Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of The Albert Edward Lodge , No.1560, At Leicester.
Rev . F . H . Richardson , S . D . ; J . F . L . Rolleston , J . D , ; Dr . W . E . Buck , I . G . Several candidates for initiation at the next meeting were proposed , arid a very large number of brethren as joining members . It was then proposed that , as a slight acknowledgment of their services on this
occasion , 'Bros . Kelly and llev . J . H . Smith be elected honorary members of the lodge , which being duly seconded , was carried with acclamation , and other business of the Craft Lodge having been disposed of , the Albert Edward
Lodge was closed , and the Provincial Grand Lodge was resumed . Bro W . Beaumont Smith was re-el _ cted as P . G . Treasurer . The Provincial Grand Master then appointed and invested the following brethren as his officers : —
Rev . J . Halford Prov . S . G . W . J . C . Duncombe Prov . J . G . W . Rev . J . H . Smith Prov . G . Chaplain Rev . Canon Burfield Prov . G . Chaplain W . B . Smith Prov . G . Treas . C . C . Woodcock Prov . G . llegr . S . S . Partridge Prov . G . Secy . F . J . Baines Prov . G . S . D . T . Macaulay , M . D Prov . GJ . D . R . Dalgleish Prov . Sup . VV . J . B . Hall : Prov . G . D . C C . 5 J . McBride Prov . G . A . D . C . H . James Prov . G . S . B . T . A . Wykes Prov . G . Org . J . W . Smith Prov . G . Purst . L . Riley Prov . G . A . P . T . Worthington Prov . G . St . B . C . Bembridge andT . Dunn Prov . G . Tylers S . Cleaver . A . C . Smith , W . Gough , J
Selby , J . Healey , and E . Mason were appointed Stewards . Bro Kelly then proposed " That a sum of ten pounds be voted from the funds of the Provincial Grand Lodge for the purchase of two Stewards ' jewels , commemorative of the installation of
H . R . H . the Prince of Wales as M . W . G . M ., for presentation to the Provincial Grand Stewards at the ceremony , viz ., to Bros . Rev . W . Langley , P . P . S . G . W . ' , and S . S . Partridge , P . G . Sec . " This proposition having been seconded by Bro . Du / rj was carried with acclamation ; and the
Stewards were presented with the jewels by the P . G . M ., for which suitable acknowledgment was made by them . It was decided to select the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for aged Freemasons and their widows , for support in the province during the ensuing year ; Bro .
Stretton being appointed Steward , with a donation from P . G . Lodge funds . The Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet , which was attended by the Mayor of Leicester , and about ninety brethren , under the presidency of Bro . Kelly , Past Provincial Grand Master , much
disappointment being felt aud expressed , at the absence of the Provincial Grand Master , and his Deputy , Bro . Sir Henry St . John Halford , Bart . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , aud responded to , and one of the largest and most enjoyable M asonic gatherings held in this province was brought to a close at ten o ' clock .
Great credit is due to the banquet stewards for their excellent catering , and the admirable arrangements made for the comfort and convenience of the brethren ; also to the Prov . G . Org ., for the careful selection of the lodge music , and the songs delivered at the banquet .
Consecration Of The Fort Lodge No. 1528, At Newquay , Cornwall.
For many years past the members of the Masonic fraternity residing in Newquay and the neighbourhood have been desirous of establishing a lodge in the town , for the purpose of making themselves more intimately acquainted with the mysteries of the Craft , but from various causes
the matter was postponed until about a year ago , when the brethren determined that their town should no longer bear the stigma of being unrepresented in the Masonic roll of the province , and accordingly they forwarded a petition to the
Provincial Grand Master ( the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe ) for transmission to the Grand Master of England ( the Prince of Wales ) , praying that they might be constituted into a lodge , to be named the " Fort , " after the residence of
Consecration Of The Fort Lodge No. 1528, At Newquay , Cornwall.
the first W . M . designate , who has taken a prominent part in the necessary preliminaries . A warrant was granted by Grand Lodge , and the ' * Fort " Lodge stands enrolled as No . 1 . 528 in its archive ? . On Tuesday , the 2 nd inst ., the lodge was consecrated by the P . G . M ., and is now the twenty-sixth lodge in Cornwall .
The P . G . M . was assisted by his principal officeis , except Bro . T . Chirgwin , P . S . W ., whose absence on account of illness was much regretted , Bro . Captain Colville officiated in his stead . The P . G . M . offered up the prayers in the absence of the P . G . Chap ., and also empowered the
members of the lodge to exercise all their rights and privileges agreeably to the tenure of their charter and the ancient usages of the fraternity . An eloquent charge on the nature and objects of Masonry was delivered by the P . G . M . Masonry was , he said , thought by many people outside the
Order a kind of religion of its own , which must be inconsistent witb Christianity . He denied that it was so . They were free from religious controversy , simply because . Masonry never attempted to trench upon the worship of God , but made its object solely to inculcate ancl enforce
the command which formed part of all forms of Christian religion , to love one ' s neighbour as oneself . They should act honourably and unselfishly in their dealings with their fellow men , _ nd in ali relations of life ; not from worldly motives , not merely because it benefitted them ,
but from the . higher principle that they believed that in acting so they were doing what was a blessing to the Most High . Bro . Wm . Edwards Michell was installed as the first W . M . by Bro . Colville , at the request of
the P . G . M .. and he appointed Bros . Thos . Gill Prout as S . VV . ; VV . C . Martyn , f . W . ; E . A . Bennett , Treas .-, VV . R . White , Sec . ; li . Wellington , S . D . ; and W . Bellamy , J . D . The lodge was furnished by Bro . George Kennine * .
Obituary .
P . RO . JOHN SAVAGE , P . G . D . We deeply regret to have to announce to thc Craft the decease of our well-known and very worthy Bro . John Savage . He has been so active a member of Grand Lodge for many
years , that the absence of his familiar face will long be felt in that assembly . His many and excellent qualities endeared him to a large circle of friends , by whom he will be very sincerely mourned . We give the particulars of his death , and of his Masonic career .
Bro . John Savage was initiated in Lodge No . 12 , on the 9 th November , 1835 , when he w ,, s 27 years of age . He afterwards joined the Egyptian Lodge , No . 29 , now No . 27 , on the 1 . 3 th March , 1837 , anc * became J . W . of this lodge in 1838 . He joined the Athelstan , No .
19 , on thc 9 th of January , 1839 , and was VV . M . thereof in 1841 and 1847 . He was exalted as a Royal Arch Mason , in the Royal York Chapter of Perseverance , No . 7 , on ihe 24 th January , i 8 ., 7 , and was Z . of the same chapter in 18 43 and 1865 . He was appointed Senior Grand
Deacon of England by the late Earl of Zetland in 18 . 59 , ana Grand Sword Bearer in Grand Chapter in riie same year . He became a member of the Board of General Purposes in 18 45 , and was Vice-President in 1847 . He was a member of Grand Chapter Committee , and a very
active member of the Building Committee appointed to carry out the erection of the new buildings in Great ^' Queen street . He was also a Vice-President of the Annuity Fund of the Benevolent Institution , and a Life Governor of the Boys' and Girls' Schools . His first signature
as connected with the Benevolent Institution appears in the books of that Institution on the 28 th October , 18 47 . He regularly attended the Lodge of Benevolence , and was at its last meeting , on October 20 th . He also constantl y attended the Board of General Purposes , and the Committee of General Purposes of Grand
Chapter . He was looked upon almost as the established Installing Master in the Egyptian Lodge , having installed all the Masters of that lodge , with the exception of Bro . H . G . Buss , for the last thirty years . He also frequentl y installed the Masters of the Royal Athelstan , No . 19 . Three weeks ago , on the 26 th October , he presided as M . E . Z . in Chapter No . 7 , in
the place of Comp . Boord , M . P ., and installed the H . of that chapter , besides exalting three candidates . Afterwards he took the chair at the banquet table , and was full of his accustomed health ancl spirits . Last week , however , he was
taken ill , and . he died on Saturday , the 13 th , at his residence , Thornhill Square , Islington , aged 63 . A seat of the Board of Works , and among the churchwardens of St . Mary , Islington , become vacant by his death .
Ihe following letter was sent to thc brethren of the Athelstan Lodge in reference to the funeral of Bro . Savage : — "Nov . 16 th , 187 5 . " Dear Sir and Brother ,
" I deeply regret to inform you of the death of our much esteemed Bro . John Savage , P . G . D . Eng ., P . M . No . 19 , & c , kc ., kc , whieh occurred on the 1 . 3 th instant . The funeral is appointed to take place at Highgite Cemetery
on Friday next , the 19 th instant , at half-past one o ' clock . In order to pay a last sad tribute of respect to departed m ^ rit , the Past Masters and members of the Royal Athelstan Lodge , No . 19 , will meet at the cemetery lodge gate at a
quarter-past one o cloak . White neck-ties and white gloves will I ) . " worn on this occasion . "I remain , dear Sir and Brother , yours truly and fraternally , "WITKAM M . BYWATRR . " j , Hanover Sq ., W . "
BRO . JAMES FRANKLIN . Freemasonry in general , and West Yorkshire Freemasons in particular , have lo deplore the loss of our worth y brother , fames Franklin , of Halifax . We hope to give a sketch of his Masonic career in our next .
The Royai, Masonic Institution For Boys, And The Province Of West Yorkshire.
[ The following appeared in our second edition of last week . ] The Special Committee appointed last Saturday to inquire int . ) the allegations made against this institution in the pamphlet of Bros . Tew and Perrott , met yesterday
at Freemasons' Hall . Bros . Herbert Dicketts , Alfred II . Diaper ,. ) . C . Dwarber , Motion , aud Binckes attended . Bro . Binckes laid before the Spec ! il Committee the following account , explanatory of the charges concerning inaccurate figures in the accounts which had been published i _ mnei-ied with the institution .
... , . £ s - ' I otal additions , page 37 50 3 o ( 38 100 o o Report June , 1874 j 31 ) 90 o n ( . 40 6 5 o o „ 187 ; 4 8 6 7 10 ii
„ 1 . S 71 41 _ : 42 ... 13 o o _ . , . / . ' . ' 7 15 o dotal additions for 1 S 71 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 3 Deduct paid in 1 S 71 7 ; 15 o Less , not printed , being a grant to a pupil teacher for clothes 2 13 o
70 o o Deduct paid in 1 S 75 30 o o 100 o o J . 287 ' _ ° Discrepancies .
Add to G . W . Martin ' s grant as a ' pupil teacher 500 Grant to I lemy Smith , for clothes , b-ingeducati-doutol Institution 200 700
204 15 o Deduct clerical error at p . 3 *; , ] iepnrt 18 74 , / : 55 s ., should be £ 3 5 o £ 21 ) 4 10 o PAMPIII . RTIM __ 29 .
, Amount expended 1872 , 18 7 , -, 1874 £ 314 5 o from this is deducted Gratuities , 1872 £ () o o „ " 8 / . ? t 10 o 11 > S ( 4 500
And amount charged 18 10 o In error for silver medal 1 5 o IQ 15 o 20- 1 IO O " Duly accounted for " 172 10 o " Un lccounted for " , 141 15 o Deductions as shewn above 19 15 o
294 10 o The committee examined the accounts , but the meeting vvas private , and the report of the committee will not be made until it i . s presented to the Gjner . il Committee of ths 4 th prox .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of The Albert Edward Lodge , No.1560, At Leicester.
Rev . F . H . Richardson , S . D . ; J . F . L . Rolleston , J . D , ; Dr . W . E . Buck , I . G . Several candidates for initiation at the next meeting were proposed , arid a very large number of brethren as joining members . It was then proposed that , as a slight acknowledgment of their services on this
occasion , 'Bros . Kelly and llev . J . H . Smith be elected honorary members of the lodge , which being duly seconded , was carried with acclamation , and other business of the Craft Lodge having been disposed of , the Albert Edward
Lodge was closed , and the Provincial Grand Lodge was resumed . Bro W . Beaumont Smith was re-el _ cted as P . G . Treasurer . The Provincial Grand Master then appointed and invested the following brethren as his officers : —
Rev . J . Halford Prov . S . G . W . J . C . Duncombe Prov . J . G . W . Rev . J . H . Smith Prov . G . Chaplain Rev . Canon Burfield Prov . G . Chaplain W . B . Smith Prov . G . Treas . C . C . Woodcock Prov . G . llegr . S . S . Partridge Prov . G . Secy . F . J . Baines Prov . G . S . D . T . Macaulay , M . D Prov . GJ . D . R . Dalgleish Prov . Sup . VV . J . B . Hall : Prov . G . D . C C . 5 J . McBride Prov . G . A . D . C . H . James Prov . G . S . B . T . A . Wykes Prov . G . Org . J . W . Smith Prov . G . Purst . L . Riley Prov . G . A . P . T . Worthington Prov . G . St . B . C . Bembridge andT . Dunn Prov . G . Tylers S . Cleaver . A . C . Smith , W . Gough , J
Selby , J . Healey , and E . Mason were appointed Stewards . Bro Kelly then proposed " That a sum of ten pounds be voted from the funds of the Provincial Grand Lodge for the purchase of two Stewards ' jewels , commemorative of the installation of
H . R . H . the Prince of Wales as M . W . G . M ., for presentation to the Provincial Grand Stewards at the ceremony , viz ., to Bros . Rev . W . Langley , P . P . S . G . W . ' , and S . S . Partridge , P . G . Sec . " This proposition having been seconded by Bro . Du / rj was carried with acclamation ; and the
Stewards were presented with the jewels by the P . G . M ., for which suitable acknowledgment was made by them . It was decided to select the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for aged Freemasons and their widows , for support in the province during the ensuing year ; Bro .
Stretton being appointed Steward , with a donation from P . G . Lodge funds . The Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet , which was attended by the Mayor of Leicester , and about ninety brethren , under the presidency of Bro . Kelly , Past Provincial Grand Master , much
disappointment being felt aud expressed , at the absence of the Provincial Grand Master , and his Deputy , Bro . Sir Henry St . John Halford , Bart . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , aud responded to , and one of the largest and most enjoyable M asonic gatherings held in this province was brought to a close at ten o ' clock .
Great credit is due to the banquet stewards for their excellent catering , and the admirable arrangements made for the comfort and convenience of the brethren ; also to the Prov . G . Org ., for the careful selection of the lodge music , and the songs delivered at the banquet .
Consecration Of The Fort Lodge No. 1528, At Newquay , Cornwall.
For many years past the members of the Masonic fraternity residing in Newquay and the neighbourhood have been desirous of establishing a lodge in the town , for the purpose of making themselves more intimately acquainted with the mysteries of the Craft , but from various causes
the matter was postponed until about a year ago , when the brethren determined that their town should no longer bear the stigma of being unrepresented in the Masonic roll of the province , and accordingly they forwarded a petition to the
Provincial Grand Master ( the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe ) for transmission to the Grand Master of England ( the Prince of Wales ) , praying that they might be constituted into a lodge , to be named the " Fort , " after the residence of
Consecration Of The Fort Lodge No. 1528, At Newquay , Cornwall.
the first W . M . designate , who has taken a prominent part in the necessary preliminaries . A warrant was granted by Grand Lodge , and the ' * Fort " Lodge stands enrolled as No . 1 . 528 in its archive ? . On Tuesday , the 2 nd inst ., the lodge was consecrated by the P . G . M ., and is now the twenty-sixth lodge in Cornwall .
The P . G . M . was assisted by his principal officeis , except Bro . T . Chirgwin , P . S . W ., whose absence on account of illness was much regretted , Bro . Captain Colville officiated in his stead . The P . G . M . offered up the prayers in the absence of the P . G . Chap ., and also empowered the
members of the lodge to exercise all their rights and privileges agreeably to the tenure of their charter and the ancient usages of the fraternity . An eloquent charge on the nature and objects of Masonry was delivered by the P . G . M . Masonry was , he said , thought by many people outside the
Order a kind of religion of its own , which must be inconsistent witb Christianity . He denied that it was so . They were free from religious controversy , simply because . Masonry never attempted to trench upon the worship of God , but made its object solely to inculcate ancl enforce
the command which formed part of all forms of Christian religion , to love one ' s neighbour as oneself . They should act honourably and unselfishly in their dealings with their fellow men , _ nd in ali relations of life ; not from worldly motives , not merely because it benefitted them ,
but from the . higher principle that they believed that in acting so they were doing what was a blessing to the Most High . Bro . Wm . Edwards Michell was installed as the first W . M . by Bro . Colville , at the request of
the P . G . M .. and he appointed Bros . Thos . Gill Prout as S . VV . ; VV . C . Martyn , f . W . ; E . A . Bennett , Treas .-, VV . R . White , Sec . ; li . Wellington , S . D . ; and W . Bellamy , J . D . The lodge was furnished by Bro . George Kennine * .
Obituary .
P . RO . JOHN SAVAGE , P . G . D . We deeply regret to have to announce to thc Craft the decease of our well-known and very worthy Bro . John Savage . He has been so active a member of Grand Lodge for many
years , that the absence of his familiar face will long be felt in that assembly . His many and excellent qualities endeared him to a large circle of friends , by whom he will be very sincerely mourned . We give the particulars of his death , and of his Masonic career .
Bro . John Savage was initiated in Lodge No . 12 , on the 9 th November , 1835 , when he w ,, s 27 years of age . He afterwards joined the Egyptian Lodge , No . 29 , now No . 27 , on the 1 . 3 th March , 1837 , anc * became J . W . of this lodge in 1838 . He joined the Athelstan , No .
19 , on thc 9 th of January , 1839 , and was VV . M . thereof in 1841 and 1847 . He was exalted as a Royal Arch Mason , in the Royal York Chapter of Perseverance , No . 7 , on ihe 24 th January , i 8 ., 7 , and was Z . of the same chapter in 18 43 and 1865 . He was appointed Senior Grand
Deacon of England by the late Earl of Zetland in 18 . 59 , ana Grand Sword Bearer in Grand Chapter in riie same year . He became a member of the Board of General Purposes in 18 45 , and was Vice-President in 1847 . He was a member of Grand Chapter Committee , and a very
active member of the Building Committee appointed to carry out the erection of the new buildings in Great ^' Queen street . He was also a Vice-President of the Annuity Fund of the Benevolent Institution , and a Life Governor of the Boys' and Girls' Schools . His first signature
as connected with the Benevolent Institution appears in the books of that Institution on the 28 th October , 18 47 . He regularly attended the Lodge of Benevolence , and was at its last meeting , on October 20 th . He also constantl y attended the Board of General Purposes , and the Committee of General Purposes of Grand
Chapter . He was looked upon almost as the established Installing Master in the Egyptian Lodge , having installed all the Masters of that lodge , with the exception of Bro . H . G . Buss , for the last thirty years . He also frequentl y installed the Masters of the Royal Athelstan , No . 19 . Three weeks ago , on the 26 th October , he presided as M . E . Z . in Chapter No . 7 , in
the place of Comp . Boord , M . P ., and installed the H . of that chapter , besides exalting three candidates . Afterwards he took the chair at the banquet table , and was full of his accustomed health ancl spirits . Last week , however , he was
taken ill , and . he died on Saturday , the 13 th , at his residence , Thornhill Square , Islington , aged 63 . A seat of the Board of Works , and among the churchwardens of St . Mary , Islington , become vacant by his death .
Ihe following letter was sent to thc brethren of the Athelstan Lodge in reference to the funeral of Bro . Savage : — "Nov . 16 th , 187 5 . " Dear Sir and Brother ,
" I deeply regret to inform you of the death of our much esteemed Bro . John Savage , P . G . D . Eng ., P . M . No . 19 , & c , kc ., kc , whieh occurred on the 1 . 3 th instant . The funeral is appointed to take place at Highgite Cemetery
on Friday next , the 19 th instant , at half-past one o ' clock . In order to pay a last sad tribute of respect to departed m ^ rit , the Past Masters and members of the Royal Athelstan Lodge , No . 19 , will meet at the cemetery lodge gate at a
quarter-past one o cloak . White neck-ties and white gloves will I ) . " worn on this occasion . "I remain , dear Sir and Brother , yours truly and fraternally , "WITKAM M . BYWATRR . " j , Hanover Sq ., W . "
BRO . JAMES FRANKLIN . Freemasonry in general , and West Yorkshire Freemasons in particular , have lo deplore the loss of our worth y brother , fames Franklin , of Halifax . We hope to give a sketch of his Masonic career in our next .
The Royai, Masonic Institution For Boys, And The Province Of West Yorkshire.
[ The following appeared in our second edition of last week . ] The Special Committee appointed last Saturday to inquire int . ) the allegations made against this institution in the pamphlet of Bros . Tew and Perrott , met yesterday
at Freemasons' Hall . Bros . Herbert Dicketts , Alfred II . Diaper ,. ) . C . Dwarber , Motion , aud Binckes attended . Bro . Binckes laid before the Spec ! il Committee the following account , explanatory of the charges concerning inaccurate figures in the accounts which had been published i _ mnei-ied with the institution .
... , . £ s - ' I otal additions , page 37 50 3 o ( 38 100 o o Report June , 1874 j 31 ) 90 o n ( . 40 6 5 o o „ 187 ; 4 8 6 7 10 ii
„ 1 . S 71 41 _ : 42 ... 13 o o _ . , . / . ' . ' 7 15 o dotal additions for 1 S 71 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 3 Deduct paid in 1 S 71 7 ; 15 o Less , not printed , being a grant to a pupil teacher for clothes 2 13 o
70 o o Deduct paid in 1 S 75 30 o o 100 o o J . 287 ' _ ° Discrepancies .
Add to G . W . Martin ' s grant as a ' pupil teacher 500 Grant to I lemy Smith , for clothes , b-ingeducati-doutol Institution 200 700
204 15 o Deduct clerical error at p . 3 *; , ] iepnrt 18 74 , / : 55 s ., should be £ 3 5 o £ 21 ) 4 10 o PAMPIII . RTIM __ 29 .
, Amount expended 1872 , 18 7 , -, 1874 £ 314 5 o from this is deducted Gratuities , 1872 £ () o o „ " 8 / . ? t 10 o 11 > S ( 4 500
And amount charged 18 10 o In error for silver medal 1 5 o IQ 15 o 20- 1 IO O " Duly accounted for " 172 10 o " Un lccounted for " , 141 15 o Deductions as shewn above 19 15 o
294 10 o The committee examined the accounts , but the meeting vvas private , and the report of the committee will not be made until it i . s presented to the Gjner . il Committee of ths 4 th prox .