Article CONTENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 3 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 3 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 3 →
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RePdRTS or MASONIC MEETINGS : - f _ . Craft Masonry ¦ ;;; 6 J Roval Arch 6 j Annual FcsUvaPofVhe ' RojaVM ^ Institution 6 *
KTamc Benevolent Institution ™ ? ta History of French Freemasonry g * i „ , . Caubet and Grimaux 7 A Needed Reform __ " ' C ° , ?^ "son ? v Materialism ? W
The Exclusion ' of the Hebrews ° jj SK * ^« ° ^^ ° ' ^ E : EEEEA % g ^ MaVonic BencvoienV 6 9 W ™ £ {? " . _ r .: zr ; : z ^ "i : « : Hi . "iv : v . ' ° Advertisements <
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
€ M UtoMi'ij . LODGE OF FAITH ( No . 141 ) . —The last meeting of this lodge was held on the 30 th ult ., at Anderton ' s w ti » l Fleet-street . Amongst those present were Bros . M Davis , W . M . ; E . Mallett , S . W . j Dairey , J . W . ; Rumball , S . D . ; Bye , J . D . ; Morrison , A . W . S . ; T . C . Walls , A . D . C , acting I . G . ; Waygood , I . P . M . ; Carter , p M Treas . ; Stuart , P . M ., Sec . ; and Past Masters
Peevor , Pope , Hopwood , Taylor , Green , and Themans . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the W . M . raised Bros . Stokes and Travers to the degree of M . M ., and Initiated Messrs . W . Allen and Marchant into Craft mysteries , the ceremonies being very well carried out . Several minor matters having been disposed of , the lodge was closed , and the brethren and
visitors , to the number of sixty-nine , adjourned tn the banquet . Amongst the visiting brethren present we noticed Bros . Barnes , P . M . 13 and 15 ; Gallant , W . M . 813 ; Lawrence , J . W . 917 ; Pearson , J . D . 156 7 ; Van Ra ' alte , I . G . 917 ; Whelon , 1303 ; Gompertz , jun ., Gresham ; Goodridge , 597 , St . John ' s , Newfoundland . The Royal and Craft toasts having been duly honoured ,
" The Health of the W . M . " was proposed by Bro . P . M . Taylor , who stated that it was a very pleasing duty to him to have to propose on that occasion the health of the W . M . The manner in which Bro . Davis had discharged his duties since he had been elected to that high position must be exceedingly gratifying to all members of the lodge ; and in conclusion the speaker wished him . every
prosperity and happiness during the continuance of his year of office . This toast having been most warmly receive d , the W . M . briefly replied . In the course of his remarks he said that it was an old saying that " he who tries must succeed ; " but he thought that although he had tiled his hardest he had not yet succeeded to his satisfaction in the well ruling and governing of the lodge ; but he would still continue to do his best towards the
accomplishment of that end . In proposing " The Health of the Initiates , " the W . M . exhorted them to study Masonry and its principles as they should be studied , and in time they alight hope to occupy very high positions in the Craft . This toast having been duly honoured , Bros . Allen and Marchant replied by stating , amongst other things , that Ihey were highly gratified at having been admitted
members of the Craft that evening , and they hoped that thc brethren of thc Faith Lodge would never regret having given them that opportunity . In giving " The Visitors , " lhc W . M . said that the Lodge of Faith was always proud at being able to extend the rites of Masonic hospitality to visiting brethren . This toast was acknowledged by Bros . Barnes , Whelon , Goodridge , and others ; the speech of
the first named—a Mason of upwards of forty years ' standing—being exceedingly apropos . "The Health of tlie Past Masters" followed , in introducing which the VV . M . remarked that their Masonic abilities and social qualities were so well and deservedly known to the brethren present , that he would not dilate upon their merits , but would state in conclusion , that without the hearty
assistance and co-operation of the Past Masters of No . 141 , no W . M . could carry out his duties satisfactorily . This toast was duly acknowledged . "The Health of the Treasurer and Secretary and thc Officers " came next , and drew from thc W . M . some very high encomiums upon the relative merits of those brethren forming the efficient staff of the lodge . These toasts having been duly honoured ,
Bros . Carter , Treas . ; Stuart , Sec . ; Mallett and Dairey , Wardens ; Rumball and Bye , Deacons , severally replied upon behalf of themselves ar . d absent colleagues . During the proceedings Bros . Leftly , Dunithorne , Walls , Themans , Robinson , and others entertained the brethren , who separated shortly after the Tyler ' s toast at 11 o ' clock . The next meeting of this lodge will take place on the last
I uesday in the prc-erit month . KENNINGTON LODGE ( No . 1381 . )—An excellent gathering of this lodge took place at the Surrey Wub House , on Tuesday , thc 6 th inst . Amongst those present were Bros . G . Everett , P . M . 177 , W . M . ; Dfysdale , acting I . P . M . ; Page , P . M . & c , Treasurer ; Stuart , P . M ., Secretary ; Mann , P . M . ; Koch , P . M . ; Pope , P . M . ; Higgins , S . W ., W . M . elect ; Reeves , J . W . ; Walls , S . D . ;
Kohl : r , J . D . ; Speedy , I . G . ; Ellis , junr . Org . ; Marston , W . S . ; Robinson , A . W . S . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the W . M . raised Bros . Bavin and Landau , passed Bro . A . W . Sleigh , and initiated Mr . Marchant , the three arduous ceremonies being exceedingly well performed . The ceremony of installing Bro . Higgins into the chair of K . S . was then proceeded with . The officers appointed by the W . M . to assist him in the " work " were Bros . Koch , P . M ., as S . W . ; Page ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
P . M . as J . W . ; and Mann , P . M . as D . C . Thc whole of the impressive ceremonial , including thc charges , was , most ably and eloquently performed by the retiring Master , and at its conclusion much approval was manifested by the brethren . The officers appointed for thc year are Bros . Reeves , S . W . ; Walls , I . W . ; Page , P . M ., Treas . ; Stuart , P . M ., Sec . ; Kohler , S . D . ; Speedy , J . D . ; Webb , I . G . ; Ellis
jun ., ' Org . ; Honeywell , P . M . ; Robie , Asst . Org . ; Robinson , D . C . ; Marston , W . S . ; Stokes , A . W . S . ; Longstaffe , Tyler . The sum of ten pounds having been voted to the W . M ., as Steward to the R . M . B . I ., and the sum of ten guineas to Bro . Mann , P . M ., as Steward to the R . M . I , for Boys , the lodge was closed , and the brethren and visitors adjourned to an excellent banquet , which was exceedingly
well served in the large billiard saloon of the establishment , which had been converted " pro tem" for that purpose . The decorations and " menu " were of thc most recherche description , and reflected great credit upon the caterer , Bro . F . Trotman . Amongst the numerous visitors were Bros . H . Putter , P . M . 11 ; Bond , P . M . 87 . P . Z . ; Waygood , P . M . 141 ; Paine , W . M . 1339 ; Palmer , S . W . 177 ;
Farwig . S . D . 180 ; Burford , Treasurer 173 ; Pilbean , 45 ; Everett , jun ., 177 ; Hart , 1339 ; Frith , 1426 . Upon the cloth being withdrawn , the preliminary loyal and Craft toasts were given briefly and duly honoured . The I . P . M ., in proposing " The Health of the W . M ., " stated that Bro . Higgins , although not a founder , had been connected with the Kennington Lodge since its foundation , and as a lay
member , had been most zealous and attentive at all times in assisting in its " working . " Since he had been promoted he had be _ en most punctual in attending to the requirements of the various offices he had filled , and the duties of which positions he had discharged most satisfactorily . As short speeches were to be the order of the evening , he should conclude by asking them to drink most cordially
" Thc Health of the W . M . " This toast having been received with excellent " fire , " the W . M . in reply merely stated that he felt highly honoured in occupying that position . He hoped to have a prosperous year of office , and he felt confident he should have the hearty co-operation and assistance of the I . P . M . and other Past Masters . The toast of " The Initiate" followed , and was
duly responded to . In proposing "Thc Health of the Visitors , " the W . M . alluded to the goodly number present that evening , and hoped that their visit had been in every way a most pleasant one . This toast having been duly honoured , elicited from the visiting brethren several very excellent replies , Bro . Frith's in particular being full of point . " The Health of the I . P . M . " follosved . In
proposing this toast the W . M . dwelt at length upon the excellent manner in which Bro . Everett had discharged the onerous duties of W . M . throughout a most arduous year of office . At the conclusion , of his Mastership he had left the lodge in a most prosperous condition , both financially and otherwise . The W . M ., at thc close of his remarks , then stated that he had great pleasure in presenting Bro . Everett with
a Past Master s jewel as a slight recognition of his valuable services , and as a mark of the esteem in which he , thc I . P . M ., was universally held by the members of No . 1381 . The I . P . M ., in reply , stated that as one of the founders of thc lodge he had naturally taken a great interest in its welfare , and he was pleased to see the great strides it had made in the Craft . Its prosperity was proved by
the gratifying resolutions passed that day , namely , that the sums of ten pounds and ten guineas should be respectively added to their Steward's lists at the festivals of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution and the Boys ' School . With respect to the personal allusions made by thc W . M ., he could only say that he had endeavoured to do his duty to the lodge . Although he had only just
recovered from a serious illness , the effects of which were still painful to him , yet he had felt he ought to be present that day to instal his successor , and if his efforts had given satisfaction to them he was more than satisfied . The members of the lodge in future would be in a position to elect a Master from amongst their own number , as with one or two exceptions the present staff of officers were all
initiates . In concluding his speech , which was frequently interrupted by the applause of the brethren , he thanked them for the Past Master's jewel , which he said he should ever cherish as a memorial of his connection with thc Kennington Lodge . " The Health of the Past Masters " followed , and was responded to by Bro . W . Mann , who , in the course of his remarks , made some very flattering
allusions to the Masonic ability displayed by the I . P . M ., who , notwithstanding his severe indisposition , had perpcrmed the whole ceremony of installation in an almost faultless manner . As it was then approaching midnight , the remaining toasts were very quickly given and briefly responded to . They were " The Treasurer and Secretary , " "The Masonic Charities , " and "The Officers . "
During the proceedings instrumental and vocal harmony was furnished by Bros , lillis , jun ., Walls , Bond , Fischcls , Webb , and others . The next meeting of thc lodge will be held on thc first Tuesday in the ensuing month . ERA LODGE ( No . 1423 ) . —The brethren of this lodge met on Saturday last , at the King ' s Arms , Hampton Court , for the purpose of installing their new Master . The
lodge was opened by Bro . J . Baxter Langley , who was supported by Bros . E . H . Thiellay , S . W . ; Thos J . Sabine , J . W . ; Frederick Walters , Sec . ; B . Wright , * Asst . Sec . ; E . W . Devereux , S . D . ; S . Wolff , I . D . ; J . Mason , Org . ; A . F . Loos , I . G . ; J . W . Baldwin , P . M . ; J . T . Moss , P . M . ; John Johnson , F . II . Harvey , E . W . Pearson , J . Franklin , John S . Sweasey , J . Beresford Ryley , D . Weinhausen , E . T ,
Herman , G . S . Elliott , R . Whatman , Wm Hammond , P . P . J . G . D . of Middlesex , P . M . ; and visitors Bros . John Hammond , P . M . 201 ; J . H . Baker , 238 ; J . J . Wray , S . D . 1604 ; Thos . Fenn , 1284 ; John Boyd , G . S . ; Chas . Gwillian , S . Dore , 145 ; Fred . Penna , 211 ; W . Scholes , 192 ; T . W . Ockenden , I . G . 1512 ; Frank Elmore , 12 ; J . G . Rushworth , 1309 ; and H . Massey , ( freemason ) . The W . M . fiist initiated Messrs . W . George Hurlstone and
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Emil Wolcke , after which Bro . James W . Baldwin , P . M ., installed Bro . Eugene H . Thiellay , Prov . G . S . B . Middx .,. P . M . 14 ; , as W . M . of the lodge . The other brethren in vestedas office-bearers were Bros . Dr . Baxter Langley-I . P . M . ; Thos . J . Sabine , P . P . G . S . B . Middx ., S . W . ; E . W , Devereux , J . W . ; H . A . Dubois , Pro . G . S . D . Middx ., Treas .. F . Walters , Prov . G . J . D . Middx ., Sec . ; B . Wright , Asst . ;
Sec . ; T . Wolff , S . D . ; A . F . Loos , J . D . ; John Mason , Prov . G . Std . Middx ., P . M . 1567 , Org . ; John Johnson , I . G . ; Michael Underwood , D . C . ; * John Faulkner , W . S . ; J . H . Pearson , Collecting Std . ; and J . Gilbert , Prov . G . Tyler , Tyler . Bro . Fenn was elected a joining member . Thc brethren then passed resolutions recommending for office in the province Bros . R . W . Little ( as Deputy
Provincial Grand Master ) , T . J . Sabine ( for promotion ) , J . W . Baldwin ( for promotion ) , J . Mason ( for Provincial Grand Superintendent of Works ) , and Dr . J . Baxter Langley ( for Provincial Grand Steward ) . Dr . Baxter Langley was presented with a massive P . M . ' s jewel , set with rubies , of the total value of £ 30 ; and Bro . F . Walters , on behalf of several brethren , presented him with a
P . M . 's collar and silver jewel . Bros . J . W . Baldwin and J . Faulkner , Stewards for the Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , appealed to the brethren to increase the amounts on their respective lists . The office of Steward for the Boys' School being vacant , Bro .
J . Mason was unanimously elected to fill it . Notice of motion was given by Bro . T . J . Sabine that the sum of ten guineas be taken from the lodge funds for the Girls ' School , and ten guineas for the Boys' School , in the name of the Secretary of the lodge for the time being , to which notice of motion were added the names of Bros . F .
Walters , and J . T . Moss . This concluding the business of the day , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to banquet . After dinner grace was said , and thc customary toasts were proposed and honoured . Bro . John Boyd , G . S ., in thanking the lodge for the toast of " ' The Grand Officers , " said he had spent a very enjoyable evening , had had the pleasure of witnessing the introduction of two
new brethren into the Order , and seen the W . M . installed . The ceremony of initiation had been beautifully performed by Dr . Langley , and that of installation by Bro . Baldwin He had seldom seen in a lodge the addresses better given , and it was very creditable to the lodge to have a brother in it who could do its work so well . He hoped that Bro . Baldwin would long be a member of the lodge . Bro . J .
T . Moss replied for " The Prov . G . M . and Prov . Grand Officers . " No one , he said , was more honoured or esteemed among the members of the Craft than Col . Burdett , who took special care of the lodges in the Province of Middlesex . All the brethren of this lodge were thankful to him for his recognition of their officers . There had been no lodge in the Craft more signally
honoured than this lodge . Bro . Baxter Langley proposed " The Health of the W . M . " He thought the graceful way in which Bro . Thiellay had performed all the offices he had filled in the Era Lodge had gained for him such estimation among the brethren , that there was not one heart in the lodge that regretted when he was elected to be the Master for the year . On the contrary , there was a
unanimity of sentiment on all sides that Bro . Thiellay was the right man iu the right place . He begged to propose his health , and hoped that when he had passed thc chair he would be as much loved and respected as he was that day . The W . M ., in the course of his response , said he had passed many pleasant evenings among the brethren oi the Era Lodge . They were all very united . He
believed they would continue so , and he hoped thc same amity of feeling as had hitherto prevailed would exist during his year of office . He then , before sitting down , proposed " Thc Health of thc Initiates , '' a body of men to whom the vitality of lodges was due . On this account the toast of the initiates claimed priority among thc toasts of the evening . Both tbe initiates responded . Bro . Allen ,
in replying to the toast of " The Visitors , " said that having come to live in the neighbourhood , he hoped to become a member of the lodge . Bros . Ray , Fenn , and Boyd also replied . Bro . Baxter Langley , in replying for the P . M . ' s , said he felt it a very great honour indeed to find his name at last coupled with the toast of the P . M . ' s . Some of the P . M . 's were always present with them as thc .
leaders of the humours of the table , and like Yorick , those who " set the table in a roar . " He would not attempt to delight them with that trenchant wit which fell from one of their P . M . 's as naturally as water flowed from a fountain . He could not but feel that in the way in which the toast of his health had been drunk that evening there was a sincere expression of regard to himself and the other
P . M . ' s of that lodge . He should always hope to live in the brethren ' s hearts as he did that day , and he could only envy thc other P . M . ' s of the lodge the position they held in the brethren's hearts at the present time . He would like to glance at the past year , which he thought they would admit had been a successful one , for while he began his ear with a debt due to the Treasurer of £ 16 8 s . yd ., he
left it with a less debt to the extent of £ 7 16 s . Qd . During the year they had given , in addition to thc testimonial to their esteemed Bro . Walters , £ 3 1 to the charities , and they had expended on the furniture money to thc extent of £ 7 15 s . He thought , therefore , he might say he left the lodge better than he found it . He begged to thank the brethren for the way they had received his name
that evening . He hoped , moreover , he should be present when the W . M . occupied the honoured position he himself held that evening , and that he should find him receiving the same testimony of the regard of the brethren . For his own part he need not say that he had had some
experience of public life , that he had seen something of assemblies , large and small ; but without any hesitation he might say he never had been in any assemblies where he had been more heaitily at home than in the meetings of this lodge . He should always look forward to them amidst the excitements and heat of the life in which they
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
RePdRTS or MASONIC MEETINGS : - f _ . Craft Masonry ¦ ;;; 6 J Roval Arch 6 j Annual FcsUvaPofVhe ' RojaVM ^ Institution 6 *
KTamc Benevolent Institution ™ ? ta History of French Freemasonry g * i „ , . Caubet and Grimaux 7 A Needed Reform __ " ' C ° , ?^ "son ? v Materialism ? W
The Exclusion ' of the Hebrews ° jj SK * ^« ° ^^ ° ' ^ E : EEEEA % g ^ MaVonic BencvoienV 6 9 W ™ £ {? " . _ r .: zr ; : z ^ "i : « : Hi . "iv : v . ' ° Advertisements <
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
€ M UtoMi'ij . LODGE OF FAITH ( No . 141 ) . —The last meeting of this lodge was held on the 30 th ult ., at Anderton ' s w ti » l Fleet-street . Amongst those present were Bros . M Davis , W . M . ; E . Mallett , S . W . j Dairey , J . W . ; Rumball , S . D . ; Bye , J . D . ; Morrison , A . W . S . ; T . C . Walls , A . D . C , acting I . G . ; Waygood , I . P . M . ; Carter , p M Treas . ; Stuart , P . M ., Sec . ; and Past Masters
Peevor , Pope , Hopwood , Taylor , Green , and Themans . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the W . M . raised Bros . Stokes and Travers to the degree of M . M ., and Initiated Messrs . W . Allen and Marchant into Craft mysteries , the ceremonies being very well carried out . Several minor matters having been disposed of , the lodge was closed , and the brethren and
visitors , to the number of sixty-nine , adjourned tn the banquet . Amongst the visiting brethren present we noticed Bros . Barnes , P . M . 13 and 15 ; Gallant , W . M . 813 ; Lawrence , J . W . 917 ; Pearson , J . D . 156 7 ; Van Ra ' alte , I . G . 917 ; Whelon , 1303 ; Gompertz , jun ., Gresham ; Goodridge , 597 , St . John ' s , Newfoundland . The Royal and Craft toasts having been duly honoured ,
" The Health of the W . M . " was proposed by Bro . P . M . Taylor , who stated that it was a very pleasing duty to him to have to propose on that occasion the health of the W . M . The manner in which Bro . Davis had discharged his duties since he had been elected to that high position must be exceedingly gratifying to all members of the lodge ; and in conclusion the speaker wished him . every
prosperity and happiness during the continuance of his year of office . This toast having been most warmly receive d , the W . M . briefly replied . In the course of his remarks he said that it was an old saying that " he who tries must succeed ; " but he thought that although he had tiled his hardest he had not yet succeeded to his satisfaction in the well ruling and governing of the lodge ; but he would still continue to do his best towards the
accomplishment of that end . In proposing " The Health of the Initiates , " the W . M . exhorted them to study Masonry and its principles as they should be studied , and in time they alight hope to occupy very high positions in the Craft . This toast having been duly honoured , Bros . Allen and Marchant replied by stating , amongst other things , that Ihey were highly gratified at having been admitted
members of the Craft that evening , and they hoped that thc brethren of thc Faith Lodge would never regret having given them that opportunity . In giving " The Visitors , " lhc W . M . said that the Lodge of Faith was always proud at being able to extend the rites of Masonic hospitality to visiting brethren . This toast was acknowledged by Bros . Barnes , Whelon , Goodridge , and others ; the speech of
the first named—a Mason of upwards of forty years ' standing—being exceedingly apropos . "The Health of tlie Past Masters" followed , in introducing which the VV . M . remarked that their Masonic abilities and social qualities were so well and deservedly known to the brethren present , that he would not dilate upon their merits , but would state in conclusion , that without the hearty
assistance and co-operation of the Past Masters of No . 141 , no W . M . could carry out his duties satisfactorily . This toast was duly acknowledged . "The Health of the Treasurer and Secretary and thc Officers " came next , and drew from thc W . M . some very high encomiums upon the relative merits of those brethren forming the efficient staff of the lodge . These toasts having been duly honoured ,
Bros . Carter , Treas . ; Stuart , Sec . ; Mallett and Dairey , Wardens ; Rumball and Bye , Deacons , severally replied upon behalf of themselves ar . d absent colleagues . During the proceedings Bros . Leftly , Dunithorne , Walls , Themans , Robinson , and others entertained the brethren , who separated shortly after the Tyler ' s toast at 11 o ' clock . The next meeting of this lodge will take place on the last
I uesday in the prc-erit month . KENNINGTON LODGE ( No . 1381 . )—An excellent gathering of this lodge took place at the Surrey Wub House , on Tuesday , thc 6 th inst . Amongst those present were Bros . G . Everett , P . M . 177 , W . M . ; Dfysdale , acting I . P . M . ; Page , P . M . & c , Treasurer ; Stuart , P . M ., Secretary ; Mann , P . M . ; Koch , P . M . ; Pope , P . M . ; Higgins , S . W ., W . M . elect ; Reeves , J . W . ; Walls , S . D . ;
Kohl : r , J . D . ; Speedy , I . G . ; Ellis , junr . Org . ; Marston , W . S . ; Robinson , A . W . S . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the W . M . raised Bros . Bavin and Landau , passed Bro . A . W . Sleigh , and initiated Mr . Marchant , the three arduous ceremonies being exceedingly well performed . The ceremony of installing Bro . Higgins into the chair of K . S . was then proceeded with . The officers appointed by the W . M . to assist him in the " work " were Bros . Koch , P . M ., as S . W . ; Page ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
P . M . as J . W . ; and Mann , P . M . as D . C . Thc whole of the impressive ceremonial , including thc charges , was , most ably and eloquently performed by the retiring Master , and at its conclusion much approval was manifested by the brethren . The officers appointed for thc year are Bros . Reeves , S . W . ; Walls , I . W . ; Page , P . M ., Treas . ; Stuart , P . M ., Sec . ; Kohler , S . D . ; Speedy , J . D . ; Webb , I . G . ; Ellis
jun ., ' Org . ; Honeywell , P . M . ; Robie , Asst . Org . ; Robinson , D . C . ; Marston , W . S . ; Stokes , A . W . S . ; Longstaffe , Tyler . The sum of ten pounds having been voted to the W . M ., as Steward to the R . M . B . I ., and the sum of ten guineas to Bro . Mann , P . M ., as Steward to the R . M . I , for Boys , the lodge was closed , and the brethren and visitors adjourned to an excellent banquet , which was exceedingly
well served in the large billiard saloon of the establishment , which had been converted " pro tem" for that purpose . The decorations and " menu " were of thc most recherche description , and reflected great credit upon the caterer , Bro . F . Trotman . Amongst the numerous visitors were Bros . H . Putter , P . M . 11 ; Bond , P . M . 87 . P . Z . ; Waygood , P . M . 141 ; Paine , W . M . 1339 ; Palmer , S . W . 177 ;
Farwig . S . D . 180 ; Burford , Treasurer 173 ; Pilbean , 45 ; Everett , jun ., 177 ; Hart , 1339 ; Frith , 1426 . Upon the cloth being withdrawn , the preliminary loyal and Craft toasts were given briefly and duly honoured . The I . P . M ., in proposing " The Health of the W . M ., " stated that Bro . Higgins , although not a founder , had been connected with the Kennington Lodge since its foundation , and as a lay
member , had been most zealous and attentive at all times in assisting in its " working . " Since he had been promoted he had be _ en most punctual in attending to the requirements of the various offices he had filled , and the duties of which positions he had discharged most satisfactorily . As short speeches were to be the order of the evening , he should conclude by asking them to drink most cordially
" Thc Health of the W . M . " This toast having been received with excellent " fire , " the W . M . in reply merely stated that he felt highly honoured in occupying that position . He hoped to have a prosperous year of office , and he felt confident he should have the hearty co-operation and assistance of the I . P . M . and other Past Masters . The toast of " The Initiate" followed , and was
duly responded to . In proposing "Thc Health of the Visitors , " the W . M . alluded to the goodly number present that evening , and hoped that their visit had been in every way a most pleasant one . This toast having been duly honoured , elicited from the visiting brethren several very excellent replies , Bro . Frith's in particular being full of point . " The Health of the I . P . M . " follosved . In
proposing this toast the W . M . dwelt at length upon the excellent manner in which Bro . Everett had discharged the onerous duties of W . M . throughout a most arduous year of office . At the conclusion , of his Mastership he had left the lodge in a most prosperous condition , both financially and otherwise . The W . M ., at thc close of his remarks , then stated that he had great pleasure in presenting Bro . Everett with
a Past Master s jewel as a slight recognition of his valuable services , and as a mark of the esteem in which he , thc I . P . M ., was universally held by the members of No . 1381 . The I . P . M ., in reply , stated that as one of the founders of thc lodge he had naturally taken a great interest in its welfare , and he was pleased to see the great strides it had made in the Craft . Its prosperity was proved by
the gratifying resolutions passed that day , namely , that the sums of ten pounds and ten guineas should be respectively added to their Steward's lists at the festivals of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution and the Boys ' School . With respect to the personal allusions made by thc W . M ., he could only say that he had endeavoured to do his duty to the lodge . Although he had only just
recovered from a serious illness , the effects of which were still painful to him , yet he had felt he ought to be present that day to instal his successor , and if his efforts had given satisfaction to them he was more than satisfied . The members of the lodge in future would be in a position to elect a Master from amongst their own number , as with one or two exceptions the present staff of officers were all
initiates . In concluding his speech , which was frequently interrupted by the applause of the brethren , he thanked them for the Past Master's jewel , which he said he should ever cherish as a memorial of his connection with thc Kennington Lodge . " The Health of the Past Masters " followed , and was responded to by Bro . W . Mann , who , in the course of his remarks , made some very flattering
allusions to the Masonic ability displayed by the I . P . M ., who , notwithstanding his severe indisposition , had perpcrmed the whole ceremony of installation in an almost faultless manner . As it was then approaching midnight , the remaining toasts were very quickly given and briefly responded to . They were " The Treasurer and Secretary , " "The Masonic Charities , " and "The Officers . "
During the proceedings instrumental and vocal harmony was furnished by Bros , lillis , jun ., Walls , Bond , Fischcls , Webb , and others . The next meeting of thc lodge will be held on thc first Tuesday in the ensuing month . ERA LODGE ( No . 1423 ) . —The brethren of this lodge met on Saturday last , at the King ' s Arms , Hampton Court , for the purpose of installing their new Master . The
lodge was opened by Bro . J . Baxter Langley , who was supported by Bros . E . H . Thiellay , S . W . ; Thos J . Sabine , J . W . ; Frederick Walters , Sec . ; B . Wright , * Asst . Sec . ; E . W . Devereux , S . D . ; S . Wolff , I . D . ; J . Mason , Org . ; A . F . Loos , I . G . ; J . W . Baldwin , P . M . ; J . T . Moss , P . M . ; John Johnson , F . II . Harvey , E . W . Pearson , J . Franklin , John S . Sweasey , J . Beresford Ryley , D . Weinhausen , E . T ,
Herman , G . S . Elliott , R . Whatman , Wm Hammond , P . P . J . G . D . of Middlesex , P . M . ; and visitors Bros . John Hammond , P . M . 201 ; J . H . Baker , 238 ; J . J . Wray , S . D . 1604 ; Thos . Fenn , 1284 ; John Boyd , G . S . ; Chas . Gwillian , S . Dore , 145 ; Fred . Penna , 211 ; W . Scholes , 192 ; T . W . Ockenden , I . G . 1512 ; Frank Elmore , 12 ; J . G . Rushworth , 1309 ; and H . Massey , ( freemason ) . The W . M . fiist initiated Messrs . W . George Hurlstone and
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Emil Wolcke , after which Bro . James W . Baldwin , P . M ., installed Bro . Eugene H . Thiellay , Prov . G . S . B . Middx .,. P . M . 14 ; , as W . M . of the lodge . The other brethren in vestedas office-bearers were Bros . Dr . Baxter Langley-I . P . M . ; Thos . J . Sabine , P . P . G . S . B . Middx ., S . W . ; E . W , Devereux , J . W . ; H . A . Dubois , Pro . G . S . D . Middx ., Treas .. F . Walters , Prov . G . J . D . Middx ., Sec . ; B . Wright , Asst . ;
Sec . ; T . Wolff , S . D . ; A . F . Loos , J . D . ; John Mason , Prov . G . Std . Middx ., P . M . 1567 , Org . ; John Johnson , I . G . ; Michael Underwood , D . C . ; * John Faulkner , W . S . ; J . H . Pearson , Collecting Std . ; and J . Gilbert , Prov . G . Tyler , Tyler . Bro . Fenn was elected a joining member . Thc brethren then passed resolutions recommending for office in the province Bros . R . W . Little ( as Deputy
Provincial Grand Master ) , T . J . Sabine ( for promotion ) , J . W . Baldwin ( for promotion ) , J . Mason ( for Provincial Grand Superintendent of Works ) , and Dr . J . Baxter Langley ( for Provincial Grand Steward ) . Dr . Baxter Langley was presented with a massive P . M . ' s jewel , set with rubies , of the total value of £ 30 ; and Bro . F . Walters , on behalf of several brethren , presented him with a
P . M . 's collar and silver jewel . Bros . J . W . Baldwin and J . Faulkner , Stewards for the Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , appealed to the brethren to increase the amounts on their respective lists . The office of Steward for the Boys' School being vacant , Bro .
J . Mason was unanimously elected to fill it . Notice of motion was given by Bro . T . J . Sabine that the sum of ten guineas be taken from the lodge funds for the Girls ' School , and ten guineas for the Boys' School , in the name of the Secretary of the lodge for the time being , to which notice of motion were added the names of Bros . F .
Walters , and J . T . Moss . This concluding the business of the day , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to banquet . After dinner grace was said , and thc customary toasts were proposed and honoured . Bro . John Boyd , G . S ., in thanking the lodge for the toast of " ' The Grand Officers , " said he had spent a very enjoyable evening , had had the pleasure of witnessing the introduction of two
new brethren into the Order , and seen the W . M . installed . The ceremony of initiation had been beautifully performed by Dr . Langley , and that of installation by Bro . Baldwin He had seldom seen in a lodge the addresses better given , and it was very creditable to the lodge to have a brother in it who could do its work so well . He hoped that Bro . Baldwin would long be a member of the lodge . Bro . J .
T . Moss replied for " The Prov . G . M . and Prov . Grand Officers . " No one , he said , was more honoured or esteemed among the members of the Craft than Col . Burdett , who took special care of the lodges in the Province of Middlesex . All the brethren of this lodge were thankful to him for his recognition of their officers . There had been no lodge in the Craft more signally
honoured than this lodge . Bro . Baxter Langley proposed " The Health of the W . M . " He thought the graceful way in which Bro . Thiellay had performed all the offices he had filled in the Era Lodge had gained for him such estimation among the brethren , that there was not one heart in the lodge that regretted when he was elected to be the Master for the year . On the contrary , there was a
unanimity of sentiment on all sides that Bro . Thiellay was the right man iu the right place . He begged to propose his health , and hoped that when he had passed thc chair he would be as much loved and respected as he was that day . The W . M ., in the course of his response , said he had passed many pleasant evenings among the brethren oi the Era Lodge . They were all very united . He
believed they would continue so , and he hoped thc same amity of feeling as had hitherto prevailed would exist during his year of office . He then , before sitting down , proposed " Thc Health of thc Initiates , '' a body of men to whom the vitality of lodges was due . On this account the toast of the initiates claimed priority among thc toasts of the evening . Both tbe initiates responded . Bro . Allen ,
in replying to the toast of " The Visitors , " said that having come to live in the neighbourhood , he hoped to become a member of the lodge . Bros . Ray , Fenn , and Boyd also replied . Bro . Baxter Langley , in replying for the P . M . ' s , said he felt it a very great honour indeed to find his name at last coupled with the toast of the P . M . ' s . Some of the P . M . 's were always present with them as thc .
leaders of the humours of the table , and like Yorick , those who " set the table in a roar . " He would not attempt to delight them with that trenchant wit which fell from one of their P . M . 's as naturally as water flowed from a fountain . He could not but feel that in the way in which the toast of his health had been drunk that evening there was a sincere expression of regard to himself and the other
P . M . ' s of that lodge . He should always hope to live in the brethren ' s hearts as he did that day , and he could only envy thc other P . M . ' s of the lodge the position they held in the brethren's hearts at the present time . He would like to glance at the past year , which he thought they would admit had been a successful one , for while he began his ear with a debt due to the Treasurer of £ 16 8 s . yd ., he
left it with a less debt to the extent of £ 7 16 s . Qd . During the year they had given , in addition to thc testimonial to their esteemed Bro . Walters , £ 3 1 to the charities , and they had expended on the furniture money to thc extent of £ 7 15 s . He thought , therefore , he might say he left the lodge better than he found it . He begged to thank the brethren for the way they had received his name
that evening . He hoped , moreover , he should be present when the W . M . occupied the honoured position he himself held that evening , and that he should find him receiving the same testimony of the regard of the brethren . For his own part he need not say that he had had some
experience of public life , that he had seen something of assemblies , large and small ; but without any hesitation he might say he never had been in any assemblies where he had been more heaitily at home than in the meetings of this lodge . He should always look forward to them amidst the excitements and heat of the life in which they