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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
knew he was engaged , as green spots in the great wilderness in which there was a great deal of contention and bitter feeling , and he should come to this lodge as his home , where they would unite in their endeavours to do good , and where their hearts would beat with each other and be in harmony . Bro . J . T . Moss also replied , and said he felt the fullest satisfaction that his friend , Dr .
Baxter Langley , had retired from the chair with the feeling of respect from thc brethren . With regard to himself Dr . Langley had made one observation , but he would add that if he had g iven them any amusement it afforded him great gratification . It also afforded him great pleasure to see the Era Lodge going on as it was , in a happy way . It was a satisfaction when they came to thc Era
Lodge to meet with feelings of kindness and regard for each other , and when they went away , to part with the same feelings as those with which they met . He hoped when they came again they would have the same , feelings . The Worshipful Master next said r Brethren , —The next toast which I have the pleasure to propose is that of our Treasurer and Secretary . In our
Treasurer , Bro . Dubois , there is no finding thc bottom of his stocking when thc interests of the Era Lodge are concerned whilst in our Secretary , Bro . Walters , considering his immense Masonic labours , it is a wonder that he yet lives , and keeps in his usual delicate health . Brethren , to our Treasurer and Secretary . Neither Treasurer nor Secretary being by this time present , the W . M . again
rose to propose the toast of " The Officers , " and in doing so said : We have ' our Bro . Sabine , a Past Master of many lodges , who has discharged his duties as Warden and as Treasurer since its foundation , and who does not consider sixty miles too far to regularly attend thc Era Lodge . There is our Bro . Devereux , the perfection of workers , Bro . Wolff and Bro . Loos , who arc to be champions of
Deaconship in Middlesex ; Bro . Johnson , thc Inner Guard , Bro . Underwood , the Director of Ceremonies ; and Bro . Fa llkncr , thc W . Steward . Wishing them good health , and trusting upon their support at every lodge meeting . Bro . Sabine , in response , said that although he had been in many lodges , in none had he taken a deeper interest than in thc Era , on which he might sav he had been in
regular and constant attendance , considering the distance he had to travel . It was admiltcd on all hands that the founders of the Era Lodge laid down thc true lines of a good Masonic structure , and one which should be an ornament to Freemasonry . It was an ornament on account of thc work which had been done by thc Masters and Officers , and it had also been of great use in
Freemasonry , showing what could be done by unanimity and cordiality of feeling . He believed no lodge had been established in which there had been so few differences of opinion . He trusted that those brethren who would follow thc W . M . in thc chair would sec thc same feelings , and that he might be spared many years to witness the same unanimity of feeling , the same happiness , and the same
concord which had hitherto pervaded all classes of members of thc lodge . Thc J . W . also thanked the W . M ., and thc Tyler ' s toast concluded thc proceedings , which were enlivened by some beautiful singing by Bros Frank Elmore and F . Penna . THE GREAT CITY LODGE ( No . 1426 ) . —This lodge held its regular meeting on Saturday , the 10 II 1 day
of February , at the Cannon-street Hotel . Present : Bros . John Seex , W . M . ; Richard Stanway , S . W . ; James Freeman , J . W . ; Edward Moody , P . M . and Sec ; N . U . Headon , P . M . and Treas . ; G . W . Blackie , S . D . ; W . 11 . Catchpole , J . D . ; Charles Taylor , D . C . ; W . F . Kibble and W . H . Hook , Stewards ; T . Hamer , I . G . ; W . Steedman , Tyler . Past Masters , Bros . J . 11 . Townend and James Stevens ,
and about sixty or seventy other members and visitors . The lodge having been opened , and the previous minutes confirmed , Bro . Moody acting for the W . M ., in bis absence , raised Bros Cumner and Brooks to thc sublime Degree . Thc W . M ., Bro . Seex , subsequently passed Bros . Walker Denbigh , Maynard , Greening and Groom to thc Degree of F . C , and initiated Messrs . C . A . Blakely , T . G . Whitehousc , and W . Lucas into the Order . The sum of
fifty guineas was voted to the Royal Masonic Institution foi Boys , and placed on thc list of the W . M ., who serves as Steward , and who had several other individualand very liberal donations added to his list before the lodge was closed . Propositions for initiation were taken , and thc W . M . then closed thc lodge . Thc brethren adjourned for light refreshment and separated at an early hour in thc evening .
DUKE OF CONNAUGHT LODGE ( No . 1558 ; . —At the Surrey Masonic Hall , on Thursday , the Sth inst ., there was a large and select gathering of the members of the' above young and flourishing lodge , and several visitors , a list of whom is given below . Tbe close proximity of the Camberwell New-road Station of thc London Chatham and Dover Railway to the new hall , affords the
members resident at a distance a ready means of access , and this may in some measure account for the extraordinary success which has attended the lodge ever since H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M ., granted the warrant under which its meetings arc held , a period of about eighteen months , during which nearly fifty candidates have been introduced , notwithstanding the fact that
the fees have lately been considerably increased . Bros . W . S . Cackett is thc W . M . ; T . Sleap , S . W . ; W . Mitchell , J . W . ; Snowdon , Treas . ; James Dann , P . M ., Sec . ; A . Runacres , S . D . ; W . Chalk , J . D . ; C . E . Power , D . C ; J . H . Swan , I . " . M . ; Boyden , I . G . ; T . Taylor , W . S . There were several visitors , amongst them Bros . J . W . Chapman , of the Rose Lodge , 1022 ; K . G . Webster ,
Royal Jubilee , 72 ; E . W . Devereux , C . F . Strube , 72 ; Thompson , 177 , 1158 . The lodge was opened in due form and with solemn prayer , and after three passings , Messrs . Wm . Neuuuiii , j . C . Stokes , and Briscoe were dul y initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Ancient Freemasonry . It was then resolved that the best thanks of th r biellitren be given to Bios . Scott and Dixon for their
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
services in connection with the testimonial recently presented to the I . P . M .. Bro . Snowden , and that thc same be recorded on the minutes . After the transaction of some other business thc lodge was closed in due form . The brethren then adjourned to refreshment . Thc W . M . proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , which were duly honoured . To the toast of " Thc Initiates , " Bros . Thomas , Briscoe ,
and Neunum severally returned thanks . The toast of " Thc Visitors " was duly honoured , and , in response , they congratulated the lodge on the manner in which thc W . M . had performed his duties , and upon the able and complete manner in which he had been supported by his officers . Several songs and recitations by Bros . Dixon , Chalk , and others , brought a very enjoyable
evening to a happy termination . ALDERSGATE LODGE ( No . 1657 ) . —The first regular meeting of the above lodge was held on Monday last , at the Castle and Falcon . Present : Bros . John Derby Allcroft , W . M . ; Dr . P . H . Ernest Brette , S . W . ; Dr . Charles Hogg , J . W . ; George Kenning , Treas . ; Thomas Jones , Sec ; P . Saillard , S . D . ; W . H . Froom ,
J . D . ; A . ] . Altman , I . G . ; Thomas Benskin , D . C ; Hyde Pullen , Pio . S . B . -, E . Y . Jolliffe . The minutes of thc last meeting were read and confirmed . The Rev . Richard Lee , M . A ., Head Master Christ's Hospital ; Dr . Herbert Alder Smith , M . B ., London Resident Medical Officer Christ ' s Hospital ; and Mr . Walter S . Chapman were then initiated into the Order . Bros . W . Wright Landcll , Shakespeare
Lodge , 99 ; L . White , Temple Lotlge , 101 ; Edward Young Jolliffe , Neptune Lodge , were elected joining members . The thanks of thc lodge were voted , and ordered to be entered upon the minutes , to Bros . John Derby Allcroft , Bro . Dr . Brette , Bro . Dr . Hogg , Bro . Saillard , Bro . Froom , and Bro . Altman , for having presented the funds ( £ 170 ) required to establish the lodge . Thc proposed bye-laws for the
governing of thc , lodge were then read by the Secretary , and approved by thc lodge , subject to thc sanction of thc Grand Secretary . One brother was proposed Ior joining , and one gentleman for initiation , at the next meeting in March . The lodge was then closed , after which thc brethren adjourned to dinner . Bro . Dr . Brette represented this lodge as Steward for the Benevolent Institution .
The founders of the lodge , nine in number , subscribed £ 100 . WOODBRIDGE . — Doric Lodgo ( No . Si ) . — Tbe regular meeting of this lodge was held at thc Masonic Hall , Woodbridge , Suffolk , on Wednesday , the 7 th inst . Amongst thoso present were Bros . Barnes , W . M . ; Moor , S . W . ; Browne , J . W . ; Phillips , P . M . ;
WUmsVrarst , P . M ., Sec ; Dr . Kecr , J . D . ; Grim-wood ; B . Gall , Treas . ; Freeman , Jeffries , Allen , and others . Visitors : Bros . Emra Holmes , P . M . 114 , P . P . G . R . and P . P . G . D . C , and another brother , a member of thc Prince of Wales Lodge . No . 959 , whose name wc did not gather , Thc lodge having been duly opened and minutes confirmed , Mr . Ernest St . George Cobbold was balloted for ,
accepted , and duly initiated , the ceremony being very efficiently performed by thc W . M ., and Bro . Phillips delivering tlie ancient charge . Thc business of the lodge was proceeded with , and Bro . Phillips said it had been suggested to him by Bro . Emra Holmes that this lodge being more than a hundred years old , the brethren should apply to Grand Lodge to wear the centenary jewel . The
cost of a warrant conveying the necessary authority would only be £ 5 5 s ., and it was well worth that to have the privilege . Bro . Wilmshurst seconded the motion , which was carried unanimously . Thc W . M ., in feeling terms , announced the death of Bro . Wm . Trott , the father of thc lodge , who , it appeared , had been fifty-two years a Mason when he died a few dxys since , and stated his ( Bro .
Barnes ' s ) wish that the brethren should wear mourning for him for one month . The Treasurer read a statement from his accounts , showing that the lodge was in a very prosperous condition , having over £ 60 lodged in the savings' bank . Bro . Phillips undertook to be Steward for the Boys' School this year , and £ 5 was voted from the funds of thc lodge , several brethren also subscribing a
guinea each to make up his list . I wo brethren were erased for non-payment of quarterages . A candidate was proposed for initiation , and another as a joining member ; and thc other business of the lodge having been disposed of , it was closed in ancient form , and the brethren adjourned to thc Crown Hotel to supper . The Doric is one of thc old Athol lodgcs , " and its charter is a very interesting
old document ; some of its jewels are very curious . The Prudence Preceptory of Knights Templar , A . D . 1810 , was removed back to Ipswich from Woodbridge in 1840 . DOVER . —Peace and Harmony Lodge ( N o . 199 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the 5 th inst ., when Bro . J . Bordeaux , W . M ., occupied thc chair , and was supported by the following P . M . ' s : —Bros .
J . D . Terson , I . P . M . ; Cessford , Fry , J . Coram , A . Ayers , and Cox . Lodge was opened in the Second Degree by solemn prayer , and after reading the minutes of the last meeting , Bros . Geo . Saville and Charles II . Cromwell Marsh were most beautifully and impressively raised to thc Sublime Degree of M . M . by the W . M ., who was subsequently complimented , when his toast was proposed , by
a P . M . on the ability he displayed . At the close of the lodge the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . The W . M ., in proposing the toast of "The P . M . ' s Present , " observed that he never attended any lodge but 199 and saw so many P . M . ' s present , which he said was a great support to the W . M . in his arduous duties . The W . M . also spoke in the highest terms of the ability of the
various officers , which also materially conduced to his success in occupying the chair , and also looked well for the future prosperity of the lodge . The toast of "The Visitors " was responded to by Bro . Matthews , of Brownrigg Lodge , No . 1424 . WINDSOR . —Etonian Lodge of St . John ( No . 20 t )) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at thc Masonic HaU on Tuesday , the 6 th inst . Pre-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
sent : Bros . C . D . Hume , W . M . ; Roberts , S . W . ; Schicmann , J . W . ; Wilson , P . M ., Treas . ; Carter , P . M ., P . G . D . C . Beiks and Bucks , Sec . ; Nicholes , S . D . ; Pears , J . D . ; Cousins , I . G . ; Evans , Steward ; Dixon , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C . ; Mclllwham , P . M . ; Hopwood , P . M . ; Bryett , P . M . ; Pullin , P . M ., P . P . G . D . ; Stedwell , P . M . ; Dick Radclyffe , Pitts , Larkin , Wilkins , Blizard , Hiscock , Mitchiner , Duffield
Sec . Visitors : Bros . Tolley , P . M . 771 ; Hurst , W . M . 1512 ; Petts , 342 ; Johnson , 771 ; Lancaster , 3 ( Peru ) . Bros . Pitts and Larkin were raised to the degree of M . M . by thc W . M ., who also afterwards initiated into Freemasonry Messrs . Apted , Bailey , and Dore . The manner in which thc W . M . carried out thc whole ceremonial was thc subject of general comment , it was characterised by being
singularly impressive . A special vote of thanks was given to Bro . Dick Radclyffe , for the manner in which he gratuitously presented the table decorations on the occasion of the annual festival in January . In consideration of the eminent services rendered by Bro . Tolley , P . M . of 771 , Windsor Castle , by presiding at thc organ , and conducting
the musical services generally , the brethren unanimously elected him an honorary member of the lodge . Bro . John Cockburn , P . M . of 820 and 975 , was elected as a joining member . A candidate for initiation having been proposed , the lodge was , after some routine business , closed in due form .
STOKESLEY . —Cleveland Lodge ( No . 543 ) . — The annual festival of the Cleveland Lodge was celebrated in the lodge-room at the Golden Lion Hotel , Stokesley , on the 25 th ult ., Bro . J . H . Handyside , P . Prov . G . J . W ., P . M ., in the chair , and Bro . James Coulson , W . M ., in thc vice-chair . The toasts given and duly honoured were " The Queen and thc Craft , " " The M . W .
Grand Master , H . R . H . thc Prince of Wales , " " The Army , Navy , and Volunteers , " responded to by Bro . Forbes , P . M ., as lieutenant of the 9 th North York Rifle Corps ; " The Prov . G . M . thc Earl of Zetland , " "The D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Dr . Bell , " proposed by the W . M . ; "The Visiting Brothers , '' responded to by Bro . Dyson , of the Marwood ; and Handvsidc Lodges , at . Redcar and Saltburn .
" Health and Prosperity to Bro . Marwood , P . Prov , D . G . M ., and P . M . of the Cleveland Lodge . " This toast in thc unavoidable absence of Bro . Marwood , who first saw thc light of Masonry in the Cleveland Lodge , and who has for many years been dear to the heart of every Mason in the province ( the late Earl of Zetland having offered to retire as Prov . G . M ., and appoint our worthy
brother to thc office ) , was received with the enthusiasm it so well deserved . Bro . Wilcox , P . M ., proposed " The Health of Bro . Coulson , the newly-elected , W . M ., " whgse working hitherto has given great satisfaction to the lodge . Bro . Coulson responded , expressing a wish to be able to keep the reputation of the lodge , and to do all in his power to promote its prosperity . Bro . George
Markham Tweddell said that he had a toast to propose which could never be more appropriately given at a meeting of Freemasons than on that occasion , for one hundred and eighteen years ago a child was bom about two miles from Ayr , who not only became the chief of Scotland ' s many gifted bards , but also one of the most illustrious characters in thc annals of Masonry : he alluded to Bro . Robert
Burns . Nor could he dismiss from his mind the thought that , at that very moment , in various parts of the country , thousands of " good men and true" were assembled around thc festive board to do honour to the toast he was about to propose . Indeed , wherever the English language was spoken around the globe , it was the toast of the day . After a careful study of thc life of Bro . Robert Burns , he
had no wish to be blind to his human failings , yet , after all , his character , he was not ashamed to assert , was as glorious as his undying poems . It was to out sublime Masonic teaching that Burns owed many of his noblest sentiments , and it was to the credit of thc Freemasons of Scotland that Britain was saved the indelible disgrace of forcing her then most gifted son to seek for
bread in the West Indies . If there was a Mason living who would refuse to honour the toast he hoped never to meet him in that or in any other warranted lodge or society of Masons , who prize honour and viituc above all the external advantages of rank and fortune . He gave " The Immortal Memory of Bro . Robert Burns , " which was drank in solemn silence . Bro . R . R . Richardson .
P . M ., proposed "The Health of Bro . Forbes , the I . P . M ., " which that brother responded to . Bro . Tweddell then , at " the request of the W . M ., proposed " The Health of Bro . Handyside , the Father of Freemasonry in Cleveland , " which that indefatigable Mason responded to in a very feeling manner . The other toasts were , "Thc Youngest Member of thc Lodge , " responded to by Bro .
Thos . Fcnney ; " The Assistant Officers , " responded to by Bro . Hansom , J . D . ; and " To all Poor and Distressed Masons around the Globe . " Recitations were given by Bros . Harrison and Tweddell . Songs were sung by Bros . Watson , Wilcox , R . R . Richardson , Sharpc , Rontree , and others , Henry Fawcett presided at the American organ . Although several of the distant members of the lodge
were absent , the brethrent spent a very harmonious and agreeable evening together , and separated about ten o ' clock . WELCHPOOL . —Welchpool Lodge ( No . 998 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Friday , the 2 nd inst ., at the Railway Station , -Welchpool . The W . M ., Bro . T . R . Morris , opened his lodge in the First and
Second Degrees , and Bro . the Rev . Alfred Whitlow , having intimated his wish to be raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason , was entrusted and retired . Lodge was opened in thc Third Degree , when the W . M . requested Bro . David Pryce Owen , the Senior P . M ., to take the chair ,
and Bro . Whitlow being re-admitted , was raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason in ancient and solemn form . Lodge was resumed in the First Degree , and Mr . William T . Parker , J . P . forthe Borough of Welchpool , was admitted and initiated into the mysteries of ancient Freemasonry . At the request of the W . M ., Bro . Owen retained
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
knew he was engaged , as green spots in the great wilderness in which there was a great deal of contention and bitter feeling , and he should come to this lodge as his home , where they would unite in their endeavours to do good , and where their hearts would beat with each other and be in harmony . Bro . J . T . Moss also replied , and said he felt the fullest satisfaction that his friend , Dr .
Baxter Langley , had retired from the chair with the feeling of respect from thc brethren . With regard to himself Dr . Langley had made one observation , but he would add that if he had g iven them any amusement it afforded him great gratification . It also afforded him great pleasure to see the Era Lodge going on as it was , in a happy way . It was a satisfaction when they came to thc Era
Lodge to meet with feelings of kindness and regard for each other , and when they went away , to part with the same feelings as those with which they met . He hoped when they came again they would have the same , feelings . The Worshipful Master next said r Brethren , —The next toast which I have the pleasure to propose is that of our Treasurer and Secretary . In our
Treasurer , Bro . Dubois , there is no finding thc bottom of his stocking when thc interests of the Era Lodge are concerned whilst in our Secretary , Bro . Walters , considering his immense Masonic labours , it is a wonder that he yet lives , and keeps in his usual delicate health . Brethren , to our Treasurer and Secretary . Neither Treasurer nor Secretary being by this time present , the W . M . again
rose to propose the toast of " The Officers , " and in doing so said : We have ' our Bro . Sabine , a Past Master of many lodges , who has discharged his duties as Warden and as Treasurer since its foundation , and who does not consider sixty miles too far to regularly attend thc Era Lodge . There is our Bro . Devereux , the perfection of workers , Bro . Wolff and Bro . Loos , who arc to be champions of
Deaconship in Middlesex ; Bro . Johnson , thc Inner Guard , Bro . Underwood , the Director of Ceremonies ; and Bro . Fa llkncr , thc W . Steward . Wishing them good health , and trusting upon their support at every lodge meeting . Bro . Sabine , in response , said that although he had been in many lodges , in none had he taken a deeper interest than in thc Era , on which he might sav he had been in
regular and constant attendance , considering the distance he had to travel . It was admiltcd on all hands that the founders of the Era Lodge laid down thc true lines of a good Masonic structure , and one which should be an ornament to Freemasonry . It was an ornament on account of thc work which had been done by thc Masters and Officers , and it had also been of great use in
Freemasonry , showing what could be done by unanimity and cordiality of feeling . He believed no lodge had been established in which there had been so few differences of opinion . He trusted that those brethren who would follow thc W . M . in thc chair would sec thc same feelings , and that he might be spared many years to witness the same unanimity of feeling , the same happiness , and the same
concord which had hitherto pervaded all classes of members of thc lodge . Thc J . W . also thanked the W . M ., and thc Tyler ' s toast concluded thc proceedings , which were enlivened by some beautiful singing by Bros Frank Elmore and F . Penna . THE GREAT CITY LODGE ( No . 1426 ) . —This lodge held its regular meeting on Saturday , the 10 II 1 day
of February , at the Cannon-street Hotel . Present : Bros . John Seex , W . M . ; Richard Stanway , S . W . ; James Freeman , J . W . ; Edward Moody , P . M . and Sec ; N . U . Headon , P . M . and Treas . ; G . W . Blackie , S . D . ; W . 11 . Catchpole , J . D . ; Charles Taylor , D . C . ; W . F . Kibble and W . H . Hook , Stewards ; T . Hamer , I . G . ; W . Steedman , Tyler . Past Masters , Bros . J . 11 . Townend and James Stevens ,
and about sixty or seventy other members and visitors . The lodge having been opened , and the previous minutes confirmed , Bro . Moody acting for the W . M ., in bis absence , raised Bros Cumner and Brooks to thc sublime Degree . Thc W . M ., Bro . Seex , subsequently passed Bros . Walker Denbigh , Maynard , Greening and Groom to thc Degree of F . C , and initiated Messrs . C . A . Blakely , T . G . Whitehousc , and W . Lucas into the Order . The sum of
fifty guineas was voted to the Royal Masonic Institution foi Boys , and placed on thc list of the W . M ., who serves as Steward , and who had several other individualand very liberal donations added to his list before the lodge was closed . Propositions for initiation were taken , and thc W . M . then closed thc lodge . Thc brethren adjourned for light refreshment and separated at an early hour in thc evening .
DUKE OF CONNAUGHT LODGE ( No . 1558 ; . —At the Surrey Masonic Hall , on Thursday , the Sth inst ., there was a large and select gathering of the members of the' above young and flourishing lodge , and several visitors , a list of whom is given below . Tbe close proximity of the Camberwell New-road Station of thc London Chatham and Dover Railway to the new hall , affords the
members resident at a distance a ready means of access , and this may in some measure account for the extraordinary success which has attended the lodge ever since H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M ., granted the warrant under which its meetings arc held , a period of about eighteen months , during which nearly fifty candidates have been introduced , notwithstanding the fact that
the fees have lately been considerably increased . Bros . W . S . Cackett is thc W . M . ; T . Sleap , S . W . ; W . Mitchell , J . W . ; Snowdon , Treas . ; James Dann , P . M ., Sec . ; A . Runacres , S . D . ; W . Chalk , J . D . ; C . E . Power , D . C ; J . H . Swan , I . " . M . ; Boyden , I . G . ; T . Taylor , W . S . There were several visitors , amongst them Bros . J . W . Chapman , of the Rose Lodge , 1022 ; K . G . Webster ,
Royal Jubilee , 72 ; E . W . Devereux , C . F . Strube , 72 ; Thompson , 177 , 1158 . The lodge was opened in due form and with solemn prayer , and after three passings , Messrs . Wm . Neuuuiii , j . C . Stokes , and Briscoe were dul y initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Ancient Freemasonry . It was then resolved that the best thanks of th r biellitren be given to Bios . Scott and Dixon for their
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
services in connection with the testimonial recently presented to the I . P . M .. Bro . Snowden , and that thc same be recorded on the minutes . After the transaction of some other business thc lodge was closed in due form . The brethren then adjourned to refreshment . Thc W . M . proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , which were duly honoured . To the toast of " Thc Initiates , " Bros . Thomas , Briscoe ,
and Neunum severally returned thanks . The toast of " Thc Visitors " was duly honoured , and , in response , they congratulated the lodge on the manner in which thc W . M . had performed his duties , and upon the able and complete manner in which he had been supported by his officers . Several songs and recitations by Bros . Dixon , Chalk , and others , brought a very enjoyable
evening to a happy termination . ALDERSGATE LODGE ( No . 1657 ) . —The first regular meeting of the above lodge was held on Monday last , at the Castle and Falcon . Present : Bros . John Derby Allcroft , W . M . ; Dr . P . H . Ernest Brette , S . W . ; Dr . Charles Hogg , J . W . ; George Kenning , Treas . ; Thomas Jones , Sec ; P . Saillard , S . D . ; W . H . Froom ,
J . D . ; A . ] . Altman , I . G . ; Thomas Benskin , D . C ; Hyde Pullen , Pio . S . B . -, E . Y . Jolliffe . The minutes of thc last meeting were read and confirmed . The Rev . Richard Lee , M . A ., Head Master Christ's Hospital ; Dr . Herbert Alder Smith , M . B ., London Resident Medical Officer Christ ' s Hospital ; and Mr . Walter S . Chapman were then initiated into the Order . Bros . W . Wright Landcll , Shakespeare
Lodge , 99 ; L . White , Temple Lotlge , 101 ; Edward Young Jolliffe , Neptune Lodge , were elected joining members . The thanks of thc lodge were voted , and ordered to be entered upon the minutes , to Bros . John Derby Allcroft , Bro . Dr . Brette , Bro . Dr . Hogg , Bro . Saillard , Bro . Froom , and Bro . Altman , for having presented the funds ( £ 170 ) required to establish the lodge . Thc proposed bye-laws for the
governing of thc , lodge were then read by the Secretary , and approved by thc lodge , subject to thc sanction of thc Grand Secretary . One brother was proposed Ior joining , and one gentleman for initiation , at the next meeting in March . The lodge was then closed , after which thc brethren adjourned to dinner . Bro . Dr . Brette represented this lodge as Steward for the Benevolent Institution .
The founders of the lodge , nine in number , subscribed £ 100 . WOODBRIDGE . — Doric Lodgo ( No . Si ) . — Tbe regular meeting of this lodge was held at thc Masonic Hall , Woodbridge , Suffolk , on Wednesday , the 7 th inst . Amongst thoso present were Bros . Barnes , W . M . ; Moor , S . W . ; Browne , J . W . ; Phillips , P . M . ;
WUmsVrarst , P . M ., Sec ; Dr . Kecr , J . D . ; Grim-wood ; B . Gall , Treas . ; Freeman , Jeffries , Allen , and others . Visitors : Bros . Emra Holmes , P . M . 114 , P . P . G . R . and P . P . G . D . C , and another brother , a member of thc Prince of Wales Lodge . No . 959 , whose name wc did not gather , Thc lodge having been duly opened and minutes confirmed , Mr . Ernest St . George Cobbold was balloted for ,
accepted , and duly initiated , the ceremony being very efficiently performed by thc W . M ., and Bro . Phillips delivering tlie ancient charge . Thc business of the lodge was proceeded with , and Bro . Phillips said it had been suggested to him by Bro . Emra Holmes that this lodge being more than a hundred years old , the brethren should apply to Grand Lodge to wear the centenary jewel . The
cost of a warrant conveying the necessary authority would only be £ 5 5 s ., and it was well worth that to have the privilege . Bro . Wilmshurst seconded the motion , which was carried unanimously . Thc W . M ., in feeling terms , announced the death of Bro . Wm . Trott , the father of thc lodge , who , it appeared , had been fifty-two years a Mason when he died a few dxys since , and stated his ( Bro .
Barnes ' s ) wish that the brethren should wear mourning for him for one month . The Treasurer read a statement from his accounts , showing that the lodge was in a very prosperous condition , having over £ 60 lodged in the savings' bank . Bro . Phillips undertook to be Steward for the Boys' School this year , and £ 5 was voted from the funds of thc lodge , several brethren also subscribing a
guinea each to make up his list . I wo brethren were erased for non-payment of quarterages . A candidate was proposed for initiation , and another as a joining member ; and thc other business of the lodge having been disposed of , it was closed in ancient form , and the brethren adjourned to thc Crown Hotel to supper . The Doric is one of thc old Athol lodgcs , " and its charter is a very interesting
old document ; some of its jewels are very curious . The Prudence Preceptory of Knights Templar , A . D . 1810 , was removed back to Ipswich from Woodbridge in 1840 . DOVER . —Peace and Harmony Lodge ( N o . 199 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the 5 th inst ., when Bro . J . Bordeaux , W . M ., occupied thc chair , and was supported by the following P . M . ' s : —Bros .
J . D . Terson , I . P . M . ; Cessford , Fry , J . Coram , A . Ayers , and Cox . Lodge was opened in the Second Degree by solemn prayer , and after reading the minutes of the last meeting , Bros . Geo . Saville and Charles II . Cromwell Marsh were most beautifully and impressively raised to thc Sublime Degree of M . M . by the W . M ., who was subsequently complimented , when his toast was proposed , by
a P . M . on the ability he displayed . At the close of the lodge the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . The W . M ., in proposing the toast of "The P . M . ' s Present , " observed that he never attended any lodge but 199 and saw so many P . M . ' s present , which he said was a great support to the W . M . in his arduous duties . The W . M . also spoke in the highest terms of the ability of the
various officers , which also materially conduced to his success in occupying the chair , and also looked well for the future prosperity of the lodge . The toast of "The Visitors " was responded to by Bro . Matthews , of Brownrigg Lodge , No . 1424 . WINDSOR . —Etonian Lodge of St . John ( No . 20 t )) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at thc Masonic HaU on Tuesday , the 6 th inst . Pre-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
sent : Bros . C . D . Hume , W . M . ; Roberts , S . W . ; Schicmann , J . W . ; Wilson , P . M ., Treas . ; Carter , P . M ., P . G . D . C . Beiks and Bucks , Sec . ; Nicholes , S . D . ; Pears , J . D . ; Cousins , I . G . ; Evans , Steward ; Dixon , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C . ; Mclllwham , P . M . ; Hopwood , P . M . ; Bryett , P . M . ; Pullin , P . M ., P . P . G . D . ; Stedwell , P . M . ; Dick Radclyffe , Pitts , Larkin , Wilkins , Blizard , Hiscock , Mitchiner , Duffield
Sec . Visitors : Bros . Tolley , P . M . 771 ; Hurst , W . M . 1512 ; Petts , 342 ; Johnson , 771 ; Lancaster , 3 ( Peru ) . Bros . Pitts and Larkin were raised to the degree of M . M . by thc W . M ., who also afterwards initiated into Freemasonry Messrs . Apted , Bailey , and Dore . The manner in which thc W . M . carried out thc whole ceremonial was thc subject of general comment , it was characterised by being
singularly impressive . A special vote of thanks was given to Bro . Dick Radclyffe , for the manner in which he gratuitously presented the table decorations on the occasion of the annual festival in January . In consideration of the eminent services rendered by Bro . Tolley , P . M . of 771 , Windsor Castle , by presiding at thc organ , and conducting
the musical services generally , the brethren unanimously elected him an honorary member of the lodge . Bro . John Cockburn , P . M . of 820 and 975 , was elected as a joining member . A candidate for initiation having been proposed , the lodge was , after some routine business , closed in due form .
STOKESLEY . —Cleveland Lodge ( No . 543 ) . — The annual festival of the Cleveland Lodge was celebrated in the lodge-room at the Golden Lion Hotel , Stokesley , on the 25 th ult ., Bro . J . H . Handyside , P . Prov . G . J . W ., P . M ., in the chair , and Bro . James Coulson , W . M ., in thc vice-chair . The toasts given and duly honoured were " The Queen and thc Craft , " " The M . W .
Grand Master , H . R . H . thc Prince of Wales , " " The Army , Navy , and Volunteers , " responded to by Bro . Forbes , P . M ., as lieutenant of the 9 th North York Rifle Corps ; " The Prov . G . M . thc Earl of Zetland , " "The D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Dr . Bell , " proposed by the W . M . ; "The Visiting Brothers , '' responded to by Bro . Dyson , of the Marwood ; and Handvsidc Lodges , at . Redcar and Saltburn .
" Health and Prosperity to Bro . Marwood , P . Prov , D . G . M ., and P . M . of the Cleveland Lodge . " This toast in thc unavoidable absence of Bro . Marwood , who first saw thc light of Masonry in the Cleveland Lodge , and who has for many years been dear to the heart of every Mason in the province ( the late Earl of Zetland having offered to retire as Prov . G . M ., and appoint our worthy
brother to thc office ) , was received with the enthusiasm it so well deserved . Bro . Wilcox , P . M ., proposed " The Health of Bro . Coulson , the newly-elected , W . M ., " whgse working hitherto has given great satisfaction to the lodge . Bro . Coulson responded , expressing a wish to be able to keep the reputation of the lodge , and to do all in his power to promote its prosperity . Bro . George
Markham Tweddell said that he had a toast to propose which could never be more appropriately given at a meeting of Freemasons than on that occasion , for one hundred and eighteen years ago a child was bom about two miles from Ayr , who not only became the chief of Scotland ' s many gifted bards , but also one of the most illustrious characters in thc annals of Masonry : he alluded to Bro . Robert
Burns . Nor could he dismiss from his mind the thought that , at that very moment , in various parts of the country , thousands of " good men and true" were assembled around thc festive board to do honour to the toast he was about to propose . Indeed , wherever the English language was spoken around the globe , it was the toast of the day . After a careful study of thc life of Bro . Robert Burns , he
had no wish to be blind to his human failings , yet , after all , his character , he was not ashamed to assert , was as glorious as his undying poems . It was to out sublime Masonic teaching that Burns owed many of his noblest sentiments , and it was to the credit of thc Freemasons of Scotland that Britain was saved the indelible disgrace of forcing her then most gifted son to seek for
bread in the West Indies . If there was a Mason living who would refuse to honour the toast he hoped never to meet him in that or in any other warranted lodge or society of Masons , who prize honour and viituc above all the external advantages of rank and fortune . He gave " The Immortal Memory of Bro . Robert Burns , " which was drank in solemn silence . Bro . R . R . Richardson .
P . M ., proposed "The Health of Bro . Forbes , the I . P . M ., " which that brother responded to . Bro . Tweddell then , at " the request of the W . M ., proposed " The Health of Bro . Handyside , the Father of Freemasonry in Cleveland , " which that indefatigable Mason responded to in a very feeling manner . The other toasts were , "Thc Youngest Member of thc Lodge , " responded to by Bro .
Thos . Fcnney ; " The Assistant Officers , " responded to by Bro . Hansom , J . D . ; and " To all Poor and Distressed Masons around the Globe . " Recitations were given by Bros . Harrison and Tweddell . Songs were sung by Bros . Watson , Wilcox , R . R . Richardson , Sharpc , Rontree , and others , Henry Fawcett presided at the American organ . Although several of the distant members of the lodge
were absent , the brethrent spent a very harmonious and agreeable evening together , and separated about ten o ' clock . WELCHPOOL . —Welchpool Lodge ( No . 998 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Friday , the 2 nd inst ., at the Railway Station , -Welchpool . The W . M ., Bro . T . R . Morris , opened his lodge in the First and
Second Degrees , and Bro . the Rev . Alfred Whitlow , having intimated his wish to be raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason , was entrusted and retired . Lodge was opened in thc Third Degree , when the W . M . requested Bro . David Pryce Owen , the Senior P . M ., to take the chair ,
and Bro . Whitlow being re-admitted , was raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason in ancient and solemn form . Lodge was resumed in the First Degree , and Mr . William T . Parker , J . P . forthe Borough of Welchpool , was admitted and initiated into the mysteries of ancient Freemasonry . At the request of the W . M ., Bro . Owen retained