Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notable Rosicrucian Works.
existence of the world and its inhabitants , and that the " analogic of our faith teacheth us to believe that the production of the matter out of nothing is a work of God's omnipotence and is attributed to the Father ; that the production of
light ( by which the world received splendour and order ) is a work of wisdome attributed to the Son , and , lastly , the virtue infused into the creatures is a work of His goodnesse , which is attributed to the Holy Ghost . "
/ Spirit j which is called the motion ( aggitation Light J of j diffusion f the fire and is called the I expansion motion of ( contraction r ( connaturaltie , as of agitation ) gregation . is of \ draw- J a secrot virtue , or of Ar . tto ,. Some ; by \ si / mpathie .
which is < , " ° "y \ connexion , as of concaused [ tinuitic . I by thrusting , or enforcing , or of ^ I impulsion . itself , ( that it may be well ( Ubralion with it self ) -J ^ as tho motion of ( libe .-tie .
Of the substantial qualities , sulphur , salt , and mercury , these flow immediately from tho combination of the first principles .
1-ire m tn c , £ . -o «••o * Spirit Mercury . Matter . The following is his definition of the created "world : "It is a meer harmony , all things by one , all things to one ; the highest aud the lowest , the first and the last , most straightly cleaving together , being concatenated , by the
intermediate things , and perpetuall ties , and mutuall actions and passions inevitable , so that thu •world being made up of a thousand thousand parts , and particles of parts , is nevertheless one , and undivided in itself ; even as God the creatour thereof , is one fioin eternity to eternity , nor ever was there , is there , or shall there , be a . ny other God .
Grand Lodge.
QUARTERLY BOAltD OF MASTERS . THE usual Quarterly Board was hold on
Wednesday evening . There was a large attendance of brethren , and the following notices of Motion for the consideration of the next Grand Lodge were renewed : —
By Bro . JOSHUA NUNN , G . S . B . " That provided the Resolution , proposed by the Committee on the Fund of Benevolence , to replace
the last paragraph of No . G Fund of Benevolence ( in the Book of Constitutions ) , be passed by Graud Iiodge . " To
move" That the form of the Certificate required to be sent to the Lodge of Benevolence with all petitions ( and to be signed by the visitor , a member of tho Lodge , or some other brother ) be referred back to the said Committee on the Fund of Benevolence for
details and adjustment . " By Bro . JOHN- UDALL , P . G . D . " That the sum of . £ 50 be given from the Fund of General Purposes . That the money be placed in
the hands of the Secretary of the Asylum of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and the Widows of Freemasons , to supply the inmates at Croydon with coals during the winter season . "
A notice was given by Bro . R . W . Stewart , P . M ., No . 12 , to suspend tho issue of free votes g iven to lodges and chapters in respect of the grants from Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter , to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution .
Several notices were also given as to limiting the duration of the reign of future G . Masters to 3 , 5 and 7 years , except in thc caso of a Prince of the blood royal .
A notice was also given by Bro . Stevens , P . M ., Ko . 720 , for the purpose of considering the practicability of assimilating the various systems of •workings .
The Lodge Of Benevolence.
The usual meeting of the Lodge of Benevolence was held on Wednesday evening , W . Bro . John Newton Tomkins , P . GD ., in the chair ; W . Bro . W . Ough , G . P ., S . W . ; James Brett , A . G . P ., J . W . ; J . Hervey , G . S . ; Col . Burdett , P . G . W ., ancl G . Rep . from G . Lodge , Ireland ;
J . Udall , P . G . D . ; John Savage , P . G . D . ; J . M . Clabon , P . G . D . ; Jabez Hogg , P . G . D . ; IT . Browse , P . G . D . ; J . Nunn , G . S . B . ; Joseph Smith , P . G . P ., and between forty and fifty
Masters and P . Ma-ters of various lodges . The unprecedented large number of thirty-three Petitions were considered , and twenty-eight Petitioners were relieved to the extent of £ 506 10 s ., five of which being recommendations to Grand Lodge ; four cases were deferred , and one dismissed .
Cheshire Educational Masonic Institution.
The fifth annual amateur dramatic performance in aid of the funds of this excellent institution took place last evening , in the Theatre Royal , Birkenhead . The performance was under the patronage of Lord de Table } 1- , R . W . Prov . Grand
Master , Cheshire , and a number of other noblemen and gentlemen belonging to the county . It may be stated that the trustees of the institution are Bros . Lord de Tabley , Lord Combermere , Capt . H . A . Bennet , E . G . Willonghby , Joseph Brattan , and Edward Samuelson .
Ihe object of the institution is to impart a good sound education to the children of deceased Masons who have not left behind sufficient means for that purpose . The children are sent to different schools , and although the institution has only been five years in existence a
considerable number have already received the advantage of an excellent educational training . At present there are 15 juveniles under instruction . The amateur performance on behalf of the funds of the institution has been every year exceedingly well supported , and last evening the theatre was
crowded in every part , the audience including the elite of Birkenhead and tho neighbourhood . Amongst those present were tho Hon . Sir Edward Oust , Mr . W . Laird , Mr . S . Ledward , Lieut .-Col . King , Mr . R . R . Bryans ,
Major Gaskell , Mr . C . J . Preston , Mr . M . Moccatta , CaptainHornblower , Mr . Iv . Galloway , T . S . Eddowes , & c . The performance commenced with the popular drama by T . and J . M . Morton , entitled " All that Glitters is not Gold . " The female characters
were admirably sustained by professionals from the Alexandra and the Prince of Wales theatres , in this town . Bro . W . J . Hammond , played " Frederick Plum , " and Bro . R . T . Parkinson , appeared ns " Stephen Plum . " The piece , on the whole , was very creditably performed , and
at thc close the players were enthusiastically applauded . The performance concluded with Charles Selby ' s celebrated romantic drama , ' " Robert Macaire , or the Auberge des Adret . ' The several characters in this piece were also exceedingly well represented , and the audience
expressed their satisfaction with the efforts of the amateurs by frequent bursts of applause . The costumes were supplied by Air . Henry Jeffries , and the stage director was Bro . John Chester , of the Prince of Wales Theatre , in this town . The success of tho evening ' s performance
in aid ot a very worthy object is greatly to be attributed to the following brethren of the Masonic order , who took an active part iu the arrangements , namely , Bros . 11 . Oliver Jones and Walter Theobalds , Honorary Secretaries ; Bro . J . P . Piatt , Treasurer ; and Bros . J . Higson Johnston , Thomas Leighton , Walter Theobalds ,
Edward llarbord , John Griffiths , William Smith , C . P . Nosworthy , Joseph Sillitoe , Captain John Jones , and Robert Davis , who officiated as Stewards . The result will be a handsome addition to the funds of the institution . —Liverpool Mercury , November lGth .
Lord Zetland And The Grand Orient Of France.
Although , the intercourse between the Grand Lodge of England and the Grand Orient of France has for many years been confined to an
interchange of official publications , there has never been a want of cordial feeling . This has , however , been more openly manifested iu a very gratifying manner on a recent occasion . The election of our
M . W . Bro . the Earl of Zetland , for the 26 th time as M . W . G . M ., was naturally calculated to produce a strong impression in the Masonio world , and in the sentiment of friendly acceptance thc M . W . G . M . of France , General Mellinet
deeply shared . He accordingly wrote a veiy warm letter of congratulation to the Earl of Zetland , which was desjiatched by a brother of high rank under the French Jurisdiction . The reply of the Earl of Zetland , breathing the most cordial
sentiments , and written by his own hand in the French language , in terms which equally attested his scholarship aud his courtesy , has been received with the warmest admiration by General Mellinet , aud has produced a very great effect on the high dignitaries of France .
Consecration Of The New Hall Of The Masonic Lodge. Glasgow, No. 411.
The Lodge " Glasgow , " No . 441 , having removed from its old hall in Antigua-place , Nelson-street , City , to more suitable aud commodious premises , at 22 , Struthers-street , Calton , the new hall was consecrated on Monday evening ,
15 th inst ., with the usual solemnities . There was a very large attendance of the brethren present on the occasion . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow was well represented , this being the first turn out , under their new Master ; present , Walter
Montgomery Neilson , P . G . M ; F . A . Barrow , D . P . G . M . ; James Steele , S . P . G . M . ; Rev . G . S . Bums , P . G . Chaplain ; James Wallace . P . G . S . D . ; James Leith , P . G . D . C . ; James Gillies , P . G . S . B . ; James Balfour , P . G . I . G . ; Arch . McTaggart , R . W . M . ( 27 ) , acting P . G . S . W . ; T .
Stewart , R . W . M . ( 73 ) , acting P . G . J . W . ; Thos . Paton , R . W . M . ( 87 ) . acting P . G . S . D . ; R . Livingston , R . W . M . ( 219 ) , acting P . G . J . D . ; itc . The Lodge Glasgow was represented by the following office-bearers : —Bros . Matthew Wilson , R . W . M . ; Arch . McFarlane , S . W . ; William
Hutchison , J . W . ; A . King , Sec ; Neil Boyle , Treasurer ; J . Miiirhead , S . D . ; Win . Cuzen , J . D . ; A . Arrick Smith , Director of Music ; and others . Deputations were present from tho following lodges : —No . 11 C , Bros . Wm . Kirkwood ,
R . W . M . ; 128 , J . Reid , R . W . M . ; 275 , William Philips , R . W . M . ; 3 G 2 , Jno . Anderson , R . W . M . ; 113 , Jno . Miller R . W . M . ; and 460 , James Moir Cousin , R . W . M . The ceremony of consecration was ably conducted by Bro . W . M . Neilson , P . G . Master , and in the course of the
proceedings an eloquent oration was spoken by Bro . Burns , the P . G . Chaplain . After the usual elements of consecration had been passed , aud the benedictions given and responded too , the proceedings were closed with solemn prayer . A refreshment lodgo was then opened , and
the brethren drank to the following toasts : — " The Queen and tha Craft , " " Tho Prince of Wales , " " The Grand Lodge of Scotland , and Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow , " " Grand Lodges of England and Ireland , " " The Clergy , " " Masonic Charities , " " Visiting Brethren , "
" Freemasonry over the world , " " Prosperity to the Lodge Glasgow , " < tc . After spending a very happy evening , as only brethren of the mystic tie know how to enjoy themselves , the gavel was resumed iu the West aud the lodge closed . We believe this is thc finest Masonic
Hall in the province , having been carefully adapted for the purpose . The general work was under the watchful eye of Bro . Neil Boyle , the decorations by Bro . Cunningham , the upholstery by Bros . Campbell and Currie , the gas fittings by Bro . Wilson . We hail success to the Glasgow 441 ; like its motto , " Let it flourish . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notable Rosicrucian Works.
existence of the world and its inhabitants , and that the " analogic of our faith teacheth us to believe that the production of the matter out of nothing is a work of God's omnipotence and is attributed to the Father ; that the production of
light ( by which the world received splendour and order ) is a work of wisdome attributed to the Son , and , lastly , the virtue infused into the creatures is a work of His goodnesse , which is attributed to the Holy Ghost . "
/ Spirit j which is called the motion ( aggitation Light J of j diffusion f the fire and is called the I expansion motion of ( contraction r ( connaturaltie , as of agitation ) gregation . is of \ draw- J a secrot virtue , or of Ar . tto ,. Some ; by \ si / mpathie .
which is < , " ° "y \ connexion , as of concaused [ tinuitic . I by thrusting , or enforcing , or of ^ I impulsion . itself , ( that it may be well ( Ubralion with it self ) -J ^ as tho motion of ( libe .-tie .
Of the substantial qualities , sulphur , salt , and mercury , these flow immediately from tho combination of the first principles .
1-ire m tn c , £ . -o «••o * Spirit Mercury . Matter . The following is his definition of the created "world : "It is a meer harmony , all things by one , all things to one ; the highest aud the lowest , the first and the last , most straightly cleaving together , being concatenated , by the
intermediate things , and perpetuall ties , and mutuall actions and passions inevitable , so that thu •world being made up of a thousand thousand parts , and particles of parts , is nevertheless one , and undivided in itself ; even as God the creatour thereof , is one fioin eternity to eternity , nor ever was there , is there , or shall there , be a . ny other God .
Grand Lodge.
QUARTERLY BOAltD OF MASTERS . THE usual Quarterly Board was hold on
Wednesday evening . There was a large attendance of brethren , and the following notices of Motion for the consideration of the next Grand Lodge were renewed : —
By Bro . JOSHUA NUNN , G . S . B . " That provided the Resolution , proposed by the Committee on the Fund of Benevolence , to replace
the last paragraph of No . G Fund of Benevolence ( in the Book of Constitutions ) , be passed by Graud Iiodge . " To
move" That the form of the Certificate required to be sent to the Lodge of Benevolence with all petitions ( and to be signed by the visitor , a member of tho Lodge , or some other brother ) be referred back to the said Committee on the Fund of Benevolence for
details and adjustment . " By Bro . JOHN- UDALL , P . G . D . " That the sum of . £ 50 be given from the Fund of General Purposes . That the money be placed in
the hands of the Secretary of the Asylum of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and the Widows of Freemasons , to supply the inmates at Croydon with coals during the winter season . "
A notice was given by Bro . R . W . Stewart , P . M ., No . 12 , to suspend tho issue of free votes g iven to lodges and chapters in respect of the grants from Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter , to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution .
Several notices were also given as to limiting the duration of the reign of future G . Masters to 3 , 5 and 7 years , except in thc caso of a Prince of the blood royal .
A notice was also given by Bro . Stevens , P . M ., Ko . 720 , for the purpose of considering the practicability of assimilating the various systems of •workings .
The Lodge Of Benevolence.
The usual meeting of the Lodge of Benevolence was held on Wednesday evening , W . Bro . John Newton Tomkins , P . GD ., in the chair ; W . Bro . W . Ough , G . P ., S . W . ; James Brett , A . G . P ., J . W . ; J . Hervey , G . S . ; Col . Burdett , P . G . W ., ancl G . Rep . from G . Lodge , Ireland ;
J . Udall , P . G . D . ; John Savage , P . G . D . ; J . M . Clabon , P . G . D . ; Jabez Hogg , P . G . D . ; IT . Browse , P . G . D . ; J . Nunn , G . S . B . ; Joseph Smith , P . G . P ., and between forty and fifty
Masters and P . Ma-ters of various lodges . The unprecedented large number of thirty-three Petitions were considered , and twenty-eight Petitioners were relieved to the extent of £ 506 10 s ., five of which being recommendations to Grand Lodge ; four cases were deferred , and one dismissed .
Cheshire Educational Masonic Institution.
The fifth annual amateur dramatic performance in aid of the funds of this excellent institution took place last evening , in the Theatre Royal , Birkenhead . The performance was under the patronage of Lord de Table } 1- , R . W . Prov . Grand
Master , Cheshire , and a number of other noblemen and gentlemen belonging to the county . It may be stated that the trustees of the institution are Bros . Lord de Tabley , Lord Combermere , Capt . H . A . Bennet , E . G . Willonghby , Joseph Brattan , and Edward Samuelson .
Ihe object of the institution is to impart a good sound education to the children of deceased Masons who have not left behind sufficient means for that purpose . The children are sent to different schools , and although the institution has only been five years in existence a
considerable number have already received the advantage of an excellent educational training . At present there are 15 juveniles under instruction . The amateur performance on behalf of the funds of the institution has been every year exceedingly well supported , and last evening the theatre was
crowded in every part , the audience including the elite of Birkenhead and tho neighbourhood . Amongst those present were tho Hon . Sir Edward Oust , Mr . W . Laird , Mr . S . Ledward , Lieut .-Col . King , Mr . R . R . Bryans ,
Major Gaskell , Mr . C . J . Preston , Mr . M . Moccatta , CaptainHornblower , Mr . Iv . Galloway , T . S . Eddowes , & c . The performance commenced with the popular drama by T . and J . M . Morton , entitled " All that Glitters is not Gold . " The female characters
were admirably sustained by professionals from the Alexandra and the Prince of Wales theatres , in this town . Bro . W . J . Hammond , played " Frederick Plum , " and Bro . R . T . Parkinson , appeared ns " Stephen Plum . " The piece , on the whole , was very creditably performed , and
at thc close the players were enthusiastically applauded . The performance concluded with Charles Selby ' s celebrated romantic drama , ' " Robert Macaire , or the Auberge des Adret . ' The several characters in this piece were also exceedingly well represented , and the audience
expressed their satisfaction with the efforts of the amateurs by frequent bursts of applause . The costumes were supplied by Air . Henry Jeffries , and the stage director was Bro . John Chester , of the Prince of Wales Theatre , in this town . The success of tho evening ' s performance
in aid ot a very worthy object is greatly to be attributed to the following brethren of the Masonic order , who took an active part iu the arrangements , namely , Bros . 11 . Oliver Jones and Walter Theobalds , Honorary Secretaries ; Bro . J . P . Piatt , Treasurer ; and Bros . J . Higson Johnston , Thomas Leighton , Walter Theobalds ,
Edward llarbord , John Griffiths , William Smith , C . P . Nosworthy , Joseph Sillitoe , Captain John Jones , and Robert Davis , who officiated as Stewards . The result will be a handsome addition to the funds of the institution . —Liverpool Mercury , November lGth .
Lord Zetland And The Grand Orient Of France.
Although , the intercourse between the Grand Lodge of England and the Grand Orient of France has for many years been confined to an
interchange of official publications , there has never been a want of cordial feeling . This has , however , been more openly manifested iu a very gratifying manner on a recent occasion . The election of our
M . W . Bro . the Earl of Zetland , for the 26 th time as M . W . G . M ., was naturally calculated to produce a strong impression in the Masonio world , and in the sentiment of friendly acceptance thc M . W . G . M . of France , General Mellinet
deeply shared . He accordingly wrote a veiy warm letter of congratulation to the Earl of Zetland , which was desjiatched by a brother of high rank under the French Jurisdiction . The reply of the Earl of Zetland , breathing the most cordial
sentiments , and written by his own hand in the French language , in terms which equally attested his scholarship aud his courtesy , has been received with the warmest admiration by General Mellinet , aud has produced a very great effect on the high dignitaries of France .
Consecration Of The New Hall Of The Masonic Lodge. Glasgow, No. 411.
The Lodge " Glasgow , " No . 441 , having removed from its old hall in Antigua-place , Nelson-street , City , to more suitable aud commodious premises , at 22 , Struthers-street , Calton , the new hall was consecrated on Monday evening ,
15 th inst ., with the usual solemnities . There was a very large attendance of the brethren present on the occasion . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow was well represented , this being the first turn out , under their new Master ; present , Walter
Montgomery Neilson , P . G . M ; F . A . Barrow , D . P . G . M . ; James Steele , S . P . G . M . ; Rev . G . S . Bums , P . G . Chaplain ; James Wallace . P . G . S . D . ; James Leith , P . G . D . C . ; James Gillies , P . G . S . B . ; James Balfour , P . G . I . G . ; Arch . McTaggart , R . W . M . ( 27 ) , acting P . G . S . W . ; T .
Stewart , R . W . M . ( 73 ) , acting P . G . J . W . ; Thos . Paton , R . W . M . ( 87 ) . acting P . G . S . D . ; R . Livingston , R . W . M . ( 219 ) , acting P . G . J . D . ; itc . The Lodge Glasgow was represented by the following office-bearers : —Bros . Matthew Wilson , R . W . M . ; Arch . McFarlane , S . W . ; William
Hutchison , J . W . ; A . King , Sec ; Neil Boyle , Treasurer ; J . Miiirhead , S . D . ; Win . Cuzen , J . D . ; A . Arrick Smith , Director of Music ; and others . Deputations were present from tho following lodges : —No . 11 C , Bros . Wm . Kirkwood ,
R . W . M . ; 128 , J . Reid , R . W . M . ; 275 , William Philips , R . W . M . ; 3 G 2 , Jno . Anderson , R . W . M . ; 113 , Jno . Miller R . W . M . ; and 460 , James Moir Cousin , R . W . M . The ceremony of consecration was ably conducted by Bro . W . M . Neilson , P . G . Master , and in the course of the
proceedings an eloquent oration was spoken by Bro . Burns , the P . G . Chaplain . After the usual elements of consecration had been passed , aud the benedictions given and responded too , the proceedings were closed with solemn prayer . A refreshment lodgo was then opened , and
the brethren drank to the following toasts : — " The Queen and tha Craft , " " Tho Prince of Wales , " " The Grand Lodge of Scotland , and Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow , " " Grand Lodges of England and Ireland , " " The Clergy , " " Masonic Charities , " " Visiting Brethren , "
" Freemasonry over the world , " " Prosperity to the Lodge Glasgow , " < tc . After spending a very happy evening , as only brethren of the mystic tie know how to enjoy themselves , the gavel was resumed iu the West aud the lodge closed . We believe this is thc finest Masonic
Hall in the province , having been carefully adapted for the purpose . The general work was under the watchful eye of Bro . Neil Boyle , the decorations by Bro . Cunningham , the upholstery by Bros . Campbell and Currie , the gas fittings by Bro . Wilson . We hail success to the Glasgow 441 ; like its motto , " Let it flourish . "