Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. ← Page 3 of 3 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 3 of 3 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY . Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
AV . H . de Schmidt , T . Chudleigh , E . L . Middleton , Mann , Taylor , C Adams , & c , & c . The lodge was opened by Bro . Pridham in due form , and then Bro . Bridges proceeded to instal the AVorshipful Master-elect . This he did in a most able manner , the V . AV . brother showing a complete knowledge of the extensive duties which attach to this most interesting ceremonial . The
AV . M . having been duly installed , and having received the homage of the brethren , appointed the following officers of the lodge for the year ensuing : —Uros . John Pridham , I . P . M . ; Arthur U . Niner , S . AV . ; AV . H . Chudleigh , J . AV . ; AV . H . De Schmidt , S . D . ; Capt . G . AV . Fowle , J . D . ; and H . Colven , I . G . John Crocker was re-elected . It was stated that the funds of the lodge were in a very
satisfactory condition , there being after all obligations had been discharged between , £ 70 and ^ 80 in hand . At the close of the business the brethren adjourned to the Seven Stars Hotel , where a most excellent dinner was provided by Uro . John Heath . Thc AV . M . presided , and the S . AV . acted as vice-president . There were eleven Past Masters present , and several visiting brethren from other lodges .
After dinner , the AA " . Master , in a short and effective speech , proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , to which happy responses were given in appropriate speeches . Bro . Bridges was most warmly thanked for having come all the way from Bridgwater to instal the W . Master , and that worthy brother responded in an excellent address , in which he recalled circumstances that had happened
thirteen years since , when he opened the Lodge Pleiades , which had originated with him . Other speeches were made by Bros . Pridham , Latimer , Dr . Owen , J . Heath , Niner , De Schmidt , Chudleigh , Rev . R . Powning , & c , and the party broke up early after a most agreeable day . Uro . Taylor presided both in the lodge and in the dininghall at the harmonium . AVe ought lo state that a Royal
Arch Chapter had been held in the forenoon . — Western Daily Mercury . ULVERSTOX . —Lodge of Furness , No . 995 . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at thc Masonic Temple , Theatre-street , on Tuesday , the 4 U 1 inst ., when the following officers were present : John Case , \ A . M . ; R . Pearson , S . AV . ; Jas . AV . Grundy , J . AV . ; Robert
James , Hon . Sec . ; R . Dodgson , S . D . ; J . Paxton , J . D . ; R . Casson , Org . ; F . J . Ulacklock , Steward ; J . Robinson , O . G . ; and upwards of 20 other members . The visitors were AVm . Johnson and P . Derbyshire ( 1225 ) , and F . II . Clarke ( 1021 ) . The lodge was opened in due form by thc A \ . M ., and the minutes of the last communication were read and confirmed . A ballot was then
taken for Mr . James Hudson , which proved unanimous in his favour , and he was then duly initiated into the mysteries of the Order by thc AV . M . Uros . Lockett and Charnly having proved their efficiency as F . C ' s were entrusted and retired , and on being re-admitted , were
raised respectively to the degree of M . M . by Uro . G . Remington , P . M . and D . C , and Bro . Dr . Barber , senior P . M . Bro . Harding , Tyrian Lodge , No . 253 , was proposed as a joining member . The Treasurer ' s quarterly statement of accounts were read , and the lodge was finally and formally closed at 10 . 30 p . m .
LANCASTER . —Pawley Lodge , No . 1051 . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , the 3 rd inst ., at the Masonic-rooms , Athcnrcum , Lancaster . TheiS were present , AV . Bro . Hall , AA ' . M . ; AV . Bro . J . Daniel Moore , as I . P . M . and Secretary ; Bros . Mercer , S . AV . ; John Hatch , AV . M . 281 , as J . AV . ; C . E . Dodson , S . D . ; AV . Hall , as J . D . ; R . Taylor , I . G . ; E . Storey , P . M .
2 S 1 ; J . Conlon ; AA'atson , Tyler . The lodge being opened the minutes of the preceding lodge were read and confirmed , and other business transacted . The AV . M . then vacated the chair , and delivered in a highly creditable manner thc lecture on the lodge tracing board of the first degree , for which a special vote of thanks was accorded . After the completion of thc lodge business , a number of
the brethren adjourned to the house of the AV . M ., and partook of an elegant repast which had been hospitably provided . AtiKRYSTWlTll . —Abcrys ' .-with Lodge , No . 1072 . —The first meeting of the season of this flourishing lodge was held ai ihe Belle Vue Royal Hotel , Aberystwith , on Monday , the 3 rd inst . Present , Uros . E . L . Cole , AV . M .
C . Rice AVilliams , M . V ., S . W . ; J . AV . Szhimper , C . E ., I . W . ; G . T . Smith , I . P . M ., Prov . Grand Sec ; W . AVilliams , F . R . C . S ., S . D . ; Stanley J . Ualcomc , J . D . 1278 , acting J . D . ; John Vaughan , P . Prov . G . Supt . AV ., Treas . ; Edward Hamer , Sec . ; R . Hughes , I . G . ; Inglis Ucrvjii , Organist . Visiting brethren , D 11 U 011425 , Philpot , and tessc Uakcr . There were also 12 other members of thc
lodge present . In consequence of Ihe non-attendance of Uro . M . 1 ,. A . Davis , who was absent shooting in Scotland , and was to have been passed to thc second degree there was no ceremony , and thc only business transacted after the minutes of the last meeting in June had been read and confirmed , was the proposing by Bro . Cole , the present AV . M ., of Uro . C Rice AVilliams , M . D ., the S . AA' .,
as AA ' . M . for thc coming year , Uro . Cole , in so doing , thanked the brethren for the honour they had done him in fleeting him the year before , and said he felt sure that by nominating Uro . Williams as his successor , thc office would fall into able and worthy hands . Uro . G . T . Smith , J . P . M ., Prov . Grand Sec , seconded , and bore testimony to the energy and ability displayed by Bro . AVilliams in thc
various offices he had filled in thc lodge . For thc three successive years , he ( Uro . Smith ) had had the honour of presiding over the lodge , he had alivays had an able and indefatigable coadjutor in Uro . AVilliams , and he had no doubt he would prove equally efficient in the chair . No other brother having been proposed , Uro . AVilliams briefly
returned thanks for the honour proposed to be done him . Uro . Smith then requested the W . M , to allow him before tne lod ge was closed to draw the special attention of the hi'dln-iiii to the visit that evening of Uro , Stanley J . Ualcombe , the dear friend and brother who had been initiated amongst them , who had been one of their most
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
indefatigable workers , and whose loss from their number they all so much deplored . Bro . Balcombe was J . D . of the Burdett Coutts , No . 1278 , and knowing him to be a glutton for work , the AV . M . had , in the absence of their own J . D ., requested him to take his office for that evening . He ( Bro . Smith ) was sure he was expressing the unanimous feeling of the lodge , in assuring Bro . Balcombe that
they were highly pleased to have him once more amongst them , and that they greeted him with the heartiest and sincerest Masonic welcome . —Bro . Balcombe having returned thanks in a few feeling and well-chosen words , the AA ' . M . closed the lodge in due form and with solemn prayer , and the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet provided by Uro . Pell , in his usual and well-known liberal
manner . —This lodge was established in 1 S 65 , with Bro . J . D . Perrott , AV . M ., Brecknock 651 , P . Prov . G . S . AV ., as its first , or instructing AV . M . He was succeeded by Bro . G . I . Smith , who held thc office for three years in succession , and Bro . Cole is the present AA ' . M . whose year
of office will expire in December next . Although but a young lodge it numbers over 60 members , all being of good social position , has contributed handsomely to the three principal Masonic charities and to some local ones , and has never been in debt , but has always had a respectable balance at its bankers .
MELTON MOWBRAY . —Rutland Lodge , / Vo . 1130 . — The first meeting of this lodge after the summer recess was held at the George Hotel , on Thursday , the Gth inst . —the AV . M ., Uro . Douglass , presiding . Present besides thc AV . M . : Uros . Rev . AV . Langley , P . M . ; J . J . Fast , S . AV . ; Claude L . Ferneley , Organ ! jt ; AV . Leadbetter , I . G . ; Chester Newcome , John B . Leadbetter , John Selby , Rev . C . H . Coryndon Uakcr , and James King .
Uro . John Bailey , of the Vale of Caithness Lodge , No . 1265 , was present as a visitor to his mother lodge . Bro . James King was passed , and Bro . C It . Coryndon Baker was raised by the AA ' . M . in his usually perfect manner . A vote of condolence was passed to the widow of the late Uro . Dr . Ashforlh , who was initiated in this lodge . Two candidates were proposed for initiation at the next meeting , and the brethren were called from labour to refreshment .
OAKHAM . — Vale of Caithness Lodge , No . 1265 . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on AA ' ednesday , the 5 th of October , but the attendance of the brethren was very small . In the absence of the AV . M ., the chair was taken by Bro Rev . AA' . Langley , P . M . 1130 , and AV . M . 50 . Bro . Duncomb acted as S . AA ., and Uro . Kew as J . W . Bro . Thomas Markham , J . AA' ., was elected AV . M .
lor the ensuing year ; Bro . Morris , Treasurer ; and the installation and annual festival was fixed for AA ' ednesday , Nov . 2 nd . A letter of condolence was ordered to be written by the Secretary , Bro . Bennett , to the widow of the late Uro . Dr . Ashforlh , S . AV . of this lodge . Two candidates were proposed for initiation at the next meeting , when the lodge was closed at 8 o ' clock , and the
brethren adjourned for refreshment . MARKET HARBOROUGH . — St . Peter's Lodge , A o . 1330 . —The first regular monthly meeting of this lodge since its consecration on the 16 th ultimo , was held at the assembly-room , Three Swans Hotel , on Friday , the 7 th inst ., when the following brethren were present : AV . Kelly ( P . G . M . ) , AV . M . ; Sir Henry St . John Halford ,
Hart ., S . AV . j Rev . J . F . Halford , J . AV . ; R . AVaitc , P . M ., Treas . ; AV . II . Marris , P . M ., Sec . ; F . Kemp , S . D . ; M . H . Lewin , AA ' . Symmington , J . II . Douglass , T . Macaulay , Freestone , Lawrence , and Martin ; C . Ucmbride , Tyler . Visitors : Uros . Partridge ( as J . D . ) and Rowlett ( as Organist ) , of No . 523 , Leicester . Thc lodge having been opened , the minutes of the first
meeting , on the 10 th ultimo , and of a Lodge of Emergency , on thc 30 th ultimo ( when eight candidates were initiated by dispensation ) , were read and confirmed . The by-laws adopteil at the previous meetings w— . i also confirmed . A ballot was taken for Messrs . John AVliitehead and Jas . Kdward Dixon , of Market Harborough , who were duly elected , and were afterwards regularly initiated into
Freemasonry , as were also Dr . Fred . Grant and Messrs . Etlward Fuller and James Shovelbottom—Uro . Rowlett conducting the musical chants on the harmonium . The AA . M . then gave the lecture on the tracing board and the charge . Arrangements were made for the purchase of a handsome set of second-hand furniture for the lodge , and two gentlemen having been proposed for initiation , ihe lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . Temperance Chapter , No . 169 . —Thc quarterly meeting of this chapter was held on Tuesday , the 4 th inst ., at the AA'hite Swan Tavern , High-street , Deptford . Comp . II . Moore , M . E . / ,., presided . There was not any work before the chapter , which , after the usual formalities were gone through , was closed . Refreshment followed , ancl a happy evening was spent .
PROVINCIAL . LIVERPOOL . —Chapter of Lira-pool . No . 292 . —Thc regular convocation of this Royal Arch Chapter was held 011 the 3 rd inst . at the Masonic Temple , 22 , Hope-street . There were present Comps . J . Mercer Johnson , M . l ) ., M . E . Z . ; R . AVylie , VA / ,., If . ; Jas . I lamer , P . Z ., as ] . ; Thos . AA ' ylie , P . Z . and Treas . ; and Laidlaw , P . Z .
Pelham , P . Soj . ; Huslwick . H . K .: Elliott , S . N . ; & c . After the reading ami confirmation of thc minutes , a ballot was taken for Uro . Dr . Adam , of Lodge 78 ( S . C ) , which proving unanimous ; he being in attendance , was exalted according ( o the ancient usages of Koyal Arch Masons , the ceremony being very impressively performed by Coinp . Thus . AVylie , VAL , who also delivered the mystic lecture , and Comp . I lamer , V . Z ., the lirst historical
Royal Arch.
lecture . The latter companion also gave in his usual faultless style the explanation of the plate . After the proposition of a brother as a candidate for exaltation at the next chapter , the proceedings terminated in the usual manner , and the companions separated at an early hour . Visitors : Comps . Hughes and Woodchap , 1094 .
EWELL . —Grove Chapter , No . 410 . —The installation meeting of this old chapter was held on Saturday , the 9 th inst ., at the Spring Hotel , Ewell . The chapxr was duly opened by Comp . C . Dumas , M . E . Z . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Comp . C . Greenwood , in an able manner installed C imps . J . Hart , as M . E . Z ., and J . Rosenthal , J . Comps . W .
Heath and F . AValters , by desire , gave the H . and the Z . chairs . Comp . E . Kimber , Organist 619 , was proposed as a joining member , and the chapter was closed . A good banquet was then served , and the usual toasts were given , ancl Comp . Heath responded for the " A'isitors . " Thc companions separated early and returned to town . Visitors : Comps . AV . U . Heath , P . Z . 22 ; F . AValters , P . Z . 73 ; E . Kimber , Organist 619 .
Mark Masonry .
METROPOLITAN . St . Mark ' s Mark Lolgc , No . I . —This Mark Lodge met on Monday , the loth inst ., at Bro . Gosden's , Masons ' Hall Tavern , Basinghall-street . Br . II . C . Levander presided as AV . M ., and advanced Uro . Thos . Burdett Yeoman , Panmure Lodge 715 , ami Bro . AA' . Dodd , AV . M . 1194 , Craft , to this degree . Uro . R . AVcntworth Little ,
Secretary and P . M ., afterwards obligated the following Mark Master Masons in thc Ark Mariner degree , as acknowledged by Grand Mark Lodge ol England : —Bros . John Hervey , R . J . Carey , F . Walters , II . Parker , T . B . Yeoman , \ A' . Dodd and II . Massey . Bro . Levander then installed Uro . J . G . Marsh , as AV . M ., and ihe lodge was called off for banquet , which was admirably served
by Uro . Gos len , under the superintendence of Uro . Nicholson . AVhen the brethren returned to labour , the AV . M . appointed and invested Uros . AV . U . Church , S . AV . ; T . Cubitt , J . AV . ; George Kenning , M . O . ; S . C . Davison , S . O . ; I . M'Kiernan , J . O . ; IT . C . Levander , P . M ., Treas . ; R . Wentworth Little , P . M ., Sec . ; F . AValters , P . M ., R . of M . ; A . Perrot , S . D . : AV . Dodd ,
J . D . ; IT . Parker , Organist ; T . B . Yeoman , I . G . ; R . J . Carey , D . C , and Gilbert , T . At the conclusion of these appointments the lodge was closed , and the customary toasts were proposed , honoured , and responded to . The brethren separated early , after having spent a most agreeable evcyiing . Thc ceremonies in lodge ,
which were ably performed , were accompanied with musical additions , under the care of Bro . H . Parker . Besides the brethren named above as being present during the evening , Bros , the Rev . D . Shaboe and Thos . AVhite attended , and the former as a visitor , responded to the toast with which the visiting brethren were honoured .
PROVINCIAL . BIRKENHEAD . —Joppa Mark Lodge , No . 5 , S . C—On the 30 th ult ., the annual meeting of this flourishing lodge was held at the Masonic Chambers , Birkenhead , at 3 . 30 p . m ., and was honoured by thc presence of the Provincial Grand M . M ., Uro . Entwistle , who entered with thc officers as follows : —Uros . C . F . Matier 30 ° , Deputy P . G . M . M . ; 0
G . P . Brockbank 1 S , P . S . G . AA ' . ; J . A . AVhyatt , P . G . D . ofC ; Hopkins , P . G . A . D . ofC ; J . Mitchell , P . J . G . \ A ' . ; J . P . Piatt , P . G . M . O . ; Friend , P . G . T . K ., N . Thc minutes of previous meeting having been confirmed , thc R . AV . M .. Uro . Levcrson advanced Bro . R . Evans , of Lodge 1276 to the degree , and vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Matier , who at thc solicitation of thc brethren
kindly consented to perform thc ceremony of installation of R . AA' . M ., which he did with his usual style in a highly efficient manner . Uro . Mills , S . A \ ' . and P . G . S . O ., being the one whom thc brethren had selected to rule over them for thc ensuing year on thc conclusion of thc beautiful ceremony , Uro . Mills appointed and invested his officers as follows : —Uros . Ambler P . G . S . D ., S . AA' . ; Sillitoe ,
J . AV .: Barclay , M . O . ; Moore , S . O . ; Lewis , J . O . ; Williams , S . D . ; Brclt , J . D . ; Sayer , Conductor ; Botton , T . K . : Friend P . G . T . K ., Secretary Bro . J . P . Piatt , P . G . M . O ., was re-elected and invested as Treas . The R . AV . P . G . M . M . was requested to present thc P . M . jewel voted by the brethren to Uro . Stevenson , and in the course of a very able address , congratulating the lodge on its state
of efficiency , remarked that the brethren had good cause to be pleased with the manner in which Uro . Stevenson had performed his duties , and that it gave him much pleasure to present in the name of the Joppa Lodge thc handsome jewel awarded to him , trusting he would long live to wear it , and by it be reminded of ihe good feeling borne him by the brethren whom he had so ably governed .
After some business of ordinary routine , the lodge was closed in due form , nnd tlic brethren adjourned to refreshment a ; tlic AA ' ood . sidc Hotel , after which the usual loyal and Mnsonic toasts were given , and some very good singing enlivened thc proceedings , tlic brethren separating at an early hour . This meeting has been one of the most
pleasant enjoyed by thc Joppa Li dge for some time , and from the fact of the R . AV . P . G . M . M ., Uro . Entwistle and ofiicers taking such au interest in their province wo argue much success for this degree , and hope ihe time is not far distant when all . Mark Masters will he able to mix with each other , whether English , Scotch , or any other dc . ilg-ia ' . ion .
MM . TMN MOWBRAY— Tlic Howe Lodge , No . 21 . — Th .: regular meeting of this lodge was held immediately bi'foro ihe Craft Lodge , on Thursday , thc 6 lh nit . The AA ' . M . Urn . Douglas presided . The attendance was very .- - . nail , a-. id no v . u : U IK ing di / . v . ' . on the business paper , the !¦> Wc was cloacd .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
AV . H . de Schmidt , T . Chudleigh , E . L . Middleton , Mann , Taylor , C Adams , & c , & c . The lodge was opened by Bro . Pridham in due form , and then Bro . Bridges proceeded to instal the AVorshipful Master-elect . This he did in a most able manner , the V . AV . brother showing a complete knowledge of the extensive duties which attach to this most interesting ceremonial . The
AV . M . having been duly installed , and having received the homage of the brethren , appointed the following officers of the lodge for the year ensuing : —Uros . John Pridham , I . P . M . ; Arthur U . Niner , S . AV . ; AV . H . Chudleigh , J . AV . ; AV . H . De Schmidt , S . D . ; Capt . G . AV . Fowle , J . D . ; and H . Colven , I . G . John Crocker was re-elected . It was stated that the funds of the lodge were in a very
satisfactory condition , there being after all obligations had been discharged between , £ 70 and ^ 80 in hand . At the close of the business the brethren adjourned to the Seven Stars Hotel , where a most excellent dinner was provided by Uro . John Heath . Thc AV . M . presided , and the S . AV . acted as vice-president . There were eleven Past Masters present , and several visiting brethren from other lodges .
After dinner , the AA " . Master , in a short and effective speech , proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , to which happy responses were given in appropriate speeches . Bro . Bridges was most warmly thanked for having come all the way from Bridgwater to instal the W . Master , and that worthy brother responded in an excellent address , in which he recalled circumstances that had happened
thirteen years since , when he opened the Lodge Pleiades , which had originated with him . Other speeches were made by Bros . Pridham , Latimer , Dr . Owen , J . Heath , Niner , De Schmidt , Chudleigh , Rev . R . Powning , & c , and the party broke up early after a most agreeable day . Uro . Taylor presided both in the lodge and in the dininghall at the harmonium . AVe ought lo state that a Royal
Arch Chapter had been held in the forenoon . — Western Daily Mercury . ULVERSTOX . —Lodge of Furness , No . 995 . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at thc Masonic Temple , Theatre-street , on Tuesday , the 4 U 1 inst ., when the following officers were present : John Case , \ A . M . ; R . Pearson , S . AV . ; Jas . AV . Grundy , J . AV . ; Robert
James , Hon . Sec . ; R . Dodgson , S . D . ; J . Paxton , J . D . ; R . Casson , Org . ; F . J . Ulacklock , Steward ; J . Robinson , O . G . ; and upwards of 20 other members . The visitors were AVm . Johnson and P . Derbyshire ( 1225 ) , and F . II . Clarke ( 1021 ) . The lodge was opened in due form by thc A \ . M ., and the minutes of the last communication were read and confirmed . A ballot was then
taken for Mr . James Hudson , which proved unanimous in his favour , and he was then duly initiated into the mysteries of the Order by thc AV . M . Uros . Lockett and Charnly having proved their efficiency as F . C ' s were entrusted and retired , and on being re-admitted , were
raised respectively to the degree of M . M . by Uro . G . Remington , P . M . and D . C , and Bro . Dr . Barber , senior P . M . Bro . Harding , Tyrian Lodge , No . 253 , was proposed as a joining member . The Treasurer ' s quarterly statement of accounts were read , and the lodge was finally and formally closed at 10 . 30 p . m .
LANCASTER . —Pawley Lodge , No . 1051 . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , the 3 rd inst ., at the Masonic-rooms , Athcnrcum , Lancaster . TheiS were present , AV . Bro . Hall , AA ' . M . ; AV . Bro . J . Daniel Moore , as I . P . M . and Secretary ; Bros . Mercer , S . AV . ; John Hatch , AV . M . 281 , as J . AV . ; C . E . Dodson , S . D . ; AV . Hall , as J . D . ; R . Taylor , I . G . ; E . Storey , P . M .
2 S 1 ; J . Conlon ; AA'atson , Tyler . The lodge being opened the minutes of the preceding lodge were read and confirmed , and other business transacted . The AV . M . then vacated the chair , and delivered in a highly creditable manner thc lecture on the lodge tracing board of the first degree , for which a special vote of thanks was accorded . After the completion of thc lodge business , a number of
the brethren adjourned to the house of the AV . M ., and partook of an elegant repast which had been hospitably provided . AtiKRYSTWlTll . —Abcrys ' .-with Lodge , No . 1072 . —The first meeting of the season of this flourishing lodge was held ai ihe Belle Vue Royal Hotel , Aberystwith , on Monday , the 3 rd inst . Present , Uros . E . L . Cole , AV . M .
C . Rice AVilliams , M . V ., S . W . ; J . AV . Szhimper , C . E ., I . W . ; G . T . Smith , I . P . M ., Prov . Grand Sec ; W . AVilliams , F . R . C . S ., S . D . ; Stanley J . Ualcomc , J . D . 1278 , acting J . D . ; John Vaughan , P . Prov . G . Supt . AV ., Treas . ; Edward Hamer , Sec . ; R . Hughes , I . G . ; Inglis Ucrvjii , Organist . Visiting brethren , D 11 U 011425 , Philpot , and tessc Uakcr . There were also 12 other members of thc
lodge present . In consequence of Ihe non-attendance of Uro . M . 1 ,. A . Davis , who was absent shooting in Scotland , and was to have been passed to thc second degree there was no ceremony , and thc only business transacted after the minutes of the last meeting in June had been read and confirmed , was the proposing by Bro . Cole , the present AV . M ., of Uro . C Rice AVilliams , M . D ., the S . AA' .,
as AA ' . M . for thc coming year , Uro . Cole , in so doing , thanked the brethren for the honour they had done him in fleeting him the year before , and said he felt sure that by nominating Uro . Williams as his successor , thc office would fall into able and worthy hands . Uro . G . T . Smith , J . P . M ., Prov . Grand Sec , seconded , and bore testimony to the energy and ability displayed by Bro . AVilliams in thc
various offices he had filled in thc lodge . For thc three successive years , he ( Uro . Smith ) had had the honour of presiding over the lodge , he had alivays had an able and indefatigable coadjutor in Uro . AVilliams , and he had no doubt he would prove equally efficient in the chair . No other brother having been proposed , Uro . AVilliams briefly
returned thanks for the honour proposed to be done him . Uro . Smith then requested the W . M , to allow him before tne lod ge was closed to draw the special attention of the hi'dln-iiii to the visit that evening of Uro , Stanley J . Ualcombe , the dear friend and brother who had been initiated amongst them , who had been one of their most
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
indefatigable workers , and whose loss from their number they all so much deplored . Bro . Balcombe was J . D . of the Burdett Coutts , No . 1278 , and knowing him to be a glutton for work , the AV . M . had , in the absence of their own J . D ., requested him to take his office for that evening . He ( Bro . Smith ) was sure he was expressing the unanimous feeling of the lodge , in assuring Bro . Balcombe that
they were highly pleased to have him once more amongst them , and that they greeted him with the heartiest and sincerest Masonic welcome . —Bro . Balcombe having returned thanks in a few feeling and well-chosen words , the AA ' . M . closed the lodge in due form and with solemn prayer , and the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet provided by Uro . Pell , in his usual and well-known liberal
manner . —This lodge was established in 1 S 65 , with Bro . J . D . Perrott , AV . M ., Brecknock 651 , P . Prov . G . S . AV ., as its first , or instructing AV . M . He was succeeded by Bro . G . I . Smith , who held thc office for three years in succession , and Bro . Cole is the present AA ' . M . whose year
of office will expire in December next . Although but a young lodge it numbers over 60 members , all being of good social position , has contributed handsomely to the three principal Masonic charities and to some local ones , and has never been in debt , but has always had a respectable balance at its bankers .
MELTON MOWBRAY . —Rutland Lodge , / Vo . 1130 . — The first meeting of this lodge after the summer recess was held at the George Hotel , on Thursday , the Gth inst . —the AV . M ., Uro . Douglass , presiding . Present besides thc AV . M . : Uros . Rev . AV . Langley , P . M . ; J . J . Fast , S . AV . ; Claude L . Ferneley , Organ ! jt ; AV . Leadbetter , I . G . ; Chester Newcome , John B . Leadbetter , John Selby , Rev . C . H . Coryndon Uakcr , and James King .
Uro . John Bailey , of the Vale of Caithness Lodge , No . 1265 , was present as a visitor to his mother lodge . Bro . James King was passed , and Bro . C It . Coryndon Baker was raised by the AA ' . M . in his usually perfect manner . A vote of condolence was passed to the widow of the late Uro . Dr . Ashforlh , who was initiated in this lodge . Two candidates were proposed for initiation at the next meeting , and the brethren were called from labour to refreshment .
OAKHAM . — Vale of Caithness Lodge , No . 1265 . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on AA ' ednesday , the 5 th of October , but the attendance of the brethren was very small . In the absence of the AV . M ., the chair was taken by Bro Rev . AA' . Langley , P . M . 1130 , and AV . M . 50 . Bro . Duncomb acted as S . AA ., and Uro . Kew as J . W . Bro . Thomas Markham , J . AA' ., was elected AV . M .
lor the ensuing year ; Bro . Morris , Treasurer ; and the installation and annual festival was fixed for AA ' ednesday , Nov . 2 nd . A letter of condolence was ordered to be written by the Secretary , Bro . Bennett , to the widow of the late Uro . Dr . Ashforlh , S . AV . of this lodge . Two candidates were proposed for initiation at the next meeting , when the lodge was closed at 8 o ' clock , and the
brethren adjourned for refreshment . MARKET HARBOROUGH . — St . Peter's Lodge , A o . 1330 . —The first regular monthly meeting of this lodge since its consecration on the 16 th ultimo , was held at the assembly-room , Three Swans Hotel , on Friday , the 7 th inst ., when the following brethren were present : AV . Kelly ( P . G . M . ) , AV . M . ; Sir Henry St . John Halford ,
Hart ., S . AV . j Rev . J . F . Halford , J . AV . ; R . AVaitc , P . M ., Treas . ; AV . II . Marris , P . M ., Sec . ; F . Kemp , S . D . ; M . H . Lewin , AA ' . Symmington , J . II . Douglass , T . Macaulay , Freestone , Lawrence , and Martin ; C . Ucmbride , Tyler . Visitors : Uros . Partridge ( as J . D . ) and Rowlett ( as Organist ) , of No . 523 , Leicester . Thc lodge having been opened , the minutes of the first
meeting , on the 10 th ultimo , and of a Lodge of Emergency , on thc 30 th ultimo ( when eight candidates were initiated by dispensation ) , were read and confirmed . The by-laws adopteil at the previous meetings w— . i also confirmed . A ballot was taken for Messrs . John AVliitehead and Jas . Kdward Dixon , of Market Harborough , who were duly elected , and were afterwards regularly initiated into
Freemasonry , as were also Dr . Fred . Grant and Messrs . Etlward Fuller and James Shovelbottom—Uro . Rowlett conducting the musical chants on the harmonium . The AA . M . then gave the lecture on the tracing board and the charge . Arrangements were made for the purchase of a handsome set of second-hand furniture for the lodge , and two gentlemen having been proposed for initiation , ihe lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . Temperance Chapter , No . 169 . —Thc quarterly meeting of this chapter was held on Tuesday , the 4 th inst ., at the AA'hite Swan Tavern , High-street , Deptford . Comp . II . Moore , M . E . / ,., presided . There was not any work before the chapter , which , after the usual formalities were gone through , was closed . Refreshment followed , ancl a happy evening was spent .
PROVINCIAL . LIVERPOOL . —Chapter of Lira-pool . No . 292 . —Thc regular convocation of this Royal Arch Chapter was held 011 the 3 rd inst . at the Masonic Temple , 22 , Hope-street . There were present Comps . J . Mercer Johnson , M . l ) ., M . E . Z . ; R . AVylie , VA / ,., If . ; Jas . I lamer , P . Z ., as ] . ; Thos . AA ' ylie , P . Z . and Treas . ; and Laidlaw , P . Z .
Pelham , P . Soj . ; Huslwick . H . K .: Elliott , S . N . ; & c . After the reading ami confirmation of thc minutes , a ballot was taken for Uro . Dr . Adam , of Lodge 78 ( S . C ) , which proving unanimous ; he being in attendance , was exalted according ( o the ancient usages of Koyal Arch Masons , the ceremony being very impressively performed by Coinp . Thus . AVylie , VAL , who also delivered the mystic lecture , and Comp . I lamer , V . Z ., the lirst historical
Royal Arch.
lecture . The latter companion also gave in his usual faultless style the explanation of the plate . After the proposition of a brother as a candidate for exaltation at the next chapter , the proceedings terminated in the usual manner , and the companions separated at an early hour . Visitors : Comps . Hughes and Woodchap , 1094 .
EWELL . —Grove Chapter , No . 410 . —The installation meeting of this old chapter was held on Saturday , the 9 th inst ., at the Spring Hotel , Ewell . The chapxr was duly opened by Comp . C . Dumas , M . E . Z . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Comp . C . Greenwood , in an able manner installed C imps . J . Hart , as M . E . Z ., and J . Rosenthal , J . Comps . W .
Heath and F . AValters , by desire , gave the H . and the Z . chairs . Comp . E . Kimber , Organist 619 , was proposed as a joining member , and the chapter was closed . A good banquet was then served , and the usual toasts were given , ancl Comp . Heath responded for the " A'isitors . " Thc companions separated early and returned to town . Visitors : Comps . AV . U . Heath , P . Z . 22 ; F . AValters , P . Z . 73 ; E . Kimber , Organist 619 .
Mark Masonry .
METROPOLITAN . St . Mark ' s Mark Lolgc , No . I . —This Mark Lodge met on Monday , the loth inst ., at Bro . Gosden's , Masons ' Hall Tavern , Basinghall-street . Br . II . C . Levander presided as AV . M ., and advanced Uro . Thos . Burdett Yeoman , Panmure Lodge 715 , ami Bro . AA' . Dodd , AV . M . 1194 , Craft , to this degree . Uro . R . AVcntworth Little ,
Secretary and P . M ., afterwards obligated the following Mark Master Masons in thc Ark Mariner degree , as acknowledged by Grand Mark Lodge ol England : —Bros . John Hervey , R . J . Carey , F . Walters , II . Parker , T . B . Yeoman , \ A' . Dodd and II . Massey . Bro . Levander then installed Uro . J . G . Marsh , as AV . M ., and ihe lodge was called off for banquet , which was admirably served
by Uro . Gos len , under the superintendence of Uro . Nicholson . AVhen the brethren returned to labour , the AV . M . appointed and invested Uros . AV . U . Church , S . AV . ; T . Cubitt , J . AV . ; George Kenning , M . O . ; S . C . Davison , S . O . ; I . M'Kiernan , J . O . ; IT . C . Levander , P . M ., Treas . ; R . Wentworth Little , P . M ., Sec . ; F . AValters , P . M ., R . of M . ; A . Perrot , S . D . : AV . Dodd ,
J . D . ; IT . Parker , Organist ; T . B . Yeoman , I . G . ; R . J . Carey , D . C , and Gilbert , T . At the conclusion of these appointments the lodge was closed , and the customary toasts were proposed , honoured , and responded to . The brethren separated early , after having spent a most agreeable evcyiing . Thc ceremonies in lodge ,
which were ably performed , were accompanied with musical additions , under the care of Bro . H . Parker . Besides the brethren named above as being present during the evening , Bros , the Rev . D . Shaboe and Thos . AVhite attended , and the former as a visitor , responded to the toast with which the visiting brethren were honoured .
PROVINCIAL . BIRKENHEAD . —Joppa Mark Lodge , No . 5 , S . C—On the 30 th ult ., the annual meeting of this flourishing lodge was held at the Masonic Chambers , Birkenhead , at 3 . 30 p . m ., and was honoured by thc presence of the Provincial Grand M . M ., Uro . Entwistle , who entered with thc officers as follows : —Uros . C . F . Matier 30 ° , Deputy P . G . M . M . ; 0
G . P . Brockbank 1 S , P . S . G . AA ' . ; J . A . AVhyatt , P . G . D . ofC ; Hopkins , P . G . A . D . ofC ; J . Mitchell , P . J . G . \ A ' . ; J . P . Piatt , P . G . M . O . ; Friend , P . G . T . K ., N . Thc minutes of previous meeting having been confirmed , thc R . AV . M .. Uro . Levcrson advanced Bro . R . Evans , of Lodge 1276 to the degree , and vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Matier , who at thc solicitation of thc brethren
kindly consented to perform thc ceremony of installation of R . AA' . M ., which he did with his usual style in a highly efficient manner . Uro . Mills , S . A \ ' . and P . G . S . O ., being the one whom thc brethren had selected to rule over them for thc ensuing year on thc conclusion of thc beautiful ceremony , Uro . Mills appointed and invested his officers as follows : —Uros . Ambler P . G . S . D ., S . AA' . ; Sillitoe ,
J . AV .: Barclay , M . O . ; Moore , S . O . ; Lewis , J . O . ; Williams , S . D . ; Brclt , J . D . ; Sayer , Conductor ; Botton , T . K . : Friend P . G . T . K ., Secretary Bro . J . P . Piatt , P . G . M . O ., was re-elected and invested as Treas . The R . AV . P . G . M . M . was requested to present thc P . M . jewel voted by the brethren to Uro . Stevenson , and in the course of a very able address , congratulating the lodge on its state
of efficiency , remarked that the brethren had good cause to be pleased with the manner in which Uro . Stevenson had performed his duties , and that it gave him much pleasure to present in the name of the Joppa Lodge thc handsome jewel awarded to him , trusting he would long live to wear it , and by it be reminded of ihe good feeling borne him by the brethren whom he had so ably governed .
After some business of ordinary routine , the lodge was closed in due form , nnd tlic brethren adjourned to refreshment a ; tlic AA ' ood . sidc Hotel , after which the usual loyal and Mnsonic toasts were given , and some very good singing enlivened thc proceedings , tlic brethren separating at an early hour . This meeting has been one of the most
pleasant enjoyed by thc Joppa Li dge for some time , and from the fact of the R . AV . P . G . M . M ., Uro . Entwistle and ofiicers taking such au interest in their province wo argue much success for this degree , and hope ihe time is not far distant when all . Mark Masters will he able to mix with each other , whether English , Scotch , or any other dc . ilg-ia ' . ion .
MM . TMN MOWBRAY— Tlic Howe Lodge , No . 21 . — Th .: regular meeting of this lodge was held immediately bi'foro ihe Craft Lodge , on Thursday , thc 6 lh nit . The AA ' . M . Urn . Douglas presided . The attendance was very .- - . nail , a-. id no v . u : U IK ing di / . v . ' . on the business paper , the !¦> Wc was cloacd .