Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Order Of The Temple.
the introduction of the dignities of Knights Grand Cross and Knig hts Commander , no person in future shall receive any rank or precedence analagous to Past Rank except in virtue of some qualify ing office which he has held for twelve months at the least . "
Page 23—Cap . — Precedence . —After "The Grand Master , " amend the paragraph to run"Past Grand Masters , the Great Priors , the Great Officers , the Sub-Priors , Past Great Priors and Great Officers , the Provincial Priors , the National Great Officers , Past Sub-Priors ,
Provincial Priors , and National Great Officers , the Knight Grand Crosses , the Commanders , the Officers of the Order , Past Vice-Chancellors and Sub-Marshals who have held those offices for two years , the National Officers , Past National Vice-Chancellors and Sub-Marshals who
have held those offices for two years , Preceptors , Chaplains , Knights . " Exception having been taken to the discussion of these amendments , on the ground that the Earl , having failed to move them himself atthe last Convent General , or to secure their being moved by some other Knight , they had fallen to the ground ,
and could not be re-discussed without the usual notice of motion , the Great Prior allowed the exception , and ruled the Earl of Limerick's motion out of order . ¦ It was proposed by Sir Knight A . H . Royds , Prov . Prior Lancashire , and seconded by Sir Knight Thomas Birchall , Constable of that Province ,
" ist . That in the Clause entitled 'Title of the Order ' the word ' Masonic' be inserted between the words ' United ' and ' Religious . ' " 2 . That the Statutes headed ' Rank and Precedence' ( pages 19 and 20 , Statutes of the Convent General ) be expunged in order that the
Past Rank of the various officers and their right to bear the insignia thereof may be restored and recognized as formerly . " 3 rd . That wherever throughout the said Statutes the words ' Preceptory' or ' Preceptories ' shall occur , such words be expunged , and the
words Encampment' or ' Encampments be inserted in lieu thereof , and in like manner , wherever the word ' Preceptor ' or ' Preceptors ' shall occur , the same be expunged , and the words ' Eminent Commander , ' or 'Eminent Commanders ' ( as the case may be ) be inserted
in lieu thereof , so that the changes in the designations of the meetings of the Order may be abolished , and the previous titles restored . " After a lengthened and stormy debate . in which several amendments , suggestions , and emendations were moved and rejected , the whole motion
was , after a division on each separate paragraph , declared duly carried . Sir Knight the Earl of Limerick gave notice that he would at next Convent General , move the resolutions which he had not been able to introduce that evening , subject to the verbal emendations necessary on the passing of Sir Knight Royd ' s motions . The
Arch Treasurer Sir Knight Curteis also gave notice of a motion , the wording of which we could not gather . The Convent General was then closed , and tho Great Prior and his officers retired under the Arch of Steel about nine p . m ., the proceedings having lasted for nearly six hours .
Consecration Of The Studholme Mark Lodge, No. 197.
Oo Thursday , the 7 th inst ., the Right Hon . the Earl of Limerick , M . W . G . M . M . M ., consecrated this new Mark Lodge , at the Hall , Golden Square . He was assisted in the ceremony by the Rev . J . S . Brownrigg ; General Brownrigg , C . B .: Capt . N . G . Philips : Bros . Hugh D .
Sandeman , Dr . Hamilton , Major Barlow , S . Rawson , Major Shadwell H . Clerke , F . Binckes , Hyde Pullen , Col . H . Somerville Burney , Capt . Dadson , the Earl of Donoughmore , the Rev . A . B . Frazer , and the Rev . — Morse . Bro . Massey was present on behalf of the Freemason .
After the ceremony of consecration was completed , Bro . the Rev . J . Studholme Brownrigg ascended the chair , and in splendid form advanced to the Mark Degree the following brethren : —Capt . R . R . Leeson , Capt . Gilbert , Kenneth Robert Murchison , Col . C . W . Randolph ,
Consecration Of The Studholme Mark Lodge, No. 197.
Capt . Palliser , Capt . M . S . Brownrigg , and E . C . Willing . The installation of the W . M . designate was then proceeded with , and Bro . the Rev . J . Studholme Brownrigg installed Bro . General Brownrigg as Master of the lodge . At the same time ,
Dr . Hamilton having been appointed as Grand Master of Jamaica , that brother was obligated in due form for the discharge of the duties of that office . Bro . Capt . Philips was appointed the P . M . of the lodge , Bros , the Earl of Donoughmore , S . W . ¦ Major Shadwell Clerke , J . W . ;
Dr . Hamilton , M . O . ; S . Rawson , S . O . ; Major Barlow , J . O . ; Rev . — Morse , Chap . ; Hyde Pullen , Registrar of Marks ; Col . Somerville Burney , Sec . ; Capt . " C . W . Randolph , S . D . Capt . Brownrigg , J . D . ; E . C . Willing , Org . ; Capt . Portlock Dadson , D . C ; Capt . Palliser ,
I . G . ; and Austin , Tyler . At the conclusion of the lodge-work the W . M . rose and proposed a vote of thanks to the Earl of Limerick for consecrating the lodge , and then moved that his lordship be elected an honorary member , as well as Bros , the Rev . G . R . Portal ,
Past Grand Master ; Lord Skelmersdale , Binckes , the R " ev . J . Studholme Brownrigg , Hyde Pullen , and Col . Burdett . He also stated that the brethren were very much indebted to Lord Limerick for coming and discharging the important office of Consecrating Master , and to the Rev .
J . Studholme Brownrigg , for the fluent and efficient way in which he had advanced the candidates for Mark Masonry . The Earl of Limerick in" acknowledging the compliment said : W . M ., I thank you very much for electing me an honorary member of the
Studholme Lodge . It has given me great pleasure to be here to consecrate your lodge , which from what I have seen promises so well . I think from the performances of this evening the most favourable expectations may be entertained of a lodge the working of which commences under the
rule of such a good old Mark Mason as our Bro . General Brownrigg . It may not be known to all the brethren present that although hc , for the first time , takes thc chair of a lodge , hc has been a Mark Master Mason three-and-thirty years . From that he must certainly be the father in
Mark Masonry of those present ; and there are not , I venture to think , very many working members of Mark Masonry who can exceed him in that number of years as members of the Order . We all know , brethren , how well he discharges all the duties thst he takes upon him , and that he
never undertook a duty without the fullest intention of doing it to the utmost of his ability , and we know ho * - great that ability is . I therefore form the greatest expectations of the work of the Studholme Lodge . Perhaps you will allow me as a remembrance of the pleasure I have had in
consecrating the lodge , to present the lodge with two Deacons' jewels . They are not of the present pattern ; they are old jewels which were made in the year 1780 ; but I think anyhow you will keep them as a memento , and if you and your successors in your discretion should allow
them to be worn by the Deacons , by the authority of my office I would excuse . their not being according to the present pattern of Mark Masonry . It would be possible , I think , to adopt them to modern Mark Masonry by hanging the Mark at the bottom of them instead of
placing them on the Mark as is generally the custom . I thank you , W . M . and brethren , for making me an honorary member of the lodge , for which I wish every prosperity in its future career , ( hear , hear ) . General Brownrigg then proposed , the Earl of
Donoughmore seconded , and Captain N . G . Philips supported a vote of thanks to the Earl of Limerick for this handsome present , and the vote was put and carried unanimously . The W . M . said to Lord Limerick , we accept them very gratefully , and will have them , adopted for the Deacons' collars .
Bro . F . Binckes , the Rev . J . Studholme Brown , rigg , and Bro . Hyde Pullen also returned thanks for being elected honorary members of the lodge , and the days of meeting were fixed for the first Thursday in April , June and December , every
year . The lodge was afterwards closed in ample form , and the brethren adjourned to a splendid
Consecration Of The Studholme Mark Lodge, No. 197.
banquet at Willis ' s Rooms , where they subsequently honoured the usual Mark Masonic toasts .
Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Of Lincolnshire.
A Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of the Province of Lincolnshire was held in the Old Hall at Gainsboro' on November 29 th , by command of the Right Worshipful Grand Mark Master , Bro . John Sutcliffe . Among the very large number of brethren present were
Bros . C . F . Matier , P . G . W . ; Wm . Roebuck , G . M . O . ; J . N . Scherling , P . G . J . O . ; F . Binckes , G . Sec . ; Thos . Cubitt , P . G . D . C . ; J . D . Sugden , P . G . S . B . ; Thomas Perkinton , Prov . G . M . M . M . W . Yorks . -, Thos . Entwisle , P . P . G . M . M . M . Lancashire ; J . Y . Strachan , P . D . P . G . M . M . M . N . and E . Lane . ; W . S . Wade , P . P . G S . W . West Yorkshire ; Wm . Roberts , lesse Firth , T . Oakden ,
Thos . Clarke , H . Maiden , Wm . Briggs , F . N . Stevenson , G . Green , P . G . J . O . ; Rev . E . Sewell , Rev . A . A . Bagshawe , W . Cooke , R . Newhouse , Prov . G . Sec . Cheshire ; Mark Newsome , P . P . G . J . D . ; J . B . Crossby , P . P . G . S . B . of West Yorkshire ; John Bell , P . P . G . S . B . Lancashire ; N . Horrocks , P . P . G . S . B . Lancashire ; S . B . Ellis , A . Britton , W . M . Copley , 111 ; W . Denison ,
P . J . W . Copley , in ; J . W . Swann , P . S . D . Copley , in ; W . M . Tyers , Sec . Copley , 111 ; J . Calverley , Copley , HI ; Thos . Ruddock , Truth , 137 ; Hiram Burley , Truth , 137 ; M . Kemp , W . M . Humber , 182 ; W . Needier , S . W . Humber , 182 ; M . Haberland , J . W . Humber , 182 ; J . Walker , S . O . Humber , 182 ; R . Boggett , Sec . Humber , 182 ; John Sutcliffe , Prov . G .
M . M . M . ; Charles Harrison , Deputy Prov . G . M . M . M . ; W . Watkins , Prov . G . S . W . ; A . Kirke , P . G . M . O . ; A . Bates , P . J . G . O . ; Jack Sutcliffe , Prov . G . Treas . ; R . C . Carline , Prov . G . Reg . of M . ; Robert Gough , Prov . G . Sec . ; C . Scorer , Prov . G . S . D . ; R . Goodman , Prov . G . D . C . ; W . H . Roberts , Prov . G . Assist . D . C . ; W . E . Hewlett , Prov . G . Sup . of W . ; W . Mason , Prov .
G . Org . ; James Robinson , Prov . G . I . G . ; W . Marshall , P . G . S . ; P . P . Dickenson , P . G . S . ; J . S . Codd , P . G . S . ; D . Swanstone , P . G . S . ; W . H . Rodley , P . P . G . S . W . Lines . ; F . Watson , P . P . G . J . W . Lines . ; C . J . Hayward , P . P . G . S . of W . Lines . ; C . Mann , Prov . G . Tyler ; A . L . Peacock , Remigius , 117 . The large gathering is mainly attributable to the
convenient and liberal train arrangements effected with the various railway companies by Provincial Grand Mark Master Bro . Sutcliffe , and to the liberality with which the Right Worshipful Master distributed his invitations to the banquet which followed the business of the lodge , and which were accompanied by a programme giving in detail all the information that was necessary to be known in reference to accomplishing the journey from distant
provinces , the special railway tickets—issued at a first class single fare for thc double journey—being available for three tlays . After the ordinary duties of the lodge had been gone through , the R . W . Prov . Grand Mark Master Mason appointed and invested the following brethren as Prov . Grand Officers for thc ensuing year : — Charles Harrison D . Prov . G . M . M . M . Alfred Kirk Prov . G . S . W .
W . W . Copeland Prov . G . J . W . Chas . Scorer Prov . G . M . O . M . Crowden Prov . G . S . O . P . P . Dickinson Prov . G . J . O . Jack Sutcliffe Prov . G . Treas .
R . Cotton Carline Prov . G . Reg . of M . R . Gough Prov . G . Sec . Joseph Chapman Prov . G . S . D . Geo . Mousham Prov . G . J . D . W . H . Roberts Prov . G . D . C . J . Moxon Prov . G . Asst . D . C . H . S . Close Prov . G . S . of Wks .
G . M . Lowe Prov . G . Swd . Br . C . 'J . Hayward Prov . G . I . G . Geo . Motley Prov . G . Steward . Wm . Pollitt Prov . G . Steward . Chas . Mann Prov . G . Tyler .
A further matter of special interest and attraction in the day ' s proceedings was the presentation to the Right Worshipful Prov . Grand Mark Master of a picture containing portraits of himself and his first Provincial Grand officers , who were photographed in a group whilst being entertained at Stallingboro' House . The photograph was subsequently enlarged , finished in oil , and
handsomely framed . The Mark Masons represented in it are—Bros . John Sutcliffe , Chas . Harrison , F . Watson , H . Watson , T . H . Oldman , J . Bellamy , Wm . Watkins , Jack Sutcliffe , R . Cotton Carline , R . Gough , W . J . Bland , F . S . Judd , C . J . Hayward , T . E . Jacobson , Geo . Robinson , E . J . Cullen , Chas . Scorer , R . Goodman , Rev . D Ace , D . D ., W . G . Moore , Capt . Lowcock , Chas . Mann ,
F . Binckes , and Wm . Roberts . The frame is enriched with Masonic emblems , and the inscription engraved on a brass plate is as follows : — " First Prov . G . M . Officers for Lincolnshire ; Presented to the R . W . Bro . John Sutcliffe , Prov . G . M . M . M ., 29 th November , 1876 . " The formal presentation of the picture was made during the afterdinner proceedings , anil the terms in which it was offered and accepted will be found reported below in the " post
prandial" speeches . The banquet to which about 160 sat down , was of a magnificent description . The " menu " was in harmony with the high character of the occasion , comprising every available delicacy , and the dinner was served " a la Russe . ' , Great credit is due to thc provider of thc dinner Thc Right Worshipful Prov . Grand Mark Master , Bro * Sutcliffe , occupied the chair , and , in commencing thc toast list , gave "The Queen and Mark Masonry" in terms .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Order Of The Temple.
the introduction of the dignities of Knights Grand Cross and Knig hts Commander , no person in future shall receive any rank or precedence analagous to Past Rank except in virtue of some qualify ing office which he has held for twelve months at the least . "
Page 23—Cap . — Precedence . —After "The Grand Master , " amend the paragraph to run"Past Grand Masters , the Great Priors , the Great Officers , the Sub-Priors , Past Great Priors and Great Officers , the Provincial Priors , the National Great Officers , Past Sub-Priors ,
Provincial Priors , and National Great Officers , the Knight Grand Crosses , the Commanders , the Officers of the Order , Past Vice-Chancellors and Sub-Marshals who have held those offices for two years , the National Officers , Past National Vice-Chancellors and Sub-Marshals who
have held those offices for two years , Preceptors , Chaplains , Knights . " Exception having been taken to the discussion of these amendments , on the ground that the Earl , having failed to move them himself atthe last Convent General , or to secure their being moved by some other Knight , they had fallen to the ground ,
and could not be re-discussed without the usual notice of motion , the Great Prior allowed the exception , and ruled the Earl of Limerick's motion out of order . ¦ It was proposed by Sir Knight A . H . Royds , Prov . Prior Lancashire , and seconded by Sir Knight Thomas Birchall , Constable of that Province ,
" ist . That in the Clause entitled 'Title of the Order ' the word ' Masonic' be inserted between the words ' United ' and ' Religious . ' " 2 . That the Statutes headed ' Rank and Precedence' ( pages 19 and 20 , Statutes of the Convent General ) be expunged in order that the
Past Rank of the various officers and their right to bear the insignia thereof may be restored and recognized as formerly . " 3 rd . That wherever throughout the said Statutes the words ' Preceptory' or ' Preceptories ' shall occur , such words be expunged , and the
words Encampment' or ' Encampments be inserted in lieu thereof , and in like manner , wherever the word ' Preceptor ' or ' Preceptors ' shall occur , the same be expunged , and the words ' Eminent Commander , ' or 'Eminent Commanders ' ( as the case may be ) be inserted
in lieu thereof , so that the changes in the designations of the meetings of the Order may be abolished , and the previous titles restored . " After a lengthened and stormy debate . in which several amendments , suggestions , and emendations were moved and rejected , the whole motion
was , after a division on each separate paragraph , declared duly carried . Sir Knight the Earl of Limerick gave notice that he would at next Convent General , move the resolutions which he had not been able to introduce that evening , subject to the verbal emendations necessary on the passing of Sir Knight Royd ' s motions . The
Arch Treasurer Sir Knight Curteis also gave notice of a motion , the wording of which we could not gather . The Convent General was then closed , and tho Great Prior and his officers retired under the Arch of Steel about nine p . m ., the proceedings having lasted for nearly six hours .
Consecration Of The Studholme Mark Lodge, No. 197.
Oo Thursday , the 7 th inst ., the Right Hon . the Earl of Limerick , M . W . G . M . M . M ., consecrated this new Mark Lodge , at the Hall , Golden Square . He was assisted in the ceremony by the Rev . J . S . Brownrigg ; General Brownrigg , C . B .: Capt . N . G . Philips : Bros . Hugh D .
Sandeman , Dr . Hamilton , Major Barlow , S . Rawson , Major Shadwell H . Clerke , F . Binckes , Hyde Pullen , Col . H . Somerville Burney , Capt . Dadson , the Earl of Donoughmore , the Rev . A . B . Frazer , and the Rev . — Morse . Bro . Massey was present on behalf of the Freemason .
After the ceremony of consecration was completed , Bro . the Rev . J . Studholme Brownrigg ascended the chair , and in splendid form advanced to the Mark Degree the following brethren : —Capt . R . R . Leeson , Capt . Gilbert , Kenneth Robert Murchison , Col . C . W . Randolph ,
Consecration Of The Studholme Mark Lodge, No. 197.
Capt . Palliser , Capt . M . S . Brownrigg , and E . C . Willing . The installation of the W . M . designate was then proceeded with , and Bro . the Rev . J . Studholme Brownrigg installed Bro . General Brownrigg as Master of the lodge . At the same time ,
Dr . Hamilton having been appointed as Grand Master of Jamaica , that brother was obligated in due form for the discharge of the duties of that office . Bro . Capt . Philips was appointed the P . M . of the lodge , Bros , the Earl of Donoughmore , S . W . ¦ Major Shadwell Clerke , J . W . ;
Dr . Hamilton , M . O . ; S . Rawson , S . O . ; Major Barlow , J . O . ; Rev . — Morse , Chap . ; Hyde Pullen , Registrar of Marks ; Col . Somerville Burney , Sec . ; Capt . " C . W . Randolph , S . D . Capt . Brownrigg , J . D . ; E . C . Willing , Org . ; Capt . Portlock Dadson , D . C ; Capt . Palliser ,
I . G . ; and Austin , Tyler . At the conclusion of the lodge-work the W . M . rose and proposed a vote of thanks to the Earl of Limerick for consecrating the lodge , and then moved that his lordship be elected an honorary member , as well as Bros , the Rev . G . R . Portal ,
Past Grand Master ; Lord Skelmersdale , Binckes , the R " ev . J . Studholme Brownrigg , Hyde Pullen , and Col . Burdett . He also stated that the brethren were very much indebted to Lord Limerick for coming and discharging the important office of Consecrating Master , and to the Rev .
J . Studholme Brownrigg , for the fluent and efficient way in which he had advanced the candidates for Mark Masonry . The Earl of Limerick in" acknowledging the compliment said : W . M ., I thank you very much for electing me an honorary member of the
Studholme Lodge . It has given me great pleasure to be here to consecrate your lodge , which from what I have seen promises so well . I think from the performances of this evening the most favourable expectations may be entertained of a lodge the working of which commences under the
rule of such a good old Mark Mason as our Bro . General Brownrigg . It may not be known to all the brethren present that although hc , for the first time , takes thc chair of a lodge , hc has been a Mark Master Mason three-and-thirty years . From that he must certainly be the father in
Mark Masonry of those present ; and there are not , I venture to think , very many working members of Mark Masonry who can exceed him in that number of years as members of the Order . We all know , brethren , how well he discharges all the duties thst he takes upon him , and that he
never undertook a duty without the fullest intention of doing it to the utmost of his ability , and we know ho * - great that ability is . I therefore form the greatest expectations of the work of the Studholme Lodge . Perhaps you will allow me as a remembrance of the pleasure I have had in
consecrating the lodge , to present the lodge with two Deacons' jewels . They are not of the present pattern ; they are old jewels which were made in the year 1780 ; but I think anyhow you will keep them as a memento , and if you and your successors in your discretion should allow
them to be worn by the Deacons , by the authority of my office I would excuse . their not being according to the present pattern of Mark Masonry . It would be possible , I think , to adopt them to modern Mark Masonry by hanging the Mark at the bottom of them instead of
placing them on the Mark as is generally the custom . I thank you , W . M . and brethren , for making me an honorary member of the lodge , for which I wish every prosperity in its future career , ( hear , hear ) . General Brownrigg then proposed , the Earl of
Donoughmore seconded , and Captain N . G . Philips supported a vote of thanks to the Earl of Limerick for this handsome present , and the vote was put and carried unanimously . The W . M . said to Lord Limerick , we accept them very gratefully , and will have them , adopted for the Deacons' collars .
Bro . F . Binckes , the Rev . J . Studholme Brown , rigg , and Bro . Hyde Pullen also returned thanks for being elected honorary members of the lodge , and the days of meeting were fixed for the first Thursday in April , June and December , every
year . The lodge was afterwards closed in ample form , and the brethren adjourned to a splendid
Consecration Of The Studholme Mark Lodge, No. 197.
banquet at Willis ' s Rooms , where they subsequently honoured the usual Mark Masonic toasts .
Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Of Lincolnshire.
A Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of the Province of Lincolnshire was held in the Old Hall at Gainsboro' on November 29 th , by command of the Right Worshipful Grand Mark Master , Bro . John Sutcliffe . Among the very large number of brethren present were
Bros . C . F . Matier , P . G . W . ; Wm . Roebuck , G . M . O . ; J . N . Scherling , P . G . J . O . ; F . Binckes , G . Sec . ; Thos . Cubitt , P . G . D . C . ; J . D . Sugden , P . G . S . B . ; Thomas Perkinton , Prov . G . M . M . M . W . Yorks . -, Thos . Entwisle , P . P . G . M . M . M . Lancashire ; J . Y . Strachan , P . D . P . G . M . M . M . N . and E . Lane . ; W . S . Wade , P . P . G S . W . West Yorkshire ; Wm . Roberts , lesse Firth , T . Oakden ,
Thos . Clarke , H . Maiden , Wm . Briggs , F . N . Stevenson , G . Green , P . G . J . O . ; Rev . E . Sewell , Rev . A . A . Bagshawe , W . Cooke , R . Newhouse , Prov . G . Sec . Cheshire ; Mark Newsome , P . P . G . J . D . ; J . B . Crossby , P . P . G . S . B . of West Yorkshire ; John Bell , P . P . G . S . B . Lancashire ; N . Horrocks , P . P . G . S . B . Lancashire ; S . B . Ellis , A . Britton , W . M . Copley , 111 ; W . Denison ,
P . J . W . Copley , in ; J . W . Swann , P . S . D . Copley , in ; W . M . Tyers , Sec . Copley , 111 ; J . Calverley , Copley , HI ; Thos . Ruddock , Truth , 137 ; Hiram Burley , Truth , 137 ; M . Kemp , W . M . Humber , 182 ; W . Needier , S . W . Humber , 182 ; M . Haberland , J . W . Humber , 182 ; J . Walker , S . O . Humber , 182 ; R . Boggett , Sec . Humber , 182 ; John Sutcliffe , Prov . G .
M . M . M . ; Charles Harrison , Deputy Prov . G . M . M . M . ; W . Watkins , Prov . G . S . W . ; A . Kirke , P . G . M . O . ; A . Bates , P . J . G . O . ; Jack Sutcliffe , Prov . G . Treas . ; R . C . Carline , Prov . G . Reg . of M . ; Robert Gough , Prov . G . Sec . ; C . Scorer , Prov . G . S . D . ; R . Goodman , Prov . G . D . C . ; W . H . Roberts , Prov . G . Assist . D . C . ; W . E . Hewlett , Prov . G . Sup . of W . ; W . Mason , Prov .
G . Org . ; James Robinson , Prov . G . I . G . ; W . Marshall , P . G . S . ; P . P . Dickenson , P . G . S . ; J . S . Codd , P . G . S . ; D . Swanstone , P . G . S . ; W . H . Rodley , P . P . G . S . W . Lines . ; F . Watson , P . P . G . J . W . Lines . ; C . J . Hayward , P . P . G . S . of W . Lines . ; C . Mann , Prov . G . Tyler ; A . L . Peacock , Remigius , 117 . The large gathering is mainly attributable to the
convenient and liberal train arrangements effected with the various railway companies by Provincial Grand Mark Master Bro . Sutcliffe , and to the liberality with which the Right Worshipful Master distributed his invitations to the banquet which followed the business of the lodge , and which were accompanied by a programme giving in detail all the information that was necessary to be known in reference to accomplishing the journey from distant
provinces , the special railway tickets—issued at a first class single fare for thc double journey—being available for three tlays . After the ordinary duties of the lodge had been gone through , the R . W . Prov . Grand Mark Master Mason appointed and invested the following brethren as Prov . Grand Officers for thc ensuing year : — Charles Harrison D . Prov . G . M . M . M . Alfred Kirk Prov . G . S . W .
W . W . Copeland Prov . G . J . W . Chas . Scorer Prov . G . M . O . M . Crowden Prov . G . S . O . P . P . Dickinson Prov . G . J . O . Jack Sutcliffe Prov . G . Treas .
R . Cotton Carline Prov . G . Reg . of M . R . Gough Prov . G . Sec . Joseph Chapman Prov . G . S . D . Geo . Mousham Prov . G . J . D . W . H . Roberts Prov . G . D . C . J . Moxon Prov . G . Asst . D . C . H . S . Close Prov . G . S . of Wks .
G . M . Lowe Prov . G . Swd . Br . C . 'J . Hayward Prov . G . I . G . Geo . Motley Prov . G . Steward . Wm . Pollitt Prov . G . Steward . Chas . Mann Prov . G . Tyler .
A further matter of special interest and attraction in the day ' s proceedings was the presentation to the Right Worshipful Prov . Grand Mark Master of a picture containing portraits of himself and his first Provincial Grand officers , who were photographed in a group whilst being entertained at Stallingboro' House . The photograph was subsequently enlarged , finished in oil , and
handsomely framed . The Mark Masons represented in it are—Bros . John Sutcliffe , Chas . Harrison , F . Watson , H . Watson , T . H . Oldman , J . Bellamy , Wm . Watkins , Jack Sutcliffe , R . Cotton Carline , R . Gough , W . J . Bland , F . S . Judd , C . J . Hayward , T . E . Jacobson , Geo . Robinson , E . J . Cullen , Chas . Scorer , R . Goodman , Rev . D Ace , D . D ., W . G . Moore , Capt . Lowcock , Chas . Mann ,
F . Binckes , and Wm . Roberts . The frame is enriched with Masonic emblems , and the inscription engraved on a brass plate is as follows : — " First Prov . G . M . Officers for Lincolnshire ; Presented to the R . W . Bro . John Sutcliffe , Prov . G . M . M . M ., 29 th November , 1876 . " The formal presentation of the picture was made during the afterdinner proceedings , anil the terms in which it was offered and accepted will be found reported below in the " post
prandial" speeches . The banquet to which about 160 sat down , was of a magnificent description . The " menu " was in harmony with the high character of the occasion , comprising every available delicacy , and the dinner was served " a la Russe . ' , Great credit is due to thc provider of thc dinner Thc Right Worshipful Prov . Grand Mark Master , Bro * Sutcliffe , occupied the chair , and , in commencing thc toast list , gave "The Queen and Mark Masonry" in terms .