Article Royal Arch. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal and Select Masters. Page 1 of 1 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 3 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 3 →
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Royal Arch.
rcnce , Walls , and Lithbury vocally " amused the brethren , who separated at a late hour after enjoying a most instructiv e and agreeable evening . GATESHEAD . —De Burghi Chapter ( No . , 11 ) . —On Thursday , 2 S 1 I 1 October , the members held their ii ' murd meeting at the Freemasons' Hall , West-street , for the purpose of installing E . Comps . James Hune
Thompson , Z . ; Andrew Harkncss , M . ; ajul John Edward Robson , ' . ) - Comp . Robert Smaile , P . Z ., Installing Master , performed thc ceremony , . die following were invested as officers for the ensuing year , viz .: —A . Clapham , P . Z ., Treas . ; Rd . Gregory , E . ; J . D . Stephen , N . ; M . Guthrie , P . S .: N . Brown , First A . S . ; J . Montgomery , Second A . S . ;
ami . !• Curry , Janitor . Amongst the visitors and memb r . ' were Wm . Henry Crookes . i ' rov . G . E . Durham ; Wm I . iddell , P . G . J . ; E . D . Davis , P . Prov . G . H . ; Dr . R . F . Crook , P . Z . ; F . P . Jonn , P . Z . 414 ; Jas . Humphrey , 97 . 'Hie companions then adjourned to th . banquet , after which followed the various loyal and -Masonic toasts .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
DOVER . —Cinque Ports Lodge ( No . 132-. — The iiistallaliou meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday at Bro . 'Person's room , Townwall-street , Dover . The lodge was opened by Bro . Terson , and afterwards Bro . lggesden was installed as W . M . by Bro . F . Binckes . The following P . M ' s were present : —II . C . Fuhr , Osmnnt , Terson . Bros . T . Terson , Cannon , Wilkins , Whicher , Turner , Hi
M . Baker . After the U > d-, e work was completeil the brethren adjourned to Bro . Fuhr ' s Hotel de Paris , where a banquet , in all respects unexceptionable , was provided , to wliich the brethren did ample justice , and afterwards honoured the toasts usual at all meetings of Mark Masters . The lodge , which has been in abeyance for some time , appears now to have taken a fresh start ; ami it is said th-. re
is every prospect of it becoming very successful . Already there are four candidates for advancement at next meeting , and several n'lu-rs are expected to com .-. ] The above appeared in our second edition of last week . ] HINCKLEY . —The Knights of Malta , Timo Immemorial Lodge ( No . 30 on the roll of the English Grand Lodge of Mirk Masters ) , after two years'
inaction , m -t again for an emergency meeting on Monday , the ist inst ., Bro . the Rev . VV . Langley , Past Chaplain of Grand Maik Lodge and D . P . G . M . M ., iu the W . M . ' s chair . Bros . R . Houghton Smith , S . VV . 21 , as S . W . ; T . VV . Clarke , J . W . ; Nugent , M . O . ; Griffiths , S . O . ; J . Atkins , J . O . ; T . Harrold , Secretary ; J . T . Thorpe , S . D . of in , as Deacon ; Tippits , as I . G . The minutes
of ihe last lodge having been confirmed , the ballot was taken for five candidates : Bros . P . VVorthingloii , C . 8111-sonie Preston , Thomas Marson , Joseph Barber , and Robert Bradshaw Smith , all memb .-rs of the old Craft , Lodge 50 , and being unanimously elected , they were advanced to the honourable degree of a M . M . by tlu acting W . M . and the old officers of the lodge , assisted by Bros . R .
Houghton Smith and 1 horpc , who most ably performed their duties , tiro . Rev . W . Langley was then unanimousl y elected VV . M . of the lodge for the ensuing year , and Bro . T . Clarke , Treasurer . Two brethren were proposed as candidates for advancement at the next meeting , and the lodge was closed . Letters of apology for absence were then read from Bros . W . Kelly , Prov . G . M . M ., and J .
S pittall , W . M . Now that a little fresh life is stirred up in this old Time Immemorial Lodge it will in all probability make up for lost time , and regain its position in the proline- as second only to the well worked and prosperous Fowke Lodge , No . 19 , held at Leicester . It is hoped by the Hinckley brethren that Bro . Kelly will hold his next annual Provincial Grand Mark Lodge under its banner ,
and so give encouragement to tlune who have taken great interest in its resuscitation , DEVIZES . — Wiltshire Keystone Mark Lodgo ( No . 178 ) . —The annual meeting of this young , lodge , which was consecrated a year ago , was held on Wednesday , the -jrd inst ., at the Town Hall , when the Rev . T . F . T . Ravenshaw , P . G . M . Ch ., the W . M . M . elect for
the ensuing year , was duly installed in the chair of A . b y the retiring Master , Bro . Wm . Nott , G . Mk . St ., assisted by Bro . William Munro , W . M . M . 119 . The newly-in-MiHed Master then appointed and invested his officers , the principal of whom were as follows : The Rev . Henry
Kichardson , S . VV . ; | olm Chandler , | . W . ; D . A . Gibbs , M . O . ; F . V . Holloway , S . O . ; J . 11 . Chandler , J . O . ; D . A . Gibbs , Treas ; VV . Nott , I . P . M . Sec ; II . J . Ward , Reg . A candidate for advancement at the next meeting- having been proposed , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned and afterwards dined together at the Crown Hotel .
Royal And Select Masters.
Royal and Select Masters .
A Council of this body met on Wednesday at the new lod ge rooms , Red Lion Square . The Rev . G . R . Portal , "I . A ., M . P . G . M ., presided , and he was supported by Caplain N . G . Philips , D . G . M . ; Comps . Frederick Binckes , G . Recorder ; Hyde Pullen , G . P . C . Work ; Frederick Davison
, 1 ; - T . ; Shadwell Gierke , T . VV . Coffin , S . Rosenthal , T . I . M . V ' o . 3 ; and John Read , Org . A lodge of Most Excellent Masters was opened , and the '" mutes of former meetings of council were read and conhimed .
livo candidates presented themselves for reception , the ' •• v . Dr . Brette , of Christ ' s Hospital , and the Rev . Wm . Ambrose Hall , of Walton-on-the-Hill . These worthy *'( mpanions were respectively acknowledged as Most Ex"llent Masters , received Royal Masters , greeted Select Mastcis , and created Super Excellent Masters . ' he cjuncil was then duly closed and adjourned .
Scotland .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF PERTHSHIRE , EAST . On Friday , the 29 th ult ., a meeting ofthe Prov . G . L . of Perthshire , East was held in the hall of the R . A . Lodge , Perth , at four o ' clock p . m ., for the purpose of installing the Right Hon . Lard Kinnaird , K . T ., as Prov . Grand Master , and his ofiicers . The officers were as follows : —Bros . J .
B . Brown-Morrison , Depute Master , Dr . William Cowan , Substitute Master ; Rev . W . G . H . Carmichael , Chaplain ; William MacLcish , Senior Warden ; Colonel D . R . Williamson , of Lawers , Junior Warden ; Robert Mitchell , Secretary ; Rig ht Worshipful Bro . John Chalmers , Scoon and Perth Lodge , No , 3 , Treasurer ; Past Master Robert Dow , Royal Arch Lodge , 122 , Senior Deacon ; Robert
Lees , Lodge St . Andrews , 7 , ; , Junior D-acon ; Past Master John Young , C . E ., Lodge St . Andrews , 74 , Architect ; John Baird , Scoon and Perth Lodge , Jeweller ; John Wilson , Royal Arch Lodge , Bible-Bearer ; Ri g ht Worshipful Bro . George Hutton , Royal Arch Lodge , Director of Ceremonies ; John Scott , Royal Arch Lodge , Sword Bearer ; William Bryson , St . Andrew ' s Lodge , Director of Music ; James
Rol' . c , Royal Arch Ledge , Standard Bearer ; Peter Carmichael , Scoon and Perth Lodge , Steward ; John Robertsou , St . Andrew ' s Lodge , Inner Guard ; David Cockrane , St . Andrew's Lodge , T yler . The lodge having been duly constituted , a prayer was offered up by the Worshipful and Rev . Chaplain , VV . G . II . Carmichael , and opened in due and ancient form .
The installation ceremony was performed in a most imposing and impressive manner by Bro . George R . Harriot , of Kiiliemore , R . VV . Prov . Grand Master of Wigton and Kirkcudbrightshire . There was a large attendance of the fraternity , thc number being over 200 , and included deputations from the lodges in the Province , as well as from Dunkeld , Dundee , Forfar , and various other
places . There has seldom been 111 Perthshire such a large gathering of the respectable and ancient fraternity , and certainly no gathering where the success was so great . After the installation ceremony , Rig ht Worshipful Bro . Harriot gave a most interesting address on the great and universal princip les of thc Order , which are founded on the purest principles of piety and virtue .
It may be mentioned that the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Lord Kinnaird , has taken a great interest in restoring to the province the benefits of a Grand Lodge , which will now be able to take that supervision over the various lodges in the province which is so necessary for the proper and efficient working of the ancient Craft . This Provincial Grand Lodge has been in a
dormant state for several years , and it is tluc to the Provincial Grand Master to say that when a proposal to resuscitate the lodge was put betoe him , he entered into the whole matter with that zeal and amiability for which he is so well and deservedly known and respected . The brethren in the city have made a determination to range themselves round his lordship , and , shoulder-to-shoulder ,
press forward in the work of brotherly love , benevolence , and charity , which are well known to be the watchwords of the Craft . After the installation ceremony had beeu concluded , the brethren , in a quiet way , and withvut any parade , pomp , or ceremony , wended their way towards the Salutation Hotel , where a splendid banquet had been prepared for
them by Bro . Peter Carmichael , Provincial Grand Steward . The chair was occupied by thc Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Lord Kinnaird , and the croupiers were Bro . William MacLeish , who filled the chair of Senior Warden ; Bro . John Young ( in thc absence of Colonel Williamson ) , Junior Warden -, and Bro . Robert Dow , Senior Deacon . Over 100 brethren were seated round the tables in the great hall
of the hotel , wliich was tastefully decorated for the occasion , by the care and industry of Bro . Dow , with various banners , on which were painted a number of beautiful symbols and emblems of the Craft . There were many brethren present clothed in the uniform of the 42 nd Royal Highlanders and the 79 th ( Queen ' s Own ) Cameron Hi ghlanders ; and these brethren , along with the officers and
Wardens of the various lodges present , clothed with their aprons , collars , gauntlets , and jewels , presented a very pleasing effect , aud one that is not likel y soon to be forgotten by the brethren who were present . After the lodge had been opened in due and ancient form , and constituted by prayer by thc VV . and It . Chaplain , The Provincial Grand Master proposed " The Health of
the Queen , " Although Her Majesty was not a Mason , and could not by the rules of Masonry be one , yet from what he personall y knew of her lirtues , he felt quite sure that she was a Mason at heart , and he had no doubt the Masons present , as did every Mason throughout thc empire , would enthusiastically drink to Her Majesty ' s long life , health , and happiness . ( Applause . ) One of the first
things that a Mason on being initiated learned was to be loyal and obedient to the laws of the realm , both of his own country and of any state or country in thc world where Providence rriight cast his lot . The toast was responded to with great heartiness , and the band—under thc efficient leadership of Bro . William Bryson , Director of Music—played" Godsavethe Queen . "
The Proviucial Grand Master then said that although this toast had been put upon the list as " Thc Queen , and the rest of the Royal Family , " he considered it right and proper , on the present occasion , that thc two should be separated , especially on account of an interesting fact which
he had to announce , and of which the brethren were previously ignorant , namely , that her Royal and Imperial Hi ghness the Duchess of Edinburgh had that day given birth to a daughter . ( Applause . ) Thc toast was then drunk with all the honours . The Provincial Grand Master next proposed " Thc Grand
Lodge of England , aud Bro . His Royal Highness thc Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M . " He hoped that His Royal Highness would safely return from thc far country to which he had gone , after having- spent a pleasant , happy , and profitable time in India . They were well aware that recentl y a certain body hail taken away their Most Worshi pful Grand Master , the Earl of Ripon , and thus a blow was
struck at the Order , which was supposed at the time to have a most dangerous tifec ; instead of this , however , it had been quite the opposite , as His Royal Hi ghness the Prince of Wales came manfull y forward , and " filled the breach , and thus gave to Masonry an impetus which it
never had before . ( Applause . ) lie trusted that the impetus which had been given to the Craft in England would extend , as undoubtedly it had extended , to Scotland , and that this Grand Lodge which had now been restored in their midst would be one of those branches of the grand old Craft which would tend to extend the Order wider and
deeper than ever . ( Applause . ) He concluded by expressing the hop < : that God would grant His Royal Highness long life , health , and happiness . ( Applause . ) The toast having been drunk with great enthusiasm , Brother Grei g of Gleucarse responded for the Grand Lodge of England . In the course of his reply , Brother Greig said he had been made a Mason in England some
fifty years ago . His being present on that occasion brought to his remembrance a banquet that was given to the late Earl of Yarborough , who was adopted Grand Master of England , and it was attended by many of the -lite of the land , and there , as he found in Scotland , Masons proved themselves ri ght good fellows . ( Cheers . ) No doubt , the very fact of His Royal Highness being
the Grand Master Mason of England would brinf thousands to join the Craft , and thc impetus that must be given from what had taken place that day in the Fair City of Perth would add hundreds , he should like to say thousands , to the Craft . ( Cheers . ) He had great pleasure in benpf present that day to witness their noble Chairman placed in the position he now occupied .
( Applause . ) The Provincial Grind Master proposed " The Grand Lodge of Ireland , and Brother the Duke of Abereorn , M . W . G . M . " He knew but little of the Grand Lodge of Ireland , and the doings of the daughter lodges in that part of the kingdom ; but as he was connected by family ties to Ireland , he could vouch that the brethren of Ireland were good men and true , and
paid great attention to their duties as Craftsmen . ( Applause . ) The Provincial Grand Master proposed "The Grand Lodge of Scotland , and Brother Sir Michael Robert Shaw Stewart , M . W . G . M . " He said that Sir Michael Shaw Stewart paid great attention to the duties of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , which was in good working order , and he hoped that this branch which had now been restored would be useful in aiding anil assisting iu the work .
The Provincial Grand Master next proposed "TheSister Provincial Grand Lodges i , f Scotland . " lie was glad to sec such a large representation of the brethren from Dundee and Forfar—a province he knew which was endeavouring , as had that day been done iu Perthshire East , to restore to that province a Provincial Grand Lod ge ; and he was quite sure , from the efficient manner in whieh the
duties of thc evening had been performed by their Installing Master , the Right Worshi pful Brother George R . Harriot , they would leave the " Fair City " after having learned many useful lessons that would enable them still further to proceed with the work they had in view . ( Applause . ) This toast was very ably responded to by the RHil
Worshipful Master of the Operative Lodge , Dundee , and also by the Right Worshi pful Master of one of thc Forfar lodges . R . Wor . Bro . R . G . Harriott then proposed the toast ofthe evening , " The Provincial Grand Lodge of Perthshire , East , aud Bro . Lord Kinnaird , R . W . P . G . M . " In submitting the toast , he said it gave him great pleasure to be
present . He had no doubt from what he had seen of Lord Kinnaird , and thc officers and brethren of this lodge , iu their endeavour to restore the lodge to the province , that they would do their work in an able an efficient manner , and would be enabled to raise the Craft to that position in the eyes of the world which it should ever hold . If Masonry
was not a religion , it was at least a handmaid to Christianity , and embraced all the principles which ought to guide a man through life . Freemasonry enabled a man of whatever country , clime , or race , to live a righteous life , and showed him his duty to God , his neighbour , and to himself .
Thc toast was drunk by the brethren of the visiting lodges with great enthusiasm . The Proviucial Grand Master replied in an able and impressive manner . He hoped that the lodge which had now been restored would prosper , and stated that he personally would make every endeavour to secure this end . He trusted , and , indeed , he had no doubt , the officers who
had that day been installed would manfull y support him , and he had great hopes of their doing much good amongst the lodges in thc province , and restoring many of them now in a dormant state to life again . He knew that there were sometimes great difficulties in working country lodges in a proper and efficient manner ; but now that a uniform standard had been sanctioned by the Grand Lodge of Scotland , there could be little difficulty in Masters of Lodges
informing themselves of the same , as any Master within the province could make application either to himself personally or to his Depute or Substitute Masters , and receive the information which would enable them to do their work efficiently . He begged , in thc name of the lodge , and of himself and ofiicers , to thank Right Worshipful Uro . Harriot for the very able and effective manner in which he had performed the duties of the day , and for his great kindness
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
rcnce , Walls , and Lithbury vocally " amused the brethren , who separated at a late hour after enjoying a most instructiv e and agreeable evening . GATESHEAD . —De Burghi Chapter ( No . , 11 ) . —On Thursday , 2 S 1 I 1 October , the members held their ii ' murd meeting at the Freemasons' Hall , West-street , for the purpose of installing E . Comps . James Hune
Thompson , Z . ; Andrew Harkncss , M . ; ajul John Edward Robson , ' . ) - Comp . Robert Smaile , P . Z ., Installing Master , performed thc ceremony , . die following were invested as officers for the ensuing year , viz .: —A . Clapham , P . Z ., Treas . ; Rd . Gregory , E . ; J . D . Stephen , N . ; M . Guthrie , P . S .: N . Brown , First A . S . ; J . Montgomery , Second A . S . ;
ami . !• Curry , Janitor . Amongst the visitors and memb r . ' were Wm . Henry Crookes . i ' rov . G . E . Durham ; Wm I . iddell , P . G . J . ; E . D . Davis , P . Prov . G . H . ; Dr . R . F . Crook , P . Z . ; F . P . Jonn , P . Z . 414 ; Jas . Humphrey , 97 . 'Hie companions then adjourned to th . banquet , after which followed the various loyal and -Masonic toasts .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
DOVER . —Cinque Ports Lodge ( No . 132-. — The iiistallaliou meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday at Bro . 'Person's room , Townwall-street , Dover . The lodge was opened by Bro . Terson , and afterwards Bro . lggesden was installed as W . M . by Bro . F . Binckes . The following P . M ' s were present : —II . C . Fuhr , Osmnnt , Terson . Bros . T . Terson , Cannon , Wilkins , Whicher , Turner , Hi
M . Baker . After the U > d-, e work was completeil the brethren adjourned to Bro . Fuhr ' s Hotel de Paris , where a banquet , in all respects unexceptionable , was provided , to wliich the brethren did ample justice , and afterwards honoured the toasts usual at all meetings of Mark Masters . The lodge , which has been in abeyance for some time , appears now to have taken a fresh start ; ami it is said th-. re
is every prospect of it becoming very successful . Already there are four candidates for advancement at next meeting , and several n'lu-rs are expected to com .-. ] The above appeared in our second edition of last week . ] HINCKLEY . —The Knights of Malta , Timo Immemorial Lodge ( No . 30 on the roll of the English Grand Lodge of Mirk Masters ) , after two years'
inaction , m -t again for an emergency meeting on Monday , the ist inst ., Bro . the Rev . VV . Langley , Past Chaplain of Grand Maik Lodge and D . P . G . M . M ., iu the W . M . ' s chair . Bros . R . Houghton Smith , S . VV . 21 , as S . W . ; T . VV . Clarke , J . W . ; Nugent , M . O . ; Griffiths , S . O . ; J . Atkins , J . O . ; T . Harrold , Secretary ; J . T . Thorpe , S . D . of in , as Deacon ; Tippits , as I . G . The minutes
of ihe last lodge having been confirmed , the ballot was taken for five candidates : Bros . P . VVorthingloii , C . 8111-sonie Preston , Thomas Marson , Joseph Barber , and Robert Bradshaw Smith , all memb .-rs of the old Craft , Lodge 50 , and being unanimously elected , they were advanced to the honourable degree of a M . M . by tlu acting W . M . and the old officers of the lodge , assisted by Bros . R .
Houghton Smith and 1 horpc , who most ably performed their duties , tiro . Rev . W . Langley was then unanimousl y elected VV . M . of the lodge for the ensuing year , and Bro . T . Clarke , Treasurer . Two brethren were proposed as candidates for advancement at the next meeting , and the lodge was closed . Letters of apology for absence were then read from Bros . W . Kelly , Prov . G . M . M ., and J .
S pittall , W . M . Now that a little fresh life is stirred up in this old Time Immemorial Lodge it will in all probability make up for lost time , and regain its position in the proline- as second only to the well worked and prosperous Fowke Lodge , No . 19 , held at Leicester . It is hoped by the Hinckley brethren that Bro . Kelly will hold his next annual Provincial Grand Mark Lodge under its banner ,
and so give encouragement to tlune who have taken great interest in its resuscitation , DEVIZES . — Wiltshire Keystone Mark Lodgo ( No . 178 ) . —The annual meeting of this young , lodge , which was consecrated a year ago , was held on Wednesday , the -jrd inst ., at the Town Hall , when the Rev . T . F . T . Ravenshaw , P . G . M . Ch ., the W . M . M . elect for
the ensuing year , was duly installed in the chair of A . b y the retiring Master , Bro . Wm . Nott , G . Mk . St ., assisted by Bro . William Munro , W . M . M . 119 . The newly-in-MiHed Master then appointed and invested his officers , the principal of whom were as follows : The Rev . Henry
Kichardson , S . VV . ; | olm Chandler , | . W . ; D . A . Gibbs , M . O . ; F . V . Holloway , S . O . ; J . 11 . Chandler , J . O . ; D . A . Gibbs , Treas ; VV . Nott , I . P . M . Sec ; II . J . Ward , Reg . A candidate for advancement at the next meeting- having been proposed , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned and afterwards dined together at the Crown Hotel .
Royal And Select Masters.
Royal and Select Masters .
A Council of this body met on Wednesday at the new lod ge rooms , Red Lion Square . The Rev . G . R . Portal , "I . A ., M . P . G . M ., presided , and he was supported by Caplain N . G . Philips , D . G . M . ; Comps . Frederick Binckes , G . Recorder ; Hyde Pullen , G . P . C . Work ; Frederick Davison
, 1 ; - T . ; Shadwell Gierke , T . VV . Coffin , S . Rosenthal , T . I . M . V ' o . 3 ; and John Read , Org . A lodge of Most Excellent Masters was opened , and the '" mutes of former meetings of council were read and conhimed .
livo candidates presented themselves for reception , the ' •• v . Dr . Brette , of Christ ' s Hospital , and the Rev . Wm . Ambrose Hall , of Walton-on-the-Hill . These worthy *'( mpanions were respectively acknowledged as Most Ex"llent Masters , received Royal Masters , greeted Select Mastcis , and created Super Excellent Masters . ' he cjuncil was then duly closed and adjourned .
Scotland .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF PERTHSHIRE , EAST . On Friday , the 29 th ult ., a meeting ofthe Prov . G . L . of Perthshire , East was held in the hall of the R . A . Lodge , Perth , at four o ' clock p . m ., for the purpose of installing the Right Hon . Lard Kinnaird , K . T ., as Prov . Grand Master , and his ofiicers . The officers were as follows : —Bros . J .
B . Brown-Morrison , Depute Master , Dr . William Cowan , Substitute Master ; Rev . W . G . H . Carmichael , Chaplain ; William MacLcish , Senior Warden ; Colonel D . R . Williamson , of Lawers , Junior Warden ; Robert Mitchell , Secretary ; Rig ht Worshipful Bro . John Chalmers , Scoon and Perth Lodge , No , 3 , Treasurer ; Past Master Robert Dow , Royal Arch Lodge , 122 , Senior Deacon ; Robert
Lees , Lodge St . Andrews , 7 , ; , Junior D-acon ; Past Master John Young , C . E ., Lodge St . Andrews , 74 , Architect ; John Baird , Scoon and Perth Lodge , Jeweller ; John Wilson , Royal Arch Lodge , Bible-Bearer ; Ri g ht Worshipful Bro . George Hutton , Royal Arch Lodge , Director of Ceremonies ; John Scott , Royal Arch Lodge , Sword Bearer ; William Bryson , St . Andrew ' s Lodge , Director of Music ; James
Rol' . c , Royal Arch Ledge , Standard Bearer ; Peter Carmichael , Scoon and Perth Lodge , Steward ; John Robertsou , St . Andrew ' s Lodge , Inner Guard ; David Cockrane , St . Andrew's Lodge , T yler . The lodge having been duly constituted , a prayer was offered up by the Worshipful and Rev . Chaplain , VV . G . II . Carmichael , and opened in due and ancient form .
The installation ceremony was performed in a most imposing and impressive manner by Bro . George R . Harriot , of Kiiliemore , R . VV . Prov . Grand Master of Wigton and Kirkcudbrightshire . There was a large attendance of the fraternity , thc number being over 200 , and included deputations from the lodges in the Province , as well as from Dunkeld , Dundee , Forfar , and various other
places . There has seldom been 111 Perthshire such a large gathering of the respectable and ancient fraternity , and certainly no gathering where the success was so great . After the installation ceremony , Rig ht Worshipful Bro . Harriot gave a most interesting address on the great and universal princip les of thc Order , which are founded on the purest principles of piety and virtue .
It may be mentioned that the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Lord Kinnaird , has taken a great interest in restoring to the province the benefits of a Grand Lodge , which will now be able to take that supervision over the various lodges in the province which is so necessary for the proper and efficient working of the ancient Craft . This Provincial Grand Lodge has been in a
dormant state for several years , and it is tluc to the Provincial Grand Master to say that when a proposal to resuscitate the lodge was put betoe him , he entered into the whole matter with that zeal and amiability for which he is so well and deservedly known and respected . The brethren in the city have made a determination to range themselves round his lordship , and , shoulder-to-shoulder ,
press forward in the work of brotherly love , benevolence , and charity , which are well known to be the watchwords of the Craft . After the installation ceremony had beeu concluded , the brethren , in a quiet way , and withvut any parade , pomp , or ceremony , wended their way towards the Salutation Hotel , where a splendid banquet had been prepared for
them by Bro . Peter Carmichael , Provincial Grand Steward . The chair was occupied by thc Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Lord Kinnaird , and the croupiers were Bro . William MacLeish , who filled the chair of Senior Warden ; Bro . John Young ( in thc absence of Colonel Williamson ) , Junior Warden -, and Bro . Robert Dow , Senior Deacon . Over 100 brethren were seated round the tables in the great hall
of the hotel , wliich was tastefully decorated for the occasion , by the care and industry of Bro . Dow , with various banners , on which were painted a number of beautiful symbols and emblems of the Craft . There were many brethren present clothed in the uniform of the 42 nd Royal Highlanders and the 79 th ( Queen ' s Own ) Cameron Hi ghlanders ; and these brethren , along with the officers and
Wardens of the various lodges present , clothed with their aprons , collars , gauntlets , and jewels , presented a very pleasing effect , aud one that is not likel y soon to be forgotten by the brethren who were present . After the lodge had been opened in due and ancient form , and constituted by prayer by thc VV . and It . Chaplain , The Provincial Grand Master proposed " The Health of
the Queen , " Although Her Majesty was not a Mason , and could not by the rules of Masonry be one , yet from what he personall y knew of her lirtues , he felt quite sure that she was a Mason at heart , and he had no doubt the Masons present , as did every Mason throughout thc empire , would enthusiastically drink to Her Majesty ' s long life , health , and happiness . ( Applause . ) One of the first
things that a Mason on being initiated learned was to be loyal and obedient to the laws of the realm , both of his own country and of any state or country in thc world where Providence rriight cast his lot . The toast was responded to with great heartiness , and the band—under thc efficient leadership of Bro . William Bryson , Director of Music—played" Godsavethe Queen . "
The Proviucial Grand Master then said that although this toast had been put upon the list as " Thc Queen , and the rest of the Royal Family , " he considered it right and proper , on the present occasion , that thc two should be separated , especially on account of an interesting fact which
he had to announce , and of which the brethren were previously ignorant , namely , that her Royal and Imperial Hi ghness the Duchess of Edinburgh had that day given birth to a daughter . ( Applause . ) Thc toast was then drunk with all the honours . The Provincial Grand Master next proposed " Thc Grand
Lodge of England , aud Bro . His Royal Highness thc Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M . " He hoped that His Royal Highness would safely return from thc far country to which he had gone , after having- spent a pleasant , happy , and profitable time in India . They were well aware that recentl y a certain body hail taken away their Most Worshi pful Grand Master , the Earl of Ripon , and thus a blow was
struck at the Order , which was supposed at the time to have a most dangerous tifec ; instead of this , however , it had been quite the opposite , as His Royal Hi ghness the Prince of Wales came manfull y forward , and " filled the breach , and thus gave to Masonry an impetus which it
never had before . ( Applause . ) lie trusted that the impetus which had been given to the Craft in England would extend , as undoubtedly it had extended , to Scotland , and that this Grand Lodge which had now been restored in their midst would be one of those branches of the grand old Craft which would tend to extend the Order wider and
deeper than ever . ( Applause . ) He concluded by expressing the hop < : that God would grant His Royal Highness long life , health , and happiness . ( Applause . ) The toast having been drunk with great enthusiasm , Brother Grei g of Gleucarse responded for the Grand Lodge of England . In the course of his reply , Brother Greig said he had been made a Mason in England some
fifty years ago . His being present on that occasion brought to his remembrance a banquet that was given to the late Earl of Yarborough , who was adopted Grand Master of England , and it was attended by many of the -lite of the land , and there , as he found in Scotland , Masons proved themselves ri ght good fellows . ( Cheers . ) No doubt , the very fact of His Royal Highness being
the Grand Master Mason of England would brinf thousands to join the Craft , and thc impetus that must be given from what had taken place that day in the Fair City of Perth would add hundreds , he should like to say thousands , to the Craft . ( Cheers . ) He had great pleasure in benpf present that day to witness their noble Chairman placed in the position he now occupied .
( Applause . ) The Provincial Grind Master proposed " The Grand Lodge of Ireland , and Brother the Duke of Abereorn , M . W . G . M . " He knew but little of the Grand Lodge of Ireland , and the doings of the daughter lodges in that part of the kingdom ; but as he was connected by family ties to Ireland , he could vouch that the brethren of Ireland were good men and true , and
paid great attention to their duties as Craftsmen . ( Applause . ) The Provincial Grand Master proposed "The Grand Lodge of Scotland , and Brother Sir Michael Robert Shaw Stewart , M . W . G . M . " He said that Sir Michael Shaw Stewart paid great attention to the duties of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , which was in good working order , and he hoped that this branch which had now been restored would be useful in aiding anil assisting iu the work .
The Provincial Grand Master next proposed "TheSister Provincial Grand Lodges i , f Scotland . " lie was glad to sec such a large representation of the brethren from Dundee and Forfar—a province he knew which was endeavouring , as had that day been done iu Perthshire East , to restore to that province a Provincial Grand Lod ge ; and he was quite sure , from the efficient manner in whieh the
duties of thc evening had been performed by their Installing Master , the Right Worshi pful Brother George R . Harriot , they would leave the " Fair City " after having learned many useful lessons that would enable them still further to proceed with the work they had in view . ( Applause . ) This toast was very ably responded to by the RHil
Worshipful Master of the Operative Lodge , Dundee , and also by the Right Worshi pful Master of one of thc Forfar lodges . R . Wor . Bro . R . G . Harriott then proposed the toast ofthe evening , " The Provincial Grand Lodge of Perthshire , East , aud Bro . Lord Kinnaird , R . W . P . G . M . " In submitting the toast , he said it gave him great pleasure to be
present . He had no doubt from what he had seen of Lord Kinnaird , and thc officers and brethren of this lodge , iu their endeavour to restore the lodge to the province , that they would do their work in an able an efficient manner , and would be enabled to raise the Craft to that position in the eyes of the world which it should ever hold . If Masonry
was not a religion , it was at least a handmaid to Christianity , and embraced all the principles which ought to guide a man through life . Freemasonry enabled a man of whatever country , clime , or race , to live a righteous life , and showed him his duty to God , his neighbour , and to himself .
Thc toast was drunk by the brethren of the visiting lodges with great enthusiasm . The Proviucial Grand Master replied in an able and impressive manner . He hoped that the lodge which had now been restored would prosper , and stated that he personally would make every endeavour to secure this end . He trusted , and , indeed , he had no doubt , the officers who
had that day been installed would manfull y support him , and he had great hopes of their doing much good amongst the lodges in thc province , and restoring many of them now in a dormant state to life again . He knew that there were sometimes great difficulties in working country lodges in a proper and efficient manner ; but now that a uniform standard had been sanctioned by the Grand Lodge of Scotland , there could be little difficulty in Masters of Lodges
informing themselves of the same , as any Master within the province could make application either to himself personally or to his Depute or Substitute Masters , and receive the information which would enable them to do their work efficiently . He begged , in thc name of the lodge , and of himself and ofiicers , to thank Right Worshipful Uro . Harriot for the very able and effective manner in which he had performed the duties of the day , and for his great kindness