Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Proceedings Of The Two Grand Lodges Of England In Ratification Of The Union, 1813.
Grand Assembly of Freemasons for the Union of the two Grand Lodges of England , on St . John ' s Day , 27 th December , 1813 . The important event of the re-union of Ancient
Freemasons of England , after a long separation , took place , with great solemnity , this day . The following order of proceedings , which had been previously settled , was strictly observed : — Freemasons' Hall having been fitted up agreeably to a plan and drawing for the occasion , and the whole house tiled from the outer porch ; the
platform on the east was reserved for the Grand Masters , Graud Officers , and visitors . The Masters , AVardens , and Past Masters of the several Lodges , who had been previously re-obligated and certified by the Lodge of liecoiiciliation , and provided with tickets signed and countersigned by the two Secretaries thereof , were arranged on the two sides in the
following manner , that is to say : —The Masters were placed in front , the AVardens on benches behind , the Past Masters on rising benches behind them , and the Lodges were ranked so that the two Fraternities were completely intermixed . The Masters , AVardens , and Past Masters , all dressed in black ( regimentals excepted ) , with their
respective insignia , and m white aprons and g loves , took their places b y eleven o ' clock iu the forenoon . The Grand Masters , Past Grand Masters , Deputy Grand Masters , Grand Officers , and distinguished visitors of the two Fraternities , assembled m two
adjoining rooms , in which they opened two Grand Lodges , each according to its peculiar solemnities , aud the grand procession moved towards the Hall of Assembly in the following order : — Grand Usher , with his Staff . Grand Usher with his Staff . Tlie Duke of Kent ' s Band of Music , fifteen in number , all
Masons , three and three . Two Grand Stewards . Two Grand Stewards . A . Cornucopia , borne by a A Cornucopia , borne by a Master . Mason . Master Mason . Two Grand Stewards . Two GrandSlewaids . 1 ' wo Golden Kwers , bv two Two G » Mcn Kwcrs , liv two
Master . Masons . Master Masons . The Nine worthy ami expert The nine worthy and expert Masons , forming the Lodge Masons , forming the Lodge of Reconciliation . of liecoiiciliation . The Grand . Secretary , The Grand Secretary , bearing the liiok of Constitu- bearing the Hook nf Constitutions , and Great Seal . t ' ums , and Great Seal . The Grand Treasurer , with The Grand Treasurer , with
the Golden Key . the Golden Key . The Corinthian Light . The Corinthian Light . I'hePillarof the Junior Grand The Pillar of the . I unior Grand Warden oil a pedestal . Warden , ou a pedestal . I'hc Junior Grand Warden , The Junior Grand Warden ,
with his Gavel . with his Gavel , t'he Deputy Graud Chaplain , with the Holy Uiutc . The Grand Chaplain . The G ™"' }! ¦ m r * 1 In w ** h tllc ' llolv 111 hie .
Past Grand \\ aniens . Past Grand Wardens . Provincial Grand Masters , with their Gavels . The Doric Light . The Doric Light . 1 'lie PillaroftheScniorGrand The Pillar ol ' thc Senior Grand Warden , on a pedestal . WaroVu , on a pedestal . I'lio Senior Grand Warden , The Senior Grand Warden ,
with his Gavel . with his Gavel . Two Past Deputy Grand Masters . The Deputy Grand Mister . The Actg . Dp . Grand AIa *( er His Excellency the Count de Lagan lie , Grand . Master of the
first Lodge of the North , victor . Tho Boyal Banner . The Ionic Light The Ionic Light . The Grand Sword llcnrcr The Grand Sword Bearer The G . M . of Kngland , The G . M . of England , ll . ll . il . the DUKK OK KKST , U . N . lI . thcDuKKoi * Scssiix , with the Act of Union in with the Act of Union in
duplicate . duplicate . Two Grand Stewards . Two Grand Stewards . Grand Tyler . Grand Tyler . On entering the hall , the procession advanced to the Throne , and opened and faced each other , the music playing a march composed for the occason by Bro . Kelly .
The two Grand Masters then proceeded up the centre , followed by the Grand Master , visitors , the Deputy Grand Master , & c , all iu the Order reversed , those the most advanced , returniii" iu single file , to turn , re-advance , and take their places . The Music ranging themselves in the gallery over the throne . The Brothers bearing the Cornucopias ,
vases , & c , placing themselves in the seats assigned them . The two Grand Masters seated themselves , in two equal chairs , on each side of the Throne , the visiting Grand Master , and other visitors of distinction , were seated on each side , the other Grand Officers and
visitors all according to degree . The Director of Ceremonies , Sir George Naylor , having proclaimed silence , the Rev . Dr . Barry , Grand Chaplain to the Fraternity under the Duke of Kent , commenced the important business of the Assembly with holy prayer , in most solemn maimer . ( To be continued . )
Drumbo Church Erection Fund, Ontario, Canada.
An examination of the ofliciaflpapers set forth below will sufficiently explain , ami , 1 venture to think , justify , my bringing to the notice of my fellow-churchmen the object which 1 have at heart in visiting England at , this time . The Mission of which I have the charge , situated at Princeton , in the diocese of Huron , covers a very large area ,
and is , at present , provided with but one church—a provision utterly inadequate to supply the spiritual wants of the district . This church , a very small one ( being but 30 by 60 ) , I was enabled to build by the proceeds obtained from lectures delivered bv me , and appeals made bv sermons and other
agencies , supplemented by free gifts of sand , stone , and other material , most liberally contributed by the members of the mission , who gave , in addition , their personal services , both in digging tbe foundations and bringing to the site tbe whole of the material required—a distance , in some cases , of twelve miles .
Before leaving Princeton I had the great consolation of seeing this church ( St . Paul's ) free from debt , and consecrated to the service of Almighty God . My present object is to provide a second church for Drunibo . the northern portion of my mission , distant about seven miles from St . Paul ' s Church , Princeton . In this district arc many settlers , mostly emigrants from
Great Britain , who are very anxious to have the great blessing of a place of worship in their midst , and who , although too poor to help much financially , are both ready and willing to contribute , as their neighbours in Princeton have done , in labour and material . The amount required for this good end is but trifling , . £ 1 , 200 to £ 1 . 500 bring ampiv nifficicnt ( with the labour
and material given ) to provide a suitable church and missionhouse ; and I appeal with all confidence to God ' s stewards of wealth in England who are happy in the full enjoyment of all Christian privileges , to extend to their fellow churchmen for whom I plead , the blessings so liberally poured out upon themselves . Bi : o . HENRY BARTLKTT , ( Incumbent Princeton , Canada ) , Senior (' urate ( pro teni ) ,
St . George the Martyr , Southwark . March 17 th , IS 61 ) . From His Grace the . Archbishop of Canterbury . " I have examined the papers of the Hev . Mr . Bartlett which seem to me to be quite correct . ( Signed ) ¦ ' A . C . CAXTITAII . " Lambeth Palace . February 27 th , 186 M . "
From the Lord Bishop of Huron . l - The Rev . Henry liarllett lias been , since bis ordination , Missionary at Princeton , iu the Diocese of Huron . -Within the limits of his extensive Mission , the village of Drumbo is situated . . Mr . liarllett is desirous to erect a church in this village , and , the people being very poor , he is under the necessity of seeking assistance from Christian friends for that object . He is going to Kngland to visit his friends and ho
hopes to be able to interest some of those to whom the Lord has committed the stewardship of the goods of this world , to aid him in the good work which lie lias in hand . I would recommend this cause to the liberal assistance of members of the church . ( Signed ) ' IIKNMAMIN IILT . ON " See House , London , Canada , July 10 th , ISliS " From the 1 V » . Arrhitcacon t ' tterton , Commissary of the
Diocese if Winchester . "The llcv . II . Bartlett , of Princeton , Upper Canada , appears to he well accredited , and t shall rejoice to hear that he has been Miccessful in his endeavours to raise funds for the erection of a church at Drumbo . ( Signed ) ' ¦ J . S . UTTBHTOX , Archdeacon of Surrey . ' Farnhnin , August 21 st , 18 GR . "
The " Society for J ' rnmoling Christian Knowledge , " At its Monthly Meeting , lield December 1 st , 1808 , made , at the suggestion of the Standing Committee , a grant of X' 25 towards the above object , on the condition that the residue be raised .
The undermentioned gentlemen have kindly consented to receivo contributions towards tbe " Drumbo Church Erection fund , " and an acknowledgement of all subscriptions received will he forwarded to the Times , by the Lord Bishop of Huron , immediately after my return to Canada ( D . V . ) in June next .: — Messrs . Dimsdale , powder , & Co ., Bankers , 50 , Cornbill ; Br . John M . Clahon , P . G . D ., P . M ., 285 , Z , 2 , 21 , Great
George Street . Westminster ; and Br . Edward Bullock Watts , 412 , Knlls Chambers , S 9 , Chancery Lane . [ Br . Henry Bartlett , G . Orator of Canada , stands well with the Order there , comes full y accredited , and highly recommended , therefore , the object of appeal being a very deserving one , we hope the brethren will support the Rev . Brother with liberal contributions En . JO
The Brett Testimonial Fund.
It is with very great pleasure that we place before our readers tho first list of Subscribers to the Fund now being raised as a substantial recognition of Br . Brett ' s services in every branch of Freemasonry . To those who know the worthy brother it may seem
superfluous to state that , as a teacher of the Craft and Boyal Arch ceremonies he has never been surpassed in kindness , courtesy , or efficiency . Br . Brett possesses this rare faculty of p lacing himself en rapport with all who seek his aid in climbing the difficult steeps that
lead to the summit of Masonic knowledge , and never has his friendl y hel p been denied or given reluctantly . Man y well-known brethren , both in lodges _ and chapters , are indebted to Br . Brett for the proficiency they now exhibit , and such a result is mainly attributable to the untiring patience and ability of their pre-
The Brett Testimonial Fund.
ceptor . AA e therefore trust that the following list maybe considered merely as an earnest of future support tothis most desirable tribute of respect to a talented Freemason .
FIRST LIST OP STJBSCIUBEKS . £ s . d . Metropolitan Chapter of Instruction . . . 550 Br . Hon . E . P . Boper-Curzon . . . . 200 ' „ G . H . Oliver , P . M . 975 , II . 1056 . . . 110
,, T . Wescombe , P . M . 905 , Z . 657 . . . 110 „ T . Cubitt , P . M . 157 , P . S . 177 . . . 110 „ J . Coutts , P . M . 27 , II . 177 . . . . 110 „ S . May , P . M . 101 , J . 657 . . . . 11 0 „ IT . G . Buss , P . M . 27 , P . Z . 177 . . . 110
„ R . W . Little , P . M . and P . Z ., 975 , Z . 177 . 110 „ W . AVest Smith . . . . . 110 „ C . J . Smithcrs . . . . . . 110 „ G . Kenning , 192 , Ch . 22 . . . 110 „ C . Hosgood , P . M 192 , Z . 1056 . . . 110 „ R . Jones 110 „ W . Howell 110
„ C . Cann 110 ' „ W . Mann , P . M . ISO , Z . 186 . . . . 110 „ E . Clark , P . M . 1194 , J . 1056 . . . 110 „ W . R . Woodman , M . D , P . M . G 6 , H . 33 . 110 ., F . Cox 110 „ Well-Wisher 110 „ D . R . Still 110 „ J . H . Stevens 110
„ G . Rice , P . M . 19 110 „ J . W . Barrett , 177 110 „ R . Tanner , W . M ., 177 , S . N . 975 . . . 110 „ R . Baker , P . M . 177 110 „ J . Percy , 177 110 . ., AV . Wright , 177 110 „ R . Bennett , 177 110
„ P . Kent , I . G . 177 110 „ G . Payne 110 „ J . Forsvth 110 „ T . Percy 110 „ B . P . Todd , P . M . 27 , P . Z ., 382 . . . 110 „ 1 . Boyd , P . M . and P . Z ., 534 . . . 110 „ AVE . Smith , P . M . 177 , J . 975 . . . 110 A future Brother 110
M . Edersheim 110 „ Alex . M . MacDougal , F . R . C . S ., 177 . . 0 10 0 „ J . Terrv , P . M . 228 , P . Z . 975 . . . 0 10 6 „ W . J . Gilbert , P . M . 142 , J . 177 . . . 0 10 6 „ J . T . Stevens 0 10 6 „ G . Wilton , P . M . 173 , S . N ., 177 . . . 0 10 6 „ E . Sisson , P . M . 101 , P . Z ., 177 . . . 0 10 6 „ M . Scott , P . M . 765 , Ch ., 177 . . . 0 10 6
„ Piatt , P . M ., P . Z 0 10 6 „ J . Mnith , P . G . Purst . P . M . and P . Z ., 177 . 0 10 6 ., K . Spencer , P . G . S ., P . M ., and P . Z . . . 0 10 6 „ J . JJcrvev , G . Secretary , ami P . G . D . . . 0 10 0 ., F . Walters , P . M and P . Z ., 73 . . . 0 10 ti „ W . Dodd , J . W . 1194 , 1 st A . S . 975 . . 0 10 0 „ Itnrio 0 10 6 „ Diekeson 0 10 0 „ Wvld 0 10 6 „ A . A . Pendleburv , P . M . and P . Z . 1056 , Z .
975 0 10 6 „ W . l-arnfield , P . A . G . Sec ., P . M ., and P . Z . . 0 10 ( 5 „ C . B . Pavne , P . M . 27 , P . Z . 177 . . . 0 10 f > „ . 1 . Weaver , S . W . 862 0 10 6 „ J . G . Chancellor , P . Prov . G . D . Surrey , P . M . and P . Z , 057 . . . . ' . . 0 10 0 „ G . S . States . P G . S ., P . M ., and P . Z . . . 0 10 C „ J . Holbrook 0 10 6 .. L " . Uarfeld 0 10 6
„ W . Winn . . . . . . . 0106 „ J . D . Tavlor 0 10 6 „ T . Price , 186 0 10 C „ W . A Tliarp , W . M . 0 10 6 „ A . Kohbins 0 10 6 ., S . Carev 0 10 6-„ G . Darcv 0 10 6 „ II . Oarey 0 10 0 „ F . K . Stevens 0 10 6
„ J . G . Marsh , P . M . 28 and 192 . . . 0 10 C „ J . 1 ! . Foulger , S . W . 177 . . . . 0 10 6 „ H . Boatwrigbt , 177 0 10 tj „ G . Chubb , 177 0 10 6 „ II . Warren , 177 0 10 6
„ H . Maynard , 177 0 10 6 „ V . Hocklev , P . M 0 10 0 „ 3 . Mayo , Ch . 975 0 10 6 „ Ashbv 0 10 0
„ C . Weyman 0 10 6 „ Dunn 0 10 0 „ J . E . Walford , J . W . 177 . . . . 0 10 6 „ U . Latrcille 0 10 6 „ II . Allman .. . . .. 0 10 6 „ C . Cooto 0 10 0
„ W . J . Hughan , P . M . 131 . . . . 050 „ D . G . Herri . P . M . 27 , Ch . 177 . . . 050 „ W . H . Hubbard . P . M . 173 , P . Z . 975 . . 050 „ G . Bolton , P . M . and P . Z . 109 . . . 050 „ C . Hampton , T . M . 179 , Ch . 177 . . . 050 „ II . Geddcs , 101 , Ch . 177 . . . 050 . . T . Tvrrcll . P . M . 704 . P . Z . 177 . . . 060
„ T . K . Tippett 0 5 0 „ G . F . Cook , S . W . 05 0 5 0 „ Ilayward 0 5 0 „ T . Alcock 0 5 0 „ W . Ough , A . G Purst ., P . M and P . Z . 754 . 0 5 0
„ C . AV . Nochincr , 1050 O 5 U „ II . Elmos , P .. M . 177 0 5 0 „ Kennedy . 050 „ Alexander 0 5 0 ' „ Ferguson . 177 0 5 0 £ 75 10 6
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Proceedings Of The Two Grand Lodges Of England In Ratification Of The Union, 1813.
Grand Assembly of Freemasons for the Union of the two Grand Lodges of England , on St . John ' s Day , 27 th December , 1813 . The important event of the re-union of Ancient
Freemasons of England , after a long separation , took place , with great solemnity , this day . The following order of proceedings , which had been previously settled , was strictly observed : — Freemasons' Hall having been fitted up agreeably to a plan and drawing for the occasion , and the whole house tiled from the outer porch ; the
platform on the east was reserved for the Grand Masters , Graud Officers , and visitors . The Masters , AVardens , and Past Masters of the several Lodges , who had been previously re-obligated and certified by the Lodge of liecoiiciliation , and provided with tickets signed and countersigned by the two Secretaries thereof , were arranged on the two sides in the
following manner , that is to say : —The Masters were placed in front , the AVardens on benches behind , the Past Masters on rising benches behind them , and the Lodges were ranked so that the two Fraternities were completely intermixed . The Masters , AVardens , and Past Masters , all dressed in black ( regimentals excepted ) , with their
respective insignia , and m white aprons and g loves , took their places b y eleven o ' clock iu the forenoon . The Grand Masters , Past Grand Masters , Deputy Grand Masters , Grand Officers , and distinguished visitors of the two Fraternities , assembled m two
adjoining rooms , in which they opened two Grand Lodges , each according to its peculiar solemnities , aud the grand procession moved towards the Hall of Assembly in the following order : — Grand Usher , with his Staff . Grand Usher with his Staff . Tlie Duke of Kent ' s Band of Music , fifteen in number , all
Masons , three and three . Two Grand Stewards . Two Grand Stewards . A . Cornucopia , borne by a A Cornucopia , borne by a Master . Mason . Master Mason . Two Grand Stewards . Two GrandSlewaids . 1 ' wo Golden Kwers , bv two Two G » Mcn Kwcrs , liv two
Master . Masons . Master Masons . The Nine worthy ami expert The nine worthy and expert Masons , forming the Lodge Masons , forming the Lodge of Reconciliation . of liecoiiciliation . The Grand . Secretary , The Grand Secretary , bearing the liiok of Constitu- bearing the Hook nf Constitutions , and Great Seal . t ' ums , and Great Seal . The Grand Treasurer , with The Grand Treasurer , with
the Golden Key . the Golden Key . The Corinthian Light . The Corinthian Light . I'hePillarof the Junior Grand The Pillar of the . I unior Grand Warden oil a pedestal . Warden , ou a pedestal . I'hc Junior Grand Warden , The Junior Grand Warden ,
with his Gavel . with his Gavel , t'he Deputy Graud Chaplain , with the Holy Uiutc . The Grand Chaplain . The G ™"' }! ¦ m r * 1 In w ** h tllc ' llolv 111 hie .
Past Grand \\ aniens . Past Grand Wardens . Provincial Grand Masters , with their Gavels . The Doric Light . The Doric Light . 1 'lie PillaroftheScniorGrand The Pillar ol ' thc Senior Grand Warden , on a pedestal . WaroVu , on a pedestal . I'lio Senior Grand Warden , The Senior Grand Warden ,
with his Gavel . with his Gavel . Two Past Deputy Grand Masters . The Deputy Grand Mister . The Actg . Dp . Grand AIa *( er His Excellency the Count de Lagan lie , Grand . Master of the
first Lodge of the North , victor . Tho Boyal Banner . The Ionic Light The Ionic Light . The Grand Sword llcnrcr The Grand Sword Bearer The G . M . of Kngland , The G . M . of England , ll . ll . il . the DUKK OK KKST , U . N . lI . thcDuKKoi * Scssiix , with the Act of Union in with the Act of Union in
duplicate . duplicate . Two Grand Stewards . Two Grand Stewards . Grand Tyler . Grand Tyler . On entering the hall , the procession advanced to the Throne , and opened and faced each other , the music playing a march composed for the occason by Bro . Kelly .
The two Grand Masters then proceeded up the centre , followed by the Grand Master , visitors , the Deputy Grand Master , & c , all iu the Order reversed , those the most advanced , returniii" iu single file , to turn , re-advance , and take their places . The Music ranging themselves in the gallery over the throne . The Brothers bearing the Cornucopias ,
vases , & c , placing themselves in the seats assigned them . The two Grand Masters seated themselves , in two equal chairs , on each side of the Throne , the visiting Grand Master , and other visitors of distinction , were seated on each side , the other Grand Officers and
visitors all according to degree . The Director of Ceremonies , Sir George Naylor , having proclaimed silence , the Rev . Dr . Barry , Grand Chaplain to the Fraternity under the Duke of Kent , commenced the important business of the Assembly with holy prayer , in most solemn maimer . ( To be continued . )
Drumbo Church Erection Fund, Ontario, Canada.
An examination of the ofliciaflpapers set forth below will sufficiently explain , ami , 1 venture to think , justify , my bringing to the notice of my fellow-churchmen the object which 1 have at heart in visiting England at , this time . The Mission of which I have the charge , situated at Princeton , in the diocese of Huron , covers a very large area ,
and is , at present , provided with but one church—a provision utterly inadequate to supply the spiritual wants of the district . This church , a very small one ( being but 30 by 60 ) , I was enabled to build by the proceeds obtained from lectures delivered bv me , and appeals made bv sermons and other
agencies , supplemented by free gifts of sand , stone , and other material , most liberally contributed by the members of the mission , who gave , in addition , their personal services , both in digging tbe foundations and bringing to the site tbe whole of the material required—a distance , in some cases , of twelve miles .
Before leaving Princeton I had the great consolation of seeing this church ( St . Paul's ) free from debt , and consecrated to the service of Almighty God . My present object is to provide a second church for Drunibo . the northern portion of my mission , distant about seven miles from St . Paul ' s Church , Princeton . In this district arc many settlers , mostly emigrants from
Great Britain , who are very anxious to have the great blessing of a place of worship in their midst , and who , although too poor to help much financially , are both ready and willing to contribute , as their neighbours in Princeton have done , in labour and material . The amount required for this good end is but trifling , . £ 1 , 200 to £ 1 . 500 bring ampiv nifficicnt ( with the labour
and material given ) to provide a suitable church and missionhouse ; and I appeal with all confidence to God ' s stewards of wealth in England who are happy in the full enjoyment of all Christian privileges , to extend to their fellow churchmen for whom I plead , the blessings so liberally poured out upon themselves . Bi : o . HENRY BARTLKTT , ( Incumbent Princeton , Canada ) , Senior (' urate ( pro teni ) ,
St . George the Martyr , Southwark . March 17 th , IS 61 ) . From His Grace the . Archbishop of Canterbury . " I have examined the papers of the Hev . Mr . Bartlett which seem to me to be quite correct . ( Signed ) ¦ ' A . C . CAXTITAII . " Lambeth Palace . February 27 th , 186 M . "
From the Lord Bishop of Huron . l - The Rev . Henry liarllett lias been , since bis ordination , Missionary at Princeton , iu the Diocese of Huron . -Within the limits of his extensive Mission , the village of Drumbo is situated . . Mr . liarllett is desirous to erect a church in this village , and , the people being very poor , he is under the necessity of seeking assistance from Christian friends for that object . He is going to Kngland to visit his friends and ho
hopes to be able to interest some of those to whom the Lord has committed the stewardship of the goods of this world , to aid him in the good work which lie lias in hand . I would recommend this cause to the liberal assistance of members of the church . ( Signed ) ' IIKNMAMIN IILT . ON " See House , London , Canada , July 10 th , ISliS " From the 1 V » . Arrhitcacon t ' tterton , Commissary of the
Diocese if Winchester . "The llcv . II . Bartlett , of Princeton , Upper Canada , appears to he well accredited , and t shall rejoice to hear that he has been Miccessful in his endeavours to raise funds for the erection of a church at Drumbo . ( Signed ) ' ¦ J . S . UTTBHTOX , Archdeacon of Surrey . ' Farnhnin , August 21 st , 18 GR . "
The " Society for J ' rnmoling Christian Knowledge , " At its Monthly Meeting , lield December 1 st , 1808 , made , at the suggestion of the Standing Committee , a grant of X' 25 towards the above object , on the condition that the residue be raised .
The undermentioned gentlemen have kindly consented to receivo contributions towards tbe " Drumbo Church Erection fund , " and an acknowledgement of all subscriptions received will he forwarded to the Times , by the Lord Bishop of Huron , immediately after my return to Canada ( D . V . ) in June next .: — Messrs . Dimsdale , powder , & Co ., Bankers , 50 , Cornbill ; Br . John M . Clahon , P . G . D ., P . M ., 285 , Z , 2 , 21 , Great
George Street . Westminster ; and Br . Edward Bullock Watts , 412 , Knlls Chambers , S 9 , Chancery Lane . [ Br . Henry Bartlett , G . Orator of Canada , stands well with the Order there , comes full y accredited , and highly recommended , therefore , the object of appeal being a very deserving one , we hope the brethren will support the Rev . Brother with liberal contributions En . JO
The Brett Testimonial Fund.
It is with very great pleasure that we place before our readers tho first list of Subscribers to the Fund now being raised as a substantial recognition of Br . Brett ' s services in every branch of Freemasonry . To those who know the worthy brother it may seem
superfluous to state that , as a teacher of the Craft and Boyal Arch ceremonies he has never been surpassed in kindness , courtesy , or efficiency . Br . Brett possesses this rare faculty of p lacing himself en rapport with all who seek his aid in climbing the difficult steeps that
lead to the summit of Masonic knowledge , and never has his friendl y hel p been denied or given reluctantly . Man y well-known brethren , both in lodges _ and chapters , are indebted to Br . Brett for the proficiency they now exhibit , and such a result is mainly attributable to the untiring patience and ability of their pre-
The Brett Testimonial Fund.
ceptor . AA e therefore trust that the following list maybe considered merely as an earnest of future support tothis most desirable tribute of respect to a talented Freemason .
FIRST LIST OP STJBSCIUBEKS . £ s . d . Metropolitan Chapter of Instruction . . . 550 Br . Hon . E . P . Boper-Curzon . . . . 200 ' „ G . H . Oliver , P . M . 975 , II . 1056 . . . 110
,, T . Wescombe , P . M . 905 , Z . 657 . . . 110 „ T . Cubitt , P . M . 157 , P . S . 177 . . . 110 „ J . Coutts , P . M . 27 , II . 177 . . . . 110 „ S . May , P . M . 101 , J . 657 . . . . 11 0 „ IT . G . Buss , P . M . 27 , P . Z . 177 . . . 110
„ R . W . Little , P . M . and P . Z ., 975 , Z . 177 . 110 „ W . AVest Smith . . . . . 110 „ C . J . Smithcrs . . . . . . 110 „ G . Kenning , 192 , Ch . 22 . . . 110 „ C . Hosgood , P . M 192 , Z . 1056 . . . 110 „ R . Jones 110 „ W . Howell 110
„ C . Cann 110 ' „ W . Mann , P . M . ISO , Z . 186 . . . . 110 „ E . Clark , P . M . 1194 , J . 1056 . . . 110 „ W . R . Woodman , M . D , P . M . G 6 , H . 33 . 110 ., F . Cox 110 „ Well-Wisher 110 „ D . R . Still 110 „ J . H . Stevens 110
„ G . Rice , P . M . 19 110 „ J . W . Barrett , 177 110 „ R . Tanner , W . M ., 177 , S . N . 975 . . . 110 „ R . Baker , P . M . 177 110 „ J . Percy , 177 110 . ., AV . Wright , 177 110 „ R . Bennett , 177 110
„ P . Kent , I . G . 177 110 „ G . Payne 110 „ J . Forsvth 110 „ T . Percy 110 „ B . P . Todd , P . M . 27 , P . Z ., 382 . . . 110 „ 1 . Boyd , P . M . and P . Z ., 534 . . . 110 „ AVE . Smith , P . M . 177 , J . 975 . . . 110 A future Brother 110
M . Edersheim 110 „ Alex . M . MacDougal , F . R . C . S ., 177 . . 0 10 0 „ J . Terrv , P . M . 228 , P . Z . 975 . . . 0 10 6 „ W . J . Gilbert , P . M . 142 , J . 177 . . . 0 10 6 „ J . T . Stevens 0 10 6 „ G . Wilton , P . M . 173 , S . N ., 177 . . . 0 10 6 „ E . Sisson , P . M . 101 , P . Z ., 177 . . . 0 10 6 „ M . Scott , P . M . 765 , Ch ., 177 . . . 0 10 6
„ Piatt , P . M ., P . Z 0 10 6 „ J . Mnith , P . G . Purst . P . M . and P . Z ., 177 . 0 10 6 ., K . Spencer , P . G . S ., P . M ., and P . Z . . . 0 10 6 „ J . JJcrvev , G . Secretary , ami P . G . D . . . 0 10 0 ., F . Walters , P . M and P . Z ., 73 . . . 0 10 ti „ W . Dodd , J . W . 1194 , 1 st A . S . 975 . . 0 10 0 „ Itnrio 0 10 6 „ Diekeson 0 10 0 „ Wvld 0 10 6 „ A . A . Pendleburv , P . M . and P . Z . 1056 , Z .
975 0 10 6 „ W . l-arnfield , P . A . G . Sec ., P . M ., and P . Z . . 0 10 ( 5 „ C . B . Pavne , P . M . 27 , P . Z . 177 . . . 0 10 f > „ . 1 . Weaver , S . W . 862 0 10 6 „ J . G . Chancellor , P . Prov . G . D . Surrey , P . M . and P . Z , 057 . . . . ' . . 0 10 0 „ G . S . States . P G . S ., P . M ., and P . Z . . . 0 10 C „ J . Holbrook 0 10 6 .. L " . Uarfeld 0 10 6
„ W . Winn . . . . . . . 0106 „ J . D . Tavlor 0 10 6 „ T . Price , 186 0 10 C „ W . A Tliarp , W . M . 0 10 6 „ A . Kohbins 0 10 6 ., S . Carev 0 10 6-„ G . Darcv 0 10 6 „ II . Oarey 0 10 0 „ F . K . Stevens 0 10 6
„ J . G . Marsh , P . M . 28 and 192 . . . 0 10 C „ J . 1 ! . Foulger , S . W . 177 . . . . 0 10 6 „ H . Boatwrigbt , 177 0 10 tj „ G . Chubb , 177 0 10 6 „ II . Warren , 177 0 10 6
„ H . Maynard , 177 0 10 6 „ V . Hocklev , P . M 0 10 0 „ 3 . Mayo , Ch . 975 0 10 6 „ Ashbv 0 10 0
„ C . Weyman 0 10 6 „ Dunn 0 10 0 „ J . E . Walford , J . W . 177 . . . . 0 10 6 „ U . Latrcille 0 10 6 „ II . Allman .. . . .. 0 10 6 „ C . Cooto 0 10 0
„ W . J . Hughan , P . M . 131 . . . . 050 „ D . G . Herri . P . M . 27 , Ch . 177 . . . 050 „ W . H . Hubbard . P . M . 173 , P . Z . 975 . . 050 „ G . Bolton , P . M . and P . Z . 109 . . . 050 „ C . Hampton , T . M . 179 , Ch . 177 . . . 050 „ II . Geddcs , 101 , Ch . 177 . . . 050 . . T . Tvrrcll . P . M . 704 . P . Z . 177 . . . 060
„ T . K . Tippett 0 5 0 „ G . F . Cook , S . W . 05 0 5 0 „ Ilayward 0 5 0 „ T . Alcock 0 5 0 „ W . Ough , A . G Purst ., P . M and P . Z . 754 . 0 5 0
„ C . AV . Nochincr , 1050 O 5 U „ II . Elmos , P .. M . 177 0 5 0 „ Kennedy . 050 „ Alexander 0 5 0 ' „ Ferguson . 177 0 5 0 £ 75 10 6