Article The NEW CHAPTER of IMPROVEMENT. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS. Page 1 of 1 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 3 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The New Chapter Of Improvement.
The consecration of this chapter took place too late to be reported in our last impression . The ceremony was performed on the evening of the 6 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , the Principlas' Chairs being filled by Comps . Jas . Brett , as Z . ; John Hervey , as H .: and 11 . Wentworth
Little , as J . Some seventy other Royal Arch Masons also attended , and gave great spirit to the proceedings . The consecration was the usual well-known ceremony , and needs not formal recapitulation here . Every one who has visited a chapter on its first ni ght knows what
the ceremony is , and it is only necessary to record the fact that every item in the programme was studiously observed . After the opening of the chapter and the admission of the companions , their attention was called by the Z . to the petition for the warrant , which prayed that the companions signing it
might be constituted into a chapter , working under the famous Prudent Brethren Chapter ( No . 145 ) . Comp . George States , S . E . of that chapter , presented to the Z ., Comps . Boyd , Last , Carter , and Warrington as founders , and the M . E . fluently delivered an eloquent oration on Freemasonry , which had been written b y Comp . Little .
The chapter was then consecrated , and the companions who had been presented were constituted into a regular chapter . During this time Comp . West Smith acted as P . S ., Comp . Gottheil as 1 st A . S ., and Comp . W . Green as 2 nd A . S . The three clauses of the first section
were next worked , Comp . Gottheil taking the first clause , Comp . West Smith the second , and Comp . W . H . Green the third . The great facility with which these companions delivered the lengthy R . A . ritual was the greatest recommendation that could be offered of the superiority of Comp .
Brett s tuition , under which they had obtained their knowledge j and it was , at the same time , a fine proof of the intelligence , patience , and perseverance which had been exercised by them in the acquisition of it . Comp . Brett concluded the ritual business of the evening by delivering a
lecture on the Platonic bodies , and gave an explanation of the banners and ensigns , at the termination of which he received the applause of the chapter , and the hearty congratulations of all the companions present . New members were afterwards enrolled by
Comp . Little , S . E ., and this first meeting of the chapter was brought to a close , after Comp . Boyd had been elected M E . Z . for the ensuing week ; Comp . A . A . Richards , H . ; Comp . West Smith , J . ; Comp . Thomas W . White
S . N . ; and Comp . W . H . Green , P . S . A further meeting of the chapter was held at Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday last , and the work performed thereat was no way inferior to the ceremony of consecration and the working of the clauses recorded above .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
A Quarterly General Court of the Governors and Subscribers of this Institution was held on Thursday , at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . John Hervey , V . P ., took the chair , and among thc brethren present were Bros . W . Young , R . Spencer , John Udall , George Pymm , J . Boyd , Major Creaton ,
W . Farnfield E . Cox , Samuel May , J . A . Rucker , J . B . Monckton , G . States , S . Rosenthal , John Symonds , A . H . Tattershall , John Savage , Thos . W . White , Jas . Terry , H . Massey , J . R . Stebbing , H . Muggeridge , W . Mann , W . H . Warr , J . W . Dudley , H . Empson , W . Hemsworth , George
Cox , Raynham W . Stewart , John Watkin , Henry Smith , Wm . Birch , John Chachvick , A . Pratt , H . Brid ges , S . Davidson , S . Rawson , Bcry , Head , J . R . Sheen , H . Browse , J . T . Bowen , Rev . C . Woodward , W . Watson , E . S . Snell , H . Bartlett , Alf . Layton , S . Edersheim , Geo . King , W . Pulteney , acott , Thos . Price , James Brett , John Thomas , and
E . H . Patten , Secretary . . After the reading of thc minutes of thc meeting since thc last Quarterly Court by the Secretary . Bro . John Symonds , V . P ., brought forward thc motion of of which he had given notice . Bro . Raynham W . Stewart seconded the motion , a « d objected to brethren coming into Masonry only for what they could get out of it . He was sorry to say . that out of the hundred children in
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
this school , there were not thirty whose parents had contributed a shilling to it . If the new rule were strictly adhered to a great deal would be done for Masonry , by keeping out persons who looked upon it as a benefit society . Bro . E . Cox supported the motion , and it was
then put and carried . Bro . Raynham W . Stewart moved : " That the same Committee appointed on the 14 th April , 1870 ( and which has this day reported ) be re-appointed —To consider the qualifications and privileges of Vice-Presidents , Life Governors , and Life and
Annual Subscribers , and report to a Special Court to be held on Thursday , 8 th December , 1870 . " His object ( he proceeded to say ) was that every province should be fairly represented . The privileges conferred on lodges and chapters were very great , and it became necessary now to consider the
extent of those privileges . As the laws of the institution now stood , if a brother paid 50 guineas to it and died the day after , the qualification obtained by the payment was lost . But a lodge which made the same gift had the benefit of it in perpetuity . This he thought should be revised .
Bro . Chadwick seconded the motion , and Bros . Letchford and Stebbing supported it . The Chairman put the motion , and it was agreed to . Bro . Raynham W . Stewart also moved : " That any member of the late committee unable to serve on this Committee as re-appointed , be at liberty to
nominate a duly-qualified brother as his substitute . " Bro . Major Creaton seconded the motion . Bro . Edward Cox opposed on the ground , that it would take the Quarterly Court by surprise , and open the door wide to innovation . Bro . Symonds said , he hoped the motion would
be carried , and it was desirable to have the provincial brethren with them . The Committee could only report—the dealing with the report rested with the Quarterly Court . Bro . Letchford , Snell , Browse , and Wike having made a few observations ,
Bro . Bridges rose to order . A discussion now was not regular ; it should be left till after the report had been made . Bro . E . Cox wished to know whether the representative was to be nominated at the first meeting , and such representative be the only one afterwards
allowed to attend ? The Chairman said yes , and he believed all the brethren had the same object in view—the good of the institution—though they differed in the way it should be attained . The motion was carried .
Bro . Raynham W . Stewart ' s other motion , " That the Assistant Clerk ' s salary be , from the 29 th September last , at the rate of , £ 100 per annum , " was withdrawn , after some discussion , in which Bros . Udall , E . Cox , John Savage , John Symonds , and E . Snell took part , as it was found that , according to
the laws of the institution , it should be brought before the General Committee , instead of the Quarterly Court . Six scrutineers were then nominated , and thc election of eleven children was proceeded with . The following was the result of thc poll , which was
declared during the evening : — Alice Mary Tayler 1548 Rosajellcy 1023 A . M . Titus 887 L . M . Nelson 853 C . E . Holland 842 M . A . Eastham 824
Rosalie Bowditch 809 F . K . Belcher 801 B . A . Seaton 787 B . E . Morris 760 O . C . Lee 529 Votes of thanks to the Scrutineers and the Chair man closed thc day ' s proceedings .
MARK MASONRY . —A moveable Grand Lodge will be held at thc Masonic Hall , Leicester , under the auspices of the Fowke Lodge , No . 19 , on the 27 th inst . REPORT of Dr . Arthur Hill Hassall , Analyst of the " Lancet" Sanitary Commission , Author of " Food and its Adulterations , " & c , & c , on Mayar's Semolina : " I have carefully tested , chemically and microscopically ,
the samples of Semolina sent by Messrs . L . Mayar & Co ., 36 , Mark Lane , London , E . C . I find them to be perfectly genuine , of excellent quality , and eminently nutritious . They contain a very large percentage of nitrogenous matter , chiefly gluten , and arc far more nutritious than any other food , such as Arrowroot , Tapioca , Sago ,
Corn Flour , I-arinaccous Food , ordinary Wheat Flour , or any of the Cereals in use as food in this country . — ( Signed ) ARTHUR IIIM . IIASSAI . I ., M . D ., London . " --Highly recommended by the Faculty for Infants , Invalids , & c . Makes delicious Pudding , Custards , Blanc Mange , & c . After a trial no family will be without Mayar's Semolina .
Tic DOLOREUX , Neuralgia , Rheumatism , Lumbago , and all singular complaints , cured by Dr . Gee ' s Anodyne ( embrocation ) , Price , 2 s . gd ., or sent for 3 s . It has never yet failed . Read testimonials and judge fo 1 yourselves . Agents , T . Barton and Co ., 269 , Strand , W . C . —[ Advt . l
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
Temple Lodge , No . 101 . — The first meeting of the season of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 4 th inst ., at the Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadenhall-street , when the W . M ., Bro . F . J . Cox , well-supported by P . M . ' s J . H . Wynne , Farthing , Hastelow , S . May , Perrin , Beard , and W . W . Wynne ; Bros . Grimsby , S . W . ; Youle , J . W . ;
Bond , Treas . ; Tanner , Hon . Sec . ; Reynolds , S . D . ; Prince , J . D ; E . Fathing , jun ., I . G . ; and about forty others , admitted Uio . Beck , to the second degree , and conferred in a most impressive manner the sublime degree on his brother , Bro . T . Cox . The lodge was on this occasion honoured by the presence of the R . W . Bro . Col . F . Burdett , P . G . M . Middlesex , P . G . W . of England ; the
W . and Rev . Bro . Shepherd , P . G . Chaplain , Essex ; Hartly , P . M . 25 ; Terry , P . M . 1278 ; Moogen 33 , Alphonse 49 , Toleman 1 S 1 , and Scott 302 . After a very superb banquet supplied by the Bros . Painter and their assistants , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were responded to , when the R . W . Prov . G . M . Middlesex in a
short , eloquent , and elegant address , returned thanks for that of "The Right Hon . the Earl of Carnarvon , D . G . M and the Grand Officers , " the proceedings were enlivened by several excellent songs from various visitors and members , and after a most pleasant evening the brethren separated at 10 o'clock .
Lodge of Faith , No . 141 . —This lodge assembled for the first regular meeting of the season at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , E . G ., on Tuesday , September 27 th . Bro . Jas . Hill , W . M ., presided , supported by Bros . Speed , S . W . ; C . C . Taylor , J . W . ; Green , S . D . ; Themans , J . D . ; and Mallett acted as I . G . There were also present Bros , Wm . Carter , P . M . and Hon Treas . ;
Anslow , P . M ., Hon . Sec ; Gottheil , P . M . ; A . E . Harris , P . M . ; N . Gluckstein , P . M . ; and a strong number of brethren . The visitors were Bros . Turner ( 205 ) , Barnes ( 205 ) , P . Green ( 1150 ) , H . Carter ( 22 S ) . The business of the evening included passing and initiation , both ceremonies being performed by the W . M . in his accustomed manner . This being the night for electing officers for the ensuing year , the choice of the brethren
fell upon Bro . Speedas W . M . ; W . Carter , P . M ., Treas . ; and Longstaff , Tyler . The brethren then adjourned for refreshment , and on the cloth being removed , thc loyal and Masonic toasts were severally proposed and heartily responded lo . To the health of the " Visitors , " Bro . Turner returned thanks ; the " Initiate" also responded . For the " P . M . ' s" Bro . Geo . Hyde , I . P . M ., responded , and Bros . C . C . Taylor and Green for the "Officers . "
St . Luke ' s Lodge , No . 144 . —A general meeting of thc members of this lodge took place on Monday , the 3 rd inst ., at Bro . Golding ' s , the Pier Hotel , Chelsea , when there were present , besides others : Bros . Pullen , W . M . ; Walbaucke , S . W . ; Cadwite , J . W . ; William Mann , S . D ; Jodd , P . M ., Sec . ; William Patient , J . D . ; P . Kirke , Dir . Cer . ; Past Masters Maples , Kirke , Burch ,
and Berry ; and Longstaffe , Tyler . The visitors were Bros . Cuthbertson , St . John of Wapping ; Osborn , Zetland ( 511 ); Mott , W . M . of the New Concord ( 813 ) Wylie , I . G . Industry ( 186 ) ; Thomas Montlock , P . M . 186 ; Castell , Enoch ; Ncates , Neptune ( 22 , 507 ) j Draper ( 144 ) ; Griffiths , Royal Albeit ( 907 ) ; Miiller , Org . Royal Albert ; and Charles E . Thompson , S . W .
1158 , 177 . The lodge having been opened in the usual solemn form , Messrs . Pulling , Unite , and Walter were initiated into the mysteries of the Craft in an impressive manner by the W . M ., who afterwards raised Bro . Cuthbertson , of the St . John of Wapping Lodge , by kind permission of Bro . William Mann , W . M . The next business was the installation of Bro . Walbaucke , the S . W . of thc
lodge , who had been unanimously elected to that office of W . M . byhis fellow-members . Having been presented , he was entrusted , and thc brethren below thc degree of a Past Master withdrew . A Board of Installed Masters was then formed , and Bro . Walbaucke , who so well deserved the honour , was made Master of St . Luke ' s Lodge . This , and the remaining portion of the ceremony , including thc
beautiful addresses , were exceedingly well delivered by Bro . Pulling , who is much to be congratulated on the proficiency he has attained , and who received at the close well-merited and warm expressions of approval . —After the appointment of officers , the newly-installed W . M . said he had a very pleasing duty to perform . The lodge had unanimously voted a handsome Past Master's jewel
to Bio . Pullen for thc very able manner in which . hc had conducted the lodge during thc past twelve months . ( Hear , hear , and cheers . ) Addressing that esteemed brother in the name of the lodge , he said it gave him the greatest possible gratification to place upon his ( Bro . Pullen ' s ) breast thc jewel alluded to , and he sincerely trusted he might live many years to wear it , as a token of
the esteem in which he was held by them all . ( Cheers . ) And wear it he undoubtedly would with credit and honour to himself and satisfaction to the lodge . ( Applause . ) —Uro . Pullen , who appeared to feel much the honour conferred on him , replied in suitable terms . The W . M . then invested the officers in their regular order , Bro . Witts being made I . G . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to a capital banquet , served under
the personal supcrintcndcnccof liros . Goldingand Maples . The cloth having been withdrawn , the usual Masonic , loyal , anil patriotic toasts were given by the W . M ., and duly honoured . In speaking of the initiates , he said he trusted they would avail themselves of the Lodge of Instruction in connection with the lodge , and become good working craftsmen . —Bro . Pulling returned thanks in suitable language , and expressed the pleasure he felt at
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The New Chapter Of Improvement.
The consecration of this chapter took place too late to be reported in our last impression . The ceremony was performed on the evening of the 6 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , the Principlas' Chairs being filled by Comps . Jas . Brett , as Z . ; John Hervey , as H .: and 11 . Wentworth
Little , as J . Some seventy other Royal Arch Masons also attended , and gave great spirit to the proceedings . The consecration was the usual well-known ceremony , and needs not formal recapitulation here . Every one who has visited a chapter on its first ni ght knows what
the ceremony is , and it is only necessary to record the fact that every item in the programme was studiously observed . After the opening of the chapter and the admission of the companions , their attention was called by the Z . to the petition for the warrant , which prayed that the companions signing it
might be constituted into a chapter , working under the famous Prudent Brethren Chapter ( No . 145 ) . Comp . George States , S . E . of that chapter , presented to the Z ., Comps . Boyd , Last , Carter , and Warrington as founders , and the M . E . fluently delivered an eloquent oration on Freemasonry , which had been written b y Comp . Little .
The chapter was then consecrated , and the companions who had been presented were constituted into a regular chapter . During this time Comp . West Smith acted as P . S ., Comp . Gottheil as 1 st A . S ., and Comp . W . Green as 2 nd A . S . The three clauses of the first section
were next worked , Comp . Gottheil taking the first clause , Comp . West Smith the second , and Comp . W . H . Green the third . The great facility with which these companions delivered the lengthy R . A . ritual was the greatest recommendation that could be offered of the superiority of Comp .
Brett s tuition , under which they had obtained their knowledge j and it was , at the same time , a fine proof of the intelligence , patience , and perseverance which had been exercised by them in the acquisition of it . Comp . Brett concluded the ritual business of the evening by delivering a
lecture on the Platonic bodies , and gave an explanation of the banners and ensigns , at the termination of which he received the applause of the chapter , and the hearty congratulations of all the companions present . New members were afterwards enrolled by
Comp . Little , S . E ., and this first meeting of the chapter was brought to a close , after Comp . Boyd had been elected M E . Z . for the ensuing week ; Comp . A . A . Richards , H . ; Comp . West Smith , J . ; Comp . Thomas W . White
S . N . ; and Comp . W . H . Green , P . S . A further meeting of the chapter was held at Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday last , and the work performed thereat was no way inferior to the ceremony of consecration and the working of the clauses recorded above .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
A Quarterly General Court of the Governors and Subscribers of this Institution was held on Thursday , at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . John Hervey , V . P ., took the chair , and among thc brethren present were Bros . W . Young , R . Spencer , John Udall , George Pymm , J . Boyd , Major Creaton ,
W . Farnfield E . Cox , Samuel May , J . A . Rucker , J . B . Monckton , G . States , S . Rosenthal , John Symonds , A . H . Tattershall , John Savage , Thos . W . White , Jas . Terry , H . Massey , J . R . Stebbing , H . Muggeridge , W . Mann , W . H . Warr , J . W . Dudley , H . Empson , W . Hemsworth , George
Cox , Raynham W . Stewart , John Watkin , Henry Smith , Wm . Birch , John Chachvick , A . Pratt , H . Brid ges , S . Davidson , S . Rawson , Bcry , Head , J . R . Sheen , H . Browse , J . T . Bowen , Rev . C . Woodward , W . Watson , E . S . Snell , H . Bartlett , Alf . Layton , S . Edersheim , Geo . King , W . Pulteney , acott , Thos . Price , James Brett , John Thomas , and
E . H . Patten , Secretary . . After the reading of thc minutes of thc meeting since thc last Quarterly Court by the Secretary . Bro . John Symonds , V . P ., brought forward thc motion of of which he had given notice . Bro . Raynham W . Stewart seconded the motion , a « d objected to brethren coming into Masonry only for what they could get out of it . He was sorry to say . that out of the hundred children in
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
this school , there were not thirty whose parents had contributed a shilling to it . If the new rule were strictly adhered to a great deal would be done for Masonry , by keeping out persons who looked upon it as a benefit society . Bro . E . Cox supported the motion , and it was
then put and carried . Bro . Raynham W . Stewart moved : " That the same Committee appointed on the 14 th April , 1870 ( and which has this day reported ) be re-appointed —To consider the qualifications and privileges of Vice-Presidents , Life Governors , and Life and
Annual Subscribers , and report to a Special Court to be held on Thursday , 8 th December , 1870 . " His object ( he proceeded to say ) was that every province should be fairly represented . The privileges conferred on lodges and chapters were very great , and it became necessary now to consider the
extent of those privileges . As the laws of the institution now stood , if a brother paid 50 guineas to it and died the day after , the qualification obtained by the payment was lost . But a lodge which made the same gift had the benefit of it in perpetuity . This he thought should be revised .
Bro . Chadwick seconded the motion , and Bros . Letchford and Stebbing supported it . The Chairman put the motion , and it was agreed to . Bro . Raynham W . Stewart also moved : " That any member of the late committee unable to serve on this Committee as re-appointed , be at liberty to
nominate a duly-qualified brother as his substitute . " Bro . Major Creaton seconded the motion . Bro . Edward Cox opposed on the ground , that it would take the Quarterly Court by surprise , and open the door wide to innovation . Bro . Symonds said , he hoped the motion would
be carried , and it was desirable to have the provincial brethren with them . The Committee could only report—the dealing with the report rested with the Quarterly Court . Bro . Letchford , Snell , Browse , and Wike having made a few observations ,
Bro . Bridges rose to order . A discussion now was not regular ; it should be left till after the report had been made . Bro . E . Cox wished to know whether the representative was to be nominated at the first meeting , and such representative be the only one afterwards
allowed to attend ? The Chairman said yes , and he believed all the brethren had the same object in view—the good of the institution—though they differed in the way it should be attained . The motion was carried .
Bro . Raynham W . Stewart ' s other motion , " That the Assistant Clerk ' s salary be , from the 29 th September last , at the rate of , £ 100 per annum , " was withdrawn , after some discussion , in which Bros . Udall , E . Cox , John Savage , John Symonds , and E . Snell took part , as it was found that , according to
the laws of the institution , it should be brought before the General Committee , instead of the Quarterly Court . Six scrutineers were then nominated , and thc election of eleven children was proceeded with . The following was the result of thc poll , which was
declared during the evening : — Alice Mary Tayler 1548 Rosajellcy 1023 A . M . Titus 887 L . M . Nelson 853 C . E . Holland 842 M . A . Eastham 824
Rosalie Bowditch 809 F . K . Belcher 801 B . A . Seaton 787 B . E . Morris 760 O . C . Lee 529 Votes of thanks to the Scrutineers and the Chair man closed thc day ' s proceedings .
MARK MASONRY . —A moveable Grand Lodge will be held at thc Masonic Hall , Leicester , under the auspices of the Fowke Lodge , No . 19 , on the 27 th inst . REPORT of Dr . Arthur Hill Hassall , Analyst of the " Lancet" Sanitary Commission , Author of " Food and its Adulterations , " & c , & c , on Mayar's Semolina : " I have carefully tested , chemically and microscopically ,
the samples of Semolina sent by Messrs . L . Mayar & Co ., 36 , Mark Lane , London , E . C . I find them to be perfectly genuine , of excellent quality , and eminently nutritious . They contain a very large percentage of nitrogenous matter , chiefly gluten , and arc far more nutritious than any other food , such as Arrowroot , Tapioca , Sago ,
Corn Flour , I-arinaccous Food , ordinary Wheat Flour , or any of the Cereals in use as food in this country . — ( Signed ) ARTHUR IIIM . IIASSAI . I ., M . D ., London . " --Highly recommended by the Faculty for Infants , Invalids , & c . Makes delicious Pudding , Custards , Blanc Mange , & c . After a trial no family will be without Mayar's Semolina .
Tic DOLOREUX , Neuralgia , Rheumatism , Lumbago , and all singular complaints , cured by Dr . Gee ' s Anodyne ( embrocation ) , Price , 2 s . gd ., or sent for 3 s . It has never yet failed . Read testimonials and judge fo 1 yourselves . Agents , T . Barton and Co ., 269 , Strand , W . C . —[ Advt . l
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
Temple Lodge , No . 101 . — The first meeting of the season of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 4 th inst ., at the Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadenhall-street , when the W . M ., Bro . F . J . Cox , well-supported by P . M . ' s J . H . Wynne , Farthing , Hastelow , S . May , Perrin , Beard , and W . W . Wynne ; Bros . Grimsby , S . W . ; Youle , J . W . ;
Bond , Treas . ; Tanner , Hon . Sec . ; Reynolds , S . D . ; Prince , J . D ; E . Fathing , jun ., I . G . ; and about forty others , admitted Uio . Beck , to the second degree , and conferred in a most impressive manner the sublime degree on his brother , Bro . T . Cox . The lodge was on this occasion honoured by the presence of the R . W . Bro . Col . F . Burdett , P . G . M . Middlesex , P . G . W . of England ; the
W . and Rev . Bro . Shepherd , P . G . Chaplain , Essex ; Hartly , P . M . 25 ; Terry , P . M . 1278 ; Moogen 33 , Alphonse 49 , Toleman 1 S 1 , and Scott 302 . After a very superb banquet supplied by the Bros . Painter and their assistants , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were responded to , when the R . W . Prov . G . M . Middlesex in a
short , eloquent , and elegant address , returned thanks for that of "The Right Hon . the Earl of Carnarvon , D . G . M and the Grand Officers , " the proceedings were enlivened by several excellent songs from various visitors and members , and after a most pleasant evening the brethren separated at 10 o'clock .
Lodge of Faith , No . 141 . —This lodge assembled for the first regular meeting of the season at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , E . G ., on Tuesday , September 27 th . Bro . Jas . Hill , W . M ., presided , supported by Bros . Speed , S . W . ; C . C . Taylor , J . W . ; Green , S . D . ; Themans , J . D . ; and Mallett acted as I . G . There were also present Bros , Wm . Carter , P . M . and Hon Treas . ;
Anslow , P . M ., Hon . Sec ; Gottheil , P . M . ; A . E . Harris , P . M . ; N . Gluckstein , P . M . ; and a strong number of brethren . The visitors were Bros . Turner ( 205 ) , Barnes ( 205 ) , P . Green ( 1150 ) , H . Carter ( 22 S ) . The business of the evening included passing and initiation , both ceremonies being performed by the W . M . in his accustomed manner . This being the night for electing officers for the ensuing year , the choice of the brethren
fell upon Bro . Speedas W . M . ; W . Carter , P . M ., Treas . ; and Longstaff , Tyler . The brethren then adjourned for refreshment , and on the cloth being removed , thc loyal and Masonic toasts were severally proposed and heartily responded lo . To the health of the " Visitors , " Bro . Turner returned thanks ; the " Initiate" also responded . For the " P . M . ' s" Bro . Geo . Hyde , I . P . M ., responded , and Bros . C . C . Taylor and Green for the "Officers . "
St . Luke ' s Lodge , No . 144 . —A general meeting of thc members of this lodge took place on Monday , the 3 rd inst ., at Bro . Golding ' s , the Pier Hotel , Chelsea , when there were present , besides others : Bros . Pullen , W . M . ; Walbaucke , S . W . ; Cadwite , J . W . ; William Mann , S . D ; Jodd , P . M ., Sec . ; William Patient , J . D . ; P . Kirke , Dir . Cer . ; Past Masters Maples , Kirke , Burch ,
and Berry ; and Longstaffe , Tyler . The visitors were Bros . Cuthbertson , St . John of Wapping ; Osborn , Zetland ( 511 ); Mott , W . M . of the New Concord ( 813 ) Wylie , I . G . Industry ( 186 ) ; Thomas Montlock , P . M . 186 ; Castell , Enoch ; Ncates , Neptune ( 22 , 507 ) j Draper ( 144 ) ; Griffiths , Royal Albeit ( 907 ) ; Miiller , Org . Royal Albert ; and Charles E . Thompson , S . W .
1158 , 177 . The lodge having been opened in the usual solemn form , Messrs . Pulling , Unite , and Walter were initiated into the mysteries of the Craft in an impressive manner by the W . M ., who afterwards raised Bro . Cuthbertson , of the St . John of Wapping Lodge , by kind permission of Bro . William Mann , W . M . The next business was the installation of Bro . Walbaucke , the S . W . of thc
lodge , who had been unanimously elected to that office of W . M . byhis fellow-members . Having been presented , he was entrusted , and thc brethren below thc degree of a Past Master withdrew . A Board of Installed Masters was then formed , and Bro . Walbaucke , who so well deserved the honour , was made Master of St . Luke ' s Lodge . This , and the remaining portion of the ceremony , including thc
beautiful addresses , were exceedingly well delivered by Bro . Pulling , who is much to be congratulated on the proficiency he has attained , and who received at the close well-merited and warm expressions of approval . —After the appointment of officers , the newly-installed W . M . said he had a very pleasing duty to perform . The lodge had unanimously voted a handsome Past Master's jewel
to Bio . Pullen for thc very able manner in which . hc had conducted the lodge during thc past twelve months . ( Hear , hear , and cheers . ) Addressing that esteemed brother in the name of the lodge , he said it gave him the greatest possible gratification to place upon his ( Bro . Pullen ' s ) breast thc jewel alluded to , and he sincerely trusted he might live many years to wear it , as a token of
the esteem in which he was held by them all . ( Cheers . ) And wear it he undoubtedly would with credit and honour to himself and satisfaction to the lodge . ( Applause . ) —Uro . Pullen , who appeared to feel much the honour conferred on him , replied in suitable terms . The W . M . then invested the officers in their regular order , Bro . Witts being made I . G . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to a capital banquet , served under
the personal supcrintcndcnccof liros . Goldingand Maples . The cloth having been withdrawn , the usual Masonic , loyal , anil patriotic toasts were given by the W . M ., and duly honoured . In speaking of the initiates , he said he trusted they would avail themselves of the Lodge of Instruction in connection with the lodge , and become good working craftsmen . —Bro . Pulling returned thanks in suitable language , and expressed the pleasure he felt at