Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 4 of 4 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 4 of 4 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 4 of 4 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Nicholson , W . C . Jones , and Hudson Lister . Bro . Batchelder , W . M . during the evening vacated his chair for a short period , and gave a solo pianoforte , with that professional and magic touch which hc at all times appears to be capable of producing . EXETER . —Semper Fidelis Lodge ( No . 1254 ) . —The installation meeting of this successful lodge took
place at the Masonic Hall , Exeter , on Monday , the 4 th inst . Thc following brethren were present : Bros . Aviry , P . M ., P . G . T . ; W . Page , P . M . ; QuickC , P . M . 39 ; Warren , P . M . 1254 ; Horspool , P . M . 1254-, Shears , P . M . ; A . Bodley , P . M ., 39 ; Long , W . M . 32 ; Hooper , P . M . 1254 ; Treas . ; Barber , W . M . 1254 ; Huxham , S . W . 1254 ; Brodie , J . W . ; Pidsley , Sec ; Fulford , S . D . ;
Gregory , J . D . ; Sampson C Sanders , I . G . 5 Hawker , O . ; Elmore , Kendrick , Horswill , Land , J . Stocker , 39 ; Wills , 1284 ; H . Stocker , 39 ; Brown , Woodbridge , White , Clarke , Culley , W . Roberts , A . Roberts , Langdon , Cape , Gibson , and Densham . The minutes of the last lodge having been read and confirmed , Bro . Huxham was introduced as the W . M . elect . Bro . Barber , the W . M ., then proceeded to
instal Bro . Huxham into thc chair of K . S ., which ceremony being completed , Bro . Huxham appointed the following brethren as his officers : Bros . B . Barber , I . P . M . ; Brodie , S . W . ; Pidsley , J . W . ; Hooper , Treas . ; Fulford , Sec . ; Menrick C . W . Gregory , S . D . -, Sanders , J . D . ; Elmore , J . G . ; Hawker , O . ; Sampson , D . C ; Horswell , S . Land , J . S . ; and in conclusion hoped that the duties of the various offices would be conducted with the same
zeal and unanimity during his year of office as it had been during the past year . Bro . Horspool , P . M ., then delivered the charge to the officers in his usual effective and impressive manner . The newly-installed W . M . then presented thc I . P . M ., Bro . Barber , with a handsome gold P . M . ' s jewel which had been unanimously voted from the funds of thc lodge , and also with an illuminated address ,
as a further mark of the esteem in which he is held by individual members of this and other lodges . In making the presentation the W . M . spoke in warm eulogy of Bro . Barber as a Mason , and especially of the manner in which he had fulfilled the duties of the W . M . during his year , and referred in warm terms of praise to the admirable manner in which hc had rendered the ceremony of
installation , hc being the first Master of the lodge that had installed his successor , and expressed the hope of himself and the brethren that he would live long to enjoy the honours which had been conferred on him . Bro . Cape was proposed and elected as a joining member . The lodge was then closed in peace , order , and harmony , antl the brethren adjourned to Bro . Birkctt ' s , Royal Clarence
Hotel , where a recherche banquet was partaken of by them . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and most cordially received . Between the toasts several glees and songs were sung by the choir , Bros . Horspool , Gregory , Huxham , Hawker , and Barber , who received the wellearned thanks antl applause of thc brethren for thc skilful manner in which they were rendered , especially thc old
Masonic glee of " Hail to thc Craft , " and after one of the most enjoyable of evenings the brethren separated , wellpleased with the ceremony and entertainment . NEWQUAY . —Fort Lodgo ( No . 1328 ) . —Thc brethren of this lodge celebrated their festival of St . John on Friday , 29 th ult . A large number assembled from thc neighbourhood and other parts , among whom were
Bros . 1 . Paull , P . M . " Boscawen " Lodge , Chaccwater , No . 699 , P . P . S . G . D . ; J . Nincss , P . M . No . G 99 , P . P . G . Reg . ; W . Lake , P . M . "Fortitude "Lotlge , Truro , No . 131 , P . P . G . Reg . ; J . Hawken , I . P . M . " Duke of Cornwall " Lodge , St . Columb , No . 1529 ; Thomas Hicks , W . M . No . 1259 ; H . T . WliiteficM , S . W . No . 1529 ; J . P . Rogers , ' W . M . " Prudence" Lodge , Plymouth , No . 1550 ;
and J . Hooper , J . D . No . O 99 . The business commenced with the installation of Bro . J . G . Prout , as W . M . for the ensuing year , thc ceremony being vcry ably and impressively performed by the I . P . M ., Bro . W . E . Michell . The newly installed W . M . then appointed and invested his new officers : —S . W ., B . Wellington ; J . W ., J . R . Bellamy ; Sec , C . Bellingham ; S . D ., R . Martyn ; J . D ., W . R . White ; I . G ., T . Boyle ; D . C , R . Kendall ;
Organist , A . Lawry ; Stewards , W . L . Blee and W . H . Symons , Bro . W . C . Martyn was elected Treasurer , and C Carivick Tyler . At the conclusion of the business of the lodge Bro . Wellington , on behalf of the brethren , presented Bro . W . E . Michell , I . P . M ., with a handsome Past Master ' s collar and jewel , in appreciation of his conduct while in the chair and his zeal in the cause of Freemasonry . The brethren subsequently partook of a banquet . The usual Masonic toasts followed , and a vcry agreeable evening
was spent . ST . COLUMB . —Duke of Cornwall Lodge ' . No . 1529 ) held its first annual meeting on Wednesday , 29 th ult ., when thc retiring W . M ., Bro . T . Hawken , very ably and impressively installed Bro . Thomas Hicks , S . W ., in thc chair of the lodge , assisted by the following Board of Installed Masters : — W . Bros . Gcach , Captain
Colville , Pascoc , Sandoc , J . R . Rogers , Michell , and Collins . W . Bro . Hicks then appointed thc following officers : — Bros . Hawken , I . P . M . ; H . F . Wbitencld , S . W . ; E . Brydgcs Willyams , J . W . ; W . Howard , Secretary ; G . Hawke , Treasurer ; Rev . D . Brown , Chaplain * , J , Marlyn , S . D . -, S . 11 . Cox , J . D . ; J . Best , D . C ; N . Grose , I . G . ; R . Rowe , Steward , and J . Coade , Tyler . Bro . Hawken was presented with a gold
P . M . ' s jewel and the thanks of the lodge engrossed on vellum as a recognition of his zeal and ability in carrying out his duties as first W . M . W . Bro . J . R . Rogers , Ledge Prudence , 1550 , was presented with the thanks of thc lodge fur his assistance and kindness shewn in many ways during thc past twelve months , and it was unanimously resolved to record the same on the minutes . The brethren then adjourned to the banquet , provided by Bro . Polkinghorne .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
INSTRUCTION . UNION WATERLOO LODGE ( No . 13 ) . — On Friday evening , the ist inst ., the weather was admirably adapted for sending brethren to the table with a keen and appreciative appetite , and many as there were who quarreled with the elements en route to the scene of action , disagreements were speedily squared when the
joint became the centre of attraction , and the brethren , one and all , did their level best to obliterate the recollections of a wet night by a diligent attention to all that came within their compass . It was the " Fortune of War " that caused certain brethren to bend their steps towards the New Road , and il was the Union Waterloo Lodge of Instruction that was to answer for the heavy engagement with huge
joints , and the brisk skirmishing against sundry puddings , custards , and tarts . The company mustered some score rank and file , Bro . S . Goddard , P . M . 700 , being in command , having as his first luff G . A . Davies , P . M . 13 , one of the Preceptors , or he might say a la militaire , Instructors , while conspicuous among the Stewards was Bro . T . E . Hassall , 13 , who discharged his duties in such a masterly
manner . As we paid our devoirs to the good things things in the neighbourhood of the Vice we are unable to say what came under the immediate attention of the President , but recollect that Bro . Davies devoted himself to the dispensing of that dish over which Bro . Keeble , P . M . 1275 , presided in such splendid style at the banquet of the Star Lodge of Instruction . When the cloth had been
withdrawn , and the Order passed " At Ease , " a general charge ensued , following which the President gave " The Queen and the Craft . " Next on the toast list was " Prosperity to the Union Waterloo Lodge of Instruction , " which was received with rare fire . " The Visitors " were responded for by Bro . Lloyd , 913 ; "The Preceptors , " in a modest speech by Bro . Davies , who
spoke in terms of sincere regret of thc enforced absence through illness of his confrere , Bro . Macdonald , W . M . 1158 , and afterwards proposed "The Health of the President , " which was received with " three brisk rounds . " Bro . Goddard replied in an able and telling manner . Seldom have we heard at an instruction banquet such capital songs as those rendered by Bros . Harding , Morley ,
Motley , Davis , Butt , antl Hassall . We noticed present Bros . S . Goddard , P . M . 700 ; G . B . Davies , P . M . 1 -j ; F . G . Pownall , P . M . 1536 , W . M . 13 ; Butt , W . M . 700 ; Weston , W . M . 153 G ; Hutton , S . D . 13 ; N . Brown , J . D . 13 ; IL S . Tyer , Sec 13 ; T . E . Hassall , 13 ; T . J . Guest , 158 ; R . Pearson , 153 O ; G . H . Masters , 13 ; Price , 913 ; Burley , 12 O 0 ; J . * Dalling , O 40 ( Montreal , Canada );
A . R . Smith , 13 ; Ernest Smith , 1559 ; W . Wilson , 100 ( Constantinople ); Crews , Morley , Walker , Schultze , Matley , Cleal , Martin , Percival , and Gr ' mstead , all of 13 ; J oskey , 1107 ; Jonah Davis , 1437 ; Harris , 700 ; Harding , 153 G ; Bearer , 700 ; and McCarthy , all members of the Union Waterloo Lodge of fnstruction ; and the following visitors : —Lloyd , Letton , and Stabback , 913 ; Virgo , 700 .
LONDON MASONIC CLUB LODGE ( No . 58 ) . —This lodge held its second meeting on Monday , the 27 th ult ., at 101 , Queen Victoria-street , E . C . Present : Bros . E . VV . Ilubbuck , W . M . ; N . Recti , S . W . ; John Walker , J . W . ; J . E . Shand , Sec . ; C J . Hogg , Treas . ; C . Jardine , S . D . ; Jas . Edell , J . D . ; VV . Stevens , I . G . ; Bros . Mosley , Hawksley , Stevens , Tickle ,
and others . The lodge was opened antl minutes of lasl meeting confirmed , and afterwards opened in Second Degree , and that ceremony rehearsed and thc sections of lectures worked by Bro . Mander , Preceptor . Bye-laws were discussed and ordered to be printed . A vote of thanks was
moved and carried to the Committee , Bros . Hogg , Reed , and Shand , for devoting time and attention and drawing the bye-laws and making general arrangements for the first meeting of the lodge . Bro . Reed was elected VV . M at next meeting . Lodge closed and adjourned till six o ' clock on Monday , Dec . 11 .
SOUTHERN STAR LODGE ( No . 1158 ) . — When you oblige a friend you may very naturally expect that should occasion require it hc will return the compliment ; so when you ask a favour of your friend you no doubt feel willing if not absolutely anxious to relieve yourself of the obligation at the cailiest possible opportunity . Wc do not go so far as to say . that should you
lend your friend a five-pound note you ought at some future period to expect him to do thc same by you , for experience has taught us that in the majority of instances the friend who borrows never courts your friendship more , and that , although it may be more blessed to give than to receive , it is as a rule " easier to borrow than to repay , " and that if you press for a repayment of a debt , your
debtor is more likely to " part friendship" than to part with the money . That we arc driving at something by this prelude our readers no doubt have concluded , and we will at once state our case . Last Thursday week , the Fifteen Sections were worked in the above young lodge of instruction , and the attendance was the smallest we have seen for some time past on similar occasions , no
matter where . At many lodges where the Sections have been recently worked invaluable assistance has been given by the " Southern Star" brethren , who are ever ready and cheerfully willing to afford help and assistance to contemporaneous lodges . It was , therefore , only natural that some support should have been expected from those lodges that had benefited by " Southern Star " help , but we regret to say that such was not forthcoming , and the
S . S . Section workers had to do thc best they could . Illness prevented the attendance of Bro . Pulsford , P . M . 1158 , Preceptor , who was to have presided , and thc same cause kept away Bro . Govan Macdonald , W . M . 1158 , Secretary , who would otherwise have taken Bro . PuUford ' s place . As it happened , a vcry excellent substitute was found in the person of Bro . Kent , l ' . M . 879 , Preceptor of the Southwark Lodge , who ably discharged the onerous and responsible duties lie at such shor * oticc
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
assumed . Bro . Beavis , 1158 , Assist . Sec , was S VV and Bro . Solway Smith , S . D . 1158 , J . W ., S ^ r of ' the ' South . Somewhat later Bro . Kent took yvie ch ; ,: and formed his lodge as follows : —Bros . Beavi ' 1158 , Sec , S . W .: S . Smith , S . D . 1115 , J . W . . Catter '
son , 548 , I . G . There were likewise present Bros . Wise I . P . M . 1158 , acting as P . M . ; T . Grummant , 1 5-q Hutchings , 147 ; Field , 175 ; Parker and Tayf or ' 753 ; Ernest Smith , 1559 ; Holloway , Black , Scar ( j ' Davis , 1158 ; Peters , 1471 ; Arnold , 1319 ; R „ _' acres , 212 ; Hutchings , 147 ; Sims , Harvey , and Walker Lodge was opened up to the Third Degree , antl resumed to the First , and the Sections worked as follows : .
FIRST LECTURE . ist Section by Bro . Arnold , 1319 . 2 nd ,, ,, Catterson , 548 . 3 rd „ „ Ernest Smith , 1559 4 th „ „ Kent , P . M . 879 . 5 th „ „ Beavis , 1158 . 0 th „ „ Harvey . 7 th ., „ Beavis , 115 S .
SECOND LECTURE . ist Section by Bro . Wise , I . P . M . 115 S 2 nd „ „ Beavis , 1158 . 3 rd „ „ Harvey . 4 th „ „ Parker , 753 . 5 * > i , 1 Taylor , 753 .
THIRD LECTURE . ist Section by Bro . Hutchings , 147 . 2 nd „ „ Arnold , 1319 . 3 rd „ „ Beavis , 1158 . At the conclusion of the working , the customary voles ol thanks were passed to the W . M . and the brethren assisting in working the Sections , and the following were elected joining members * . —Bros . Hutchings , Peters , Runacres , and Arnold .
WILLIAM PRESTON LODGE ( No . 7 G 6 . ) -. This lodge of instruction held its first regular meeting under the sanction of the mother lodge , as arranged at thc preliminary one presided over by Bro . Geo . Tribbel on Friday evening , thc ist inst ., at thc Feathers Tavern , Upper George - street , Edgware - road . The chair wns taken nt fi nYlnr-k hv Urn . A . Rr . mn P VT
No . 7 OO , who , after a few preliminary remarks , invested and placed Bro . Rudderforth into the chair of K . S . The W . M . then invested his officers as follows : —Bros . G . West , 12 S 7 , S . W . ; G . Tribbel , 1287 , J . W . ; Bro . A Braun , P . M . 7 OG , as P . M " . and Sec . ; J . Kennard , 145 , as Treasurer ; J . Davison , 733 , 8 . 0 . ; Lucas , 192 , as J . D . ; S . Nicholls , 1287 , as I . G . 'Ihe ceremony of initiation
was then rehearsed in Bro . Rudderforth's usual impressive manner , Bro . Hayes being candidate , after which the sections of the lecture were worked by the W . M ., assisted by the brethren . A cede of bye-laws was submitted , duly discussed , and adopted . Bro . Rudderforth was elected Preceptor , Bro . Braun , Sec , and Kennard , Treasurer , for the ensuing year . A cordial vote of thanks , to be recorded
upon the minutes , was then passed to these brethren , who acknowledged the same in appropriate terms , Bro . G . West was elected W . M . for the ensuing week , who appointed officers in rotation . There were also present Bros . Dunham , 1287 ; Parsons , 325 ; Murch , 27 -, Godden , 862 ;
Cooper ; Frost , 145 ; Brook , 145 ; Webster ; Chalfont ; Sawyer , 145 ; and many other brethren . Thc lodge was then closed in due form . Thc room , which is a convenient size , presented a most happy appearance with the new furniture , and as a lotlge of instruction is much needed in this locality , there is little doubt of its bring a great success .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
CHAPTER OF PRUDENT BRETHREN ( No . 145 ) . —Thc installation meeting of this chapter was held on Tuesday evening , 5 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall-There were present on the occasion above furty of the companions , among them being Comps . John Boyd , Thos . Bull , E . Moody , J oseph Last , Parkins , G . S . States , John Cox , Venn , Haslett , Walford , C . A . Long , Heibcrt
Dicketts , Col . Creaton , S . Rawson , II . G . Buss , Hyde Pullen , II . Massey ( Freemason ) , John Constable , Scott , Martin , Murly , Levander , Headon , Barnes Amor , and Duke . After the election of principals and officers Comp . Thos . Bull was installed as Z . by Comp . C . A . Long , Z . i and Comp . E . Moody was installed as H . by Comp . Joh " Boyd , P . Z . Comp . E . II . Thiellay , who was elected as
[ ., was not present . The other officers were CompS ' J oseph Last , P . Z ., Treas . ; Parkins , N . ; G . S . States , P . Z ,, S . E . ; John Cox , P . S . ; Venn , 1 st . A . S . ; Haslett , 2 nd A . S . ; and Grant , Janitor . After the installation and investment of officers had been completed Bros . Joh " Jcrmyn Boyd , 23 ; Thomas Wm . Chard Lcuty , 23 ; an " Luke Bishon . Go . were exalted as Roval Arch Alasons ,
Comp . j . Boyd taking the duties of Z ., Comp . Tlios . Uu 1 the duties of H ., and Comp . C . A . Long thc duties of JThe work was most fluently and impressively performed , and fully sustained thc high character which the CbapW of Prudent Brethren has secured as a first-class working chapter . This was still further manifested at a subse * nupnt nerioil \\ v lli ^ \ prtt \ rf nn tilt . Rnval Arcfl \ CV . ' clt
which was delivered by Comp . J . Boyd before the compa" " ions adjourned to their banquet . This intricate lecture wa admirably delivered , there not being any hesitation a' on the part of thc lecturer , who threaded his way throng ' all thc windings of the explanation with the case ot
accompnsnca geometrician , jiner wc -. nap .-- . been closed , the comjianions were reminded that t ' * jf thcre was no banquet announced on the summons , freshment would be provided at seven o'clock , and » n ' pairing at that hour to Freemasons' Tavern the compa . found themselves so far deceived by thc anno " nc < : I ? L . that a very elegant spread was provided by Bro . Daw
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Nicholson , W . C . Jones , and Hudson Lister . Bro . Batchelder , W . M . during the evening vacated his chair for a short period , and gave a solo pianoforte , with that professional and magic touch which hc at all times appears to be capable of producing . EXETER . —Semper Fidelis Lodge ( No . 1254 ) . —The installation meeting of this successful lodge took
place at the Masonic Hall , Exeter , on Monday , the 4 th inst . Thc following brethren were present : Bros . Aviry , P . M ., P . G . T . ; W . Page , P . M . ; QuickC , P . M . 39 ; Warren , P . M . 1254 ; Horspool , P . M . 1254-, Shears , P . M . ; A . Bodley , P . M ., 39 ; Long , W . M . 32 ; Hooper , P . M . 1254 ; Treas . ; Barber , W . M . 1254 ; Huxham , S . W . 1254 ; Brodie , J . W . ; Pidsley , Sec ; Fulford , S . D . ;
Gregory , J . D . ; Sampson C Sanders , I . G . 5 Hawker , O . ; Elmore , Kendrick , Horswill , Land , J . Stocker , 39 ; Wills , 1284 ; H . Stocker , 39 ; Brown , Woodbridge , White , Clarke , Culley , W . Roberts , A . Roberts , Langdon , Cape , Gibson , and Densham . The minutes of the last lodge having been read and confirmed , Bro . Huxham was introduced as the W . M . elect . Bro . Barber , the W . M ., then proceeded to
instal Bro . Huxham into thc chair of K . S ., which ceremony being completed , Bro . Huxham appointed the following brethren as his officers : Bros . B . Barber , I . P . M . ; Brodie , S . W . ; Pidsley , J . W . ; Hooper , Treas . ; Fulford , Sec . ; Menrick C . W . Gregory , S . D . -, Sanders , J . D . ; Elmore , J . G . ; Hawker , O . ; Sampson , D . C ; Horswell , S . Land , J . S . ; and in conclusion hoped that the duties of the various offices would be conducted with the same
zeal and unanimity during his year of office as it had been during the past year . Bro . Horspool , P . M ., then delivered the charge to the officers in his usual effective and impressive manner . The newly-installed W . M . then presented thc I . P . M ., Bro . Barber , with a handsome gold P . M . ' s jewel which had been unanimously voted from the funds of thc lodge , and also with an illuminated address ,
as a further mark of the esteem in which he is held by individual members of this and other lodges . In making the presentation the W . M . spoke in warm eulogy of Bro . Barber as a Mason , and especially of the manner in which he had fulfilled the duties of the W . M . during his year , and referred in warm terms of praise to the admirable manner in which hc had rendered the ceremony of
installation , hc being the first Master of the lodge that had installed his successor , and expressed the hope of himself and the brethren that he would live long to enjoy the honours which had been conferred on him . Bro . Cape was proposed and elected as a joining member . The lodge was then closed in peace , order , and harmony , antl the brethren adjourned to Bro . Birkctt ' s , Royal Clarence
Hotel , where a recherche banquet was partaken of by them . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and most cordially received . Between the toasts several glees and songs were sung by the choir , Bros . Horspool , Gregory , Huxham , Hawker , and Barber , who received the wellearned thanks antl applause of thc brethren for thc skilful manner in which they were rendered , especially thc old
Masonic glee of " Hail to thc Craft , " and after one of the most enjoyable of evenings the brethren separated , wellpleased with the ceremony and entertainment . NEWQUAY . —Fort Lodgo ( No . 1328 ) . —Thc brethren of this lodge celebrated their festival of St . John on Friday , 29 th ult . A large number assembled from thc neighbourhood and other parts , among whom were
Bros . 1 . Paull , P . M . " Boscawen " Lodge , Chaccwater , No . 699 , P . P . S . G . D . ; J . Nincss , P . M . No . G 99 , P . P . G . Reg . ; W . Lake , P . M . "Fortitude "Lotlge , Truro , No . 131 , P . P . G . Reg . ; J . Hawken , I . P . M . " Duke of Cornwall " Lodge , St . Columb , No . 1529 ; Thomas Hicks , W . M . No . 1259 ; H . T . WliiteficM , S . W . No . 1529 ; J . P . Rogers , ' W . M . " Prudence" Lodge , Plymouth , No . 1550 ;
and J . Hooper , J . D . No . O 99 . The business commenced with the installation of Bro . J . G . Prout , as W . M . for the ensuing year , thc ceremony being vcry ably and impressively performed by the I . P . M ., Bro . W . E . Michell . The newly installed W . M . then appointed and invested his new officers : —S . W ., B . Wellington ; J . W ., J . R . Bellamy ; Sec , C . Bellingham ; S . D ., R . Martyn ; J . D ., W . R . White ; I . G ., T . Boyle ; D . C , R . Kendall ;
Organist , A . Lawry ; Stewards , W . L . Blee and W . H . Symons , Bro . W . C . Martyn was elected Treasurer , and C Carivick Tyler . At the conclusion of the business of the lodge Bro . Wellington , on behalf of the brethren , presented Bro . W . E . Michell , I . P . M ., with a handsome Past Master ' s collar and jewel , in appreciation of his conduct while in the chair and his zeal in the cause of Freemasonry . The brethren subsequently partook of a banquet . The usual Masonic toasts followed , and a vcry agreeable evening
was spent . ST . COLUMB . —Duke of Cornwall Lodge ' . No . 1529 ) held its first annual meeting on Wednesday , 29 th ult ., when thc retiring W . M ., Bro . T . Hawken , very ably and impressively installed Bro . Thomas Hicks , S . W ., in thc chair of the lodge , assisted by the following Board of Installed Masters : — W . Bros . Gcach , Captain
Colville , Pascoc , Sandoc , J . R . Rogers , Michell , and Collins . W . Bro . Hicks then appointed thc following officers : — Bros . Hawken , I . P . M . ; H . F . Wbitencld , S . W . ; E . Brydgcs Willyams , J . W . ; W . Howard , Secretary ; G . Hawke , Treasurer ; Rev . D . Brown , Chaplain * , J , Marlyn , S . D . -, S . 11 . Cox , J . D . ; J . Best , D . C ; N . Grose , I . G . ; R . Rowe , Steward , and J . Coade , Tyler . Bro . Hawken was presented with a gold
P . M . ' s jewel and the thanks of the lodge engrossed on vellum as a recognition of his zeal and ability in carrying out his duties as first W . M . W . Bro . J . R . Rogers , Ledge Prudence , 1550 , was presented with the thanks of thc lodge fur his assistance and kindness shewn in many ways during thc past twelve months , and it was unanimously resolved to record the same on the minutes . The brethren then adjourned to the banquet , provided by Bro . Polkinghorne .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
INSTRUCTION . UNION WATERLOO LODGE ( No . 13 ) . — On Friday evening , the ist inst ., the weather was admirably adapted for sending brethren to the table with a keen and appreciative appetite , and many as there were who quarreled with the elements en route to the scene of action , disagreements were speedily squared when the
joint became the centre of attraction , and the brethren , one and all , did their level best to obliterate the recollections of a wet night by a diligent attention to all that came within their compass . It was the " Fortune of War " that caused certain brethren to bend their steps towards the New Road , and il was the Union Waterloo Lodge of Instruction that was to answer for the heavy engagement with huge
joints , and the brisk skirmishing against sundry puddings , custards , and tarts . The company mustered some score rank and file , Bro . S . Goddard , P . M . 700 , being in command , having as his first luff G . A . Davies , P . M . 13 , one of the Preceptors , or he might say a la militaire , Instructors , while conspicuous among the Stewards was Bro . T . E . Hassall , 13 , who discharged his duties in such a masterly
manner . As we paid our devoirs to the good things things in the neighbourhood of the Vice we are unable to say what came under the immediate attention of the President , but recollect that Bro . Davies devoted himself to the dispensing of that dish over which Bro . Keeble , P . M . 1275 , presided in such splendid style at the banquet of the Star Lodge of Instruction . When the cloth had been
withdrawn , and the Order passed " At Ease , " a general charge ensued , following which the President gave " The Queen and the Craft . " Next on the toast list was " Prosperity to the Union Waterloo Lodge of Instruction , " which was received with rare fire . " The Visitors " were responded for by Bro . Lloyd , 913 ; "The Preceptors , " in a modest speech by Bro . Davies , who
spoke in terms of sincere regret of thc enforced absence through illness of his confrere , Bro . Macdonald , W . M . 1158 , and afterwards proposed "The Health of the President , " which was received with " three brisk rounds . " Bro . Goddard replied in an able and telling manner . Seldom have we heard at an instruction banquet such capital songs as those rendered by Bros . Harding , Morley ,
Motley , Davis , Butt , antl Hassall . We noticed present Bros . S . Goddard , P . M . 700 ; G . B . Davies , P . M . 1 -j ; F . G . Pownall , P . M . 1536 , W . M . 13 ; Butt , W . M . 700 ; Weston , W . M . 153 G ; Hutton , S . D . 13 ; N . Brown , J . D . 13 ; IL S . Tyer , Sec 13 ; T . E . Hassall , 13 ; T . J . Guest , 158 ; R . Pearson , 153 O ; G . H . Masters , 13 ; Price , 913 ; Burley , 12 O 0 ; J . * Dalling , O 40 ( Montreal , Canada );
A . R . Smith , 13 ; Ernest Smith , 1559 ; W . Wilson , 100 ( Constantinople ); Crews , Morley , Walker , Schultze , Matley , Cleal , Martin , Percival , and Gr ' mstead , all of 13 ; J oskey , 1107 ; Jonah Davis , 1437 ; Harris , 700 ; Harding , 153 G ; Bearer , 700 ; and McCarthy , all members of the Union Waterloo Lodge of fnstruction ; and the following visitors : —Lloyd , Letton , and Stabback , 913 ; Virgo , 700 .
LONDON MASONIC CLUB LODGE ( No . 58 ) . —This lodge held its second meeting on Monday , the 27 th ult ., at 101 , Queen Victoria-street , E . C . Present : Bros . E . VV . Ilubbuck , W . M . ; N . Recti , S . W . ; John Walker , J . W . ; J . E . Shand , Sec . ; C J . Hogg , Treas . ; C . Jardine , S . D . ; Jas . Edell , J . D . ; VV . Stevens , I . G . ; Bros . Mosley , Hawksley , Stevens , Tickle ,
and others . The lodge was opened antl minutes of lasl meeting confirmed , and afterwards opened in Second Degree , and that ceremony rehearsed and thc sections of lectures worked by Bro . Mander , Preceptor . Bye-laws were discussed and ordered to be printed . A vote of thanks was
moved and carried to the Committee , Bros . Hogg , Reed , and Shand , for devoting time and attention and drawing the bye-laws and making general arrangements for the first meeting of the lodge . Bro . Reed was elected VV . M at next meeting . Lodge closed and adjourned till six o ' clock on Monday , Dec . 11 .
SOUTHERN STAR LODGE ( No . 1158 ) . — When you oblige a friend you may very naturally expect that should occasion require it hc will return the compliment ; so when you ask a favour of your friend you no doubt feel willing if not absolutely anxious to relieve yourself of the obligation at the cailiest possible opportunity . Wc do not go so far as to say . that should you
lend your friend a five-pound note you ought at some future period to expect him to do thc same by you , for experience has taught us that in the majority of instances the friend who borrows never courts your friendship more , and that , although it may be more blessed to give than to receive , it is as a rule " easier to borrow than to repay , " and that if you press for a repayment of a debt , your
debtor is more likely to " part friendship" than to part with the money . That we arc driving at something by this prelude our readers no doubt have concluded , and we will at once state our case . Last Thursday week , the Fifteen Sections were worked in the above young lodge of instruction , and the attendance was the smallest we have seen for some time past on similar occasions , no
matter where . At many lodges where the Sections have been recently worked invaluable assistance has been given by the " Southern Star" brethren , who are ever ready and cheerfully willing to afford help and assistance to contemporaneous lodges . It was , therefore , only natural that some support should have been expected from those lodges that had benefited by " Southern Star " help , but we regret to say that such was not forthcoming , and the
S . S . Section workers had to do thc best they could . Illness prevented the attendance of Bro . Pulsford , P . M . 1158 , Preceptor , who was to have presided , and thc same cause kept away Bro . Govan Macdonald , W . M . 1158 , Secretary , who would otherwise have taken Bro . PuUford ' s place . As it happened , a vcry excellent substitute was found in the person of Bro . Kent , l ' . M . 879 , Preceptor of the Southwark Lodge , who ably discharged the onerous and responsible duties lie at such shor * oticc
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
assumed . Bro . Beavis , 1158 , Assist . Sec , was S VV and Bro . Solway Smith , S . D . 1158 , J . W ., S ^ r of ' the ' South . Somewhat later Bro . Kent took yvie ch ; ,: and formed his lodge as follows : —Bros . Beavi ' 1158 , Sec , S . W .: S . Smith , S . D . 1115 , J . W . . Catter '
son , 548 , I . G . There were likewise present Bros . Wise I . P . M . 1158 , acting as P . M . ; T . Grummant , 1 5-q Hutchings , 147 ; Field , 175 ; Parker and Tayf or ' 753 ; Ernest Smith , 1559 ; Holloway , Black , Scar ( j ' Davis , 1158 ; Peters , 1471 ; Arnold , 1319 ; R „ _' acres , 212 ; Hutchings , 147 ; Sims , Harvey , and Walker Lodge was opened up to the Third Degree , antl resumed to the First , and the Sections worked as follows : .
FIRST LECTURE . ist Section by Bro . Arnold , 1319 . 2 nd ,, ,, Catterson , 548 . 3 rd „ „ Ernest Smith , 1559 4 th „ „ Kent , P . M . 879 . 5 th „ „ Beavis , 1158 . 0 th „ „ Harvey . 7 th ., „ Beavis , 115 S .
SECOND LECTURE . ist Section by Bro . Wise , I . P . M . 115 S 2 nd „ „ Beavis , 1158 . 3 rd „ „ Harvey . 4 th „ „ Parker , 753 . 5 * > i , 1 Taylor , 753 .
THIRD LECTURE . ist Section by Bro . Hutchings , 147 . 2 nd „ „ Arnold , 1319 . 3 rd „ „ Beavis , 1158 . At the conclusion of the working , the customary voles ol thanks were passed to the W . M . and the brethren assisting in working the Sections , and the following were elected joining members * . —Bros . Hutchings , Peters , Runacres , and Arnold .
WILLIAM PRESTON LODGE ( No . 7 G 6 . ) -. This lodge of instruction held its first regular meeting under the sanction of the mother lodge , as arranged at thc preliminary one presided over by Bro . Geo . Tribbel on Friday evening , thc ist inst ., at thc Feathers Tavern , Upper George - street , Edgware - road . The chair wns taken nt fi nYlnr-k hv Urn . A . Rr . mn P VT
No . 7 OO , who , after a few preliminary remarks , invested and placed Bro . Rudderforth into the chair of K . S . The W . M . then invested his officers as follows : —Bros . G . West , 12 S 7 , S . W . ; G . Tribbel , 1287 , J . W . ; Bro . A Braun , P . M . 7 OG , as P . M " . and Sec . ; J . Kennard , 145 , as Treasurer ; J . Davison , 733 , 8 . 0 . ; Lucas , 192 , as J . D . ; S . Nicholls , 1287 , as I . G . 'Ihe ceremony of initiation
was then rehearsed in Bro . Rudderforth's usual impressive manner , Bro . Hayes being candidate , after which the sections of the lecture were worked by the W . M ., assisted by the brethren . A cede of bye-laws was submitted , duly discussed , and adopted . Bro . Rudderforth was elected Preceptor , Bro . Braun , Sec , and Kennard , Treasurer , for the ensuing year . A cordial vote of thanks , to be recorded
upon the minutes , was then passed to these brethren , who acknowledged the same in appropriate terms , Bro . G . West was elected W . M . for the ensuing week , who appointed officers in rotation . There were also present Bros . Dunham , 1287 ; Parsons , 325 ; Murch , 27 -, Godden , 862 ;
Cooper ; Frost , 145 ; Brook , 145 ; Webster ; Chalfont ; Sawyer , 145 ; and many other brethren . Thc lodge was then closed in due form . Thc room , which is a convenient size , presented a most happy appearance with the new furniture , and as a lotlge of instruction is much needed in this locality , there is little doubt of its bring a great success .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
CHAPTER OF PRUDENT BRETHREN ( No . 145 ) . —Thc installation meeting of this chapter was held on Tuesday evening , 5 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall-There were present on the occasion above furty of the companions , among them being Comps . John Boyd , Thos . Bull , E . Moody , J oseph Last , Parkins , G . S . States , John Cox , Venn , Haslett , Walford , C . A . Long , Heibcrt
Dicketts , Col . Creaton , S . Rawson , II . G . Buss , Hyde Pullen , II . Massey ( Freemason ) , John Constable , Scott , Martin , Murly , Levander , Headon , Barnes Amor , and Duke . After the election of principals and officers Comp . Thos . Bull was installed as Z . by Comp . C . A . Long , Z . i and Comp . E . Moody was installed as H . by Comp . Joh " Boyd , P . Z . Comp . E . II . Thiellay , who was elected as
[ ., was not present . The other officers were CompS ' J oseph Last , P . Z ., Treas . ; Parkins , N . ; G . S . States , P . Z ,, S . E . ; John Cox , P . S . ; Venn , 1 st . A . S . ; Haslett , 2 nd A . S . ; and Grant , Janitor . After the installation and investment of officers had been completed Bros . Joh " Jcrmyn Boyd , 23 ; Thomas Wm . Chard Lcuty , 23 ; an " Luke Bishon . Go . were exalted as Roval Arch Alasons ,
Comp . j . Boyd taking the duties of Z ., Comp . Tlios . Uu 1 the duties of H ., and Comp . C . A . Long thc duties of JThe work was most fluently and impressively performed , and fully sustained thc high character which the CbapW of Prudent Brethren has secured as a first-class working chapter . This was still further manifested at a subse * nupnt nerioil \\ v lli ^ \ prtt \ rf nn tilt . Rnval Arcfl \ CV . ' clt
which was delivered by Comp . J . Boyd before the compa" " ions adjourned to their banquet . This intricate lecture wa admirably delivered , there not being any hesitation a' on the part of thc lecturer , who threaded his way throng ' all thc windings of the explanation with the case ot
accompnsnca geometrician , jiner wc -. nap .-- . been closed , the comjianions were reminded that t ' * jf thcre was no banquet announced on the summons , freshment would be provided at seven o'clock , and » n ' pairing at that hour to Freemasons' Tavern the compa . found themselves so far deceived by thc anno " nc < : I ? L . that a very elegant spread was provided by Bro . Daw