Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Births, Marriages, and Deaths. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
To AD \ ERTISERS . THE Circulation of THE FREEMASON being now at the rate of nearly JIalf-a-mitlio / t per annum , it offers peculiar facilities to all who advertise . It is well known that the Fraternity of Freemasons is a large and constantly increasing body , mainly composed of the influential and educated classes of society ; and as The Freemason is now the accepted organ of the Brotherhood in tbe United Kingdom , and also enjoys an extensive sale in the colonics and foreign parts , its advantages as an advertising medium can scarcely be overrated . For terms apply to GEORGE KENNING , 2 , 3 , & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN , LONDON , E . C .
NOTICE . —*— - On and after October ist , the Subscription to THE FREEMASON will be ios . per annum , post-free , payable in advance . Vol . I ., bound in cloth 4 s . 6 d . Vol . II ., ditto 7 s . 6 d . Reading Cases to hold 52 numbers ... 2 s . 6 d .
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
Births , Marriages , and Deaths .
MARRIAGE . BRITTAIN—NOTIIARD . —On the 27 th August , at Port Elizabeth , by the Rev . J . C . Macintosh , Bro . Augustus Brittain to Hannah Furber , eldest daughter of AA'illiam Nothard .
DEATHS . BARR . —On 25 th ult ., at Prescott-street , Liverpool , aged 25 years , Eliza , wife of Bro . AA ' . Barr , Secretary of thc Neptune Lodge , 1264 . MORTON . —On 21 st ult ., suddenly , Bro . John Morton , of
39 , Foley-strect , Kirkdale , , Liverpool , P . M . AA ' alton Lodge 10 S 6 , deeply regretted by a large circle of friends . PETRIE . —On 6 th inst ., at 120 , Dunbarton-road , Partick , Jean Houston , wife of Bro . John Petrie , M . M . Star Lodge , 219 , aged 56 .
All communications for 1 HE TRKEMASON' should be written legibly , on one side of the paper only , and , if intended for insertion in the current number must be received not later than 10 o ' clock a . m . on Tlnudays , unless in very special cases . The name and address of every writer must be sent to us in confidence .
Letter from Bro . Jacob Norton , Reports of Consecration of a new Masonic Hall at St . George ' s , Committee of Royal Masonic Institution , Lodges United Strength ( 22 S ) , Sincerity ( 292 ) , St . John thc Baptist ( 475 ) , Peckham ( S 79 ) , Amherst ( 1223 ) , Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , Temple Chapter , & c-, wc hope lo be able to find space for in our next .
The Freemason , SATURDAY , OCTOHICR 15 , 1 S 70 .
THE FRKKMASON is published on Saturday Mornings iu time for thc early trains . The price of THE 1 '" ; ' . I : MAMIX is Twopence per week ; annua ! subscription , 10 s . ( payable in advance ) . All communications , letters , rtc , to be addressed to the KDITOK , 2 , 3 , and 4 , Little liritain , K . C Thc Editor will pay careful attention to all MSS . entrusted to himbut cannot undertake 10 return them unless accompanied by postage stamps .
Masonic Instruction.
A PRACTICAL commentary on our last week ' s article has already been furnished to the brethren by the successful inauguration of thc new Royal Arch Chapter of
Improvement , at Freemasons Hall . It is to thu persistent efforts of Companion Brett and his associates that thc Order is indebted for this great result ; but the
prosperity of thc venture will mainly depend upon thc personal attendance and cordial co-operation of Royal Arch Masons in general . There is now , at last , a chapter of instruction where thc companions
Masonic Instruction.
can learn their duties without the accompaniments of the inevitable pipe and pewter . There is now a chapter of instruction where the ceremonies will be rehearsed
with becoming solemnity , and where tne beautiful illustrations of the Order can be communicated with appropriate dignity and effect . It would be a curious study to
trace the origin of the modern Masonic academies of instruction . Doubtless , Avhen the first meeting for mutual improvement was held in London , the brethren were
almost compelled to assemble in publichouses , for the Avant of more suitable accommodation . Hence , the introduction of grog and tobacco ; until , in process of
time , the attainment of Masonic lore was only to be compassed bya long and patient sacrifice at the shrine of some local Bacchus . Now , we hold that the rehearsal or
practice of our beautiful Masonic ritual ought to he conducted in lodges of instruction Avith equal precision and decorum as the work of a regular lodge ; and this
cannot be effected amid calls for " half-andhalf , " and pulls at the friendly pewter . At present , Avhen we enter one of our noted schools of Masonic instruction , what an
edifying spectacle it presents to a thoughtful Mason . Through the clouds of smoke proceeding from meerschaums and long " clays , " Ave are enabled at length , perhaps ,
to distinguish the presiding officer , arrayed in all the badges of the Craft , and who magnanimously divides his attention between " deep , deep draughts" of some
potent liquid and the ceremony of initiating a candidate . Is this calculated to impress a young Mason with favourable viewsof the
exalted mission of Freemasonry ? Can any one , after graduating in such a college , retain thc same awe and veneration for thc
sublime doctrines of the Order with which he might hitherto have been imbued ? It is manifestly impossible , and we therefore hail Avith the utmost satisfaction the
establishment of the new Chapter of Improvement at the head-quarters of the English Fraternity , utterly unconnected , as it will be , with associations of such an
incongruous character . 1 here is agreat deal to be learned in Royal Arch Masonry , both in the ritual and the lectures . Thc latter , as many of our readers arc aware , are divided
into three sections , with four clauses in each ; and thc instruction imparted comprises , not only thc ceremony of exaltation in detail , but also interesting addresses
upon thc banners of thc twelve tribes of Israel , the history of thc rod of Moses , and the Platonic theories upon thc nature of the four elements and the sphere of the
universe . In the compilation and arrangement of these lectures many able minds have been employed since thc union of tlic two Grand Chapters of England in 1817 , and their labours have resulted in thc
supply of endless food for thought to all reflecting members of thc Order . Royal Arch Masonry in England is now a compact and consistent whole , and its teachings arc entirely in accordance with the precepts
Masonic Instruction.
of the Craft . It is , therefore , very remarkable that it is really so little studied , and so imperfectly comprehended by the Companions generally . Although a mine of
symbolic meaning lies concealed in its depths , few are found to seek for the hidden treasure , or to take the soundings of its mystic sense . And yet the Avhole
philosophy of life is unfolded in its principles ; the duties of man to his God , to his neighbour , and to himself , are traced in shining letters throughout every page of its unequalled code of ethics .
It is time , therefore , that English Royal Arch Masons appreciated more sensibly the privileges they have obtained by being permitted to join in the rites of an Order
at once so sublimely simple and so profoundly philosophical . Proficiency in the Royal Arch ritual can be acquired as easily as proficiency in the ritual of the Craft ; and
we contend that the Principals of Chapters ought to be as competent to exalt and instal as Masters of lodges usually are to initiate , pass , or raise . With the assistance
of COMPANION BRETT and his able coadjutors in the new Chapter of Improvement , much Avill be effected in this direction ; but a permanent reform can only be achieved
by a general determination to render the ceremonies in a proper and dignified manner . We are glad to be able to record that this important movement has the
sanction and approval of many leading Masons , and the fact that the Grand Scribe E ., Comp . Hervey , himself an exemplar of
perfect working , is identified Avith the recently formed Chapter as Treasurer , proves conclusively that the authorities of the Order will endeavour to promote its success .
It need only be added that the meetings will be held every Thursday evening at seven o ' clock , from October to May , and that thc ceremonies , lectures , and
illustrations will be taught in regular succession . All moneys received , after the payment of working expenses , will be devoted to Masonic charitable purposes , and we trust
thc worthy Treasurer will soon have his coffers filled to repletion for so benevolent an object . We appeal , therefore , to the Royal Arch Masons , not merely of London ,
but of England , to support their new Chapter of Instruction by at once enrolling themselves as members . We appeal to them to aid in disseminating the genuine
tenets of Freemasonry through thc medium of thoroughly-qualified preceptors . And we do so with thc utmost confidence that wc shall not appeal in vain , because all
must recognise thc importance and the advantage of acquiring a correct knowledge of every branch of our noble Institution , and all must rejoice that our sacred rites
can now be practised without the degrading accessories of strong liquors to recommend them to depraved tastes ; in a Avord , that wc now possess in our own temple a fitting
home for that earthly Sanhedrim which pre-figurcs thc assembly of thc "just made perfect" in the celestial temples of a more glorious Jerusalem .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
To AD \ ERTISERS . THE Circulation of THE FREEMASON being now at the rate of nearly JIalf-a-mitlio / t per annum , it offers peculiar facilities to all who advertise . It is well known that the Fraternity of Freemasons is a large and constantly increasing body , mainly composed of the influential and educated classes of society ; and as The Freemason is now the accepted organ of the Brotherhood in tbe United Kingdom , and also enjoys an extensive sale in the colonics and foreign parts , its advantages as an advertising medium can scarcely be overrated . For terms apply to GEORGE KENNING , 2 , 3 , & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN , LONDON , E . C .
NOTICE . —*— - On and after October ist , the Subscription to THE FREEMASON will be ios . per annum , post-free , payable in advance . Vol . I ., bound in cloth 4 s . 6 d . Vol . II ., ditto 7 s . 6 d . Reading Cases to hold 52 numbers ... 2 s . 6 d .
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
Births , Marriages , and Deaths .
MARRIAGE . BRITTAIN—NOTIIARD . —On the 27 th August , at Port Elizabeth , by the Rev . J . C . Macintosh , Bro . Augustus Brittain to Hannah Furber , eldest daughter of AA'illiam Nothard .
DEATHS . BARR . —On 25 th ult ., at Prescott-street , Liverpool , aged 25 years , Eliza , wife of Bro . AA ' . Barr , Secretary of thc Neptune Lodge , 1264 . MORTON . —On 21 st ult ., suddenly , Bro . John Morton , of
39 , Foley-strect , Kirkdale , , Liverpool , P . M . AA ' alton Lodge 10 S 6 , deeply regretted by a large circle of friends . PETRIE . —On 6 th inst ., at 120 , Dunbarton-road , Partick , Jean Houston , wife of Bro . John Petrie , M . M . Star Lodge , 219 , aged 56 .
All communications for 1 HE TRKEMASON' should be written legibly , on one side of the paper only , and , if intended for insertion in the current number must be received not later than 10 o ' clock a . m . on Tlnudays , unless in very special cases . The name and address of every writer must be sent to us in confidence .
Letter from Bro . Jacob Norton , Reports of Consecration of a new Masonic Hall at St . George ' s , Committee of Royal Masonic Institution , Lodges United Strength ( 22 S ) , Sincerity ( 292 ) , St . John thc Baptist ( 475 ) , Peckham ( S 79 ) , Amherst ( 1223 ) , Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , Temple Chapter , & c-, wc hope lo be able to find space for in our next .
The Freemason , SATURDAY , OCTOHICR 15 , 1 S 70 .
THE FRKKMASON is published on Saturday Mornings iu time for thc early trains . The price of THE 1 '" ; ' . I : MAMIX is Twopence per week ; annua ! subscription , 10 s . ( payable in advance ) . All communications , letters , rtc , to be addressed to the KDITOK , 2 , 3 , and 4 , Little liritain , K . C Thc Editor will pay careful attention to all MSS . entrusted to himbut cannot undertake 10 return them unless accompanied by postage stamps .
Masonic Instruction.
A PRACTICAL commentary on our last week ' s article has already been furnished to the brethren by the successful inauguration of thc new Royal Arch Chapter of
Improvement , at Freemasons Hall . It is to thu persistent efforts of Companion Brett and his associates that thc Order is indebted for this great result ; but the
prosperity of thc venture will mainly depend upon thc personal attendance and cordial co-operation of Royal Arch Masons in general . There is now , at last , a chapter of instruction where thc companions
Masonic Instruction.
can learn their duties without the accompaniments of the inevitable pipe and pewter . There is now a chapter of instruction where the ceremonies will be rehearsed
with becoming solemnity , and where tne beautiful illustrations of the Order can be communicated with appropriate dignity and effect . It would be a curious study to
trace the origin of the modern Masonic academies of instruction . Doubtless , Avhen the first meeting for mutual improvement was held in London , the brethren were
almost compelled to assemble in publichouses , for the Avant of more suitable accommodation . Hence , the introduction of grog and tobacco ; until , in process of
time , the attainment of Masonic lore was only to be compassed bya long and patient sacrifice at the shrine of some local Bacchus . Now , we hold that the rehearsal or
practice of our beautiful Masonic ritual ought to he conducted in lodges of instruction Avith equal precision and decorum as the work of a regular lodge ; and this
cannot be effected amid calls for " half-andhalf , " and pulls at the friendly pewter . At present , Avhen we enter one of our noted schools of Masonic instruction , what an
edifying spectacle it presents to a thoughtful Mason . Through the clouds of smoke proceeding from meerschaums and long " clays , " Ave are enabled at length , perhaps ,
to distinguish the presiding officer , arrayed in all the badges of the Craft , and who magnanimously divides his attention between " deep , deep draughts" of some
potent liquid and the ceremony of initiating a candidate . Is this calculated to impress a young Mason with favourable viewsof the
exalted mission of Freemasonry ? Can any one , after graduating in such a college , retain thc same awe and veneration for thc
sublime doctrines of the Order with which he might hitherto have been imbued ? It is manifestly impossible , and we therefore hail Avith the utmost satisfaction the
establishment of the new Chapter of Improvement at the head-quarters of the English Fraternity , utterly unconnected , as it will be , with associations of such an
incongruous character . 1 here is agreat deal to be learned in Royal Arch Masonry , both in the ritual and the lectures . Thc latter , as many of our readers arc aware , are divided
into three sections , with four clauses in each ; and thc instruction imparted comprises , not only thc ceremony of exaltation in detail , but also interesting addresses
upon thc banners of thc twelve tribes of Israel , the history of thc rod of Moses , and the Platonic theories upon thc nature of the four elements and the sphere of the
universe . In the compilation and arrangement of these lectures many able minds have been employed since thc union of tlic two Grand Chapters of England in 1817 , and their labours have resulted in thc
supply of endless food for thought to all reflecting members of thc Order . Royal Arch Masonry in England is now a compact and consistent whole , and its teachings arc entirely in accordance with the precepts
Masonic Instruction.
of the Craft . It is , therefore , very remarkable that it is really so little studied , and so imperfectly comprehended by the Companions generally . Although a mine of
symbolic meaning lies concealed in its depths , few are found to seek for the hidden treasure , or to take the soundings of its mystic sense . And yet the Avhole
philosophy of life is unfolded in its principles ; the duties of man to his God , to his neighbour , and to himself , are traced in shining letters throughout every page of its unequalled code of ethics .
It is time , therefore , that English Royal Arch Masons appreciated more sensibly the privileges they have obtained by being permitted to join in the rites of an Order
at once so sublimely simple and so profoundly philosophical . Proficiency in the Royal Arch ritual can be acquired as easily as proficiency in the ritual of the Craft ; and
we contend that the Principals of Chapters ought to be as competent to exalt and instal as Masters of lodges usually are to initiate , pass , or raise . With the assistance
of COMPANION BRETT and his able coadjutors in the new Chapter of Improvement , much Avill be effected in this direction ; but a permanent reform can only be achieved
by a general determination to render the ceremonies in a proper and dignified manner . We are glad to be able to record that this important movement has the
sanction and approval of many leading Masons , and the fact that the Grand Scribe E ., Comp . Hervey , himself an exemplar of
perfect working , is identified Avith the recently formed Chapter as Treasurer , proves conclusively that the authorities of the Order will endeavour to promote its success .
It need only be added that the meetings will be held every Thursday evening at seven o ' clock , from October to May , and that thc ceremonies , lectures , and
illustrations will be taught in regular succession . All moneys received , after the payment of working expenses , will be devoted to Masonic charitable purposes , and we trust
thc worthy Treasurer will soon have his coffers filled to repletion for so benevolent an object . We appeal , therefore , to the Royal Arch Masons , not merely of London ,
but of England , to support their new Chapter of Instruction by at once enrolling themselves as members . We appeal to them to aid in disseminating the genuine
tenets of Freemasonry through thc medium of thoroughly-qualified preceptors . And we do so with thc utmost confidence that wc shall not appeal in vain , because all
must recognise thc importance and the advantage of acquiring a correct knowledge of every branch of our noble Institution , and all must rejoice that our sacred rites
can now be practised without the degrading accessories of strong liquors to recommend them to depraved tastes ; in a Avord , that wc now possess in our own temple a fitting
home for that earthly Sanhedrim which pre-figurcs thc assembly of thc "just made perfect" in the celestial temples of a more glorious Jerusalem .