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approve of what the worthy chairman had said with reference to their neglecting the work in connection with the Grand Lodge . During the last few years , while he had had the honour of attending meetings of the Grand Lodge as the representative of a Glasgow lodge , it had not been a period of lethargy in connection with its affairs . It was true that fifteen or twenty years ago there had been
considerable stagnation , and lodges were allowed to do as they liked , while the Grand Lodge was pretty much in the same condition . Now , however , circumstances had arisen which called for more activity . They had increased in numbers , and now Masonic brethren were to be found in every profession and in every class of society . This meant that their numbeis were vcry large , and their interests
also were very large and of importance . They had at the head of thc Grand Lodge of Scotland at the present time Sir Michael Shaw Stewart , and any brother who had seen him occupy the throne would acknowledge that he was not likely to descend into lethargy . He was a man of considerable force of character , and he was quite sure if the Grand Lodge ever occupied a position of eminence in
times past it was more likely to attain a higher position now that Sir Michael had again accepted office . Colonel Campbell of Bly thswood was also an office-bearer , and it was unnecessary to say a word in regard to the gallant colonel . He was a thorough practical man , who , whether in Masonry or anything connected with the interests of the county or country , made his influence felt . In the
next few years he was sure the standard of Freemasonry would be raised more in accordance with their theories , as their practice in the past had not been quite equal to their precepts . He had every reason to believe that in time to come they would have a great deal more of the true practice of Masonry than in times past . Bro . William Jamieson then proposed " The Grand Lodges of America , with
No . 4 , Philadelphia . " The toast was coupled with the name of Bro . W . F . Shaw , who in company with Bro . Robert Bell , had paid a visit to Philadelphia at the recent Centennial Exhibition , and been warmly received by the brethren there . " The Army , Navy , and Reserve Forces" were next given by the Croupier , and ably replied to by Bro . Robert Donaldson . The toast of the evening then
followed , "Our Mother Lodge . " Amongst the other toasts given in the course of the evening were " The Province of Glasgow , " . " Lodge St . John , No . 3 i , " replied to by Bro . D . M . Nelson , W . M . j " The Visiting Brethren , " replied to by Bro . McGregor , W . M . St . John ' s , Bushby , No . 458 j " Bro . Robson , of the U . S . Consulate at Leith , " and others .
GLASGOW . —Kilwinning Lodge ( No . 4 ) . — Thc monthly meeting of this lodge was held in their lodge-room , 162 , Kent Road , on Tuesday , the 5 th inst ., for the purpose of electing office-bearers for the ensuing year . The lodge was opened by the VV . M ., when the following brethren were elected , viz .: —Bros . A . B . Thorburn , W . M . ; Robert B . Prout , P . M . ; John D . Dickson ,
D . M . ; George Holms , S . M . ; John B . Orr , S . W . ; James H . McNaughtcn , J . W . ; James M . McKcand , Treas , ; John McNair , Sec . ; John Barr , S . D . ; Struthers , J . D . ; Alexander Rowan , Chaplain ; Thomas G . Jamieson , Architect ; John G . Allan , Jeweller ; Thomas Orr , Bible Bearer ; James Denovan , S . B . ; John Graham , S . S . ; Wm . S . Henderson , P . G . S . ; Andrew
Riddell , Tyler . Bros . Thomas M . Campbell , John Curne , and Smith were appointed Auditors , the lodge being afterwards raised to the M . M . Degree , Bro . John Murray r eceived that Sublime Degree , Bro . Thomas M . Campbell , I . P . M . 408 , & -c , officiating . The sum of two pounds sterling was voted to a poor brother . The lodge was afterwards closed in due and ancient form .
GREENOCK . —Lodge Greenock Kilwinning ( No . 12 . ) The annual general meeting of the Lodge Greenock Kilwinning was held in the Council Chambers on Thursday , the 30 th ult ., Bro . J . P . Fyfe , R . W . M ., in the chair , when the following office-bearers were duly elected for the ensuing year : — . John P . Fyfe , R . W . M . ; D . Cunningham , D . M . ; James Newton , P . M . ;
E . Blackmore , O . M . ; J . R . Allison , S . M . ; Alexander Smith , S . W . ; Robert Allan , J . W . ; Wm . Allison , Sec ; Robert Wood , Treas . ; Rev . M . Durward , Chaplain ; Capt . George H . B . Reid , Architect -, H . R . Neill , S . D . -, Alex . Neilson , J . D . ; Thos . Smith , ist S . S . ; Jas . P . Harris , 2 d S . S . ; John Brighton , ist J . S . ; C . S . Hall , 21 I J . S . ; Charles Murray , J . A . ; Nathaniel Tucker , Tyler . The
annual statement submitted by the Treasurer showed the lodge to be in a prosperous condition . STIRLING . —Lodge Ancient ( No . 30 ) . —On Tuesday , the 5 th inst . , the nomination meeting was held in the lodge-room , Broad-street . There was a good attendance of brethren . S . M . John Finlayson , in the absence of the W . M ., Bro . Provost Christie , was in the
chair . The following nominations for election before the ensuing festival of St . John were made : —Bros . George Christie , W . M . ; W . H . Fitzpatrick , D . M . ; John Finlayson , S . M . ; J . W . Laurie , S . W . ; John Paton , J . W . ; W . Stevens , Jas . Finlayson ; Jas . M'Intyre , Treas . ; John Paton , John Livingstone ; D . Cowan , Sec . ; W . Smith , Chap . ; A . Watmough , S . D . ; J . Livingstone , J . D . ; James
Baird , Dean of Guild , Bard ; It . Littlejohn , Jeweller ; W . Archibald ; John King , A . M'Culloch , Stewards ; L . B . Wood , Architect ; W . Brown ; J . Stevenson , Dir . of Cers . ; J . M'Phail , Std . Br . j James Earl , Tyler . The brethren resolved to celebrate the winter festival of St . John by a supper and ball , the arrangements being left with the lodge committee .
INVERARY . —Lodge St . John ' s ( No . 50 ) . —At the annual meeting of this lodge , on Thursday , the following office-bearers were elected : —Q . M . Wright , R . W . M . ; John Rose , D . M . Nicol Lemon , S . M . ; Davitl Stewart , S . W . ; Angus Guthrie , J . W . ; Alex . Robertson , Secretary and Treasurer ; Donald Henderson , S . S . ; James Maitland , J . S . ; Alex . Guthrie , P . M . ; Wm . Rhind , Bard . The brethren resolved to make arrangements for the cele-
bration of St . John ' s festival by a procession , & c . During the past year upwards of twenty new members were initiated under Bro . Wright at W . M . GLASGOW . —Lodge St . Mark ( No . 102 ) . —The installation of office-bearers of this lodge for thc ensuing year took place within their own hall at No . 213 , Buchanan-street , on Monday , 27 th ult , P . M . Bro . Thomas
Halkett presiding . The following is a list of brethren installed into office , with ample form and ceremony , by Bro . Halkett , viz ., Bros . James Thomson , W . M . ; R . Jamieson , S . M . ; A . Neil , S . W . ; G . Littlejohn , J . W . ; A . C Paterson , Treas . ; Neil Campbell , S . D . ; Neil Brown , J . D . ; M'Killop , Architect ; Neil N . Currie , Senior Steward ; David Dixon , Junior Steward ; A . M'Kenzie Cameron ,
Sword Bearer ; Charles Stewar ' :, I . G . ; and John Burton Hardie , Tyler . The W . M ., Bro . Thomson , then appointed Bro . Alexander Gillan as his Depute Master , and the latter was thereupon installed into office as such , and Bro . Thomas Halkett as Bible Bearer by Bro . J . B . M'Nair , I . P . M . Lodge Union , No . 332 . The ceremony of installation having been concluded , Bro . Halkett , in a few
words , congratulated the new W . M . upon the position in which he was now placed , and said he had no doubt that prosperity would attend upon him during his reign of office . In reply , Bro . Thomson thanked Bro . Halkett for his kind services in performing the duties of thc evening connected with the business of installation , and promised that , with the support of his office-bearers , which he trusted
he should have , he would do the best in his power for the good of No . 102 . The lodge was then adjourned from labour to refreshment , when an agreeable evening was spent , under the auspices of the J . W ., before breaking up . COUPAR-ANGUS . —St . John's Operative Lodge ( No . 105 ) . —The brethren of this lodge met on Monday , the 27 th ult ., for initiation and for the election
of officers for the ensuing year . The following brethren were elected . —Robert Ritchie , R . W . M . ; Charles E . Anderson , R . W . S . M . ; John Doig , R . W . D . M . ; James Siddens , S . W . ; John Anderson , J . W . ; William Hunter , Sec . and Treas . ; Peter Gentle , S . D . ; Robert Mills , J . D . ; James Winter , Inner Guard ; John Duncan , Tyler . A small committee was appointed to make arrangements for
the due cclberation of the approaching festival of St . John . GREENOCK . —Lodge Greenock St . John ( No . 175 ) . —The annual general meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , 27 th ult . Bro . A . M'Marttr , W . M ., presiding , when the following were elected office-bearers for the ensuing year : —Bros . J . M . Pollock , W . M . ; Robert
Une , D . M . ; Alex . M'Master , P . M . ; Donald Anderson , O . M ; Duncan M'Intyre , S . W . ; Archd . Cameron , J . W . j William Wright , jun .. Sec ; James Rodger , Treas . ; Rev . John B . Robertson , Chap . ; John Robb Fleming , S . D . ; Davitl Anderson , J . D .: Norman Buchanan , ist S . S . ; John Bell M'Millan , 2 nd S . S . ; Charles John Sergeant , 2 nd J . S . ; Stevenson Stewart , I . G . ; Alexander Cruden ,
Tyler , votes of thanks were passed to Bro . M'Master , for his long services to the lotlge , to Bro . Urie for acting as Depute Master so efficiently , and to the retiring officebearers . GLASGOW . —Lodge Star ( 219 . )—A meeting cf this lodge took place on the 27 th ult ., for thc annual election of office bearers . The lodge was opened by Bro .
Morgan , R . W . M ., supported by J . Horn , S . W ., D . Mearns , J . W . Thc Secretary reading the minutes of previous meetings , and thc auditors the Financial Report of the lodge for the past year , when both were adopted . The lodge has now a hall of their own , well fitted up with all that is requisite , and after an expenditure of over £ 50 this year in new clothing it has still over £ zo to the
credit . This answers well for the future prospects of the lodge . Thc following were then installed as office bearers for the ensuing year , by Bro . Morgan , I . P . M ., in a most impressive manner , viz .: —J . Martin , R . W . M . ; J . Horn , S . W . ; D . Mearns , J . W . ; J . Morgan , sen ., Treasurer ; Fullarton , Secretary ; R . Watson , Chaplain ; J . Lawrence , B . B . ; D . Taylor , S . D . ; W . Robertson , J . D .
A . McNicol , S . S . ; C . Stirling J . S ; Struthers , architect ; W . Elliott , Jeweller ; D . G . JMiller , P . G . S . ; W . Jamiesan , D . of M . ; Robert Kelly , M . of C . ; J . Harper , S . B . ; J . McFarland , Org . ; J . McMillan , I . G . ; J . Pearson , Tyler . The office of depute m aster is left open for the choice of the R . W . M . After the installation and thc newly installed R . W . M . had taken the chair a hearty vote of
thanks was accorded to the retiring R . W . M ., Bro . Morgan . The newly installed Master , Bro . Marlin , then rose and thanked the brethren for thc high honour they had conferred upon him in voting him to thc chair unanimous , and assured them that he would endeavour to discharge his duties faithfully , zealously and without fear , ( applause ) trusting in the support of his office bearers . The
was then called to refreshment , and after spending a short time in harmony was closed . ROTHESAY . —St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 292 ) . — At the monthly meeting of this lodge on Monday , 27 th ult ., the VV . M . in the chair , the following office-bearers were nominated for the cu rrcnt year : —Alexander Duncan , R . W . M . ; George Innes , D . M . ; Robert M'Farlane . S . M . ;
Archibald Morrison , P . M . ; Ernest E . Barker , S . W . ; Charles Crothall , J . W . ; Rev . Canon Weldon , Hon . Chaplain ; George Grant , Chaplain ; Thomas Gilchrist , Secretary , Alexander Stewart , Treas . ; John Miller , S . D . ; John Keith , J . D . ; Donald M'Queen , S . S . ; John M'Callum , J . S . ; James Hamilton , Architect ; Andrew Holden , Jeweller ; John Hicks , B . B . ; Ronald Livingston , S . B . ; James M'Alpine , Assistant S . B . ; John Cochrane , sen .,
Marshall ; Peter M'Lean , Director of Ceremonies ; Thomas Napier , I . G . ; Daniel Ferguson , Tyler . GLASGOW . —Lodge Commercial , ( No . 3 G 0 ) . —On Wednesday , thc 29 th ult ., the 25 th anniversary of the formation of Lodge Commercial was celebrated by a festival in the Blythswood Hotel . The chair was occupied by Bro . Monro , R . W . M . ; and Bros . Oliver and Finlay discharged the duties of Croupiers , The party
afterwards adjourned to their hall in Hope street , where the lodge was opened in the E . A . Degree . Bro . Monro presided , and was supported on the dais by Bros . Barrow D . G . P . M . ; Dr . Morton , P . M . ; Davidson , P . M . ; Julius Brode , P . M . ; M'Kenzie , P . M . ; Colquhoun , D . M . ; A M'Master , W . M ., Greenock . The Senior Warden ' s ' chair was filled by Bro . Finlay , and the Junior ' s by Bro . Bickerton , ( Frccrason ) . Among others present not
members of the lodge were—Bros . George Heron ( 86 ) ; G . W . Wheeler , Chaplain 73 ; Jn . Peters , P . G . J . W ., Renfrewshire East ; P . Brownlie , J . W . ( 3 J ) , & c . The W . M stated that letters of apology for absence had been received from Bros . Murray Lyon , Ayr ; Jn . Baird , S . P . G . M . ; and H . Inglis , of Torsonce , D . G . M . The lodge was then called from labour to refreshment , the usual toasts being given .
GRANGEMOUTH . —Lodge Zetland ( No . 391 ) . —The annual meeting for the nomination of officebearers of this lodge was held in their lodge-room , Grange-street , Grangemouth , on the 5 th inst ., when the following gentlemen were nominated : Bros . James Kennedy , W . M . ; James Baxter , P . M . ; Andrew Taylor , S . D . ; Emil Christensen , D . M . ; Wm . Peddie , S . W . ; E
Vc-igt , J-W . ; James Walls , Sec ; George Young , Treas . ; Thomas Osborne , S . D . ; Jno . Houston , J . D . ; Theodore Dunkel , S . S . ; George Palmer , J . S . ; Peter Buchan , Bible Bearer ; Rev . J . Falconer , Hon . Chap . ; John Gibson , Bard ; John Lawson , Architect ; Iver J . Klooborg , Foreign Correspondent ; Sven Sellstrom , I . G . ; and George Wilson , Tyler .
GLASGOW . —Lodge Clyde ( No . . 408 ) . —The annual election and installation of office-bearers in connection with this lotlge , took place in St . Mark ' s Hall , Buchanan-street , on Friday , ist inst . The R . W . Master , Bro . William Harper , presided , supported on the dais by Bros . Thomas Gordon , P . M . ; Alexander Bain , P . G . Bible-Bearer ; William Bell , I . P . M . ; Lodee St . lohn , %
bis ; D . M'Kirdy , R . W . M ., Lodge Union , 332 ; & c . It was unanimously agreed to , on the motion of the chairman , that the Secretary be instructed to insert in the minute-book a record of thc lodge's attendance at thc funeral of thc late Past Master Bro . Duncan Downie , and also that a letter of condolence on his loss be drawn up and forwarded to the widowed mother of the deceased .
Thereafter thc election of office-bearers was proceeded with , the votes for the contested elections being taken by ballot . The following is the list as thus amended for the ensuing year : —John M'Innes , R . W . M . ; William Harper , P . M . ; Thomas Gordon , D . M . ; John Clare , S . M . ; William Bilsl . ind , S . W . ; John Crosbie , J . W . ; William Anderson , Treas . ; Alexander Cross , Sec . ; Adam Collie , S . D . -, W . J . Pinkerton , J . D . ; J . W . Gilchrist ,
Chap . ; Richard Harkness , Bible-Beaicr ; John A . Dodds , Architect ; M'Carry , Jeweller ; Gray , S . Steward ; John Cameron , J . Steward ; James Blackstock , I . G . ; David Ramsay , Tyler . The following were appointed as auditors of the lodge accounts for thc past year , namely , Bros . James Morton , Andrew Wilson , and John Waddell . Thereafter the newly-elected brethren were duly installed into their respective offices by Bro . A . Bain , P . G . Bible Bearer .
CATRINE . —Lodge St . John ( No . 497 ) , held their annual meeting for the election of office-bearers in the Crown Inn Hall , on Tuesday , 5 th inst ., Bro . Charles M'Donald , W . M ., presiding . The following were elected office-bearers : —Bros . Chas . Howatson , VV . M . ; Chas . M'Donald , P . M .: John Hood . D . M .: lames
M'Clvmo : it , S . M . ; Thomas Garry , S . W . ; Archibald Mearns , J . W . ; Andrew Cowan , Treas . ; John M'Donald , Sec ; Thomas Moore , S . D . ; Robert Hyslop , J . D . ; Wm . Hair , Chap . ; Robert Brown , B . B . ; Samuel Alexander , S . B . ; William M'LeoJ , S . S . ; David Hamilton , J . S . ; Charles Arkieson , I . G . ; and John Hind , Tyler .
MASONIC BALI , ELGIN . —The Trinity Lodge of Freemasons held a grand ball in the Assembly Rooms , in honour of St . Andrew's Day . The gathering in every respect was one of the most successful ever held in Elg in , The assemblage was an influential one , numbering about 200 , and the capacious ball-room , brilliantly lighted up , presented a scene of magnificent ball-room splendour ,
formed by the tastefully executed decorations , thc glittering of the Masonic insignia of the brethren of the mystic Order , and the varied hues of the ladies' dresses . Dancing began about 9 o'clock in the evening , and was kept up in the best of style till about midnight . Thc music , which was of a very high-class character , was supplied by an excellent band under the leadership of the popular con
ductor , Mr . Frank Sutherland , torres . Mr . Edgar , of the Gordon Arms Hotel , in a manner that did him substantial credit , purveyed the midnight supper , and Mr . Kemp provided the wines . Supper over , apropos toasts were given , after which dancing was resumed , and the flying feet did not desist from pursuing the glowing hours till about four or five o ' clock on Friday morning .
PURE BRANDY . —The Pall Mall Gazette lately stated that little or no adulteration in brandy is practised at Cognac . This is satisfactory , but what the brandy distillers leave undone there , is supplied to an alarming extent here . Messrs . Pellisson and Co , of Cognac , and 18 , Billiter-street , E . C ., who were specially mentioned in the Puff Mall , bring under notice their brandy of which , the eminent analvst-i . Dr . Bartlett nnd Mr . E . R . Southby
speak highly , as a pure grape spirit , unsweetened , uncoloured , rich in fragrant ethers , containing a large amount of tannin and invaluable for its medical qualities . It is an advantage at this festive time to know where to obtain a spirit which connoiseurs will appreciate and do credit to one ' s cellar . Messrs . Pellison and Co . have numerous agents ;| for this brandy , which is shipped in only two qualities , seven and ten years old .
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approve of what the worthy chairman had said with reference to their neglecting the work in connection with the Grand Lodge . During the last few years , while he had had the honour of attending meetings of the Grand Lodge as the representative of a Glasgow lodge , it had not been a period of lethargy in connection with its affairs . It was true that fifteen or twenty years ago there had been
considerable stagnation , and lodges were allowed to do as they liked , while the Grand Lodge was pretty much in the same condition . Now , however , circumstances had arisen which called for more activity . They had increased in numbers , and now Masonic brethren were to be found in every profession and in every class of society . This meant that their numbeis were vcry large , and their interests
also were very large and of importance . They had at the head of thc Grand Lodge of Scotland at the present time Sir Michael Shaw Stewart , and any brother who had seen him occupy the throne would acknowledge that he was not likely to descend into lethargy . He was a man of considerable force of character , and he was quite sure if the Grand Lodge ever occupied a position of eminence in
times past it was more likely to attain a higher position now that Sir Michael had again accepted office . Colonel Campbell of Bly thswood was also an office-bearer , and it was unnecessary to say a word in regard to the gallant colonel . He was a thorough practical man , who , whether in Masonry or anything connected with the interests of the county or country , made his influence felt . In the
next few years he was sure the standard of Freemasonry would be raised more in accordance with their theories , as their practice in the past had not been quite equal to their precepts . He had every reason to believe that in time to come they would have a great deal more of the true practice of Masonry than in times past . Bro . William Jamieson then proposed " The Grand Lodges of America , with
No . 4 , Philadelphia . " The toast was coupled with the name of Bro . W . F . Shaw , who in company with Bro . Robert Bell , had paid a visit to Philadelphia at the recent Centennial Exhibition , and been warmly received by the brethren there . " The Army , Navy , and Reserve Forces" were next given by the Croupier , and ably replied to by Bro . Robert Donaldson . The toast of the evening then
followed , "Our Mother Lodge . " Amongst the other toasts given in the course of the evening were " The Province of Glasgow , " . " Lodge St . John , No . 3 i , " replied to by Bro . D . M . Nelson , W . M . j " The Visiting Brethren , " replied to by Bro . McGregor , W . M . St . John ' s , Bushby , No . 458 j " Bro . Robson , of the U . S . Consulate at Leith , " and others .
GLASGOW . —Kilwinning Lodge ( No . 4 ) . — Thc monthly meeting of this lodge was held in their lodge-room , 162 , Kent Road , on Tuesday , the 5 th inst ., for the purpose of electing office-bearers for the ensuing year . The lodge was opened by the VV . M ., when the following brethren were elected , viz .: —Bros . A . B . Thorburn , W . M . ; Robert B . Prout , P . M . ; John D . Dickson ,
D . M . ; George Holms , S . M . ; John B . Orr , S . W . ; James H . McNaughtcn , J . W . ; James M . McKcand , Treas , ; John McNair , Sec . ; John Barr , S . D . ; Struthers , J . D . ; Alexander Rowan , Chaplain ; Thomas G . Jamieson , Architect ; John G . Allan , Jeweller ; Thomas Orr , Bible Bearer ; James Denovan , S . B . ; John Graham , S . S . ; Wm . S . Henderson , P . G . S . ; Andrew
Riddell , Tyler . Bros . Thomas M . Campbell , John Curne , and Smith were appointed Auditors , the lodge being afterwards raised to the M . M . Degree , Bro . John Murray r eceived that Sublime Degree , Bro . Thomas M . Campbell , I . P . M . 408 , & -c , officiating . The sum of two pounds sterling was voted to a poor brother . The lodge was afterwards closed in due and ancient form .
GREENOCK . —Lodge Greenock Kilwinning ( No . 12 . ) The annual general meeting of the Lodge Greenock Kilwinning was held in the Council Chambers on Thursday , the 30 th ult ., Bro . J . P . Fyfe , R . W . M ., in the chair , when the following office-bearers were duly elected for the ensuing year : — . John P . Fyfe , R . W . M . ; D . Cunningham , D . M . ; James Newton , P . M . ;
E . Blackmore , O . M . ; J . R . Allison , S . M . ; Alexander Smith , S . W . ; Robert Allan , J . W . ; Wm . Allison , Sec ; Robert Wood , Treas . ; Rev . M . Durward , Chaplain ; Capt . George H . B . Reid , Architect -, H . R . Neill , S . D . -, Alex . Neilson , J . D . ; Thos . Smith , ist S . S . ; Jas . P . Harris , 2 d S . S . ; John Brighton , ist J . S . ; C . S . Hall , 21 I J . S . ; Charles Murray , J . A . ; Nathaniel Tucker , Tyler . The
annual statement submitted by the Treasurer showed the lodge to be in a prosperous condition . STIRLING . —Lodge Ancient ( No . 30 ) . —On Tuesday , the 5 th inst . , the nomination meeting was held in the lodge-room , Broad-street . There was a good attendance of brethren . S . M . John Finlayson , in the absence of the W . M ., Bro . Provost Christie , was in the
chair . The following nominations for election before the ensuing festival of St . John were made : —Bros . George Christie , W . M . ; W . H . Fitzpatrick , D . M . ; John Finlayson , S . M . ; J . W . Laurie , S . W . ; John Paton , J . W . ; W . Stevens , Jas . Finlayson ; Jas . M'Intyre , Treas . ; John Paton , John Livingstone ; D . Cowan , Sec . ; W . Smith , Chap . ; A . Watmough , S . D . ; J . Livingstone , J . D . ; James
Baird , Dean of Guild , Bard ; It . Littlejohn , Jeweller ; W . Archibald ; John King , A . M'Culloch , Stewards ; L . B . Wood , Architect ; W . Brown ; J . Stevenson , Dir . of Cers . ; J . M'Phail , Std . Br . j James Earl , Tyler . The brethren resolved to celebrate the winter festival of St . John by a supper and ball , the arrangements being left with the lodge committee .
INVERARY . —Lodge St . John ' s ( No . 50 ) . —At the annual meeting of this lodge , on Thursday , the following office-bearers were elected : —Q . M . Wright , R . W . M . ; John Rose , D . M . Nicol Lemon , S . M . ; Davitl Stewart , S . W . ; Angus Guthrie , J . W . ; Alex . Robertson , Secretary and Treasurer ; Donald Henderson , S . S . ; James Maitland , J . S . ; Alex . Guthrie , P . M . ; Wm . Rhind , Bard . The brethren resolved to make arrangements for the cele-
bration of St . John ' s festival by a procession , & c . During the past year upwards of twenty new members were initiated under Bro . Wright at W . M . GLASGOW . —Lodge St . Mark ( No . 102 ) . —The installation of office-bearers of this lodge for thc ensuing year took place within their own hall at No . 213 , Buchanan-street , on Monday , 27 th ult , P . M . Bro . Thomas
Halkett presiding . The following is a list of brethren installed into office , with ample form and ceremony , by Bro . Halkett , viz ., Bros . James Thomson , W . M . ; R . Jamieson , S . M . ; A . Neil , S . W . ; G . Littlejohn , J . W . ; A . C Paterson , Treas . ; Neil Campbell , S . D . ; Neil Brown , J . D . ; M'Killop , Architect ; Neil N . Currie , Senior Steward ; David Dixon , Junior Steward ; A . M'Kenzie Cameron ,
Sword Bearer ; Charles Stewar ' :, I . G . ; and John Burton Hardie , Tyler . The W . M ., Bro . Thomson , then appointed Bro . Alexander Gillan as his Depute Master , and the latter was thereupon installed into office as such , and Bro . Thomas Halkett as Bible Bearer by Bro . J . B . M'Nair , I . P . M . Lodge Union , No . 332 . The ceremony of installation having been concluded , Bro . Halkett , in a few
words , congratulated the new W . M . upon the position in which he was now placed , and said he had no doubt that prosperity would attend upon him during his reign of office . In reply , Bro . Thomson thanked Bro . Halkett for his kind services in performing the duties of thc evening connected with the business of installation , and promised that , with the support of his office-bearers , which he trusted
he should have , he would do the best in his power for the good of No . 102 . The lodge was then adjourned from labour to refreshment , when an agreeable evening was spent , under the auspices of the J . W ., before breaking up . COUPAR-ANGUS . —St . John's Operative Lodge ( No . 105 ) . —The brethren of this lodge met on Monday , the 27 th ult ., for initiation and for the election
of officers for the ensuing year . The following brethren were elected . —Robert Ritchie , R . W . M . ; Charles E . Anderson , R . W . S . M . ; John Doig , R . W . D . M . ; James Siddens , S . W . ; John Anderson , J . W . ; William Hunter , Sec . and Treas . ; Peter Gentle , S . D . ; Robert Mills , J . D . ; James Winter , Inner Guard ; John Duncan , Tyler . A small committee was appointed to make arrangements for
the due cclberation of the approaching festival of St . John . GREENOCK . —Lodge Greenock St . John ( No . 175 ) . —The annual general meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , 27 th ult . Bro . A . M'Marttr , W . M ., presiding , when the following were elected office-bearers for the ensuing year : —Bros . J . M . Pollock , W . M . ; Robert
Une , D . M . ; Alex . M'Master , P . M . ; Donald Anderson , O . M ; Duncan M'Intyre , S . W . ; Archd . Cameron , J . W . j William Wright , jun .. Sec ; James Rodger , Treas . ; Rev . John B . Robertson , Chap . ; John Robb Fleming , S . D . ; Davitl Anderson , J . D .: Norman Buchanan , ist S . S . ; John Bell M'Millan , 2 nd S . S . ; Charles John Sergeant , 2 nd J . S . ; Stevenson Stewart , I . G . ; Alexander Cruden ,
Tyler , votes of thanks were passed to Bro . M'Master , for his long services to the lotlge , to Bro . Urie for acting as Depute Master so efficiently , and to the retiring officebearers . GLASGOW . —Lodge Star ( 219 . )—A meeting cf this lodge took place on the 27 th ult ., for thc annual election of office bearers . The lodge was opened by Bro .
Morgan , R . W . M ., supported by J . Horn , S . W ., D . Mearns , J . W . Thc Secretary reading the minutes of previous meetings , and thc auditors the Financial Report of the lodge for the past year , when both were adopted . The lodge has now a hall of their own , well fitted up with all that is requisite , and after an expenditure of over £ 50 this year in new clothing it has still over £ zo to the
credit . This answers well for the future prospects of the lodge . Thc following were then installed as office bearers for the ensuing year , by Bro . Morgan , I . P . M ., in a most impressive manner , viz .: —J . Martin , R . W . M . ; J . Horn , S . W . ; D . Mearns , J . W . ; J . Morgan , sen ., Treasurer ; Fullarton , Secretary ; R . Watson , Chaplain ; J . Lawrence , B . B . ; D . Taylor , S . D . ; W . Robertson , J . D .
A . McNicol , S . S . ; C . Stirling J . S ; Struthers , architect ; W . Elliott , Jeweller ; D . G . JMiller , P . G . S . ; W . Jamiesan , D . of M . ; Robert Kelly , M . of C . ; J . Harper , S . B . ; J . McFarland , Org . ; J . McMillan , I . G . ; J . Pearson , Tyler . The office of depute m aster is left open for the choice of the R . W . M . After the installation and thc newly installed R . W . M . had taken the chair a hearty vote of
thanks was accorded to the retiring R . W . M ., Bro . Morgan . The newly installed Master , Bro . Marlin , then rose and thanked the brethren for thc high honour they had conferred upon him in voting him to thc chair unanimous , and assured them that he would endeavour to discharge his duties faithfully , zealously and without fear , ( applause ) trusting in the support of his office bearers . The
was then called to refreshment , and after spending a short time in harmony was closed . ROTHESAY . —St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 292 ) . — At the monthly meeting of this lodge on Monday , 27 th ult ., the VV . M . in the chair , the following office-bearers were nominated for the cu rrcnt year : —Alexander Duncan , R . W . M . ; George Innes , D . M . ; Robert M'Farlane . S . M . ;
Archibald Morrison , P . M . ; Ernest E . Barker , S . W . ; Charles Crothall , J . W . ; Rev . Canon Weldon , Hon . Chaplain ; George Grant , Chaplain ; Thomas Gilchrist , Secretary , Alexander Stewart , Treas . ; John Miller , S . D . ; John Keith , J . D . ; Donald M'Queen , S . S . ; John M'Callum , J . S . ; James Hamilton , Architect ; Andrew Holden , Jeweller ; John Hicks , B . B . ; Ronald Livingston , S . B . ; James M'Alpine , Assistant S . B . ; John Cochrane , sen .,
Marshall ; Peter M'Lean , Director of Ceremonies ; Thomas Napier , I . G . ; Daniel Ferguson , Tyler . GLASGOW . —Lodge Commercial , ( No . 3 G 0 ) . —On Wednesday , thc 29 th ult ., the 25 th anniversary of the formation of Lodge Commercial was celebrated by a festival in the Blythswood Hotel . The chair was occupied by Bro . Monro , R . W . M . ; and Bros . Oliver and Finlay discharged the duties of Croupiers , The party
afterwards adjourned to their hall in Hope street , where the lodge was opened in the E . A . Degree . Bro . Monro presided , and was supported on the dais by Bros . Barrow D . G . P . M . ; Dr . Morton , P . M . ; Davidson , P . M . ; Julius Brode , P . M . ; M'Kenzie , P . M . ; Colquhoun , D . M . ; A M'Master , W . M ., Greenock . The Senior Warden ' s ' chair was filled by Bro . Finlay , and the Junior ' s by Bro . Bickerton , ( Frccrason ) . Among others present not
members of the lodge were—Bros . George Heron ( 86 ) ; G . W . Wheeler , Chaplain 73 ; Jn . Peters , P . G . J . W ., Renfrewshire East ; P . Brownlie , J . W . ( 3 J ) , & c . The W . M stated that letters of apology for absence had been received from Bros . Murray Lyon , Ayr ; Jn . Baird , S . P . G . M . ; and H . Inglis , of Torsonce , D . G . M . The lodge was then called from labour to refreshment , the usual toasts being given .
GRANGEMOUTH . —Lodge Zetland ( No . 391 ) . —The annual meeting for the nomination of officebearers of this lodge was held in their lodge-room , Grange-street , Grangemouth , on the 5 th inst ., when the following gentlemen were nominated : Bros . James Kennedy , W . M . ; James Baxter , P . M . ; Andrew Taylor , S . D . ; Emil Christensen , D . M . ; Wm . Peddie , S . W . ; E
Vc-igt , J-W . ; James Walls , Sec ; George Young , Treas . ; Thomas Osborne , S . D . ; Jno . Houston , J . D . ; Theodore Dunkel , S . S . ; George Palmer , J . S . ; Peter Buchan , Bible Bearer ; Rev . J . Falconer , Hon . Chap . ; John Gibson , Bard ; John Lawson , Architect ; Iver J . Klooborg , Foreign Correspondent ; Sven Sellstrom , I . G . ; and George Wilson , Tyler .
GLASGOW . —Lodge Clyde ( No . . 408 ) . —The annual election and installation of office-bearers in connection with this lotlge , took place in St . Mark ' s Hall , Buchanan-street , on Friday , ist inst . The R . W . Master , Bro . William Harper , presided , supported on the dais by Bros . Thomas Gordon , P . M . ; Alexander Bain , P . G . Bible-Bearer ; William Bell , I . P . M . ; Lodee St . lohn , %
bis ; D . M'Kirdy , R . W . M ., Lodge Union , 332 ; & c . It was unanimously agreed to , on the motion of the chairman , that the Secretary be instructed to insert in the minute-book a record of thc lodge's attendance at thc funeral of thc late Past Master Bro . Duncan Downie , and also that a letter of condolence on his loss be drawn up and forwarded to the widowed mother of the deceased .
Thereafter thc election of office-bearers was proceeded with , the votes for the contested elections being taken by ballot . The following is the list as thus amended for the ensuing year : —John M'Innes , R . W . M . ; William Harper , P . M . ; Thomas Gordon , D . M . ; John Clare , S . M . ; William Bilsl . ind , S . W . ; John Crosbie , J . W . ; William Anderson , Treas . ; Alexander Cross , Sec . ; Adam Collie , S . D . -, W . J . Pinkerton , J . D . ; J . W . Gilchrist ,
Chap . ; Richard Harkness , Bible-Beaicr ; John A . Dodds , Architect ; M'Carry , Jeweller ; Gray , S . Steward ; John Cameron , J . Steward ; James Blackstock , I . G . ; David Ramsay , Tyler . The following were appointed as auditors of the lodge accounts for thc past year , namely , Bros . James Morton , Andrew Wilson , and John Waddell . Thereafter the newly-elected brethren were duly installed into their respective offices by Bro . A . Bain , P . G . Bible Bearer .
CATRINE . —Lodge St . John ( No . 497 ) , held their annual meeting for the election of office-bearers in the Crown Inn Hall , on Tuesday , 5 th inst ., Bro . Charles M'Donald , W . M ., presiding . The following were elected office-bearers : —Bros . Chas . Howatson , VV . M . ; Chas . M'Donald , P . M .: John Hood . D . M .: lames
M'Clvmo : it , S . M . ; Thomas Garry , S . W . ; Archibald Mearns , J . W . ; Andrew Cowan , Treas . ; John M'Donald , Sec ; Thomas Moore , S . D . ; Robert Hyslop , J . D . ; Wm . Hair , Chap . ; Robert Brown , B . B . ; Samuel Alexander , S . B . ; William M'LeoJ , S . S . ; David Hamilton , J . S . ; Charles Arkieson , I . G . ; and John Hind , Tyler .
MASONIC BALI , ELGIN . —The Trinity Lodge of Freemasons held a grand ball in the Assembly Rooms , in honour of St . Andrew's Day . The gathering in every respect was one of the most successful ever held in Elg in , The assemblage was an influential one , numbering about 200 , and the capacious ball-room , brilliantly lighted up , presented a scene of magnificent ball-room splendour ,
formed by the tastefully executed decorations , thc glittering of the Masonic insignia of the brethren of the mystic Order , and the varied hues of the ladies' dresses . Dancing began about 9 o'clock in the evening , and was kept up in the best of style till about midnight . Thc music , which was of a very high-class character , was supplied by an excellent band under the leadership of the popular con
ductor , Mr . Frank Sutherland , torres . Mr . Edgar , of the Gordon Arms Hotel , in a manner that did him substantial credit , purveyed the midnight supper , and Mr . Kemp provided the wines . Supper over , apropos toasts were given , after which dancing was resumed , and the flying feet did not desist from pursuing the glowing hours till about four or five o ' clock on Friday morning .
PURE BRANDY . —The Pall Mall Gazette lately stated that little or no adulteration in brandy is practised at Cognac . This is satisfactory , but what the brandy distillers leave undone there , is supplied to an alarming extent here . Messrs . Pellisson and Co , of Cognac , and 18 , Billiter-street , E . C ., who were specially mentioned in the Puff Mall , bring under notice their brandy of which , the eminent analvst-i . Dr . Bartlett nnd Mr . E . R . Southby
speak highly , as a pure grape spirit , unsweetened , uncoloured , rich in fragrant ethers , containing a large amount of tannin and invaluable for its medical qualities . It is an advantage at this festive time to know where to obtain a spirit which connoiseurs will appreciate and do credit to one ' s cellar . Messrs . Pellison and Co . have numerous agents ;| for this brandy , which is shipped in only two qualities , seven and ten years old .