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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
with the true principles of Masonry . This was very pleasinir and satisfactory . The time had now come when he must sever his connexion with the lodge as its Secretary . The Girls' School ( he spoke it in the presence of Bro . Binckes ) must claim his first attention ; he could not , perhaps , say his undivided attention , because his greatest pleasure was in Freemasonry , which had always been his
feeling- He became thc Secretary of thc lodge through a deputation waiting upon him , and asking him to accept tlie office ; and this he consented to do , and in that position lie had striven hard to perform his duties . His endeavours had been successful , and he had had the pleasure of seeing the lodge most prosperous . Not the least part of that success was the establishment of the Benevolent Fund . It
would always be a pleasure to him to see the lodge nourish , and to see it extend , as it always had extended , to brethren the right hand of fellowship . " The Tyler ' s " toast was then given , and a very pleasant evening was brought to a close . ST . CLEMENTS DANES LODGE ( No . 1351 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held at Bro . Can's , King ' s
Head Hotel , Strand , on the 5 th of the present month , when , as is usual , a goodly number of brethren assisted in the working , which was performed in a manner that few lodges so young can boast of . Bro . Steward , the W . M ., raised , passed , and initiated , and went through thc working with ease and impressiveness ; Bros . Livett , S . W . ; Wilson , l . W . ; Porter , S . D . ; Wigg , J . D . ; Ferryman , D . C . ;
Butter , I . G . ; Barnes , Org ., were at the working ; whilst that which is always a feature and a most welcome , one at this lodge—the presence of the Past Masters of it—was not wanting , as there were thc well-known faccsof Bros . Belts , I . P . M . ; Hilton , Sec . ; Parker , Treas . ; Hamilton , and Hale to be seen , making the younger brethren feel how deep was thc " mystic tie" that bound them and their seniors in
the Craft so closely together . After thc lodge was closed the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet provided by Bro . Carr , which was as ample as it was inclusive of all that is in season . Amongst those who were present at it were , besides the above named , Bros . Mott , Arthur Belts , Wiseman , Hepburn , Chas . Blarney , Duncan Harrison , Townley , Brannan , Gages , 3 ; Harward , Hutton , 2 ;
Movand , William 11 . Hall , Itdbury , & c , and several visitors . The usual Masonic and loyal toasts were duly given and responded to , and a . most agreeable evening was spent , to which the brethren possessing musical accomplishments greatly contributed . Wc are glad to state that the lodge
of instruction , held on a Wednesday evening , is well attended , and that not only those brethren who were amongst the first to constitute thc lodge , but the younger ones , Masonically speaking , also put in an appearance , and the word " instruction " is really shown to be thc meaning of the gathering .
THE GREAT CITY LODGE ( No . 1426 ) . —A meeting of this flourishing lodge was held on Satuiday last , at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , when there was as usual a capital attendance of brethren . Bro . J . Hamilton Townend , VV . M ., presided , and was supported by Bros . Seex , S . W . ; Stanway , J . W . ; Blackie , S . D . ; Catchpolc , J . D . ; Thomas Preston , I . G . ;
Edward Moody , Sec . ; I lenry Thompson , P . M . ; and others . By the kind courtesy of the VV . M ., Bro . Henry Thompson , P . M ., whose eldest son was a candidate for the Second Degree , took the chair for that ceremony , and passed Bros . Wright , Wynne , VV . E . Thompson , Cadiot , Bertram , and Evennett . Bro . Townend , VV . M ., performed the ether ceremonies , raising Bros .
Skinner , Benskin , J . Hartley , Lockitt , and Clark ; and initialing Messrs . Powell , M . K . Frith , T . E . Lugger , and L . J . Hudd . The W . M . performed the raising three times , and admirably acquitted himself as VV . M . Four propositions were given in for new candidates at next meeting . Bro . Edward Moody gave notice that he would move at the next lodge meeting that thc initiation fee should be
raised to ten guineas . This was the whole of the business before the brethren , who then adjourned to a nice supper , and afterwards honoured the usual toasls . The VV . M . presided . In proposing the toast of "Thc M . W . G . M ., " he wished his Royal Highness the best of health , and that his journey to India might prove a benefit both to that country and to this . In giving " The Pro Grand Master , " the
W . M . referred to him as a biother who had been of eminent service to thc Craft , and was also a good Mason and able statesman . When giving the loast of "The D . G . M ., and the rest of the Grand Officers , & c , " the W . M . reminded the brethren of The Great City Lodge that the Junior Grand Warden of England for the present year ( Bro . Alderman Stone ) was a member of their loilge , and
therefore more especially might he ask them to do all honour to thc toast . Bro . N . B . Headon , I . P . M ., proposed " The VV . M . " It was the first time since his installation that he had had the the pleasure of doing so . He might say that the W . M . had that day disposed of a large amount of business , and every one who had witnessed it must have been gratified at the able manner in which it had been
done . He felt assured that thc more the brethren saw of the VV . M . the more they would be pleased with him . He wculd be glad when the time arrived that he would have to make room for such a worthy Mason . After Bro . Hook had rendered in a superior style " The Village Blacksmith , " the W . M . replied , and said the remarks ofthe I . P . M . were very flattering , and he was much obliged for the
kind feeling which had dict-ited them . He was afraid , however , tbat Brother Headon had , for friendship ' s sake , passed oier his imperfections , as it was known he worked a different system , although he wished to follow in thc steps of
his predecessors . He regretted that there was a difference in the rituals ; but he ( bought by blending the two together one of the most beautiful rituals might be produced ever known in thc world . He hoped that he should get better as he went on . He would do his best to serve them as Master of the lodge , and trusted that at the end of his year
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
° f office they would have no cause to regret having placed him in the chair . Thc W . M . next gave " The P . M . ' s , " for whom Bros . Headon and James Stevens returned thanks . He then gave " Thc Initiates , " remarking that since Thc Great City Lodge had been formed it had ncver met without having an infusion of new blood . Very seldom had it met without four or five gentlemen coming
forward for membership of the Craft . Frequently also an emergency had to be called to admit them . The Great City Lodge always held out to them " the light hand of fellowship . " Without initiates a lodge would soon die out , an event which was not likely to befal The Great City Lodge . Bro . M . K . Fiith and the other new brethren responded to the toast of " The Initiates . " A brother from China replied for "The Visitors , " and remarked that he had
been in China for 18 years , and he had found Freemasonry there to be in a very flourishing condition . On his way to England he had passed through France , and visited a lodge at Marseilles . He there found a very great difference in the working of lodges , but he found the same principle carried out in all , fitting brethren for admission to the Grand Lodge above . Several other toasts were given , and the evening was delightfully spent .
DUKE OF CON NAUGHT LODGE ( No . 1558 ) . —This lodge held its first regular meeting on Thursday , the 1 ith November , 187 : ; , at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell . Present : Bros . Wm . Snowden , W . M . ; W . S . Cackett , S . W . ; T . Sleap , J . W . ; J . Dann , Sec ; W . Mitchell-S . D . ; A . Runacres , J . D . ; E . VV . Boyton , D . C . ; J . Kemp , I . G . ; VV . Chalk , Steward ; F . Geider , Tyler .
Also visitors : Bros . V . Wilson , P . M . Etonian , 209 ; P . Tontcn , Victoria , 105 G ; W . Rowlands , Royal J ubilee , 72 ; and A . Martin , jnn ., Joppa , 188 . Business . —To confirm minutes of consecration and installation , also lodge of emergency of 28 th October . A ballot was taken for Messrs . C . E . Power , T . Taylor , E . Pearman , E . Sims , and J . E . Pentreath . The ballot was unanimously favourable in
each case , and the candidates being present , were initiated into Freemasonry according to ancient custom . On the W . M . rising for the first time , it was proposed , seconded , and carried unanimously , that the following votes of thanks be recorded on the lodge minutes , viz .: —To all the officers of the lodge , for kindness and generosity in presenting their collars and jewels to the lodge ; to the W . M ., for zeal
and untiring energy in the formation and establishment of the lodge ; to the S . W ., for lending harmonium to lodge at consecration ; to the S . D ., for presenting a box for safe keeping of collars , jewels , & c , ; to the Steward , for services rendered to lodge as Secretary at preliminary meetings ; to Bro . S . J . Harvey , D . C . Royal Jubilee , 72 , for present of square and compasses for Sacred Volume . Notice of motion
was given to raise the initiation fee from five to seven guineas . Proposition was made and seconded for three gentlemen as initiates . The bye-laws , as sanctioned by Grand Lodge , were read in open lodge and confirmed . All Alasonic business being ended , the lodge was closed in due
form , & c , and adjourned till the second Thursday in December . The brethren adjourned to refreshment , and the remainder of the evening was very pleasantly spent in the enjoyment of creature comforts and complimentary speeches . This new lodge is now fairly established , and its success appears to be sure and certain .
PROVINCIAL . HINCKLEY . —The Knights of Malta Lodge ( No . 50 ) . —On Monday , the ist inst ., the regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the George I Iotel , when there was a very good attendance , Bros . Tippttts , VV . M ., in the chair ; T . Worthington , S . W . ; C . S . Preston , J . W . ; T . VV . Clarke , Treas .
Wm . Crow , Sec ; A . C . Smith , S . D . ; T . Mason , J . D . ; W . T . Blastock , I . G . ; Alfred Young , Tyler . Amongst the P . M . ' s of the lodge were also present Bros . S . Davis , J . Atkins , W . H . Griffiths , and Rev . VV . Langley ; and visitors : Bros . J . T . Thorpe , VV . M . of 523 ; R . B . Smith , W . M ~ . elect of 1007 Phillips , , ' 13 . 53 ; Nugent , P . M . 432 ; Ewing , J . D .
1391 ; and ethers . The minutes having been confirmed , die election of VV . M . for the ensuing year took place , when Bro . T . Worthington , S . W ., was unanimously called to the chair . Iiro . T . W . Clarke , P . M ., was re-elected Treasurer . Some propositions of candidates for initiation were postponed until next meeting . Thc lodge was then closed and thc brethren adjourned to refreshment , when a very
sumptuous dinner was fully done justice to , and thanks duly awarded for thc liberal catering of the host . This old lodge , which has on more than one occasion nearly died out , seems now to be in a good way to become one of the best in the province out of Leicester . PRESCOT . —Lodge of Loyalty ( No . 86 ) . —The annua ! installation meeting of this ancient lodge , now about
1 io years old , was held on Wednesday , the 10 th mst ., at thc Masonic Hall , Derby-street , Prescot , near Liverpool . Owing to the inclemency of the weather , thc attendance was not so large as might have been expected . Bro . Reginald Young , W . M ., occupied thc chair at the beginning of thc proceedings , and amongst the other officers and brethren present were Bros . J . W . R , Fowler , P . M . ; J . T . Hall ,
P . M . ; VV . Tyrer , S . W . ; J . W . J . Fowler , P . Prov . G . A . D . C , P . M ., Treas . ; R . G . Elstonc , acting Sec . ; H . Vaughan , S . D . ; F . Smith , I . G . ; A . Tebbutt , S . ; J . A . Stoddart , S . ; G . Morgan , acting J . W . ; A . Fiascr , W . Jameson , W . Jackson , J . Matthews , A . S . Reynolds , and others . Thc visitors were Bros . Councillor G . Fowler , S . W . 216 ; H . W . Collins , P . M ., P . Prov . G . J . W . ; J . McCarthy , S . W .
1393 ; S . G . Dunn , W . M . 8 97 ; and others . Thc position of Installing Master was taken by Bro . J . W . J . Fowler , who placed Bro . W . Tyrer in the chair of VV . M . with much ability . The charges to thc following appointed officers were given by Bro . Fowler , jun .: —Bros . R . Young , I . P . M . ; J . Vaughan , S . W . ( by proxy ); H . Vaughan , J . W . ; J . W . J . Fowler , Treas . ; F . Smith , Sec ; A . Tebbutt , S . D . ; R . S . Reynolds , J . D . ; W . Jackson , I . G . ; J . A . Stoddart ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Org . ; A . 1-raser and R . G . Elstone , Stewards ; and Cowherd , Tyler . The brethren subsequently dined at the King ' s Arms Hotel , under the presidency of Bro . Tyrer , the W . M ., who gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts with terseness and force . "The Provincial Grand Officers of West Lancashire , Past and Present , " was responded to by Bro . Collins , P . Prov . G . J . W ., and Bro . J . W . J . Fowler , P .
Prov . G . A . D . C . Bro . R . Young , I . P . M ., proposed " The Worshipful Master and Officers , " and in doing so paid a high compliment to Bro . Tyrer , promising him his cordial support during his year of office . Bro . Tyrer , W . M ., briefly acknowledged the compliment , and also Bro . H . Vaughan , J . W . The W . M . then presented Bro . Reginald Young , I . P . M ., in the name of the brethren , with an exceedingly
handsome Past Master ' s jewel , as a mark of fraternal regard and esteem , and admiration for him during his year of office . Bro . Reginald Young suitably responded , and subsequently presented Bro . J . W . J . Fowler with a chaste and valuable silver salver , on the occasion of his leaving Prescot to take up his residence at Southport , the testimonial being got up by his Masonic friends in recognition of his long
and valuable services in connection with the Craft , Royal Arch , and other Masonic Orders . Bro . Fowler responded in suitable terms . " The West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution" was acknowledged by Bro . J . T . Hall , P . M ., who referred to the rapid increase of Freemasonry all over the country , and the necessity for a more cordial support of _ je charities . About a century ago , he
said , Masonry began to revive in England , and in London and district there were now 200 lodges , and nearly 1600 belonging to the Grand Lodge in England . The number of Masons connected with these lodges was about 170 , 000 ; in Scotland there were about 100 , 000 Masons ; in Ireland , 50 , 000 ; on the Continent of Europe—say 600 , 000 ; and in the United States , 300 , 000 . " The Visitors " was
acknowledged by Bro . Councillor Fowler , S . W . 216 . The proceedings terminated at an early hour . WINDSOR . — Etonian Lodge of St . John ( No . 209 ) . —This lodge met on the 2 nd inst . at the Masonic Hall . Present : Bros . John O . Carter , W . M . ; Denne , S . W . ; Canvin , J . W . ; Strange , P . P . S . D . Berks and Bucks , P . M ., Sec . ; Hume , J . D . ; Roberts , I . G . ; Nicholes , S . ;
Dixon , P . G . D . C . Berks and Bucks , I . P . M . ; J . Wilson , P . M . ; Reid , P . M . ; Mclllwham , P . M . ; Bryett , P . M . ; Jones , Pennicott , Hiscock , Clay , Garrett , Wood , Prince , l ^ gg , Cousins , & c . ( Visitors : Bros . Bingham , P . M . Windsor Castle , 771 ; Tolley , P . M . 771 ; Grisebrook , P . M . 771 ; Johnson , 771 ; Newlands , W . M . of Royal Sussex , 342 , J . Lee , Watford , 404 ; Brown , Great City , & c . The minutes
of the previous meeting were confirmed . The business of thc evening consisted of initiating Messrs . Day and Waterson , which ceremony was performed by B . ro . Mclllwham , P . M . ; passing Bro . Cousins by Bro . Dixon , I . P . M . ; and raising Bro . Legg , by the W . M . As the election of W . M . for thc ensuing year will take place on the next lodge night , a list of the brethren eligible for the chair was
announced . Before the lodge was closed a prayer for the safety of our Grand Master during his visit to India ( composed by Bro . the Rev . A . Robins , Chaplain of Windsor Castle Lodge , 771 ) , was read by the W . M . Too much praise cannot be bestowed on Bro . Tolley for the excellent manner in which he presided at the organ during the evening . His performance during the third ceremony was very
effective . GIBRALTAR . —Lodge Friendship ( No . 278 ) . —At a regular meeting held in thc lodge rooms on Wednesday , the 3 rd inst ., at 9 p . m—Present : W . Bro . B . Carver , I . P . M . 278 ; Bros . W . Glassford , S . W . ; E . Gatt , J . W . ; C . V . dc Sautez , Sec ; R . E . Owen , S . D . ; N . Clavcressc , J . D . ; J . J . Aboab , I . G . ; Capt . Sir A .
Mackworth , Steward ; J . Peterkin , Tyler . Members : Bros . A . Frolick , P . M . ; P . McCormick , P . M . ; J . Ashton , P . M . 115 ; R . B . Hepper , P . W . 278 ; W . J . Henry , P . M . 153 and 115 ; W . Stanley , P . W . 413 ; E . Harrison , W . Anderson , N . Nangle , A . Aparicis , Capt . J . Collins , J . W . Crisp , Dr . G . R . Rae , Biretta . Visiting Brethren : W . Bro . J . Beal , P . M . 325 ; Bros .
Arthur , Prince of Wales Lodge ; A . F . Pickard , 1383 ; W . Crompton , 153 ; W . Bro . G . Gilbard ; P . Prov . D . G . M . ; Bros . J . Hepper , 153 , Pro S . W . ; H . E . Batchelor , 1 ^ 3 ; H . Severny , 143 , Prov . J . W . ; H . Ryan , 43 ; D . Thigcrs , 153 ; J . Blair , P . M . ; J . F . Franceri , W . M . 325 . The lodge was duly opened by W . Bro . Carver , the I . P . M ., and the usual business of
confirming minutes , & c , having been gone through , the Rt . Wor . the D . G . M ., Bro . Cornwall , was conducted into the lodge by P . D . G . M ., Bro . Capt . Gilbard . Bro . Biretta was advanced to the degree of Master Mason , the ceremony being performed in the usual impressive manner by Wor . Bro . Carver . Immediately after the ceremony the Rt . Wor . the D . G . M . and the P . D . G . M . escorted our
visiting Bro . H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught into the lodge , when , after some ordinary business had transpired , the lodge was closed in the usual manner by the W . M . The brethren then adjourned to the refreshment room , where the usual refreshment awaited them ; and W . Bro . Carver having taken the chair , being supported by the D . G . M . and his efficient Wardens , The usual loyal toasts
were given and duly honoured . The W . M ., the D . G . Master , then arose to call the attention of the brethren to the presence among them this evening of our distinguished Bro . H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , and after a very appropriate and warm address regarding the connection of His Royal Highness and his distinguished brother , the Grand Master of England , with the Craft , called upon the
brethren to drink his health with the usual honours , which were heaitily responded to by ihe brethren . The newly raised brother having also duly responded , the brethren separated , after spending a most enjoyable evening . LEICESTER . —St . John ' sLodge ( No . 279 ) . —This lodge held its regular meeting on Wednesday , November 3 rd , at Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , under the presidency of Bro . J . W . Smith , W . M ., supported by the following
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
with the true principles of Masonry . This was very pleasinir and satisfactory . The time had now come when he must sever his connexion with the lodge as its Secretary . The Girls' School ( he spoke it in the presence of Bro . Binckes ) must claim his first attention ; he could not , perhaps , say his undivided attention , because his greatest pleasure was in Freemasonry , which had always been his
feeling- He became thc Secretary of thc lodge through a deputation waiting upon him , and asking him to accept tlie office ; and this he consented to do , and in that position lie had striven hard to perform his duties . His endeavours had been successful , and he had had the pleasure of seeing the lodge most prosperous . Not the least part of that success was the establishment of the Benevolent Fund . It
would always be a pleasure to him to see the lodge nourish , and to see it extend , as it always had extended , to brethren the right hand of fellowship . " The Tyler ' s " toast was then given , and a very pleasant evening was brought to a close . ST . CLEMENTS DANES LODGE ( No . 1351 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held at Bro . Can's , King ' s
Head Hotel , Strand , on the 5 th of the present month , when , as is usual , a goodly number of brethren assisted in the working , which was performed in a manner that few lodges so young can boast of . Bro . Steward , the W . M ., raised , passed , and initiated , and went through thc working with ease and impressiveness ; Bros . Livett , S . W . ; Wilson , l . W . ; Porter , S . D . ; Wigg , J . D . ; Ferryman , D . C . ;
Butter , I . G . ; Barnes , Org ., were at the working ; whilst that which is always a feature and a most welcome , one at this lodge—the presence of the Past Masters of it—was not wanting , as there were thc well-known faccsof Bros . Belts , I . P . M . ; Hilton , Sec . ; Parker , Treas . ; Hamilton , and Hale to be seen , making the younger brethren feel how deep was thc " mystic tie" that bound them and their seniors in
the Craft so closely together . After thc lodge was closed the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet provided by Bro . Carr , which was as ample as it was inclusive of all that is in season . Amongst those who were present at it were , besides the above named , Bros . Mott , Arthur Belts , Wiseman , Hepburn , Chas . Blarney , Duncan Harrison , Townley , Brannan , Gages , 3 ; Harward , Hutton , 2 ;
Movand , William 11 . Hall , Itdbury , & c , and several visitors . The usual Masonic and loyal toasts were duly given and responded to , and a . most agreeable evening was spent , to which the brethren possessing musical accomplishments greatly contributed . Wc are glad to state that the lodge
of instruction , held on a Wednesday evening , is well attended , and that not only those brethren who were amongst the first to constitute thc lodge , but the younger ones , Masonically speaking , also put in an appearance , and the word " instruction " is really shown to be thc meaning of the gathering .
THE GREAT CITY LODGE ( No . 1426 ) . —A meeting of this flourishing lodge was held on Satuiday last , at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , when there was as usual a capital attendance of brethren . Bro . J . Hamilton Townend , VV . M ., presided , and was supported by Bros . Seex , S . W . ; Stanway , J . W . ; Blackie , S . D . ; Catchpolc , J . D . ; Thomas Preston , I . G . ;
Edward Moody , Sec . ; I lenry Thompson , P . M . ; and others . By the kind courtesy of the VV . M ., Bro . Henry Thompson , P . M ., whose eldest son was a candidate for the Second Degree , took the chair for that ceremony , and passed Bros . Wright , Wynne , VV . E . Thompson , Cadiot , Bertram , and Evennett . Bro . Townend , VV . M ., performed the ether ceremonies , raising Bros .
Skinner , Benskin , J . Hartley , Lockitt , and Clark ; and initialing Messrs . Powell , M . K . Frith , T . E . Lugger , and L . J . Hudd . The W . M . performed the raising three times , and admirably acquitted himself as VV . M . Four propositions were given in for new candidates at next meeting . Bro . Edward Moody gave notice that he would move at the next lodge meeting that thc initiation fee should be
raised to ten guineas . This was the whole of the business before the brethren , who then adjourned to a nice supper , and afterwards honoured the usual toasls . The VV . M . presided . In proposing the toast of "Thc M . W . G . M ., " he wished his Royal Highness the best of health , and that his journey to India might prove a benefit both to that country and to this . In giving " The Pro Grand Master , " the
W . M . referred to him as a biother who had been of eminent service to thc Craft , and was also a good Mason and able statesman . When giving the loast of "The D . G . M ., and the rest of the Grand Officers , & c , " the W . M . reminded the brethren of The Great City Lodge that the Junior Grand Warden of England for the present year ( Bro . Alderman Stone ) was a member of their loilge , and
therefore more especially might he ask them to do all honour to thc toast . Bro . N . B . Headon , I . P . M ., proposed " The VV . M . " It was the first time since his installation that he had had the the pleasure of doing so . He might say that the W . M . had that day disposed of a large amount of business , and every one who had witnessed it must have been gratified at the able manner in which it had been
done . He felt assured that thc more the brethren saw of the VV . M . the more they would be pleased with him . He wculd be glad when the time arrived that he would have to make room for such a worthy Mason . After Bro . Hook had rendered in a superior style " The Village Blacksmith , " the W . M . replied , and said the remarks ofthe I . P . M . were very flattering , and he was much obliged for the
kind feeling which had dict-ited them . He was afraid , however , tbat Brother Headon had , for friendship ' s sake , passed oier his imperfections , as it was known he worked a different system , although he wished to follow in thc steps of
his predecessors . He regretted that there was a difference in the rituals ; but he ( bought by blending the two together one of the most beautiful rituals might be produced ever known in thc world . He hoped that he should get better as he went on . He would do his best to serve them as Master of the lodge , and trusted that at the end of his year
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
° f office they would have no cause to regret having placed him in the chair . Thc W . M . next gave " The P . M . ' s , " for whom Bros . Headon and James Stevens returned thanks . He then gave " Thc Initiates , " remarking that since Thc Great City Lodge had been formed it had ncver met without having an infusion of new blood . Very seldom had it met without four or five gentlemen coming
forward for membership of the Craft . Frequently also an emergency had to be called to admit them . The Great City Lodge always held out to them " the light hand of fellowship . " Without initiates a lodge would soon die out , an event which was not likely to befal The Great City Lodge . Bro . M . K . Fiith and the other new brethren responded to the toast of " The Initiates . " A brother from China replied for "The Visitors , " and remarked that he had
been in China for 18 years , and he had found Freemasonry there to be in a very flourishing condition . On his way to England he had passed through France , and visited a lodge at Marseilles . He there found a very great difference in the working of lodges , but he found the same principle carried out in all , fitting brethren for admission to the Grand Lodge above . Several other toasts were given , and the evening was delightfully spent .
DUKE OF CON NAUGHT LODGE ( No . 1558 ) . —This lodge held its first regular meeting on Thursday , the 1 ith November , 187 : ; , at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell . Present : Bros . Wm . Snowden , W . M . ; W . S . Cackett , S . W . ; T . Sleap , J . W . ; J . Dann , Sec ; W . Mitchell-S . D . ; A . Runacres , J . D . ; E . VV . Boyton , D . C . ; J . Kemp , I . G . ; VV . Chalk , Steward ; F . Geider , Tyler .
Also visitors : Bros . V . Wilson , P . M . Etonian , 209 ; P . Tontcn , Victoria , 105 G ; W . Rowlands , Royal J ubilee , 72 ; and A . Martin , jnn ., Joppa , 188 . Business . —To confirm minutes of consecration and installation , also lodge of emergency of 28 th October . A ballot was taken for Messrs . C . E . Power , T . Taylor , E . Pearman , E . Sims , and J . E . Pentreath . The ballot was unanimously favourable in
each case , and the candidates being present , were initiated into Freemasonry according to ancient custom . On the W . M . rising for the first time , it was proposed , seconded , and carried unanimously , that the following votes of thanks be recorded on the lodge minutes , viz .: —To all the officers of the lodge , for kindness and generosity in presenting their collars and jewels to the lodge ; to the W . M ., for zeal
and untiring energy in the formation and establishment of the lodge ; to the S . W ., for lending harmonium to lodge at consecration ; to the S . D ., for presenting a box for safe keeping of collars , jewels , & c , ; to the Steward , for services rendered to lodge as Secretary at preliminary meetings ; to Bro . S . J . Harvey , D . C . Royal Jubilee , 72 , for present of square and compasses for Sacred Volume . Notice of motion
was given to raise the initiation fee from five to seven guineas . Proposition was made and seconded for three gentlemen as initiates . The bye-laws , as sanctioned by Grand Lodge , were read in open lodge and confirmed . All Alasonic business being ended , the lodge was closed in due
form , & c , and adjourned till the second Thursday in December . The brethren adjourned to refreshment , and the remainder of the evening was very pleasantly spent in the enjoyment of creature comforts and complimentary speeches . This new lodge is now fairly established , and its success appears to be sure and certain .
PROVINCIAL . HINCKLEY . —The Knights of Malta Lodge ( No . 50 ) . —On Monday , the ist inst ., the regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the George I Iotel , when there was a very good attendance , Bros . Tippttts , VV . M ., in the chair ; T . Worthington , S . W . ; C . S . Preston , J . W . ; T . VV . Clarke , Treas .
Wm . Crow , Sec ; A . C . Smith , S . D . ; T . Mason , J . D . ; W . T . Blastock , I . G . ; Alfred Young , Tyler . Amongst the P . M . ' s of the lodge were also present Bros . S . Davis , J . Atkins , W . H . Griffiths , and Rev . VV . Langley ; and visitors : Bros . J . T . Thorpe , VV . M . of 523 ; R . B . Smith , W . M ~ . elect of 1007 Phillips , , ' 13 . 53 ; Nugent , P . M . 432 ; Ewing , J . D .
1391 ; and ethers . The minutes having been confirmed , die election of VV . M . for the ensuing year took place , when Bro . T . Worthington , S . W ., was unanimously called to the chair . Iiro . T . W . Clarke , P . M ., was re-elected Treasurer . Some propositions of candidates for initiation were postponed until next meeting . Thc lodge was then closed and thc brethren adjourned to refreshment , when a very
sumptuous dinner was fully done justice to , and thanks duly awarded for thc liberal catering of the host . This old lodge , which has on more than one occasion nearly died out , seems now to be in a good way to become one of the best in the province out of Leicester . PRESCOT . —Lodge of Loyalty ( No . 86 ) . —The annua ! installation meeting of this ancient lodge , now about
1 io years old , was held on Wednesday , the 10 th mst ., at thc Masonic Hall , Derby-street , Prescot , near Liverpool . Owing to the inclemency of the weather , thc attendance was not so large as might have been expected . Bro . Reginald Young , W . M ., occupied thc chair at the beginning of thc proceedings , and amongst the other officers and brethren present were Bros . J . W . R , Fowler , P . M . ; J . T . Hall ,
P . M . ; VV . Tyrer , S . W . ; J . W . J . Fowler , P . Prov . G . A . D . C , P . M ., Treas . ; R . G . Elstonc , acting Sec . ; H . Vaughan , S . D . ; F . Smith , I . G . ; A . Tebbutt , S . ; J . A . Stoddart , S . ; G . Morgan , acting J . W . ; A . Fiascr , W . Jameson , W . Jackson , J . Matthews , A . S . Reynolds , and others . Thc visitors were Bros . Councillor G . Fowler , S . W . 216 ; H . W . Collins , P . M ., P . Prov . G . J . W . ; J . McCarthy , S . W .
1393 ; S . G . Dunn , W . M . 8 97 ; and others . Thc position of Installing Master was taken by Bro . J . W . J . Fowler , who placed Bro . W . Tyrer in the chair of VV . M . with much ability . The charges to thc following appointed officers were given by Bro . Fowler , jun .: —Bros . R . Young , I . P . M . ; J . Vaughan , S . W . ( by proxy ); H . Vaughan , J . W . ; J . W . J . Fowler , Treas . ; F . Smith , Sec ; A . Tebbutt , S . D . ; R . S . Reynolds , J . D . ; W . Jackson , I . G . ; J . A . Stoddart ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Org . ; A . 1-raser and R . G . Elstone , Stewards ; and Cowherd , Tyler . The brethren subsequently dined at the King ' s Arms Hotel , under the presidency of Bro . Tyrer , the W . M ., who gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts with terseness and force . "The Provincial Grand Officers of West Lancashire , Past and Present , " was responded to by Bro . Collins , P . Prov . G . J . W ., and Bro . J . W . J . Fowler , P .
Prov . G . A . D . C . Bro . R . Young , I . P . M ., proposed " The Worshipful Master and Officers , " and in doing so paid a high compliment to Bro . Tyrer , promising him his cordial support during his year of office . Bro . Tyrer , W . M ., briefly acknowledged the compliment , and also Bro . H . Vaughan , J . W . The W . M . then presented Bro . Reginald Young , I . P . M ., in the name of the brethren , with an exceedingly
handsome Past Master ' s jewel , as a mark of fraternal regard and esteem , and admiration for him during his year of office . Bro . Reginald Young suitably responded , and subsequently presented Bro . J . W . J . Fowler with a chaste and valuable silver salver , on the occasion of his leaving Prescot to take up his residence at Southport , the testimonial being got up by his Masonic friends in recognition of his long
and valuable services in connection with the Craft , Royal Arch , and other Masonic Orders . Bro . Fowler responded in suitable terms . " The West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution" was acknowledged by Bro . J . T . Hall , P . M ., who referred to the rapid increase of Freemasonry all over the country , and the necessity for a more cordial support of _ je charities . About a century ago , he
said , Masonry began to revive in England , and in London and district there were now 200 lodges , and nearly 1600 belonging to the Grand Lodge in England . The number of Masons connected with these lodges was about 170 , 000 ; in Scotland there were about 100 , 000 Masons ; in Ireland , 50 , 000 ; on the Continent of Europe—say 600 , 000 ; and in the United States , 300 , 000 . " The Visitors " was
acknowledged by Bro . Councillor Fowler , S . W . 216 . The proceedings terminated at an early hour . WINDSOR . — Etonian Lodge of St . John ( No . 209 ) . —This lodge met on the 2 nd inst . at the Masonic Hall . Present : Bros . John O . Carter , W . M . ; Denne , S . W . ; Canvin , J . W . ; Strange , P . P . S . D . Berks and Bucks , P . M ., Sec . ; Hume , J . D . ; Roberts , I . G . ; Nicholes , S . ;
Dixon , P . G . D . C . Berks and Bucks , I . P . M . ; J . Wilson , P . M . ; Reid , P . M . ; Mclllwham , P . M . ; Bryett , P . M . ; Jones , Pennicott , Hiscock , Clay , Garrett , Wood , Prince , l ^ gg , Cousins , & c . ( Visitors : Bros . Bingham , P . M . Windsor Castle , 771 ; Tolley , P . M . 771 ; Grisebrook , P . M . 771 ; Johnson , 771 ; Newlands , W . M . of Royal Sussex , 342 , J . Lee , Watford , 404 ; Brown , Great City , & c . The minutes
of the previous meeting were confirmed . The business of thc evening consisted of initiating Messrs . Day and Waterson , which ceremony was performed by B . ro . Mclllwham , P . M . ; passing Bro . Cousins by Bro . Dixon , I . P . M . ; and raising Bro . Legg , by the W . M . As the election of W . M . for thc ensuing year will take place on the next lodge night , a list of the brethren eligible for the chair was
announced . Before the lodge was closed a prayer for the safety of our Grand Master during his visit to India ( composed by Bro . the Rev . A . Robins , Chaplain of Windsor Castle Lodge , 771 ) , was read by the W . M . Too much praise cannot be bestowed on Bro . Tolley for the excellent manner in which he presided at the organ during the evening . His performance during the third ceremony was very
effective . GIBRALTAR . —Lodge Friendship ( No . 278 ) . —At a regular meeting held in thc lodge rooms on Wednesday , the 3 rd inst ., at 9 p . m—Present : W . Bro . B . Carver , I . P . M . 278 ; Bros . W . Glassford , S . W . ; E . Gatt , J . W . ; C . V . dc Sautez , Sec ; R . E . Owen , S . D . ; N . Clavcressc , J . D . ; J . J . Aboab , I . G . ; Capt . Sir A .
Mackworth , Steward ; J . Peterkin , Tyler . Members : Bros . A . Frolick , P . M . ; P . McCormick , P . M . ; J . Ashton , P . M . 115 ; R . B . Hepper , P . W . 278 ; W . J . Henry , P . M . 153 and 115 ; W . Stanley , P . W . 413 ; E . Harrison , W . Anderson , N . Nangle , A . Aparicis , Capt . J . Collins , J . W . Crisp , Dr . G . R . Rae , Biretta . Visiting Brethren : W . Bro . J . Beal , P . M . 325 ; Bros .
Arthur , Prince of Wales Lodge ; A . F . Pickard , 1383 ; W . Crompton , 153 ; W . Bro . G . Gilbard ; P . Prov . D . G . M . ; Bros . J . Hepper , 153 , Pro S . W . ; H . E . Batchelor , 1 ^ 3 ; H . Severny , 143 , Prov . J . W . ; H . Ryan , 43 ; D . Thigcrs , 153 ; J . Blair , P . M . ; J . F . Franceri , W . M . 325 . The lodge was duly opened by W . Bro . Carver , the I . P . M ., and the usual business of
confirming minutes , & c , having been gone through , the Rt . Wor . the D . G . M ., Bro . Cornwall , was conducted into the lodge by P . D . G . M ., Bro . Capt . Gilbard . Bro . Biretta was advanced to the degree of Master Mason , the ceremony being performed in the usual impressive manner by Wor . Bro . Carver . Immediately after the ceremony the Rt . Wor . the D . G . M . and the P . D . G . M . escorted our
visiting Bro . H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught into the lodge , when , after some ordinary business had transpired , the lodge was closed in the usual manner by the W . M . The brethren then adjourned to the refreshment room , where the usual refreshment awaited them ; and W . Bro . Carver having taken the chair , being supported by the D . G . M . and his efficient Wardens , The usual loyal toasts
were given and duly honoured . The W . M ., the D . G . Master , then arose to call the attention of the brethren to the presence among them this evening of our distinguished Bro . H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , and after a very appropriate and warm address regarding the connection of His Royal Highness and his distinguished brother , the Grand Master of England , with the Craft , called upon the
brethren to drink his health with the usual honours , which were heaitily responded to by ihe brethren . The newly raised brother having also duly responded , the brethren separated , after spending a most enjoyable evening . LEICESTER . —St . John ' sLodge ( No . 279 ) . —This lodge held its regular meeting on Wednesday , November 3 rd , at Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , under the presidency of Bro . J . W . Smith , W . M ., supported by the following