Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Festival Of The Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
The annual festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and the Widows of Freemasons was held on Monday evening at Freemasons ' Tavern . The announcement that His Royal Highness Prince Leopold , Provincial Grand Master for Oxfordshire ,
would preside , drew together an immense number of brethren and ladies , of the former of whom there were at least 500 , and of the latter nearly 300 . His Royal Highness , however , was too ill to keep his appointment , and in his stead the Right Hon . the Earl of Shrewsbury , Provincial Grand Master for Staffordshire , presided . His lordship was supported on his right by Lord Leigh ,
Provincial Grand Master for Warwickshire , and on his left by Lord Methuen , Provincial Grand Master for Wiltshire . Among the other brethren present were Col . Creaton , John ' Hervey , tbe Rev . R . J . Simpson , the Rev . C . J . Martyn , Dep . Prov . G . M . for Suffolk ; Nicholas Bradford , Samuel Tomkins , G . Treas . ; Capt . Wordsworth , W . F . C . Moutrie , P . M . 11 -, Charles Watson , P . M . and Treas .
11 ; Nutt , J . D . 11 ; Capt . S . G . Homfray , J . AI . Case , J . D . Moore , J . T . Collins , J . E . Curteis , H . C . Levander , Wm . Boby , J . L . Hine , Geo . Lambert , G . M . E . Snow , H . R . Cooper Smith , S . Rosenthal , Rev . W . T . Jones , H . Massey { Freemason ); H . Smith , P . G . Sec , West Yorks ; W . H . Spaull , Lieut .-Colonel II . Somerville Burney ,, P . G . S . D . Essex ; C . Godtschalk , William Hicks , William
Goodacre , J . W . Baldwin , Chas . G . Hill , Major H . Scriven , C . W . Gray , F . Binckes , Sec . R . M . I . Boys , R . Wentworth Little , D . P . G . M ., Middx . ; S . R . Lamble , H . G . Buss , Jno . Mason , G . H . Wright , C . Daniel , C . Creecy , George McKay , K . H . Thiellay , W . H . Lee , J . Newton , W . J . Ferguzon , W . Dodd , N . Green , T . W . Morphew , Josh . Constable , Wm . Harrop , J . Ridal , George
Newman , [ . B . Shackleton , II . Levy , XV . Morgan , Farwig , A . Barfield , J . G . Stevens , W . W . Gray , Wm . Toye , J . Baxter Langley , W . Wellsman , Duckett , J . While , E . M . Haigh , F . A Kelly , L . Beck , W . J . Murliss , E . C . Woodward , G . W . Verry , C . H . Webb , W . Hale , J Wright , J . A . Farnfield , W . Milner , and others . The Chairman , in proposing the toast of " The Queen "
; aid : Ladies and Brethren , —I have in the first place with very great regret to announce to you that I am in this chair on the present occasion owing to thc absence of His Royal Highness Prince Leopold , who , I believe , only this morning was enforced to abandon the intention of being present . I must therefore claim your kind indulgence for the inefficient way in which I shall represent His Royal
Highness to-night . But I think I may say amongst brother Freemasons , that you know I will endeavour to do my best . ( Cheers . ) From the acclamations from the first petticoat that appeared in that gallery , I am sure few remarks only will be necessary from me to ask you to drink the health of the first lady in the land . It is only necessary amongst Englishmen , and especially amongst
Freemasons , to mention the name of Her Majesty the Queen to ensure that toast the hearty reception which it deserves . I should be wasting your time , therefore , if I were to dilate on thc merits of Her Majesty . Long mayshe reign in thc affections of her people . The toast having been drunk , was followed by the " National Anthem . "
The Chairman then proposed " The Health of thc M . W . G . M ., H . R . H . thc Prince of Wales , " and said that he had now a Masonic secret to impart , viz ., that when they had done their business there , their fair sisters were anxiously awaiting their presence in thc Temple . He would therefore recommend the brethren at once to put their hands in their pockets and " stump up . " With no
other object than that of saving time , he would , without •wishing to weary them , propose this toast . The merits of the Prince of Wales were too well known to require observation . All Masons thoroughly appreciated him , and he left it in their hands to do ample honour to the toast . With it he coupled the name of Prince Leopold . The Chairman next gave "The Health of thc Pro Grand
Master , Lord Carnarvon , the Dep . Grand Master , Lord Skelmersdale , and the rest of the Grand Officers , Present and Past , " and called upon the Rev . R . J . Simpson , Past Grand Chaplain , to reply . The Rev . R . J . Simpson , in reply , said : My Loid Shrewsbury and Brethren , —We thank the brethren most unfeignedly for the compliment which has been paid to
the past and present officers of Grand Lodge . With regard to Lord Carnarvon and Lord Skelmersdale , it would be presumption in me to make mention even of names which have become "household words" among Masons , not jnly for their public excellence , but for their private worth . The words " past and present" suggest a very happy idea with regard to our present gathering . The " present" is
assembled together to support the " past , " and I am quite sure that to give aid to our brethren in the decline of their years , and to assist the widows of our brethren , is a very fitting occasion on which Grand Officers may assemble together ; and sure I am , that on no fitter occasion could Grand Officers appear than for the purpose of strengthening the feeble knees of age , and making " the widow ' s
heart sing for joy . " I am sure , my lord , that on this occasion we are not the less strengthened by the fact that the " sisters of charity " attend on this occasion not merely as an accident in another place where they appear behind certain lattices , but where they appear openly , essentially claiming their place in a grand and noble charity . I thank
you , my lord and brethren , on behalf of the Officers Past and Present of Grand Lodge , and hope that we may have the privilege , under the Great Architect of the Universe , of assembling on many similar occasions . ( I Iear , hear . ) The Chairman then rose to propose the toast of the evening , "Success to the Royal Masonic Benevolent ¦ Institution for Aged Freemasons and Widows of Freema-
Festival Of The Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
sons , " and , holding up the book with a blue cover which contains the list of subscribers to the Institution , said .-This is the blue book . I am glad to tell you it is not the blue book on " The Eastern Question . " But it is a very important blue book ; and will you allow me a very few seconds while I try to tell you what it says ? It says that we have an annual income of a very small amount
indeed , and if it were not for you wc could not go on at all Therefore my duty is to tell you that we must get on ; that there are seventy-two claimants , and we can only elect ten on the next occasion unless you come forward , as I know from rumours I have received that you have done . We are not going to praise ourselves . Our duty is to carry out charity . You will be glad to hear from me that
a very worthy brother of ours is only going to read out on the present occasion the collective sums of the lodges rather than the individual names , who ought to be ashamed of having their names published . ( Laughter . ) I am proud to tell you it is a secret , and mind you do not tell it ( laughter ) , and next year it will have to be told again—the subscription is bigger
than ever . What do you want more ? You , as Masons , know how great a charity it is to help the infirm old men and infirm old women , and it is my pride to say that here a second time I am in the chair to advocate this charity . The sum is larger than ever has been collected before for this purpose . ( Cheers ) . You have got this blue book , and I will not destroy your pleasure in reading il , because you
can read its words ; you have got it at home . But , remember , our great faith in Masonry is " charity " above all things . We are proud of our three charities , of this charity , of the Boys' School and the Girls' School . The longer I am a Mason the more I am aware of the power , the great power , we possess of assisting those that are in distress . If we look at the distress that comes before us
we wish that we had larger incomes and larger establishments ; and if we go on and follow the noble example set us by our Grand Master , by Prince Leopold , who has just beaten his brother four years ago by a double sum—I am glad to say so at the present moment—and that ofthe brethren of the Apollo Lodge of Oxford , my mother lodge ( and I suppose that is the reason I was asked to occupy
this chair ) , we shall do all we want . I will not detain you further from hearing the dulcet tones of Bro . Terry . You will be glad to hear him now , and also next year . I shall call upon Bro . Tomkins , the Treasurer , to respond . I suppose that the money must pass through his fingers , and , I may say , that a more honest and more hearty friend of the Institution does not exist than Bro . Saml . Tomkins .
( Hear , hear . ) Bro . Tomkins responded , and said : I thank you for this very kind notice that you have paid to your Treasurer , but I am sure , at this present moment , you are all most anxious to hear the particulars of this great and noble collection . It is a matter of pride and pleasure to every Mason , and to no Mason more than your Treasurer , that
so large an amount has been collected . I trust , as your noble Chairman has said , that next year , and every succeeding year , it will be larger than it is now . I have been Treasurer of this charity for a great many years . I have watched its progress with very great pleasure . I have seen the increasing interest the Craft take in it , and I look
forward with undoubted confidence for the future . I have great pleasure in thanking you for your confidence on this occasion , and I will not detain you longer from hearing the particulars of the subscription . Bro . Terry then read the list of subscriptions , amounting in all to the sum of £ 12 , ( 156 13 s .
London . The Marquess of Londonderry 25 o o Lodge 1 Bro . J . March Case ... 43 o 0 „ 1 „ Alderman Ellis ... 10 o o „ 2 „ Samuel Tomkins ... 1000 „ 2 „ Stephen Pearce ... 86 1 o „ 4 „ U . Mackintosh ... 15 15 o „ e „ Horace Scriven ... 71 30
,, 7 „ John Hervey ... 126 15 o „ 8 „ } . P . Probcrt ... ... 900 „ 9 „ W . T . Scott ... ... 3 8 10 0 „ 10 „ Rev . R . J . Simpson ... 5 6 14 o „ 11 „ W . F . Collard Moutrie ... 29 5 ° „ 12 „ W . B . Kidder ... 12 o a
„ 14 „ W . F . Nettleship ... 10 o o „ 1 4 ,, Charles H . Turner ... 12 12 o „ 18 „ H . G . Huggins ... 31 o o „ 21 ,, Robert Berridge ... 65 o o
„ 22 „ Charles W . Gray ... 45 o o „ 23 ,, Charles Martin ... 33 10 o „ 23 ,, J . Hutchinson ... 32 5 o „ 2 7 ,, Samuel R . Lamble ... 100 o o
„ 28 „ George H . Wright ... 4 6 o o „ 29 „ A . J . R . Trendell ... 26 o o „ 33 „ Francis Pendered ... 34 o o „ 49 „ W . A . Tharp ... 134 13 o ,, 49 „ John S . Mercer ... 17 o o „ t , x 11 J . T . Robertson ... 40 5 o
„ 58 „ James Ford ... ... 38 17 o „ 39 „ Captain Dencc ... 47 19 o „ 6 3 „ Charles Daniel ... 53 10 o „ 6 9 „ Dr . George Roper ... 5 6 18 o
„ 72 „ W . G . Brighten ... 20 o o „ 73 „ W . Klingenstein ... 23 o o „ 79 ,, John Dennis ... ... 22 o o 87 „ C . Creecy ... 54 ° ° ,, 92 ,. R . F . Gould ... 33 3 6
„ 95 „ Edwin Bonner ... 25 9 o „ 99 „ W . R . Winch ... 125 o o „ 140 „ Edward Johnson ... 25 10 o „ 144 „ J . G . Unite ... 49 ifi o „ 147 „ William Andrews ... 52 15 o „ 167 „ George Davis ... 32 o o „ 171 „ Joseph Clever ... 28 18 o „ 172 „ John Hancock ... 61 ie o
Festival Of The Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
Lodge 174 Bro . S . H . Rawley ... 89 p 0 Chap . 174 Comp . John Newton ... j . 16 , 0 0 Lodge 177 Bro . W . J . Ferguson ... 36 15 0 ,, 179 » Z . D . Berry ... 36 12 0 „ 180 „ H . A . Stacey ... 7 ° 5 o „ 188 „ H . M . Levy ... 13 o 0 ,, 192 „ George Newman ... 3 8 o , 0 „ 193 „ Henry Leah ... 3 6 5 0
> , r 97 ,, Thomas G . Bullen ... 31 1 0 » T 9 . 8 „ J . M . Lockwood ... 28 o 0 „ 228 „ Robert Griggs ... 105 ip o „ 256 „ Rev . J . Amos ... 32 5 0 ., 259 > , John Scott ... j 7 5 o n 435 i , Robert Seeker ... 42 o p „ 511 „ Asher Barfield ... 24 10 o
„ S £ 4 „ J . G . Stevens ... 211 5 p . -, 56 9 „ H . J . Adams ... 43 o o „ 637 „ G . P . Gillard ... 106 5 o „ 704 „ W . W . Gray ... 30 10 0 > , 7 iS . 1 Johnjonas ... 75 5 o ' „ 720 „ Maurice Spiegel ... 14 o o Chap . 720 Comp . Levanc ' er ... 43 o o
Lodge 742 Bro . W . W . Baxter ... 16 10 . 0 „ 742 „ Thomas Foxall ... 122 o o „ 749 „ Peter Parsons ... 43 o o „ 754 I , C . F . Barham ... 94 . 0 o „ 7 6 5 „ R . Pawson Hooton ... 7 11 o „ 780 ., J . Chambers Roe ... 22 10 p „ 822 „ Lewis Phillips , jun . ... 33 12 o
„ S 60 „ Wm . Hy . Wallington ... 40 o o „ 871 . „ Henry J . Tuson ... 45 o p „ 898 „ Benjamin Carter ... 109 o p „ 902 „ G . Brooks ... 42 5 o „ 907 „ R . E . Steyenson ... 50 j . o o , r 957 » Craven P . Cobham ... 27 4 p „ 107 C „ H . B . Holliday ... 59 11 o „ 1178 „ Isaac Quincey ... 23 3 o
„ 1183 „ Alfred Durrant ... 19 o o „ 1183 „ Geo . J . Row ... 17 10 6 ,, 1201 „ Jno . H . Watts ... 60 o o „ 1228 „ George M . E . Snow ... 50 o o 1 , 1259 „ J- W . Buchan ... no o o „ 1260 „ E . Spooner ... 32 o o „ 1278 „ Wm . Toye ... 86 5 o
„ 1287 „ Edwin Lancaster ' ... no , 0 p „ 1288 „ Robert V . Davies ... . 25 4 o j „ „ „ Edward White ... 75 o o ! » WS n J ° Elliott ... 40 o p „ 1351 „ C . J . Livitt ... 6 3 p p 11 136 $ „ G . R . Soper ... 69 18 6 „ 1366 ,, Charles G . Hill ... 107 o . p
„ 1381 „ Henry Higgins ... 50 1 6 11 138 . ? 11 Colonel Randolph ... 107 10 o „ 1471 ,, E . W . Braine ... 28 o o _ „ 1306 „ James Robertson ... 16 10 o j 11 1507 11 )•J- Michael ... 39 o o n 1538 „ Capt . R . W . Williams ... 29 15 o „ 1540 „ T . J . Sabine ... 62 10 o „ 1341 ¦•J- K . Stacey ... 137 p p
> i ' 558 , 1 Wm . Snowden ... 20 o p 11 ' 559 11 Louis Beck ... 20 p o „ 1572 „ Nelson Reed ... 75 o o ., 1585 11 Joseph Wright .... 93 o a „ ic 8 n „ Walter Wellsman ... 33 10 o
1 , 1601 „ Rev . W . Taylor Jones ... 72 o 9 „ 1602 ,, Eli . is Somers ... 31 5 , 0 „ 1607 „ Charles H . Webb ... 160 o o „ 1608 „ George Kiallmark ... 115 o o 1610 „ R . D . M . Littler , Q . C ... to o o
11 JUI 3 11 John Corke ... 67 2 o „ 1615 „ Lieut . Colonel Burney ... 118 10 o „ 1624 „ Henry A . Hunt ... 26 15 o „ 1625 „ George Ward Verry ... 97 15 0 „ 1629 „ Rev . C . J . Martyn ... 34 2 o „ 1641 „ J . H . Vockins ... 24 o 0
„ 1642 „ William J . Murlis ... 200 o o „ 1637 11 Bev . P . II . E . Brette ... 100 . 0 o ( consecrated on thc 29 th ult . ) Invicta Chapter Rose Croix , Geo . Powell ... 30 o o Mark Ledge 176 , Wm . Prattent ...10 o . 0 J . C . Parkinson , P . G . D . ... 1000 Berks and Bucks : —
Lodge 374 Bro . William Knight ,,. 37 3 0 ,, 943 „ J . Heber Clarke ... 30 o 0 „ noi „ Edward Margrett ... 38 9 0 „ 1 5 „ W . S . Cantrell , jut ) . ... 68 5 6 Bristol : —
The Right Hon . Earl of Limerick 161 . 8 0 Cheshire : ¦ --Lodge 321 Bro . Francis Smith ... 33 13 ° 11 537 11 W . S . Sutton ... 1000 ' ,, 337 „ Thomas Marwood ... 20 . 0 0 » 537 11 Walter Milner ... IP 0 0
,, 337 „ William Marquis ... 10 o 0 „ 605 „ Richard C . Mellor .,,. 10 o 0 „ 1045 „ Wm . Goodacre ... 30 IP 0 , 1 1576 1 , Thomas Chesworth ... 15 o 0 Cumberland and Westmoreland :- *• ,, 129 Bro . George J . McKay ... 63 o 0 Derbyshire : —
„ 850 Bro . A . Stubbs ... 10 p 0 . . Devonshire : — Province I " J > E * Curteis - & ° ° 1 rovince c ^ ^^ God ( sch ? lk > # 20 O p 0 Lodge 112 „ Edgar Tozer ... 26 o 6 „ 666 „ W . J . Rowe ... 500 Dorsetshire : —
„ Montague J . Guest ... 395 P 0 Essex -. — ., 160 „ Rev . H . J . Hatch .... 2 5 p 0 „ 453 11 Geo . Corbie ... 31 13 0 „ 1000 „ J . H . Wardell .,. 3 8 p 0 „ ' 457 n Joseph Tanner ... 19 o 0
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Festival Of The Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
The annual festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and the Widows of Freemasons was held on Monday evening at Freemasons ' Tavern . The announcement that His Royal Highness Prince Leopold , Provincial Grand Master for Oxfordshire ,
would preside , drew together an immense number of brethren and ladies , of the former of whom there were at least 500 , and of the latter nearly 300 . His Royal Highness , however , was too ill to keep his appointment , and in his stead the Right Hon . the Earl of Shrewsbury , Provincial Grand Master for Staffordshire , presided . His lordship was supported on his right by Lord Leigh ,
Provincial Grand Master for Warwickshire , and on his left by Lord Methuen , Provincial Grand Master for Wiltshire . Among the other brethren present were Col . Creaton , John ' Hervey , tbe Rev . R . J . Simpson , the Rev . C . J . Martyn , Dep . Prov . G . M . for Suffolk ; Nicholas Bradford , Samuel Tomkins , G . Treas . ; Capt . Wordsworth , W . F . C . Moutrie , P . M . 11 -, Charles Watson , P . M . and Treas .
11 ; Nutt , J . D . 11 ; Capt . S . G . Homfray , J . AI . Case , J . D . Moore , J . T . Collins , J . E . Curteis , H . C . Levander , Wm . Boby , J . L . Hine , Geo . Lambert , G . M . E . Snow , H . R . Cooper Smith , S . Rosenthal , Rev . W . T . Jones , H . Massey { Freemason ); H . Smith , P . G . Sec , West Yorks ; W . H . Spaull , Lieut .-Colonel II . Somerville Burney ,, P . G . S . D . Essex ; C . Godtschalk , William Hicks , William
Goodacre , J . W . Baldwin , Chas . G . Hill , Major H . Scriven , C . W . Gray , F . Binckes , Sec . R . M . I . Boys , R . Wentworth Little , D . P . G . M ., Middx . ; S . R . Lamble , H . G . Buss , Jno . Mason , G . H . Wright , C . Daniel , C . Creecy , George McKay , K . H . Thiellay , W . H . Lee , J . Newton , W . J . Ferguzon , W . Dodd , N . Green , T . W . Morphew , Josh . Constable , Wm . Harrop , J . Ridal , George
Newman , [ . B . Shackleton , II . Levy , XV . Morgan , Farwig , A . Barfield , J . G . Stevens , W . W . Gray , Wm . Toye , J . Baxter Langley , W . Wellsman , Duckett , J . While , E . M . Haigh , F . A Kelly , L . Beck , W . J . Murliss , E . C . Woodward , G . W . Verry , C . H . Webb , W . Hale , J Wright , J . A . Farnfield , W . Milner , and others . The Chairman , in proposing the toast of " The Queen "
; aid : Ladies and Brethren , —I have in the first place with very great regret to announce to you that I am in this chair on the present occasion owing to thc absence of His Royal Highness Prince Leopold , who , I believe , only this morning was enforced to abandon the intention of being present . I must therefore claim your kind indulgence for the inefficient way in which I shall represent His Royal
Highness to-night . But I think I may say amongst brother Freemasons , that you know I will endeavour to do my best . ( Cheers . ) From the acclamations from the first petticoat that appeared in that gallery , I am sure few remarks only will be necessary from me to ask you to drink the health of the first lady in the land . It is only necessary amongst Englishmen , and especially amongst
Freemasons , to mention the name of Her Majesty the Queen to ensure that toast the hearty reception which it deserves . I should be wasting your time , therefore , if I were to dilate on thc merits of Her Majesty . Long mayshe reign in thc affections of her people . The toast having been drunk , was followed by the " National Anthem . "
The Chairman then proposed " The Health of thc M . W . G . M ., H . R . H . thc Prince of Wales , " and said that he had now a Masonic secret to impart , viz ., that when they had done their business there , their fair sisters were anxiously awaiting their presence in thc Temple . He would therefore recommend the brethren at once to put their hands in their pockets and " stump up . " With no
other object than that of saving time , he would , without •wishing to weary them , propose this toast . The merits of the Prince of Wales were too well known to require observation . All Masons thoroughly appreciated him , and he left it in their hands to do ample honour to the toast . With it he coupled the name of Prince Leopold . The Chairman next gave "The Health of thc Pro Grand
Master , Lord Carnarvon , the Dep . Grand Master , Lord Skelmersdale , and the rest of the Grand Officers , Present and Past , " and called upon the Rev . R . J . Simpson , Past Grand Chaplain , to reply . The Rev . R . J . Simpson , in reply , said : My Loid Shrewsbury and Brethren , —We thank the brethren most unfeignedly for the compliment which has been paid to
the past and present officers of Grand Lodge . With regard to Lord Carnarvon and Lord Skelmersdale , it would be presumption in me to make mention even of names which have become "household words" among Masons , not jnly for their public excellence , but for their private worth . The words " past and present" suggest a very happy idea with regard to our present gathering . The " present" is
assembled together to support the " past , " and I am quite sure that to give aid to our brethren in the decline of their years , and to assist the widows of our brethren , is a very fitting occasion on which Grand Officers may assemble together ; and sure I am , that on no fitter occasion could Grand Officers appear than for the purpose of strengthening the feeble knees of age , and making " the widow ' s
heart sing for joy . " I am sure , my lord , that on this occasion we are not the less strengthened by the fact that the " sisters of charity " attend on this occasion not merely as an accident in another place where they appear behind certain lattices , but where they appear openly , essentially claiming their place in a grand and noble charity . I thank
you , my lord and brethren , on behalf of the Officers Past and Present of Grand Lodge , and hope that we may have the privilege , under the Great Architect of the Universe , of assembling on many similar occasions . ( I Iear , hear . ) The Chairman then rose to propose the toast of the evening , "Success to the Royal Masonic Benevolent ¦ Institution for Aged Freemasons and Widows of Freema-
Festival Of The Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
sons , " and , holding up the book with a blue cover which contains the list of subscribers to the Institution , said .-This is the blue book . I am glad to tell you it is not the blue book on " The Eastern Question . " But it is a very important blue book ; and will you allow me a very few seconds while I try to tell you what it says ? It says that we have an annual income of a very small amount
indeed , and if it were not for you wc could not go on at all Therefore my duty is to tell you that we must get on ; that there are seventy-two claimants , and we can only elect ten on the next occasion unless you come forward , as I know from rumours I have received that you have done . We are not going to praise ourselves . Our duty is to carry out charity . You will be glad to hear from me that
a very worthy brother of ours is only going to read out on the present occasion the collective sums of the lodges rather than the individual names , who ought to be ashamed of having their names published . ( Laughter . ) I am proud to tell you it is a secret , and mind you do not tell it ( laughter ) , and next year it will have to be told again—the subscription is bigger
than ever . What do you want more ? You , as Masons , know how great a charity it is to help the infirm old men and infirm old women , and it is my pride to say that here a second time I am in the chair to advocate this charity . The sum is larger than ever has been collected before for this purpose . ( Cheers ) . You have got this blue book , and I will not destroy your pleasure in reading il , because you
can read its words ; you have got it at home . But , remember , our great faith in Masonry is " charity " above all things . We are proud of our three charities , of this charity , of the Boys' School and the Girls' School . The longer I am a Mason the more I am aware of the power , the great power , we possess of assisting those that are in distress . If we look at the distress that comes before us
we wish that we had larger incomes and larger establishments ; and if we go on and follow the noble example set us by our Grand Master , by Prince Leopold , who has just beaten his brother four years ago by a double sum—I am glad to say so at the present moment—and that ofthe brethren of the Apollo Lodge of Oxford , my mother lodge ( and I suppose that is the reason I was asked to occupy
this chair ) , we shall do all we want . I will not detain you further from hearing the dulcet tones of Bro . Terry . You will be glad to hear him now , and also next year . I shall call upon Bro . Tomkins , the Treasurer , to respond . I suppose that the money must pass through his fingers , and , I may say , that a more honest and more hearty friend of the Institution does not exist than Bro . Saml . Tomkins .
( Hear , hear . ) Bro . Tomkins responded , and said : I thank you for this very kind notice that you have paid to your Treasurer , but I am sure , at this present moment , you are all most anxious to hear the particulars of this great and noble collection . It is a matter of pride and pleasure to every Mason , and to no Mason more than your Treasurer , that
so large an amount has been collected . I trust , as your noble Chairman has said , that next year , and every succeeding year , it will be larger than it is now . I have been Treasurer of this charity for a great many years . I have watched its progress with very great pleasure . I have seen the increasing interest the Craft take in it , and I look
forward with undoubted confidence for the future . I have great pleasure in thanking you for your confidence on this occasion , and I will not detain you longer from hearing the particulars of the subscription . Bro . Terry then read the list of subscriptions , amounting in all to the sum of £ 12 , ( 156 13 s .
London . The Marquess of Londonderry 25 o o Lodge 1 Bro . J . March Case ... 43 o 0 „ 1 „ Alderman Ellis ... 10 o o „ 2 „ Samuel Tomkins ... 1000 „ 2 „ Stephen Pearce ... 86 1 o „ 4 „ U . Mackintosh ... 15 15 o „ e „ Horace Scriven ... 71 30
,, 7 „ John Hervey ... 126 15 o „ 8 „ } . P . Probcrt ... ... 900 „ 9 „ W . T . Scott ... ... 3 8 10 0 „ 10 „ Rev . R . J . Simpson ... 5 6 14 o „ 11 „ W . F . Collard Moutrie ... 29 5 ° „ 12 „ W . B . Kidder ... 12 o a
„ 14 „ W . F . Nettleship ... 10 o o „ 1 4 ,, Charles H . Turner ... 12 12 o „ 18 „ H . G . Huggins ... 31 o o „ 21 ,, Robert Berridge ... 65 o o
„ 22 „ Charles W . Gray ... 45 o o „ 23 ,, Charles Martin ... 33 10 o „ 23 ,, J . Hutchinson ... 32 5 o „ 2 7 ,, Samuel R . Lamble ... 100 o o
„ 28 „ George H . Wright ... 4 6 o o „ 29 „ A . J . R . Trendell ... 26 o o „ 33 „ Francis Pendered ... 34 o o „ 49 „ W . A . Tharp ... 134 13 o ,, 49 „ John S . Mercer ... 17 o o „ t , x 11 J . T . Robertson ... 40 5 o
„ 58 „ James Ford ... ... 38 17 o „ 39 „ Captain Dencc ... 47 19 o „ 6 3 „ Charles Daniel ... 53 10 o „ 6 9 „ Dr . George Roper ... 5 6 18 o
„ 72 „ W . G . Brighten ... 20 o o „ 73 „ W . Klingenstein ... 23 o o „ 79 ,, John Dennis ... ... 22 o o 87 „ C . Creecy ... 54 ° ° ,, 92 ,. R . F . Gould ... 33 3 6
„ 95 „ Edwin Bonner ... 25 9 o „ 99 „ W . R . Winch ... 125 o o „ 140 „ Edward Johnson ... 25 10 o „ 144 „ J . G . Unite ... 49 ifi o „ 147 „ William Andrews ... 52 15 o „ 167 „ George Davis ... 32 o o „ 171 „ Joseph Clever ... 28 18 o „ 172 „ John Hancock ... 61 ie o
Festival Of The Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
Lodge 174 Bro . S . H . Rawley ... 89 p 0 Chap . 174 Comp . John Newton ... j . 16 , 0 0 Lodge 177 Bro . W . J . Ferguson ... 36 15 0 ,, 179 » Z . D . Berry ... 36 12 0 „ 180 „ H . A . Stacey ... 7 ° 5 o „ 188 „ H . M . Levy ... 13 o 0 ,, 192 „ George Newman ... 3 8 o , 0 „ 193 „ Henry Leah ... 3 6 5 0
> , r 97 ,, Thomas G . Bullen ... 31 1 0 » T 9 . 8 „ J . M . Lockwood ... 28 o 0 „ 228 „ Robert Griggs ... 105 ip o „ 256 „ Rev . J . Amos ... 32 5 0 ., 259 > , John Scott ... j 7 5 o n 435 i , Robert Seeker ... 42 o p „ 511 „ Asher Barfield ... 24 10 o
„ S £ 4 „ J . G . Stevens ... 211 5 p . -, 56 9 „ H . J . Adams ... 43 o o „ 637 „ G . P . Gillard ... 106 5 o „ 704 „ W . W . Gray ... 30 10 0 > , 7 iS . 1 Johnjonas ... 75 5 o ' „ 720 „ Maurice Spiegel ... 14 o o Chap . 720 Comp . Levanc ' er ... 43 o o
Lodge 742 Bro . W . W . Baxter ... 16 10 . 0 „ 742 „ Thomas Foxall ... 122 o o „ 749 „ Peter Parsons ... 43 o o „ 754 I , C . F . Barham ... 94 . 0 o „ 7 6 5 „ R . Pawson Hooton ... 7 11 o „ 780 ., J . Chambers Roe ... 22 10 p „ 822 „ Lewis Phillips , jun . ... 33 12 o
„ S 60 „ Wm . Hy . Wallington ... 40 o o „ 871 . „ Henry J . Tuson ... 45 o p „ 898 „ Benjamin Carter ... 109 o p „ 902 „ G . Brooks ... 42 5 o „ 907 „ R . E . Steyenson ... 50 j . o o , r 957 » Craven P . Cobham ... 27 4 p „ 107 C „ H . B . Holliday ... 59 11 o „ 1178 „ Isaac Quincey ... 23 3 o
„ 1183 „ Alfred Durrant ... 19 o o „ 1183 „ Geo . J . Row ... 17 10 6 ,, 1201 „ Jno . H . Watts ... 60 o o „ 1228 „ George M . E . Snow ... 50 o o 1 , 1259 „ J- W . Buchan ... no o o „ 1260 „ E . Spooner ... 32 o o „ 1278 „ Wm . Toye ... 86 5 o
„ 1287 „ Edwin Lancaster ' ... no , 0 p „ 1288 „ Robert V . Davies ... . 25 4 o j „ „ „ Edward White ... 75 o o ! » WS n J ° Elliott ... 40 o p „ 1351 „ C . J . Livitt ... 6 3 p p 11 136 $ „ G . R . Soper ... 69 18 6 „ 1366 ,, Charles G . Hill ... 107 o . p
„ 1381 „ Henry Higgins ... 50 1 6 11 138 . ? 11 Colonel Randolph ... 107 10 o „ 1471 ,, E . W . Braine ... 28 o o _ „ 1306 „ James Robertson ... 16 10 o j 11 1507 11 )•J- Michael ... 39 o o n 1538 „ Capt . R . W . Williams ... 29 15 o „ 1540 „ T . J . Sabine ... 62 10 o „ 1341 ¦•J- K . Stacey ... 137 p p
> i ' 558 , 1 Wm . Snowden ... 20 o p 11 ' 559 11 Louis Beck ... 20 p o „ 1572 „ Nelson Reed ... 75 o o ., 1585 11 Joseph Wright .... 93 o a „ ic 8 n „ Walter Wellsman ... 33 10 o
1 , 1601 „ Rev . W . Taylor Jones ... 72 o 9 „ 1602 ,, Eli . is Somers ... 31 5 , 0 „ 1607 „ Charles H . Webb ... 160 o o „ 1608 „ George Kiallmark ... 115 o o 1610 „ R . D . M . Littler , Q . C ... to o o
11 JUI 3 11 John Corke ... 67 2 o „ 1615 „ Lieut . Colonel Burney ... 118 10 o „ 1624 „ Henry A . Hunt ... 26 15 o „ 1625 „ George Ward Verry ... 97 15 0 „ 1629 „ Rev . C . J . Martyn ... 34 2 o „ 1641 „ J . H . Vockins ... 24 o 0
„ 1642 „ William J . Murlis ... 200 o o „ 1637 11 Bev . P . II . E . Brette ... 100 . 0 o ( consecrated on thc 29 th ult . ) Invicta Chapter Rose Croix , Geo . Powell ... 30 o o Mark Ledge 176 , Wm . Prattent ...10 o . 0 J . C . Parkinson , P . G . D . ... 1000 Berks and Bucks : —
Lodge 374 Bro . William Knight ,,. 37 3 0 ,, 943 „ J . Heber Clarke ... 30 o 0 „ noi „ Edward Margrett ... 38 9 0 „ 1 5 „ W . S . Cantrell , jut ) . ... 68 5 6 Bristol : —
The Right Hon . Earl of Limerick 161 . 8 0 Cheshire : ¦ --Lodge 321 Bro . Francis Smith ... 33 13 ° 11 537 11 W . S . Sutton ... 1000 ' ,, 337 „ Thomas Marwood ... 20 . 0 0 » 537 11 Walter Milner ... IP 0 0
,, 337 „ William Marquis ... 10 o 0 „ 605 „ Richard C . Mellor .,,. 10 o 0 „ 1045 „ Wm . Goodacre ... 30 IP 0 , 1 1576 1 , Thomas Chesworth ... 15 o 0 Cumberland and Westmoreland :- *• ,, 129 Bro . George J . McKay ... 63 o 0 Derbyshire : —
„ 850 Bro . A . Stubbs ... 10 p 0 . . Devonshire : — Province I " J > E * Curteis - & ° ° 1 rovince c ^ ^^ God ( sch ? lk > # 20 O p 0 Lodge 112 „ Edgar Tozer ... 26 o 6 „ 666 „ W . J . Rowe ... 500 Dorsetshire : —
„ Montague J . Guest ... 395 P 0 Essex -. — ., 160 „ Rev . H . J . Hatch .... 2 5 p 0 „ 453 11 Geo . Corbie ... 31 13 0 „ 1000 „ J . H . Wardell .,. 3 8 p 0 „ ' 457 n Joseph Tanner ... 19 o 0