Article Royal Arch. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Royal Arch. Page 2 of 2 Article Red Cross of Constantine. Page 1 of 1 Article Red Cross of Constantine. Page 1 of 1 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 2 →
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Royal Arch.
the able manager of lhat establishment . Most of the companions who had been in chapter assembled round the board , and , after having done ample justice to thc good things provided , proceeded to honour the toasts which were proposed with agreeable brevity by the M . E . Z . Col . Creaton , who responded to the toast of " The Grand Officers , " said there were many Grand
Officers who had done good suit and service to Royal Arch Masonry , and to them all the members of the R . A . owed their gratitude ; more especially did they owe their gratitude to the companions who had given such an excellent treat that evening by the performance of the exaltation and installation ceremonies . Thc Prudent Brethren Chapter was a chapter par excellence , for never in
the whole course of his Masonic experience had he seen the work done so well . Comp . C . A . Long , I . P . Z ., proposed 11 The M . E . Z ., " who , they must all agree , had fulfilled bis duties in the various offices he had held in the chapter in the' most conscientious manner . He had been a hardworking Mason , and it was only the just reward of his exertions that he was placed in the proud position of
M . E . Z . It was by having such officers as this chapter possessed that the chapter could go on to a successful issue . The companions could congratulate themselves that they fell under such happy influences . They were in the constellation " Taurus " at the present moment ; while they had Aldebaran , with stars of hardly less magnitude , on each of his horns ; and the talent round him might well be said
to represent the splendid cluster of the Pleiades . In fact , they had a miniature representation of the grand constellation of the " Bull . " ( Laughter . ) The M . E . Z ., in replying , said , after thanking the companions for their expressions of good feeling and satisfaction towards him , hc felt grateful to them for having placed him in his elevated and proud position .
It was a position which at one time he never dreamt of occupying , but it had been their pleasure to give him office from year to year , and he had advanced step by step till he had obtained the highest honours . He trusted that he should go through thc discharge of his duties during his year with satisfaction to thc companions . ( Hear , hear . ) Comp . Hyde Pullen responded for
" The Visitors , " and reiterated the remarks of Col . Creaton as to the work in the chapter . He afterwards referred with pleasure to the circumstances of Comp . John Boyd's son being exalted into the R . A ., and trusted he would emulate his father ' s exertions , his virtues , and his talents . To the toast of "The Exaltees , " all those companions very briefly responded . Comp . C . A . Long , I . P . Z ., responded
for " The P . Z . ' s . " As far as he was concerned he had endeavoured to perform his duties as Z . properly and conscientiously . Several times the companions had expressed themselves pleased with his work , and he had been very much pleased to receive their congratulations . As to P . Z . ' s generally they must always feel somewhat as Dr . Doran would say , "Monarchs retired from business , " but with this
difference , they were not like ordinary deposed princes ; they carried with them in their retirement the affections of their former subjects , and certainly thc affections of their present companions . ( Cheers . ) Comp . E . Moody responded for " H . and J ., " and Comp . John Boyd replied to a special toast for himself . During his connection with the Prudent Brethren Chapter , which he hoped would continue as long
as he lived , he had always met , as hc trusted he always should meet , with the same hearty good feeling as he had that evening . With such working as they had in the chapter , and with such good feeling as was evinced amongst thc companions , the success of the chapter must be established . What had been done that evening had met with the approbation of the chapter . It was his
desire to give something of the pith and substance of Freemasonry beyond the mere ceremonies—an explanation of the ceremonies ; to show the companions that there was not a word throughout the ceremonies that had not its meaning , both in Craft and Arch Masonry . He hoped they would be able to carry out the idea they had . and that they would succeed in putting the needle into thc
lay members , to make them feel a little more enthusiasm in Freemasonry than was generally exhibited by Masons . ( Hear , hear . ) Comp . Joseph Last and Comp . G . S . States responded for Treasurer and Scribe E ., " and Comps . Cox , P . S ., replied for " The Officers . " During tlie evening some pleasant singing was performed by Comps . G . T . Carter and Distin , and Miss Florence
Levander , who made a most successful debut as a vocalist at Masonic banquets . DOMATIC CHAPTER ( No 177 ) . —Thclast meeting of this chapter was held at A nderton ' s Hotcl , Flcet Street , ou Thursday , the 23 rd ultimo . There were present Comps . Hey ward , M . E . Z . ; Cubitt , P . Z ., acting H . ; Adams , P-Z . ; acting J . ; Bolton , I . P . Z . ; Buss , P . Z ., Treasurer ;
Palmer , S . E . ; Hill , N . ; Payne , P . Z . ; Sutton , P . Z . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , several minor matters were discussed and the companions adjourned to the banquet . Upon the removal « f the cloth the M . E . Z . gave the usual loyal and Royal Arch ti > asts , prcfaced by a few remarks . In proposing " The Health ofthe . M . E ., Comp . Buss said that hc was pleased at having
'he opportunity of paying that duty of respect to their worthy M . E . Z . It was true that hc ( Comp . Hcyward ) was , 111 consequence of untoward circumstances , prevented from discharging the duties of the chair as well asjmany of their first Principals had done , but he hoped that the good feeling which had always prevailed in the " Domatic" would he extended to their M . E . to the conclusion of his year of
office . The chair of their chapter had been filled by some ° " the very best Royal Arch Masons that had ever existed , and it had also been at times vcry indifferently pecupied ; but there had never been anything but kind feeing displayed towards all who had reached the proud position of M . E . Z . of No . 177 , and he therefore charged them to drink most heartily thc health of their old and esteemed co » panion the M . E . This toast having been duly
Royal Arch.
honoured , the M . E . replied by expressing his sincere thanks to the companions for the warm manner that they had responded to his health , and assured them that he had the interests of the " Domatic " Chapter at heart . He was sorry that hc could not , through inability , aspire to the high honours that some of the past Principals had achieved , but he hoped to win their good opinion . Ill-health and
domestic afflictions had hitherto prevented him from paying that attention to the " working" which was so highly essential to those who desired to carry out the duties of the First Principal ' s chair effectively , but he hoped to be able to do better in the future . The M . E . then proposed , in very complimentary terms , " The Health of their sole Visitor , Comp . Walls , 185 , " who duly acknowledged the
honor . " The Health of the Past Principals " immediately followed . Comp . Bolton , I . P . Z ., briefly replied by stating that he would always do his best in conjunction with the other past Principals to assist in the " working . " Comp . Buss , P . Z ., also in response said he was sorry that the I . P . Z . had been so reticent in his reply , because it necessitated him , as one of the past Principals , tosay a few words
in acknowledgment for the very warm manner in which their health had been both proposed and drank . He complimented the chapter upon having had so efficient a M . E . last year , in the person of their esteemed Comp . Bolton , who had carried out the onerous duties most admirably . He was personally pleased , not only for the manner his name had been received that evening in
connection with the toast , but for the invariable courtesy and kindness he had always experienced from the companions . In conclusion he congratulated them upon the financial prosperity of the lodge , which happy state for some ' time past , he said , had been steadily progressing . Comps . Cubitt and Sutton . P . Z . ' s , also replied . In proposing "The Health of the Officers , " the M . E . said that he was vcry sorry that
two of their important officials were most sorely in need of that great blessing , health , Comps . Scott , H ., and Treadwell , P . S ., who were both seriously unwell , but he hoped that the new year would see them sufficiently restored to take their proper places in the chapter . This toast having been duly honoured Comps . Hill , N . ; Palmer , S . E . ; Buss , Treas . and Harrison , 2 nd A . S . ; replied by
briefly stating that they would always do their best to further the " working " and enhance the interests of the old " Domatic" Chapter in every possible way . Between the numerous toasts and responses Comps . Palmer , Ambrose , Cubitt , Walls , Heyward , Brown and others entertained the companions . The Janitor ' s toast at ten o ' clock terminated the proceedings , and the companions
separated until the fourth Thursday in January next . NORTHAMPTON . —Northampton Chapter ( No . 3 60 ) . —Thc companions of this chapter held their first convocation in the New Masonic Hall , Abingtonstreet , on Thursday evening , Nov . 30 . Present : Comps . S . Jacob , M . E . Z . ; J . U . Stanton , H . ; R . Howes , J . ; M . A . Boeme , P . Z ., acting N . ; _ G . Robinson , P . Z . ; E . J .
T . Green , acting P . S . ; B . Wilkins , P . Z ., D . P . G . M . Norths , and Hunts . ; M . W . Flewctt , P . Z . ; G . Cotton , P . Z . ; E . E . Welchman , P . Z . ; T . Davies , P . Z . ; Revs . J . T . Drake , and Stimpson , E . Roberts , F . Gadsby , J . Cove , and others . Bros . John Henry Hale ( Perseverance Lodge , 455 ) and Henry John Atkins ( Pomfret Lodge , 3 60 ) were candidates for exaltation . Being duly balloted for and
elected , the ceremony was at once proceeded with , Comp . Wilkins officiating as M . E . Z . in his usual impressive manner , the other officers ably fulfilling their various duties . The whole ceremony was conducted in a manner that gained the highest encomiums from all present . The election of officers for thc ensuing year was then proceeded with . Comp . Stanton
was elected M . E . Z . ; Howes , H . j Green , J . ; Roberts , N . ; Robinson , E . ; Gadsby , P . S . ; Hewitt , and Wilkins , Treas . The companions then adjourned to refreshment , to which ample justice was done , an unusually agreeable evening terminating with the toasts usual amongst R . A . M . ' s .
Although the Masonic gatherings now take place in the new [ buildings , the premises are not yet quite completed , so that those who attend have hardly got settled in their new home , but a bright prospect appears looming in the future for the Northampton Chapter , 360 , and the Pomfret Lodge 3 G 0 .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
PREMIER CONCLAVE ( No . 1 ) . —The December meeting of the Premier Conclave , No . 1 , was held on Monday 1 ith inst . at the Cafe Royal . Present : Sir Knts . IL ; A . Dubois , M . P . S . ; Dr . Brette , E . ; P . M . Holden , John Mason , J . A . Acton , J . C . Bailey , R . Wentworth Little , P . S . ; George Kenning , P . S . ; H . C . Levander , P . S . ; J . T . Moss , P . S . j Hubbard , P . S . ; Hyde Pullen , Joshua Nunn , W . T .
Howe , George Powell , P . S ., H . Parker , T . Cubitt , P . S . ; J . Boyd , Herbert Dicketts , F . Green , J . W . Mather , and others . The minutes of the last conclave were read and confirmed . Several Sir Knights were advanced to the degree of Sovereign . This mere routine business being ended the Sir Knights adjourned to dinner . PORTSMOUTH . —Naval and Military
Conclave ( No . 35 ) . —The anniversary of this old and prosperous conclave was held in the Masonic Hall , Portsmouth , on Tuesday , December 5 th , Dr . ° Knott , the Int . Gen . Hants , was the presiding officer , assisted by his Deputy , Sir Knt . Jn . Clark ; C . Groom , Vy . Eus . ; Jn . Harrison , Sen . Gen . ; B . Simisterjun . Gen . ; G . A . Green , H . P . ; J . Clay , P . S ., Treas . ; A . R . Robinson , P . S ., Rec . ; J . W . D . Pillow ,
Organist ; W . Tuck , S . B . ; C G . Adamcs , Herald ; A . Reynolds , J . F . Bacigalupo , O . C . Harries , G . R . Johnson , J . Skeens , A . Nance , G . W . Smith , and G . Copus , Sentinel . The conclave was opened in ample form at 6 . 15 . Thc minutes of conclave held September « Gth were adopted , together with a recommendation of the Per . Council that owing to the loss oi some of the P . Sovs .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
by removals from the town , and other causes , it was expedient that some of thc deserving members should be promoted to that exalted position ; and that the Int . Gen . be requested to confer the 2 nd and 3 rd Grades upon Sir Knts . Reynolds and Simister , and the 3 rd upon Sir Knt . Groom , the Sov . elect ; by these promotions , Sir Knt . Harrison , the Eus . elect , would become eligible for the
Sovereignity of the conclave for the ensuing year . Also that the Per . Council do revise the bye-laws and present them for consideration at next meeting , if possible . The ballot was then taken separately for fourteen candidates for installation , which proved unanimous in every instance . All the _ Sir Knts . except the Int . Gen ., Dep . Int . Gen ., V . Eus ., Treas . and the Rec . having retired , a
College of Viceroys was opened , Sir Knts . Reynolds , Simister , Harrison , and Green were introduced and admitted to the 2 nd Grade . All the Sir Knts . except the Int . Gen ., Dep . Int . Gen . Treas ., and the Rec . having retired , a Senate of Sovereigns was opened , when Sir Knts . Reynolds , Simister , Groom , and Harrison were introduced and admitted to the 3 rd Grade . The Senate was closed ; the
college was closed ; the Sir Knts . were admitted , and the newly enthroned M . P . S ., Jn . Harrison , invested the officers as follows : —G . A . Green , Eus . ; C . G . Adames , S . Gen . W . Tuck , J . Gen . ; A . Nance , H . P . ; J . Clay , P . S ., Treas . ; A . R . Robinson , P . S ., Rec . ; J . W . D . Pillow , Prefect ; W . Triggs , Sub . P . ; F . G . Bradbear , Organist ; J , Skeens , Stan . B . ; J . F . Bacigalupo , Sen . Aide . ; O . C . Harries ,
Jun . Aide . ; W . H . Sperring , Herald ; G . W . Smith and A . R . Robinson , Stewards ; G . Copus , Sentinel . Bro . Jn . Lillywhite , P . M . 257 ; E . Groves , P . M . 903 ; R . Osborne , Prov . G . O . G . Reading , 481 ; J . W . Fistier , 175 , and J W . Stroud , 903 , being present were installed and proclaimed . The M . P . S . then thanked the members for placing him in the proud position of their ruler , and after
highly eulogising thc energy displayed by the Int . Gen . since his promotion to the government of the division , proposed that a P . S . jewel with appropriate inscription be presented to 111 . Sir Knt . Dr . Knott in testimony of the appreciation of the members of his services . This was seconded by the Treasurer and carried by acclamation . Several names were submitted for the honour of
installation and the conclave was closed . The Sir Knts . then adjourned to thc refectory , where a banquet provided by Sir Knt . G . W . Smith awaited them ; when we say the comestibles and wines were equally first-rate we only do the caterer scant justice . After the table was cleared , the
M . P . S . proposed the usual toasts , which were all duly honoured , and much sympathy was expressed for the Most 111 . G . Sov ., Sir F . Williams , Bart ., under his present serious affliction , and sincere wishes for his speedy recovery . This most enjoyable evening was brought to a close by the Sentinel ' s toast .
Scotland .
ROYAL ORDER OF SCOTLAND . The Quarterly Communication of the Provincial Grand Chapter and Grand Lodge for Glasgow and the West of Scotland was held on Thursday , the 7 th inst ., at 4 p . m ., in St . Mark's Hall , 213 , Buchanan-street , Glasgow . The Provincial Grand Master , Bro . F . A . Barrow , having opened his Provincial Grand Chapter , the minutes of last
meeting were read and passed . Applications from Bros . Wm . H . Bickerton , Master Mason of Lodge No . 972 , of England , and companion of Chapter No . 79 , of Scotland , and Wm . Harper , Master Mason of Lodge No . 408 , of Scotland , and Companion of Chapter No . 6 9 , of Scotland , were entertained , and , the ballot being clear , they were received and admitted to the Order of H . R . M . The P . G . L .
being afterwards constituted , the above named brethren were promoted , and received the honour of K . T . of R . S . T . C . S . from the Right Worshipful P . G . M . GLASGOW . —Lodge Mother Kilwinning ( No . o ) . —The sixth annual reunion of the brethren of thc Kilwinning Mother Lodge resident in Glasgow and neighbourhood was held on Friday night , the Sth inst ., in
St . John ' s Hall , Buchanan-street . The chair was occupied by Bro . J . M . M'Cosh , Dairy , who was supported on the dais by Bro . D . M . Nelson , W . M . ( No . 30 ) , S . D ., G . L . of Scotland j and Bro . Robert Wyl ' ie ( Sec ) , Mother Kilwinning . The Croupiers' chairs were filled by Bros . II . Taylor and Wm . Jamieson , and among other members of the mother lodge present were Bros . John
Tweed , P . J . W . ; John Whmton , Treas . ; A . Macmillan , & e . There were also present Bros . A . M . Gregor , W . M . ( No . 458 ) ; Wm . Nairn ( No . 370 ) ; G . W . Wheeler , Chaplain ( No . 73 ); Robert Nelson , P . M . ( No . 3 ) ; J . A . Ferguson , S . Prox . Warden ; Macdonald , Aberdeen ; Col . Robertson , U . S . ; Park ( No . 3 ^) , A . Ritchie ; ( No . 360 ) , & c . Letters of apology for absence were received from Bros . Colonel
Mure , M . P ., W . M . Mother Kilwinning ; Roger Montgomerie , M . P ., Prox . Master ; Cochrane Patrick , D . M . ; Baird , P . M . ( No . 3 J ) , & c . After supper , and the toasts of " The Queen " and " The Prince of Wales , G . M . M . of Eng . land and Patron of Scottish Freemasonry , " had been proposed , the Chairman gave— "The Grand Lodges of England , Ireland , and Scotland . " He thought that in the
past they had rather neglected their share of the work connected with the Grand Lodge . It was rather remarkable that the position of the Grand Masters of the three different countries—a position which was aimed at by the highest in the land—was worthily filled by those who had a certain connection with the neighbouring county of
Renfrew . ( Applause . ) Thc toast was coupled with the name of Bro . Nelson . Bro . Nelson , in reply , said he did not expect that he should have had the honour of responding to this toast , as his appointment as an officer of the Grand Lodge was only a thing of yesterday . For the same reason hc could not give any details of the condition of the Grand Lodge . At thc same time , he did not
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Royal Arch.
the able manager of lhat establishment . Most of the companions who had been in chapter assembled round the board , and , after having done ample justice to thc good things provided , proceeded to honour the toasts which were proposed with agreeable brevity by the M . E . Z . Col . Creaton , who responded to the toast of " The Grand Officers , " said there were many Grand
Officers who had done good suit and service to Royal Arch Masonry , and to them all the members of the R . A . owed their gratitude ; more especially did they owe their gratitude to the companions who had given such an excellent treat that evening by the performance of the exaltation and installation ceremonies . Thc Prudent Brethren Chapter was a chapter par excellence , for never in
the whole course of his Masonic experience had he seen the work done so well . Comp . C . A . Long , I . P . Z ., proposed 11 The M . E . Z ., " who , they must all agree , had fulfilled bis duties in the various offices he had held in the chapter in the' most conscientious manner . He had been a hardworking Mason , and it was only the just reward of his exertions that he was placed in the proud position of
M . E . Z . It was by having such officers as this chapter possessed that the chapter could go on to a successful issue . The companions could congratulate themselves that they fell under such happy influences . They were in the constellation " Taurus " at the present moment ; while they had Aldebaran , with stars of hardly less magnitude , on each of his horns ; and the talent round him might well be said
to represent the splendid cluster of the Pleiades . In fact , they had a miniature representation of the grand constellation of the " Bull . " ( Laughter . ) The M . E . Z ., in replying , said , after thanking the companions for their expressions of good feeling and satisfaction towards him , hc felt grateful to them for having placed him in his elevated and proud position .
It was a position which at one time he never dreamt of occupying , but it had been their pleasure to give him office from year to year , and he had advanced step by step till he had obtained the highest honours . He trusted that he should go through thc discharge of his duties during his year with satisfaction to thc companions . ( Hear , hear . ) Comp . Hyde Pullen responded for
" The Visitors , " and reiterated the remarks of Col . Creaton as to the work in the chapter . He afterwards referred with pleasure to the circumstances of Comp . John Boyd's son being exalted into the R . A ., and trusted he would emulate his father ' s exertions , his virtues , and his talents . To the toast of "The Exaltees , " all those companions very briefly responded . Comp . C . A . Long , I . P . Z ., responded
for " The P . Z . ' s . " As far as he was concerned he had endeavoured to perform his duties as Z . properly and conscientiously . Several times the companions had expressed themselves pleased with his work , and he had been very much pleased to receive their congratulations . As to P . Z . ' s generally they must always feel somewhat as Dr . Doran would say , "Monarchs retired from business , " but with this
difference , they were not like ordinary deposed princes ; they carried with them in their retirement the affections of their former subjects , and certainly thc affections of their present companions . ( Cheers . ) Comp . E . Moody responded for " H . and J ., " and Comp . John Boyd replied to a special toast for himself . During his connection with the Prudent Brethren Chapter , which he hoped would continue as long
as he lived , he had always met , as hc trusted he always should meet , with the same hearty good feeling as he had that evening . With such working as they had in the chapter , and with such good feeling as was evinced amongst thc companions , the success of the chapter must be established . What had been done that evening had met with the approbation of the chapter . It was his
desire to give something of the pith and substance of Freemasonry beyond the mere ceremonies—an explanation of the ceremonies ; to show the companions that there was not a word throughout the ceremonies that had not its meaning , both in Craft and Arch Masonry . He hoped they would be able to carry out the idea they had . and that they would succeed in putting the needle into thc
lay members , to make them feel a little more enthusiasm in Freemasonry than was generally exhibited by Masons . ( Hear , hear . ) Comp . Joseph Last and Comp . G . S . States responded for Treasurer and Scribe E ., " and Comps . Cox , P . S ., replied for " The Officers . " During tlie evening some pleasant singing was performed by Comps . G . T . Carter and Distin , and Miss Florence
Levander , who made a most successful debut as a vocalist at Masonic banquets . DOMATIC CHAPTER ( No 177 ) . —Thclast meeting of this chapter was held at A nderton ' s Hotcl , Flcet Street , ou Thursday , the 23 rd ultimo . There were present Comps . Hey ward , M . E . Z . ; Cubitt , P . Z ., acting H . ; Adams , P-Z . ; acting J . ; Bolton , I . P . Z . ; Buss , P . Z ., Treasurer ;
Palmer , S . E . ; Hill , N . ; Payne , P . Z . ; Sutton , P . Z . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , several minor matters were discussed and the companions adjourned to the banquet . Upon the removal « f the cloth the M . E . Z . gave the usual loyal and Royal Arch ti > asts , prcfaced by a few remarks . In proposing " The Health ofthe . M . E ., Comp . Buss said that hc was pleased at having
'he opportunity of paying that duty of respect to their worthy M . E . Z . It was true that hc ( Comp . Hcyward ) was , 111 consequence of untoward circumstances , prevented from discharging the duties of the chair as well asjmany of their first Principals had done , but he hoped that the good feeling which had always prevailed in the " Domatic" would he extended to their M . E . to the conclusion of his year of
office . The chair of their chapter had been filled by some ° " the very best Royal Arch Masons that had ever existed , and it had also been at times vcry indifferently pecupied ; but there had never been anything but kind feeing displayed towards all who had reached the proud position of M . E . Z . of No . 177 , and he therefore charged them to drink most heartily thc health of their old and esteemed co » panion the M . E . This toast having been duly
Royal Arch.
honoured , the M . E . replied by expressing his sincere thanks to the companions for the warm manner that they had responded to his health , and assured them that he had the interests of the " Domatic " Chapter at heart . He was sorry that hc could not , through inability , aspire to the high honours that some of the past Principals had achieved , but he hoped to win their good opinion . Ill-health and
domestic afflictions had hitherto prevented him from paying that attention to the " working" which was so highly essential to those who desired to carry out the duties of the First Principal ' s chair effectively , but he hoped to be able to do better in the future . The M . E . then proposed , in very complimentary terms , " The Health of their sole Visitor , Comp . Walls , 185 , " who duly acknowledged the
honor . " The Health of the Past Principals " immediately followed . Comp . Bolton , I . P . Z ., briefly replied by stating that he would always do his best in conjunction with the other past Principals to assist in the " working . " Comp . Buss , P . Z ., also in response said he was sorry that the I . P . Z . had been so reticent in his reply , because it necessitated him , as one of the past Principals , tosay a few words
in acknowledgment for the very warm manner in which their health had been both proposed and drank . He complimented the chapter upon having had so efficient a M . E . last year , in the person of their esteemed Comp . Bolton , who had carried out the onerous duties most admirably . He was personally pleased , not only for the manner his name had been received that evening in
connection with the toast , but for the invariable courtesy and kindness he had always experienced from the companions . In conclusion he congratulated them upon the financial prosperity of the lodge , which happy state for some ' time past , he said , had been steadily progressing . Comps . Cubitt and Sutton . P . Z . ' s , also replied . In proposing "The Health of the Officers , " the M . E . said that he was vcry sorry that
two of their important officials were most sorely in need of that great blessing , health , Comps . Scott , H ., and Treadwell , P . S ., who were both seriously unwell , but he hoped that the new year would see them sufficiently restored to take their proper places in the chapter . This toast having been duly honoured Comps . Hill , N . ; Palmer , S . E . ; Buss , Treas . and Harrison , 2 nd A . S . ; replied by
briefly stating that they would always do their best to further the " working " and enhance the interests of the old " Domatic" Chapter in every possible way . Between the numerous toasts and responses Comps . Palmer , Ambrose , Cubitt , Walls , Heyward , Brown and others entertained the companions . The Janitor ' s toast at ten o ' clock terminated the proceedings , and the companions
separated until the fourth Thursday in January next . NORTHAMPTON . —Northampton Chapter ( No . 3 60 ) . —Thc companions of this chapter held their first convocation in the New Masonic Hall , Abingtonstreet , on Thursday evening , Nov . 30 . Present : Comps . S . Jacob , M . E . Z . ; J . U . Stanton , H . ; R . Howes , J . ; M . A . Boeme , P . Z ., acting N . ; _ G . Robinson , P . Z . ; E . J .
T . Green , acting P . S . ; B . Wilkins , P . Z ., D . P . G . M . Norths , and Hunts . ; M . W . Flewctt , P . Z . ; G . Cotton , P . Z . ; E . E . Welchman , P . Z . ; T . Davies , P . Z . ; Revs . J . T . Drake , and Stimpson , E . Roberts , F . Gadsby , J . Cove , and others . Bros . John Henry Hale ( Perseverance Lodge , 455 ) and Henry John Atkins ( Pomfret Lodge , 3 60 ) were candidates for exaltation . Being duly balloted for and
elected , the ceremony was at once proceeded with , Comp . Wilkins officiating as M . E . Z . in his usual impressive manner , the other officers ably fulfilling their various duties . The whole ceremony was conducted in a manner that gained the highest encomiums from all present . The election of officers for thc ensuing year was then proceeded with . Comp . Stanton
was elected M . E . Z . ; Howes , H . j Green , J . ; Roberts , N . ; Robinson , E . ; Gadsby , P . S . ; Hewitt , and Wilkins , Treas . The companions then adjourned to refreshment , to which ample justice was done , an unusually agreeable evening terminating with the toasts usual amongst R . A . M . ' s .
Although the Masonic gatherings now take place in the new [ buildings , the premises are not yet quite completed , so that those who attend have hardly got settled in their new home , but a bright prospect appears looming in the future for the Northampton Chapter , 360 , and the Pomfret Lodge 3 G 0 .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red Cross of Constantine .
PREMIER CONCLAVE ( No . 1 ) . —The December meeting of the Premier Conclave , No . 1 , was held on Monday 1 ith inst . at the Cafe Royal . Present : Sir Knts . IL ; A . Dubois , M . P . S . ; Dr . Brette , E . ; P . M . Holden , John Mason , J . A . Acton , J . C . Bailey , R . Wentworth Little , P . S . ; George Kenning , P . S . ; H . C . Levander , P . S . ; J . T . Moss , P . S . j Hubbard , P . S . ; Hyde Pullen , Joshua Nunn , W . T .
Howe , George Powell , P . S ., H . Parker , T . Cubitt , P . S . ; J . Boyd , Herbert Dicketts , F . Green , J . W . Mather , and others . The minutes of the last conclave were read and confirmed . Several Sir Knights were advanced to the degree of Sovereign . This mere routine business being ended the Sir Knights adjourned to dinner . PORTSMOUTH . —Naval and Military
Conclave ( No . 35 ) . —The anniversary of this old and prosperous conclave was held in the Masonic Hall , Portsmouth , on Tuesday , December 5 th , Dr . ° Knott , the Int . Gen . Hants , was the presiding officer , assisted by his Deputy , Sir Knt . Jn . Clark ; C . Groom , Vy . Eus . ; Jn . Harrison , Sen . Gen . ; B . Simisterjun . Gen . ; G . A . Green , H . P . ; J . Clay , P . S ., Treas . ; A . R . Robinson , P . S ., Rec . ; J . W . D . Pillow ,
Organist ; W . Tuck , S . B . ; C G . Adamcs , Herald ; A . Reynolds , J . F . Bacigalupo , O . C . Harries , G . R . Johnson , J . Skeens , A . Nance , G . W . Smith , and G . Copus , Sentinel . The conclave was opened in ample form at 6 . 15 . Thc minutes of conclave held September « Gth were adopted , together with a recommendation of the Per . Council that owing to the loss oi some of the P . Sovs .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
by removals from the town , and other causes , it was expedient that some of thc deserving members should be promoted to that exalted position ; and that the Int . Gen . be requested to confer the 2 nd and 3 rd Grades upon Sir Knts . Reynolds and Simister , and the 3 rd upon Sir Knt . Groom , the Sov . elect ; by these promotions , Sir Knt . Harrison , the Eus . elect , would become eligible for the
Sovereignity of the conclave for the ensuing year . Also that the Per . Council do revise the bye-laws and present them for consideration at next meeting , if possible . The ballot was then taken separately for fourteen candidates for installation , which proved unanimous in every instance . All the _ Sir Knts . except the Int . Gen ., Dep . Int . Gen ., V . Eus ., Treas . and the Rec . having retired , a
College of Viceroys was opened , Sir Knts . Reynolds , Simister , Harrison , and Green were introduced and admitted to the 2 nd Grade . All the Sir Knts . except the Int . Gen ., Dep . Int . Gen . Treas ., and the Rec . having retired , a Senate of Sovereigns was opened , when Sir Knts . Reynolds , Simister , Groom , and Harrison were introduced and admitted to the 3 rd Grade . The Senate was closed ; the
college was closed ; the Sir Knts . were admitted , and the newly enthroned M . P . S ., Jn . Harrison , invested the officers as follows : —G . A . Green , Eus . ; C . G . Adames , S . Gen . W . Tuck , J . Gen . ; A . Nance , H . P . ; J . Clay , P . S ., Treas . ; A . R . Robinson , P . S ., Rec . ; J . W . D . Pillow , Prefect ; W . Triggs , Sub . P . ; F . G . Bradbear , Organist ; J , Skeens , Stan . B . ; J . F . Bacigalupo , Sen . Aide . ; O . C . Harries ,
Jun . Aide . ; W . H . Sperring , Herald ; G . W . Smith and A . R . Robinson , Stewards ; G . Copus , Sentinel . Bro . Jn . Lillywhite , P . M . 257 ; E . Groves , P . M . 903 ; R . Osborne , Prov . G . O . G . Reading , 481 ; J . W . Fistier , 175 , and J W . Stroud , 903 , being present were installed and proclaimed . The M . P . S . then thanked the members for placing him in the proud position of their ruler , and after
highly eulogising thc energy displayed by the Int . Gen . since his promotion to the government of the division , proposed that a P . S . jewel with appropriate inscription be presented to 111 . Sir Knt . Dr . Knott in testimony of the appreciation of the members of his services . This was seconded by the Treasurer and carried by acclamation . Several names were submitted for the honour of
installation and the conclave was closed . The Sir Knts . then adjourned to thc refectory , where a banquet provided by Sir Knt . G . W . Smith awaited them ; when we say the comestibles and wines were equally first-rate we only do the caterer scant justice . After the table was cleared , the
M . P . S . proposed the usual toasts , which were all duly honoured , and much sympathy was expressed for the Most 111 . G . Sov ., Sir F . Williams , Bart ., under his present serious affliction , and sincere wishes for his speedy recovery . This most enjoyable evening was brought to a close by the Sentinel ' s toast .
Scotland .
ROYAL ORDER OF SCOTLAND . The Quarterly Communication of the Provincial Grand Chapter and Grand Lodge for Glasgow and the West of Scotland was held on Thursday , the 7 th inst ., at 4 p . m ., in St . Mark's Hall , 213 , Buchanan-street , Glasgow . The Provincial Grand Master , Bro . F . A . Barrow , having opened his Provincial Grand Chapter , the minutes of last
meeting were read and passed . Applications from Bros . Wm . H . Bickerton , Master Mason of Lodge No . 972 , of England , and companion of Chapter No . 79 , of Scotland , and Wm . Harper , Master Mason of Lodge No . 408 , of Scotland , and Companion of Chapter No . 6 9 , of Scotland , were entertained , and , the ballot being clear , they were received and admitted to the Order of H . R . M . The P . G . L .
being afterwards constituted , the above named brethren were promoted , and received the honour of K . T . of R . S . T . C . S . from the Right Worshipful P . G . M . GLASGOW . —Lodge Mother Kilwinning ( No . o ) . —The sixth annual reunion of the brethren of thc Kilwinning Mother Lodge resident in Glasgow and neighbourhood was held on Friday night , the Sth inst ., in
St . John ' s Hall , Buchanan-street . The chair was occupied by Bro . J . M . M'Cosh , Dairy , who was supported on the dais by Bro . D . M . Nelson , W . M . ( No . 30 ) , S . D ., G . L . of Scotland j and Bro . Robert Wyl ' ie ( Sec ) , Mother Kilwinning . The Croupiers' chairs were filled by Bros . II . Taylor and Wm . Jamieson , and among other members of the mother lodge present were Bros . John
Tweed , P . J . W . ; John Whmton , Treas . ; A . Macmillan , & e . There were also present Bros . A . M . Gregor , W . M . ( No . 458 ) ; Wm . Nairn ( No . 370 ) ; G . W . Wheeler , Chaplain ( No . 73 ); Robert Nelson , P . M . ( No . 3 ) ; J . A . Ferguson , S . Prox . Warden ; Macdonald , Aberdeen ; Col . Robertson , U . S . ; Park ( No . 3 ^) , A . Ritchie ; ( No . 360 ) , & c . Letters of apology for absence were received from Bros . Colonel
Mure , M . P ., W . M . Mother Kilwinning ; Roger Montgomerie , M . P ., Prox . Master ; Cochrane Patrick , D . M . ; Baird , P . M . ( No . 3 J ) , & c . After supper , and the toasts of " The Queen " and " The Prince of Wales , G . M . M . of Eng . land and Patron of Scottish Freemasonry , " had been proposed , the Chairman gave— "The Grand Lodges of England , Ireland , and Scotland . " He thought that in the
past they had rather neglected their share of the work connected with the Grand Lodge . It was rather remarkable that the position of the Grand Masters of the three different countries—a position which was aimed at by the highest in the land—was worthily filled by those who had a certain connection with the neighbouring county of
Renfrew . ( Applause . ) Thc toast was coupled with the name of Bro . Nelson . Bro . Nelson , in reply , said he did not expect that he should have had the honour of responding to this toast , as his appointment as an officer of the Grand Lodge was only a thing of yesterday . For the same reason hc could not give any details of the condition of the Grand Lodge . At thc same time , he did not