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Provincial Grand Lodge Of West Lancashire.
Wilson , P . M . 244 , be elected Treasurer for the ensuing year . Bro . S . P . Brabner wasre-elected Solicitor , and Bro . M'George , Surgeon , for the ensuing year . Bro . BIRCHALL , P . G . S . W ., said a great debt of gratitude was due from the Court of
Governors to the committee and officers of the institution for the past year , and especially to Bro . Mott , whose indefatigable labours had materially increased the value of this grand charity . A resolution of thanks was unanimously and cordially agreed to .
The Provincial Grand Lodge then resumed , when , on the application of Bro . Binckes , P . G . S . B . of England , the sum of 100 guineas was voted from the funds in aid of the Boys ' Institution , London . The Provincial Grand Lodge and Craft Lodge were afterwards closed in due form . The effect
of the proceedings was greatly heightened by the excellent musical services kindly given by Bros . Joseph Busfield , 1299 ; D . Jones , P . M 155 ; J . Jones , 216 ; and T . Armstrong , P . P . J . D . ; the organist being Bro . J . Skeaf , P . G . O ., whose anthem , " Behold how Good and how Pleasant " —a composition of rare merit , and admirably suited to the occasion—was rendered with
striking effect . After labour came refreshment , and the brethren accordingly adjourned during the afternoon to the Queen ' s Hotel , Southport , where a banquet was provided by Bro . Ballard , the proprietor . Upwards of one hundred brethren sat
down to an excellent repast , under the presidency of Bro . Birchall , P . P . J . G . W ., who took the chair in the unavoidable absence of the R . W . P . G . M . After dinner , the usual loyal and patriotic toasts were proposed ( the latter being responded to by Bros . Mott , Moore , Wilson ,
and the W . M . of Lodge 613)— "The Earl de Grey and Ripon , M . W . G . M . ; " "The Earl of Carnarvon , R . W . D . G . M ., and the other officers of Grand Lodge ; " " Lieut .-Colonel Sir T . G . Fermor-Hesketh , R . W . P . G . M . West Lancashire ;" "Lord Skelmersdale , W . D . P . G . M ., and the P . G . Wardens ; " " The Prov . G . Masters of the
adjoining Provinces ; " " The Prov . Grand Officers , past and present ; " " The P . G . Organist , Musical Brethren , and the P . G . Stewards , " were amongst the other toasts on the list . Harmony of a highly enjoyable nature was furnished by Bros . Busfield , D . Jones , and J . Jones , Bro . Skeaf presiding at the pianoforte .
We have been requested to publish the following letters and report as to the Albany Lodge , Graham ' s Town , Cape of Good Hope : — [ COPY . ] Provincial Grand Lodge , Office of Board of General Purposes , Cape Town , Saturday , 30 th October , 1869 . —To Bro . M . T . King , thc Vice-Chairman of thc Board of General Purposes .
Dear Sir and Brother , — In accordance with the instructions given to me , I waited upon Bro . J . R . Saunders , P . M . Southern Cross Lodge , on Wednesday ; but not being able to see him then , I called upon him this morning , and brought to his
notice—That the Board , wishing to be as courteous as possible to the Grand Lodge of Scotland , had deputed me to wait upon him in preference to writing , as I had now done , and to represent—That the Board of General Purposes understood a warrant had been granted by the Grand Lodge of
Scotland to the Albany Lodge , Graham ' s Town . That the said lodge was at the time under the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of England . That , for reasons I could not then give , the lodge had been , and was still , suspended by thc Provincial Grand Lodge ; but I would be able to let
him know them , if necessary . That , under these circumstances , it was hoped Bro . Saunders , through whose hands the warrant must pass , would take such steps as might be necessary to prevent interference with thc harmony and proper working of the respective Constitutions ;
and that 1 was to inquire whether thc warrant had been sent on to Graham ' s Town . I also reminded him that thc notice of suspension was sent to the several lodges in due course . Bro . Saunders at once stated that the Grand Lodge of Scotland , by the representation of the Albany Lodge and his influence at home , had granted a Avarrant to thc said lodge .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of West Lancashire.
That the books for it had come , but that the warrant , with others for the frontier , was on its way out to the Cape . That it had been asked for by the said lodge , and in reply to the applicant , before writing to Scotland , he , by telegram , informed them that unless
they were recommended by the other lodges in Graham ' s Town , he could not forward the petition . Upon which they sent him the recommendations of about twenty B . B . resident there , including those of the then W . M . and members of the St . John ' s Lodge .
That no time should be lost in communicating to the petitioners that I had waited upon him , and the object of my visit ; but that he would write by the post leaving this day , and ask for some explanations . Yours fraternally , ( Signed ) CHARLES COWEN .
[ COPY . ] Provincial Grand Lodge of South Africa and the adjacent Colonies , Board of General Purposes , Cape Town , 30 th October , 1869 . —To the Worshipful Bro . John Saunders , P . M ., & c ., Southern Cross Lodge , Cape Town .
Cape Town , 30 th Oct ., 1869 . Dear Sir and Brother ,-As the board has learnt that a warrant has been granted by the Grand Lodge of Scotland for the Albany Lodge , Graham ' s Town , which works under the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of England , and is , and was , suspended at the time the application was made for the
above warrant , I am requested to ascertarn the circumstances which led you to obtain it , and whether it is your intention to proceed in the matter . I am also to , as I hereby do , remind you and give you notice that the said Albany Lodge and members thereof are still under suspension for contumacy . I am , & c , ( Signed ) - M . T . KING .
[ COPY . ] Provincial Grand Lodge of South Africa , and adjacent Colonies , Board of General Purposes , Cape Town , 4 th November , 186 9 . —The Right Worshipful Bro . John Hervey , Secretary , Grand Lodge , London .
Dear Sir and Brother , —By reference to a letter from this lodge date 30 th January last , you will see notice was sent to the Grand Lodge , that the Albany Lodge , No . 389 , Graham ' s Town , was formally suspended by the Grand Lodge of this Province .
The Board of General Purposes is now directed to request the immediate attention of the Grand Lodge of England to that letter , and the subject of the enclosed abstract of correspondence which speaks for itself .
Up to the present time Past Master Saunders has not replied to the letter sent him ( of which the copy is sent herewith . ) It is urgently requested that you will be good enough to take such measures as can promptly be taken to enable the Grand Lodge of
Scotland to set aside the proceedings that have been adopted by it , that there may not be any cause for interruption in the harmony and working of the respective Masonic Constitutions in this Colony , no infringement of each other ' sright s , noviolation of thc due landmarks of the Order . ;
In the case of the Albany Lodge , Bro . Saunders made no application to this Provincial Grand Lodge , ancl wc did not know that any measures had been , or were being taken , to sever it from the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of England , or that there
was to be an application for a Scotch warrant until a copy of the Freemasons ? Magazine received by the last mail from England published the fact . I remain , & c , & c , * ( Signed ) M . T . KING . Vice-President of the Board of General Purposes .
[ COPY . ] Provincial Grand Lodge of South Africa and adjacent colonies , Board of General Purposes , Cape Town . To the Most ; Worshipful Bro . Lawrie , Grand Secretary , Grand Lodge of Scotland , Edinbro ' .
4 th November , 1869 . Dear Sir and Brother , —1 am directed by this lodge to'fonvard the enclosed memoranda to your Grand Lodge , and call its particular attention to thc great irregularities to which these memoranda refer . In the meantime , the matter is being
investigated by this Provincial Grand Lodge . We have reason to believe , through matters which have transpired within the last few days , that applications for other warrants have been made to the Grand Lodge of Scotland , without previous notice
be ing given to this Provincial Grand Lodge , or to thc Provisional Grand Lodge working under the Grand East of Scotland , which , if allowed to be put in force without due enquiry , will lead to g rave complications .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of West Lancashire.
Desiring to maintain the harmony and prosperity of the Craft in this colony , and a full appreciation of and respect for the authority of each Grand Lodge , we are sure that the Grand Lodge of Scotland will lose no time in doing all that is requisite to prevent a lodge , under suspension by this Provincial Grand Lodge , from escaping from
Masonic discipline and submission , by allowing it . to have a warrant from the Grand Lodge of Scotland to supersede the charter it already holds from the Grand Lodge of England . I remain , & c , & c , ( Signed . ) MICHAEL T . KING , Vice Chairman of Board of General Purposes .
[ COPY . ] Board of General Purposes , Cape Town , 9 th August , 1870 . The following notice has this day been sent to the undermentioned lodges in this colony : —
To the W . M . of the Angel Lodge . No . 1300 , Philippolis ; British , 334 , Cape Town ; British Kaffraria , 853 , King William ' s Town ; Colesberg , 11 4 2 , Colesberg ; Joppa , 864 , Cape Town ; Midland , 882 , Graaff Reinet ; Goodwill , 711 , Port Elizabeth ; Good Hope , S 63 , Port Elizabeth ;
Hope , 365 , Cape Town ; Rising Sun , 1022 , Bloemfontein ; Royal Alfred ( S . C ) , 420 , Simon ' s Town ; St . John ' s , 828 , Graham ' s Town ; Star in the East , 918 , Queen ' s Town ; St . Paul's , 989 , Adelaide ; Union , 883 , Knysua ; Zetland , 608 , Fort Beaufort , j To the R . W . D . G . M , N . of the Netherlands ( Sir C .
J . Brand , Kt . ) , R . W . P . M . James Fairbairn , and Bro . H . J . Feltham , C . R . A . Chapter ( S . C ) . Dear Sir and Brother , —In October , 186 9 , it was reported to this D . G . Lodge that the Albany Lodge , then under suspension , had applied to the Grand Lodge of Scotland for a warrant to enable
them to work under that Constitution . On the 30 th October , 1869 , the District Grand Lodge communicated with the representatives of the ' Grand Lodge of Scotland in this colony , and in reply were informed by Bro . Saunders that the application for a warrant had been forwarded to the
Grand Lodge of Scotland , On receipt of said reply , the following notice was sent to Bro . Saunders ( see of the 30 th October 1869 ) . To this communication no reply has been received up to date .
It has now been reported to this D . G . Lodge that the warrant from the Grand Lodge of Scotland has arrived in Cape Town , and since forwarded to the Albany Lodge , and that they are now working under said Constitution . It is therefore ordered that no communication be held with any lodge or chapter working under the
Constitution of the Grand Lodge of Scotland in this colony , and it is particularly requested that the Masters , officers , and members of lodges , will advise this P . G . Lodge of any infringement of this Order . I remain , & c , & c , ( Signed ) MICHAEL T . KING . Vice-President Board of General Purposes .
[ COPY . ] District Grand Lodge of South Africa , and thc Colonies adjacent thereto , Cape Town , 3 rd September , 1870 . —To the Most Worshipful Brother , VV . H . Laurie , Secretary , Grand Lodge of Scotland . «
Dear Sir and Brother , —Wishing to pay every respect to thc Grand Lodge of Scotland , and , fearing that the original per " Cambrian" might not have reached you , I respectfully beg to forward per "Briton" duplicate of Report of Proceedings in connection with the suspended "Albany" Lodge ,
No . 389 , Graham's Town . You will perceive from the dates of various communications that Bro . Saunders , had special notice from this D . G . Lodge in time to have enabled him to communicate his error to your Grand Lodge , before the charter for the suspended brethren of the
"Albany" Lodge was dispatched by you to this Colony . I remain , dear Sir and Bro ., yours fraternally , ( Signed ) M . T . KING , Vice-President Board of General Purposes . N . B . —Bro . Saunders is the representative of the Grand Lodge of Scotland in this Colony . [ The Report will appear in next week ' s number . ]
STAR LODGE OF INSTRUCTION . —The fifteen sections wl ! l be worked at this lodge , which is held a * the Marquis of Granby Tavern , New Cross-road , ou . viturday , Oct . 22 , at 6 p . m ., Bro . James Brett , G . P ., iu the chair . We are sure this meeting will he a great success and a real treat to all who like to heai * and see superioJ working . We anticipate that several eminent ' workers in Masonry will be present at this meeting .,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Grand Lodge Of West Lancashire.
Wilson , P . M . 244 , be elected Treasurer for the ensuing year . Bro . S . P . Brabner wasre-elected Solicitor , and Bro . M'George , Surgeon , for the ensuing year . Bro . BIRCHALL , P . G . S . W ., said a great debt of gratitude was due from the Court of
Governors to the committee and officers of the institution for the past year , and especially to Bro . Mott , whose indefatigable labours had materially increased the value of this grand charity . A resolution of thanks was unanimously and cordially agreed to .
The Provincial Grand Lodge then resumed , when , on the application of Bro . Binckes , P . G . S . B . of England , the sum of 100 guineas was voted from the funds in aid of the Boys ' Institution , London . The Provincial Grand Lodge and Craft Lodge were afterwards closed in due form . The effect
of the proceedings was greatly heightened by the excellent musical services kindly given by Bros . Joseph Busfield , 1299 ; D . Jones , P . M 155 ; J . Jones , 216 ; and T . Armstrong , P . P . J . D . ; the organist being Bro . J . Skeaf , P . G . O ., whose anthem , " Behold how Good and how Pleasant " —a composition of rare merit , and admirably suited to the occasion—was rendered with
striking effect . After labour came refreshment , and the brethren accordingly adjourned during the afternoon to the Queen ' s Hotel , Southport , where a banquet was provided by Bro . Ballard , the proprietor . Upwards of one hundred brethren sat
down to an excellent repast , under the presidency of Bro . Birchall , P . P . J . G . W ., who took the chair in the unavoidable absence of the R . W . P . G . M . After dinner , the usual loyal and patriotic toasts were proposed ( the latter being responded to by Bros . Mott , Moore , Wilson ,
and the W . M . of Lodge 613)— "The Earl de Grey and Ripon , M . W . G . M . ; " "The Earl of Carnarvon , R . W . D . G . M ., and the other officers of Grand Lodge ; " " Lieut .-Colonel Sir T . G . Fermor-Hesketh , R . W . P . G . M . West Lancashire ;" "Lord Skelmersdale , W . D . P . G . M ., and the P . G . Wardens ; " " The Prov . G . Masters of the
adjoining Provinces ; " " The Prov . Grand Officers , past and present ; " " The P . G . Organist , Musical Brethren , and the P . G . Stewards , " were amongst the other toasts on the list . Harmony of a highly enjoyable nature was furnished by Bros . Busfield , D . Jones , and J . Jones , Bro . Skeaf presiding at the pianoforte .
We have been requested to publish the following letters and report as to the Albany Lodge , Graham ' s Town , Cape of Good Hope : — [ COPY . ] Provincial Grand Lodge , Office of Board of General Purposes , Cape Town , Saturday , 30 th October , 1869 . —To Bro . M . T . King , thc Vice-Chairman of thc Board of General Purposes .
Dear Sir and Brother , — In accordance with the instructions given to me , I waited upon Bro . J . R . Saunders , P . M . Southern Cross Lodge , on Wednesday ; but not being able to see him then , I called upon him this morning , and brought to his
notice—That the Board , wishing to be as courteous as possible to the Grand Lodge of Scotland , had deputed me to wait upon him in preference to writing , as I had now done , and to represent—That the Board of General Purposes understood a warrant had been granted by the Grand Lodge of
Scotland to the Albany Lodge , Graham ' s Town . That the said lodge was at the time under the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of England . That , for reasons I could not then give , the lodge had been , and was still , suspended by thc Provincial Grand Lodge ; but I would be able to let
him know them , if necessary . That , under these circumstances , it was hoped Bro . Saunders , through whose hands the warrant must pass , would take such steps as might be necessary to prevent interference with thc harmony and proper working of the respective Constitutions ;
and that 1 was to inquire whether thc warrant had been sent on to Graham ' s Town . I also reminded him that thc notice of suspension was sent to the several lodges in due course . Bro . Saunders at once stated that the Grand Lodge of Scotland , by the representation of the Albany Lodge and his influence at home , had granted a Avarrant to thc said lodge .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of West Lancashire.
That the books for it had come , but that the warrant , with others for the frontier , was on its way out to the Cape . That it had been asked for by the said lodge , and in reply to the applicant , before writing to Scotland , he , by telegram , informed them that unless
they were recommended by the other lodges in Graham ' s Town , he could not forward the petition . Upon which they sent him the recommendations of about twenty B . B . resident there , including those of the then W . M . and members of the St . John ' s Lodge .
That no time should be lost in communicating to the petitioners that I had waited upon him , and the object of my visit ; but that he would write by the post leaving this day , and ask for some explanations . Yours fraternally , ( Signed ) CHARLES COWEN .
[ COPY . ] Provincial Grand Lodge of South Africa and the adjacent Colonies , Board of General Purposes , Cape Town , 30 th October , 1869 . —To the Worshipful Bro . John Saunders , P . M ., & c ., Southern Cross Lodge , Cape Town .
Cape Town , 30 th Oct ., 1869 . Dear Sir and Brother ,-As the board has learnt that a warrant has been granted by the Grand Lodge of Scotland for the Albany Lodge , Graham ' s Town , which works under the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of England , and is , and was , suspended at the time the application was made for the
above warrant , I am requested to ascertarn the circumstances which led you to obtain it , and whether it is your intention to proceed in the matter . I am also to , as I hereby do , remind you and give you notice that the said Albany Lodge and members thereof are still under suspension for contumacy . I am , & c , ( Signed ) - M . T . KING .
[ COPY . ] Provincial Grand Lodge of South Africa , and adjacent Colonies , Board of General Purposes , Cape Town , 4 th November , 186 9 . —The Right Worshipful Bro . John Hervey , Secretary , Grand Lodge , London .
Dear Sir and Brother , —By reference to a letter from this lodge date 30 th January last , you will see notice was sent to the Grand Lodge , that the Albany Lodge , No . 389 , Graham ' s Town , was formally suspended by the Grand Lodge of this Province .
The Board of General Purposes is now directed to request the immediate attention of the Grand Lodge of England to that letter , and the subject of the enclosed abstract of correspondence which speaks for itself .
Up to the present time Past Master Saunders has not replied to the letter sent him ( of which the copy is sent herewith . ) It is urgently requested that you will be good enough to take such measures as can promptly be taken to enable the Grand Lodge of
Scotland to set aside the proceedings that have been adopted by it , that there may not be any cause for interruption in the harmony and working of the respective Masonic Constitutions in this Colony , no infringement of each other ' sright s , noviolation of thc due landmarks of the Order . ;
In the case of the Albany Lodge , Bro . Saunders made no application to this Provincial Grand Lodge , ancl wc did not know that any measures had been , or were being taken , to sever it from the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of England , or that there
was to be an application for a Scotch warrant until a copy of the Freemasons ? Magazine received by the last mail from England published the fact . I remain , & c , & c , * ( Signed ) M . T . KING . Vice-President of the Board of General Purposes .
[ COPY . ] Provincial Grand Lodge of South Africa and adjacent colonies , Board of General Purposes , Cape Town . To the Most ; Worshipful Bro . Lawrie , Grand Secretary , Grand Lodge of Scotland , Edinbro ' .
4 th November , 1869 . Dear Sir and Brother , —1 am directed by this lodge to'fonvard the enclosed memoranda to your Grand Lodge , and call its particular attention to thc great irregularities to which these memoranda refer . In the meantime , the matter is being
investigated by this Provincial Grand Lodge . We have reason to believe , through matters which have transpired within the last few days , that applications for other warrants have been made to the Grand Lodge of Scotland , without previous notice
be ing given to this Provincial Grand Lodge , or to thc Provisional Grand Lodge working under the Grand East of Scotland , which , if allowed to be put in force without due enquiry , will lead to g rave complications .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of West Lancashire.
Desiring to maintain the harmony and prosperity of the Craft in this colony , and a full appreciation of and respect for the authority of each Grand Lodge , we are sure that the Grand Lodge of Scotland will lose no time in doing all that is requisite to prevent a lodge , under suspension by this Provincial Grand Lodge , from escaping from
Masonic discipline and submission , by allowing it . to have a warrant from the Grand Lodge of Scotland to supersede the charter it already holds from the Grand Lodge of England . I remain , & c , & c , ( Signed . ) MICHAEL T . KING , Vice Chairman of Board of General Purposes .
[ COPY . ] Board of General Purposes , Cape Town , 9 th August , 1870 . The following notice has this day been sent to the undermentioned lodges in this colony : —
To the W . M . of the Angel Lodge . No . 1300 , Philippolis ; British , 334 , Cape Town ; British Kaffraria , 853 , King William ' s Town ; Colesberg , 11 4 2 , Colesberg ; Joppa , 864 , Cape Town ; Midland , 882 , Graaff Reinet ; Goodwill , 711 , Port Elizabeth ; Good Hope , S 63 , Port Elizabeth ;
Hope , 365 , Cape Town ; Rising Sun , 1022 , Bloemfontein ; Royal Alfred ( S . C ) , 420 , Simon ' s Town ; St . John ' s , 828 , Graham ' s Town ; Star in the East , 918 , Queen ' s Town ; St . Paul's , 989 , Adelaide ; Union , 883 , Knysua ; Zetland , 608 , Fort Beaufort , j To the R . W . D . G . M , N . of the Netherlands ( Sir C .
J . Brand , Kt . ) , R . W . P . M . James Fairbairn , and Bro . H . J . Feltham , C . R . A . Chapter ( S . C ) . Dear Sir and Brother , —In October , 186 9 , it was reported to this D . G . Lodge that the Albany Lodge , then under suspension , had applied to the Grand Lodge of Scotland for a warrant to enable
them to work under that Constitution . On the 30 th October , 1869 , the District Grand Lodge communicated with the representatives of the ' Grand Lodge of Scotland in this colony , and in reply were informed by Bro . Saunders that the application for a warrant had been forwarded to the
Grand Lodge of Scotland , On receipt of said reply , the following notice was sent to Bro . Saunders ( see of the 30 th October 1869 ) . To this communication no reply has been received up to date .
It has now been reported to this D . G . Lodge that the warrant from the Grand Lodge of Scotland has arrived in Cape Town , and since forwarded to the Albany Lodge , and that they are now working under said Constitution . It is therefore ordered that no communication be held with any lodge or chapter working under the
Constitution of the Grand Lodge of Scotland in this colony , and it is particularly requested that the Masters , officers , and members of lodges , will advise this P . G . Lodge of any infringement of this Order . I remain , & c , & c , ( Signed ) MICHAEL T . KING . Vice-President Board of General Purposes .
[ COPY . ] District Grand Lodge of South Africa , and thc Colonies adjacent thereto , Cape Town , 3 rd September , 1870 . —To the Most Worshipful Brother , VV . H . Laurie , Secretary , Grand Lodge of Scotland . «
Dear Sir and Brother , —Wishing to pay every respect to thc Grand Lodge of Scotland , and , fearing that the original per " Cambrian" might not have reached you , I respectfully beg to forward per "Briton" duplicate of Report of Proceedings in connection with the suspended "Albany" Lodge ,
No . 389 , Graham's Town . You will perceive from the dates of various communications that Bro . Saunders , had special notice from this D . G . Lodge in time to have enabled him to communicate his error to your Grand Lodge , before the charter for the suspended brethren of the
"Albany" Lodge was dispatched by you to this Colony . I remain , dear Sir and Bro ., yours fraternally , ( Signed ) M . T . KING , Vice-President Board of General Purposes . N . B . —Bro . Saunders is the representative of the Grand Lodge of Scotland in this Colony . [ The Report will appear in next week ' s number . ]
STAR LODGE OF INSTRUCTION . —The fifteen sections wl ! l be worked at this lodge , which is held a * the Marquis of Granby Tavern , New Cross-road , ou . viturday , Oct . 22 , at 6 p . m ., Bro . James Brett , G . P ., iu the chair . We are sure this meeting will he a great success and a real treat to all who like to heai * and see superioJ working . We anticipate that several eminent ' workers in Masonry will be present at this meeting .,