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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Eowlnnd , P . M . ; Cook , P . M . ; Henderson , P . M ., Secretary ; Lacey , P . M ., Treasurer ; May , S . W . ; Graham , J . W . ; Norman , S . D . ; Hobson , J . D . ; Watson , J . G ., and a large attendance of members . The lodge was honoured by the presence of Bro . John Graydon . P . M ., of 13 and 913 , P . P . G . S . D ., Kent ; Allinson , P . M ., 913 , and several visitors . The three degrees were worked
in a very creditable manner by the W . M ,, assisted by the officer of the lodge . A ballot having beeu taken , Mr . T . Ward was duly initiated . A letter was read from Bro . Rossiter , who was formerly a member of this lodge , asking for assistance , and a small sum was voted to him . The brethren of the lodge and visitors adjourned to the Red Lion Tavern , aud sat down to an excellent supper
provided by Bro . Norton . Some capital songs were sung by Bros . Hobson , Normon , Ingles , R . T . Lacey , & c ., & c ., and every one departed delighted with the evening ' s proceedings . Lodge of Friendship , No . 206 . —The second meeting of this lodge for the present seasou took p lace on the llth instant , at Bro . Painter ' s , Ship and Turtle ,
Leadenhallstreet . Bro . H . M . Collier , AV . M ., presided , and was assisted in his duties by Bros . E . B . Barnard , S . W . ; G . Collier , J . AV . ; A . Harris , S . D . ; R . Boyd , P . M . ; A Turner , P . M . ; AV . Ramsay , Treasurer , aud J . Kamsay , Secretary . The other brethren present were J . G . Waters , J . Gaywood , AV . Conbro , J . E . Hewick , H . Metcalf , J . S . Varey , C . T . Parsons , J . Humboldt , S , D ..
55 , aud Marshall , S . W ., 152 . The minutes having been read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for W . T . Seaborn , which being in his favour he was introduced aud shewn the lig ht of Freemasonry . Bro . Parsons' proficiency in the noble science was then tested , and he was raised to the third degree . As this was the annual period for th e election of AV . M ., the brethren proceeded with this portion of the business , and elected Bro . E . B . Barnard ,
as their Master for the coming year . Bro . AV . Ramsey was re-elected Treasurer , which responsible office he has held upwards of a quarter of a century , aud Bro . D . S . Potts , T . The lodge was afterwards closed , and the brethren sat down to one of Bro . Painter ' s superb banquets , and subsequently spent the evening in the convivality , ic which the proposing and drinking of the various toasts gave occasion to indulge in .
Belgrave Lodge , No . 749 . —The installation meeting of this flourishing lodge , took place on AViduesday , the 10 th inst ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . The lodge was opened by the AV . M ., Bro . Bourne , the officers ( all acting ) being at their duties , Geo . Pynnn , S . AA . ; AA . Hester , J . AV . ; P . Parsons , S . D . ; Homewood , J . D ; Edward Harper , I . G . ; P . M . ' s J . G . Froud . Treas .: H . Garrod , Sec . ; G . N . Crogan ,
K . F . Potter , T . Nash , W . Bro . Wm . Oucrh , G . Pars . members , J . Painter , AV . Peace , AA . E . Mackrill , G . S . Elliott , Thos . Strip , T . Carter , and about 5 ( 1 other brethren : vi-itors , W . Bro . John Hervey , G . Sec . ; G . Littlewood , AV . M . ( 7 S 0 ); Massev , P . M . ; H . Johnson , P . M . ; G . Staeey , P . M . ; Eloman , Pulsford , Stewart , Reid , Binnie , Louthcr , Wyatt , and ninny others . Bro .
Albert 1 lavis was passed to the degree of F . C . in a very faultless manner by the W . M . Bro . Oughthen presented Bro . Georgo Pymm , the AV . M . elect , to Bro . Bourne for installation . A board of installed Masters to the number of fourteen was then opened , nnd Bro . Bourne duly installed Bvo . Geo Pymm into the chair of K . S ., tho manner in which the ceremony was performed received
the warmest commendation from nil the biethreu present . After tlie brethren had saluted the new W . M . in the three degrees , he appointed and invested his officers as follows :-Bros . AV . Hester , S . AV . ; P . Parsons , J . W . ; J . O . Frond , P . M ., Treas . ; II . Garrod , P . M ., Sec . ; S . Home , wood , S . D , ; K . J . Scott , J . D . ; K . Harper , I . O . ; D . ily , Tyler . The lodgo was then opened in tlie third degree
and Bro . Greenwood was duly raised . A very beautiful jowel was then presented to Bro . Bourne , the I . P . M ., which bore tho following inscription , " Presented to Bro . AVm . Bourne , P . M ., by the Belgrave Lodge . 719 , as a token of fraternal regard , and iu appreciation of the excellent manner in which ho discharged the duties of AV . M ., 10 th Nov ., lSu' 9 . " The lodge was then closed
with solemn prayer . A most excellent banquet was served by tiro . Clemow , sunerintciited by 1 ' ro . Smith . The following toasts wore given , 1 st , the Queen and Craft . 2 nd , Prince and Princess of Wales , and re-t nf Royal family ; Earl Zetland , M . W . G . M . ; Earl do Grey and i ; i |) on , D . G . M ., nnd rest of Grand Officers , and with the latter was coupled tho names of G . . See . Bro .
Hervey , and also Bro Ough , G . P . Bro . John Hervey replied as follows : It is rather difficult to speak to a toast which is really so worn out , as that of the D G . M ., the Earl De Grey and Ripon , and the rest of tho Grand Officers , but I am sure we are very grateful to you for proposing ami drinking the t vist , nnd I think there is ono at any rate among the number whom you have mentioned
who is fairly entitled to the good feeling , good wishes and good opinions of tho Craft in general , and that is the Deputy Graud Master . Willi regard to the Grand Officers you havo one in your own lodge , and therefore I will leave you to judge of tho bulk , by the sample you have . As respects myself , sir , I really liavc little to say . This is my first visit to the Belgrave Lodge . Certainly I
cannot say it is not my own fault , but it has so happened that 1 was a member of a lodgo which met on tlie second AVednesday , and until the last two months that day has been altered . I have taken thc earliest opportunity which circumstances would admit , of becoming your guest on tho invitation of my friend , Bro . Ough , aud I can only say , sir , that 1 feci veiy grateful to you nnd the brethren
for the cordial and kind reception you hava given me I may say that I regretted very much I was not here at nn earlier period of the evening than 1 was . because I heard tho third ceremony gone through in such an admirable manner and so well tendered by the I , P . M ., that I felt I had missed a treat iu not hearing him perform tho ceremony which placed you in tho chair yon so worthily
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
occupy . I need not say how glad I am to see so prosperous a lodge under the banner of the Belgrave . I believe it has been mentioned once or twice that it is a young lodgo , but I think there are a great many old lodges iu the neighbourhood , and within ahalf-a-mile of this building which would envy the prosperity of this young lodge , as you term it , which I have now the pleasure of address ,
ing . I said at the outset that it was difficult to say anything to so threadbare a toast as that of the D . G . M . and the rest of tha G . Officers , and I always feel a difficulty in returning thanks for the toast , a difficulty wbich does not wear off , aud although as one gets older , one gets more coufidence , I do not find I get a better speaker in returning thanks for this threadbare toast . One tries very
naturally to give a different tone to the observations , but it is very difficult ; yet there is one thing there is no difficulty in , expressing in the first place , my best thanks to Bro . Ough for his kind invitation of me , aud in the second place to yourself , AV . M ., and the brethren for the warm , and I may say , more than fraternal reception you have given me . I can assure you that 1 shall not forget
the second Wednesday in the month , the 10 th of November , when I had the satisfaction of being introduced to the Belgrave Lodge ; and though I have come among you uow for the first time , 1 do most heartily trust that it may so happen that some future evening I may find myself at your board , when I know 1 shall be as cordially and well received as I have been to-night . ( Cheers . ) Bro . Bonrue proposed ,
" Tho AV . M ., " who in replying said , that although Tallyrand had declared that , language was given to man to conceal his thoughts , the few words in which he thanked the brethren for the reception of this toast were sincere . To the toast of " The Visitors '' several brethren replied , Bros . Stacey ( 209 ) , Coutts ( 27 ) , and Dr . Johnson ( 134 ) , were the . principal speakers . In his reply to the toast of
the "I . P . M ., " Bro . Bourne said , the brethren had placed him in a greater difficulty thau they would have done if they had asked him to perform the ceremony installation or any other ceremony he was acquainted with iu Freemasonry , by asking him to return iu an adequate manner thanks to the AV . M ., for tho very kind and handsome way in which the AV . M . had been pleased to speak of him , and
to the brethren for the nattering reception thoy had given to the toast . He felt deeply touched , and could safely say that at all times he had attempted to do his duty , as he always would . As he had given them satisfaction , it was a proof that his efforts had been successful , which was no slight thing in his estimation . Bro . Froud replied for the P . M . 's , and Bro . Garrod , the Secretary , also made
some cheerful observations about the dues , and Bro . Hester , S . W ., who was delegated to respond ou behalf of tho officers , remarked that he had had a weakness for the office of Master , awl hoped to occupy that position in a twelvemonth . He trusted he should be worthy of the office , and that visitors mi ght always say , the Belgrave working was the most perfect in Masonry , it might appear bombastic to say so , bnt he thought no ono
ought to accept office unless he was able to do tho work incident thereto . In justice to the officers ho would sav they would endeavour to support the W . M . in his year of oilice , and that their style of work should not detract from the honour with which he knew the W . M . would till the chair . ( Cheers . ) The evening wns most pleasantly spent , and was enlivened by some capital singing by Bros . Leary , Fairman , Wilson , Parsons and Strip .
Dalhousie Lodge , No . SGO . —This capital working lodgo met at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on Thursday , the llth instant . The W . M . Bro . Littel having taken the chair supported b y Bro . J . Williams , S . W . Hardy , J . W . and P . M . ' s Pago and Underwood , and I ' . ro . Ingram , Secretary , after tho minutes of the former lodge were read nnd confirmed , Bro . S . D . Warren , was , on showing
his proficiency , passed to the degree of a Fellow Craft , by the W . M ., he as well as every officer , being thoroughly proficient in their duties . The W . M . then informed tho brethren it was his intention to become a steward at the forthcoming festival in January next , for the Royal Benevolent Institution for aged Freemasons and the AVidows of Freemasons , and ho hoped he should havo
the support of the brethren in so worthy a cause . A sum of Five Guineas was then voted from the funds of the lodge , to the family of a deceased brother . Bro . Ingrain , the Secretary of the lodge , and also the Secretary of the Lodge of Instruction informed tho brethren , that a sum of Five Guineas had been voted from its funds to be placed on the list of tho W . M-, mi tho occasion of
his being a steward . The bulge was then closed in duo form and with solemn prayer . There was no banquet , it being one of those evenings when Masonry was carried out as it should be , and the brethren separated early . Capper Lodge , No . 107 G . —Thii very prosperous lodge held its meeting on Thursday , the llth inst ., at the Marine Hotel , A'ictoria Docks , presided over by Bro . S .
Watkins , supported by Bros . Pickering , W . . Master of the Upton Lodge , as S . W . ; II . G . Sisley | J . W ., and AV . Mclect ; Pineombe , S . I ) . ; B . Ashdown , J .. ); Hi-own , I . G . ; Park , Trias . ; Hendcrsi n , P . M . and See . The lodge was opened iu due form with solemn prayer . The mimuesof the last lodge meeting were read and conlinneil . The lodgo wns opened in the second degree , and Bros . Ward and
Jones , candidates tor the third degree , were examined , entrusted , nnd retired . Tho lodgo was opened in the third degree , and Bros Jones and Ward were mini iltcil , and duly raised to the sublime degree of M . Masons . The lodgo was then resumed in tho second degree , and Bro . Watkins presented Uro . SWley to Bro . AA ' cst , P . M ., to receive from him tho benefit of installation , which ceremony was
proceeded with , the lodgo being opened ill each degree . A Board of Installed . Masters was then opened , and Bro . Sisley was installed in the chair of IC . Solomon according to ancient custom , and saluted accordingly , he then inveted his LP . Master , and the hoard wns closed . The AI . JInsous were then admitted , nnd the W . Master was proclaimed and saluted . The lodge was resumed in
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
the second degree nnd the Fellow Craft was admitted , and the AV . M . was saluted and proclaimed , the lodge was resumed in the first degree , and the AV M . was for the third time proclaimed aud saluted , he was then presented with the Warrant , Book of Constitution , and the bye-laws of the lodge , with very appropriate remarks by the Installing Master , ho was then pleased to appoint the following
brethren as officers for the ensuing year , viz ., Bros . Gaskell , S . AV . ; Pineombe . J . AV . ; Henderson , P . M , Sec . ; Ashdowne , S . D . ; Brown , J . D . ; Brayshaw , I . G ., who with Bro . Park , Treasurer , and Bro . Alison , Tyler , were invested with their collars , & c ., by the Installing Master , Bro . West , after which he delivered the usual addresses to the W . Master , AVardens , and the lodge , which ended the ceremony of
installation . It was proposed , seconded nnd carried unanimously , that five guineas be given from the funds of the lodge through Bro . AVatkins , to one of the Masonic charities . Nothing further being offered for the good of Freemasonry , the lodge was closed in due form . The brethren adjourned to a very excellent banquet , served by Bro . Old , to which eighty-fire of the brethren did ample
justice . After the cloth was withdrawn , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to . Bro . Sisley then presented to Bro . AVatkins a P . M . jewel , voted to him at the last meeting of the lodge , for the very able manner in which he performed the duties of AV . M . for the past year , which was received and responded to in a very
appropriate speech , in which he included thanks for the health of the Past Master , which had been given by the AV . Master . Amongst the visitors we noticed , Bros . AAlllet , A \ . M ., of tho Euphrates Lodge ; AV . D . May , S . AV ., Nelson Lodge ; J . Graham , J . AV ., Nelson Lodge ; Hawks aud Ellis , Nelson Lodge ; Phillips , Union Waterloo Lodge ; Smith , Pattison Lodge , and several others .
Buckingham and Chandos Lodge , No . 1150 . —The meeting of this lodge at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday last , was of a mournfull y interesting character . The lodge which is of a semi-military character , meeting in uniform , is connected with the 1 st Middlesex Artillery , nnd it appeared from the summons , that Alajor II . F . Smith of tbat corps , the AV . M . of the lodge , had died
since last meeting . The members consequently assembled in Masonic mourning , and the usual banquet was dispensed with as a mark of respect to the deceased Master . The chair of the lodge was taken in accordance with the Book of Constitutions by Bro . J . B . Monckton , the I . P . M ., the whole of the lodge officers being punctually in their places , an example many older lodges might well follow .
The circumstance above alluded to , had caused several initiations to stand over till next meeting , and the only business before the lodge therefoie was , the usual election of W . M , and Treasurer . The ballot being taken for the AV . M ., the election was announced to have fallen upon tho S . AV ., Bro . Captain G . Hunt , who appropriately thanked the lodge for the honour the lodge had done . him .
Bro . Captain AA'hicheord was re-elected Treasurer , aud the Auditors were appointed . The AV . AI . in the chnir then rose in order to refer to tho melancholy circumstances attending their present meeting , nnd after reminding the lodgo that thoir late AV . M . had been a Steward of the recent Inauguration Festival , stated that the jewel issued to tho Stewards by the order of tho M . AV . G . M , had been
forwarded for their late AV . AI ., in moving that it be forwarded to Mrs . Smith , he proposed that it be accompanied by a letter of condolence and sympathy , to be signed by the AV . M ., tho AA ' ardens , and the Secretary , in the uame of tho lodge . This was recorded by Bro . Col . Creed , P . M . nnd unanimously carried , and after discussion several matters of interest to the members , the lodgo was closed
in due form , and the members separated . Macdon-ilil Lodge , No . 121 G . —Tho eighteenth monthly meeting of this lodgo was held at thu head quarters of the First Surrey Ililles , Camberwell New-road , on AVednesday , the llth inst ., under the presidency of Bro . Major A . L . Irvine , tho W . M . A largo muster of officers , members , nnd visitors attended , amongst whom were
Bros . James Stevens , P . M ., S . W . ; S . II . Wagstaffe , J . D . ; G . AVaterwall , I . G . ; Dr . E . Cronin , Treas . ; J . J . Curtis , See . ; G . II . N . Bridges , D . C . ; AV . . 1 . Messenger , and II . Puckle , Stewards ; also J . II . Hastie , who officiated as J W . j AV . Dicker , J . W . Carnell , W . II . Thomas , John B . Pike AV . A . AVillis , II . Francis , A . AValton , N . AV . Shairp , AV . S . Larlham , Jas . 1 ) . Pike , A . Soruby , H .
Woodgatrs , I ) , rourdrinicr , & c . Visitors : Bros . Conrad C . Dumas , O . A . D . C . ; O . S . tward ( 03 ) , ]¦' .. S . Higgins , S . W . ( 120 ); G . Powell , P . M . ( 1-121 , AV . Worrell ( 7 CC ) , AV . V . Bedolfe , and It . A . Stcelo ( 1191 ) , and N . O . Davis ( 123 S ) . Tho lodgo was opened iu duo firm and the opening hymn was sung by the assembled brethren . The minutes of the previous mooting having been
confirmed , the proposition of the Senior Warden , that Bro . Worrell , of Lodge 7 ( io ' , Onrnnist of Beckenham church , bo elected an honorary member of the Macdonald Lodge , was unanimously carried , and tho W . M ., after congratulating Bro . Worrell , appointed him to the office of Hon . Asst . Organist , in which position Bro . AVorrell officiated throughout the evening . Tho W . M . having received a
request from tho Villiers Lodge , No . 1101 , to pass Bro . W . \ . Bo . lolfo of thatlod ^ o , that brother , and Bros . Scruby and Woodgates gave proofs of proficiency , and tho lodge being opened in the second degree , wero separately introduced and pawed to tbo degree of Fellow Craft . The AV . M . then in a most able and oll ' eclivo manner explained the tracing board of that degree , nnd nt his request Bro . Stevens , the S . W ., delivered the second section in tho
form of a lecture . The very impressive nnd perfect manner in which tho business of the second degree wns carried out , called forth expressions of groat sati-faction from tho visitors present . Tho lodgo was called off and adjourned to au adjoining room for slight refreshment , in the course of which the W . M . proposed tho health of the " Visitors , " to which Bro . Conrad 0 . Dumas , G . A . D . C . ( a former member ot the corps ) , responded in forms ' ol high com-
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Eowlnnd , P . M . ; Cook , P . M . ; Henderson , P . M ., Secretary ; Lacey , P . M ., Treasurer ; May , S . W . ; Graham , J . W . ; Norman , S . D . ; Hobson , J . D . ; Watson , J . G ., and a large attendance of members . The lodge was honoured by the presence of Bro . John Graydon . P . M ., of 13 and 913 , P . P . G . S . D ., Kent ; Allinson , P . M ., 913 , and several visitors . The three degrees were worked
in a very creditable manner by the W . M ,, assisted by the officer of the lodge . A ballot having beeu taken , Mr . T . Ward was duly initiated . A letter was read from Bro . Rossiter , who was formerly a member of this lodge , asking for assistance , and a small sum was voted to him . The brethren of the lodge and visitors adjourned to the Red Lion Tavern , aud sat down to an excellent supper
provided by Bro . Norton . Some capital songs were sung by Bros . Hobson , Normon , Ingles , R . T . Lacey , & c ., & c ., and every one departed delighted with the evening ' s proceedings . Lodge of Friendship , No . 206 . —The second meeting of this lodge for the present seasou took p lace on the llth instant , at Bro . Painter ' s , Ship and Turtle ,
Leadenhallstreet . Bro . H . M . Collier , AV . M ., presided , and was assisted in his duties by Bros . E . B . Barnard , S . W . ; G . Collier , J . AV . ; A . Harris , S . D . ; R . Boyd , P . M . ; A Turner , P . M . ; AV . Ramsay , Treasurer , aud J . Kamsay , Secretary . The other brethren present were J . G . Waters , J . Gaywood , AV . Conbro , J . E . Hewick , H . Metcalf , J . S . Varey , C . T . Parsons , J . Humboldt , S , D ..
55 , aud Marshall , S . W ., 152 . The minutes having been read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for W . T . Seaborn , which being in his favour he was introduced aud shewn the lig ht of Freemasonry . Bro . Parsons' proficiency in the noble science was then tested , and he was raised to the third degree . As this was the annual period for th e election of AV . M ., the brethren proceeded with this portion of the business , and elected Bro . E . B . Barnard ,
as their Master for the coming year . Bro . AV . Ramsey was re-elected Treasurer , which responsible office he has held upwards of a quarter of a century , aud Bro . D . S . Potts , T . The lodge was afterwards closed , and the brethren sat down to one of Bro . Painter ' s superb banquets , and subsequently spent the evening in the convivality , ic which the proposing and drinking of the various toasts gave occasion to indulge in .
Belgrave Lodge , No . 749 . —The installation meeting of this flourishing lodge , took place on AViduesday , the 10 th inst ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . The lodge was opened by the AV . M ., Bro . Bourne , the officers ( all acting ) being at their duties , Geo . Pynnn , S . AA . ; AA . Hester , J . AV . ; P . Parsons , S . D . ; Homewood , J . D ; Edward Harper , I . G . ; P . M . ' s J . G . Froud . Treas .: H . Garrod , Sec . ; G . N . Crogan ,
K . F . Potter , T . Nash , W . Bro . Wm . Oucrh , G . Pars . members , J . Painter , AV . Peace , AA . E . Mackrill , G . S . Elliott , Thos . Strip , T . Carter , and about 5 ( 1 other brethren : vi-itors , W . Bro . John Hervey , G . Sec . ; G . Littlewood , AV . M . ( 7 S 0 ); Massev , P . M . ; H . Johnson , P . M . ; G . Staeey , P . M . ; Eloman , Pulsford , Stewart , Reid , Binnie , Louthcr , Wyatt , and ninny others . Bro .
Albert 1 lavis was passed to the degree of F . C . in a very faultless manner by the W . M . Bro . Oughthen presented Bro . Georgo Pymm , the AV . M . elect , to Bro . Bourne for installation . A board of installed Masters to the number of fourteen was then opened , nnd Bro . Bourne duly installed Bvo . Geo Pymm into the chair of K . S ., tho manner in which the ceremony was performed received
the warmest commendation from nil the biethreu present . After tlie brethren had saluted the new W . M . in the three degrees , he appointed and invested his officers as follows :-Bros . AV . Hester , S . AV . ; P . Parsons , J . W . ; J . O . Frond , P . M ., Treas . ; II . Garrod , P . M ., Sec . ; S . Home , wood , S . D , ; K . J . Scott , J . D . ; K . Harper , I . O . ; D . ily , Tyler . The lodgo was then opened in tlie third degree
and Bro . Greenwood was duly raised . A very beautiful jowel was then presented to Bro . Bourne , the I . P . M ., which bore tho following inscription , " Presented to Bro . AVm . Bourne , P . M ., by the Belgrave Lodge . 719 , as a token of fraternal regard , and iu appreciation of the excellent manner in which ho discharged the duties of AV . M ., 10 th Nov ., lSu' 9 . " The lodge was then closed
with solemn prayer . A most excellent banquet was served by tiro . Clemow , sunerintciited by 1 ' ro . Smith . The following toasts wore given , 1 st , the Queen and Craft . 2 nd , Prince and Princess of Wales , and re-t nf Royal family ; Earl Zetland , M . W . G . M . ; Earl do Grey and i ; i |) on , D . G . M ., nnd rest of Grand Officers , and with the latter was coupled tho names of G . . See . Bro .
Hervey , and also Bro Ough , G . P . Bro . John Hervey replied as follows : It is rather difficult to speak to a toast which is really so worn out , as that of the D G . M ., the Earl De Grey and Ripon , and the rest of tho Grand Officers , but I am sure we are very grateful to you for proposing ami drinking the t vist , nnd I think there is ono at any rate among the number whom you have mentioned
who is fairly entitled to the good feeling , good wishes and good opinions of tho Craft in general , and that is the Deputy Graud Master . Willi regard to the Grand Officers you havo one in your own lodge , and therefore I will leave you to judge of tho bulk , by the sample you have . As respects myself , sir , I really liavc little to say . This is my first visit to the Belgrave Lodge . Certainly I
cannot say it is not my own fault , but it has so happened that 1 was a member of a lodgo which met on tlie second AVednesday , and until the last two months that day has been altered . I have taken thc earliest opportunity which circumstances would admit , of becoming your guest on tho invitation of my friend , Bro . Ough , aud I can only say , sir , that 1 feci veiy grateful to you nnd the brethren
for the cordial and kind reception you hava given me I may say that I regretted very much I was not here at nn earlier period of the evening than 1 was . because I heard tho third ceremony gone through in such an admirable manner and so well tendered by the I , P . M ., that I felt I had missed a treat iu not hearing him perform tho ceremony which placed you in tho chair yon so worthily
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
occupy . I need not say how glad I am to see so prosperous a lodge under the banner of the Belgrave . I believe it has been mentioned once or twice that it is a young lodgo , but I think there are a great many old lodges iu the neighbourhood , and within ahalf-a-mile of this building which would envy the prosperity of this young lodge , as you term it , which I have now the pleasure of address ,
ing . I said at the outset that it was difficult to say anything to so threadbare a toast as that of the D . G . M . and the rest of tha G . Officers , and I always feel a difficulty in returning thanks for the toast , a difficulty wbich does not wear off , aud although as one gets older , one gets more coufidence , I do not find I get a better speaker in returning thanks for this threadbare toast . One tries very
naturally to give a different tone to the observations , but it is very difficult ; yet there is one thing there is no difficulty in , expressing in the first place , my best thanks to Bro . Ough for his kind invitation of me , aud in the second place to yourself , AV . M ., and the brethren for the warm , and I may say , more than fraternal reception you have given me . I can assure you that 1 shall not forget
the second Wednesday in the month , the 10 th of November , when I had the satisfaction of being introduced to the Belgrave Lodge ; and though I have come among you uow for the first time , 1 do most heartily trust that it may so happen that some future evening I may find myself at your board , when I know 1 shall be as cordially and well received as I have been to-night . ( Cheers . ) Bro . Bonrue proposed ,
" Tho AV . M ., " who in replying said , that although Tallyrand had declared that , language was given to man to conceal his thoughts , the few words in which he thanked the brethren for the reception of this toast were sincere . To the toast of " The Visitors '' several brethren replied , Bros . Stacey ( 209 ) , Coutts ( 27 ) , and Dr . Johnson ( 134 ) , were the . principal speakers . In his reply to the toast of
the "I . P . M ., " Bro . Bourne said , the brethren had placed him in a greater difficulty thau they would have done if they had asked him to perform the ceremony installation or any other ceremony he was acquainted with iu Freemasonry , by asking him to return iu an adequate manner thanks to the AV . M ., for tho very kind and handsome way in which the AV . M . had been pleased to speak of him , and
to the brethren for the nattering reception thoy had given to the toast . He felt deeply touched , and could safely say that at all times he had attempted to do his duty , as he always would . As he had given them satisfaction , it was a proof that his efforts had been successful , which was no slight thing in his estimation . Bro . Froud replied for the P . M . 's , and Bro . Garrod , the Secretary , also made
some cheerful observations about the dues , and Bro . Hester , S . W ., who was delegated to respond ou behalf of tho officers , remarked that he had had a weakness for the office of Master , awl hoped to occupy that position in a twelvemonth . He trusted he should be worthy of the office , and that visitors mi ght always say , the Belgrave working was the most perfect in Masonry , it might appear bombastic to say so , bnt he thought no ono
ought to accept office unless he was able to do tho work incident thereto . In justice to the officers ho would sav they would endeavour to support the W . M . in his year of oilice , and that their style of work should not detract from the honour with which he knew the W . M . would till the chair . ( Cheers . ) The evening wns most pleasantly spent , and was enlivened by some capital singing by Bros . Leary , Fairman , Wilson , Parsons and Strip .
Dalhousie Lodge , No . SGO . —This capital working lodgo met at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on Thursday , the llth instant . The W . M . Bro . Littel having taken the chair supported b y Bro . J . Williams , S . W . Hardy , J . W . and P . M . ' s Pago and Underwood , and I ' . ro . Ingram , Secretary , after tho minutes of the former lodge were read nnd confirmed , Bro . S . D . Warren , was , on showing
his proficiency , passed to the degree of a Fellow Craft , by the W . M ., he as well as every officer , being thoroughly proficient in their duties . The W . M . then informed tho brethren it was his intention to become a steward at the forthcoming festival in January next , for the Royal Benevolent Institution for aged Freemasons and the AVidows of Freemasons , and ho hoped he should havo
the support of the brethren in so worthy a cause . A sum of Five Guineas was then voted from the funds of the lodge , to the family of a deceased brother . Bro . Ingrain , the Secretary of the lodge , and also the Secretary of the Lodge of Instruction informed tho brethren , that a sum of Five Guineas had been voted from its funds to be placed on the list of tho W . M-, mi tho occasion of
his being a steward . The bulge was then closed in duo form and with solemn prayer . There was no banquet , it being one of those evenings when Masonry was carried out as it should be , and the brethren separated early . Capper Lodge , No . 107 G . —Thii very prosperous lodge held its meeting on Thursday , the llth inst ., at the Marine Hotel , A'ictoria Docks , presided over by Bro . S .
Watkins , supported by Bros . Pickering , W . . Master of the Upton Lodge , as S . W . ; II . G . Sisley | J . W ., and AV . Mclect ; Pineombe , S . I ) . ; B . Ashdown , J .. ); Hi-own , I . G . ; Park , Trias . ; Hendcrsi n , P . M . and See . The lodge was opened iu due form with solemn prayer . The mimuesof the last lodge meeting were read and conlinneil . The lodgo wns opened in the second degree , and Bros . Ward and
Jones , candidates tor the third degree , were examined , entrusted , nnd retired . Tho lodgo was opened in the third degree , and Bros Jones and Ward were mini iltcil , and duly raised to the sublime degree of M . Masons . The lodgo was then resumed in tho second degree , and Bro . Watkins presented Uro . SWley to Bro . AA ' cst , P . M ., to receive from him tho benefit of installation , which ceremony was
proceeded with , the lodgo being opened ill each degree . A Board of Installed . Masters was then opened , and Bro . Sisley was installed in the chair of IC . Solomon according to ancient custom , and saluted accordingly , he then inveted his LP . Master , and the hoard wns closed . The AI . JInsous were then admitted , nnd the W . Master was proclaimed and saluted . The lodge was resumed in
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
the second degree nnd the Fellow Craft was admitted , and the AV . M . was saluted and proclaimed , the lodge was resumed in the first degree , and the AV M . was for the third time proclaimed aud saluted , he was then presented with the Warrant , Book of Constitution , and the bye-laws of the lodge , with very appropriate remarks by the Installing Master , ho was then pleased to appoint the following
brethren as officers for the ensuing year , viz ., Bros . Gaskell , S . AV . ; Pineombe . J . AV . ; Henderson , P . M , Sec . ; Ashdowne , S . D . ; Brown , J . D . ; Brayshaw , I . G ., who with Bro . Park , Treasurer , and Bro . Alison , Tyler , were invested with their collars , & c ., by the Installing Master , Bro . West , after which he delivered the usual addresses to the W . Master , AVardens , and the lodge , which ended the ceremony of
installation . It was proposed , seconded nnd carried unanimously , that five guineas be given from the funds of the lodge through Bro . AVatkins , to one of the Masonic charities . Nothing further being offered for the good of Freemasonry , the lodge was closed in due form . The brethren adjourned to a very excellent banquet , served by Bro . Old , to which eighty-fire of the brethren did ample
justice . After the cloth was withdrawn , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to . Bro . Sisley then presented to Bro . AVatkins a P . M . jewel , voted to him at the last meeting of the lodge , for the very able manner in which he performed the duties of AV . M . for the past year , which was received and responded to in a very
appropriate speech , in which he included thanks for the health of the Past Master , which had been given by the AV . Master . Amongst the visitors we noticed , Bros . AAlllet , A \ . M ., of tho Euphrates Lodge ; AV . D . May , S . AV ., Nelson Lodge ; J . Graham , J . AV ., Nelson Lodge ; Hawks aud Ellis , Nelson Lodge ; Phillips , Union Waterloo Lodge ; Smith , Pattison Lodge , and several others .
Buckingham and Chandos Lodge , No . 1150 . —The meeting of this lodge at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday last , was of a mournfull y interesting character . The lodge which is of a semi-military character , meeting in uniform , is connected with the 1 st Middlesex Artillery , nnd it appeared from the summons , that Alajor II . F . Smith of tbat corps , the AV . M . of the lodge , had died
since last meeting . The members consequently assembled in Masonic mourning , and the usual banquet was dispensed with as a mark of respect to the deceased Master . The chair of the lodge was taken in accordance with the Book of Constitutions by Bro . J . B . Monckton , the I . P . M ., the whole of the lodge officers being punctually in their places , an example many older lodges might well follow .
The circumstance above alluded to , had caused several initiations to stand over till next meeting , and the only business before the lodge therefoie was , the usual election of W . M , and Treasurer . The ballot being taken for the AV . M ., the election was announced to have fallen upon tho S . AV ., Bro . Captain G . Hunt , who appropriately thanked the lodge for the honour the lodge had done . him .
Bro . Captain AA'hicheord was re-elected Treasurer , aud the Auditors were appointed . The AV . AI . in the chnir then rose in order to refer to tho melancholy circumstances attending their present meeting , nnd after reminding the lodgo that thoir late AV . M . had been a Steward of the recent Inauguration Festival , stated that the jewel issued to tho Stewards by the order of tho M . AV . G . M , had been
forwarded for their late AV . AI ., in moving that it be forwarded to Mrs . Smith , he proposed that it be accompanied by a letter of condolence and sympathy , to be signed by the AV . M ., tho AA ' ardens , and the Secretary , in the uame of tho lodge . This was recorded by Bro . Col . Creed , P . M . nnd unanimously carried , and after discussion several matters of interest to the members , the lodgo was closed
in due form , and the members separated . Macdon-ilil Lodge , No . 121 G . —Tho eighteenth monthly meeting of this lodgo was held at thu head quarters of the First Surrey Ililles , Camberwell New-road , on AVednesday , the llth inst ., under the presidency of Bro . Major A . L . Irvine , tho W . M . A largo muster of officers , members , nnd visitors attended , amongst whom were
Bros . James Stevens , P . M ., S . W . ; S . II . Wagstaffe , J . D . ; G . AVaterwall , I . G . ; Dr . E . Cronin , Treas . ; J . J . Curtis , See . ; G . II . N . Bridges , D . C . ; AV . . 1 . Messenger , and II . Puckle , Stewards ; also J . II . Hastie , who officiated as J W . j AV . Dicker , J . W . Carnell , W . II . Thomas , John B . Pike AV . A . AVillis , II . Francis , A . AValton , N . AV . Shairp , AV . S . Larlham , Jas . 1 ) . Pike , A . Soruby , H .
Woodgatrs , I ) , rourdrinicr , & c . Visitors : Bros . Conrad C . Dumas , O . A . D . C . ; O . S . tward ( 03 ) , ]¦' .. S . Higgins , S . W . ( 120 ); G . Powell , P . M . ( 1-121 , AV . Worrell ( 7 CC ) , AV . V . Bedolfe , and It . A . Stcelo ( 1191 ) , and N . O . Davis ( 123 S ) . Tho lodgo was opened iu duo firm and the opening hymn was sung by the assembled brethren . The minutes of the previous mooting having been
confirmed , the proposition of the Senior Warden , that Bro . Worrell , of Lodge 7 ( io ' , Onrnnist of Beckenham church , bo elected an honorary member of the Macdonald Lodge , was unanimously carried , and tho W . M ., after congratulating Bro . Worrell , appointed him to the office of Hon . Asst . Organist , in which position Bro . AVorrell officiated throughout the evening . Tho W . M . having received a
request from tho Villiers Lodge , No . 1101 , to pass Bro . W . \ . Bo . lolfo of thatlod ^ o , that brother , and Bros . Scruby and Woodgates gave proofs of proficiency , and tho lodge being opened in the second degree , wero separately introduced and pawed to tbo degree of Fellow Craft . The AV . M . then in a most able and oll ' eclivo manner explained the tracing board of that degree , nnd nt his request Bro . Stevens , the S . W ., delivered the second section in tho
form of a lecture . The very impressive nnd perfect manner in which tho business of the second degree wns carried out , called forth expressions of groat sati-faction from tho visitors present . Tho lodgo was called off and adjourned to au adjoining room for slight refreshment , in the course of which the W . M . proposed tho health of the " Visitors , " to which Bro . Conrad 0 . Dumas , G . A . D . C . ( a former member ot the corps ) , responded in forms ' ol high com-