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PARTICK . —Lodge St . Mary ' s ( No . 117 ) — The usual fortnightly meeting of this lodge was held oa Wedncsday evening , the 3 rd inst ., in St Maiy ' s Hall , Partick . In the unavoidable absence of the respected R . W . M ., Bro . ' William Wylie , the chair was occupied by Bro . John Bain , D . M ., supported by Bros . Andrew Brunton , P . M . ; David Peacock , S . W . ; Andrew Agnew , J . W . ; David
Forrest , S . D . ; John McLaren , J . D . Among those present were Bros . j . B . Maitland , Sec . ; J . M . Wylie , Treas . ; Alfred Laurence , Chaplain , William Lawson , 3 J ; John Dawson , 3 J ; Thomas M'Culluch , 109 ; Allan Stevenson , 114 ; John Findlay , 173 ; James Gray , 225 ; Alexander Graham , , 60 ; Aaron Spy , 49 6 ; Duncan Mclndoe , 553 ; Samuel Lcckie , Sec . 543 ; John McLellan , 543 ; Alexander
M'Dougall , 543 ; William Ferguson , 543 ; John Mc Arthur , nj ; Robert Anderson , 117 ; William Phillips , 117 ; James Brock , 117 ; James Livingston , 117 ; Arch . Young , 117 ; James Lyon , 117 ; John Maitland , 117 ; and Samuel Muirhead , & c . The lodge was opened on the Entered Apprentice Degree . It was unanimously agreed to delay removing to the New Masonic Hall , now
nearly finished , in Douglas-street , until after the consecration of thc lodge-room , which is expected to take place about the middle of December . An application was then read from Mr . Donald Bain , which was favourably received , and he was admitted and initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry by Bro . Bain , D . M ., in a careful manner . The lodge was then opened in the Fellow Craft
Degree , when Bros . J . S . Rowling , Robert Martin , and John Gait were passed to that degree by Bro . Boreland . The lodge was thereafter opened on the M . M . Degree , and Bros . John Arnott , George M'Keur , and J . S . Rowling were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason ( the last-mentioned brother having to leave Scotland in a few days ) , Bro . J . Bain officiating . The lodge was then reduced
to the E . A . Degree , and closed in due and ancient form . GLASGOW . —Lodge Shamrock and Thistle ( No . 275 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the alasonic Hall , 22 , Struthers-street , Calton , on Friday evening , the 3 th inst ., Bro . R . M . Yuill , R . W . M ., in thc chair ; Bros . Ronald , S . W ., and Findlay , J . W ., with the other office-bearers in their respective places , and a full
attendance of members , and a large number of visiting brethren present , among whom were Bro . John Campbell , R . W . M . St . John ' s , Shettleston , No . 138 , who supported the R . W . M . on the dais , along with Bros . Rowan , D . M . ; Paterson , S . M . ; G . C . H . McNaught , I . P . M . ; Hutcheson , Treas . ; and Horn , Sec . The lodge having been opened in the E . A . Degree , the
• Secretary read the minutes of last regular meeting , which were approved of . The first business brought forward was the nomination of office-bearers for the ensuing year , which was then proceeded with in proper form . Three applications were then read from gentlemen wishing to be admitted into the Order , and there being no objections , they received the Entered Apprentice Degree at the hands of the
R . W . M . in his usual fine style , viz ., Wm . Angus , John E . MacLaren , j-Peter & McCulloch . The lodge was then opened in the Fellow Craft Degree , when Bros . Sergeant Robert Evans and J ames Gillan were advanced to that degree by Bro . Paterson , S . M . The lodge was thereafter reduced to to the E . A . Degree , and transferred from labour to refreshment . After spending a short time in harmony , in which
the brethren heartily enjoyed themselves with song and sentiment , the lodge was re-transferred , and closed in due aud proper form . GLASGOW . —Lodge Union ( No . 332 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held in the Jiasonic Hall , 170 , Buchanan-street , on the ist inst . The meeting was remarkably well attended . The R . W . M ., Bro . I . B .
Macnair , presided , and was supported by D . McKirdy , S . W . ; W . Murray ( acting ) J . W . ; R . Mitchell , P . M . ; J . Balfour , P . M . ; J . Laird , Treas . ; John Mclnnes , Sec . ; and other office-hewers . Among the visiting brethren we observed Bros . J . Gilles , P . M . 103 ; Robt . Kerr , D . M . 324 ; J . Mclnnes , S . W . 408 ; J . Bihland , J . W . 408 ; C . Arthur , Mother Kilwinning ; P . Brownlee , 3 } ; J . Gray , I . G . 103 i
James Crabbe , 27 , & c Thc Secretary , having been called to read thc minutes of the previous meeting , they were found correct and confirmed . Thc R . W . M . called thc attention of the brethren to thc fact that this was the ni ght fixed for the nomination ol office-bearers for thc current year , and those brethren who had not paid the test fees would have an opportunity of doing so before thc
nomination commenced . An application was read from Mr . John Gray ( iron moulder ) , aged 24 . His proposer and seconder were Bros . D . McKirdy , S . VV ., and John Mclnnes , Sec . The proposal was agreed to , and he received the First Degree in Masonry , Bro . McKirdy , S . W ., officiating in capital style . The other business before the lodge was passing and raising , but , as the nomination of office-bearers was
fixed for that night , the passing was dispensed with and the lodge raised to the Sublime Degree , when Bro . Thos . McGhe ' c and also a brother from the Union and Crown Lodge were put in possession of that degree . Thereafter the nomination was proceeded with , and the following was thc result : R . W . M ., Bro . McKirdy ; D . M ., Bro . Robert Mitchell ; G . M ., Bro . Dempster and Bro . Johnston ; S . W .,
J . Mclnnes and Wm . Miller ; J . W ., H . Apperson ; P . G . S ., Wm . Miller and Alex . McNair ; Treas ., John Laird ; Sec , J . H . Gill ; S . W ., J . Mitchell and J . Findlay ; J . D ., J . Findlay and J . Mitchell ; S . S ., Wm . Goudic ; J . S ., W . G . Burns ; Chaplain , D . Robertson ; B . B ., J . Burns ; Architect , D . Mitchell ; D . C , Thos . McGhie ; Standard Bearer , J . . Stalker ; S . B ., W . Laird ; I . G ., vacant ; Jeweller , L . Rombach ; Tyler , D . Ramsey . Bro . Murray , on behalf of
Lodge Benevolent Committee , intimated that the P . G . Benevolent Committee had given a grant to thc widow of our late Bro . Dowic in addition to their own lodge grant . The lodge was then closed in due and ancient form . GLASGOW . —Lodge Caledonian Railway ( k ° - 354 ) - —The regular fortnightly meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Hall , 30 , Hope-street , on Wednesday evening , 3 rd inst ., Bro , James Shaw , R . W . M ., in
the chair ; Bros . A . B . Ferguson , S . W . ; John Harley . J . W . ; D . Buchanan , D . M . ; D . T . Colquhoun , Treas . ; Wm . R . Dunn , Sec . The lodge was opened on the E . A . Degree , and the Secretary read the minutes of last regular meeting and committee meeting . The nomination of office-bearers for the ensuing year was then proceeded with , when the following brethren were
duly nominated , viz ., James Shaw , R . W . M . ; D . Buchanan , D . M . ; W . H . Caldwell , S . M . ; A . B . Ferguson , S . W . ; John Harley , J . W . ; D . T . Colquhoun , Treas . ; R . A . McLean , Sec . ; D . Leitch , S . D . ; James Harley , J . D . ; John Shaw , S . S . ; C . McKenzie , Jeweller ; James Douglas , Bible Bearer ; John Allison , Standard Bearer ; James Coutts , Director of Music ;
C . More , Director of Ceremonies ; William Dickie , Banner Bearer ; James Poole , Inner Guard ; and James Minnoch , Tyler . The R . W . M . then read an application from Mr . George Anderson , who was admitted , and received the First or E . A . Degree at the hands of Bro . Shaw , R . W . M . The lodge was then closed in due and ancient form .
GLASGOW . —Lodge Commercial ( No . 3 60 ) . — The regular . meeting of this most prosperous and well regulated lodge was held in their hall , 30 , Hope-street , Glasgow , on Friday , the 5 th inst ., the business of thc eve ning being the election and installation of office-bearers for the ensuing year . Bro . John Davidson , P . M ., in thc unavoidable absence of Bro .
John Monro , R . W . M ., who was attending a special meeting called by thc Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow , at 8 p . m . that evening , occupied the chair , supported by Bro . Dr . A . Morton , I . P . M . ; Julius Erode , P . M . ; W . H . Dingley , P . M . ; D . Lamb , D . M . ; J . M . Olliver , S . W . ; Wm . Finlay , Treas . ; W . H . Bickerton , ( " Freemason" ) ; and the other office-bearers . On this occasion there was a large
attendance of members and visiting brethren . On account of the absence of Bro . John Monro , R . W . M ., the business of election and installation of officers was put on the list of business for 9 o ' clock p . m ., and thc lodge raised to the Degree of Fellow Craft , and afterwards to that of M . M . ; immediately after the lodge being opened by Bro . Davidson . Bro . James Colquhoun was then raised to the
Sublime Degree of M . M ., Bro . D . Lamb performing thc ceremony in a most careful and impressive manner . On conclusion of this ceremony , the lodge was reduced to the Degree of E . A ., when Bro . John Monro , R . W . M ., entered , and occupied the seat vacated by Bro . John Davidson , as R . W . M . Bro . Monro , R . W . M ., then called upon the Secretary to read the minutes of last regular meeting
and special meeting , and also the names of those brethren who had been nominated for office . There being no objection , the minutes were passed and the brethren duly elected . The ceremony of installation waspiocceded with in the usual and constitutional manner , Bro . Dr . A . Morton , I . P . M ., installing the R . W . M ., D . M ., and S . M ., in a most effective manner . These officers having taken
their seats on the dais , thc harmonium struck up with the grand march , the brethren marched in procession , signifying their subjection and obedience by the usual salutations . This part of the ceremony being concluded , the other office-bearers were then installed by Bro . John Monro , R . W . M . The ceremony now being over , the newly-installed Master thanked the presiding brother and
thc brethren present in an appropriate manner . The officers elected and installed were as follows : —Bros . John Monro , R . W . M . ; D . Lamb , D . M . j Wm . Finlay , S . M . ; J . M . Olliver , S . W . ; T . Graham , J . W . ; W . H . Bickerton , Jeweller ; James Coupar , Chaplain ; Wm . Keiller , S . D . ; R . Reid , J . D . ; R . Brodie , D . of M . ; A . Sloane , B . B . ; James McCosh , D . of C . ; H . Jamieson , I . G . ;
James Minnoch , O . G . The offices of Secretary and P . of Stewards was not filled . There being no further business the lodge -was closed . GLASGOW . —Lodge Clyde , ( No . 408 ) .-The regular meeting of this lodge took place on the 5 th inst ., in the Kilwinning Hall , 170 , Buchanan-street , Bro . Wm . Harper , R . W . M ., in the chair , Bro . John Mclnnes , S . W . ;
Bro . W . Bihland , J . W . Ihe R . W . M . was supported by P . M . Gordon , P . M . Buchanan , Alexr . Bain ( P . M . 103 ); D . Mitchell , Sec ; J . Stewart , Treas ., & c . The minutes of the previous meeting were rcatl and confirmed . The next business taken up was that of raising the fees for initiation to £ 3 3 s . A very pleasant and animated conversation followed upon this proposal being made , Bros .
thc R . W . M . Gordon , P . M . ; Downie , S . M . ; Buchanan , P . M . ; Stewart , Treas . ( whose motion it was ) , and others expressing themselves fitely and fully on the proposal . It was ultimately agreed that in future the fees of the lodge for initiation shall be £ 3 3 s . The next business was that of the nomination of office-bcaiers for the coming year . The following is the result of the
nominations : —R . W . M ., Bro . W . Harper ; S . M ., Bros . Black and Mclnnes ; S . W ., Bros . Bihland and Crosbie ; J . W ., Bro . J . McKinnon ; Treas ., J . Stewart , Harkness , Jas . Hart and Wm . Anderson , jun . ; Sec , Bro . Cross j Chaplain , Bro . Strathern ; B . B ., Bro . J . Buchanan ; S . D ., Bro . Williamson ; J . D ., Bro . Crosbie ; Archt .. Bro . Blackstock ; Jewellers , Bros . Morton and Kelly ; P . G .
Stewds ., Bros . Clair and McCall ; S . S ., Bro . Thomson ; Std . Br . Bros . Archer and Waddell ; I . G ., Bros . Wallace and Collie ; and O . G ., Bro . Ramsay . The case of a brother who had lost all his effects through shipwreck was then taken up , with a view to assist him under his present difficulties , and satisfactory disposed of . Mr . Edward Boyd ( outfitter ) , who had been proposed and seconded by Bros . McCall and Downie as a fit candidate
for Masonic honours , then received the E . A . degree . The lodge was then passed to the F . C , when Bro . Thos . Brown received that degree , Bio . Downie officiating . This being all the business , the lodge was closed . GOVAN . —Lodge Govandale . ( No . 437 ) . —The regular fortni ghtly meeting of this lodge was held in their hall , Portland Buildings , Govan , on Tuesday evening , the 2 nd . inst ., Bro . John McFarlan , R . W . M ., in the
chair , supported by Bro . A . Campbell , P . M . ; Bro . J . Meller , D . M . ; Bro . Muir , S . W . ; Bro . Ferguson , J . W . There was a very large turn out of the members of thc lodge , and visiting biethren . Among thc visiting brethren were Bros . James Gillies , P . M . 103 , Glasgow ; and W . Ferguson , 543 , ( " Freemason" ) . The lodge was opened on the E . A . degree , and the Sec . read the minutes ot last
meeting , which were appioved of . A motion was then brought forward , which was taken at a regular meeting one month ago by Bro . James , to the effect that the initiation fee of this lodge be raised to £ 3 3 s . An amendment was made by Bio . Campbell , P . M ., that the fees remain in the meantime as before . After voting thereon the amendment was carried by a small majority . After
the result being made known the same motion was again tabled to be brought up at a tegular meeting to be held for that purpose . The lodge was then opened on the second or F . C . degree , when Bros . Haylett ( of No . 437 ) and James McGuire ( of Union and Crown ) were admitted and
passed to that degree ; the last named brother having to leave Scotland in a few days , was thereafter , along with Bro . George King ( 437 ) , raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason , by Bro . McFarlane , R . W . M ., in his usual and most impressive manner . The lodge was then closed in due and ancient form .
GLASGOW . —Lodge St . Andrew ( No . 4 65 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held in their hall , Garngad-road , on the 4 th inst . The R . W . M ., Bro . David Reid , presided , and was supported by Bros . Jas . McLish , S . M .-, Morton , S . W . ; G . B . Davidson , J . W . ; Robert Donaldson , Treas . ; Wm . Campbell , Sec , and other officebearers . Among the visiting brethren present were Bros .
Wm . Bihland , J . W . 408 ; J . Fi > her , 28 ; Martin Hallady , 31 ; and others . The lodge having been opened , the Secretary read the minutes of the previous meeting , which were confirmed . Letters of demit were granted to __ Bros . John Hinshelwood and Joseph Bradburn , both members of the lodge , who are about to proceed abroad . There were two candidates waiting for initiation , viz ., Richard Blair ,
proposed by Bro . Hinshelwood , seconded by Bro . Donald ; Walter Davidson , proposed by Bro . Ramsay , seconded by Bro . Fisher . They were prepared , and received the E . A . Degree , Bro . Reid , R . W . M ., officiating in his usual complete and satisfactory style . It was then intimated that the nomination of office-bearers for the next year would take place at the next regular meeting . This being the
night set apart by the lodge for harmony , no further business was gone into . The brethren having spent some time in pleasant and enjoyable harmony , the lodge was duly closed in ancient from . GLASGOW . —Lodge Clydesdale . —( No . 55 6 ) . — The regular fortnightly meeting of this lodge was held on Monday evening , the ist inst , in thc Masonic Hall ,
106 , Rose-street , S . S . Bro . William Philips , R . W . M ., presiding ; Bro . J . B . McNaught , S . W . ; Bro . J . Howie . J . W . There were also present Bros . Thomas Russell , D . M . ; John McNaught , S . M . ; John McKcchnic , Treas . ; Hugh Weir , J . D . ; Thos . Phillips , B . B . ; J . M . Oliver , S . W . 360 ; W . Ferguson , 543 . ( " Freemason" ) ; G . C . A . McNaught , I . P . M . 275 ; P . Hepburn , J . W . 8 ; J . Millar , P . M . 87 ;
David Ronald , S . W . 275 ; John Paterson , S . M . 275 ; John Nagle , S . S ., 441 ; Ebenezer Ferguson , 3 J ¦; James Couper , 32 ; Archd . Baird , 178 ; James Watt , jun ., 219 ; Hugh Reid , 116 ; William Robertson , 219 ; Francis Dow , 219 ; George Lyall , 219 ; John Dunlop , 157 ; Thomas Stevenson , 290 ; Peter Paterson , 76 ; William Wright , 116 ; William Findlay , 275 ; James , 275 ; and a large number of
membeis of the lodge , and other visiting brethren . The lodge was opened on the Entered Apprentice Degree , and thc Secretary read minutes of the last regular meeting , which were confirmed . The nomination of officc-bcareis for the ensuing year was then proceeded with , and after going through the usual routine of business , Bros . Robert
Patirson , William Wallace , and William Hiddall , Entered Apprentices , were passed to the Square Degree of Fellow Craft , Bro J . M . Oliver , S . W ., Commercial Lodge , No . 3 60 , working the degree in a minute and careful maunei . The lodge was then reduced to the E . A . degree , and no further business being brought forwaid was closed in due and ancient form by the R . W . M .
GLASGOW * . —Lodge Dramatic ( No . 571 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held in St . Mark ' s Hall , 213 , Buchanan-street , on Wednesday , the 3 rd inst ., at 3 o ' clock . Bro . W . J . E . Dobson , R . W . INL , took the chair , and was ably supported by Bros . H . W . J ackman , S . W . ; Jas . Houston , D . M . ; Wm . Barbour , Treas . -, J . M . Oliver , S . W . 360 , acting J . W . ; John Fraser , P . M . 87 ;
J . Booth , S . W . 87 . Among the visiting brethren present we noticed Wm . Phillips , R . W . M . 556 ; John Miller , P . M . 87 ; John Wilson , 3 J ; D . Couper , 3 ^; G . W . Wheeler , E . B . Adams , 360 , ( " Freemason" ) , and others . The minutes of thc prcviousmeeting were confirmed . Tbe R . W . M . then reminded thc brethren that at this time of the year it was necessary to elect office-bearers for the coming year , but as
this was their first year he was not quite sure whether that was necessary or not , but would be glad to hear thc opinions of any of the brethren present on this point . Bro . John Fraser said that the present office-bearers were appointed to act till the lodge was consecrated ; the lodge had only been three months in existence , and it would be most advisable that the present office-bearers should
continue in office , going through the form of nomination and election to keep them in conformity with Grand Lodge laws . Bro . Miller supported Bro . Fraser in this idea , and it was therefore agreed that the nomination should take place at the next regular meeting of the lodge . Tlie lodge was then raised to the F . C . Degree , and a brother
waiting for that degree was entrusted with it , Bro . Booth officiating . Thereafter the lodge was closed . [ The following junavoidably stand over : —Provincial Grand Lodge of Dumbarton . Dedication of a Masonic Hall in Glasgow . Lodges 102 , 174 , 219 , 333 , 360 , 44 > i 5 io , 341 , 543 *» R-V . Chapters 30 , 144 •]
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
PARTICK . —Lodge St . Mary ' s ( No . 117 ) — The usual fortnightly meeting of this lodge was held oa Wedncsday evening , the 3 rd inst ., in St Maiy ' s Hall , Partick . In the unavoidable absence of the respected R . W . M ., Bro . ' William Wylie , the chair was occupied by Bro . John Bain , D . M ., supported by Bros . Andrew Brunton , P . M . ; David Peacock , S . W . ; Andrew Agnew , J . W . ; David
Forrest , S . D . ; John McLaren , J . D . Among those present were Bros . j . B . Maitland , Sec . ; J . M . Wylie , Treas . ; Alfred Laurence , Chaplain , William Lawson , 3 J ; John Dawson , 3 J ; Thomas M'Culluch , 109 ; Allan Stevenson , 114 ; John Findlay , 173 ; James Gray , 225 ; Alexander Graham , , 60 ; Aaron Spy , 49 6 ; Duncan Mclndoe , 553 ; Samuel Lcckie , Sec . 543 ; John McLellan , 543 ; Alexander
M'Dougall , 543 ; William Ferguson , 543 ; John Mc Arthur , nj ; Robert Anderson , 117 ; William Phillips , 117 ; James Brock , 117 ; James Livingston , 117 ; Arch . Young , 117 ; James Lyon , 117 ; John Maitland , 117 ; and Samuel Muirhead , & c . The lodge was opened on the Entered Apprentice Degree . It was unanimously agreed to delay removing to the New Masonic Hall , now
nearly finished , in Douglas-street , until after the consecration of thc lodge-room , which is expected to take place about the middle of December . An application was then read from Mr . Donald Bain , which was favourably received , and he was admitted and initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry by Bro . Bain , D . M ., in a careful manner . The lodge was then opened in the Fellow Craft
Degree , when Bros . J . S . Rowling , Robert Martin , and John Gait were passed to that degree by Bro . Boreland . The lodge was thereafter opened on the M . M . Degree , and Bros . John Arnott , George M'Keur , and J . S . Rowling were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason ( the last-mentioned brother having to leave Scotland in a few days ) , Bro . J . Bain officiating . The lodge was then reduced
to the E . A . Degree , and closed in due and ancient form . GLASGOW . —Lodge Shamrock and Thistle ( No . 275 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the alasonic Hall , 22 , Struthers-street , Calton , on Friday evening , the 3 th inst ., Bro . R . M . Yuill , R . W . M ., in thc chair ; Bros . Ronald , S . W ., and Findlay , J . W ., with the other office-bearers in their respective places , and a full
attendance of members , and a large number of visiting brethren present , among whom were Bro . John Campbell , R . W . M . St . John ' s , Shettleston , No . 138 , who supported the R . W . M . on the dais , along with Bros . Rowan , D . M . ; Paterson , S . M . ; G . C . H . McNaught , I . P . M . ; Hutcheson , Treas . ; and Horn , Sec . The lodge having been opened in the E . A . Degree , the
• Secretary read the minutes of last regular meeting , which were approved of . The first business brought forward was the nomination of office-bearers for the ensuing year , which was then proceeded with in proper form . Three applications were then read from gentlemen wishing to be admitted into the Order , and there being no objections , they received the Entered Apprentice Degree at the hands of the
R . W . M . in his usual fine style , viz ., Wm . Angus , John E . MacLaren , j-Peter & McCulloch . The lodge was then opened in the Fellow Craft Degree , when Bros . Sergeant Robert Evans and J ames Gillan were advanced to that degree by Bro . Paterson , S . M . The lodge was thereafter reduced to to the E . A . Degree , and transferred from labour to refreshment . After spending a short time in harmony , in which
the brethren heartily enjoyed themselves with song and sentiment , the lodge was re-transferred , and closed in due aud proper form . GLASGOW . —Lodge Union ( No . 332 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held in the Jiasonic Hall , 170 , Buchanan-street , on the ist inst . The meeting was remarkably well attended . The R . W . M ., Bro . I . B .
Macnair , presided , and was supported by D . McKirdy , S . W . ; W . Murray ( acting ) J . W . ; R . Mitchell , P . M . ; J . Balfour , P . M . ; J . Laird , Treas . ; John Mclnnes , Sec . ; and other office-hewers . Among the visiting brethren we observed Bros . J . Gilles , P . M . 103 ; Robt . Kerr , D . M . 324 ; J . Mclnnes , S . W . 408 ; J . Bihland , J . W . 408 ; C . Arthur , Mother Kilwinning ; P . Brownlee , 3 } ; J . Gray , I . G . 103 i
James Crabbe , 27 , & c Thc Secretary , having been called to read thc minutes of the previous meeting , they were found correct and confirmed . Thc R . W . M . called thc attention of the brethren to thc fact that this was the ni ght fixed for the nomination ol office-bearers for thc current year , and those brethren who had not paid the test fees would have an opportunity of doing so before thc
nomination commenced . An application was read from Mr . John Gray ( iron moulder ) , aged 24 . His proposer and seconder were Bros . D . McKirdy , S . VV ., and John Mclnnes , Sec . The proposal was agreed to , and he received the First Degree in Masonry , Bro . McKirdy , S . W ., officiating in capital style . The other business before the lodge was passing and raising , but , as the nomination of office-bearers was
fixed for that night , the passing was dispensed with and the lodge raised to the Sublime Degree , when Bro . Thos . McGhe ' c and also a brother from the Union and Crown Lodge were put in possession of that degree . Thereafter the nomination was proceeded with , and the following was thc result : R . W . M ., Bro . McKirdy ; D . M ., Bro . Robert Mitchell ; G . M ., Bro . Dempster and Bro . Johnston ; S . W .,
J . Mclnnes and Wm . Miller ; J . W ., H . Apperson ; P . G . S ., Wm . Miller and Alex . McNair ; Treas ., John Laird ; Sec , J . H . Gill ; S . W ., J . Mitchell and J . Findlay ; J . D ., J . Findlay and J . Mitchell ; S . S ., Wm . Goudic ; J . S ., W . G . Burns ; Chaplain , D . Robertson ; B . B ., J . Burns ; Architect , D . Mitchell ; D . C , Thos . McGhie ; Standard Bearer , J . . Stalker ; S . B ., W . Laird ; I . G ., vacant ; Jeweller , L . Rombach ; Tyler , D . Ramsey . Bro . Murray , on behalf of
Lodge Benevolent Committee , intimated that the P . G . Benevolent Committee had given a grant to thc widow of our late Bro . Dowic in addition to their own lodge grant . The lodge was then closed in due and ancient form . GLASGOW . —Lodge Caledonian Railway ( k ° - 354 ) - —The regular fortnightly meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Hall , 30 , Hope-street , on Wednesday evening , 3 rd inst ., Bro , James Shaw , R . W . M ., in
the chair ; Bros . A . B . Ferguson , S . W . ; John Harley . J . W . ; D . Buchanan , D . M . ; D . T . Colquhoun , Treas . ; Wm . R . Dunn , Sec . The lodge was opened on the E . A . Degree , and the Secretary read the minutes of last regular meeting and committee meeting . The nomination of office-bearers for the ensuing year was then proceeded with , when the following brethren were
duly nominated , viz ., James Shaw , R . W . M . ; D . Buchanan , D . M . ; W . H . Caldwell , S . M . ; A . B . Ferguson , S . W . ; John Harley , J . W . ; D . T . Colquhoun , Treas . ; R . A . McLean , Sec . ; D . Leitch , S . D . ; James Harley , J . D . ; John Shaw , S . S . ; C . McKenzie , Jeweller ; James Douglas , Bible Bearer ; John Allison , Standard Bearer ; James Coutts , Director of Music ;
C . More , Director of Ceremonies ; William Dickie , Banner Bearer ; James Poole , Inner Guard ; and James Minnoch , Tyler . The R . W . M . then read an application from Mr . George Anderson , who was admitted , and received the First or E . A . Degree at the hands of Bro . Shaw , R . W . M . The lodge was then closed in due and ancient form .
GLASGOW . —Lodge Commercial ( No . 3 60 ) . — The regular . meeting of this most prosperous and well regulated lodge was held in their hall , 30 , Hope-street , Glasgow , on Friday , the 5 th inst ., the business of thc eve ning being the election and installation of office-bearers for the ensuing year . Bro . John Davidson , P . M ., in thc unavoidable absence of Bro .
John Monro , R . W . M ., who was attending a special meeting called by thc Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow , at 8 p . m . that evening , occupied the chair , supported by Bro . Dr . A . Morton , I . P . M . ; Julius Erode , P . M . ; W . H . Dingley , P . M . ; D . Lamb , D . M . ; J . M . Olliver , S . W . ; Wm . Finlay , Treas . ; W . H . Bickerton , ( " Freemason" ) ; and the other office-bearers . On this occasion there was a large
attendance of members and visiting brethren . On account of the absence of Bro . John Monro , R . W . M ., the business of election and installation of officers was put on the list of business for 9 o ' clock p . m ., and thc lodge raised to the Degree of Fellow Craft , and afterwards to that of M . M . ; immediately after the lodge being opened by Bro . Davidson . Bro . James Colquhoun was then raised to the
Sublime Degree of M . M ., Bro . D . Lamb performing thc ceremony in a most careful and impressive manner . On conclusion of this ceremony , the lodge was reduced to the Degree of E . A ., when Bro . John Monro , R . W . M ., entered , and occupied the seat vacated by Bro . John Davidson , as R . W . M . Bro . Monro , R . W . M ., then called upon the Secretary to read the minutes of last regular meeting
and special meeting , and also the names of those brethren who had been nominated for office . There being no objection , the minutes were passed and the brethren duly elected . The ceremony of installation waspiocceded with in the usual and constitutional manner , Bro . Dr . A . Morton , I . P . M ., installing the R . W . M ., D . M ., and S . M ., in a most effective manner . These officers having taken
their seats on the dais , thc harmonium struck up with the grand march , the brethren marched in procession , signifying their subjection and obedience by the usual salutations . This part of the ceremony being concluded , the other office-bearers were then installed by Bro . John Monro , R . W . M . The ceremony now being over , the newly-installed Master thanked the presiding brother and
thc brethren present in an appropriate manner . The officers elected and installed were as follows : —Bros . John Monro , R . W . M . ; D . Lamb , D . M . j Wm . Finlay , S . M . ; J . M . Olliver , S . W . ; T . Graham , J . W . ; W . H . Bickerton , Jeweller ; James Coupar , Chaplain ; Wm . Keiller , S . D . ; R . Reid , J . D . ; R . Brodie , D . of M . ; A . Sloane , B . B . ; James McCosh , D . of C . ; H . Jamieson , I . G . ;
James Minnoch , O . G . The offices of Secretary and P . of Stewards was not filled . There being no further business the lodge -was closed . GLASGOW . —Lodge Clyde , ( No . 408 ) .-The regular meeting of this lodge took place on the 5 th inst ., in the Kilwinning Hall , 170 , Buchanan-street , Bro . Wm . Harper , R . W . M ., in the chair , Bro . John Mclnnes , S . W . ;
Bro . W . Bihland , J . W . Ihe R . W . M . was supported by P . M . Gordon , P . M . Buchanan , Alexr . Bain ( P . M . 103 ); D . Mitchell , Sec ; J . Stewart , Treas ., & c . The minutes of the previous meeting were rcatl and confirmed . The next business taken up was that of raising the fees for initiation to £ 3 3 s . A very pleasant and animated conversation followed upon this proposal being made , Bros .
thc R . W . M . Gordon , P . M . ; Downie , S . M . ; Buchanan , P . M . ; Stewart , Treas . ( whose motion it was ) , and others expressing themselves fitely and fully on the proposal . It was ultimately agreed that in future the fees of the lodge for initiation shall be £ 3 3 s . The next business was that of the nomination of office-bcaiers for the coming year . The following is the result of the
nominations : —R . W . M ., Bro . W . Harper ; S . M ., Bros . Black and Mclnnes ; S . W ., Bros . Bihland and Crosbie ; J . W ., Bro . J . McKinnon ; Treas ., J . Stewart , Harkness , Jas . Hart and Wm . Anderson , jun . ; Sec , Bro . Cross j Chaplain , Bro . Strathern ; B . B ., Bro . J . Buchanan ; S . D ., Bro . Williamson ; J . D ., Bro . Crosbie ; Archt .. Bro . Blackstock ; Jewellers , Bros . Morton and Kelly ; P . G .
Stewds ., Bros . Clair and McCall ; S . S ., Bro . Thomson ; Std . Br . Bros . Archer and Waddell ; I . G ., Bros . Wallace and Collie ; and O . G ., Bro . Ramsay . The case of a brother who had lost all his effects through shipwreck was then taken up , with a view to assist him under his present difficulties , and satisfactory disposed of . Mr . Edward Boyd ( outfitter ) , who had been proposed and seconded by Bros . McCall and Downie as a fit candidate
for Masonic honours , then received the E . A . degree . The lodge was then passed to the F . C , when Bro . Thos . Brown received that degree , Bio . Downie officiating . This being all the business , the lodge was closed . GOVAN . —Lodge Govandale . ( No . 437 ) . —The regular fortni ghtly meeting of this lodge was held in their hall , Portland Buildings , Govan , on Tuesday evening , the 2 nd . inst ., Bro . John McFarlan , R . W . M ., in the
chair , supported by Bro . A . Campbell , P . M . ; Bro . J . Meller , D . M . ; Bro . Muir , S . W . ; Bro . Ferguson , J . W . There was a very large turn out of the members of thc lodge , and visiting biethren . Among thc visiting brethren were Bros . James Gillies , P . M . 103 , Glasgow ; and W . Ferguson , 543 , ( " Freemason" ) . The lodge was opened on the E . A . degree , and the Sec . read the minutes ot last
meeting , which were appioved of . A motion was then brought forward , which was taken at a regular meeting one month ago by Bro . James , to the effect that the initiation fee of this lodge be raised to £ 3 3 s . An amendment was made by Bio . Campbell , P . M ., that the fees remain in the meantime as before . After voting thereon the amendment was carried by a small majority . After
the result being made known the same motion was again tabled to be brought up at a tegular meeting to be held for that purpose . The lodge was then opened on the second or F . C . degree , when Bros . Haylett ( of No . 437 ) and James McGuire ( of Union and Crown ) were admitted and
passed to that degree ; the last named brother having to leave Scotland in a few days , was thereafter , along with Bro . George King ( 437 ) , raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason , by Bro . McFarlane , R . W . M ., in his usual and most impressive manner . The lodge was then closed in due and ancient form .
GLASGOW . —Lodge St . Andrew ( No . 4 65 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held in their hall , Garngad-road , on the 4 th inst . The R . W . M ., Bro . David Reid , presided , and was supported by Bros . Jas . McLish , S . M .-, Morton , S . W . ; G . B . Davidson , J . W . ; Robert Donaldson , Treas . ; Wm . Campbell , Sec , and other officebearers . Among the visiting brethren present were Bros .
Wm . Bihland , J . W . 408 ; J . Fi > her , 28 ; Martin Hallady , 31 ; and others . The lodge having been opened , the Secretary read the minutes of the previous meeting , which were confirmed . Letters of demit were granted to __ Bros . John Hinshelwood and Joseph Bradburn , both members of the lodge , who are about to proceed abroad . There were two candidates waiting for initiation , viz ., Richard Blair ,
proposed by Bro . Hinshelwood , seconded by Bro . Donald ; Walter Davidson , proposed by Bro . Ramsay , seconded by Bro . Fisher . They were prepared , and received the E . A . Degree , Bro . Reid , R . W . M ., officiating in his usual complete and satisfactory style . It was then intimated that the nomination of office-bearers for the next year would take place at the next regular meeting . This being the
night set apart by the lodge for harmony , no further business was gone into . The brethren having spent some time in pleasant and enjoyable harmony , the lodge was duly closed in ancient from . GLASGOW . —Lodge Clydesdale . —( No . 55 6 ) . — The regular fortnightly meeting of this lodge was held on Monday evening , the ist inst , in thc Masonic Hall ,
106 , Rose-street , S . S . Bro . William Philips , R . W . M ., presiding ; Bro . J . B . McNaught , S . W . ; Bro . J . Howie . J . W . There were also present Bros . Thomas Russell , D . M . ; John McNaught , S . M . ; John McKcchnic , Treas . ; Hugh Weir , J . D . ; Thos . Phillips , B . B . ; J . M . Oliver , S . W . 360 ; W . Ferguson , 543 . ( " Freemason" ) ; G . C . A . McNaught , I . P . M . 275 ; P . Hepburn , J . W . 8 ; J . Millar , P . M . 87 ;
David Ronald , S . W . 275 ; John Paterson , S . M . 275 ; John Nagle , S . S ., 441 ; Ebenezer Ferguson , 3 J ¦; James Couper , 32 ; Archd . Baird , 178 ; James Watt , jun ., 219 ; Hugh Reid , 116 ; William Robertson , 219 ; Francis Dow , 219 ; George Lyall , 219 ; John Dunlop , 157 ; Thomas Stevenson , 290 ; Peter Paterson , 76 ; William Wright , 116 ; William Findlay , 275 ; James , 275 ; and a large number of
membeis of the lodge , and other visiting brethren . The lodge was opened on the Entered Apprentice Degree , and thc Secretary read minutes of the last regular meeting , which were confirmed . The nomination of officc-bcareis for the ensuing year was then proceeded with , and after going through the usual routine of business , Bros . Robert
Patirson , William Wallace , and William Hiddall , Entered Apprentices , were passed to the Square Degree of Fellow Craft , Bro J . M . Oliver , S . W ., Commercial Lodge , No . 3 60 , working the degree in a minute and careful maunei . The lodge was then reduced to the E . A . degree , and no further business being brought forwaid was closed in due and ancient form by the R . W . M .
GLASGOW * . —Lodge Dramatic ( No . 571 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held in St . Mark ' s Hall , 213 , Buchanan-street , on Wednesday , the 3 rd inst ., at 3 o ' clock . Bro . W . J . E . Dobson , R . W . INL , took the chair , and was ably supported by Bros . H . W . J ackman , S . W . ; Jas . Houston , D . M . ; Wm . Barbour , Treas . -, J . M . Oliver , S . W . 360 , acting J . W . ; John Fraser , P . M . 87 ;
J . Booth , S . W . 87 . Among the visiting brethren present we noticed Wm . Phillips , R . W . M . 556 ; John Miller , P . M . 87 ; John Wilson , 3 J ; D . Couper , 3 ^; G . W . Wheeler , E . B . Adams , 360 , ( " Freemason" ) , and others . The minutes of thc prcviousmeeting were confirmed . Tbe R . W . M . then reminded thc brethren that at this time of the year it was necessary to elect office-bearers for the coming year , but as
this was their first year he was not quite sure whether that was necessary or not , but would be glad to hear thc opinions of any of the brethren present on this point . Bro . John Fraser said that the present office-bearers were appointed to act till the lodge was consecrated ; the lodge had only been three months in existence , and it would be most advisable that the present office-bearers should
continue in office , going through the form of nomination and election to keep them in conformity with Grand Lodge laws . Bro . Miller supported Bro . Fraser in this idea , and it was therefore agreed that the nomination should take place at the next regular meeting of the lodge . Tlie lodge was then raised to the F . C . Degree , and a brother
waiting for that degree was entrusted with it , Bro . Booth officiating . Thereafter the lodge was closed . [ The following junavoidably stand over : —Provincial Grand Lodge of Dumbarton . Dedication of a Masonic Hall in Glasgow . Lodges 102 , 174 , 219 , 333 , 360 , 44 > i 5 io , 341 , 543 *» R-V . Chapters 30 , 144 •]