Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. ← Page 3 of 3 Article THE ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article THE ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ORDERS OF CHIVALRY. Page 1 of 1 Article ORDERS OF CHIVALRY. Page 1 of 1 Article THE ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
mendation of the lodge working , and with expressions of the considerable pleasure with which his brother visitors and himself had witnessed and heard the proceedings of the evening thus far . He felt it due to the members of the lodge to state that he considered its progress and position most creditable to themselves individually and to the Craft generally , and it would be his duty , as well
as a great pleasure 10 him , to report elsewhere the efficiency he had observed . In concluding a very graceful and telling speech Bro . Dumas , proposed "The health of the AA . M ., Bro . Major Irvine , '' to whose skill and ability , and eorteous yet firm rule , the honourable position the Macdonald Lodge enjoys is mainly due . This was enthusiastically responded to by the brethren ,
and the AV . M . briefly replied . The charity box was then circulated whilst the "Tyler ' s toast"' was duly honoured , and the acting J . AV . then called on the brethren to return to labour . On the resumption of business Bros . Shairp and Pike , proved their proficiency as F . C . 's , and the lodge having beeu opened in the third degree , were severally introduced and raised as Master Masons
with due and fitting solemnity . The lodge was then closed down , the closing hymn sung , and the business of a long but most interesting evening brought to a pleasant aud harmonious termination . The next meeting of this lodge will he held on the 8 th December , nnd we are authorised by its officers to state that visitors on that occasion will be gladly welcomed .
PROVINCIAL . HERTFORD . —Hertford Lodge , No . 403 . —This lodge met at the Town Hall , Hertford , on 16 th instant , at four o ' clock . Bro . R . T . Andrews , AA . M . presiding . Bro . H . L . Thomas , P . M ., 449 , was ballotted for as a joiuing member and accepted . II . Muggeridge , G . S . B , installed in his usual efficient maimer Bro . C . Drummond , as
AV . M . for the ensuing ye ir . Bro . Drummond appointed , and Bro . Muggeridge invested the following brethren as officers : H . B . Hodges , S . AV . ; J . D . Medcalf , J . W . ; J . R . Cooks , P . M . Treasurer ; E A . Simson , Secretary ; O . H . AVayner , S . D . ; T . S . Carter , S . D . ; C . B . Jones , J . G . ; AV . H . Nicholls , D . C . ; C . P . AVyinan , Steward , and T . AVrigbt , Tyler , the other brethren present were Bros .
J . Boatwright , S . Neate , E . II . Flatt , and H . L . Thomas . The Visitors were Bros . F . Drummond , 217 aud 898 , H . T . A . Stewart , 893 . The lodge was closed in due form , and the brethreu adjourned to a sumptuous banquet at the Salisbury Arms . The usual toasts followed , and the brethren separated at an early hour . HARTLEPOOL . —St .. Helen ' s Lodge No . 531 . —At a
regular lodge , held on the 4 th inst ., Bro . James Johnson Armstrong , ( who has been a member of the lodge more than five years , ) was unanimously elected Worshipful Master for the ensuing year . Bro . Armstrong has risen to the above position step by step , commencing his first office as Steward , and no previous election has given more satisfaction to tbe brethren of St . Helen ' s , than that for 1870 ,
Rro . I . M . Procter , was re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . James Mowbray , who has been Tyler for many years , was also re-elected . The installation is fixed for December 2 nd , when it is expected that Bro . George Moore , M . J ) ., PM ., P . P . I . G . W .. and Mayor of Hartlepool , will officiate as Installing Master . NEWBURY . —laJge of JJopc , No . 574 .- —The monthly
lodge of the Freemasons of Newbury was held in the Council Chamber , on Friday evening , under the presidency of tho AV . M . Bro . Bland , when it was resolved that a Masonic Ball should be held iu the Town Hall on the 14 th January next . The lodge appointed a committee to carry out the necessary arrangements . The fine baud of the 1 st Life Guards will attend . Several handsome
additions to the furniture of the lodge have recently been made through tho liberality of individual members . ELLAND , YoiiKsriniK . — . Savile Lodge , No . 1231 . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodgo was holden on Thursday evening , the llth inst ., at tho Royal Hotel . The officers ot the lodge present were , Bros . Ely Walker Shaw , AV . M . ; Francis Crossley , S . AA ' . ; Frederick Crossley ,
J . AV . ; Francis AA addington , Seo . ; G . Norinanton , P . JL , and P . G . D Treas ; AV . Dewhirst , S . D . ; J . Shaw , J . D ., aud J . Dyaou , I . G . This being the anniversary of the opening of this prosperous young lodge , after the minutes of the previous regular lodge meeting hail been read and confirmed , aud some correspondence read , the AV . M . for ensuing year was elected by ballot ; the list of qualified
brethren con t ained eleven names , but tho votes were all given to the two Wardens , and W . M . having announced the number to bo 10 votes for BIM . Francis Crossley , S . AV ., and 12 for Bro . Frederick Crossley , J . W ., the latter esteemed brother was declared duly elected the representative of K . S . Bro . John Smithies , Steward , was elected Treasurer , and Bro . John Greenwood , P . M . 338 , the Tyler
for the ensuing year , two Auditors wore also appointed . Ttie lodge was then opened in the F . C degree , and Bro . J . iseph 1 JIW , a candidate for the degree of M . M . was examined , and being found worthy , was entrusted and re tired . After the lodge had been opened in the M . M . degree , Bro . Law was admitted and raised to that sublime
degree , the W . M . who was suffering from indisposition , being very ably assisted in the ceremony by Bro . John Arrnitage , P . M . 827 and 1231 , and Bro . Allen , P . M . 142 . The lodgo was closed in tho two higher degrees , and after a proposition of a gentleman for initiation had been brought forward , the lodge was closed finally in perfect harmony .
The Royal Arch.
1 IKTU 0 F 0 LITAN . Union Waterloo Chapter , No . 13 . —This excellent working chapter wns opened in ancient form with a ¦ oleum prayer . Present : Cornps . Bickerstafi ; M . E . Z . ; Norman , II . ; Tail ' s , J . ; Thomas , N ; R . Barnes , P . Z ., Scribe E . ; Henderson , P . Z ., and Treas . The minutes
The Royal Arch.
and cash accounts of the last convocation were read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for Bro . Mays of the Capper Lodge , 1076 , for exaltation which proved unanimous iu his favor , but . business prevented his attendance . Bro . J . Young , of the Union AA ' aterloo Lodge , No . 19 , aud Bro Brown , of the Capper Lodge , No . 1076 , were duly initiated in a very impressive manner by Comp .
Bickerstaff . This being the meeting for electing the Principals and officers , the following were unanimously elected , viz .: Comps . Norman , M . E . Z . ; Taffs , II . ; Thomas , J . ; Kirk , N . ; U . E . Barnes , P . Z ., re-elected E . ; Henderson , P . Z .. re elected Treas . ; Batstone , P . S ., and Alison , was by show of hands re-elected Janitor . The chapter being closed the comps . adjourned to Comp . D .
Grey ' s , the Freemasons' Tavern , and partook of an excellent banquet , and parted in harmony . Chapter of Hope , No . 206 . —This Chapter was held on Thursday week , at the Globe Tavern Greenwich . The several chairs were taken by Comps . II . A . Collington , Z . ; S . Noble , P . Z . as H . ; aud James Moore , P . Z . as J . The rending and confirmation of the minutes were
succeeded by the appointment of the meeting of the Audit Committee , which it was ascertained is held at the Globe , ou the llth of December . The Comps . elected for the year were , J . Hasler , Z . ; AV . Noak , H . ; A . H . Tattershall , J . ; AA . Noak , Treas . ; J . H . H . Douglmey , S . E . ; AV . R . Orchard , S . N . ; T . Perridge , P . S ., and Johnson , Janitor . Comp . Noak stated that as he was Steward for this Chap
ter as well as for lodge 140 , for the Benevolent Institution at its festival in January , he should like to have a contribution from this Chapter to his list . The M . E . Z . then gave notice that he would move at next meeting , that two guineas be taken from the Benevolent Fund of the Chapter , and placed on Comp . Noak's list . No other
business being before the Comps ., they after closing down , adjourned to an admirable bauquet , supplied by Comp . Moore , nnd spent a delightful evening . Comps . Edington , Peckham , Smith aud H . Massey , J . 019 . were among the Comps who were present in Chapter , and at the banquet table .
Panmure Chapter , No . 720 . —This prosperous Chapter held its ordinary quarterly meetiug at the Horns Taveru , Kenuington , on Monday the 8 th instant , when were present , Companions H . C . Levander , M . A ., M . E . Z ., E . Worthington , H ., Joseph Nunn , P . Z . as J ., John Thomas , P . Z ., P . G . D . C , AVilliam AVatson , P . Z ., James Stevens , P . Z , Scribe E ., 11 . H . Harvey , Scribe N .,
Henry Smith , P . S ., AV . B . Church , 1 st A . S ., Dr . Cronin , 2 nd A . S ., also Companions Hammerton , Dr . Davison , Perrott , & c , & c . Amongst the visitors we noticed , Companion N . Gluoksteiu , of Colchester . The Chapter having been duly opened , Bros . G . 11 . N . Bridges and George AVatei-.-. U , of the Macdonald Lodge , 1210 , were balloted for as candidates for exaltation , and beiug
unanimously approved were duly exalted into Royal Arch Masonry with complete ceremouy , and iu that able and perfect manner for which this Chapter is so justly celebrated . The M . E . Z . then addressed the Companions in reference to the position of the Chapter and its obligation to the four Past First Principals and Founders . He stated that in consequence of the self-denial and economy
which had been practised by them , the Chapter now found itself , not only in full possession of its handsome furniture and appurtenances , but with every claim paid , and a good balance iu hand . As each of the P . Z . ' s had retired , the proffered Jewel had been firmly decliued by him until the Chapter should be free from liability aud in a good financial position . That position was now attained ;
he therefore had great pleasure in performing what he considered a duty , by proposing " That the sum of Sixteen Guineas be voted from the lodge funds for tho purpose of providing a suitable P . Z . Jewel for each of the following Companions , viz ., John Read , James Stevens ,
Joseph Nunn , and John Thomas , the four first Past Principals and founders of the Chapter . " The M . E . Z . ' s proposition was unanimously adopted , and the Chapter having been duly closed , thc Companions adjournal ! for refreshment , and a pleasant evening was spent in social harmony and good fellowship .
Orders Of Chivalry.
RED CROSS OF ROME < fc CONSTANTINE , Plantagenet Cim .-hirr , No . 2 . —This well-worked conclave held one of its regular assemblies at the Cannonstreet Hotel , ou AA ' educsdav the 1 Oth instant , under the
presidency of tho esteemed M . P . S .. Sir Knight John Boyd , P . E . O ., K . T ., P . M ., P . Z .. & o ., who was supported by Sir Knight Marsh , AVescoinbe , Cubitt , States , and a goodly number of members . Bro . William Bird wns
duly admitted , received , constituted and installed a Knight of the Order . The conclave was then closed , and tbe Chevaliers adjourned to a capital banquet , served under the personal superintendence of Bro . Sidney Spencer , the excellent Manager of the Hotel . This conclave , we predict , will rapidly increase in its new and superb head-quarters .
. SV . Andrew ' s Conclave , No . 15 . —A meeting of the distinguished Knights to whom Lord Kenlis has granted the charter originally intended for Edinburgh , was held recently . It waa resolved to hold the Conclave at the Canuon-stroet Terminus Hotel , and for the present to arrange with the Plantagenet Conclave , for the use of furniture . The officers s' » far as can bo ascertained , will probably be , V . E Sir Knt Raynham AV . Stewart , 1 S ° ; G .
A . Marshal , as M . P . S . ; R . Keiiyon . ns V . E . ; Frederick Binckes , 30 % as S . G ., W . Jones , J . G . ; S . Rosenthal , 33 ° , as H . P . ; Capt . Clifford Henry , IS " , Prefect ; AV . H . Hubbard , G . Treas ., Recorder and J . C Dawson , S . B . Comp . Gilbert was elected Sentinel , and the rank of Honorary Member was conferred upon Sir Knt . Little , 18 ° , G . Recorder . The inauguration will take plac-i at an early date .
Orders Of Chivalry.
St . George ' s Conclave , No . 18 . -A meeting of this conclave was held nt the Palmerston Arms , Grosvenor-park , Camberwell , oa \ A ednesday the 10 th instant . Among those present we noticed Sir Kt . H . Thompson , M . P . S . ; J . Thomas V . E . ; G . A . Taylor , S . G . ; Sillifant , H . P . ; C . L . Marshall , Treasurer ; E . Shaughnessy , Recorder ; T . AVingham , S . B , and R . AVentworth Little ,
G . R . The conclave was duly opened , and Bros . J . Ashwell , P . M . and P . Z , 22 , Bro . Robards , and AV . Ring , being iu attendance , were regularly admitted and installed as Knights of this illustrious Older . It was resolved to hold a special conclave on the 15 th December , for admission of several candidates , and also to rehearse the
ceremonial to be observed at the formal inauguration which is fixed to take place in January . The Knights appeared iu new purple sashes aud aprons , which were manufactured by Sir Knight Kenning , of Little Britain , and there was a general desire evinced to render tha Sfc . George ' s Conclave a thorough success .
KNIGHTS TEMPLAR . Temple Crcssing Encampment . —The Knights of this encampment met on Thursday , the 12 th inst ., in the Lodge-room , at the Horn's Tavern , Kennington . Present , Sir . Knts . AV . F . Mitchell , P . E . C , as E . C ; Dr . Lilley ,
P . E . C . ; R Farran , R . E . C ., Reg . ; Geo . Harrison , & c , the only visitor on this occasion was the V . E . Sir Knt . W . J . Meymott , P . G . D . C , & c , after the usual business the encampment was closed , and the Knts . adjourned to an elegant banquet and separated at an early hour .
The Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Invicta Chapter , Rose Croix , 18 ° —A meeting of this chapter was held at the Masonic Hall , AVoolwich , on Friday , the 15 th of October , when there were present the V . E . Bro . Dr . Ward , M . W . S . ; 111 . Bro . Col . Clerk R . A , 33 ° as H . P . ; 111 . J . Forrester , 30 ° 1 st Gen . ; Ex . Bro . Harrison , 18 ° 2 nd Gen . ; 111 . Bro . Cockle , 30 ° G . Marshal ; Ex . Bro . Laird . 18 ° Trea . ; Ex . Bro . Boord ,
18 ° Recorder ; 111 . Bro . Glaisher , 30 ° Capt . of G . ; Henderton , Equerry ; and Bros . Hemsworth , 30 ° , Clabon , Thompson , Scott , Czarneck , Shrapie , Cook , Allen , and Hughes , all 18 ° , members ; the visitors included the 111 . Bro . Goodall , 33 ° , representative of the S G . C of England in the Unite ! States of America , the 111 . Bro . Capt . Philips , 33 ° , representative of the S . G . C . of the
United States in England , and 111 . Bro . James Keene , 30 ° . There were two candidates for admission to this degree in the persons of Bro . Dr . A . Knight Prescott , AV . M . ^ of lodge No . 706 , aud Bro . James Duguid , of the Union , Lodge , ( A . & A . Rite ) , Buenos Ayres , and they being present aud having received the preliminary degrees to
the 17 th inclusive , were perfected iu a very able manner by the AV . M ' . S . Ballot was then taken for the M . AV S . for the ensuing year , and the 111 . Bro . James Forrester , 30 ° , was uuauimously elected . Ex . Bro . Laird , 18 ° , was also re elected Treasurer . The chapter was then closed in ancient and solemn form . A number of the members afterwards dined together .
__ AVE are happy to announce that the honour of Knighthood has been conferred upon Bro Albert AV . AVoods ( Grand Director of Ceremonies ) , whose recent elevation to the office of Garter King at Arms was duly recorded by us . The 15 sections will be worked at "The
Pythagorean Lodge of Instruction , No . 70 , " at Bro . C . AValls ' , the Prince of Orange Taveru , Greenwicliroad ( next the Eailway Station ) , on AVednesday , November 24 th , 1869 . Bro . David Rose , AV . M ., 73 , will preside . EMULATION LODUK OF IMPKOA ' EMENT , under the
sanction of tho Lodge of Unions , 256 . The annual festival of the lod ™ will take place at Freamasons ' Hall , on Friday , November 2 Cth , 1869 , on which occasion Bro . Sir Daniel Gooch , Hart ., M . P ., P . G . M ., Berks and Bucks , will preside . The lodge will be , as usual , opened at 7 p . m . precisel y , when the
second Lecture will be worked . Tickets for the Banquet may be hud of tlie Stewards , or of tlie Secretary , at 2 s . Cd . each . C . A . Muvton , Sec . THE BBADOX ( No . 619 ) , MASONIC CIIAIUTABI . B ASSOCIATION was opened on Monday night , at Bro . J . AV . Avery ' s , the Queens Arms ,
AVestonstreet , London Bridge . Bro . J . AV . Avery , was elected President , Bro . Saul AVells , V . P ., Bro . A . Avery , Treasurer , and Bro . A \ . Manger , ( No . 15 ) , Secretary . Six members were elected on the Committee . Sufficient subscriptions were collected to give an assurance of a draw taking place at next ineetiiiQ-.
IHE BLOOD PUKIFIKK , —Old Dr . Jacob Townsend ' s Sarsaparilla . Other Medical Testimony . —In speaking of the " Blood Purifier . " old Dr . Jacob TowiiKcnd ' s Sarsaparilla , G C . Kernott , M . D ., L . S . A . Loud ., says : — " I strongly recommend it in cutaneous diseases and all impurities of the blood . " March 21 , 1869 . —In a letter to the proprietors ,
June fi , 1800 , Or . Irvine , of IrvineVtown , says : — "I have been in the habit of orderingyour Sarsaparilla for my patients with the beat results . Send me six quarts and six mammoth bottles . " For all skin diseases , for purifying the system of mercurial poisons , and building up the broken constitution il is the only safc and certain remedv . —In Bottles 2 s . £ d ., in ..
4 s . 6 d ., 7 s . 6 tl ., lis . Sold by all Druggists Pills and Ointment each in Boxes , Is . lid ., 2 s . 0 d ., is . Od . Testimonial * also from the Hon . the Dean of Lismore ; General AVilliam Gilbert , of the Indian Army ; ordered also by Apothecaries llall , l ^ onilon . Caution—Get the red and blue wrappers , with the Old Doctor ' s head in the centre . No other genuine .
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
mendation of the lodge working , and with expressions of the considerable pleasure with which his brother visitors and himself had witnessed and heard the proceedings of the evening thus far . He felt it due to the members of the lodge to state that he considered its progress and position most creditable to themselves individually and to the Craft generally , and it would be his duty , as well
as a great pleasure 10 him , to report elsewhere the efficiency he had observed . In concluding a very graceful and telling speech Bro . Dumas , proposed "The health of the AA . M ., Bro . Major Irvine , '' to whose skill and ability , and eorteous yet firm rule , the honourable position the Macdonald Lodge enjoys is mainly due . This was enthusiastically responded to by the brethren ,
and the AV . M . briefly replied . The charity box was then circulated whilst the "Tyler ' s toast"' was duly honoured , and the acting J . AV . then called on the brethren to return to labour . On the resumption of business Bros . Shairp and Pike , proved their proficiency as F . C . 's , and the lodge having beeu opened in the third degree , were severally introduced and raised as Master Masons
with due and fitting solemnity . The lodge was then closed down , the closing hymn sung , and the business of a long but most interesting evening brought to a pleasant aud harmonious termination . The next meeting of this lodge will he held on the 8 th December , nnd we are authorised by its officers to state that visitors on that occasion will be gladly welcomed .
PROVINCIAL . HERTFORD . —Hertford Lodge , No . 403 . —This lodge met at the Town Hall , Hertford , on 16 th instant , at four o ' clock . Bro . R . T . Andrews , AA . M . presiding . Bro . H . L . Thomas , P . M ., 449 , was ballotted for as a joiuing member and accepted . II . Muggeridge , G . S . B , installed in his usual efficient maimer Bro . C . Drummond , as
AV . M . for the ensuing ye ir . Bro . Drummond appointed , and Bro . Muggeridge invested the following brethren as officers : H . B . Hodges , S . AV . ; J . D . Medcalf , J . W . ; J . R . Cooks , P . M . Treasurer ; E A . Simson , Secretary ; O . H . AVayner , S . D . ; T . S . Carter , S . D . ; C . B . Jones , J . G . ; AV . H . Nicholls , D . C . ; C . P . AVyinan , Steward , and T . AVrigbt , Tyler , the other brethren present were Bros .
J . Boatwright , S . Neate , E . II . Flatt , and H . L . Thomas . The Visitors were Bros . F . Drummond , 217 aud 898 , H . T . A . Stewart , 893 . The lodge was closed in due form , and the brethreu adjourned to a sumptuous banquet at the Salisbury Arms . The usual toasts followed , and the brethren separated at an early hour . HARTLEPOOL . —St .. Helen ' s Lodge No . 531 . —At a
regular lodge , held on the 4 th inst ., Bro . James Johnson Armstrong , ( who has been a member of the lodge more than five years , ) was unanimously elected Worshipful Master for the ensuing year . Bro . Armstrong has risen to the above position step by step , commencing his first office as Steward , and no previous election has given more satisfaction to tbe brethren of St . Helen ' s , than that for 1870 ,
Rro . I . M . Procter , was re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . James Mowbray , who has been Tyler for many years , was also re-elected . The installation is fixed for December 2 nd , when it is expected that Bro . George Moore , M . J ) ., PM ., P . P . I . G . W .. and Mayor of Hartlepool , will officiate as Installing Master . NEWBURY . —laJge of JJopc , No . 574 .- —The monthly
lodge of the Freemasons of Newbury was held in the Council Chamber , on Friday evening , under the presidency of tho AV . M . Bro . Bland , when it was resolved that a Masonic Ball should be held iu the Town Hall on the 14 th January next . The lodge appointed a committee to carry out the necessary arrangements . The fine baud of the 1 st Life Guards will attend . Several handsome
additions to the furniture of the lodge have recently been made through tho liberality of individual members . ELLAND , YoiiKsriniK . — . Savile Lodge , No . 1231 . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodgo was holden on Thursday evening , the llth inst ., at tho Royal Hotel . The officers ot the lodge present were , Bros . Ely Walker Shaw , AV . M . ; Francis Crossley , S . AA ' . ; Frederick Crossley ,
J . AV . ; Francis AA addington , Seo . ; G . Norinanton , P . JL , and P . G . D Treas ; AV . Dewhirst , S . D . ; J . Shaw , J . D ., aud J . Dyaou , I . G . This being the anniversary of the opening of this prosperous young lodge , after the minutes of the previous regular lodge meeting hail been read and confirmed , aud some correspondence read , the AV . M . for ensuing year was elected by ballot ; the list of qualified
brethren con t ained eleven names , but tho votes were all given to the two Wardens , and W . M . having announced the number to bo 10 votes for BIM . Francis Crossley , S . AV ., and 12 for Bro . Frederick Crossley , J . W ., the latter esteemed brother was declared duly elected the representative of K . S . Bro . John Smithies , Steward , was elected Treasurer , and Bro . John Greenwood , P . M . 338 , the Tyler
for the ensuing year , two Auditors wore also appointed . Ttie lodge was then opened in the F . C degree , and Bro . J . iseph 1 JIW , a candidate for the degree of M . M . was examined , and being found worthy , was entrusted and re tired . After the lodge had been opened in the M . M . degree , Bro . Law was admitted and raised to that sublime
degree , the W . M . who was suffering from indisposition , being very ably assisted in the ceremony by Bro . John Arrnitage , P . M . 827 and 1231 , and Bro . Allen , P . M . 142 . The lodgo was closed in tho two higher degrees , and after a proposition of a gentleman for initiation had been brought forward , the lodge was closed finally in perfect harmony .
The Royal Arch.
1 IKTU 0 F 0 LITAN . Union Waterloo Chapter , No . 13 . —This excellent working chapter wns opened in ancient form with a ¦ oleum prayer . Present : Cornps . Bickerstafi ; M . E . Z . ; Norman , II . ; Tail ' s , J . ; Thomas , N ; R . Barnes , P . Z ., Scribe E . ; Henderson , P . Z ., and Treas . The minutes
The Royal Arch.
and cash accounts of the last convocation were read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for Bro . Mays of the Capper Lodge , 1076 , for exaltation which proved unanimous iu his favor , but . business prevented his attendance . Bro . J . Young , of the Union AA ' aterloo Lodge , No . 19 , aud Bro Brown , of the Capper Lodge , No . 1076 , were duly initiated in a very impressive manner by Comp .
Bickerstaff . This being the meeting for electing the Principals and officers , the following were unanimously elected , viz .: Comps . Norman , M . E . Z . ; Taffs , II . ; Thomas , J . ; Kirk , N . ; U . E . Barnes , P . Z ., re-elected E . ; Henderson , P . Z .. re elected Treas . ; Batstone , P . S ., and Alison , was by show of hands re-elected Janitor . The chapter being closed the comps . adjourned to Comp . D .
Grey ' s , the Freemasons' Tavern , and partook of an excellent banquet , and parted in harmony . Chapter of Hope , No . 206 . —This Chapter was held on Thursday week , at the Globe Tavern Greenwich . The several chairs were taken by Comps . II . A . Collington , Z . ; S . Noble , P . Z . as H . ; aud James Moore , P . Z . as J . The rending and confirmation of the minutes were
succeeded by the appointment of the meeting of the Audit Committee , which it was ascertained is held at the Globe , ou the llth of December . The Comps . elected for the year were , J . Hasler , Z . ; AV . Noak , H . ; A . H . Tattershall , J . ; AA . Noak , Treas . ; J . H . H . Douglmey , S . E . ; AV . R . Orchard , S . N . ; T . Perridge , P . S ., and Johnson , Janitor . Comp . Noak stated that as he was Steward for this Chap
ter as well as for lodge 140 , for the Benevolent Institution at its festival in January , he should like to have a contribution from this Chapter to his list . The M . E . Z . then gave notice that he would move at next meeting , that two guineas be taken from the Benevolent Fund of the Chapter , and placed on Comp . Noak's list . No other
business being before the Comps ., they after closing down , adjourned to an admirable bauquet , supplied by Comp . Moore , nnd spent a delightful evening . Comps . Edington , Peckham , Smith aud H . Massey , J . 019 . were among the Comps who were present in Chapter , and at the banquet table .
Panmure Chapter , No . 720 . —This prosperous Chapter held its ordinary quarterly meetiug at the Horns Taveru , Kenuington , on Monday the 8 th instant , when were present , Companions H . C . Levander , M . A ., M . E . Z ., E . Worthington , H ., Joseph Nunn , P . Z . as J ., John Thomas , P . Z ., P . G . D . C , AVilliam AVatson , P . Z ., James Stevens , P . Z , Scribe E ., 11 . H . Harvey , Scribe N .,
Henry Smith , P . S ., AV . B . Church , 1 st A . S ., Dr . Cronin , 2 nd A . S ., also Companions Hammerton , Dr . Davison , Perrott , & c , & c . Amongst the visitors we noticed , Companion N . Gluoksteiu , of Colchester . The Chapter having been duly opened , Bros . G . 11 . N . Bridges and George AVatei-.-. U , of the Macdonald Lodge , 1210 , were balloted for as candidates for exaltation , and beiug
unanimously approved were duly exalted into Royal Arch Masonry with complete ceremouy , and iu that able and perfect manner for which this Chapter is so justly celebrated . The M . E . Z . then addressed the Companions in reference to the position of the Chapter and its obligation to the four Past First Principals and Founders . He stated that in consequence of the self-denial and economy
which had been practised by them , the Chapter now found itself , not only in full possession of its handsome furniture and appurtenances , but with every claim paid , and a good balance iu hand . As each of the P . Z . ' s had retired , the proffered Jewel had been firmly decliued by him until the Chapter should be free from liability aud in a good financial position . That position was now attained ;
he therefore had great pleasure in performing what he considered a duty , by proposing " That the sum of Sixteen Guineas be voted from the lodge funds for tho purpose of providing a suitable P . Z . Jewel for each of the following Companions , viz ., John Read , James Stevens ,
Joseph Nunn , and John Thomas , the four first Past Principals and founders of the Chapter . " The M . E . Z . ' s proposition was unanimously adopted , and the Chapter having been duly closed , thc Companions adjournal ! for refreshment , and a pleasant evening was spent in social harmony and good fellowship .
Orders Of Chivalry.
RED CROSS OF ROME < fc CONSTANTINE , Plantagenet Cim .-hirr , No . 2 . —This well-worked conclave held one of its regular assemblies at the Cannonstreet Hotel , ou AA ' educsdav the 1 Oth instant , under the
presidency of tho esteemed M . P . S .. Sir Knight John Boyd , P . E . O ., K . T ., P . M ., P . Z .. & o ., who was supported by Sir Knight Marsh , AVescoinbe , Cubitt , States , and a goodly number of members . Bro . William Bird wns
duly admitted , received , constituted and installed a Knight of the Order . The conclave was then closed , and tbe Chevaliers adjourned to a capital banquet , served under the personal superintendence of Bro . Sidney Spencer , the excellent Manager of the Hotel . This conclave , we predict , will rapidly increase in its new and superb head-quarters .
. SV . Andrew ' s Conclave , No . 15 . —A meeting of the distinguished Knights to whom Lord Kenlis has granted the charter originally intended for Edinburgh , was held recently . It waa resolved to hold the Conclave at the Canuon-stroet Terminus Hotel , and for the present to arrange with the Plantagenet Conclave , for the use of furniture . The officers s' » far as can bo ascertained , will probably be , V . E Sir Knt Raynham AV . Stewart , 1 S ° ; G .
A . Marshal , as M . P . S . ; R . Keiiyon . ns V . E . ; Frederick Binckes , 30 % as S . G ., W . Jones , J . G . ; S . Rosenthal , 33 ° , as H . P . ; Capt . Clifford Henry , IS " , Prefect ; AV . H . Hubbard , G . Treas ., Recorder and J . C Dawson , S . B . Comp . Gilbert was elected Sentinel , and the rank of Honorary Member was conferred upon Sir Knt . Little , 18 ° , G . Recorder . The inauguration will take plac-i at an early date .
Orders Of Chivalry.
St . George ' s Conclave , No . 18 . -A meeting of this conclave was held nt the Palmerston Arms , Grosvenor-park , Camberwell , oa \ A ednesday the 10 th instant . Among those present we noticed Sir Kt . H . Thompson , M . P . S . ; J . Thomas V . E . ; G . A . Taylor , S . G . ; Sillifant , H . P . ; C . L . Marshall , Treasurer ; E . Shaughnessy , Recorder ; T . AVingham , S . B , and R . AVentworth Little ,
G . R . The conclave was duly opened , and Bros . J . Ashwell , P . M . and P . Z , 22 , Bro . Robards , and AV . Ring , being iu attendance , were regularly admitted and installed as Knights of this illustrious Older . It was resolved to hold a special conclave on the 15 th December , for admission of several candidates , and also to rehearse the
ceremonial to be observed at the formal inauguration which is fixed to take place in January . The Knights appeared iu new purple sashes aud aprons , which were manufactured by Sir Knight Kenning , of Little Britain , and there was a general desire evinced to render tha Sfc . George ' s Conclave a thorough success .
KNIGHTS TEMPLAR . Temple Crcssing Encampment . —The Knights of this encampment met on Thursday , the 12 th inst ., in the Lodge-room , at the Horn's Tavern , Kennington . Present , Sir . Knts . AV . F . Mitchell , P . E . C , as E . C ; Dr . Lilley ,
P . E . C . ; R Farran , R . E . C ., Reg . ; Geo . Harrison , & c , the only visitor on this occasion was the V . E . Sir Knt . W . J . Meymott , P . G . D . C , & c , after the usual business the encampment was closed , and the Knts . adjourned to an elegant banquet and separated at an early hour .
The Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Invicta Chapter , Rose Croix , 18 ° —A meeting of this chapter was held at the Masonic Hall , AVoolwich , on Friday , the 15 th of October , when there were present the V . E . Bro . Dr . Ward , M . W . S . ; 111 . Bro . Col . Clerk R . A , 33 ° as H . P . ; 111 . J . Forrester , 30 ° 1 st Gen . ; Ex . Bro . Harrison , 18 ° 2 nd Gen . ; 111 . Bro . Cockle , 30 ° G . Marshal ; Ex . Bro . Laird . 18 ° Trea . ; Ex . Bro . Boord ,
18 ° Recorder ; 111 . Bro . Glaisher , 30 ° Capt . of G . ; Henderton , Equerry ; and Bros . Hemsworth , 30 ° , Clabon , Thompson , Scott , Czarneck , Shrapie , Cook , Allen , and Hughes , all 18 ° , members ; the visitors included the 111 . Bro . Goodall , 33 ° , representative of the S G . C of England in the Unite ! States of America , the 111 . Bro . Capt . Philips , 33 ° , representative of the S . G . C . of the
United States in England , and 111 . Bro . James Keene , 30 ° . There were two candidates for admission to this degree in the persons of Bro . Dr . A . Knight Prescott , AV . M . ^ of lodge No . 706 , aud Bro . James Duguid , of the Union , Lodge , ( A . & A . Rite ) , Buenos Ayres , and they being present aud having received the preliminary degrees to
the 17 th inclusive , were perfected iu a very able manner by the AV . M ' . S . Ballot was then taken for the M . AV S . for the ensuing year , and the 111 . Bro . James Forrester , 30 ° , was uuauimously elected . Ex . Bro . Laird , 18 ° , was also re elected Treasurer . The chapter was then closed in ancient and solemn form . A number of the members afterwards dined together .
__ AVE are happy to announce that the honour of Knighthood has been conferred upon Bro Albert AV . AVoods ( Grand Director of Ceremonies ) , whose recent elevation to the office of Garter King at Arms was duly recorded by us . The 15 sections will be worked at "The
Pythagorean Lodge of Instruction , No . 70 , " at Bro . C . AValls ' , the Prince of Orange Taveru , Greenwicliroad ( next the Eailway Station ) , on AVednesday , November 24 th , 1869 . Bro . David Rose , AV . M ., 73 , will preside . EMULATION LODUK OF IMPKOA ' EMENT , under the
sanction of tho Lodge of Unions , 256 . The annual festival of the lod ™ will take place at Freamasons ' Hall , on Friday , November 2 Cth , 1869 , on which occasion Bro . Sir Daniel Gooch , Hart ., M . P ., P . G . M ., Berks and Bucks , will preside . The lodge will be , as usual , opened at 7 p . m . precisel y , when the
second Lecture will be worked . Tickets for the Banquet may be hud of tlie Stewards , or of tlie Secretary , at 2 s . Cd . each . C . A . Muvton , Sec . THE BBADOX ( No . 619 ) , MASONIC CIIAIUTABI . B ASSOCIATION was opened on Monday night , at Bro . J . AV . Avery ' s , the Queens Arms ,
AVestonstreet , London Bridge . Bro . J . AV . Avery , was elected President , Bro . Saul AVells , V . P ., Bro . A . Avery , Treasurer , and Bro . A \ . Manger , ( No . 15 ) , Secretary . Six members were elected on the Committee . Sufficient subscriptions were collected to give an assurance of a draw taking place at next ineetiiiQ-.
IHE BLOOD PUKIFIKK , —Old Dr . Jacob Townsend ' s Sarsaparilla . Other Medical Testimony . —In speaking of the " Blood Purifier . " old Dr . Jacob TowiiKcnd ' s Sarsaparilla , G C . Kernott , M . D ., L . S . A . Loud ., says : — " I strongly recommend it in cutaneous diseases and all impurities of the blood . " March 21 , 1869 . —In a letter to the proprietors ,
June fi , 1800 , Or . Irvine , of IrvineVtown , says : — "I have been in the habit of orderingyour Sarsaparilla for my patients with the beat results . Send me six quarts and six mammoth bottles . " For all skin diseases , for purifying the system of mercurial poisons , and building up the broken constitution il is the only safc and certain remedv . —In Bottles 2 s . £ d ., in ..
4 s . 6 d ., 7 s . 6 tl ., lis . Sold by all Druggists Pills and Ointment each in Boxes , Is . lid ., 2 s . 0 d ., is . Od . Testimonial * also from the Hon . the Dean of Lismore ; General AVilliam Gilbert , of the Indian Army ; ordered also by Apothecaries llall , l ^ onilon . Caution—Get the red and blue wrappers , with the Old Doctor ' s head in the centre . No other genuine .