Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 3 of 3 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 3 of 3 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
.-session of the gavel , and , previous to closing he inf cd thc brethren that he had a most painful and solemn dtv to perform , a duty that came better from the pedestal ihan from the body of the lodge , and that was to announce c them the great loss that No . 99 8 had sustained in the dath of Bro . Goldsbro ' . Since they had last met it had i o = cd the G . A . O . T . U . to erase the name of Thomas
William Goldsbro off the list of the various earthly lodges hich had been honoured with his name , expressing at the same time a perfect faith that it was now enrolled on ihatofthe Great Lodge above . Bro . Owen informed thc 1 rethrcn that he was the only one present of those who recollected Bro . Goldsbrc' presiding over the first lodge held - . „ Welchoool , on March 4 th , 1864 , when he had thc honour
of being the third candidate initiated into Masonry by so worthy a Mason , the lodge then working under a dispensation previous to consecration , and now , after having received from those hands his various degrees , including installation , exaltation , and passing through the chair of the H . R . A ., by the dispensation of an all-wise Providence , he had now the melancholy duty , as senior P . M . of thc
lodge , to more a vote of condolence to the widow and family of the first Master of the Welchpool Lodge , No . 098 . Looking back over the history of the lodge , it seemed almost incomprehensible that the voice of their dear brother would no more be heard delivering in his impressive manner the wonderful lessons of our Craft , the more especially as only the morning previous to his death he ( Bro . Owen )
had received a letter , in answer to one asking Dr . Goldsbro ' to make arrangements for the forthcoming anniversary in March , and thirty-six hours afterwards the silver thread was broken . When he recollected Bro . Goldsbro ' s great willingness to impart instruction to juniors ( always following Bro . Muggeridge's teaching , and making his pupils do the same ) , and opening up to
them out of his great storehouse the wonderful truths of Masonry , when after labour he recollected his kind and genial face at refreshment , teeming with goodwill and charity towards all men , and thc kindly advice given as soon as asked , it almost unnerved him for the melancholy task , but extremely jealous would he ( Bro . Owen ) have been if it had fallen to any one else to perform ,
as it enabled him to pay a last and just though sad public tribute to one from whom he had learnt all that ' he knew in Masonry , And one to whom he always fled for support and council upon many a trying occasion in endeavouring to steer 998 through difficulties and dangers . Bro . Owen pointed out the great services rendered to Masonry by Bro . Goldsbro' in the province of North
Wales and Shropshire . When it was first proposed to start a lodge in Welchpool , Bro . Goldsbro' ( a native ) , although resident in London , was designated as the first Master , and on the first anniversary was re-elected Master , and , singular to say , at that very time one of his brothers was W . M . of a lodge in New Zealand , and another in Australia , a fact almost unprecedented in Masonry .
During these two years Bro . Goldsbro' presided over twenty-three lodge meetings , and initiated , raised , and passed 46 candidates . Previous to this there were only nine lodges in the province , and since that date our late Bro . GoIdsbro' has consecrated fourteen new lodges , making up the roll to 23 , in addition to which he consecrated the Welchpool Chapter , of which he was first Principal . And
not only has his own province , of which he was a Past Senior Warden , ' ^ to regret his loss , but take the Marlborough Lodge , Woodstock , and thc Tredegar Chapter , Monmouthshire , ' which , with some others , he also consecrated , and they will have to mourn the loss of a good and kind friend . In addition to this the late Dr . Goldsbro ' was a P . M . of 201 , Jordan , and a P . Z . of thc Jerusalem
Chapter , 185 , and had served the office of Steward to the three charities . Before concluding , Bro . Owen expressed a sure and certain hope that it would be many a long day before the revered name of Goldsbro would cease to be a " household word " with 99 8 . The vote of condolence was seconded by Bro . Withy , P . M ., who , in addition , suggested that the lodge should assume mourning until after
the June meeting . Bro . Withy spoke in the most feeling terms of the good qualities of our departed brother , not only as a Mason , but also expressing the great loss he himself should suffer by the sudden taking away of an old and valued friend . Bro . W . Collender , P . M . 99 8 , and W . M . of the Llanidloes Lodge , No . 15 S 2 , stated that on thc next summons he should insert a request to the
brethren to appear , in mourning , as a last tribute of respect to one who had consecrated them , and Bro . Britton , 850 and 99 8 , and W . M . of the Cedewain Lodge , No . 1594 , intimated his intention to do the same , Bro . Goldsbro having consecrated their lodge also . The ordinary business of the lodge was resumed , and Bro . Grahame Brown was unanimously chosen as W . M . elect for thc ensuing
twelve months . Bro . Withy , P . M ., was re-elected Treas ., and Bro . Barnard re-elected Tyler . A vote of thanks was proposed by Bro . Owen , and seconded by the W . M . elect to Bro . T . R . Morris for his services to the lodge , not only as Master , but also during the two years that he held the office of Secretary . Lodge was closed and adjourned until the anniversary on March 29 th .
DERBY . —Hartington Lodge ( No . 1085 ) . —Thc annual installation meeting and festival of this lodge was held on Wednesday evening , February 7 th , at the Masonic Hall , Gower-street . The lodge was opened at six o ' clock , P . m ., the following brethren being present : —Bros . S . Pipes , W . M . ; W . Heathcock , S . W . and W . M . elect ; H . T . Bobart , P . M ., P . P . G . A . D . of C . ( and Installing Officer ) ;
T . Gadsby , J . W . ; M ; H . Bobart , Treas . ; G . Pipes , Sec ; J . Heathcote , J . D . ; J . Shaw , D . of C . ; f . II . Biggs , I . G . ; W . Stone as Tyler ; F . Iliffe , P . M . ; j . Worsnop , P . M . ; Bros . Pakeman , Daniel , Mills , Walters , Hepworth , Butterfield , Lane , Mainprize , Steele , G . Hill , Matthew Hill , R . Bennett , Griggs , Manton , Hextall , Gore , Russell , Wallis . Visitors : Bros . Foulds , W . M . 253 ; J . Smith , P . P . J . G . W ., P . M . ; T . Roe , P . M . 802 ; J . Hand , 731 ; W . Knight ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
731 _ . H . Fowkcs , 802 ; W . F . Hawkins , 787 ; G . T- Barnett , 731 ; T . Cox , P . P . S . G . W . ; J . Harpur , 787 ; G . Small , P . M . 787 ; C . A . Galpin , W . M . 1315 ; T . Wood , 1515 ; W . Allen , W . M . 779 ; F . H . Wilton , 7 : 51 ; H . Burn , P . M . 731 ; R . Bennett , 731 , WM . ; W . H . Marsden , P . P . S . G . W ,. P . M . 253 ; J . C . Merry , P . P . G . D . of C , P . M . 731 , and other brethren . The minutes of the last Iodere
having been read and confirms d , Bro . W . Heathcote , S . W . and W . M . elect was presented by Bro . Frank Iliffe , P . M . and Bro . M . H . Bobart , P . M . Bro . W . Heathcote was duly installed by Bro . H . T . Bobart , I . P . M ., who performed the installation ceremony in a most efficient manner , much to the credit of himself and the admiration of thc lodge . The officers for the ensuing year were then
appointed as follows : Bro . G . Pipes , S . W . ; J . Heathcote , J . W . ; J . H . Biggs , S . D . ; S . Steele , J . D . ; M . H . Bobart , Treasurer ; W . & Hextall , Sec ; T . H . Hepworth , I . G . ; J . E . Russell , D . of C . ; Manton and Butterficld , Stewards ; J . Worsnop , Organist ; W . Stone , Tyler . After the appointment of the officers , Bro . S . Pipes was presented with a magnificent P . M . ' s jewel by a number of the officers
and brethren as a recognition of thc valued services he had rendered to the lodge in many ways during his year of office . The jewel was presented with a few appr opiate remarks by Bro . J . H . Biggs , J . D ., who had been entrusted to it by the brethren . Bro . S . Pipes acknowledged the gift in a very suitable manner , and hoped he might be spared to live many years to wear the jewel , which he
should look on with a great amount of pleasure , ever remembering the great confidence the lodge had placed in him in the handsome manner they had done . The attendance . at the banquet was very good , which was of an excellent character . MANCHESTER . —Lodge of Truth ( No . 1548 ) . —On the first Saturday in the month , this lodge meets ;
the brethren therefore assembled on February 3 rd , at their private rooms , Newton Heath ; and at 3 p . m . the gavel was sounded by the Worshipful Master , Bro . James Batchelder . The minutes of the last regular meeting having been read and confirmed , thc ballot was taken separately for Mr . John Henry Pearson and Mr . Michael Hyams ; in each case the election was unanimous , and
the ceremony of initiation in both cases was performed by the Master of the Lodge . In due time the lodge was worked into the F . C . degree , and Bro . Brown was passed by Bro . Batchelder , W . M . Bro . Caldwell , P . M . D . of C . by command of the W . M ., then took possession of the post of honor , and conferred upon Bro . Barber " the double Rosette " degree . The lodge having been reduced , Bro .
Batchelder , W . M ., relumed to the chair , and proposed a candidate for initiation , which proposition was seconded by Bro . Cox , S . D ., and supported by Bro . Nicholson . The business of the evening being concluded , visitors from Lodges 104 , 1 ; , 1161 , and 1502 , tendered their congratulations . Hearty good wishes were conveyed by proxy from 12 ^ 6 , and the Lodge was closed at 6 . 30 p . m . The
brethren , after partaking of refreshments , enjoyed together " the social hour , " thc usual toasts were properly disposed of , some capital vocal clement intervening , in which accomplishment the two initiates , Bros . Pearson and Hyams gave great delight . Bro . Goodchilde produced some merry moments with his comic effusion so much appreciated at 1548 . We may remark that this lodge is far from
last on the list in vocalism , and has of late added to its store of " voices sweet anil merry" those of professional reputation ; an addition to professional melody is also looked lor at the next meeting . May harmony abound in all things . Harmony in voice , harmony in thought , and harmony in action , taking truth , whose name we bear , as the key-note .
PUTNEY . —Royal Commemoration Lodge ( No . 1383 ) . —This lodge held its regular meeting on Wednesday , the 7 th February , at the Star and Garter Hotel , Putney , Bro . J . Wright , P . M ., in thc chair ; also Bros . Robinson and Jackson , as Wardens ; Morphew and Holland , as Deacons ; Stacey , P . M ., as Org . ; and Watkins , Smith , and Boehr , as Treasurer , Secretary , and I . G .
lcspectivcly . Minutes were read and confirmed , and Bros Matthews , Eykyn , Rowe , Breach , and Barrett were raised ; Bros . Thomson , Bury , and Read passed , and Mr . Stokes ballotted for and afterwards initiated . Two propositions for initiation were handed in . A sum of money to qualify the lodge to take up a governorship of tlie Aged Freemasons' Benevolent Institution was voted to the W . M . ' s list , who wc are glad to see represents this young lodge .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
DOMATIC CHAPTER ( No . 177 ) . —An exceedingly strong convocation of this chapter took place on the 23 th ult ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Amongst those present were Comps . Hayward , M . E . Z . ; Weaver , J . ; Bolton , I . P . Z . ; Buss , P . G . T . of Middlesex , Treasurer ; Palmer , S . E . ; Hill , N . ; Treadwell , P . S . ; Lawrence , ist A . S . ; Harrison , 2 nd A . S . ; Cubitt , P . Z . ; Adams , P . Z . ;
Wilson , P . Z . ; Cottebrune , P . Z . ; Payne , P . Z . The visitors were Comps . T . C . Walls , 186 ; J . Kent , 192 ; Paul , 394 ; Sterne , 1305 . The minutes of the previous convocation having been read and confirmed , Bros . J . W . Smith , 177 ; G . N . Downie , 18 9 ; T . T . Wilcox , 975 ; B . Groner , 1613 , were duly and most impressively exalted by those distinguished Royal Arch veterans , Comps . Bolton , Cubitt , Adams , and Cottebrune , who acted
respectively in the positions of M . E . Z ., H ., J ., and P . S . Thc election of Principals and other officers then took place , and produced the following results : Comps . Scott , M . E . Z . ; Weaver , II . ; Hill , J . ; Buss , Treas . ; Palmer , S . E . ; Treadwell , N . ; Lawrence , P . S . ; Bentley , Janitor . The auditors elected were Comps . Hayward , Maclean , and Briggs . A letter of resignation having been received from Comp . Little , P . Z ., Secretary of the Royal Masonic Insti-
Royal Arch.
tution for Girls , it was received with great regret , and subsequently an unanimous vote was given that Comp . Little should be elected an honorary member . The sum of £% was voted to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , and it was resolved that the same should be placed upon thc list of Comp . Hill , their Principal designate , who is Steward for Lodqre No . 1366 at the forthcoming Festival .
Thc subject of presenting a sum towards the proposed testimonial to Comp . Smith , the head waiter of " Anderton ' s , " who has held that position for twenty-three years , and given general satisfaction , was then discussed . The Domatic Lodge , it was reported , had taken the matter up very warmly at their last meeting , and several speakers having been heard upon the subject , it was unanimously
resolved that the sum of two guineas should be voted from thc funds of thc chapter towards the testimonial , and Comp . Wilson , P . Z ., was appointed to represent the chapter at any committee meetings that might be called to promote its success . An LP Z . 's jewel liaving been voted to Comp . Hayward , the convocation was closed , and thc companions adjourned to an excellent banquet . Upon
the withdrawal of the cloth the customary loyal and R . A . toasts were given and warmly received . "The Health of the M . E . Z . " was proposed by Comp . Wilson , P . Z ., and having been duly drank , Comp . Hayrard responded . In the course of his remarks he expressed his thanks to Comps . Bolton , Cubitt , Adams , and Cottebrune , who had rendered him such effective assistance during his year of
office in the ceremonial " working . " He also spoke highly of the valuable services given to him by Comps . Buss , Treas ., and Palmer , S . E . " The Health of the Newlyexalted Corrpanions" followed , and those companions severally replied for the honour conferred . The toast of " The Visitors" gave the M . E . Z . an opportunity of paying a high compliment to the merits of one or two of those
present that evening . Comp . Sterne , in a short speech , acknowledged this toast upon behalf of himself and his co-visitors . In consequence of the hour being far ad . vanced , the subsequent toasts , viz ., "The Past Principals , " " The Treasurer and Scribe E ., " and "The Officers , " were given very briefly , and but formally responded to . During tlie evening vocal and other selections were given by Comps . Palmer , Walls , Lawrence , Wilcox , and others .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
THISTLE LODGE ( No . 8 ) . —An excellent gathering of this well known and old established lodge took place at 2 , Westminster Chambers , on Friday , the 2 nd inst . Amongst the officers present were Bros . C . Lacey , W . M . ; Dawson , P . M ., acting I . P . M . ; Figg , P . M ., Treas . ; Baber , P . M . ; Mann , P . M ., P . G . R . ; Cottebrune , P . M ., P . G . S . B ., Sec ; Thomas , S . W . ; Mander , I . W . ; Swallow ,
M . O . ; Oliver , S . O . ; Kelso , J . O . ; Leggott , S . D . ; Burrell , J . D . ; Noehmer , Reg . ; Henley , W . S . ; Koch , P . G . S ., & c . The minutes of thc previous meeting having been read and confirmed the W . M ., in a very careful manner , advanced Bro . Macartney , 186 . Some financial matters having been fully discussed thc lodge was formally closed , and the brethren adjourned to an excellent collation . The
visitors were Bros . Barney , 133 , and Walls , 181 . Upon the withdrawal of the cloth the usual toasts were given with commendable brevity by the W . M . In giving the toast of " The Present and Past Grand Officers of Mark Masonry , " the W . M . took occasion to congratulate the Thistle Lodge upon possessing several members holding distinguished positions in Grand Lodge , which he hoped
would be an incentive to young officers coming on to aspire to a like dignity . Bro . Mann , P . M ., P . G . R ., acknowledged this toast in a few well chosen words . " The Health of the W . M . followed . " In introducing this toast Bro . Figg stated that as one of the oldest members of No . 8 it afforded him great pleasure to bear witness to the Masonic abilities of their W . M . He had discharged the
duties cf the minor offices well , and from what they had seen that evening of his working in the chair he felt confident that at the conclusion of Bro . Lacey ' s year of office they would all feel gratified in having elected so worthy a brother to discharge the responsible duties of W . M . ( Hear . ) The toast having been duly honoured the VV . M . made a very modest reply , and immediately
proposed " The Health of the Newly-advanced Brother . " Bro . Macartney in response stated that when he was initiated into the Craft he felt highly impressed with the whole of the proceedings , and on this occasion he was as equally pleased . He believed from what he had seen that evening of the Mark ritual that it contained many beautiful and instructive passages , and that he should pay as
much attention to master its details as he had already bestowed upon the Craft ceremonies . The " Health of the Visitors" followed , and having been most warmly received , Bros . Barney and Walls replied . The remaining toasts , viz ., " The Past Masters , " " The Treasurer and Secretary , " and "The Officers , " in consequence of thc lateness of the hour , followed very quickly . In the course
of his remarks upon the latter pledge the W . M . congratulated himself and the lodge upon possessing officers so distinguished in thc Craft and Royal Arch degrees as Bros . Thomas , S . W . ; Mander , J . W . ; Swallow , M . O . ; Burrell , S . D ., and others were . He said that it augured well for the future prosperity and efficiency of the Thistle Lodge , because those brethren would naturally aspire to carry out the duties of their respective offices in the Mark
as well as they had done those in the other degrees . This toast having been duly drunk , Bro . Thomas , S . W ., made an able reply upon behalf of himself and colleagues , present and absent . Thc proceedings were enlivened by the singing and reciting of Bros . Thomas , Mander , Walls , and others . The brethren adjourned at 11 o ' clock , after having spent a most agreeable and instructive evening , until the first Friday in April next .
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
.-session of the gavel , and , previous to closing he inf cd thc brethren that he had a most painful and solemn dtv to perform , a duty that came better from the pedestal ihan from the body of the lodge , and that was to announce c them the great loss that No . 99 8 had sustained in the dath of Bro . Goldsbro ' . Since they had last met it had i o = cd the G . A . O . T . U . to erase the name of Thomas
William Goldsbro off the list of the various earthly lodges hich had been honoured with his name , expressing at the same time a perfect faith that it was now enrolled on ihatofthe Great Lodge above . Bro . Owen informed thc 1 rethrcn that he was the only one present of those who recollected Bro . Goldsbrc' presiding over the first lodge held - . „ Welchoool , on March 4 th , 1864 , when he had thc honour
of being the third candidate initiated into Masonry by so worthy a Mason , the lodge then working under a dispensation previous to consecration , and now , after having received from those hands his various degrees , including installation , exaltation , and passing through the chair of the H . R . A ., by the dispensation of an all-wise Providence , he had now the melancholy duty , as senior P . M . of thc
lodge , to more a vote of condolence to the widow and family of the first Master of the Welchpool Lodge , No . 098 . Looking back over the history of the lodge , it seemed almost incomprehensible that the voice of their dear brother would no more be heard delivering in his impressive manner the wonderful lessons of our Craft , the more especially as only the morning previous to his death he ( Bro . Owen )
had received a letter , in answer to one asking Dr . Goldsbro ' to make arrangements for the forthcoming anniversary in March , and thirty-six hours afterwards the silver thread was broken . When he recollected Bro . Goldsbro ' s great willingness to impart instruction to juniors ( always following Bro . Muggeridge's teaching , and making his pupils do the same ) , and opening up to
them out of his great storehouse the wonderful truths of Masonry , when after labour he recollected his kind and genial face at refreshment , teeming with goodwill and charity towards all men , and thc kindly advice given as soon as asked , it almost unnerved him for the melancholy task , but extremely jealous would he ( Bro . Owen ) have been if it had fallen to any one else to perform ,
as it enabled him to pay a last and just though sad public tribute to one from whom he had learnt all that ' he knew in Masonry , And one to whom he always fled for support and council upon many a trying occasion in endeavouring to steer 998 through difficulties and dangers . Bro . Owen pointed out the great services rendered to Masonry by Bro . Goldsbro' in the province of North
Wales and Shropshire . When it was first proposed to start a lodge in Welchpool , Bro . Goldsbro' ( a native ) , although resident in London , was designated as the first Master , and on the first anniversary was re-elected Master , and , singular to say , at that very time one of his brothers was W . M . of a lodge in New Zealand , and another in Australia , a fact almost unprecedented in Masonry .
During these two years Bro . Goldsbro' presided over twenty-three lodge meetings , and initiated , raised , and passed 46 candidates . Previous to this there were only nine lodges in the province , and since that date our late Bro . GoIdsbro' has consecrated fourteen new lodges , making up the roll to 23 , in addition to which he consecrated the Welchpool Chapter , of which he was first Principal . And
not only has his own province , of which he was a Past Senior Warden , ' ^ to regret his loss , but take the Marlborough Lodge , Woodstock , and thc Tredegar Chapter , Monmouthshire , ' which , with some others , he also consecrated , and they will have to mourn the loss of a good and kind friend . In addition to this the late Dr . Goldsbro ' was a P . M . of 201 , Jordan , and a P . Z . of thc Jerusalem
Chapter , 185 , and had served the office of Steward to the three charities . Before concluding , Bro . Owen expressed a sure and certain hope that it would be many a long day before the revered name of Goldsbro would cease to be a " household word " with 99 8 . The vote of condolence was seconded by Bro . Withy , P . M ., who , in addition , suggested that the lodge should assume mourning until after
the June meeting . Bro . Withy spoke in the most feeling terms of the good qualities of our departed brother , not only as a Mason , but also expressing the great loss he himself should suffer by the sudden taking away of an old and valued friend . Bro . W . Collender , P . M . 99 8 , and W . M . of the Llanidloes Lodge , No . 15 S 2 , stated that on thc next summons he should insert a request to the
brethren to appear , in mourning , as a last tribute of respect to one who had consecrated them , and Bro . Britton , 850 and 99 8 , and W . M . of the Cedewain Lodge , No . 1594 , intimated his intention to do the same , Bro . Goldsbro having consecrated their lodge also . The ordinary business of the lodge was resumed , and Bro . Grahame Brown was unanimously chosen as W . M . elect for thc ensuing
twelve months . Bro . Withy , P . M ., was re-elected Treas ., and Bro . Barnard re-elected Tyler . A vote of thanks was proposed by Bro . Owen , and seconded by the W . M . elect to Bro . T . R . Morris for his services to the lodge , not only as Master , but also during the two years that he held the office of Secretary . Lodge was closed and adjourned until the anniversary on March 29 th .
DERBY . —Hartington Lodge ( No . 1085 ) . —Thc annual installation meeting and festival of this lodge was held on Wednesday evening , February 7 th , at the Masonic Hall , Gower-street . The lodge was opened at six o ' clock , P . m ., the following brethren being present : —Bros . S . Pipes , W . M . ; W . Heathcock , S . W . and W . M . elect ; H . T . Bobart , P . M ., P . P . G . A . D . of C . ( and Installing Officer ) ;
T . Gadsby , J . W . ; M ; H . Bobart , Treas . ; G . Pipes , Sec ; J . Heathcote , J . D . ; J . Shaw , D . of C . ; f . II . Biggs , I . G . ; W . Stone as Tyler ; F . Iliffe , P . M . ; j . Worsnop , P . M . ; Bros . Pakeman , Daniel , Mills , Walters , Hepworth , Butterfield , Lane , Mainprize , Steele , G . Hill , Matthew Hill , R . Bennett , Griggs , Manton , Hextall , Gore , Russell , Wallis . Visitors : Bros . Foulds , W . M . 253 ; J . Smith , P . P . J . G . W ., P . M . ; T . Roe , P . M . 802 ; J . Hand , 731 ; W . Knight ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
731 _ . H . Fowkcs , 802 ; W . F . Hawkins , 787 ; G . T- Barnett , 731 ; T . Cox , P . P . S . G . W . ; J . Harpur , 787 ; G . Small , P . M . 787 ; C . A . Galpin , W . M . 1315 ; T . Wood , 1515 ; W . Allen , W . M . 779 ; F . H . Wilton , 7 : 51 ; H . Burn , P . M . 731 ; R . Bennett , 731 , WM . ; W . H . Marsden , P . P . S . G . W ,. P . M . 253 ; J . C . Merry , P . P . G . D . of C , P . M . 731 , and other brethren . The minutes of the last Iodere
having been read and confirms d , Bro . W . Heathcote , S . W . and W . M . elect was presented by Bro . Frank Iliffe , P . M . and Bro . M . H . Bobart , P . M . Bro . W . Heathcote was duly installed by Bro . H . T . Bobart , I . P . M ., who performed the installation ceremony in a most efficient manner , much to the credit of himself and the admiration of thc lodge . The officers for the ensuing year were then
appointed as follows : Bro . G . Pipes , S . W . ; J . Heathcote , J . W . ; J . H . Biggs , S . D . ; S . Steele , J . D . ; M . H . Bobart , Treasurer ; W . & Hextall , Sec ; T . H . Hepworth , I . G . ; J . E . Russell , D . of C . ; Manton and Butterficld , Stewards ; J . Worsnop , Organist ; W . Stone , Tyler . After the appointment of the officers , Bro . S . Pipes was presented with a magnificent P . M . ' s jewel by a number of the officers
and brethren as a recognition of thc valued services he had rendered to the lodge in many ways during his year of office . The jewel was presented with a few appr opiate remarks by Bro . J . H . Biggs , J . D ., who had been entrusted to it by the brethren . Bro . S . Pipes acknowledged the gift in a very suitable manner , and hoped he might be spared to live many years to wear the jewel , which he
should look on with a great amount of pleasure , ever remembering the great confidence the lodge had placed in him in the handsome manner they had done . The attendance . at the banquet was very good , which was of an excellent character . MANCHESTER . —Lodge of Truth ( No . 1548 ) . —On the first Saturday in the month , this lodge meets ;
the brethren therefore assembled on February 3 rd , at their private rooms , Newton Heath ; and at 3 p . m . the gavel was sounded by the Worshipful Master , Bro . James Batchelder . The minutes of the last regular meeting having been read and confirmed , thc ballot was taken separately for Mr . John Henry Pearson and Mr . Michael Hyams ; in each case the election was unanimous , and
the ceremony of initiation in both cases was performed by the Master of the Lodge . In due time the lodge was worked into the F . C . degree , and Bro . Brown was passed by Bro . Batchelder , W . M . Bro . Caldwell , P . M . D . of C . by command of the W . M ., then took possession of the post of honor , and conferred upon Bro . Barber " the double Rosette " degree . The lodge having been reduced , Bro .
Batchelder , W . M ., relumed to the chair , and proposed a candidate for initiation , which proposition was seconded by Bro . Cox , S . D ., and supported by Bro . Nicholson . The business of the evening being concluded , visitors from Lodges 104 , 1 ; , 1161 , and 1502 , tendered their congratulations . Hearty good wishes were conveyed by proxy from 12 ^ 6 , and the Lodge was closed at 6 . 30 p . m . The
brethren , after partaking of refreshments , enjoyed together " the social hour , " thc usual toasts were properly disposed of , some capital vocal clement intervening , in which accomplishment the two initiates , Bros . Pearson and Hyams gave great delight . Bro . Goodchilde produced some merry moments with his comic effusion so much appreciated at 1548 . We may remark that this lodge is far from
last on the list in vocalism , and has of late added to its store of " voices sweet anil merry" those of professional reputation ; an addition to professional melody is also looked lor at the next meeting . May harmony abound in all things . Harmony in voice , harmony in thought , and harmony in action , taking truth , whose name we bear , as the key-note .
PUTNEY . —Royal Commemoration Lodge ( No . 1383 ) . —This lodge held its regular meeting on Wednesday , the 7 th February , at the Star and Garter Hotel , Putney , Bro . J . Wright , P . M ., in thc chair ; also Bros . Robinson and Jackson , as Wardens ; Morphew and Holland , as Deacons ; Stacey , P . M ., as Org . ; and Watkins , Smith , and Boehr , as Treasurer , Secretary , and I . G .
lcspectivcly . Minutes were read and confirmed , and Bros Matthews , Eykyn , Rowe , Breach , and Barrett were raised ; Bros . Thomson , Bury , and Read passed , and Mr . Stokes ballotted for and afterwards initiated . Two propositions for initiation were handed in . A sum of money to qualify the lodge to take up a governorship of tlie Aged Freemasons' Benevolent Institution was voted to the W . M . ' s list , who wc are glad to see represents this young lodge .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
DOMATIC CHAPTER ( No . 177 ) . —An exceedingly strong convocation of this chapter took place on the 23 th ult ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Amongst those present were Comps . Hayward , M . E . Z . ; Weaver , J . ; Bolton , I . P . Z . ; Buss , P . G . T . of Middlesex , Treasurer ; Palmer , S . E . ; Hill , N . ; Treadwell , P . S . ; Lawrence , ist A . S . ; Harrison , 2 nd A . S . ; Cubitt , P . Z . ; Adams , P . Z . ;
Wilson , P . Z . ; Cottebrune , P . Z . ; Payne , P . Z . The visitors were Comps . T . C . Walls , 186 ; J . Kent , 192 ; Paul , 394 ; Sterne , 1305 . The minutes of the previous convocation having been read and confirmed , Bros . J . W . Smith , 177 ; G . N . Downie , 18 9 ; T . T . Wilcox , 975 ; B . Groner , 1613 , were duly and most impressively exalted by those distinguished Royal Arch veterans , Comps . Bolton , Cubitt , Adams , and Cottebrune , who acted
respectively in the positions of M . E . Z ., H ., J ., and P . S . Thc election of Principals and other officers then took place , and produced the following results : Comps . Scott , M . E . Z . ; Weaver , II . ; Hill , J . ; Buss , Treas . ; Palmer , S . E . ; Treadwell , N . ; Lawrence , P . S . ; Bentley , Janitor . The auditors elected were Comps . Hayward , Maclean , and Briggs . A letter of resignation having been received from Comp . Little , P . Z ., Secretary of the Royal Masonic Insti-
Royal Arch.
tution for Girls , it was received with great regret , and subsequently an unanimous vote was given that Comp . Little should be elected an honorary member . The sum of £% was voted to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , and it was resolved that the same should be placed upon thc list of Comp . Hill , their Principal designate , who is Steward for Lodqre No . 1366 at the forthcoming Festival .
Thc subject of presenting a sum towards the proposed testimonial to Comp . Smith , the head waiter of " Anderton ' s , " who has held that position for twenty-three years , and given general satisfaction , was then discussed . The Domatic Lodge , it was reported , had taken the matter up very warmly at their last meeting , and several speakers having been heard upon the subject , it was unanimously
resolved that the sum of two guineas should be voted from thc funds of thc chapter towards the testimonial , and Comp . Wilson , P . Z ., was appointed to represent the chapter at any committee meetings that might be called to promote its success . An LP Z . 's jewel liaving been voted to Comp . Hayward , the convocation was closed , and thc companions adjourned to an excellent banquet . Upon
the withdrawal of the cloth the customary loyal and R . A . toasts were given and warmly received . "The Health of the M . E . Z . " was proposed by Comp . Wilson , P . Z ., and having been duly drank , Comp . Hayrard responded . In the course of his remarks he expressed his thanks to Comps . Bolton , Cubitt , Adams , and Cottebrune , who had rendered him such effective assistance during his year of
office in the ceremonial " working . " He also spoke highly of the valuable services given to him by Comps . Buss , Treas ., and Palmer , S . E . " The Health of the Newlyexalted Corrpanions" followed , and those companions severally replied for the honour conferred . The toast of " The Visitors" gave the M . E . Z . an opportunity of paying a high compliment to the merits of one or two of those
present that evening . Comp . Sterne , in a short speech , acknowledged this toast upon behalf of himself and his co-visitors . In consequence of the hour being far ad . vanced , the subsequent toasts , viz ., "The Past Principals , " " The Treasurer and Scribe E ., " and "The Officers , " were given very briefly , and but formally responded to . During tlie evening vocal and other selections were given by Comps . Palmer , Walls , Lawrence , Wilcox , and others .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
THISTLE LODGE ( No . 8 ) . —An excellent gathering of this well known and old established lodge took place at 2 , Westminster Chambers , on Friday , the 2 nd inst . Amongst the officers present were Bros . C . Lacey , W . M . ; Dawson , P . M ., acting I . P . M . ; Figg , P . M ., Treas . ; Baber , P . M . ; Mann , P . M ., P . G . R . ; Cottebrune , P . M ., P . G . S . B ., Sec ; Thomas , S . W . ; Mander , I . W . ; Swallow ,
M . O . ; Oliver , S . O . ; Kelso , J . O . ; Leggott , S . D . ; Burrell , J . D . ; Noehmer , Reg . ; Henley , W . S . ; Koch , P . G . S ., & c . The minutes of thc previous meeting having been read and confirmed the W . M ., in a very careful manner , advanced Bro . Macartney , 186 . Some financial matters having been fully discussed thc lodge was formally closed , and the brethren adjourned to an excellent collation . The
visitors were Bros . Barney , 133 , and Walls , 181 . Upon the withdrawal of the cloth the usual toasts were given with commendable brevity by the W . M . In giving the toast of " The Present and Past Grand Officers of Mark Masonry , " the W . M . took occasion to congratulate the Thistle Lodge upon possessing several members holding distinguished positions in Grand Lodge , which he hoped
would be an incentive to young officers coming on to aspire to a like dignity . Bro . Mann , P . M ., P . G . R ., acknowledged this toast in a few well chosen words . " The Health of the W . M . followed . " In introducing this toast Bro . Figg stated that as one of the oldest members of No . 8 it afforded him great pleasure to bear witness to the Masonic abilities of their W . M . He had discharged the
duties cf the minor offices well , and from what they had seen that evening of his working in the chair he felt confident that at the conclusion of Bro . Lacey ' s year of office they would all feel gratified in having elected so worthy a brother to discharge the responsible duties of W . M . ( Hear . ) The toast having been duly honoured the VV . M . made a very modest reply , and immediately
proposed " The Health of the Newly-advanced Brother . " Bro . Macartney in response stated that when he was initiated into the Craft he felt highly impressed with the whole of the proceedings , and on this occasion he was as equally pleased . He believed from what he had seen that evening of the Mark ritual that it contained many beautiful and instructive passages , and that he should pay as
much attention to master its details as he had already bestowed upon the Craft ceremonies . The " Health of the Visitors" followed , and having been most warmly received , Bros . Barney and Walls replied . The remaining toasts , viz ., " The Past Masters , " " The Treasurer and Secretary , " and "The Officers , " in consequence of thc lateness of the hour , followed very quickly . In the course
of his remarks upon the latter pledge the W . M . congratulated himself and the lodge upon possessing officers so distinguished in thc Craft and Royal Arch degrees as Bros . Thomas , S . W . ; Mander , J . W . ; Swallow , M . O . ; Burrell , S . D ., and others were . He said that it augured well for the future prosperity and efficiency of the Thistle Lodge , because those brethren would naturally aspire to carry out the duties of their respective offices in the Mark
as well as they had done those in the other degrees . This toast having been duly drunk , Bro . Thomas , S . W ., made an able reply upon behalf of himself and colleagues , present and absent . Thc proceedings were enlivened by the singing and reciting of Bros . Thomas , Mander , Walls , and others . The brethren adjourned at 11 o ' clock , after having spent a most agreeable and instructive evening , until the first Friday in April next .