Article ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION. Page 1 of 1 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 1 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 2 →
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Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
The committee of this Institution met on Wednesday .. '" at Freemasons' Hall , Col . Creaton , V . P ., in the u •There were also present Bros . S . Rawson , Joshua £ nn Hyde Pullen , A . H . Tattershall , R . W . Little , L . o , n W Hale , John Constable , John G . Stevens , James nrrft W . ' . Stephens , Geo . Bolton , Thos . Cubitt , H . M . Aiuara
i A Capt . I . Wordsworth , W . Milton , v . , M . IT . Wafr ' en , Thos . White , Benj . Head , C . F . Hogard , Dr . Erasmus Wilson , H . Massey ( Freemason ) , and James Terry , Sec . After the minutes bad been read and confirmed Bro . lames Terry said he had now to report an event of which iiA were all aware , that the annual festival of the
Institution was held on Monday evening , under the presidency of the Earl of Shrewsbury , in the unavoidable absence of H . R . H . Prince Leopold through illness ; and that the total subscriptions on that occasion amounted to /•|» 6 < 6 jcjs ., with fourteen lists to come in . Since then he " had received seven of those lists which brought in another £ i oo . He hoped when the others came in the
total amount would be found to be £ 12 , 800 . On the motion of Bro . Levy , seconded by Bro . ^ H , Tattershall , the thanks of the committee were voted unanimously to the Earl of Shrewsbury , for presiding at the festival , as the last meeting of the Board of Stewards will be held on the 26 th . On the motion of Bro . S . Rawson , seconded by Bro .
[ oshua Nunn , a similar vote was passed to the President and Treasurer of the Board of Stewards , and to the Board of Stewards for their services . Bro . Terry reported that Bro . John Cutbush had sent to the Institution 5000 bulbs of hyacinths . for the use of the Asylum at Croydon , thus following up the practice of his late brother .
A vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Cutbush for the munificent gift . Bro . Terry said he had now to report with very great sorrow , the death of Bro . Wm . Lane , late Collector to the Institution , which took place on the 31 st January . He
was only absent eight or nine days , and though he was ill , his death was quite unexpected . h \\ money received by Bro . Lane from the ist of January , up to the day of his death , had been paid in to the bankers of the Institution , either by Bro . Lane or his widow . He ( Bro . Terry ) had been over Bro . Lane ' s books , and had found them all
correct , and that the sums accounted for had been paid up . On the motion of Bro . Tattershall , seconded by Bro , Nunn , a letter of condolence was directed to be written to Mrs . Lane . The death of two annuitants was repotted , one after having received £ 258 , and the other X 44 . The number
of candidates for the next election was declared to be 70 , 34 males , and 3 6 females . The Chairman then said that after the success of the festival , he thought they would be justified in adding to thc number of annuitants , and he proposed therefore that 15 men and 15 . women should be added , making the number to . be elected in May , 24 men and 18 women . Bro . Terry said this was the largest addition they had
yet made . Bro . Wm . Hale did not wish to oppose the proposition of the Chairman , but last year it might be remembered , they found they were a little embarrassed wilh regard to money matters , and it was thought then that they should be very cautious as to the number they would put on this year . But as they had ^ had a very successful meeting , the question arose whether they should not put on some more . Could they afford thc number proposed at the present
moment ? The Chairman said he had gone through the figures with Bro . Terry and discussed the question with him , and he had come to the conclusion that they could afford it . If the funds fell off , however , they would not be able to maintain jt . For the next three years they would have enough to pay the extra number of annuities they proposed .
The motion was then carried unanimously . Bro . Terry brought before the committee the subject of thc appointment of , a collector . The Chairman said it would be necessary to appoint a committee to go into the question of the duties and emoluments of the Collector before appointing a new one , and be proposed that there should be a committee of five , — Bros . Head , Joseph Smith , J . A . Farnfield , and Griffiths Smith .
I his was agreed to , and Col . Creaton was nominated the fifth member . Bro . Terry said he had to ask , as between this day and the next meeting of the committee there would be large sums of money to be collected , that he might be allowed to let Bro . Knill go out collecting . For himself , it would be impossible to perform this duty . His duties were now
vcry heavy , four receipts had been given , which made the work in his office so much heavier than it was in the Boys ' and Girls' Institutions ; in fact , four times as much . Bro . Knill would be answerable to him , and he ( Bro . Terry ) would be responsible to the committee . Bro . Warren asked whether a circular should not be sent out to the Stewards .
oro . Terry said this was done by Bro . Lane , who was very methodical in everything he did , and was the best officer the Institution ever had . The Institution never had * more efficient Collector , he must say . He sent out lithographed circulars , and the answers to them were
coming in every day . His widow was daily sending them to him ( Bro . Terry ) . Personally he might say the Institution had lost a very efficient officer , and he ( Bro . Terry ) 1 very sincere friend . ( Hear , hear . ) Leave was then given to Bro , Terry to employ Bro . ¦^ nill in collecting .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
Bro . Joshua Nunn said they had all heard what their Secretary had said of the efficiency of their late Collector . He ( Bro . Nunn ) had himself known Bro . Lane many years before he was Collector of this Institution , having something to do with his family . He would give notice of motion for next meeting to make Mrs . Lane a small
present ( they could not do more than that ) in recognition of the excellent manner in which Bro . Lane had conducted his business . He would give notice of motion that Mrs . Lane be granted £ 100 in consideration of the services of her late husband . ( Hear , hear . ) The committee then adjourned .
Scotland .
GLASGOW . —Lodge St . John ( No . 3 Bis . ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held within their own hall at No . 213 , Buchanan Street , on Tuesday evening , when there was a numerous attendance of members and visiting brethren . The R . W . Master , Bro . Wm . Kyle , jun ., presided , the other office-bearers and past office-bearers present being Bros . D . M . Nelson , I . P . M . ; Wm . Bell , P . M .
Thos . Fletcher , P . M . ; Peter Brownlie , S . W . ; James Kyle , J . W . ; John Ferguson , Treasurer ; William Cochrane , Secretary ; Rev . John Dobie , D . D ., Chaplain ; Alexander Pedie , S . D . ; Hugh Tennent , J . D ., W . H . Bickerton , P . G . Secretary , Glasgow , & c . Amongst the visiting brethren were Bros . J . Laurie Nisbet , Wm . Murdoch , John Smellie , and John E . Spiers , all of the Mother Lodge
Kilwinning ( o ); James Campbell , R . W . M ., No . 161 ( St . Stephen , Gatehouse of Fleet ); Robert Jack , R . W . M ., No . 128 ( St . John , Shettleston ); and Thomas Halkett P . M ., No . 102 ( St . Mark ) . The lodge having been opened in the E . A . degree , and thereafter raised to that of Fellow Craft , two brethren , previously initiated , received that degree at the hands of Bro . Halkett ( 102 ) . Subsequently ,
the brethren adjourned from labour to refreshment , when a specially pleasant hour was spent , the Senior Warden ' s toast of " Visiting Brethren " being acknowledged in very cordial and fraternal terms by Bro . Spiers , of Mother Lodge Kilwinning . The lodge was thereafter closed in due form . GLASGOW . —Lodge Thistle and Rose ( No .
73 ) . —The bi-monthly meeting of this ancient lodge was held on Tuesday evening , Gth inst ., in St . Mark's Hall , Buchanan-street . Bro . John Kinnaird , the R . W . Master , occupied the chair , supported by Bros . George M'Donald , I . P . M . ; Alexander M'Leod , S . W . ; William J . Kay , J . W . ; James S . Ampleford , Treasurer ; and Rowland Richards , Secretary . The lodge having been duly opened , and the
minutes of the last meeting read and approved of , the chairman made a few remarks to the brethren as to the quarterly meeting of the Grand Lodge of Scotland held on the previous day , at which he had been present ; and thereafter installed Bro . John Bannerman to the office of Depute Master of the lodge . The R . W . Master then gave some information regarding the celebration of the 119 th
anniversary of the lodge , which is fixed to be held within the hall of Lodge Star ( 219 ) , at No . 12 , Trongate , on the evening of Friday , 2 nd March ensuing . There being no further business , the lodge was then closed . GLASGOW . —Glasgow Chapter ( No . 50 ) . — - One of the most numerously attended meetings of this chapter that has been seen for a long time back , was held
on Thursday evening within their rooms at No . 213 , Buchanan Street . The chapter was opened by Companion William Bell , Principal Z ., in the chair , assisted by Companions James Louttit , H . ; Charles M'Kenzie , J . ; James Balfour , Provincial Grand Scribe , E , ; James Duthie , Past Principal Z . Chapter Cathedral ( No . 67 ); George W . Wheeler , Principal Z . Chapter Caledonian Unity ( No . 73 );
Thomas Halkett , Z . Chapter Partick ( No . 113 ) ; & c . The chapter having been opened , Comp . Bell brought before ' the notice of the meeting the subject of the forthcoming Royal Arch festival , to he held in St . Mark's Hall , on the evening of Wednesday , the 21 st inst . j and expressed a hope that there would be a goodly muster of companions on that occasion . Two candidates for
exaltation were then proposed , on whose behoof the Mark Master degree was wrought by Comp . Duthie ; and thereafter four received the Royal Arch degree at the hands of Comp . Halkett , acting Principal Z ., ably assisted by Comp . Wheeler . The chapter was afterwards closed in due and ancient form . GLASGOW . —Lodge Thistle ( No . 87 ) . —A
meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday evening , 6 th inst ., within their commodious new hall at No . 30 , Cathedral-street . The R . W . Master , ' Bro . J . Booth , presided , and there were present , inlet- alia , Bros . John Fraser , P . M . ; J . G . Richie , S . M . ; Walter Stewart , acting Sen . Warden ; A . Knowles , Jun . Warden ; Thomas Paton , Treasurer ; and James Fullarton , Secretary . The lodge having been
opened in due form , and the minutes of previous meeting read and passed , Bro , Paton submitted a statement of the financial condition of the lodge , to date , and immediately ( hereafter made formal tender of his resignation of office as Treasurer . On the motion of Bro . Stewart , seconded by Bro . J . S . Wills , it . was agreed to accept of the resignation . It was then moved by Bro . Knowles ,
( J-W . ) , and seconded by Bro . Thomas Kelly , that Bro . Boucher be appointed to the vacant office , which was agreed to nem . con . Bro . Best , who had been elected at last meeting to the office of Chaplain to the lodge , was then installed into the same at the hands of Bro . John Fraser , P . M . Bro . Fraser then proposed for affiliation
to the lodge Bro . David Chalmers , of Lodge No . 360 ( Commercial ) , which was seconded by the R . W . M . ( Bro . Booth ) , by whom the ceremony of affiliation was there and then performed . The lodge . was thereafter raised to the F . C . degree , when a brother was passed to the same , and subsequently to the sublime degree of M ; M .,
when two brethren were raised to that degree , tbe R . W . Master himself working both degrees . The lodge was then closed in due and ancient form .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
We heartily congratulate Bro . Robert Wentr worth Little on his recent appointment as Deputy Provincial Grand Master for Middlesex , in the room of Bro . Sir George Elliot . Our worthy brother ' s labour for this distinguished Province has entitled him to this honour , and we sincerely wish him an early restoration to better health , to enable him to enjoy his new office .
The Installation Meeting of the Lion and Lamb Lodge , No . 192 , will be held on Thursday , the ist March . Bro . Edward Jones , is W . M ., elect . The musical arrangements will be under the direction of Bro . William Worrell , P . M . and P . Z . 766 , assisted by Madame Wo rrell Duval , Miss Emma Buer , Mr . Arthur J . Thompson , Bro . Thurley Beale , and Mr . J . Turle Lee . Bro . the Right Hon . Lord Skelmersdale ,
D . G . M . and R . W . P . G . M . of West Lancashire , is said to have refused a bona fideofferof £ 21 , 000 for the "Duchess " part of his celebrated herd of cattle . Bro . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M . is likely to pay a visit , in the course of the present year , to Beaumaris . H . R . H . has conditionally accepted invitations from Colonel Owen Williams , and Sir Richard W . Bulkeley , of Baron Hall .
EARL OF CARNARVON LODGE , No . 16 42 . — The opening of this lodge , inaugurated a few weeks since , was celebrated on Friday last by a ball , which was both well and fashionably attended . The festivity took place in the Ladbroke Hall , Ladbroke Grove Road , which had
been placed at the disposal of the committee free of expense by Bro . Truscott , the intention being to hand the whole of the proceeds of the entertainment to thc Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and Widows of Freemasons . The following were the Stewards , one and all of whom worked hard to secure the success that
ultimately crowned their efforts : Bros . W . J . Murlis , P . M . and W . M . ; G . Penn , S . W . ; S . H . Parkhouse , J . W . ; Wm . Gordon , P . M ., S . D . ; F . Clench , J . D . ; E . M . Lander , I . G . ; S . Smout , D . C . -, S . Smout , Jun ., W . S . ; J . Linscott , T . Swift , J . Bartle , W . T . Hook , J . Woodmason , G . N . Watts , P . M . ; E . Frye , E . J . Cave , and Pushman , Hon . Sec . Supper was served shortly after twelve o'clock ,
the Worshipful Master presiding , and the Wardens occupying the vice-chairs . At its conclusion the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , and " The Ladies ' having been responded to in a felicitous manner by Bro Lauder , dancing was resumed , and kept up until five o ' clock . The band , under the efficient leadership of Bro . Ramsay , was all that could be desired , whilst Bro .
Steridan having officiated as Master of Ceremonies in that able manner for which he has so well deserved a reputation . It is to be hoped that the pecuniary results will be such as to make a substantial donation to the deserving Charity , in whose behalf the entertainment was ostensibly carried out . Bro . the Right Hon . the Lord Mayor has
consented to take the chair at the 22 nd anniversary festival of the Poplar Hospital , to be held in May . Bro . Sheriff East has consented to preside at the fourth annual meeting of the Provident Surgical Appliance Society , to be held on Tuesday next at the Cannonstreet Hotel . The Alexandra Palace was put up at auction .
on Thursday week by Messrs . Norton , Trist , Watney , and Co ., but there was no bid sufficiently high , and it was bought in at £ 445 , 000 . The first bid was for £ 300 , 000 . On Thursday the Wild Fowl Preservation Act , 1876 , came into force . The Act protects woodcock , widgeon , summer snipe , teal , curlew , plover , wild duck , wild goose , storm curlew , sealark , sandpiper , redshank , purre ,
pochard , plovers , page , lapwing , mallard , dotterel ! , dinbird , oxbird , dunlin , godwit , greenshank , peewit , phalarope , ruff , sanderling , shoveller , stint , spoonbill , stonehatch , whap , whimbrell and snipe . The Chinese Minister and Suite , attended by Lieutenant Macarty , visited Madame Tussaud ' s Exhibition on Tuesday .
Bro . Sir P . Colquhoun ; Q . C , on Wednesday week , presided over a meeting held in the City , at which steps were taken to extend the basis of the Thames Valley Floods Prevention Association . The warrant for the Newton Lodge , No . 1661 , to be held at Newark-on-Trent , has been granted , and the consecration will take place on or about Easter week in the Town Hall . Major Newton is the W . M . designate of this lodge .
His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales was present on Tuesday at the Hunterian oration delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons by Sir James Paget . His Royal Highness was received by the president and the members of the council , and was accompanied by the Duke of Sutherland . Mr . Gladstone , the Dean of Westminster , and a number of distinguished persons were also
present . At a meeting of metropolitan commanding officers held on Wednesday afternoon , a report having been received to the effect that the railway companies in the south of London declined to convey the
volunteers to any place on Easter Monday , it was resolved that as the North Western , the Great Northern , and the Midland Railways were willing to convey the volunteers to Dunstable , a field day should be held there . It was then determined to communicate with the War Office on the subject .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
The committee of this Institution met on Wednesday .. '" at Freemasons' Hall , Col . Creaton , V . P ., in the u •There were also present Bros . S . Rawson , Joshua £ nn Hyde Pullen , A . H . Tattershall , R . W . Little , L . o , n W Hale , John Constable , John G . Stevens , James nrrft W . ' . Stephens , Geo . Bolton , Thos . Cubitt , H . M . Aiuara
i A Capt . I . Wordsworth , W . Milton , v . , M . IT . Wafr ' en , Thos . White , Benj . Head , C . F . Hogard , Dr . Erasmus Wilson , H . Massey ( Freemason ) , and James Terry , Sec . After the minutes bad been read and confirmed Bro . lames Terry said he had now to report an event of which iiA were all aware , that the annual festival of the
Institution was held on Monday evening , under the presidency of the Earl of Shrewsbury , in the unavoidable absence of H . R . H . Prince Leopold through illness ; and that the total subscriptions on that occasion amounted to /•|» 6 < 6 jcjs ., with fourteen lists to come in . Since then he " had received seven of those lists which brought in another £ i oo . He hoped when the others came in the
total amount would be found to be £ 12 , 800 . On the motion of Bro . Levy , seconded by Bro . ^ H , Tattershall , the thanks of the committee were voted unanimously to the Earl of Shrewsbury , for presiding at the festival , as the last meeting of the Board of Stewards will be held on the 26 th . On the motion of Bro . S . Rawson , seconded by Bro .
[ oshua Nunn , a similar vote was passed to the President and Treasurer of the Board of Stewards , and to the Board of Stewards for their services . Bro . Terry reported that Bro . John Cutbush had sent to the Institution 5000 bulbs of hyacinths . for the use of the Asylum at Croydon , thus following up the practice of his late brother .
A vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Cutbush for the munificent gift . Bro . Terry said he had now to report with very great sorrow , the death of Bro . Wm . Lane , late Collector to the Institution , which took place on the 31 st January . He
was only absent eight or nine days , and though he was ill , his death was quite unexpected . h \\ money received by Bro . Lane from the ist of January , up to the day of his death , had been paid in to the bankers of the Institution , either by Bro . Lane or his widow . He ( Bro . Terry ) had been over Bro . Lane ' s books , and had found them all
correct , and that the sums accounted for had been paid up . On the motion of Bro . Tattershall , seconded by Bro , Nunn , a letter of condolence was directed to be written to Mrs . Lane . The death of two annuitants was repotted , one after having received £ 258 , and the other X 44 . The number
of candidates for the next election was declared to be 70 , 34 males , and 3 6 females . The Chairman then said that after the success of the festival , he thought they would be justified in adding to thc number of annuitants , and he proposed therefore that 15 men and 15 . women should be added , making the number to . be elected in May , 24 men and 18 women . Bro . Terry said this was the largest addition they had
yet made . Bro . Wm . Hale did not wish to oppose the proposition of the Chairman , but last year it might be remembered , they found they were a little embarrassed wilh regard to money matters , and it was thought then that they should be very cautious as to the number they would put on this year . But as they had ^ had a very successful meeting , the question arose whether they should not put on some more . Could they afford thc number proposed at the present
moment ? The Chairman said he had gone through the figures with Bro . Terry and discussed the question with him , and he had come to the conclusion that they could afford it . If the funds fell off , however , they would not be able to maintain jt . For the next three years they would have enough to pay the extra number of annuities they proposed .
The motion was then carried unanimously . Bro . Terry brought before the committee the subject of thc appointment of , a collector . The Chairman said it would be necessary to appoint a committee to go into the question of the duties and emoluments of the Collector before appointing a new one , and be proposed that there should be a committee of five , — Bros . Head , Joseph Smith , J . A . Farnfield , and Griffiths Smith .
I his was agreed to , and Col . Creaton was nominated the fifth member . Bro . Terry said he had to ask , as between this day and the next meeting of the committee there would be large sums of money to be collected , that he might be allowed to let Bro . Knill go out collecting . For himself , it would be impossible to perform this duty . His duties were now
vcry heavy , four receipts had been given , which made the work in his office so much heavier than it was in the Boys ' and Girls' Institutions ; in fact , four times as much . Bro . Knill would be answerable to him , and he ( Bro . Terry ) would be responsible to the committee . Bro . Warren asked whether a circular should not be sent out to the Stewards .
oro . Terry said this was done by Bro . Lane , who was very methodical in everything he did , and was the best officer the Institution ever had . The Institution never had * more efficient Collector , he must say . He sent out lithographed circulars , and the answers to them were
coming in every day . His widow was daily sending them to him ( Bro . Terry ) . Personally he might say the Institution had lost a very efficient officer , and he ( Bro . Terry ) 1 very sincere friend . ( Hear , hear . ) Leave was then given to Bro , Terry to employ Bro . ¦^ nill in collecting .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
Bro . Joshua Nunn said they had all heard what their Secretary had said of the efficiency of their late Collector . He ( Bro . Nunn ) had himself known Bro . Lane many years before he was Collector of this Institution , having something to do with his family . He would give notice of motion for next meeting to make Mrs . Lane a small
present ( they could not do more than that ) in recognition of the excellent manner in which Bro . Lane had conducted his business . He would give notice of motion that Mrs . Lane be granted £ 100 in consideration of the services of her late husband . ( Hear , hear . ) The committee then adjourned .
Scotland .
GLASGOW . —Lodge St . John ( No . 3 Bis . ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held within their own hall at No . 213 , Buchanan Street , on Tuesday evening , when there was a numerous attendance of members and visiting brethren . The R . W . Master , Bro . Wm . Kyle , jun ., presided , the other office-bearers and past office-bearers present being Bros . D . M . Nelson , I . P . M . ; Wm . Bell , P . M .
Thos . Fletcher , P . M . ; Peter Brownlie , S . W . ; James Kyle , J . W . ; John Ferguson , Treasurer ; William Cochrane , Secretary ; Rev . John Dobie , D . D ., Chaplain ; Alexander Pedie , S . D . ; Hugh Tennent , J . D ., W . H . Bickerton , P . G . Secretary , Glasgow , & c . Amongst the visiting brethren were Bros . J . Laurie Nisbet , Wm . Murdoch , John Smellie , and John E . Spiers , all of the Mother Lodge
Kilwinning ( o ); James Campbell , R . W . M ., No . 161 ( St . Stephen , Gatehouse of Fleet ); Robert Jack , R . W . M ., No . 128 ( St . John , Shettleston ); and Thomas Halkett P . M ., No . 102 ( St . Mark ) . The lodge having been opened in the E . A . degree , and thereafter raised to that of Fellow Craft , two brethren , previously initiated , received that degree at the hands of Bro . Halkett ( 102 ) . Subsequently ,
the brethren adjourned from labour to refreshment , when a specially pleasant hour was spent , the Senior Warden ' s toast of " Visiting Brethren " being acknowledged in very cordial and fraternal terms by Bro . Spiers , of Mother Lodge Kilwinning . The lodge was thereafter closed in due form . GLASGOW . —Lodge Thistle and Rose ( No .
73 ) . —The bi-monthly meeting of this ancient lodge was held on Tuesday evening , Gth inst ., in St . Mark's Hall , Buchanan-street . Bro . John Kinnaird , the R . W . Master , occupied the chair , supported by Bros . George M'Donald , I . P . M . ; Alexander M'Leod , S . W . ; William J . Kay , J . W . ; James S . Ampleford , Treasurer ; and Rowland Richards , Secretary . The lodge having been duly opened , and the
minutes of the last meeting read and approved of , the chairman made a few remarks to the brethren as to the quarterly meeting of the Grand Lodge of Scotland held on the previous day , at which he had been present ; and thereafter installed Bro . John Bannerman to the office of Depute Master of the lodge . The R . W . Master then gave some information regarding the celebration of the 119 th
anniversary of the lodge , which is fixed to be held within the hall of Lodge Star ( 219 ) , at No . 12 , Trongate , on the evening of Friday , 2 nd March ensuing . There being no further business , the lodge was then closed . GLASGOW . —Glasgow Chapter ( No . 50 ) . — - One of the most numerously attended meetings of this chapter that has been seen for a long time back , was held
on Thursday evening within their rooms at No . 213 , Buchanan Street . The chapter was opened by Companion William Bell , Principal Z ., in the chair , assisted by Companions James Louttit , H . ; Charles M'Kenzie , J . ; James Balfour , Provincial Grand Scribe , E , ; James Duthie , Past Principal Z . Chapter Cathedral ( No . 67 ); George W . Wheeler , Principal Z . Chapter Caledonian Unity ( No . 73 );
Thomas Halkett , Z . Chapter Partick ( No . 113 ) ; & c . The chapter having been opened , Comp . Bell brought before ' the notice of the meeting the subject of the forthcoming Royal Arch festival , to he held in St . Mark's Hall , on the evening of Wednesday , the 21 st inst . j and expressed a hope that there would be a goodly muster of companions on that occasion . Two candidates for
exaltation were then proposed , on whose behoof the Mark Master degree was wrought by Comp . Duthie ; and thereafter four received the Royal Arch degree at the hands of Comp . Halkett , acting Principal Z ., ably assisted by Comp . Wheeler . The chapter was afterwards closed in due and ancient form . GLASGOW . —Lodge Thistle ( No . 87 ) . —A
meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday evening , 6 th inst ., within their commodious new hall at No . 30 , Cathedral-street . The R . W . Master , ' Bro . J . Booth , presided , and there were present , inlet- alia , Bros . John Fraser , P . M . ; J . G . Richie , S . M . ; Walter Stewart , acting Sen . Warden ; A . Knowles , Jun . Warden ; Thomas Paton , Treasurer ; and James Fullarton , Secretary . The lodge having been
opened in due form , and the minutes of previous meeting read and passed , Bro , Paton submitted a statement of the financial condition of the lodge , to date , and immediately ( hereafter made formal tender of his resignation of office as Treasurer . On the motion of Bro . Stewart , seconded by Bro . J . S . Wills , it . was agreed to accept of the resignation . It was then moved by Bro . Knowles ,
( J-W . ) , and seconded by Bro . Thomas Kelly , that Bro . Boucher be appointed to the vacant office , which was agreed to nem . con . Bro . Best , who had been elected at last meeting to the office of Chaplain to the lodge , was then installed into the same at the hands of Bro . John Fraser , P . M . Bro . Fraser then proposed for affiliation
to the lodge Bro . David Chalmers , of Lodge No . 360 ( Commercial ) , which was seconded by the R . W . M . ( Bro . Booth ) , by whom the ceremony of affiliation was there and then performed . The lodge . was thereafter raised to the F . C . degree , when a brother was passed to the same , and subsequently to the sublime degree of M ; M .,
when two brethren were raised to that degree , tbe R . W . Master himself working both degrees . The lodge was then closed in due and ancient form .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
We heartily congratulate Bro . Robert Wentr worth Little on his recent appointment as Deputy Provincial Grand Master for Middlesex , in the room of Bro . Sir George Elliot . Our worthy brother ' s labour for this distinguished Province has entitled him to this honour , and we sincerely wish him an early restoration to better health , to enable him to enjoy his new office .
The Installation Meeting of the Lion and Lamb Lodge , No . 192 , will be held on Thursday , the ist March . Bro . Edward Jones , is W . M ., elect . The musical arrangements will be under the direction of Bro . William Worrell , P . M . and P . Z . 766 , assisted by Madame Wo rrell Duval , Miss Emma Buer , Mr . Arthur J . Thompson , Bro . Thurley Beale , and Mr . J . Turle Lee . Bro . the Right Hon . Lord Skelmersdale ,
D . G . M . and R . W . P . G . M . of West Lancashire , is said to have refused a bona fideofferof £ 21 , 000 for the "Duchess " part of his celebrated herd of cattle . Bro . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M . is likely to pay a visit , in the course of the present year , to Beaumaris . H . R . H . has conditionally accepted invitations from Colonel Owen Williams , and Sir Richard W . Bulkeley , of Baron Hall .
EARL OF CARNARVON LODGE , No . 16 42 . — The opening of this lodge , inaugurated a few weeks since , was celebrated on Friday last by a ball , which was both well and fashionably attended . The festivity took place in the Ladbroke Hall , Ladbroke Grove Road , which had
been placed at the disposal of the committee free of expense by Bro . Truscott , the intention being to hand the whole of the proceeds of the entertainment to thc Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and Widows of Freemasons . The following were the Stewards , one and all of whom worked hard to secure the success that
ultimately crowned their efforts : Bros . W . J . Murlis , P . M . and W . M . ; G . Penn , S . W . ; S . H . Parkhouse , J . W . ; Wm . Gordon , P . M ., S . D . ; F . Clench , J . D . ; E . M . Lander , I . G . ; S . Smout , D . C . -, S . Smout , Jun ., W . S . ; J . Linscott , T . Swift , J . Bartle , W . T . Hook , J . Woodmason , G . N . Watts , P . M . ; E . Frye , E . J . Cave , and Pushman , Hon . Sec . Supper was served shortly after twelve o'clock ,
the Worshipful Master presiding , and the Wardens occupying the vice-chairs . At its conclusion the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , and " The Ladies ' having been responded to in a felicitous manner by Bro Lauder , dancing was resumed , and kept up until five o ' clock . The band , under the efficient leadership of Bro . Ramsay , was all that could be desired , whilst Bro .
Steridan having officiated as Master of Ceremonies in that able manner for which he has so well deserved a reputation . It is to be hoped that the pecuniary results will be such as to make a substantial donation to the deserving Charity , in whose behalf the entertainment was ostensibly carried out . Bro . the Right Hon . the Lord Mayor has
consented to take the chair at the 22 nd anniversary festival of the Poplar Hospital , to be held in May . Bro . Sheriff East has consented to preside at the fourth annual meeting of the Provident Surgical Appliance Society , to be held on Tuesday next at the Cannonstreet Hotel . The Alexandra Palace was put up at auction .
on Thursday week by Messrs . Norton , Trist , Watney , and Co ., but there was no bid sufficiently high , and it was bought in at £ 445 , 000 . The first bid was for £ 300 , 000 . On Thursday the Wild Fowl Preservation Act , 1876 , came into force . The Act protects woodcock , widgeon , summer snipe , teal , curlew , plover , wild duck , wild goose , storm curlew , sealark , sandpiper , redshank , purre ,
pochard , plovers , page , lapwing , mallard , dotterel ! , dinbird , oxbird , dunlin , godwit , greenshank , peewit , phalarope , ruff , sanderling , shoveller , stint , spoonbill , stonehatch , whap , whimbrell and snipe . The Chinese Minister and Suite , attended by Lieutenant Macarty , visited Madame Tussaud ' s Exhibition on Tuesday .
Bro . Sir P . Colquhoun ; Q . C , on Wednesday week , presided over a meeting held in the City , at which steps were taken to extend the basis of the Thames Valley Floods Prevention Association . The warrant for the Newton Lodge , No . 1661 , to be held at Newark-on-Trent , has been granted , and the consecration will take place on or about Easter week in the Town Hall . Major Newton is the W . M . designate of this lodge .
His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales was present on Tuesday at the Hunterian oration delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons by Sir James Paget . His Royal Highness was received by the president and the members of the council , and was accompanied by the Duke of Sutherland . Mr . Gladstone , the Dean of Westminster , and a number of distinguished persons were also
present . At a meeting of metropolitan commanding officers held on Wednesday afternoon , a report having been received to the effect that the railway companies in the south of London declined to convey the
volunteers to any place on Easter Monday , it was resolved that as the North Western , the Great Northern , and the Midland Railways were willing to convey the volunteers to Dunstable , a field day should be held there . It was then determined to communicate with the War Office on the subject .