . 220 ; R . H . D . Johnson , P . M . 1094 ; W . T . May , P . M . 673 and 155 ; James M . Radcliffe , 477 ; M . Johnson , P . M . 1094 ; J . Cook , P . M . 220 and J . W . 1299 ; J . Jackson , P . M . 823 ; J . IT . Johnson , 477 ; J . Baxendale , P . M . 580 ; J . G .
Butterfield Sec . 320 ; J . Wood , 249 and Treas . 1094 ; & c . Among the brethren present we noticed the following who are connected with the Southport lodges : —Bros . Arthur Mayhew , W . M . 613 ; J . Piatt , I . P . M . 613 , and W . M . 1313 ; E . W .
Stocker , Thomas Williams , C . H . Coddington , R . Jeffries , and Robert Sharrock , P . M . ' s 613 ; W . Dodd , S . W . 613 , and Treas . 1313 ; T . Parker , J . W . 613 ; J . Wainwright , S . D . 613 ; H . E . Cullingworth , J . D . 613 ; T . P . Griffiths , Sec . 613 '; J . Corry , I . G . 613 ; J . Hartley , T . 613 and
1313 ; Dr . Elias , S . W . 1313 ; J . Wilkinson , J . W . 1313 ; J . A . Thompson , S . D . 1313 ; Richard Sharrock , J . D . 1313 ; B . L . Green , Sec . 1313 ; Dr . Shaw , W . H . Smith , R . Heap , W . Clark , J . Hatch , W . Robson , F . Brown , J . B . Statham , G . Hesketh , J . Barnes , George Bailey , S . Kershaw ,
J . Witham , K . Walton , 613 ; andF . Hermann , 1313 . Shortly after eleven o ' clock , the Craft lodge was opened in the several degrees by Bro . A . H . Whitehead , W . M . of Lodge 113 ( Preston ) , assisted , among others , by Bros . John Sellar , W . M .
220 ; Cobham , W . M . 241 ; and Hatch , W . M . 281 . After a " wait , " which proved more lengthened than pleasant , the Officers of the Prov . Grand Lodge by Bro . Robert Wylie , G . D . of C , and the R . W . P . G . M ., attended by his ofiicers , was received in due Masonic form .
The Provincial Grand Lodge was then opened by the R . W . P . G . M . in due form , and with solemn prayer by Bro . the Rev . H . Vernon , M . A ., Provincial Grand Chaplain . The anthem , "How good and pleasant a thing it is for brethren to
Provincial Grand Lodge Of West Lancashire.
dwell together in unity , " was admirably rendered by the brethren , led by the P . G . Org . The Prov . Grand Secretary read the roll of lodges within the province , and the result showed that 49 lodges were represented , with the exception of four . Bro . T . Wylie moved that the rule
with regard to fines for non-representation should be put in force with regard to these four lodges . The matter was left over . The minutes of the previous Provincial Grand Lodges held at Liverpool and Rufford during the previous year were read , and unanimously confirmed .
Bro . Hamer , Prov . Grand Treasurer , presented his balance-sheet , which showed that 47 lodges in the province had contributed , £ 109 is . to the Educational Fund ; the Provincial Grand Lodge fees amounted to . £ 272 ns . 2 d . ; the Fund of Benevolence to £ 946 10 s . id . ; total , £ 1 , 328
2 s . 3 d . The disbursements from the Grand Lodge fees were £ 40 18 s . ; from Fund of Benevolence , £ 143 10 s . 6 d . ; total , £ 293 9 s . 6 d . The accounts had been duly audited and found correct by Bros . J . T . Birchell , W . M . 86 ; Edwin Slee , W . M . 155 ; and Ebenezer Hughes , W . M .
3 . The R . W . P . G . M . said the statement of accounts was highly satisfactory . There was a balance in hand of £ 134 12 s . gd ., and in the bank £ 900 ; total , £ 1 , 034 12 s . gd . The accounts were unanimously confirmed . Bro . T . WYLIE moved that the Prov . Grand
Treasurer , Bro . Hamer be respectfully requested to continue in office another year . Bro . MOTT , P . G . J . D ., seconded the resolution and said he trusted Bro . Hamer would , although at some inconvenience to himself , again accept the office he had filled so well .
Bro . HAMER said he could only accept the office on two conditions ; first , that he should not again be solicited to take it , and secondly , that the P . G . R . and the P . G . Sec . for the time being , should be associated with him in lodging the funds of the P . G . L . in the Liverpool Savings ' Bank .
The R . W . P . G . M . said , m putting the motion , that Bro . Hamer had served the province long and faithfully , and he felt certain it would give general satisfaction to the Craft if Bro . Hamer would again consent to act . The conditions attached by Bro . Hamer were , he thought , very
reasonable , and should be acceded to . The motion , together with the conditions referred to , was at once agreed to . The following brethren were then chosen Prov . Grand Officers for the ensuing year , the new officers being invested by the R . W . P . G . M .:
—lion to the fact that great inconvenience had frequently arisen from the want of proper vessels at the consecration of lodges in the province , and moved that a sum not exceeding jQz 1 be eppended in furnishing the requisite vessels .
R . H . Lord Skelmersdale ... D . P . G . M . Hon . Frederick Stanley , M . P .... P . G . S . W . W . H . Schneider P . G . J . W . H . G . Vernon P . G . Chaplain . T . Wylie P . G . Reg . H . S . Alpass P . G . Sec . Long P . G . S . D . White P . G . J . D . Laidlaw P . G . Supt . of Wks R . Wylie P . G . Dir . of Cer . Marsh A . P . G . D . of Cer . Ibbs P . G . Swd . Bearer Joseph Skeaf P . G . Organist . Pickering P . G . Pursuivant . Broadbridge Rawson ... ^; , \ P . G . Stewards . M . Johnson [ i-Robert Sharrock Baxendale J P . Bali Senior P . G . Tyler W . Bali Asst . P . G . Tyler . Bro . ROHERT WVLIE , P . G . D . of C , drew
atten-Bro . BANNISTER , Past Grand Sword Bearer of England , said he entirely concurred in the remarks of Bro . Wylie , and seconded the motion . The motion was carried unanimously .
Bro . the Right Hon . Lord SKELMERSDALE , D . P . G . M ., said he hoped Provincial Grand Lodge would allow him the privilege and the pleasure of making a present of the necessary vessels to thc P . G . Lodge .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of West Lancashire.
The brethren at once rose and saluted the R . W . the D . P . G . M . with the honours due to his rank . 9 Several petitions for charity were brought forward ; they were from widows principally , and ranged from the daughter of a baronet
to the wife of an artisan . In every case a grant was made , and an equal amount voted to each of the applicants . Bro . T . WYLIE , P . G . R ., gave notice that at the next Provincial Grand Lodge he would move that the laws of the Benevolent Fund be so
altered that the Grand Lodge might vote sums not exceeding . £ 15 to applicants , and also that the by-laws , when altered , shall be printed and circulated amongst the lodges in the province at the cost of production . He made the latter suggestion because he thought that many brethren were not aware of the existence of the
Fund of Benevolence . The Prov . G . SECRETARY reported that during the past year two new warrants had been granted —viz ., one for the Pembroke Lodge , to meet at West Derby , and one for the Fermor Lodge , to
meet at Southport . The lodges in the province were generally in a satisfactory state . Through the active exertions of Bro . Robert Wylie , P . G . D . of C , and with the assistance of the West Lancashire and Cheshire Lodges , Bro . W . Robinson had been elected an annuitant on the
Institution for Aged Freemasons . At the same election the Cheshire brethren secured the election of their candidate , This pleasing result , it was hoped , would on future occasions induce all the lodges in the province to co-operate in voting for the candidate whom the majority of the
brethren at the annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge should decide to support . The Provincial Grand Lodge then resolved itself into a Court of Governors of the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution for the Education and Advancement in Life of the
Children of Distressed and Deceased Freemasons . The minutes of the meetings held during the year were read by Bro . Mott , Honorary Secretary , and confirmed . He also submitted the report , which stated that 34 children were receiving the benefits of the Institution , being
an increase of nine during the past year . The cost of educating these children amounted to £ 23 8 6 s . 8 d . The financial condition of the Institution was most satisfactory , the amount now standing to the credit of the Institution being . £ 7 , 400 invested , and £ 390 in the bank ,
against £ 6 , 600 invested , and £ 504 in the bank at the end of last year , thus showing a clear addition to the fund of £ 686 . The Committee have noticed with much satisfaction that several lodges and chapters have adopted a suggestion made in their report of 1867 , and the
subscriptions of the brethren have in a number of instances been paid in the name of their respective lodge or chapter to constitute some brother a Vice-President or Life Governor . Such a plan , if more extensively adopted , cannot fail , the committee believe , to prove a benefit to the
institution and a source of satisfaction to all . It tends to establish the Vice-Presidency and Life Governorship of the institution as recognised honours in the province ; it brings the claims of the charity more prominentlybeforc the brethren generally ; it creates a spirit of healthy emulation
among the lodges and chapters , and in many instances proves the means of directing to the funds donations which would not otherwise reach them . The committee commence the labours of another year with renewed encouragement and hope , feeling assured that the object of this noble institution is one which commends
itself to every Mason , and whilst doing their utmost for the accomplishment of the purposes of the charity , they earnestly pray and humbly hope that He who is " A Father to the Fatherless " will bless and prosper their efforts . The minutes were confirmed and the report and accounts adopted . The several grants proposed were unanimously confirmed .
The committee for the ensuing year having been appointed , Bro . Mott was cordially reelected Secretary , and Bro . Broadbridge , who had enjoyed the confidence of the Provincial Grand Lodge for some years , moved that Bro .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Grand Lodge Of West Lancashire.
The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Lancashire was , by command of the R . W . P . G . M ., Lieut-Colonel Sir Thomas G . Fermor-Hesketh , Bart , M . P ., held at the Town Hall , Southport , on Wednesday last week . The attendance of brethren was very large , from 250
to 300 being present , showing that the interest in the Craft , instead of diminishing , continues to increase in every part of the province . A large number of brethren from the lodges in Liverpool were in attendance , and there was a good representation from other districts . As
a whole , the meeting m point of numbers was considered , even by veterans , one of the most successful gatherings in connection with this province , and one likely to add largely to the prestige of the Craft in this and other parts of the country . Besides the R . W . P . G . M ., the other
officers of Provincial Grand Lodge , and others present , were : Bros , the Right Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , D . P . G . M . ; H . W . Schneider , P . J . G . W . ; Rev . H . G . Vernon , P . G . C . ; James Hamer . P . G . T ; Thomas Wylie , P . G . R . ; C .
Sherlock , P . P . G . R . ; H . L . Alpass , P . G . Sec . ; A . C . Moss , P . S . G . D . ; H . B . White , P . J . G . D . ; J . D . Moore , P . P . G . S . of Works ; R . Wylie , P . G . D . of C . ; Thomas Marsh , A . P . G D . of C . ; Samuel Ibbs , P . G . S . B . ; Joseph Skeaf , P . G . O . ; W . Laidlaw , P . G . Purst ; Capt . J . T . Bourne , P . P . J . G . W ,, ; H . Holbrook , D . D . G . M ., British
Colombia ; Colonel Birchall , P . P . G . J . W . ; T . Armstrong , P . P . G . J . D . ; J . Molineaux , P . P . G . O . ; J . B . Lambert , P . P . G . S . T . East Lancashire ; W . C . J . Bannister , P . G . S . B . of England ; F . Binckes , P . G . Steward of England ; Broadbridge , Pickering , Rowson , and Fowler .
Amongst the more prominent brethren present from the different lodges in the province were Bros . T . Jones , W . M . 594 ; J . Cobham , W . M . 241 ; J . Atherton , W . M . 1002 ; J . Sellar , W . M . 220 ; W . Smith , W . M . 314 ; J . Hatch , W . M . 2 S 1 ; J . Worsley , W . M . 333 ; J . Birchall , W . M .
86 ; W . Cowden , W . M . 1213 ; J . K . Smith , P . M . 1094 , and W . M . 249 ; E . Slee , W . M . 155 ; W . H . Grimmer , P . M . 155 and 216 ; E . Harbord , W . M . 477 ; W . Crane , W . M . 1299 ; J . Pemberton , W . M . 1264 ; A . H . Whitehead , W . M . 113 ; W . Vines , P . M . 220 ; J . W . Baker
P . M . and Treas . 220 ; R . Jones , S . W . 220 ; R . H . D . Johnson , P . M . 1094 ; W . T . May , P . M . 673 and 155 ; James M . Radcliffe , 477 ; M . Johnson , P . M . 1094 ; J . Cook , P . M . 220 and J . W . 1299 ; J . Jackson , P . M . 823 ; J . IT . Johnson , 477 ; J . Baxendale , P . M . 580 ; J . G .
Butterfield Sec . 320 ; J . Wood , 249 and Treas . 1094 ; & c . Among the brethren present we noticed the following who are connected with the Southport lodges : —Bros . Arthur Mayhew , W . M . 613 ; J . Piatt , I . P . M . 613 , and W . M . 1313 ; E . W .
Stocker , Thomas Williams , C . H . Coddington , R . Jeffries , and Robert Sharrock , P . M . ' s 613 ; W . Dodd , S . W . 613 , and Treas . 1313 ; T . Parker , J . W . 613 ; J . Wainwright , S . D . 613 ; H . E . Cullingworth , J . D . 613 ; T . P . Griffiths , Sec . 613 '; J . Corry , I . G . 613 ; J . Hartley , T . 613 and
1313 ; Dr . Elias , S . W . 1313 ; J . Wilkinson , J . W . 1313 ; J . A . Thompson , S . D . 1313 ; Richard Sharrock , J . D . 1313 ; B . L . Green , Sec . 1313 ; Dr . Shaw , W . H . Smith , R . Heap , W . Clark , J . Hatch , W . Robson , F . Brown , J . B . Statham , G . Hesketh , J . Barnes , George Bailey , S . Kershaw ,
J . Witham , K . Walton , 613 ; andF . Hermann , 1313 . Shortly after eleven o ' clock , the Craft lodge was opened in the several degrees by Bro . A . H . Whitehead , W . M . of Lodge 113 ( Preston ) , assisted , among others , by Bros . John Sellar , W . M .
220 ; Cobham , W . M . 241 ; and Hatch , W . M . 281 . After a " wait , " which proved more lengthened than pleasant , the Officers of the Prov . Grand Lodge by Bro . Robert Wylie , G . D . of C , and the R . W . P . G . M ., attended by his ofiicers , was received in due Masonic form .
The Provincial Grand Lodge was then opened by the R . W . P . G . M . in due form , and with solemn prayer by Bro . the Rev . H . Vernon , M . A ., Provincial Grand Chaplain . The anthem , "How good and pleasant a thing it is for brethren to
Provincial Grand Lodge Of West Lancashire.
dwell together in unity , " was admirably rendered by the brethren , led by the P . G . Org . The Prov . Grand Secretary read the roll of lodges within the province , and the result showed that 49 lodges were represented , with the exception of four . Bro . T . Wylie moved that the rule
with regard to fines for non-representation should be put in force with regard to these four lodges . The matter was left over . The minutes of the previous Provincial Grand Lodges held at Liverpool and Rufford during the previous year were read , and unanimously confirmed .
Bro . Hamer , Prov . Grand Treasurer , presented his balance-sheet , which showed that 47 lodges in the province had contributed , £ 109 is . to the Educational Fund ; the Provincial Grand Lodge fees amounted to . £ 272 ns . 2 d . ; the Fund of Benevolence to £ 946 10 s . id . ; total , £ 1 , 328
2 s . 3 d . The disbursements from the Grand Lodge fees were £ 40 18 s . ; from Fund of Benevolence , £ 143 10 s . 6 d . ; total , £ 293 9 s . 6 d . The accounts had been duly audited and found correct by Bros . J . T . Birchell , W . M . 86 ; Edwin Slee , W . M . 155 ; and Ebenezer Hughes , W . M .
3 . The R . W . P . G . M . said the statement of accounts was highly satisfactory . There was a balance in hand of £ 134 12 s . gd ., and in the bank £ 900 ; total , £ 1 , 034 12 s . gd . The accounts were unanimously confirmed . Bro . T . WYLIE moved that the Prov . Grand
Treasurer , Bro . Hamer be respectfully requested to continue in office another year . Bro . MOTT , P . G . J . D ., seconded the resolution and said he trusted Bro . Hamer would , although at some inconvenience to himself , again accept the office he had filled so well .
Bro . HAMER said he could only accept the office on two conditions ; first , that he should not again be solicited to take it , and secondly , that the P . G . R . and the P . G . Sec . for the time being , should be associated with him in lodging the funds of the P . G . L . in the Liverpool Savings ' Bank .
The R . W . P . G . M . said , m putting the motion , that Bro . Hamer had served the province long and faithfully , and he felt certain it would give general satisfaction to the Craft if Bro . Hamer would again consent to act . The conditions attached by Bro . Hamer were , he thought , very
reasonable , and should be acceded to . The motion , together with the conditions referred to , was at once agreed to . The following brethren were then chosen Prov . Grand Officers for the ensuing year , the new officers being invested by the R . W . P . G . M .:
—lion to the fact that great inconvenience had frequently arisen from the want of proper vessels at the consecration of lodges in the province , and moved that a sum not exceeding jQz 1 be eppended in furnishing the requisite vessels .
R . H . Lord Skelmersdale ... D . P . G . M . Hon . Frederick Stanley , M . P .... P . G . S . W . W . H . Schneider P . G . J . W . H . G . Vernon P . G . Chaplain . T . Wylie P . G . Reg . H . S . Alpass P . G . Sec . Long P . G . S . D . White P . G . J . D . Laidlaw P . G . Supt . of Wks R . Wylie P . G . Dir . of Cer . Marsh A . P . G . D . of Cer . Ibbs P . G . Swd . Bearer Joseph Skeaf P . G . Organist . Pickering P . G . Pursuivant . Broadbridge Rawson ... ^; , \ P . G . Stewards . M . Johnson [ i-Robert Sharrock Baxendale J P . Bali Senior P . G . Tyler W . Bali Asst . P . G . Tyler . Bro . ROHERT WVLIE , P . G . D . of C , drew
atten-Bro . BANNISTER , Past Grand Sword Bearer of England , said he entirely concurred in the remarks of Bro . Wylie , and seconded the motion . The motion was carried unanimously .
Bro . the Right Hon . Lord SKELMERSDALE , D . P . G . M ., said he hoped Provincial Grand Lodge would allow him the privilege and the pleasure of making a present of the necessary vessels to thc P . G . Lodge .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of West Lancashire.
The brethren at once rose and saluted the R . W . the D . P . G . M . with the honours due to his rank . 9 Several petitions for charity were brought forward ; they were from widows principally , and ranged from the daughter of a baronet
to the wife of an artisan . In every case a grant was made , and an equal amount voted to each of the applicants . Bro . T . WYLIE , P . G . R ., gave notice that at the next Provincial Grand Lodge he would move that the laws of the Benevolent Fund be so
altered that the Grand Lodge might vote sums not exceeding . £ 15 to applicants , and also that the by-laws , when altered , shall be printed and circulated amongst the lodges in the province at the cost of production . He made the latter suggestion because he thought that many brethren were not aware of the existence of the
Fund of Benevolence . The Prov . G . SECRETARY reported that during the past year two new warrants had been granted —viz ., one for the Pembroke Lodge , to meet at West Derby , and one for the Fermor Lodge , to
meet at Southport . The lodges in the province were generally in a satisfactory state . Through the active exertions of Bro . Robert Wylie , P . G . D . of C , and with the assistance of the West Lancashire and Cheshire Lodges , Bro . W . Robinson had been elected an annuitant on the
Institution for Aged Freemasons . At the same election the Cheshire brethren secured the election of their candidate , This pleasing result , it was hoped , would on future occasions induce all the lodges in the province to co-operate in voting for the candidate whom the majority of the
brethren at the annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge should decide to support . The Provincial Grand Lodge then resolved itself into a Court of Governors of the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution for the Education and Advancement in Life of the
Children of Distressed and Deceased Freemasons . The minutes of the meetings held during the year were read by Bro . Mott , Honorary Secretary , and confirmed . He also submitted the report , which stated that 34 children were receiving the benefits of the Institution , being
an increase of nine during the past year . The cost of educating these children amounted to £ 23 8 6 s . 8 d . The financial condition of the Institution was most satisfactory , the amount now standing to the credit of the Institution being . £ 7 , 400 invested , and £ 390 in the bank ,
against £ 6 , 600 invested , and £ 504 in the bank at the end of last year , thus showing a clear addition to the fund of £ 686 . The Committee have noticed with much satisfaction that several lodges and chapters have adopted a suggestion made in their report of 1867 , and the
subscriptions of the brethren have in a number of instances been paid in the name of their respective lodge or chapter to constitute some brother a Vice-President or Life Governor . Such a plan , if more extensively adopted , cannot fail , the committee believe , to prove a benefit to the
institution and a source of satisfaction to all . It tends to establish the Vice-Presidency and Life Governorship of the institution as recognised honours in the province ; it brings the claims of the charity more prominentlybeforc the brethren generally ; it creates a spirit of healthy emulation
among the lodges and chapters , and in many instances proves the means of directing to the funds donations which would not otherwise reach them . The committee commence the labours of another year with renewed encouragement and hope , feeling assured that the object of this noble institution is one which commends
itself to every Mason , and whilst doing their utmost for the accomplishment of the purposes of the charity , they earnestly pray and humbly hope that He who is " A Father to the Fatherless " will bless and prosper their efforts . The minutes were confirmed and the report and accounts adopted . The several grants proposed were unanimously confirmed .
The committee for the ensuing year having been appointed , Bro . Mott was cordially reelected Secretary , and Bro . Broadbridge , who had enjoyed the confidence of the Provincial Grand Lodge for some years , moved that Bro .