Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ORDERS OF CHIVALRY. Page 1 of 1 Article ORDERS OF CHIVALRY. Page 1 of 1 Article OPENING OF THE " GILBERT GREEN ALL" LODGE (No. 1250), WARRINGTON. Page 1 of 1 Article OPENING OF THE " GILBERT GREEN ALL" LODGE (No. 1250), WARRINGTON. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
J . Verity , Tyler ; Bros . Walshaw , Brearey , Jarvis , Friconr . Kni ght , Kitchen , Delamere , and Thorp , of 1248 ; and Bros . Fletcher ( J . W . ) , Parker ( J . D . ) , Hardgrave , and Chapman , of 200 . The lodge was opened in the first degree , and the minutes read and confirmed . Bros . Fisher , P . M ., and J . M . Crosby
were balloted for and elected joining members . Mr . V . Stewart was balloted for and elected , and initiated into Freemasonry by the presiding W . M ., Bro . Woodall , in a very able and impressive manner . Bro . Thorp passed an examination in the first degree and retired , and was readmitted and
passed to the second degree . Bros . Jarvis , 1 ' ricour , and Knight passed an examination in the second degree and retired , and were separately admitted and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason , the ceremony being performed by Bros . AYilliamson and Rooke , P . M . 's in a very impressive manner .
The Lodge was now worked down to the first degree . Two gentlemen were proposed for initiation at the next meeting . Brs . J . O . Surtees , AV . M ., who had been absent from Scarborough , joined the Lodge during the evening , and requested the presiding
W . M . to remain in the Chair , as he , the AV . M ., had travelled a very long distance during tho day and felt very tired . After a few preliminary arrangements had been made the Lodge was closed with solemn prayer .
The Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . Jerusalem Chapter , 185 . —INSTALLATION MEETING . —At Freemasons' Tavern , on Tuesday , April 13 th , this chapter met . Companion A . D . Loewenstark , M . E . Z ., presided , and exalted two brethren . He then installed Companion J . Harris M . E . Z . Comp .
J . R . Sheen , P . Z ., S . E ., installed Companions J . Stevens , II ., and Davidge , J . The officers appointed were Comps . E . H . Patten , P . Z ., Treas . ( reinvested ) ; J . R . Sheen , P . Z ., S . E . ( reinvested ); Harfield . S . N . ; J . Holbrook , P . S . ; A . Oberdoerffer , 1 st A . S . ; Pollaky , 2 nd A . S . ; and Hoare , Janitor ( reinvested ) . There were also present R AVatts , P . Z . ; J . Dyer ,
PZ . ; Robinson , P . Z . ; aud A . Levy , Baylis , Peartree , & c , & c . Visitors , F . Walters , P . Z . ; Spooner , P . Z . After business the Companions sat down to a good banquet , served up under the personal superintendence of Bro . C . Gosden , who used his best exertions to make all happy and comfortable . A few hours were spent in a pleasant manner , and the Companions separated for the six mouths' vacation .
PROVINCIAL . SCARBOROUGH . —The Old Globe Chapter , No . 200 , met in their Lodge-room ou AVednesday , 7 th inst ., at seven o ' clock p . m . The following officers and Companions were present : —Companions John AV . AVoodall ( Mayor of Scarborough ) , P . Z . ; J . F . Spurr
P . Z . ; AV . F . Liwke , M . D ., J . P ., Z . ; AV . T . Farthing , II . ; H . A . AVilliamson , J . ; R . II . Peacock , E . ; II . C . Martin , N . ; S . II . Armitage , P . S . ; AV . II . Garnett , 1 st A . S . ; J . E . Green , 2 nd A . S . ; J . Verity . Janitor ; Pattison , AValshaw , Parker , B . D . AA'bodall , Inskip , Groves , Merrin , aud AV . Peacock . Comp . J . Fisher , P . Z ., was elected a joining member , and
Bro . II . Grover exalted to the degree of a Royal xA . rch Mason . This waa the first meeting since the installation of principals , and the manner in which thoy performed the duties of their several offices exceeded the expectations of all present . —The Provincial Grand Chapter will meet iu this Chapter-room next month .
Orders Of Chivalry.
KNIGHTS TEMPLAR . DKVONPORT . — Iho regular Conclave of the Royal Sussex Encampment , assembled at their head-quarters , Morice Town , on Thursday , 15 th April , for the purpose of Installing their Eminent Commander . The vhoico of the Encampment fell on Sir Kni ght AA'illiam J . J . Spry ( P . P . G . Supt . AVorks , Devon ) , who was
thereupon installed in the chair by Em . Sir Knight Samuel Chappie , P . E . C ., assisted by Em . Sir Knight Vincent Bird , E ; C . ( Loyal Veteran Encampment ) . The E . C . then appointed the / bllowing officers to assist him in governing the I ' . ' ncampment : — Eminent Sir Knight Lord Eliot , ( Past Grand Prior of England , and
Provincial Grand Commander of Cornwall ) , P . E . C . ; Sir Kts . James Hawton , 1 st Capt . of Columns ; Col . John Elliott , 2 nd Capt . of Columns ; Phili p B . Clemens , Prelate ; Vincent Bird , Treasurer ; AVilliam Foxwell , ltegistrar ; John Brown , Expert ; AVilliam II . Roberts , Capt . of Lines ; Arthur B . Nmer , Standard
Bearer ; Edwin Knight , George AValker , Heralds ; James Itashbrook , Equerry . Companion A . B . Niner of tho Pleiades Chapter , lotnes , was installed a member of thisancicnt chivalric degree , which concluded the business of the Conclave , and after partaking of refreshment , & c , the Sir Knights separated .
KNIGHTS OF MALTA . Royal Stmex Priory of Knights of Malta Tho Eminent IVior , Sir Knight AV . , 1 . J . Spry intimated that it was his will and pleasure that the following Sir Kni ghts assist him during the year : Sir Knights
Orders Of Chivalry.
Jas . AV . Hawton , Capt .-General ; Col . John Elliott , 1 st Lieut .-General ; Philip B . Clemens , 2 nd Lieut .-General ; Richard Lose , 3 rd Lieut-General ; Vincent Bird , Treasurer ; AVilliam Foxwell , Chancellor ; John Brown , Conductor ; Josiah Austin , Guard of B . ; Thomas Harvey , Guard of L . ; Thomas Heath , Guard of D . ; George G . Nicholls , Guard of R . ; James Rashbrook , Guard .
Opening Of The " Gilbert Green All" Lodge (No. 1250), Warrington.
April the 12 th will long be remembered as a " redletter day" by the Free and Accepted Masons of Warrington . Some two years ago there was a very general opinion prevalent among the Brethren of the " Lodge of Lights , " that the time had arrived
when a new lodge might with propriety be formed in AVarrington . At the same time there was no wish on the part of its promoters to injure , deteriorate , or in any way detract from the dignity and character of the Mother Lodge . And as time advanced this feeling gradually extended itself , and Freemasonry
had made such progress , and become so popular m the district , that it was at length determined to put this oft-expressed wish of the Brethren into a practical form . A petition was drawn up and presented to the M . AV . the G . M . of England , Earl Zetland , praying for a Warrant of Constitution to open a
New Lodge , under the style and title of the " Gilbert Greenall" Lodge , to make Masons , and to do all such other things as appertain to Ancient Freemasonry . And when it shall be asked by the children of future generations , why it was so called , these records shall be referred to , to give them the
required information . Bro . Greenall is aud has long been a distinguished Mason . The promoters of the New Lodge , in their first letter to him , say : — " Your courtesy as a Brother , and your distinguished position as a Mason , eminently entitle you to our most fraternal esteem , and , therefore , it is our great wish , having tho
prosperity of the Gvuft at heart , to offer to you , and to ask your acceptance of the highest compliment it is in our power as Masons to bestow , in afl ' cetiomitc admiration of your many virtues as a just and upright man and a Mason . " In thus honouring Bro . Greenall these gentlemen , the promoters of the ' Gilbert Greenall" Lodge ,
have done infinite honour to themselves . They have selected a name borne by a Brother whose life , is said , never to have been tarnished by an unworthy act . A name , the mere sound of which is as music to thousands of Masons , not only in the northern provinces of England , but throughout the kingdom .
As one Brother said at the banquet , his name is a " household word" in the province to which he belongs . Bro . Greenall is no " Atheist" or irreligious man , but a believer aud a lover of the G . A . O . T . U ., and thus believing and loving he has ever been ready to practise the sacred duties of
morality , and to unite with his brethren of every persuasion in the firm and pleasing bond ot Masonic brotherhood . His large-hearted benevolence , his courteous manner , and his willingness at all times to serve a " friend or brother , " have endeared him to all whose privilege it is to know him . Masonry
with him takes nothing from , but rather adds dignity to honour . Bro . Greenall has showed himself disposed to compassionate the weaknesses of others , and to demonstrate by the purity of his own life , and the superior excellence of his own faith , the existence of the Great" I AM . " Ever ready , cheerfully to extend tho right baud of fraternal affection
to a brother m distress , zealously to promote the prosperity of the Craft in general , ho is of singular merit in the eyes of his brethren , and has thus deserved well the compliment they have paid him by calling a lodge after his name . At three o ' clock the following brethren assembled in the Masonic rooms to witucss the
CONSECRATION , viz ., Bros . Gilbert Greenall , P . M ., P . Prov . J . G . AV ., AV . L ., P . S . G . AV . Eng . ; A . C . Mott , P . M ., P . Z ., & o , & c , Prov . S . G . D . ; Alpass , Prov . G . S ., AV . L . ; H . B . AVhite , P . M ., P . Z ., & C . ; John Bowes , P . M ., P . Z ., P . Prov . G . R ., Cumb . & AVest ; the Rev . A .
C . Steadman ; Stringer , P . M . ; Maxfield , P . M . ; Peter Robinson , P . M . ; D . AV . Finney , AV . M . and J . No 148 ; AVilson , Bancroft , AV . AVoods , W . Mossop , W . Richardson , AV . S . Hawkius , T . M . Pattison , Orton , Domville , A . F . Pennington , C . AVoods , Gibbons , Hill , J . Hannan , & c , & c .
Bro . Capt . Mott , by appointment of the R . W . tho Prov . G . M ., Sir T . G . Hesketh , took the chair , and appointed Bro . Maxfield P . M ., and Bro . Finney ( AV . M . No . 148 ) , as his AVardcns pro tern . The brethren of the new lodge being present , were arranged in order , aud the lodge was opened in the third degree , and a piece of solemn music was
played by Bro . Pattison ( Org . No . 148 ) . The P . O . next addressed the brethren on Masonry , and called upon the Acting Secretary to state tho wishes of the brethren , and the proceedings they had taken with respect to the lodge . Bro . Alpass said : A number of the brethren instructed m the mysteries of tho Craft , who are now assembled here , have requested me to inform you that the M . AV . G . M . has been pleased to grant them
Opening Of The " Gilbert Green All" Lodge (No. 1250), Warrington.
a Warrant or Charter of Constitution , authorizing them to form and open a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons at Warrington , in the County of Lancaster , and are desirous that their lodge should be consecrated and their officers installed , according to the ancient usages and established enstoms of the Order ,
for which purpose they are now met , and await your pleasure . The P . O . again called upon Bro . Alpass , to read the petition and warrant , which he did ; and the brethren having signified their approval of the officers named in the warrant in Masonic form , The Rev . Chap ., Bro . Steadman , delivered an
oration on the nature of Masonry with great judgment , feeling , and ability . The musical brethren , Bros . Pattison , Bancroft , Savage , Bowes , AVoods , and Finney , then sang the Anthem— "Behold how good and joyful , " with the greatest precision and effect The Chaplain next read the first part of tho Consecration Prayer in a very solemn and impressive
manner . Other preliminaries being over , three Prov . Grand Officers , acting as P . M . ' s ( viz ., Bros . Alpass , Bowes , and H . B . AVhite ) , carried the cornucopia , wine , and oil , in ancient form , solemn music being performed
during the ceremony . The final Anthem was then given by the musical brethren , and Bro- Capt . Mott constituted the lodge in proper form . The "Hallelujah" chorus , having brought this part of the crremony to a close , the P . O . proceeded with the
INSTALLATION . Bro . Greenall , the first W . M . elect , was presented by Bros . Bowes and AVhite , and received the benefit of installation at the hands of the D . P . GM ., in the presence of a board of installed Masters . This being done , the other brethren were admitted by seniority of
rank , and Bro . Greenall , the AV . M ., received the salutations , as in all past time Masons in his position have done . At the proper position of the lodge , the AA . M . made the following appointments , and invested the holder of each office with the distinguishing badge ,.
viz . : _ W . Mossop , S . AV . ; AV . AVoods , J . AV . ; AV Richardson , J . D . and Treas ., ( elected ) , D . AA Finney , Hon . Sec . - , W . S . Hawkins , S . D . - , T . Domville , I . G . ; I . Hannah , Tyler ( elected . ) After this , and before the lodge was finally closed , the A \ . M . made the usual appeal to the brethren for the good of Masonry in general , and No . 1250 in
particular . Several propositions were received , and the thanks of the brethren were accorded to Brs . Mott , Alpass , Stedinan , Pattison , and the musical brethren , for their kind assistance and support . Nothing further being proposed the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to discuss the
INAUGURAL I 1 ANQUKT . This was served up at the Lion Hotel , and reflected the hig hest credit on the catering abilities of Miss Travis , the new landlady . Most of the brethren who had witnessed the ceremony of consecration and installation sat down to the banquet , under the
presidency of Br . Greenall , who was supported immediately on his right and left by Brs . Alpass , Stedinan , Mott , AVhite , Bowes , Maxfield , Stringer , P . Robinson , and Finney . AVe regret that we are unable to give more than a mere bare outline of the list of toasts : —
"Tho Queen — the Daughter and Niece of Masons , " proposed by the AV . M . "The Prince aud Princess of AVales , anil the rest of the Royal Family , by the AV . M . "The Army , Navy , Militia , Volunteers , and Royal Naval Reserve , " by the AV . M . ; responded to by Bro . Capt . Mott . "The
M . AV . G . M ., the R . AV . D . G M ., and tho Grand Lodgo of England , " by the AV . M . " The R . AV . Prov . G . M ., the R . AV . D . Prov . G . M ., and Prov . Grand Lodge ot AVest Lancashire , " by the AV . M . ; responded to by Bros . Alpass and II . B . White . " Tho Prov . G . M . ' s of East Lancashire , Cheshire , and the neighbouring
Provinces , " b y the AV . M . ; responded to by Bro . Bowes . "Bro . Gilbert Greenall , first AV . M . of No . 1 , 250 , " by Bro . Alpass , in a most elaborate speech ; and responded to by Bro . Greenall , who expressed liis gratitude to the brethren for the honour they had done him . " The AVardens and the Officers of
the Gilbert Greenall Lodge , " by Bro . Bowes ; responded to by Bros . Mossop and AVoods . " Tho Lodge of Lights , " by tho AV . M ; responded to by Bros . D . AV . Finney and Stringer . " The Visiting Brethren , " by the W . M . ; responded to by Bro . Maxfield . "The Masonic Charities , " by Bro .
AVhite ; responded to by Bro . Mott . "Tho Ladies , " by the AV . M . ; responded to by Bro . D . AV . Finney . " To all poor and distressed Freemiisons throughout the Globe , and speedy relief to them . " The following brethren expressed their inability
to take par * in the ceremony : —Bros . J . ilamer P . M ., P . Z ., & c . ; R . Stevenson ; J . F . Greeuall , S . A . Olives . AV . M ., No . 178 ; J . Laithwaitn ; W . F . AVood ; J . Pilling , jun . ; AV . Coopor ; W . Brycc ; T . Jones ; and T . Morris .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
J . Verity , Tyler ; Bros . Walshaw , Brearey , Jarvis , Friconr . Kni ght , Kitchen , Delamere , and Thorp , of 1248 ; and Bros . Fletcher ( J . W . ) , Parker ( J . D . ) , Hardgrave , and Chapman , of 200 . The lodge was opened in the first degree , and the minutes read and confirmed . Bros . Fisher , P . M ., and J . M . Crosby
were balloted for and elected joining members . Mr . V . Stewart was balloted for and elected , and initiated into Freemasonry by the presiding W . M ., Bro . Woodall , in a very able and impressive manner . Bro . Thorp passed an examination in the first degree and retired , and was readmitted and
passed to the second degree . Bros . Jarvis , 1 ' ricour , and Knight passed an examination in the second degree and retired , and were separately admitted and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason , the ceremony being performed by Bros . AYilliamson and Rooke , P . M . 's in a very impressive manner .
The Lodge was now worked down to the first degree . Two gentlemen were proposed for initiation at the next meeting . Brs . J . O . Surtees , AV . M ., who had been absent from Scarborough , joined the Lodge during the evening , and requested the presiding
W . M . to remain in the Chair , as he , the AV . M ., had travelled a very long distance during tho day and felt very tired . After a few preliminary arrangements had been made the Lodge was closed with solemn prayer .
The Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . Jerusalem Chapter , 185 . —INSTALLATION MEETING . —At Freemasons' Tavern , on Tuesday , April 13 th , this chapter met . Companion A . D . Loewenstark , M . E . Z ., presided , and exalted two brethren . He then installed Companion J . Harris M . E . Z . Comp .
J . R . Sheen , P . Z ., S . E ., installed Companions J . Stevens , II ., and Davidge , J . The officers appointed were Comps . E . H . Patten , P . Z ., Treas . ( reinvested ) ; J . R . Sheen , P . Z ., S . E . ( reinvested ); Harfield . S . N . ; J . Holbrook , P . S . ; A . Oberdoerffer , 1 st A . S . ; Pollaky , 2 nd A . S . ; and Hoare , Janitor ( reinvested ) . There were also present R AVatts , P . Z . ; J . Dyer ,
PZ . ; Robinson , P . Z . ; aud A . Levy , Baylis , Peartree , & c , & c . Visitors , F . Walters , P . Z . ; Spooner , P . Z . After business the Companions sat down to a good banquet , served up under the personal superintendence of Bro . C . Gosden , who used his best exertions to make all happy and comfortable . A few hours were spent in a pleasant manner , and the Companions separated for the six mouths' vacation .
PROVINCIAL . SCARBOROUGH . —The Old Globe Chapter , No . 200 , met in their Lodge-room ou AVednesday , 7 th inst ., at seven o ' clock p . m . The following officers and Companions were present : —Companions John AV . AVoodall ( Mayor of Scarborough ) , P . Z . ; J . F . Spurr
P . Z . ; AV . F . Liwke , M . D ., J . P ., Z . ; AV . T . Farthing , II . ; H . A . AVilliamson , J . ; R . II . Peacock , E . ; II . C . Martin , N . ; S . II . Armitage , P . S . ; AV . II . Garnett , 1 st A . S . ; J . E . Green , 2 nd A . S . ; J . Verity . Janitor ; Pattison , AValshaw , Parker , B . D . AA'bodall , Inskip , Groves , Merrin , aud AV . Peacock . Comp . J . Fisher , P . Z ., was elected a joining member , and
Bro . II . Grover exalted to the degree of a Royal xA . rch Mason . This waa the first meeting since the installation of principals , and the manner in which thoy performed the duties of their several offices exceeded the expectations of all present . —The Provincial Grand Chapter will meet iu this Chapter-room next month .
Orders Of Chivalry.
KNIGHTS TEMPLAR . DKVONPORT . — Iho regular Conclave of the Royal Sussex Encampment , assembled at their head-quarters , Morice Town , on Thursday , 15 th April , for the purpose of Installing their Eminent Commander . The vhoico of the Encampment fell on Sir Kni ght AA'illiam J . J . Spry ( P . P . G . Supt . AVorks , Devon ) , who was
thereupon installed in the chair by Em . Sir Knight Samuel Chappie , P . E . C ., assisted by Em . Sir Knight Vincent Bird , E ; C . ( Loyal Veteran Encampment ) . The E . C . then appointed the / bllowing officers to assist him in governing the I ' . ' ncampment : — Eminent Sir Knight Lord Eliot , ( Past Grand Prior of England , and
Provincial Grand Commander of Cornwall ) , P . E . C . ; Sir Kts . James Hawton , 1 st Capt . of Columns ; Col . John Elliott , 2 nd Capt . of Columns ; Phili p B . Clemens , Prelate ; Vincent Bird , Treasurer ; AVilliam Foxwell , ltegistrar ; John Brown , Expert ; AVilliam II . Roberts , Capt . of Lines ; Arthur B . Nmer , Standard
Bearer ; Edwin Knight , George AValker , Heralds ; James Itashbrook , Equerry . Companion A . B . Niner of tho Pleiades Chapter , lotnes , was installed a member of thisancicnt chivalric degree , which concluded the business of the Conclave , and after partaking of refreshment , & c , the Sir Knights separated .
KNIGHTS OF MALTA . Royal Stmex Priory of Knights of Malta Tho Eminent IVior , Sir Knight AV . , 1 . J . Spry intimated that it was his will and pleasure that the following Sir Kni ghts assist him during the year : Sir Knights
Orders Of Chivalry.
Jas . AV . Hawton , Capt .-General ; Col . John Elliott , 1 st Lieut .-General ; Philip B . Clemens , 2 nd Lieut .-General ; Richard Lose , 3 rd Lieut-General ; Vincent Bird , Treasurer ; AVilliam Foxwell , Chancellor ; John Brown , Conductor ; Josiah Austin , Guard of B . ; Thomas Harvey , Guard of L . ; Thomas Heath , Guard of D . ; George G . Nicholls , Guard of R . ; James Rashbrook , Guard .
Opening Of The " Gilbert Green All" Lodge (No. 1250), Warrington.
April the 12 th will long be remembered as a " redletter day" by the Free and Accepted Masons of Warrington . Some two years ago there was a very general opinion prevalent among the Brethren of the " Lodge of Lights , " that the time had arrived
when a new lodge might with propriety be formed in AVarrington . At the same time there was no wish on the part of its promoters to injure , deteriorate , or in any way detract from the dignity and character of the Mother Lodge . And as time advanced this feeling gradually extended itself , and Freemasonry
had made such progress , and become so popular m the district , that it was at length determined to put this oft-expressed wish of the Brethren into a practical form . A petition was drawn up and presented to the M . AV . the G . M . of England , Earl Zetland , praying for a Warrant of Constitution to open a
New Lodge , under the style and title of the " Gilbert Greenall" Lodge , to make Masons , and to do all such other things as appertain to Ancient Freemasonry . And when it shall be asked by the children of future generations , why it was so called , these records shall be referred to , to give them the
required information . Bro . Greenall is aud has long been a distinguished Mason . The promoters of the New Lodge , in their first letter to him , say : — " Your courtesy as a Brother , and your distinguished position as a Mason , eminently entitle you to our most fraternal esteem , and , therefore , it is our great wish , having tho
prosperity of the Gvuft at heart , to offer to you , and to ask your acceptance of the highest compliment it is in our power as Masons to bestow , in afl ' cetiomitc admiration of your many virtues as a just and upright man and a Mason . " In thus honouring Bro . Greenall these gentlemen , the promoters of the ' Gilbert Greenall" Lodge ,
have done infinite honour to themselves . They have selected a name borne by a Brother whose life , is said , never to have been tarnished by an unworthy act . A name , the mere sound of which is as music to thousands of Masons , not only in the northern provinces of England , but throughout the kingdom .
As one Brother said at the banquet , his name is a " household word" in the province to which he belongs . Bro . Greenall is no " Atheist" or irreligious man , but a believer aud a lover of the G . A . O . T . U ., and thus believing and loving he has ever been ready to practise the sacred duties of
morality , and to unite with his brethren of every persuasion in the firm and pleasing bond ot Masonic brotherhood . His large-hearted benevolence , his courteous manner , and his willingness at all times to serve a " friend or brother , " have endeared him to all whose privilege it is to know him . Masonry
with him takes nothing from , but rather adds dignity to honour . Bro . Greenall has showed himself disposed to compassionate the weaknesses of others , and to demonstrate by the purity of his own life , and the superior excellence of his own faith , the existence of the Great" I AM . " Ever ready , cheerfully to extend tho right baud of fraternal affection
to a brother m distress , zealously to promote the prosperity of the Craft in general , ho is of singular merit in the eyes of his brethren , and has thus deserved well the compliment they have paid him by calling a lodge after his name . At three o ' clock the following brethren assembled in the Masonic rooms to witucss the
CONSECRATION , viz ., Bros . Gilbert Greenall , P . M ., P . Prov . J . G . AV ., AV . L ., P . S . G . AV . Eng . ; A . C . Mott , P . M ., P . Z ., & o , & c , Prov . S . G . D . ; Alpass , Prov . G . S ., AV . L . ; H . B . AVhite , P . M ., P . Z ., & C . ; John Bowes , P . M ., P . Z ., P . Prov . G . R ., Cumb . & AVest ; the Rev . A .
C . Steadman ; Stringer , P . M . ; Maxfield , P . M . ; Peter Robinson , P . M . ; D . AV . Finney , AV . M . and J . No 148 ; AVilson , Bancroft , AV . AVoods , W . Mossop , W . Richardson , AV . S . Hawkius , T . M . Pattison , Orton , Domville , A . F . Pennington , C . AVoods , Gibbons , Hill , J . Hannan , & c , & c .
Bro . Capt . Mott , by appointment of the R . W . tho Prov . G . M ., Sir T . G . Hesketh , took the chair , and appointed Bro . Maxfield P . M ., and Bro . Finney ( AV . M . No . 148 ) , as his AVardcns pro tern . The brethren of the new lodge being present , were arranged in order , aud the lodge was opened in the third degree , and a piece of solemn music was
played by Bro . Pattison ( Org . No . 148 ) . The P . O . next addressed the brethren on Masonry , and called upon the Acting Secretary to state tho wishes of the brethren , and the proceedings they had taken with respect to the lodge . Bro . Alpass said : A number of the brethren instructed m the mysteries of tho Craft , who are now assembled here , have requested me to inform you that the M . AV . G . M . has been pleased to grant them
Opening Of The " Gilbert Green All" Lodge (No. 1250), Warrington.
a Warrant or Charter of Constitution , authorizing them to form and open a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons at Warrington , in the County of Lancaster , and are desirous that their lodge should be consecrated and their officers installed , according to the ancient usages and established enstoms of the Order ,
for which purpose they are now met , and await your pleasure . The P . O . again called upon Bro . Alpass , to read the petition and warrant , which he did ; and the brethren having signified their approval of the officers named in the warrant in Masonic form , The Rev . Chap ., Bro . Steadman , delivered an
oration on the nature of Masonry with great judgment , feeling , and ability . The musical brethren , Bros . Pattison , Bancroft , Savage , Bowes , AVoods , and Finney , then sang the Anthem— "Behold how good and joyful , " with the greatest precision and effect The Chaplain next read the first part of tho Consecration Prayer in a very solemn and impressive
manner . Other preliminaries being over , three Prov . Grand Officers , acting as P . M . ' s ( viz ., Bros . Alpass , Bowes , and H . B . AVhite ) , carried the cornucopia , wine , and oil , in ancient form , solemn music being performed
during the ceremony . The final Anthem was then given by the musical brethren , and Bro- Capt . Mott constituted the lodge in proper form . The "Hallelujah" chorus , having brought this part of the crremony to a close , the P . O . proceeded with the
INSTALLATION . Bro . Greenall , the first W . M . elect , was presented by Bros . Bowes and AVhite , and received the benefit of installation at the hands of the D . P . GM ., in the presence of a board of installed Masters . This being done , the other brethren were admitted by seniority of
rank , and Bro . Greenall , the AV . M ., received the salutations , as in all past time Masons in his position have done . At the proper position of the lodge , the AA . M . made the following appointments , and invested the holder of each office with the distinguishing badge ,.
viz . : _ W . Mossop , S . AV . ; AV . AVoods , J . AV . ; AV Richardson , J . D . and Treas ., ( elected ) , D . AA Finney , Hon . Sec . - , W . S . Hawkins , S . D . - , T . Domville , I . G . ; I . Hannah , Tyler ( elected . ) After this , and before the lodge was finally closed , the A \ . M . made the usual appeal to the brethren for the good of Masonry in general , and No . 1250 in
particular . Several propositions were received , and the thanks of the brethren were accorded to Brs . Mott , Alpass , Stedinan , Pattison , and the musical brethren , for their kind assistance and support . Nothing further being proposed the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to discuss the
INAUGURAL I 1 ANQUKT . This was served up at the Lion Hotel , and reflected the hig hest credit on the catering abilities of Miss Travis , the new landlady . Most of the brethren who had witnessed the ceremony of consecration and installation sat down to the banquet , under the
presidency of Br . Greenall , who was supported immediately on his right and left by Brs . Alpass , Stedinan , Mott , AVhite , Bowes , Maxfield , Stringer , P . Robinson , and Finney . AVe regret that we are unable to give more than a mere bare outline of the list of toasts : —
"Tho Queen — the Daughter and Niece of Masons , " proposed by the AV . M . "The Prince aud Princess of AVales , anil the rest of the Royal Family , by the AV . M . "The Army , Navy , Militia , Volunteers , and Royal Naval Reserve , " by the AV . M . ; responded to by Bro . Capt . Mott . "The
M . AV . G . M ., the R . AV . D . G M ., and tho Grand Lodgo of England , " by the AV . M . " The R . AV . Prov . G . M ., the R . AV . D . Prov . G . M ., and Prov . Grand Lodge ot AVest Lancashire , " by the AV . M . ; responded to by Bros . Alpass and II . B . White . " Tho Prov . G . M . ' s of East Lancashire , Cheshire , and the neighbouring
Provinces , " b y the AV . M . ; responded to by Bro . Bowes . "Bro . Gilbert Greenall , first AV . M . of No . 1 , 250 , " by Bro . Alpass , in a most elaborate speech ; and responded to by Bro . Greenall , who expressed liis gratitude to the brethren for the honour they had done him . " The AVardens and the Officers of
the Gilbert Greenall Lodge , " by Bro . Bowes ; responded to by Bros . Mossop and AVoods . " Tho Lodge of Lights , " by tho AV . M ; responded to by Bros . D . AV . Finney and Stringer . " The Visiting Brethren , " by the W . M . ; responded to by Bro . Maxfield . "The Masonic Charities , " by Bro .
AVhite ; responded to by Bro . Mott . "Tho Ladies , " by the AV . M . ; responded to by Bro . D . AV . Finney . " To all poor and distressed Freemiisons throughout the Globe , and speedy relief to them . " The following brethren expressed their inability
to take par * in the ceremony : —Bros . J . ilamer P . M ., P . Z ., & c . ; R . Stevenson ; J . F . Greeuall , S . A . Olives . AV . M ., No . 178 ; J . Laithwaitn ; W . F . AVood ; J . Pilling , jun . ; AV . Coopor ; W . Brycc ; T . Jones ; and T . Morris .