Article METROPOLITAN MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MASONIC MEETINGS IN WEST LANCASHIRE AND CHESHIRE. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEETINGS IN GLASGOW AND WEST OF SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEETINGS IN EDINBURGH AND VICINITY. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
FRIDAY , DECEMBER 22 . LODGES OF I NSTRUCTION . Union Waterloo , Thomas-st ., Woolwich . Robert Burns , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st . Belgrave , Constitution , Bedford-st ., Covent Garden . Unions Emulation ( for M . M . 's ) , F . M . H . Temperance , Victoria Tav ., Victoria-road , Deptford
Clapton , White Hart , Clapton . Metropolitan , Portugal Hot ., Fleet-st . Westbourne , Horse & Groom , Winsley-st ., Oxford-st . United Pilgrims , Surrey M . H ., Camberwell New-road . St . James's , NewTanners'Arms , Grange-rd ., Bermondsey Duke of Edinburgh , Silver Lion , Penny-fields , Poplar . Doric , Earl Grey Tav ., Mile-end-road . Burgoyne , Grafton Arms , Prince of Wales ' s-road , N . W .
St . Luke ' s , White Hart , King ' s-rd ., Chelsea . Chigwell , Bald-faced Stag Hot ., Buckhurst-hill . Burdett Coutti , Approach Tav ., Victoria Park . Royal Standard , The Castle , Holloway-rd . Ranelagh , Clarendon Hot ., Hammersmith . Stability , Guildhall Tav ., Gresham-st . St . George ' s , Globe Tav ., Greenwich . Pythagorean Chapter , Prince of Orange , Greenwich-rd . William Preston , Feathers Tav . Up . Georgc-st ., Edgware-rd
Masonic Meetings In West Lancashire And Cheshire.
For the Week ending Saturday , December 23 , 1876 .
MONDAY , DECEMBER 18 Lodge 1502 , Israel , AI . H ., Liverpool . Chap . 32 , Jerusalem , M . H ., Liverpool . Everton L . of L , M . H ., Liverpool . TUESDAY , DECEMBER 19 . Lodge 667 , Alliance , M . H ., Liverpool .
„ 1225 , Hindpool , Hartington Hot , Barrow . „ 1276 , Warren , Stanley Arms Hot ., Seacombe » 13 * S « Stanley , M . H ., Kirkdale , Liverpool . „ 1570 , Prince Arthur , 80 , N . Hill-st ., Liverpool Chap . 605 , De Tabley , Seacombe Hot ., Seacombe . Merchants' L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool . Liverpool Red Cross Conclave , M . H ., Liverpool .
WEDNESDAY , DECEMBER 20 . Lodge 537 , Zetland , M . C , Birkenhead . „ 823 , Everton , M . H ., Liverpool . „ 1086 , Walton , St . Lawrence ' s School , Liverpool 11 114 Si Victoria , Cross Keys Hot ., Eccles .
11 135 . 1 i Duke of Lancaster , Athena-turn , Lancaster De Grey and Ripon L . of I ., 80 , N . Hill-st ., Liverpool . Harmonic L . of I ., Mona Hot ., James-st ., Liverpool . Downshire L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool . Mark Lodge , -11 , Fidelity , Norfolk Hot ., Hyde .
THURSDAY , DECEMBER 21 . Lodge 203 , Ancient Union , M . H ., Liverpool . 11 343 i Concord , Militia Mess R ., Preston . „ 42 ' s , Cestrian , M . H ., Chester . „ 605 , Combermere , Seacombe Hot ., Seacombe
„ 1299 , Pembroke , Rawlinson's Hot ., West Derby St . John ' s L . of L , M . H ., Liverpool . FRIDAY , DECEMBER 22 . Chap 6 S 0 . Scfton , M . H ., Liverpool .
Masonic Meetings In Glasgow And West Of Scotland.
For the Week ending Saturday , December 23 , 1876 . All the Meetings take place at Eight o'clock .
MONDAY , DECEMBER 18 . Lodge 129 , St . Mirren , 5 , Moss-st ., Paisley . „ 332 , Union , 213 , Buchanan-st ., Glasgow . „ 5 81 , Plantation , Craig iehall-st ., S . S ., Glasgow Encamp . St . Mungo , 213 , Buchanan-st ., Glasgow .
TUESDAY , DECEMBER 19 . Lodge 3 I , St . John , 213 , Buchanan-st ., Glasgow . „ 73 , Thistle and Rose , 213 , Buchanan-st ., Glsgw „ 87 , Thistle , 30 , Cathcdral-st ., Glasgow . „ 437 , Govandale , M . H ., Portland Buildings , Govan
WEDNESDAY , DECEMBER 20 . Lodge 117 , St . Mary , M . H ., Douglas-st ., Partick . n 3 S 4 > Caledonian Railway , 30 , Hope-st ., Glasgow „ 57 , Dramatic , 2 i 3 , Buchanan-st ., Glasgow ( 3 p . m . Chap . 150 , Shettleston , M . H ., Shettleston . ' ,
THURSDAY , DECEMBER 21 . Lodge 27 , St . Mungo , 213 , Buchanan-st ., Glasgow . „ 370 , Renfrew County Kilw ., 8 , High-st ., Paisley „ 465 , St . Andrew , 6 9 , Garng _ d-rd ., Glasgow . „ S 47 , Stewart , M . H ., Kilsyth .
Masonic Meetings In Edinburgh And Vicinity.
For the Week ending Saturday , December 23 , 1876 . MONDAY , DECEMBER 18 . Lodge 44 , St . Luke , F . M . H ., 98 , Georgc-st . TUESDAY , DECEMBER 19 . Lodge 36 , St . David , Ship Hot ., E . Register-st . „ 405 , Rifle , F . M . H ., 98 , George-st .
WEDNESDAY , DECEMBER 20 . Lodge 1 Co , Boman Eagle , Iona Hot . THURSDAY , DECEMBER 21 . Lodge 48 , St . Andrew , F . M . H ., 9 8 , Gcorge-st . „ 226 , P ortobello , Town Hall , Portobello . Chap . 152 , Perseverance , 86 . Constitution-st ., Leith
¦ R OYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT IN-_ . Y . STJTUTION for Aged Freemasons and Widows of ( Fceuiasoiis . —Every Purchaser of Bro . Curtcis ' s TICKETS ( price is . each ) is entitled to one chance in the Drawing for Life Governorships , which will be held on the 18 th January , 1877 . Special advantages for Lodges , & c , taking 100 Tickets . —To be obtained of J . Edward Curteis , Stonehouse , Devon ,
YOUNG GENTLEMEN'S ACADEMY aUAI DU LEMAN , GENEVA . ( Founded in 1843 ° y Mr . Diederichs , for the last five years under the direction of Bro . V . Wisard . ) A School of long standing and high reputation . Beautiful and healthy situation . Complete education . Special studies for modern languages . Advantageous terms for the sons of Masonic brethren . Hi ghest Masonic and Commercial references .
( GERMANY . — HIGH CLASS EDUCAVJ TION at the Royal Colleges , Casscl ( attended by the Sons of the Crown Prince of Germany ) , with thorough German , French , and English Private Tuition by resident Graduates , and a refined English Home . Delightful neighbourhood of Wilhelmshdhe , the Aue Park , and the valley of the Fulda . Prospectus , with highest references . Terms , 70 to 90 guineas inclusive . Sons of Masonio brethren at reduced terms . —Address Bro . Dr . Saure , M . A ., Cassel .
ST . LEONARD'S COLLEGE , OXFORD ROAD , BIRKDALE PARK , SOUTHPORT , LANCASHIRE . PRINCIPAL—Bro . the REV . DR . LOWE , of the Universities of St . Andreurs and Edinburgh . The premises occupy a salubrious and commanding position near the sea . Young gentlemen are thoroughly instructed in all tha branches of an English , Commercial , Mathematical , and Classical Education , and are prepared for Mercantile pursuits , the Civil Service , and Professional Examinations , and for the Universities . The number of pupils being limited to fifteen , special pains are taken , as well with those whose education is in a backward state as with those who are more advanced . High , moral , and religious training . The most respectable references . Inclusive terms , Ten Guineas per quarter . A liberal reduction made in favour of the sons of deceased Masons .
ST . GALL , CONCORDIA , SWITZERLAND . INTERNATIONAL AND COMMERCIAL HIGH SCHOOL . —Scholars with or without Board and Lodging . Class instruction given in parallel courses . The most important courses taught in different languages , by professor . - of various nationalities . Instruction in all the mercantile branches , especially German , French , English , Italian , Spanish , Portuguese , Dutch , and Russian , with correspondence in these languages . Preparations for superior technical schools . At present rive languages , three reli g ions , and ten nationalities arc represented . Referees : Mrs . Ingall-Gunther , chief editor of "The Bazar , " Berlin ; Dr . Joh . Scherr , Zurich j J . Flitz , Swiss Consul-Gencral , Washington ; Dr . Kerr , Swiss Ambassador , Paris ; Geisser , Swiss Consul-Gencral , Turin ; B . B . Schecrer-Inglisj T . R . Tschidy , House Director , St . Gall . Prospectuses , programmes , and regulations of the establishment , in five langaagcs , to be had by applying to the director . The school is conducted on truly Masonic principles . DR . BERTSCH-SAILER , Director .
TWICKENHAM SCHOOL , MIDDLEx SEX . —Established 1820 . Sound Education . Preparation for Examination and Commercial Pursuits . Foreign Masters . Moderate and Inclusive Terms . —Apply to Bro . Clayton Palmer , LL . D ., L . C . P ., F . E . I . S ., & c .
A BERDEEN GRANITE MONUMENTS , •*¦ " ¦" •**from £ 5 . —Carriage free . Inscriptions accurate and beautiful . Iron Railings and Tomb Furnishings fitted complete . —Plans and Prices from J W . LEGGE , Sculptor , Aberdeen .
WEAK OR DEFECTIVE SIGHT . —SPECTACLES scientifically adapted to remed y impaired vision by Bro . ACKI . AN'I ) , Surgeon , daily , at Home and Thornthvaite ' s ; Opticians to the Queen , 416 , Strand , London , W . C . Send six stamps for " Ackland ' s Hints on Spectacles , " which contain ! valuable suggestions to sufferers from imperfect sight .
A PHYSICIAN ( Bro . ) residing on the South Coast , wishes to receive a few delicate children , for whose education ( up to physical and mental ability ) and health he will hold himself entirely responsible . —Address M . D ., Renshaw's , 35 6 , Strand , London .
¦ •pO THE BRETHREN . —An Officer , after eighteen years' service , is compelled to appeal "to the Sons of the Widow . " He was raised in 1838 , he is a P . M . Either assistance pecuniarily , or employment at home or abroad , will be gratefully accepted . Letters addressed " Lewis , " 2 , Randcl Well-street , Bradford , will received in reply every information and references .
5000 BOXES IN FINE CONDITION ( for Cash ) . J > EST HAVANA CIGARS at IMPORT - * " ^ PRICES . —Fine old Foreign Principes 159 . per Ib , superior to most cigars at two guineas—sample five for is . ( 14 stamps ) . FOREIGN TRABUCOS ; ( rough but good ) , j 2 s . per lb . ( 100 ) , sample seven for is . —BENSON , Im porter , 80 , St . Paul ' s Churchyard , London . Depot open from Eleven to Five .
MASONIC HALLS , LODGES , CLUBS , ETC ., SHOULD USE "ROULINIKON , - ^ BUFFALO HIDE FLOOR CLOTH . The best and most durable . Noiseless . Warm to the feet . Wearing qualities extraordinary . Thoroughly damp proof .
gUFFALO HIDE FLOOR CLOTH . Carpet-like in appearance . Splendid designs . Specially fitted for Public Buildings , Hotels , etc . Medals awarded for general excellence at Manchester and Leeds .
JJOULINIKON . Special awards for this Floor Cloth just made at the Centennial Exhibition , Philadel phia , for design , general excellence , and durability . Sold by all Furnishing Houses .
THE COMPLETE FURNITURE AND APPOINTMENTS FOR ¦ toft fo & BCS t OF SUPERIOR DESIGN AND WORKMANSHIP , MANUFACTURED IN THREE & UALITIES , BY BRO . GEORGE KENNING , P . M ., COMPRISING Three Pedestals . One Oak or Mahogany Kneeling Three Candlesticks , Oak or Ma- Stool . hogany . Lamp ( Star in the East ) . Two Columns , Oak or Ma- Third Degree Sheet . hogany . Bible , with Name and No . of S . W . Triangle , in Oak or Lodge in Gold . Mahogany with Gilt Tripod , Square antl Compasses n Case , Pulley BIOCN -S and Windlass Cushion for Bible . and Rough » ntlP erfect Ash- Ten Officers' Collars . lars . Ten Officers' Jewels . Oak or Mahogany Box , and I . G . Dirk . nine Tools , Plated . O . G . Sword . Three Oak or Mahogany Gavels . Set of Eight Books . One „ „ Maul . Three S g Boards , One „ „ Ballot Two Pairs of S s . Box and Balls . Three C—e T—s . One pair „ Wands . Two H s . Three Tracing Boards . Three Candles with Emblems . £ 3 ° £ 6 ° , and . £ 100 . Chairs , Dais , Tesselated Carpeting , Banners , Sec ., Sec , on th most moderate terms , according to material , style , & c . For Personal Insignia , see List of Clothing and lewcls .
THE COMPLETE FURNITURE AND APPOINTMENTS FOR lopl iwft dfesito , 01 ' SUPERIOR DESIGN AND WORKMANSHIP , MANUFACTURED IN THREE OUALITIES , BY COMP . GEORGE KENNING , P . Z ., COMFRISIN'O Floor Cloth Trowel Pedestal Square and Compasses Veil Sword Set of Letters Three Robes for Principals FiveLarge Banners with Poles Three Sceptres „ and Stands Three Surplices Fifteen Small ditto Ten Officers' Collars Three Large Candlesticks Ten lewcls Three Small ditto Janitor ' s Sword Six Ornamental Candles Ballot Box Crowbar Bible Pickaxe Cushion for ditto Shovel Scripture Extracts Parchment Scroll Set of Five Books Set of Lines £$ 0 , £ 100 , and £ 150 . Thrones , Chairs , Canopy , Head Ornaments , & c . ( if required on thc most moderate terms , according to material , style , & c . For Personal Insignia , see List of Clothing and Jewels . MASONIC DEPOTS : LONDON , LIVERPOOL , AND GLASGOW .
NOW READY . TRACIN(>BOARDS, ( LARGE SIZE 1 , Similar to those used in the Grand Lodge of England Painted in thc best style of art on Panelled Oak . 6 ft . by 3 ft £ 31 12 6 5 ft . by 2 ft . 6 in 28 3 o PER SET OF THREE . On view at KENKING ' Masonic Show Rooms , 1 , 2 and 3 , Little Britain , and 175 , Aldersgate-street , London .
BALL FAVOURS , NEWEST DESIGNS . MASONIC DEPOTS 1 , 2 , & 3 , LITTLE BRITAIN ( 198 , Fleet-street , London . BRANCHES } 2 , Monument-place , LiverpooL Co , West Howard-street , Glasgow .
Masonic Note Paper and Envelopes . IN BOXES THREE SHILLINGS . Far Craft , Soyal Arch . Mark , Knightt Templar , Rei Croil of Rome ar . i Constantine . Rose Croix . j MASONIC DEPOT , 198 , Fleet-Street .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
FRIDAY , DECEMBER 22 . LODGES OF I NSTRUCTION . Union Waterloo , Thomas-st ., Woolwich . Robert Burns , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st . Belgrave , Constitution , Bedford-st ., Covent Garden . Unions Emulation ( for M . M . 's ) , F . M . H . Temperance , Victoria Tav ., Victoria-road , Deptford
Clapton , White Hart , Clapton . Metropolitan , Portugal Hot ., Fleet-st . Westbourne , Horse & Groom , Winsley-st ., Oxford-st . United Pilgrims , Surrey M . H ., Camberwell New-road . St . James's , NewTanners'Arms , Grange-rd ., Bermondsey Duke of Edinburgh , Silver Lion , Penny-fields , Poplar . Doric , Earl Grey Tav ., Mile-end-road . Burgoyne , Grafton Arms , Prince of Wales ' s-road , N . W .
St . Luke ' s , White Hart , King ' s-rd ., Chelsea . Chigwell , Bald-faced Stag Hot ., Buckhurst-hill . Burdett Coutti , Approach Tav ., Victoria Park . Royal Standard , The Castle , Holloway-rd . Ranelagh , Clarendon Hot ., Hammersmith . Stability , Guildhall Tav ., Gresham-st . St . George ' s , Globe Tav ., Greenwich . Pythagorean Chapter , Prince of Orange , Greenwich-rd . William Preston , Feathers Tav . Up . Georgc-st ., Edgware-rd
Masonic Meetings In West Lancashire And Cheshire.
For the Week ending Saturday , December 23 , 1876 .
MONDAY , DECEMBER 18 Lodge 1502 , Israel , AI . H ., Liverpool . Chap . 32 , Jerusalem , M . H ., Liverpool . Everton L . of L , M . H ., Liverpool . TUESDAY , DECEMBER 19 . Lodge 667 , Alliance , M . H ., Liverpool .
„ 1225 , Hindpool , Hartington Hot , Barrow . „ 1276 , Warren , Stanley Arms Hot ., Seacombe » 13 * S « Stanley , M . H ., Kirkdale , Liverpool . „ 1570 , Prince Arthur , 80 , N . Hill-st ., Liverpool Chap . 605 , De Tabley , Seacombe Hot ., Seacombe . Merchants' L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool . Liverpool Red Cross Conclave , M . H ., Liverpool .
WEDNESDAY , DECEMBER 20 . Lodge 537 , Zetland , M . C , Birkenhead . „ 823 , Everton , M . H ., Liverpool . „ 1086 , Walton , St . Lawrence ' s School , Liverpool 11 114 Si Victoria , Cross Keys Hot ., Eccles .
11 135 . 1 i Duke of Lancaster , Athena-turn , Lancaster De Grey and Ripon L . of I ., 80 , N . Hill-st ., Liverpool . Harmonic L . of I ., Mona Hot ., James-st ., Liverpool . Downshire L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool . Mark Lodge , -11 , Fidelity , Norfolk Hot ., Hyde .
THURSDAY , DECEMBER 21 . Lodge 203 , Ancient Union , M . H ., Liverpool . 11 343 i Concord , Militia Mess R ., Preston . „ 42 ' s , Cestrian , M . H ., Chester . „ 605 , Combermere , Seacombe Hot ., Seacombe
„ 1299 , Pembroke , Rawlinson's Hot ., West Derby St . John ' s L . of L , M . H ., Liverpool . FRIDAY , DECEMBER 22 . Chap 6 S 0 . Scfton , M . H ., Liverpool .
Masonic Meetings In Glasgow And West Of Scotland.
For the Week ending Saturday , December 23 , 1876 . All the Meetings take place at Eight o'clock .
MONDAY , DECEMBER 18 . Lodge 129 , St . Mirren , 5 , Moss-st ., Paisley . „ 332 , Union , 213 , Buchanan-st ., Glasgow . „ 5 81 , Plantation , Craig iehall-st ., S . S ., Glasgow Encamp . St . Mungo , 213 , Buchanan-st ., Glasgow .
TUESDAY , DECEMBER 19 . Lodge 3 I , St . John , 213 , Buchanan-st ., Glasgow . „ 73 , Thistle and Rose , 213 , Buchanan-st ., Glsgw „ 87 , Thistle , 30 , Cathcdral-st ., Glasgow . „ 437 , Govandale , M . H ., Portland Buildings , Govan
WEDNESDAY , DECEMBER 20 . Lodge 117 , St . Mary , M . H ., Douglas-st ., Partick . n 3 S 4 > Caledonian Railway , 30 , Hope-st ., Glasgow „ 57 , Dramatic , 2 i 3 , Buchanan-st ., Glasgow ( 3 p . m . Chap . 150 , Shettleston , M . H ., Shettleston . ' ,
THURSDAY , DECEMBER 21 . Lodge 27 , St . Mungo , 213 , Buchanan-st ., Glasgow . „ 370 , Renfrew County Kilw ., 8 , High-st ., Paisley „ 465 , St . Andrew , 6 9 , Garng _ d-rd ., Glasgow . „ S 47 , Stewart , M . H ., Kilsyth .
Masonic Meetings In Edinburgh And Vicinity.
For the Week ending Saturday , December 23 , 1876 . MONDAY , DECEMBER 18 . Lodge 44 , St . Luke , F . M . H ., 98 , Georgc-st . TUESDAY , DECEMBER 19 . Lodge 36 , St . David , Ship Hot ., E . Register-st . „ 405 , Rifle , F . M . H ., 98 , George-st .
WEDNESDAY , DECEMBER 20 . Lodge 1 Co , Boman Eagle , Iona Hot . THURSDAY , DECEMBER 21 . Lodge 48 , St . Andrew , F . M . H ., 9 8 , Gcorge-st . „ 226 , P ortobello , Town Hall , Portobello . Chap . 152 , Perseverance , 86 . Constitution-st ., Leith
¦ R OYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT IN-_ . Y . STJTUTION for Aged Freemasons and Widows of ( Fceuiasoiis . —Every Purchaser of Bro . Curtcis ' s TICKETS ( price is . each ) is entitled to one chance in the Drawing for Life Governorships , which will be held on the 18 th January , 1877 . Special advantages for Lodges , & c , taking 100 Tickets . —To be obtained of J . Edward Curteis , Stonehouse , Devon ,
YOUNG GENTLEMEN'S ACADEMY aUAI DU LEMAN , GENEVA . ( Founded in 1843 ° y Mr . Diederichs , for the last five years under the direction of Bro . V . Wisard . ) A School of long standing and high reputation . Beautiful and healthy situation . Complete education . Special studies for modern languages . Advantageous terms for the sons of Masonic brethren . Hi ghest Masonic and Commercial references .
( GERMANY . — HIGH CLASS EDUCAVJ TION at the Royal Colleges , Casscl ( attended by the Sons of the Crown Prince of Germany ) , with thorough German , French , and English Private Tuition by resident Graduates , and a refined English Home . Delightful neighbourhood of Wilhelmshdhe , the Aue Park , and the valley of the Fulda . Prospectus , with highest references . Terms , 70 to 90 guineas inclusive . Sons of Masonio brethren at reduced terms . —Address Bro . Dr . Saure , M . A ., Cassel .
ST . LEONARD'S COLLEGE , OXFORD ROAD , BIRKDALE PARK , SOUTHPORT , LANCASHIRE . PRINCIPAL—Bro . the REV . DR . LOWE , of the Universities of St . Andreurs and Edinburgh . The premises occupy a salubrious and commanding position near the sea . Young gentlemen are thoroughly instructed in all tha branches of an English , Commercial , Mathematical , and Classical Education , and are prepared for Mercantile pursuits , the Civil Service , and Professional Examinations , and for the Universities . The number of pupils being limited to fifteen , special pains are taken , as well with those whose education is in a backward state as with those who are more advanced . High , moral , and religious training . The most respectable references . Inclusive terms , Ten Guineas per quarter . A liberal reduction made in favour of the sons of deceased Masons .
ST . GALL , CONCORDIA , SWITZERLAND . INTERNATIONAL AND COMMERCIAL HIGH SCHOOL . —Scholars with or without Board and Lodging . Class instruction given in parallel courses . The most important courses taught in different languages , by professor . - of various nationalities . Instruction in all the mercantile branches , especially German , French , English , Italian , Spanish , Portuguese , Dutch , and Russian , with correspondence in these languages . Preparations for superior technical schools . At present rive languages , three reli g ions , and ten nationalities arc represented . Referees : Mrs . Ingall-Gunther , chief editor of "The Bazar , " Berlin ; Dr . Joh . Scherr , Zurich j J . Flitz , Swiss Consul-Gencral , Washington ; Dr . Kerr , Swiss Ambassador , Paris ; Geisser , Swiss Consul-Gencral , Turin ; B . B . Schecrer-Inglisj T . R . Tschidy , House Director , St . Gall . Prospectuses , programmes , and regulations of the establishment , in five langaagcs , to be had by applying to the director . The school is conducted on truly Masonic principles . DR . BERTSCH-SAILER , Director .
TWICKENHAM SCHOOL , MIDDLEx SEX . —Established 1820 . Sound Education . Preparation for Examination and Commercial Pursuits . Foreign Masters . Moderate and Inclusive Terms . —Apply to Bro . Clayton Palmer , LL . D ., L . C . P ., F . E . I . S ., & c .
A BERDEEN GRANITE MONUMENTS , •*¦ " ¦" •**from £ 5 . —Carriage free . Inscriptions accurate and beautiful . Iron Railings and Tomb Furnishings fitted complete . —Plans and Prices from J W . LEGGE , Sculptor , Aberdeen .
WEAK OR DEFECTIVE SIGHT . —SPECTACLES scientifically adapted to remed y impaired vision by Bro . ACKI . AN'I ) , Surgeon , daily , at Home and Thornthvaite ' s ; Opticians to the Queen , 416 , Strand , London , W . C . Send six stamps for " Ackland ' s Hints on Spectacles , " which contain ! valuable suggestions to sufferers from imperfect sight .
A PHYSICIAN ( Bro . ) residing on the South Coast , wishes to receive a few delicate children , for whose education ( up to physical and mental ability ) and health he will hold himself entirely responsible . —Address M . D ., Renshaw's , 35 6 , Strand , London .
¦ •pO THE BRETHREN . —An Officer , after eighteen years' service , is compelled to appeal "to the Sons of the Widow . " He was raised in 1838 , he is a P . M . Either assistance pecuniarily , or employment at home or abroad , will be gratefully accepted . Letters addressed " Lewis , " 2 , Randcl Well-street , Bradford , will received in reply every information and references .
5000 BOXES IN FINE CONDITION ( for Cash ) . J > EST HAVANA CIGARS at IMPORT - * " ^ PRICES . —Fine old Foreign Principes 159 . per Ib , superior to most cigars at two guineas—sample five for is . ( 14 stamps ) . FOREIGN TRABUCOS ; ( rough but good ) , j 2 s . per lb . ( 100 ) , sample seven for is . —BENSON , Im porter , 80 , St . Paul ' s Churchyard , London . Depot open from Eleven to Five .
MASONIC HALLS , LODGES , CLUBS , ETC ., SHOULD USE "ROULINIKON , - ^ BUFFALO HIDE FLOOR CLOTH . The best and most durable . Noiseless . Warm to the feet . Wearing qualities extraordinary . Thoroughly damp proof .
gUFFALO HIDE FLOOR CLOTH . Carpet-like in appearance . Splendid designs . Specially fitted for Public Buildings , Hotels , etc . Medals awarded for general excellence at Manchester and Leeds .
JJOULINIKON . Special awards for this Floor Cloth just made at the Centennial Exhibition , Philadel phia , for design , general excellence , and durability . Sold by all Furnishing Houses .
THE COMPLETE FURNITURE AND APPOINTMENTS FOR ¦ toft fo & BCS t OF SUPERIOR DESIGN AND WORKMANSHIP , MANUFACTURED IN THREE & UALITIES , BY BRO . GEORGE KENNING , P . M ., COMPRISING Three Pedestals . One Oak or Mahogany Kneeling Three Candlesticks , Oak or Ma- Stool . hogany . Lamp ( Star in the East ) . Two Columns , Oak or Ma- Third Degree Sheet . hogany . Bible , with Name and No . of S . W . Triangle , in Oak or Lodge in Gold . Mahogany with Gilt Tripod , Square antl Compasses n Case , Pulley BIOCN -S and Windlass Cushion for Bible . and Rough » ntlP erfect Ash- Ten Officers' Collars . lars . Ten Officers' Jewels . Oak or Mahogany Box , and I . G . Dirk . nine Tools , Plated . O . G . Sword . Three Oak or Mahogany Gavels . Set of Eight Books . One „ „ Maul . Three S g Boards , One „ „ Ballot Two Pairs of S s . Box and Balls . Three C—e T—s . One pair „ Wands . Two H s . Three Tracing Boards . Three Candles with Emblems . £ 3 ° £ 6 ° , and . £ 100 . Chairs , Dais , Tesselated Carpeting , Banners , Sec ., Sec , on th most moderate terms , according to material , style , & c . For Personal Insignia , see List of Clothing and lewcls .
THE COMPLETE FURNITURE AND APPOINTMENTS FOR lopl iwft dfesito , 01 ' SUPERIOR DESIGN AND WORKMANSHIP , MANUFACTURED IN THREE OUALITIES , BY COMP . GEORGE KENNING , P . Z ., COMFRISIN'O Floor Cloth Trowel Pedestal Square and Compasses Veil Sword Set of Letters Three Robes for Principals FiveLarge Banners with Poles Three Sceptres „ and Stands Three Surplices Fifteen Small ditto Ten Officers' Collars Three Large Candlesticks Ten lewcls Three Small ditto Janitor ' s Sword Six Ornamental Candles Ballot Box Crowbar Bible Pickaxe Cushion for ditto Shovel Scripture Extracts Parchment Scroll Set of Five Books Set of Lines £$ 0 , £ 100 , and £ 150 . Thrones , Chairs , Canopy , Head Ornaments , & c . ( if required on thc most moderate terms , according to material , style , & c . For Personal Insignia , see List of Clothing and Jewels . MASONIC DEPOTS : LONDON , LIVERPOOL , AND GLASGOW .
NOW READY . TRACIN(>BOARDS, ( LARGE SIZE 1 , Similar to those used in the Grand Lodge of England Painted in thc best style of art on Panelled Oak . 6 ft . by 3 ft £ 31 12 6 5 ft . by 2 ft . 6 in 28 3 o PER SET OF THREE . On view at KENKING ' Masonic Show Rooms , 1 , 2 and 3 , Little Britain , and 175 , Aldersgate-street , London .
BALL FAVOURS , NEWEST DESIGNS . MASONIC DEPOTS 1 , 2 , & 3 , LITTLE BRITAIN ( 198 , Fleet-street , London . BRANCHES } 2 , Monument-place , LiverpooL Co , West Howard-street , Glasgow .
Masonic Note Paper and Envelopes . IN BOXES THREE SHILLINGS . Far Craft , Soyal Arch . Mark , Knightt Templar , Rei Croil of Rome ar . i Constantine . Rose Croix . j MASONIC DEPOT , 198 , Fleet-Street .