Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 4 of 4 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 4 of 4 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 4 of 4 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
officers and brethren : —Alfred Palmer , P . Prov . G . A . P ., I . P . M . ; T- M . McAllister , P . G . S . D ., S . VV . ; . W . G Statham , ' P . G . Steward , J . W . ; W . Weare , P . Prov . G . D ., Treas . ; Clement Edwin Stretton , P . G . A . P ., Sec . ; S . Cleaver , S . D . ; James Bird , as J . D . ; Orlando Law , I . G . ; Clement Stretton , P . Prov . G . W ., P . M . ; S . S . Partridge , P . G . Sec , P . M . -52 .. ; G . Toller , jun ., P .
Prov . U . S . W ., P . M . 525 . ; . ]• T . Thorp , P . G . A . D . C , W . M . -, 23 ; F . J . Baines , P . Prov . G . P ., P . M . 523 ; W . B . ' Smith , P . G . Treas ., P . M . 525 ; Dr . Hunt , P . Prov . G . A . D . C . 523 ; E . Mason , S . VV . 1391 ; W . Walters , Grecian Lodge , U . S ., and a large number of brethren and visitors . The lodge having been opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting read and
confirmed , the W . M . proceeded to raise Bro . Crick to the Third , and also to pass Bro . Manton to the Second Degree . Bro . Statham , J . W ., proposed a cordial vote of thanks to Bro . Stretton , P . M ., for a presentation of firing glasses to the lodge , which having been seconded by Bro . Weare , P . M ., and supported by Bro . Smith , VV . M ., was carried unanimously . Bro . Stretton suitably acknowledged the
compliment . The Grand Lodge certificate having been presented to Bro . Bird , and a gentleman proposed for initiation , the lodge was closed in tlue form , and the brethren adjourned to the supper room , after which the loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . The musical talents of Bros . Palmer , Cleaver , Weare , and Dr . Hunt causing thc evening hours lo swiftly " speed on . "
MAZ AGON . —Lodge Concord ( No . 757 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held in the Freemasons' Hall , Mazagon , on Saturday , the ifith Octob .-r , 1875 . Present : VV . Bros . W . C . Rowe , W . M . ; G . R . Henderson , I . P . M . ; B . Robinson , P . M . ; J . N . Dady , P . M . ; Bros . F . Burdett , as S . W . ; W . Fearn , as J . W . ; O . Tomlinson , Sec ; J . Spiers , S . D . ; W . G . Davie , J . D . ; J
Luke , D . C ; J . E . Tyers , Org . ; J . F . Grew , Steward ; L . Thomas , I . G . ; J . VV . Seager , Tyler . Members Bros . VV . E . Craddock , W . W . Wilson , E . Lucas , J . Weddle , E . Fuelling , J . Middleton , VV . Ilobbs , J . Armstrong , J . H . Burrett , J . Anderson , J . Longden , and others . Visitors : Bros . T . Counsel ! , VV . M . 1100 ; H .
W . Barrow , P . M . 944 ; C . Tudball , 944 ; Rev . C . Gilder , 1100 ; VV . Simpson , late of Concord , 757 ; C . Parker , 1100 ; Pestonjee Hormusjee , and others . The summons convening the meetingwas read . The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and confirmed . The minutes of the last nicetinp- of the Permanent Committee
were read and adopted . Bro . John Armstrong was passed to the Second Degree . Bros . E . Fuelling , and Dr . J . G . Da Cunha were raised to the Sublime Degree fo a Master Mason . All below the rank of M . M . were requested to retire . The Secretary , then read a letter dated 4 th October , from the D . G . Secretary , in reference to the coming Masonic demonstration ,
viz ., thc laying of the foundation stone of the Elphinstone Docks by H . R . H . the Prince of Wales . The VV . Master had , in order to save time , and to ensure the keeping of the brethren informed of the arrangements , appointed Bros . G . R . Henderson , I . P . M . ; B . Robinson , P . M ., and J . Luke , to represent Lodge Concord as members of the committee for making the necessary arrangements . This was then put to the meeting and carried . Letter from Bro .
G . R . Henderson , I . P . M ., tendering the resignation of Bro . H . A . Moss , which was accepted with regret . Letter from Bro . Calderwood , acknowledging receipt of his clearance certificate read . Letter from Bros . C . J . Hall and Isaac Holt , asking to be placed on absent dues , read and seconded . Two gentlemen were proposed for initiation . £ 10 sterling was voted to the widow ol a late brother . There being no further business before the lodge , it was closed with solemn prayer at 0- 1 . 0 p . m .
PLUMSTEAD . —Pattison Lodge ( No . 913 ) . — The first meeting of the members of the above lodge alter the usual summer interregnum took place on Thursday , the 4 th inst ., at the Lord Raglan , Plumstead , and a goodly number of both members and visitors assembled to welcome the new VV . M ., Bro . A . Penfold , to the position he has so well earned as head of one of the most flourishing
and influential lodges in the Province of Kent . The following officers were present beside the VV . M .: J . McDougall , I . P . M . ; T . Vincent , S . W . ; H . Butler , J . W . ; T . H . Hayes , S . D . ; W . B . Lloyd , J . D . ; ' B . Lester , O . G . ; R . G . Cook , D . C . Bro . H . Mabbctt , in the absence of Bro . Chapman , acted as I . G . Among thc visitors present were Bros . T . Ward , WdM . 700 ; H . Carnelly , VV . M . 13 ; F . G .
Dawson , P . M . 700 ; C . Hobson , P . M . 700 ; T . Butt , S . W . 700 ; VV . A . Weston , S . W . 1536 ; II . S . Syer , Sec . 13 ; E . 15 . Hobson , 700 ; R . Beaver , 700 ; W . T . Beaver , 700 ; II . Shaw , 700 ; E . W , Fisher , 700 ; J . Warren , ; oo ; T . Hastings , 829 ; and W . Topp , 879 . The lodge having been opened in due form and the usual business settled , Mr . T . Cartland ( silversmith ) was , after ballot and approval ,
initiated into the mysteries and privileges of I-reemasonry , and Bro . D . Capon was raised to the Sublime Degree , both ceremonies being most eloquently and impressively worked by thc W . M . The W . M . then read a letter from thc P . G . Lodge respecting the wearing of jewels in the lodge , which we may say is the same in text as the letter sent to the Metropolitan Lodge from G . L ., from wliich
arose a discussion respecting thc commemorative jewel spoken of as being necessary to celebrate the installation of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales in thc Grand Chair of England . The discussion was ultimately adjourned till the next monthly meeting . Two guineas were then voted to the widow of a deceased brother , this being the second
donation to her . Thc lodge was then closed in due form , and the brethren sat down to a most excellent dinner , served in good style by Bro . Tucker , the new host . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were drunk most enthusiastically . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales was , by the VV . M ., in the tonst of " Thc Most Worshipful Grand Master of England , " wished every health and success upon the im-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
portant mission of peace and goodwill that he has so nobly undertaken to India , and a safe ancl speedy return when that mission was accomplished . The name of " Lord Holmesdale , the P . G . Master of Kent , " was most cordially received , as was that of " Bro . Eastes and the rest of the P . G . Officers . " Thc latter was acknowledged by Iiro . P . M . T . Smith , P . P . G . P . of Kent . P . M . xMcDougall then
proposed I he Health of the W . M . " 111 a few choice sentences , saying that the brethren might see what they had to expect in tlie working of the lodge during Bro . Penfold ' s year of office from the really excellent manner in which he had carried it out that evening . He ( the VV . M . ) was , and always had been , a credit to the lodge , and he hoped the Great Architect of the Universe would long spare him , and
make the lodge increase tenfold , both in numbers and brotherly love , under his guidance . The W . M ., in reply , thanked them for their kind reception of his name , and modestly accused himself of some trifling imperfections , which certainly were not inexcusable , more particularly as that was his first effort , and he therefore said , with the Scriptures— " Let him who thinkelh hi standcth take heed
lest he fall . " He spoke highly cf the late W . M ., Bro . McDougall , and trusted he should ever sustain the high prestige and best interests of the Pattison Lodge by doing his duty and following the example set by not only the late but every P . M . who had sat in that chair . Mc again thanked thc brethren for their Kind wishes and assistance . Bro . Ward , P . M . 700 , responded for " The Visitors , " and
expressed the pleasure he felt at visiting and receiving thc brethren of the Pattison Lodge—a feeling , he said , he felt sure was reciprocated by every member of the Nrlson Lodge , anil which he hoped would long continue between both lodges . He paid a most hearty tribute of praise to the W . M ., who , he said , must have studied hard to acquire so high a standard of efficiency as they had witnessed that
evening in the working of thc lodge . He regretted the absence of Bro . P . M . Pownall , of the United Military Lodge , through illness , who , he knew , looked forward to visiting the Pattison Lodge with a deal of pleasure , and concluded a clear and forcible address by wishing both the lodge and its W . M . every success and prosperity . " " " The Ir . iti ite " was of course duly honoured , and P . M . ' s McD . m-
gall , Paine , Smith , and Denton had their health drank most cordially . Bro . 'Pucker ( host ) was especially complimented by the W . M . for his excellent citeriug , and then " The Tyler's " toast conclude- ! . 1 very happy evening . DERBY . —Hartington Lodge (\ o . 1085 ) . —On Wednesday evening , the 3 rd inst ., the monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic llall , G . nver-strect . Thc
following brethren were present : —Bros . Henry T . Bobart , P . G .... D . of C , W . M . ; F . llilfe , P . Prov . | . G . VV ., I . P . M . ; S . Pipes , S . W . ; J . II . Biggs , as J . W . ; M . H . Bobart , P . Prov . S . G . W ., P . M ., Treas . ; | . Worsnop , P . I ' rov . G . P ., P . M .. Sec . ; E . R . Ward , as S . D . ; Thos . Gadsbv , J . D . ; G . Pipes , D . of C . ; Jos . Heathcote , I . G . ; T . Slinn " , O . G . ; T . Mainprise , J . M . Moore , P . Prov . G . R ., P . M .: W .
Heathcote , Thos . Roe , jun ., P . M . 802 ; VV . B . Ilextall , C . D . Hart , 'I ' . II . Hepworth , S . Steele , E . Taylor , | . O . Manton , M . Hill , W . Butterfield , Henry Mills , Rd . Daniel , J . Parkins , Jos . Grigg .. Visitors : J . Smith , W . Whitaker , Stafford , Burton , J . C . Merry , W . M . 731 ; Thos . Merry , A . Frazer , A . Moore , J . Brown , G . T . Wright , all being members of the Arboretum Lodge , 731 ; VV . H . Marsden , P . S . G . W .,
P . M . 253 . The lodge was opened in the First Degree at 7 p . m . After the circular convening the lodge was read , the minutes of thc last meeting were confirmed . Mr . Joseph Griggs , elected at a former meeting , was regularly initiated into thc mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry by tlie W . M . The charge was given by tlie S . VV . in a masterly style , and the lecture on the Tracing Board
was ably delivered by Bro . J . M . Moore , P . M . 1 he lodge was closed in ancient and solemn form , and the brethren adjoined to the quarterly supper , and a very enjoyable evening was sp _ nt . NORTHALLERTON . —Anchor Lodge ( No . 1337 ) . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday everiiiif , Nov . 3 rd . Bro . f . Fairburn , VV . M .,
presided , supported by lus ofiicers , as follows : —G . F . Clarkson , S . W . ; R . Palliser , J . W . ; W . A . Hutclience , Treas ., Thomas Bell , Sec . ; J . Wheldon , S . D . ; II . Rynu-r , J . D . ; M . Walmsley , I . G . ; ' . Wilkinson , Tyler ; P . M . Warstell and Bros . W . Hardy and E . Milburn were also present . The work performed comprised thc initiation ol
Richard Henry Sootheran , the 1 itu . 1 l being most ably rendered by the W . Master . At the conclusion of the business the brethren adjourned to the refreshment room , where Ihe usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and the evening was spent in the most harmonious manner , and in thc true spirit of Masonry .
MANCHESTER . —Lodge of Truth ( No . 1458 ) . —This lodge held its regular meeting on Saturday , Nov . ( ith , at the Royal Archer , Dale-street . The lodge was opened at 4 . 30 ( called for four o'clock ) by the VV . M ., Bro . Henry Smith . The minutes were read and confirmed . Bro . Nicholson was passed . Bro . Brayshaw was raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason . The lodge was
then lowered to the First Degree , when the election of W . M . for the ensuing year took place , and , to the surprise of many , the J . W . was elected in preference to the S . W ., and more especially as Bro . Pearson , the S . W ., is known not only in this lodge , but throughout the Province of East Lancashire , to be such an excellent worker , and to possess every qualification for the oflice of W . M . Such a circumstance can only be accounted for by the votes of some of
the junior members—who have had little Masonic experience—making a personal matter of the election without studying the interests of the lodge , thereby looking for preferment by disposing of the S . W .. The move experienced of the members would haveprefered tlie election to have gone otherwise , Bro Tyers , P . M ., was unanimously re-elected Treasurer , as also Bro . Beswick , Tyler . The business was concluded about . even o ' clock .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
NORTH WOOLWICH . —Henley Lod g 3 ( No . 1472 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of the abov _ lodge was held on Tuesday , tli 2 2 nd inst ., at Bro . West ' s the Three Crowns , there being a goad attendance of members . Bro . P . M . West , in the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., Bro . Brayshaw , fulfilled the duties of W . M ., and duly initiated Mr . Cavey , engineer , assisted bv the
following officers-. —J . Ives , S . W . ; W . Steele , J . W . ; I . Silver , S . D . ; Chambers , J . D . ; Manning , I . G . ; and Steadm .-vn , O . G . After the initiation Bro . Brayshaw , who had now arrived , resumed the chair , and presented P . M . VVest , in the name of the lodge , with a letter of condolence on the death of Mrs . West , to which Bro . West replied in a feeling and most suitable manner . Bro . Turner was
then elected Assistant Secretary , and the lodge closed in due form . The brethren and visitors then adjourned to supper , and afterwards spent a most enjoyable evening in pure Masonic fashion . LANCASTER .-Morecambe Lodge ( No . 1561 ) . —The first meeting of this newly consecrated lodge was held on Friday , the 5 th inst ., at thc North Western Hotel ,
Morecambe , Bro . Dr . J . D . Moore , P . G . S . B . England , the W . M . 1 opening the lodge and presiding over its business . Messrs . Ward and Bannister were initiated , the working being efficiently performed by the W . M ., in which he was ably assisted by Bro . E . Airey , I . P . M ., and Bro . H . Longman , 1051 , as S . W . Two joining members were proposed , and after a pleasant meeting , the lodge closed in ancient form .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
MOUNT LEBANON CHAPTER ( No . 73 ) . — A regular meeting of this chapter was held on Thursday , 1 ith of November , at the Bridge House Hotel , Borough High-street , Southwark . Present—Comps . Edward Harris ( collector of the Boys'School ) , M . E . Z . ; J . II . Butten , IL ,
M . E . Z . elect ; J . W . Baldwin , ] . ; F . Walters , P . Z ., S . E . ; M . D . Loewenstark , S . N . ; 15 . Isaacs , P . S . ; W . Smeed , P . Z . ; J . S . Sweasey , J . II . Spencer , and some others . Thc visitors were Comps . E . Gilbert , P . J . 1326 ; II . Culrcs $ , 132 * 1 ; and others . The chapter was opened by Comps . E . Harris , M . E . Z . ; VV . Smeed , P . Z ., as II . ; J . W . Baldwin , J . ; F . Walters , P . Z . ; and others . The
minutes of the meeting held in October were read and unanimously confirmed . Comp . VV . Smeed , P . Z ., as M . E . Z ., installed Comp . J . II Butten as M . E . Z . ; am ! exalted Bro . T . W . Adams , Southwark Lodge , 889 . Business being ended , the chapter was closed . The next meeting will be held on Thursday , January nth , 18 7 6 . A slight refreshment followed , after which the presentation of
thejisual five-guinea P . Z . 's jewel ( which had been unanimously voted to him from the chapter funds ) to Comp . E . Harris , P . Z ., took place . On behalf of the chapter , Comp . !•' . Walters , P . Z . ( the father of the chapter ) , pinned on the jewel to Comp . E . Harris ' s breast , expressing the pleasure he felt after twenty years' acquaintance in presenting him with the jewel .
DOMATIC CHAPTER ( No . 177 ) . —A convocation of this old established chapter was held at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-steet , on Thursday , October tlie 2 SU 1 last . There were present Comps . T . A . Adams , acting M . K . Z . ; C . Cottebrune , P . Z ., acting II . ; M . Scott , J . ; J . R . Foulger , I . P . Z ., acting S . N . ; Palmer , S . E . ; C . , | . Hill , P . S . ; Tredwell , First Assistant ; D . Lawrence ,
Second Assistant ; II . G . Buss , P . Z ., Treasurer . The minutes of the previous convocation having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken on behalf of Comp . G . Everett , 975 , and W . M . of 177 , as a joining member , and resulted in an unanimous vote of approval . The ballot was then taken for Bros . Ambrose ( 177 ) and Clarke ( Ebury ) for exaltation , and having been declared
unanimous , those brothers were duly exalted . From the names of the Principals engaged in the ceremony , the companions anticipated a fine rendering of the ritual , and they were not disappointed , for the working of Comps . Adams and Cottebrune , assisted by Comp . Scott as J ., left nothing to be desired . At the conclusion of the ceremony a very pleasant circumstance took place , viz ., the conferring ; of a
honorary membership upon Comp . Morrison , P . Z ., No . 2 ( i , Michigan , U . S . A ., as a slight recognition for the valuable aid he had rendered to Comp . Hill , P . S ., while suffering from a dangerous illness when in America . The convocation having been closed , the companions adjourned to an excellent banquet , presided over by Comp . Foulger , the I . P . Z ., in the unavoidable absence of the M . E . Z .,
Comp . Bolton . Upon the removal of the cloth the usual Royal Arch toasts were given and enthusiastically received . " Thc Health of thc M . E . Z . " was proposed and drank , and most ably responded to by Comp . Foulger on behalf of Comp . Bolton , whose absence , he regretted to say , was owing to indisposition . " The Health of the ; Ncwly Exalted Companions " was then proposed , and responded to
at length by Comps . Ambrose and Clarke . The " Visitors " toast was responded to by Companions Morrison , II . Pullen , Lathbury , and Walls . The former acknowledged the great honour that had been conferred upon him that evening by the companions ofthe Domatic in electing him an honorary member . In the course of his speech he said that thc services he had rendered to Comp . Hill in America
were only what every brother , of whatever grade in Freemasonry he might belong , should cheerfully and voluntarily do to one in distress or danger . Ever since he had been connected with Masonic institutions he had endeavoured to carry out to the best of his ability and means
those vital principles of thc Craft , " Brotherly Love , Re lief , and Truth . " " The Health of the P . Z . ' s of the Do matic " having been given , was acknowledged by Com panions Buss , Adams , and Little ; and Companions Pal mer and Hill replied on behalf of the junior officers Between the numerous toasts Companions Palmer , Law
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
officers and brethren : —Alfred Palmer , P . Prov . G . A . P ., I . P . M . ; T- M . McAllister , P . G . S . D ., S . VV . ; . W . G Statham , ' P . G . Steward , J . W . ; W . Weare , P . Prov . G . D ., Treas . ; Clement Edwin Stretton , P . G . A . P ., Sec . ; S . Cleaver , S . D . ; James Bird , as J . D . ; Orlando Law , I . G . ; Clement Stretton , P . Prov . G . W ., P . M . ; S . S . Partridge , P . G . Sec , P . M . -52 .. ; G . Toller , jun ., P .
Prov . U . S . W ., P . M . 525 . ; . ]• T . Thorp , P . G . A . D . C , W . M . -, 23 ; F . J . Baines , P . Prov . G . P ., P . M . 523 ; W . B . ' Smith , P . G . Treas ., P . M . 525 ; Dr . Hunt , P . Prov . G . A . D . C . 523 ; E . Mason , S . VV . 1391 ; W . Walters , Grecian Lodge , U . S ., and a large number of brethren and visitors . The lodge having been opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting read and
confirmed , the W . M . proceeded to raise Bro . Crick to the Third , and also to pass Bro . Manton to the Second Degree . Bro . Statham , J . W ., proposed a cordial vote of thanks to Bro . Stretton , P . M ., for a presentation of firing glasses to the lodge , which having been seconded by Bro . Weare , P . M ., and supported by Bro . Smith , VV . M ., was carried unanimously . Bro . Stretton suitably acknowledged the
compliment . The Grand Lodge certificate having been presented to Bro . Bird , and a gentleman proposed for initiation , the lodge was closed in tlue form , and the brethren adjourned to the supper room , after which the loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . The musical talents of Bros . Palmer , Cleaver , Weare , and Dr . Hunt causing thc evening hours lo swiftly " speed on . "
MAZ AGON . —Lodge Concord ( No . 757 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held in the Freemasons' Hall , Mazagon , on Saturday , the ifith Octob .-r , 1875 . Present : VV . Bros . W . C . Rowe , W . M . ; G . R . Henderson , I . P . M . ; B . Robinson , P . M . ; J . N . Dady , P . M . ; Bros . F . Burdett , as S . W . ; W . Fearn , as J . W . ; O . Tomlinson , Sec ; J . Spiers , S . D . ; W . G . Davie , J . D . ; J
Luke , D . C ; J . E . Tyers , Org . ; J . F . Grew , Steward ; L . Thomas , I . G . ; J . VV . Seager , Tyler . Members Bros . VV . E . Craddock , W . W . Wilson , E . Lucas , J . Weddle , E . Fuelling , J . Middleton , VV . Ilobbs , J . Armstrong , J . H . Burrett , J . Anderson , J . Longden , and others . Visitors : Bros . T . Counsel ! , VV . M . 1100 ; H .
W . Barrow , P . M . 944 ; C . Tudball , 944 ; Rev . C . Gilder , 1100 ; VV . Simpson , late of Concord , 757 ; C . Parker , 1100 ; Pestonjee Hormusjee , and others . The summons convening the meetingwas read . The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and confirmed . The minutes of the last nicetinp- of the Permanent Committee
were read and adopted . Bro . John Armstrong was passed to the Second Degree . Bros . E . Fuelling , and Dr . J . G . Da Cunha were raised to the Sublime Degree fo a Master Mason . All below the rank of M . M . were requested to retire . The Secretary , then read a letter dated 4 th October , from the D . G . Secretary , in reference to the coming Masonic demonstration ,
viz ., thc laying of the foundation stone of the Elphinstone Docks by H . R . H . the Prince of Wales . The VV . Master had , in order to save time , and to ensure the keeping of the brethren informed of the arrangements , appointed Bros . G . R . Henderson , I . P . M . ; B . Robinson , P . M ., and J . Luke , to represent Lodge Concord as members of the committee for making the necessary arrangements . This was then put to the meeting and carried . Letter from Bro .
G . R . Henderson , I . P . M ., tendering the resignation of Bro . H . A . Moss , which was accepted with regret . Letter from Bro . Calderwood , acknowledging receipt of his clearance certificate read . Letter from Bros . C . J . Hall and Isaac Holt , asking to be placed on absent dues , read and seconded . Two gentlemen were proposed for initiation . £ 10 sterling was voted to the widow ol a late brother . There being no further business before the lodge , it was closed with solemn prayer at 0- 1 . 0 p . m .
PLUMSTEAD . —Pattison Lodge ( No . 913 ) . — The first meeting of the members of the above lodge alter the usual summer interregnum took place on Thursday , the 4 th inst ., at the Lord Raglan , Plumstead , and a goodly number of both members and visitors assembled to welcome the new VV . M ., Bro . A . Penfold , to the position he has so well earned as head of one of the most flourishing
and influential lodges in the Province of Kent . The following officers were present beside the VV . M .: J . McDougall , I . P . M . ; T . Vincent , S . W . ; H . Butler , J . W . ; T . H . Hayes , S . D . ; W . B . Lloyd , J . D . ; ' B . Lester , O . G . ; R . G . Cook , D . C . Bro . H . Mabbctt , in the absence of Bro . Chapman , acted as I . G . Among thc visitors present were Bros . T . Ward , WdM . 700 ; H . Carnelly , VV . M . 13 ; F . G .
Dawson , P . M . 700 ; C . Hobson , P . M . 700 ; T . Butt , S . W . 700 ; VV . A . Weston , S . W . 1536 ; II . S . Syer , Sec . 13 ; E . 15 . Hobson , 700 ; R . Beaver , 700 ; W . T . Beaver , 700 ; II . Shaw , 700 ; E . W , Fisher , 700 ; J . Warren , ; oo ; T . Hastings , 829 ; and W . Topp , 879 . The lodge having been opened in due form and the usual business settled , Mr . T . Cartland ( silversmith ) was , after ballot and approval ,
initiated into the mysteries and privileges of I-reemasonry , and Bro . D . Capon was raised to the Sublime Degree , both ceremonies being most eloquently and impressively worked by thc W . M . The W . M . then read a letter from thc P . G . Lodge respecting the wearing of jewels in the lodge , which we may say is the same in text as the letter sent to the Metropolitan Lodge from G . L ., from wliich
arose a discussion respecting thc commemorative jewel spoken of as being necessary to celebrate the installation of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales in thc Grand Chair of England . The discussion was ultimately adjourned till the next monthly meeting . Two guineas were then voted to the widow of a deceased brother , this being the second
donation to her . Thc lodge was then closed in due form , and the brethren sat down to a most excellent dinner , served in good style by Bro . Tucker , the new host . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were drunk most enthusiastically . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales was , by the VV . M ., in the tonst of " Thc Most Worshipful Grand Master of England , " wished every health and success upon the im-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
portant mission of peace and goodwill that he has so nobly undertaken to India , and a safe ancl speedy return when that mission was accomplished . The name of " Lord Holmesdale , the P . G . Master of Kent , " was most cordially received , as was that of " Bro . Eastes and the rest of the P . G . Officers . " Thc latter was acknowledged by Iiro . P . M . T . Smith , P . P . G . P . of Kent . P . M . xMcDougall then
proposed I he Health of the W . M . " 111 a few choice sentences , saying that the brethren might see what they had to expect in tlie working of the lodge during Bro . Penfold ' s year of office from the really excellent manner in which he had carried it out that evening . He ( the VV . M . ) was , and always had been , a credit to the lodge , and he hoped the Great Architect of the Universe would long spare him , and
make the lodge increase tenfold , both in numbers and brotherly love , under his guidance . The W . M ., in reply , thanked them for their kind reception of his name , and modestly accused himself of some trifling imperfections , which certainly were not inexcusable , more particularly as that was his first effort , and he therefore said , with the Scriptures— " Let him who thinkelh hi standcth take heed
lest he fall . " He spoke highly cf the late W . M ., Bro . McDougall , and trusted he should ever sustain the high prestige and best interests of the Pattison Lodge by doing his duty and following the example set by not only the late but every P . M . who had sat in that chair . Mc again thanked thc brethren for their Kind wishes and assistance . Bro . Ward , P . M . 700 , responded for " The Visitors , " and
expressed the pleasure he felt at visiting and receiving thc brethren of the Pattison Lodge—a feeling , he said , he felt sure was reciprocated by every member of the Nrlson Lodge , anil which he hoped would long continue between both lodges . He paid a most hearty tribute of praise to the W . M ., who , he said , must have studied hard to acquire so high a standard of efficiency as they had witnessed that
evening in the working of thc lodge . He regretted the absence of Bro . P . M . Pownall , of the United Military Lodge , through illness , who , he knew , looked forward to visiting the Pattison Lodge with a deal of pleasure , and concluded a clear and forcible address by wishing both the lodge and its W . M . every success and prosperity . " " " The Ir . iti ite " was of course duly honoured , and P . M . ' s McD . m-
gall , Paine , Smith , and Denton had their health drank most cordially . Bro . 'Pucker ( host ) was especially complimented by the W . M . for his excellent citeriug , and then " The Tyler's " toast conclude- ! . 1 very happy evening . DERBY . —Hartington Lodge (\ o . 1085 ) . —On Wednesday evening , the 3 rd inst ., the monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic llall , G . nver-strect . Thc
following brethren were present : —Bros . Henry T . Bobart , P . G .... D . of C , W . M . ; F . llilfe , P . Prov . | . G . VV ., I . P . M . ; S . Pipes , S . W . ; J . II . Biggs , as J . W . ; M . H . Bobart , P . Prov . S . G . W ., P . M ., Treas . ; | . Worsnop , P . I ' rov . G . P ., P . M .. Sec . ; E . R . Ward , as S . D . ; Thos . Gadsbv , J . D . ; G . Pipes , D . of C . ; Jos . Heathcote , I . G . ; T . Slinn " , O . G . ; T . Mainprise , J . M . Moore , P . Prov . G . R ., P . M .: W .
Heathcote , Thos . Roe , jun ., P . M . 802 ; VV . B . Ilextall , C . D . Hart , 'I ' . II . Hepworth , S . Steele , E . Taylor , | . O . Manton , M . Hill , W . Butterfield , Henry Mills , Rd . Daniel , J . Parkins , Jos . Grigg .. Visitors : J . Smith , W . Whitaker , Stafford , Burton , J . C . Merry , W . M . 731 ; Thos . Merry , A . Frazer , A . Moore , J . Brown , G . T . Wright , all being members of the Arboretum Lodge , 731 ; VV . H . Marsden , P . S . G . W .,
P . M . 253 . The lodge was opened in the First Degree at 7 p . m . After the circular convening the lodge was read , the minutes of thc last meeting were confirmed . Mr . Joseph Griggs , elected at a former meeting , was regularly initiated into thc mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry by tlie W . M . The charge was given by tlie S . VV . in a masterly style , and the lecture on the Tracing Board
was ably delivered by Bro . J . M . Moore , P . M . 1 he lodge was closed in ancient and solemn form , and the brethren adjoined to the quarterly supper , and a very enjoyable evening was sp _ nt . NORTHALLERTON . —Anchor Lodge ( No . 1337 ) . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday everiiiif , Nov . 3 rd . Bro . f . Fairburn , VV . M .,
presided , supported by lus ofiicers , as follows : —G . F . Clarkson , S . W . ; R . Palliser , J . W . ; W . A . Hutclience , Treas ., Thomas Bell , Sec . ; J . Wheldon , S . D . ; II . Rynu-r , J . D . ; M . Walmsley , I . G . ; ' . Wilkinson , Tyler ; P . M . Warstell and Bros . W . Hardy and E . Milburn were also present . The work performed comprised thc initiation ol
Richard Henry Sootheran , the 1 itu . 1 l being most ably rendered by the W . Master . At the conclusion of the business the brethren adjourned to the refreshment room , where Ihe usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and the evening was spent in the most harmonious manner , and in thc true spirit of Masonry .
MANCHESTER . —Lodge of Truth ( No . 1458 ) . —This lodge held its regular meeting on Saturday , Nov . ( ith , at the Royal Archer , Dale-street . The lodge was opened at 4 . 30 ( called for four o'clock ) by the VV . M ., Bro . Henry Smith . The minutes were read and confirmed . Bro . Nicholson was passed . Bro . Brayshaw was raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason . The lodge was
then lowered to the First Degree , when the election of W . M . for the ensuing year took place , and , to the surprise of many , the J . W . was elected in preference to the S . W ., and more especially as Bro . Pearson , the S . W ., is known not only in this lodge , but throughout the Province of East Lancashire , to be such an excellent worker , and to possess every qualification for the oflice of W . M . Such a circumstance can only be accounted for by the votes of some of
the junior members—who have had little Masonic experience—making a personal matter of the election without studying the interests of the lodge , thereby looking for preferment by disposing of the S . W .. The move experienced of the members would haveprefered tlie election to have gone otherwise , Bro Tyers , P . M ., was unanimously re-elected Treasurer , as also Bro . Beswick , Tyler . The business was concluded about . even o ' clock .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
NORTH WOOLWICH . —Henley Lod g 3 ( No . 1472 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of the abov _ lodge was held on Tuesday , tli 2 2 nd inst ., at Bro . West ' s the Three Crowns , there being a goad attendance of members . Bro . P . M . West , in the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., Bro . Brayshaw , fulfilled the duties of W . M ., and duly initiated Mr . Cavey , engineer , assisted bv the
following officers-. —J . Ives , S . W . ; W . Steele , J . W . ; I . Silver , S . D . ; Chambers , J . D . ; Manning , I . G . ; and Steadm .-vn , O . G . After the initiation Bro . Brayshaw , who had now arrived , resumed the chair , and presented P . M . VVest , in the name of the lodge , with a letter of condolence on the death of Mrs . West , to which Bro . West replied in a feeling and most suitable manner . Bro . Turner was
then elected Assistant Secretary , and the lodge closed in due form . The brethren and visitors then adjourned to supper , and afterwards spent a most enjoyable evening in pure Masonic fashion . LANCASTER .-Morecambe Lodge ( No . 1561 ) . —The first meeting of this newly consecrated lodge was held on Friday , the 5 th inst ., at thc North Western Hotel ,
Morecambe , Bro . Dr . J . D . Moore , P . G . S . B . England , the W . M . 1 opening the lodge and presiding over its business . Messrs . Ward and Bannister were initiated , the working being efficiently performed by the W . M ., in which he was ably assisted by Bro . E . Airey , I . P . M ., and Bro . H . Longman , 1051 , as S . W . Two joining members were proposed , and after a pleasant meeting , the lodge closed in ancient form .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
MOUNT LEBANON CHAPTER ( No . 73 ) . — A regular meeting of this chapter was held on Thursday , 1 ith of November , at the Bridge House Hotel , Borough High-street , Southwark . Present—Comps . Edward Harris ( collector of the Boys'School ) , M . E . Z . ; J . II . Butten , IL ,
M . E . Z . elect ; J . W . Baldwin , ] . ; F . Walters , P . Z ., S . E . ; M . D . Loewenstark , S . N . ; 15 . Isaacs , P . S . ; W . Smeed , P . Z . ; J . S . Sweasey , J . II . Spencer , and some others . Thc visitors were Comps . E . Gilbert , P . J . 1326 ; II . Culrcs $ , 132 * 1 ; and others . The chapter was opened by Comps . E . Harris , M . E . Z . ; VV . Smeed , P . Z ., as II . ; J . W . Baldwin , J . ; F . Walters , P . Z . ; and others . The
minutes of the meeting held in October were read and unanimously confirmed . Comp . VV . Smeed , P . Z ., as M . E . Z ., installed Comp . J . II Butten as M . E . Z . ; am ! exalted Bro . T . W . Adams , Southwark Lodge , 889 . Business being ended , the chapter was closed . The next meeting will be held on Thursday , January nth , 18 7 6 . A slight refreshment followed , after which the presentation of
thejisual five-guinea P . Z . 's jewel ( which had been unanimously voted to him from the chapter funds ) to Comp . E . Harris , P . Z ., took place . On behalf of the chapter , Comp . !•' . Walters , P . Z . ( the father of the chapter ) , pinned on the jewel to Comp . E . Harris ' s breast , expressing the pleasure he felt after twenty years' acquaintance in presenting him with the jewel .
DOMATIC CHAPTER ( No . 177 ) . —A convocation of this old established chapter was held at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-steet , on Thursday , October tlie 2 SU 1 last . There were present Comps . T . A . Adams , acting M . K . Z . ; C . Cottebrune , P . Z ., acting II . ; M . Scott , J . ; J . R . Foulger , I . P . Z ., acting S . N . ; Palmer , S . E . ; C . , | . Hill , P . S . ; Tredwell , First Assistant ; D . Lawrence ,
Second Assistant ; II . G . Buss , P . Z ., Treasurer . The minutes of the previous convocation having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken on behalf of Comp . G . Everett , 975 , and W . M . of 177 , as a joining member , and resulted in an unanimous vote of approval . The ballot was then taken for Bros . Ambrose ( 177 ) and Clarke ( Ebury ) for exaltation , and having been declared
unanimous , those brothers were duly exalted . From the names of the Principals engaged in the ceremony , the companions anticipated a fine rendering of the ritual , and they were not disappointed , for the working of Comps . Adams and Cottebrune , assisted by Comp . Scott as J ., left nothing to be desired . At the conclusion of the ceremony a very pleasant circumstance took place , viz ., the conferring ; of a
honorary membership upon Comp . Morrison , P . Z ., No . 2 ( i , Michigan , U . S . A ., as a slight recognition for the valuable aid he had rendered to Comp . Hill , P . S ., while suffering from a dangerous illness when in America . The convocation having been closed , the companions adjourned to an excellent banquet , presided over by Comp . Foulger , the I . P . Z ., in the unavoidable absence of the M . E . Z .,
Comp . Bolton . Upon the removal of the cloth the usual Royal Arch toasts were given and enthusiastically received . " Thc Health of thc M . E . Z . " was proposed and drank , and most ably responded to by Comp . Foulger on behalf of Comp . Bolton , whose absence , he regretted to say , was owing to indisposition . " The Health of the ; Ncwly Exalted Companions " was then proposed , and responded to
at length by Comps . Ambrose and Clarke . The " Visitors " toast was responded to by Companions Morrison , II . Pullen , Lathbury , and Walls . The former acknowledged the great honour that had been conferred upon him that evening by the companions ofthe Domatic in electing him an honorary member . In the course of his speech he said that thc services he had rendered to Comp . Hill in America
were only what every brother , of whatever grade in Freemasonry he might belong , should cheerfully and voluntarily do to one in distress or danger . Ever since he had been connected with Masonic institutions he had endeavoured to carry out to the best of his ability and means
those vital principles of thc Craft , " Brotherly Love , Re lief , and Truth . " " The Health of the P . Z . ' s of the Do matic " having been given , was acknowledged by Com panions Buss , Adams , and Little ; and Companions Pal mer and Hill replied on behalf of the junior officers Between the numerous toasts Companions Palmer , Law