Article PROVINCE OF MIDDLESEX. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCE OF MIDDLESEX. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 3 →
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Province Of Middlesex.
A highly important and influentially attended meeting of the Masters , Wardens , Past Masters , and Officers of this newly-constituted Province was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Saturday the 13 th inst ., at half-past 2 o ' clock . Among
those present were Bros . J . Glaisher , F . R . S ., F . R . A . S ., P . M . ( 3 E 2 and 123 S ); J . Green , W . M . ( 7 SS ); J . J . Wilson , W . M . ( 1237 ); G . Fehrenback , W . M . ( 382 ); H . Briggs , W . M . ( 865 ); E . Clark , P . M . ( 1194 ); S . Larcomb ,
P . M . ( 788 ); C . Horsley , P . M . ( 382 ) ; W . Smeed , P . M . ( 946 ); H . G . Buss , P . M . ( 1194 ); W . Piatt , P . M ., and Sec . ( 946 ); J . G . Marsh , P . M . ( 1194 ); H . A . Stacey , P . M ., Sec . ( 865 ); W .
Smith , AV . M . ( 1238 ) ; T . Cubitt , P . M . ; IL W . Little , P . M ., Sec . ( 1194 ); F . Walters , P . M . ; W . Dodd , S . W . ( 1194 ); K , Gurney , S . W . ( 788 ); A . A . Pendlebmy , P . M . ; II . A . Allman , J . AV .
( 1194 ); T . Bendy , J . W . ( 788 ); R T . Witley J . W . ( 946 ); Angelo J . Lewis , J . D . ( 788 ); E
T . Osbaltlesfon , S . D . ( 1194 ); T . Smale , I . G . ( 1194 ) ; G . Cattel , P . M ., P . G . Dencon , Hunts and Northamptonshire ; R . A . Steel , D . C . ( 1194 ) ; D . R . Still ( 382 ) , W . D . Wheeler , S . W . ( 865 ); Dr . Albert B . Day , P . M . ( 865 ); W . Needham , J . D . ( S 65 ) : AV . T . Kipling , I . G . ( . 946 ) ; C . Tye ,
S . D . ( 1237 ); G . King junr ., J . W . ( 1238 ); R . Kenyon , W . H . Hubbard , P . M . ; G . Kenning ( 1194 ) .
Bro . GREEX , AV . M . ( 788 ; , proposed that the W . Bro . James Glaisher , F . R . S ., a P . M . of 382 , senior lodge of the province , do take the chair . Bro . CLAMS , P . M . ( 1194 ) , seconded the proposition , which was carried unanimously .
Bro . GLAISHER accordingly took the chair and requested Bro . Little to act as Sectetury to the meeting . The Cii . un . 3 rAX then read the notice convening the meeting , and said the first duty of the brethren was to express their warmest thanks to
the M . AA . Grand Master for having sanctioned the creation of Middlesex as a Masonic province . He ( lU'o . Glaisher ) felt , not only that , thc brethren would concur in presenting their thanks to Lord Zetland , but as it had been announced only the day before that their noble and venerated chief
was about to retire from tho exalted post of Grand I \ iaster , which he had so long and worthily filled—( cheers)—a deeper sentiment of gratitude would fill the breast of every one present for tho manifold services his lordship had
rendered the Craft in general . ( Great applause . ) Bro . W . SMITH , V . E ., rose and enquired if there was any proof that the Grand Master had constituted the county of Middlesex as a Masonic Province .
Tho CHAIRMAN referred to tho acting Secretary , and satisfactory evidence upon this point having been adduced , it was proposed by Bro . CLAHK , P . M . 1194 , seconded b y Bro . AVilson , W . M . 1237 , and carried by acclamation , that tho warmest thanks of thc bretlircn of Middlesex bo
respectfully presented fo the M . AV . Grand Mnster , for his lordship ' s compliance witli tlic prayer of their petition . Bro . SMITH again interposed , complaining that no special notice of thc meeting lisicl been sent to
his private address , and animadverted in a most unmasonic manner upon tho position taken up by the chairman and other prominent members of the Middlesex lodges , until indignant cries of " Older , " " Chair , " put an end to this unseeml y exhibition of bad taste .
Ihe CHAIRMAN having ruled that Bro . Smiths remarks were irrelevant and out of order , proceeded with tho next business , wlien it was proposid by Bro . GREKX , AV . M . of Lodge 788 ,
dul y seconded and unanimously resolved , that an humble memorial be presented . , to thc Grand Mnster . praying his lordshi p to exercise his prerogative by appointing a Prov . Grand Master for Middlesex .
Bro . J . G . MARSH , P . M ., tIien moved , Bro . CLARK , P . M . 1194 , . seconded , and it was carried without a dis > cntient voice , in the words of tho memorial , that thc namo of Bro . Col . Burdett , P . G . Warden , bo humbl y suggested to the M . W . G . M . for appointment us P . G . M . for Middlesex . The Chairman then deputed Bros . Green and AVilson ,
Province Of Middlesex.
W . M . ' s of 788 and 1237 , to introduce the RW . Bro . Col . Burdett , to the meeting . The deputation returned ushering the gallant Colonel , whose appearance was the signal for loud and long-continued cheering ; in fact there was quite an outburst of enthusiasm , showing clearly
the appreciation in which true Masonic qualities are held by the hrethren of Middlesex . The CHAIRMAN announced to Col . Butdett the result of the proceedings , and the RW . Brother expressed his hig h sense of the honour for which the Middlesex lodges proposed to recommend him . He alluded to his connection with the
Grand Lodge of Ireland , and trusted that the same kindly bond mig ht unite him to the brethren of the metropolitan county of England . ( Cheers . ) Whatever the result might be—the selection being entirely in the liands of the M . W . Grand Master—he should ever treasure a
grateful recollection of the unexpected compliment paid him by such an influential body of Masons . ( Bro . Burdett sat down amidst great applause . ) The Memorial to the Earl of Zetland was then signed by every brother present , and tlie chairman announced that the B . AV . Bro . W . W . Bramston
Beach , M . P ., Prov . Grand Master for Hants , who was to have taken the chair , liad sent a letter expressing regret at his inability to attend , and his entire concurrence with tlie objects of the meeting , concluding by a hope that he might Jiave the pleasure of witnessing the installation of Col . Burdott as Prov . Grand Master for
Middlesex . Several other letters from brethren unavoidably absent were also received . A cordial vote of thanks to Bro . Glaisher for his dignified conduct in the chair , terminated the proceedings of this successful meeting .
[ We cannot forbear' from expressing our astonishment that a person in the unpleasant position in which Bro . W . Smith is now p laced , should have presented himself before the brethren of Middlesex , who , we are well assured , neither desire to follow hirn as a leader , nor to
accept his advice or support as a member of the Craft . Our surprise is increased by the fact that wc have received , and for the honour of the Craft , purposely suppress , certain letters which comment very severely upon Bro . Smith ' s connection with the " Masonic Lifeboat Fund , "
no account of which , so wc are informed , has ever been rendered since it was originated under his auspices . Without at all imputing dishonest motives to Bro . Smith , we think it would be to his interest to remove any question as to the
donations which he may have received , by publishing a list of the same , and stating in whose hands they arc now placed , or in what manner they have been dedicated . So far as Middlesex is concerned , Bro . Smith is now , Masonically speaking , a " dead man . " ]—ED . F .
Obituary .
"v BRO . HENRY AVIIITTLE , S . W ., 871 . A short but painful illness has deprived the fraternity of a young though energetic and useful
member . On tho 12 th instant , Bro . Henry AVhittle , S . AV ., No . 871 , and one of thc founders of No . 1275 , died at his residence , 361 , New
Cross-road , Deptford , in thc 4 Gth year of his age . Of his character as a man , and his qualities as a Mason , it is impossible to speak iu too high terms . He was an affectionate and indulgent husband and father , and a sincere private friend .
His home obtained the largest share of his devotion , and after that , Masonry ' s claims were attended to . In Freemasonry ho was very energetic , and his support of the Charities showed thc earnestness of his professions . His
funeral took place on Monday ; he was buried in Brockley Cemetery , and was followed to his hist earthly resting place by a numerous bod y
of relations and Masonic brethren , including the W . M . of his lodge . Rro . tho Bev . I ) . Flinch , Vicar of St . Paul ' s , Deptford , performed the funeral service .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
Enoch Lodge , Wo . 11 . —The above lodge met on AVednesday the llth inst ., at the Freemasons' Hall , Bro . J . B . Ciabetta , W . M ., iu the chair , supported by E . J . LewiSj S . W . ; Palmer , J . W . ; and P . M / s Alonfcrie , J . Dale , C . AVatson , Honey , & c The lodge was opened , and the minutes of the former lodge were read and confirmed .
Bro . Macintosh was passed to the second degree , and Messrs . VV . H . Brown , and J . Young were ballotted for aud duly initiated into the Order . The lodge was then closed in due form and with solemn prayer . Tha brethren then sat down to a very sumptuous banquet , provided by Bro . Gosdeu . The usual loyal and Masonic , toasts were given and responded to . Bro . Honey , P . M .,
proposed the toast of the AV . M ., and stated how pleased he , as well as every brother present , was to see him in that chair again . The W . M . suitably returned thanks . The toast of the Past Masters having been eloquently responded to , the W . M . proposed the health of the officers , and mentioned the name of one who was well
qualified in every respect to occupy that chair , and ha coupled with the toast the name of Bro . E . J . Lewis , the Senior Warden . ( The toast was drank with great applause . ) Bro . E . J . Lewis in a very appropriate manner returned thanks . Some very excellent singing emanated from the W . M ., Bro . C . Watson , ie ., aud the Tyler ' s toast concluded a very agreeable evening .
Union Waterloo Lodge , No . 13 . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the 10 th inst ., under the presidency of the AV . M ., Bro . Johu Graydon , P . M ., and P . P . G . S JJ ., Kent . There were present Bros . Picking , P . M . ; Denton , P . M . ; Henderson , P . M ., Treas . ; Nat Norman , P . M ., Sec . ; Applebee , S . W . ; Daviea , J . W . ; Young , S . D . ; Cook , J . D . ; aud a fair attendance of
members . The lodge was opened in the first degree , and Messrs . Job James , Walton aud Frasi , were duly initiated . The lodge was opened in the second degree , aud Bros . Deal aud Bradiug were passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . The lodge was then opened ia the third degree , and Bros . Look and Noble were raised to the sublime degree . The W . M . then
closed dowu in proper form to tlis first degree . Visitors present : Bros . Clark ( 700 ) , Toms , S . W . ( 70 ii ); Dawson , P . M . ( 700 ) May , S . W . ( 700 ) . All business being ended , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to Bro . De Gray ' s , Freemasons' Tavern , fur refreshment and harmony , aud speut a very pleasant evening . We are g ! ad to congratulate the W . M . upon the success of this
old lodge under his rule , aud we hope to see it in a short time , iu the same prosperous position ii has enjoyed for so many years . Britannic Lodge , No . 33 , at ifs meeting at Freemasons Hall , on Friday week , nominated Stewards for all the -Masonic Institutions' festivals of uext year , and after such excellent work , sat dowu to ona of Bro . Gosden ' a capital banquets at Freemasons' Taveru .
Jl / ount Libanon Lotlgc , No . 73 —This lodgo met on Tuesday , at the Bridge House Hotel , ami was attended by some iit ' ty brethreu . Bro . D . Hose , W . M ., prc-dded , aud raised Bro . Williams and Deere , passed Bro Walter Kudsor , and initiated Mr . J . Phillips . Some dismission took place afterwards on lodgo nutters and tho support of the Charities , aud the brethren separated at au early hour .
St . Thomas' Lodge , No . 142 . — Last Saturday this lodge met at Hartley ' s Hotel and was presided over by i ; ro . F . T . Dubois , W . M ., assisted by Bros . Bolton , S . W . ; Gilbert , P . M ., as J . W . ; W . liattye , P . M ., Treas . ; Powell , P . M ., Sec . ; Clegg , S . D . ; Trocard , J . D . ; Soarrh , IU . ; Uiley , Tyler ; Capt . limes , Jl . tV ., P . M . ; Thistletou , P . M . ; Ot ., Hugueniii , P . M ., representative from G . L . Switzerland ,
" Alpiua , ' und several others . Mr . Homan wan initiated aud Bro . ' 1 hompsoii raised . No other business beinjj before the brethreu , the lodge was closed . A splendid banquet served up by Bro . Hart , followed , and a choice dessert adorned the table dining tho proposition of the various toasts . Tho visitors weie represented by Bros . Wells ( lo ) , F . Walters , P . M . ( 7 rJ ); . Mills O'Oy ) , Bro .
Walters responding for them when " The Visitors'health ' was proposed , and introduce . ! ihe Masonio Charities iu connection with the case of a Hebrew broth .-i ; , who ceo ! ot elculiou iu May to tho Benevolent institution . Tho lodge promised to support him , aud shortly afterwards the brethren separated .
Ikdf . ml f . odge , No . 157 , mot on Friday week , nt Freemasons' llall under Bro . Will-s , W . M . ; but there was no work for his Worship , ami alter the closing of the lodgo the brethren enjoyed a delightful banquet , supplied by ilro . C . Golden , in Freemasons' Taveru , and spent a most harmonious evening .
Tranquility Lodge No . 135 . — I his influential lodgo met on . Monday , iu the lodge-room , at "Ridley ' s , '' wheu tho highly respected W . M- Bro . J . Holbrook , in his usual earoiul and correct style , asdotjd by his o . lieieiit ollioors , parsed Bro . Barney Burnett , of Hull , to the BCtioud degree ; the visitors were an jViuericnii brotheraud Uro . F . Walters , P . M ., "rl , tho latter of whom iu iut eloquentspeeih advocated the cause of Bro . Saqii , P . M .,
aua l ' ailier of the Lodge of Israel , as a iiuirtidilo In- the annuity at the next ( . lection , tho appeal wis uust kin Uy rcsp . iinlod lo by several additional member . ) bu ; ouihiif subscriber ' , and a promise of thu lodge proxies . Ndton . Loilye , No . 7 < K > . — A meeting of this prosperous lodgo was held on Wednesday , 17 th instant , at the Masoniu Hall , William-street , U ' oolwieh , Iro . Kdward Louies , W . M . in tho chair . l ' . ua'iit Uro-i . Dnnhim , P . M . ; Goddard , P . M . ; Dawson , P . M . ; Criwford , P . M . ;
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Province Of Middlesex.
A highly important and influentially attended meeting of the Masters , Wardens , Past Masters , and Officers of this newly-constituted Province was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Saturday the 13 th inst ., at half-past 2 o ' clock . Among
those present were Bros . J . Glaisher , F . R . S ., F . R . A . S ., P . M . ( 3 E 2 and 123 S ); J . Green , W . M . ( 7 SS ); J . J . Wilson , W . M . ( 1237 ); G . Fehrenback , W . M . ( 382 ); H . Briggs , W . M . ( 865 ); E . Clark , P . M . ( 1194 ); S . Larcomb ,
P . M . ( 788 ); C . Horsley , P . M . ( 382 ) ; W . Smeed , P . M . ( 946 ); H . G . Buss , P . M . ( 1194 ); W . Piatt , P . M ., and Sec . ( 946 ); J . G . Marsh , P . M . ( 1194 ); H . A . Stacey , P . M ., Sec . ( 865 ); W .
Smith , AV . M . ( 1238 ) ; T . Cubitt , P . M . ; IL W . Little , P . M ., Sec . ( 1194 ); F . Walters , P . M . ; W . Dodd , S . W . ( 1194 ); K , Gurney , S . W . ( 788 ); A . A . Pendlebmy , P . M . ; II . A . Allman , J . AV .
( 1194 ); T . Bendy , J . W . ( 788 ); R T . Witley J . W . ( 946 ); Angelo J . Lewis , J . D . ( 788 ); E
T . Osbaltlesfon , S . D . ( 1194 ); T . Smale , I . G . ( 1194 ) ; G . Cattel , P . M ., P . G . Dencon , Hunts and Northamptonshire ; R . A . Steel , D . C . ( 1194 ) ; D . R . Still ( 382 ) , W . D . Wheeler , S . W . ( 865 ); Dr . Albert B . Day , P . M . ( 865 ); W . Needham , J . D . ( S 65 ) : AV . T . Kipling , I . G . ( . 946 ) ; C . Tye ,
S . D . ( 1237 ); G . King junr ., J . W . ( 1238 ); R . Kenyon , W . H . Hubbard , P . M . ; G . Kenning ( 1194 ) .
Bro . GREEX , AV . M . ( 788 ; , proposed that the W . Bro . James Glaisher , F . R . S ., a P . M . of 382 , senior lodge of the province , do take the chair . Bro . CLAMS , P . M . ( 1194 ) , seconded the proposition , which was carried unanimously .
Bro . GLAISHER accordingly took the chair and requested Bro . Little to act as Sectetury to the meeting . The Cii . un . 3 rAX then read the notice convening the meeting , and said the first duty of the brethren was to express their warmest thanks to
the M . AA . Grand Master for having sanctioned the creation of Middlesex as a Masonic province . He ( lU'o . Glaisher ) felt , not only that , thc brethren would concur in presenting their thanks to Lord Zetland , but as it had been announced only the day before that their noble and venerated chief
was about to retire from tho exalted post of Grand I \ iaster , which he had so long and worthily filled—( cheers)—a deeper sentiment of gratitude would fill the breast of every one present for tho manifold services his lordship had
rendered the Craft in general . ( Great applause . ) Bro . W . SMITH , V . E ., rose and enquired if there was any proof that the Grand Master had constituted the county of Middlesex as a Masonic Province .
Tho CHAIRMAN referred to tho acting Secretary , and satisfactory evidence upon this point having been adduced , it was proposed by Bro . CLAHK , P . M . 1194 , seconded b y Bro . AVilson , W . M . 1237 , and carried by acclamation , that tho warmest thanks of thc bretlircn of Middlesex bo
respectfully presented fo the M . AV . Grand Mnster , for his lordship ' s compliance witli tlic prayer of their petition . Bro . SMITH again interposed , complaining that no special notice of thc meeting lisicl been sent to
his private address , and animadverted in a most unmasonic manner upon tho position taken up by the chairman and other prominent members of the Middlesex lodges , until indignant cries of " Older , " " Chair , " put an end to this unseeml y exhibition of bad taste .
Ihe CHAIRMAN having ruled that Bro . Smiths remarks were irrelevant and out of order , proceeded with tho next business , wlien it was proposid by Bro . GREKX , AV . M . of Lodge 788 ,
dul y seconded and unanimously resolved , that an humble memorial be presented . , to thc Grand Mnster . praying his lordshi p to exercise his prerogative by appointing a Prov . Grand Master for Middlesex .
Bro . J . G . MARSH , P . M ., tIien moved , Bro . CLARK , P . M . 1194 , . seconded , and it was carried without a dis > cntient voice , in the words of tho memorial , that thc namo of Bro . Col . Burdett , P . G . Warden , bo humbl y suggested to the M . W . G . M . for appointment us P . G . M . for Middlesex . The Chairman then deputed Bros . Green and AVilson ,
Province Of Middlesex.
W . M . ' s of 788 and 1237 , to introduce the RW . Bro . Col . Burdett , to the meeting . The deputation returned ushering the gallant Colonel , whose appearance was the signal for loud and long-continued cheering ; in fact there was quite an outburst of enthusiasm , showing clearly
the appreciation in which true Masonic qualities are held by the hrethren of Middlesex . The CHAIRMAN announced to Col . Butdett the result of the proceedings , and the RW . Brother expressed his hig h sense of the honour for which the Middlesex lodges proposed to recommend him . He alluded to his connection with the
Grand Lodge of Ireland , and trusted that the same kindly bond mig ht unite him to the brethren of the metropolitan county of England . ( Cheers . ) Whatever the result might be—the selection being entirely in the liands of the M . W . Grand Master—he should ever treasure a
grateful recollection of the unexpected compliment paid him by such an influential body of Masons . ( Bro . Burdett sat down amidst great applause . ) The Memorial to the Earl of Zetland was then signed by every brother present , and tlie chairman announced that the B . AV . Bro . W . W . Bramston
Beach , M . P ., Prov . Grand Master for Hants , who was to have taken the chair , liad sent a letter expressing regret at his inability to attend , and his entire concurrence with tlie objects of the meeting , concluding by a hope that he might Jiave the pleasure of witnessing the installation of Col . Burdott as Prov . Grand Master for
Middlesex . Several other letters from brethren unavoidably absent were also received . A cordial vote of thanks to Bro . Glaisher for his dignified conduct in the chair , terminated the proceedings of this successful meeting .
[ We cannot forbear' from expressing our astonishment that a person in the unpleasant position in which Bro . W . Smith is now p laced , should have presented himself before the brethren of Middlesex , who , we are well assured , neither desire to follow hirn as a leader , nor to
accept his advice or support as a member of the Craft . Our surprise is increased by the fact that wc have received , and for the honour of the Craft , purposely suppress , certain letters which comment very severely upon Bro . Smith ' s connection with the " Masonic Lifeboat Fund , "
no account of which , so wc are informed , has ever been rendered since it was originated under his auspices . Without at all imputing dishonest motives to Bro . Smith , we think it would be to his interest to remove any question as to the
donations which he may have received , by publishing a list of the same , and stating in whose hands they arc now placed , or in what manner they have been dedicated . So far as Middlesex is concerned , Bro . Smith is now , Masonically speaking , a " dead man . " ]—ED . F .
Obituary .
"v BRO . HENRY AVIIITTLE , S . W ., 871 . A short but painful illness has deprived the fraternity of a young though energetic and useful
member . On tho 12 th instant , Bro . Henry AVhittle , S . AV ., No . 871 , and one of thc founders of No . 1275 , died at his residence , 361 , New
Cross-road , Deptford , in thc 4 Gth year of his age . Of his character as a man , and his qualities as a Mason , it is impossible to speak iu too high terms . He was an affectionate and indulgent husband and father , and a sincere private friend .
His home obtained the largest share of his devotion , and after that , Masonry ' s claims were attended to . In Freemasonry ho was very energetic , and his support of the Charities showed thc earnestness of his professions . His
funeral took place on Monday ; he was buried in Brockley Cemetery , and was followed to his hist earthly resting place by a numerous bod y
of relations and Masonic brethren , including the W . M . of his lodge . Rro . tho Bev . I ) . Flinch , Vicar of St . Paul ' s , Deptford , performed the funeral service .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
Enoch Lodge , Wo . 11 . —The above lodge met on AVednesday the llth inst ., at the Freemasons' Hall , Bro . J . B . Ciabetta , W . M ., iu the chair , supported by E . J . LewiSj S . W . ; Palmer , J . W . ; and P . M / s Alonfcrie , J . Dale , C . AVatson , Honey , & c The lodge was opened , and the minutes of the former lodge were read and confirmed .
Bro . Macintosh was passed to the second degree , and Messrs . VV . H . Brown , and J . Young were ballotted for aud duly initiated into the Order . The lodge was then closed in due form and with solemn prayer . Tha brethren then sat down to a very sumptuous banquet , provided by Bro . Gosdeu . The usual loyal and Masonic , toasts were given and responded to . Bro . Honey , P . M .,
proposed the toast of the AV . M ., and stated how pleased he , as well as every brother present , was to see him in that chair again . The W . M . suitably returned thanks . The toast of the Past Masters having been eloquently responded to , the W . M . proposed the health of the officers , and mentioned the name of one who was well
qualified in every respect to occupy that chair , and ha coupled with the toast the name of Bro . E . J . Lewis , the Senior Warden . ( The toast was drank with great applause . ) Bro . E . J . Lewis in a very appropriate manner returned thanks . Some very excellent singing emanated from the W . M ., Bro . C . Watson , ie ., aud the Tyler ' s toast concluded a very agreeable evening .
Union Waterloo Lodge , No . 13 . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the 10 th inst ., under the presidency of the AV . M ., Bro . Johu Graydon , P . M ., and P . P . G . S JJ ., Kent . There were present Bros . Picking , P . M . ; Denton , P . M . ; Henderson , P . M ., Treas . ; Nat Norman , P . M ., Sec . ; Applebee , S . W . ; Daviea , J . W . ; Young , S . D . ; Cook , J . D . ; aud a fair attendance of
members . The lodge was opened in the first degree , and Messrs . Job James , Walton aud Frasi , were duly initiated . The lodge was opened in the second degree , aud Bros . Deal aud Bradiug were passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . The lodge was then opened ia the third degree , and Bros . Look and Noble were raised to the sublime degree . The W . M . then
closed dowu in proper form to tlis first degree . Visitors present : Bros . Clark ( 700 ) , Toms , S . W . ( 70 ii ); Dawson , P . M . ( 700 ) May , S . W . ( 700 ) . All business being ended , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to Bro . De Gray ' s , Freemasons' Tavern , fur refreshment and harmony , aud speut a very pleasant evening . We are g ! ad to congratulate the W . M . upon the success of this
old lodge under his rule , aud we hope to see it in a short time , iu the same prosperous position ii has enjoyed for so many years . Britannic Lodge , No . 33 , at ifs meeting at Freemasons Hall , on Friday week , nominated Stewards for all the -Masonic Institutions' festivals of uext year , and after such excellent work , sat dowu to ona of Bro . Gosden ' a capital banquets at Freemasons' Taveru .
Jl / ount Libanon Lotlgc , No . 73 —This lodgo met on Tuesday , at the Bridge House Hotel , ami was attended by some iit ' ty brethreu . Bro . D . Hose , W . M ., prc-dded , aud raised Bro . Williams and Deere , passed Bro Walter Kudsor , and initiated Mr . J . Phillips . Some dismission took place afterwards on lodgo nutters and tho support of the Charities , aud the brethren separated at au early hour .
St . Thomas' Lodge , No . 142 . — Last Saturday this lodge met at Hartley ' s Hotel and was presided over by i ; ro . F . T . Dubois , W . M ., assisted by Bros . Bolton , S . W . ; Gilbert , P . M ., as J . W . ; W . liattye , P . M ., Treas . ; Powell , P . M ., Sec . ; Clegg , S . D . ; Trocard , J . D . ; Soarrh , IU . ; Uiley , Tyler ; Capt . limes , Jl . tV ., P . M . ; Thistletou , P . M . ; Ot ., Hugueniii , P . M ., representative from G . L . Switzerland ,
" Alpiua , ' und several others . Mr . Homan wan initiated aud Bro . ' 1 hompsoii raised . No other business beinjj before the brethreu , the lodge was closed . A splendid banquet served up by Bro . Hart , followed , and a choice dessert adorned the table dining tho proposition of the various toasts . Tho visitors weie represented by Bros . Wells ( lo ) , F . Walters , P . M . ( 7 rJ ); . Mills O'Oy ) , Bro .
Walters responding for them when " The Visitors'health ' was proposed , and introduce . ! ihe Masonio Charities iu connection with the case of a Hebrew broth .-i ; , who ceo ! ot elculiou iu May to tho Benevolent institution . Tho lodge promised to support him , aud shortly afterwards the brethren separated .
Ikdf . ml f . odge , No . 157 , mot on Friday week , nt Freemasons' llall under Bro . Will-s , W . M . ; but there was no work for his Worship , ami alter the closing of the lodgo the brethren enjoyed a delightful banquet , supplied by ilro . C . Golden , in Freemasons' Taveru , and spent a most harmonious evening .
Tranquility Lodge No . 135 . — I his influential lodgo met on . Monday , iu the lodge-room , at "Ridley ' s , '' wheu tho highly respected W . M- Bro . J . Holbrook , in his usual earoiul and correct style , asdotjd by his o . lieieiit ollioors , parsed Bro . Barney Burnett , of Hull , to the BCtioud degree ; the visitors were an jViuericnii brotheraud Uro . F . Walters , P . M ., "rl , tho latter of whom iu iut eloquentspeeih advocated the cause of Bro . Saqii , P . M .,
aua l ' ailier of the Lodge of Israel , as a iiuirtidilo In- the annuity at the next ( . lection , tho appeal wis uust kin Uy rcsp . iinlod lo by several additional member . ) bu ; ouihiif subscriber ' , and a promise of thu lodge proxies . Ndton . Loilye , No . 7 < K > . — A meeting of this prosperous lodgo was held on Wednesday , 17 th instant , at the Masoniu Hall , William-street , U ' oolwieh , Iro . Kdward Louies , W . M . in tho chair . l ' . ua'iit Uro-i . Dnnhim , P . M . ; Goddard , P . M . ; Dawson , P . M . ; Criwford , P . M . ;