Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 4 of 4 Article INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1 Article INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
P . M . 1764 , IQII , W . M . 3 G 0 , and Rev . S . W . Wigg , P . M . 1911 , W . M . 1764 , P . P . G . Chaps . ; G . Ellard , P . M . 360 , Prov . G . D . C ; H . Spoor , P . M . 17 G 4 , P . P . G . Swd . Br . ; T . Oldham , W . M . 445 , and T . Emery , S . W . 17 G 4 , Prov . G . Deacons ; J . I . Hart , P . M . 3 60 , P . P . G . Purst . ; G . Butcher , Prov . G . Org . ; R . Croft , P . P . G . Org ., H . Manfield , Prov . G . Stwd . ; T . P . Dorman , P . P . G . Stwd . ; A . Cockerill 360 , Prov . G . Std . Br . ; G . H . Percival ,
, P . M . inn : J . Newitt , W . M . elect , 445 ;}] . Currall , J . A . Jowett , J . Gold , A . Jones , R . Taylor , H . T . West , H . Roberts , T . Cockerill , H . Hodges , A . Norman , 1767 ; R . Tucker , 1331 ; H . Bowles , 276 ; S . Gough , 293 ; T . Franks , 3 G 0 ; G . T . Edmunds , 671 ; J . Hewitt , P . Farrell , and T . D . Hensman , 360 . The lodge was opened under the presidency of the
W . M ., Bro . the Rev . S . W . Wigg , and after the transaction of routine business , including theelectionof a gentleman as a member of the lodge , and his initiation into the mysteries of the Order by Bro . the Rev . S . J . VV . Sanders , P . M ., the chair was taken by the Deputy Prov . Grand Master , who proceeded to instal the Master elected for the ensuing year , viz ., Bro . George Ellard , P . M . 360 , who
received the usual salutations , and then appointed and invested the following officers : Bros , the Rev . S . Wathen Wigg , l . P . M . ; T . Emery , S . W . ; R . Croft , J . W . ; Rev . T . C Beasley , Chap . ; George Butcher , Sec . ; T . Phipps Dorman , Treas . ; Alfred Jones , S . D . ; J . Currall , J . D . ; W . Goldney , D . C . ; H . Manfield , I . G . ; J . A . Jowett , and J . Gold , Stwds . ; H . Hodges , Std . Br . ; and C . Dean and
G . Robinson , Tylers . The Worshipful Master , on behalf of the lodge , then presented to Bro . the . Rev . S . W . Wigg a very handsome Past Master ' s jewel , in testimony of the admirable manner in which he had performed the duties of his important office during the past year . The presentation being suitably acknowledged and other
business transacted , the lodge was closed and an adjournment made to the lower hall , where at the banquet , which was provided by Mrs . Forth , of the Peacock Hotel , and served in an admirable manner , the usual Masonic toast list was presented . The Worshipful Master proposed " The Queen and the Craft ; " also "The Grand Master , H . R . H . the Prince of
Wales , " which was enthusiastically honoured ; "His Excellency the Earl of Carnarvon , M . W . Pro Grand Master ;" The Earl of Lathom , R . W . Deputy Grand Master ; " and "The Officers of Grand Lodge . " The last toast was duly acknowledged by the Grand Standard Bearer , Bro . Butler Wilkins , who spoke of the careful manner in which the affairs of private lodges were
considered and adjudicated upon in that assembly . Bro . Currall , J . D ., proposed "The Duke of Manchester , and the Officers of Prov . Grand Lodge , " which was acknowledged by the Deputy Prov . Grand Master , who then proposed "The Health of the Worshipful Master . " Bro . Ellard replied in a genuine Masonic speech . Bro . Jowett proposed " The Past Masters , " for whom
the Rev . S . W . Wigg and the Rev . S . J . VV . banders spoke . The other toasts were " The Masonic Charities , " proposed by Bro . Brown , P . M ., and acknowledged by Bro . Dorman , Treasurer . "The Initiate , " proposed by Bro . Spoor , P . M ., was acknowledged by the newly-admitted brother . "The Visiting Brethren , " proposed by Bro . A . Jones , S . D ., and acknowledged by Bro . Oldham , W . M . 445 , and
other visitors . "The Sister Lodges , " proposed by Bro . Croft , J . W ., and acknowledged by Bros . Kellett , P . M . 360 ; Hart , P . M . 3 60 ; and Wigg , P . M . 1911 . "The Wardens and Officers of the Eleanor Cross Lodge" the W . M . proposed , and Bro . Emery , S . W ., replied . The Tyler ' s toast brought the programme to a close . The proceedings were throughout marked with the greatest harmony and genuine good fellowship .
BOMAT 1 C LODGE ( No . 772 ) . —This lodge met on Tuesday , the 27 th inst ., at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell New-road . Present : Bros . F . J . Tull , W . M . ; H . B . Buckeridge , S . VV . j R . Rowlands , J . W . ; \ V . H . Boys , S . D . ; C . Pigeon , I . G . ; R . Walden , Sec . ; J . Hill , Preceptor ; Eidmans , Townshend , and others . The lodge was opened in the Three Degrees , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of raising wau rehearsed , Bro . Eidmans being the candidate . Bro . W . H .
Boys rehearsed the traditional history , and Bro . R . Rowlands gave the charge . The lodge was closed down in the Three Degrees . Bro . Rev . H . Townshend was proposed and seconded as a joining member . A vote of thanks was proposed and seconded to Bro . V . J . Tull for the able manner of woiking , being the first time he had occupied the chair as W . M . Bro . H . Buckeridge was appointed unanimously to the chair for the next meeting , the work to be the the ceremony of First Degree , the lecture on tracing board , the charge , and 1 st and 2 nd Section of First Lecture . The lodge was closed .
HYDE PARK LODGE ( No . 142 S ) . —A meeting was held on Monday , the 26 th inst ., at the Porchester Hotel , Lcinster-placc , Cleveland . square , Porchestcr-terrace , Paddington , W . Present : Bros . M . 1 . Green , W . M . ; 1 . H . Wood , S . W . ; j . C . Allman , J . W . ; H . Dehane , P . M . 1543 , Sec ; E . C . Mulvey , S . D . ; C . S . Mote , J . D . ; VV . J . Mason , I . G . ; J . Cruttenden , Stwd . ; W . H . Chalfont , P . M . 1425 ; Captain A . Nicols , P . M . 1974 , P . D . G . S . of W . Punjab ; O . VV . Battley , E . Coleman , D . Stroud , J . H . Taylor , F . Chandler , and A . J , c Clair . Visitor : Bro . I , L . King , P . M .
657 . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last lodge meeting were read and confirmed . After the usual preliminaries , the ceremonies of initiation , passing , and raising were rehearsed , Bros . Stroud , Battley , and Chandler candidates . Bro . King was elected a member . Bro . Wood was elected W . M . for next meeting , and appointed his officers in rotation , A sincere vote of sympathy with Bro . Captain H . S . Andrews , 1574 , on his sad accident was unanimously voted to be recorded on the minutes . The lodge was closed .
WANDERERS LODGE ( No . 1 G 04 ) . —A meeting was held on Wednesday , the 28 th inst ., at Victoria Mansions Restaurant , Victoria-street , S . VV . Present : Bros . Spon , W . M . ; Gibson , Treas . and S . W . ; Hayes , J . W . ; Wray , P . M ., Preceptor ; Musson , Sec . ; Brindley , P . M ., S . D . ; Hamilton , ,. !> . ; Perry , I . G . ; Weeks , Tyler ; G . E . Saunders , Salter , C . ' Pugh , Power , Grist , Holland ,
anil Ray . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Uro . C . Pugh candidate . The W . M . worked the ist Section of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . The W . M . vacated the chair in favour of the W . M . of the mother lodge , Bro . Gibson . Bro . Holland answered the questions leading to the Second Degree
and was entrusted . Lodge was opened in the Second Degree , and Bro . Holland duly passed to the degree of a F . C . The W . M . resumed the chair and closed the lodge in the Second Degree . The S . W . was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . A vote of thanks was recorded to the W . M . for the able manner in which he had performed the duties of the chair for the first time . All Masonic business being ended , the lodge was closed . A ballot for the Charities was taken afterwards , which proved favourable to Bro . Hiel .
COVENT GARDEN LODGE ( No . 1614 ) . —The usual weekly meeting of this lodge of instruction was held at the Bedford Head Hotel , Maiden-lane , Covent-Garden , W . C , on the 15 th inst ., when there were present Bros . Frank Gulliford , W . M . ; H . S . Hunter , S . W . ; VVilkic ] ones , J . W . ; P . H . Rogers , S . D . ; G . P . Bertini , J . D . ; H . G . Marsdcn , I . G . ; D . Stroud , acting as Preceptor ; G . Reynolds , Secretary and Treasurer ; J . Cumming , C . Grassi , J . Woodward , T . A . Dickson , and T . A . Weeks ; The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last
meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . C . Grassi offering himselt as a candidate for initiation , the W . M . was pleased to rehearse the ceremony . Lodge opened in the Second Degree . Bro . C . Grassi again olfering himself as a candidate to be raised to the Third Degree , he was dulv questioned , entrusted , and retired . The lodge opened in the Third Degree . The W . M . rehearsed the Degree of M . M . Lodge resumed to the First Degree . On rising for the first time , Bro . J . Woodward proposed that Bro . P . M . Rogers , Duke of Connaught Lodge , No . 1524 , be admitted a joining member
of this lodge of instruction ; seconded by Bro . D . Stroud . Carried unanimously . On rising for the second time , Bro . H . S . Hunter was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing week , being proposed by Bro . D . Stroud , and Seconded by the J . W . The W . M . elect was pleased to appoint his olficers in rotation . On rising for the third time , nothing further offering for the good of Freemasonry , the lodge was closed . A meeting then took place in connection with the Charitable Association of this lodge of instruction , Bro . Frank Gulliford
having been voted to the chair , in the absence of Bro . W . H . Gulliford , P . M ., President . Bros . G . P . Bertini and J . Woodward were voted tellers , and ballots were taken for four Life Subscriberships to the Roval Masonic Charitable Institutions , which were declared , separately , in favour of Mrs . Smith , Bros . J . Rumbcllow , 1 . Cross , and W . Page . A vote of thanks to Bro . Frank Gulliford proposed by Bro . G . Reynolds , Secretary , and seconded by Bro . J . Woodward , brought the proceedings to a close . At the ensuing weekly meeting , held on the 22 nd inst ., there were
present Bros . H . S . Hunter , W . M . ; C . Grassi , S . W . ; R . \ . Hamell , j . W . ; B . Solomon , S . D .: A . Gamineli , J . D . ; J . Woodward , I . G . ; VV . Fowles , acting as Preceptor ; G . Reynolds , Sec . and Treas . ; J . Cumming , J . B . Wiglev , J . Skinner , P . M ., T . A . Dickson , J . S ' cawlev , E . C . Mulvey , G . H . Reynolds , and T . A . Weeks . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . J . Cumming having offered himself as a candidate for initiation , the W . M . was pleased to
rehearse the ceremony . Bro . W . Fowles worked the ist Section of the First Lecture , with Bro . R . J . Hamell . Lodge opened in the Second Degree . Bro . E . C . Mulvey offering himself as a candidate to be raised to the Third Degree , he was duly questioned , entrusted , andretircd . Lodge opened in the Third Degree . The W . M . rehearsed the Degree of M . M . Lodge was resumed in the First Degree . On rising for the first time , the following brethren were unanimously elected joining members of this lodge of instruction : Bros . James Scawley , JS 9 , P . P . G . P . Warwickshire , proposed by Bro . G . H . Reynolds , seconded by Bro . G . Reynolds ; Bro . W . C . Wigley , W . M . iu 8 . proposed by Bro . Fowles , seconded bv Bro . B . Solomon ;
anil Bro . A . Gamineli , 2012 , proposed hy Bro . H . S . Hunter , and seconded by Bro . R . J . Hamell . On rising for the second time , Bro . W . Fowles proposed that Bro . C . Grassi be W . M . for the ensuing week ; seconded by the J . W . ; carried unanimously . The W . M . elect was pleased to appoint his olficers in rotation . On rising for the third time , Bro . VV . Fowles proposed that a vote of thanks be recorded on the minutes of this lodge of instruction to Bro . H . S . Hunter , W . M ,, for the very able and efficient manner in which he had carried out the duties of the chair for the first time in the Covent Garden Lodge of Instruction ; seconded by the J . W . ; carried unanimously . Tnc W . M . made a suitable reply . Nothing further olfering for the good of Freemasonry , the lodge was closed .
NEW FINSBURY PARK LODGE ( No . 1695 ) . —The usual weekly meeting was held at the HornscyVVood Tavern , on Tuesday , the 37 th inst . Present : Bros . Sharpe , W . M . ; Gush , Preceptor ; Hildrcth , S . W . ; Cross , J . W . ; Berry , Sec . ; Salmon , S . D . ; A . Goode , J . D . ; Lovell , I . G . ; Fenner , Frampton , Burnett , Aynsley , Partington , Knights , and Oldis .
The lodge was opened , and the minutes read and confirmed . Lodge opened in the Second Degree , and Bro . Oldis answered the questions for raising and was entrusted . The lodge was opened in the Third Degree , and the ist Section of the lecture was worked by Bro . Fenner . The ceremony of passing was then rehearsed , and the 2 nd and 3 rd Sections worked by Bro . Fenner . Bro . Hildreth was elected W . M . for the ensuing week , and the lodge was closed .
UB 1 QUE LODGE ( No . 1789 ) . —A meeting was held on Friday , the 23 rd inst ., at the Crown and Anchor , 79 , Ebury-strcet , S . W . Present : Bros . Hayes , W . M . ; Mann , jun ., S . W . ; Folson , J . W .: Boulton , P . M ., Preceptor ; P . Coughlan , Sec . ; Gibson , jun ., S . D . ; Wade , P . M ., J . D . ; Taylor . I . G . ; Chilcott , Green , jun ., Nice , Ray , Green , sen ,, P . M . ; Mason , Chinn , Christian , Arnold , and Flattely , P . M . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Green , sen ., being the candidate . Bro . Nice ,
a candidate to be passed to the Second Degree , answered the usual questions , and was entrusted . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Nice being the candidate . Bro . Nice , a frcllow Craft , answered the questions leading to the Third Degree . The lodge was resumed to the First Degree ; and Bros . Chinn , Arnold , and Christian , of 1789 , were unanimously elected joining members . Bro . Arnold returned thanks on behalf of himself and Bros . Chinn and Christian . The W . M . rose for the second time , and . Bro . Mann , jun ., was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing fortnight . Nothing further offering , the lodge was closed .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
PLYMOUTH . —St . John ' s Chapter ( No . 70 ) . — A meeting of this chapter was held at the Huyshe Temple , on Tuesday evening , the 20 th inst ., under the presidency of Comp . J . Griffin . The following were elected as officers for the ensuing year : Comps . J . K . Bond , Z . ; E . Tout , u . 17 n u ; n . uni , A T . n u cAt ! A „ i . CM . T D
Lord , S . E . ; j . Maton , P . S . ; A . J . Rider , ist A . S . ; T . King , 2 nd A . S . ; L . D . Westcott , Treas . ; C . W . Bovey , Org . j G . Sercombe , D . C . ; W . T . Hocking , A . D . C ; W . H . Symons and J . Hicks , Stwds . ; and W . H . Phillips , Janitor .
TREDEGAR . —Prince of Wales Chapter ( No . 1098 ) . —On Thursday , the 22 nd inst ., the members of this chapter met at the Private Rooms , Temperance Hall , for the purpose of installing the three principals for the
ensuing year . The chapter was opened under M . E . Comp . J . J . Morgan , Z . ; Ex .-Comps . C Widdowson , H . ; and I . Williams , J . ; together with the following : Comps . W . H . Williams , S . E . ; C . L . Phillips , P . S . ; J . Donlevy , Janitor ; E . Barnard , Assistant Janitor ; L . P .
Royal Arch.
Gravenor , P . Z . ; N . Brdley , P . Z . ; W . Davis , P . Z . ; G . A . Brown , P . Z . ; and J . J . Williams . Visitors : Comps . S . G . Homfray , P . G . H . ; A . T . Perkins , P . G . J . ; T . Goldsworthy , Silurian ; A . Taylor , Silurian ; E . J . Whitley , Silurian ; G . Hazel , St . Woolos ; and J . A . Kelly , St . Woolos . The following were duly installed by the retiring Principals , Comp . VV . Davies , Z . ; J . Williams , H . ; and G . Golding , J . The M . E . Z . appointed his officers as
follows : Comps . C L . Phillips , S . N . ; VV . H . Williams , S . E . ; J . Green , P . S . ; G . A , Brown , P . Z ., Treas . ; J . Donlevy , Tyler ; and E . Barnard , Asst . Tyler . A pleasant and interesting part of the programme was the presentation of a handsome gold jewel to Comp . J . J . Morgan , P . Z . The presentation was made by Com . G . A . Brown , who , in gracious terms , alluded to the long and
valuable services of the recipient . Comp . J . J . Morgan responded , thanking the companions for their kindness . The jewel , which was manufactured by Bro . George Kenning , bore the following inscription : " Presented by the companions of the Prince of Wales Chapter , No . 109 S , Tredegar , to M . E . Comp . J . J . Morgan , P . Z ., as a mark of their appreciation of his services . October , 18 S 5 . "
TWICKENHAM . —Sir Francis Burdett Chapter ( No . 1503 ) . —This chapter met for the dispatch of business at the Albany Hotel ; among those present were Comps . T . C . Walls , P . P . Soj . Middx ., M . E . Z . ; Parkhouse , P . Z . 1642 , acting H . ; Hogard , P . Z . 10 , acting J . ; Richnell , S . E . ; the Rev . R . Hosken , P . S . ; W . Taylor , P . P . G . J . Middx ., P . Z ., Treasurer ; Cama , P . P . G . S . B . Middx ., P . Z . ; W . H . Saunders , I . P . Z . ; Bunn ; and
others . The visitors were Comps . Hogard , 10 ; Colonel Cumming , 112 ( Ceylon ); and Parkhouse , 1642 . The The minutes of the previous convocation having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken on behalf of Bro . H . D . Cama , No . 255 , and it proving to be unanimous , he was duly exalted to the Degree of the R . A . The election of officers for the year ensuing then took place , with the following result : Comps . R . H . Saunders , M . E . Z . ; the Rev . S . T . H . Saunders , M . A ., H . ; Smiles , J . ; Richnell ,
S . E . ; Hosken , S . N . ; Tomlinson , M . P ., P . S . ; W . Taylor , Treasurer ; andjHarrison , Janitor . A . Past Principal's jewel having been voted to the M . E . Z ., a vote of thanks was passed to Ex . Comps . Hogard and Parkhouse for their services . Letters of apology for non-attendance were read from Comps . R . Thrupp , P . G . H . Middx . ; R . Saunders , H . ; the Rev . S . T . H . Saunders , J . ; Dunkley , Org . ; and others . The chapter was then closed , and the companions adjourned , to the banquet . The usual toasts followed .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
YORK . —York Lodge ( T . I . )—The regular meeting was held on Tuesday evening , the 20 th inst . Present : Bros . J . T . Seller , W . M . ; A . T . B . Turner , S . W . j F . Smith , J . W . ; Rev . W . C . Lukis , P . M . ; T . B . Whytehead , P . M ., Secretary ; G . Balmford , P . M . ; and most of the officers and several brethren . Bro . T . Watkinson , of the York Lodge , No . 236 , was balloted for successfully . The ballot for W . M . resulted in the election of Bro . F . Smith
( Ripon ) , and Bro . T . B . Whytehead , P . M ., was re-elected Treasurer . Auditors were appointed , and a petition to the Mark Educational Fund was adopted . A grant of money was made from the lodge funds towards the education of the children of a deceased brother , and the lodge was closed at an early hour , the members being anxious to hear an address , which was being given at the Exhibition Building , by the Chancellor of the Exchequer , Bro . Sir M . Hicks-Beach , Bart .
BUXTON—Duke of Connaught ( Lodge ( No . 246 ) . —This—the eldest of the Derbyshire lodges—held its anniversary meeting at the Court House on Tuesday , the 20 th inst ., when there were present Bros . J . H . Lawson , Prov . G . R ., W . M . ; Percy Wallis , P . M ., Prov . G . S . W ., G . S . D . England , as l . P . M . ; J . O . Manton , S . W . ; E . C . Milligan , P . M ., P . G . I . G . England , as l . W . : W :
. ' Boughen , M . O . ; E . Home , S . O . ; Oram , S . D . ; Harrison , Sec . ; Sutton , as I . G . ; Smedley , Gladwin , and others . The W . M . opened his lodge and transacted the business on the circular , after which Bro . Percy Wallis , G . S . D ., took the chair , and installed Bro . J . O . Manton in ancient form , and also delivered the charges . After the W . M . had
« I | appointed and invested his officers for the ensuing year , two brethren were proposed for advancement , and the lodge was then closed , the brethren adjourning to the Old Hall Hotel , where a sumptuous banquet was provided by Bro . J . H . Lawson , and a most enjoyable evening was spent . Letters of apology were read from officers and others who were unable to be present .
Scotland .
RENFREWSHIRE EAST . — Sir George Cathcart Lodge ( No . 617 ) . —A special meeting was held on Wednesday evening , the 21 st inst ., to receive a visiting deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge , R . W . M . Bro , Capt . Allan presiding . The deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge having been introduced with due Masonic ceremonialmade a complete inspection
, of the lodge books from date of last visitation on 2 nd April , 18 S 4 . The deputation , which consisted of Bros . James Caldwell , D . P . G . M . ; R . Nisbet , S . P . G . M . ; Geo . Fisher , P . S . P . G . M . ; and A . Macpherson , Treasurer , P . G . L ., reported that they found all the books correctly kept , and the lodge , financially and otherwise , in a thoroughly satisfactory state . Bro . Sir A . C Campbell
, P . G . M ., sent an apology for unavoidable absence as a member of the deputation . The members of the deputation were awarded honorary affiliation , Bro . R . W . M . Allan _ officiating . Bro . Caldwell expressed the gratification it afforded himself and the other members of the deputation in visiting the Sir George Cathcart Lodge , and
their thanks tor the honour conferred on them of having been affiliated as honorary members . They had , as they expected it would be , found the lodge in excellent wonting order , and they all felt some pride in being admitted as honorary members of so efficient a body of Freemasons . Bro . Fisher also addressed the brethren , after which the peputation took their leave , and the lodge was closed in due and ancient form .
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
P . M . 1764 , IQII , W . M . 3 G 0 , and Rev . S . W . Wigg , P . M . 1911 , W . M . 1764 , P . P . G . Chaps . ; G . Ellard , P . M . 360 , Prov . G . D . C ; H . Spoor , P . M . 17 G 4 , P . P . G . Swd . Br . ; T . Oldham , W . M . 445 , and T . Emery , S . W . 17 G 4 , Prov . G . Deacons ; J . I . Hart , P . M . 3 60 , P . P . G . Purst . ; G . Butcher , Prov . G . Org . ; R . Croft , P . P . G . Org ., H . Manfield , Prov . G . Stwd . ; T . P . Dorman , P . P . G . Stwd . ; A . Cockerill 360 , Prov . G . Std . Br . ; G . H . Percival ,
, P . M . inn : J . Newitt , W . M . elect , 445 ;}] . Currall , J . A . Jowett , J . Gold , A . Jones , R . Taylor , H . T . West , H . Roberts , T . Cockerill , H . Hodges , A . Norman , 1767 ; R . Tucker , 1331 ; H . Bowles , 276 ; S . Gough , 293 ; T . Franks , 3 G 0 ; G . T . Edmunds , 671 ; J . Hewitt , P . Farrell , and T . D . Hensman , 360 . The lodge was opened under the presidency of the
W . M ., Bro . the Rev . S . W . Wigg , and after the transaction of routine business , including theelectionof a gentleman as a member of the lodge , and his initiation into the mysteries of the Order by Bro . the Rev . S . J . VV . Sanders , P . M ., the chair was taken by the Deputy Prov . Grand Master , who proceeded to instal the Master elected for the ensuing year , viz ., Bro . George Ellard , P . M . 360 , who
received the usual salutations , and then appointed and invested the following officers : Bros , the Rev . S . Wathen Wigg , l . P . M . ; T . Emery , S . W . ; R . Croft , J . W . ; Rev . T . C Beasley , Chap . ; George Butcher , Sec . ; T . Phipps Dorman , Treas . ; Alfred Jones , S . D . ; J . Currall , J . D . ; W . Goldney , D . C . ; H . Manfield , I . G . ; J . A . Jowett , and J . Gold , Stwds . ; H . Hodges , Std . Br . ; and C . Dean and
G . Robinson , Tylers . The Worshipful Master , on behalf of the lodge , then presented to Bro . the . Rev . S . W . Wigg a very handsome Past Master ' s jewel , in testimony of the admirable manner in which he had performed the duties of his important office during the past year . The presentation being suitably acknowledged and other
business transacted , the lodge was closed and an adjournment made to the lower hall , where at the banquet , which was provided by Mrs . Forth , of the Peacock Hotel , and served in an admirable manner , the usual Masonic toast list was presented . The Worshipful Master proposed " The Queen and the Craft ; " also "The Grand Master , H . R . H . the Prince of
Wales , " which was enthusiastically honoured ; "His Excellency the Earl of Carnarvon , M . W . Pro Grand Master ;" The Earl of Lathom , R . W . Deputy Grand Master ; " and "The Officers of Grand Lodge . " The last toast was duly acknowledged by the Grand Standard Bearer , Bro . Butler Wilkins , who spoke of the careful manner in which the affairs of private lodges were
considered and adjudicated upon in that assembly . Bro . Currall , J . D ., proposed "The Duke of Manchester , and the Officers of Prov . Grand Lodge , " which was acknowledged by the Deputy Prov . Grand Master , who then proposed "The Health of the Worshipful Master . " Bro . Ellard replied in a genuine Masonic speech . Bro . Jowett proposed " The Past Masters , " for whom
the Rev . S . W . Wigg and the Rev . S . J . VV . banders spoke . The other toasts were " The Masonic Charities , " proposed by Bro . Brown , P . M ., and acknowledged by Bro . Dorman , Treasurer . "The Initiate , " proposed by Bro . Spoor , P . M ., was acknowledged by the newly-admitted brother . "The Visiting Brethren , " proposed by Bro . A . Jones , S . D ., and acknowledged by Bro . Oldham , W . M . 445 , and
other visitors . "The Sister Lodges , " proposed by Bro . Croft , J . W ., and acknowledged by Bros . Kellett , P . M . 360 ; Hart , P . M . 3 60 ; and Wigg , P . M . 1911 . "The Wardens and Officers of the Eleanor Cross Lodge" the W . M . proposed , and Bro . Emery , S . W ., replied . The Tyler ' s toast brought the programme to a close . The proceedings were throughout marked with the greatest harmony and genuine good fellowship .
BOMAT 1 C LODGE ( No . 772 ) . —This lodge met on Tuesday , the 27 th inst ., at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell New-road . Present : Bros . F . J . Tull , W . M . ; H . B . Buckeridge , S . VV . j R . Rowlands , J . W . ; \ V . H . Boys , S . D . ; C . Pigeon , I . G . ; R . Walden , Sec . ; J . Hill , Preceptor ; Eidmans , Townshend , and others . The lodge was opened in the Three Degrees , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of raising wau rehearsed , Bro . Eidmans being the candidate . Bro . W . H .
Boys rehearsed the traditional history , and Bro . R . Rowlands gave the charge . The lodge was closed down in the Three Degrees . Bro . Rev . H . Townshend was proposed and seconded as a joining member . A vote of thanks was proposed and seconded to Bro . V . J . Tull for the able manner of woiking , being the first time he had occupied the chair as W . M . Bro . H . Buckeridge was appointed unanimously to the chair for the next meeting , the work to be the the ceremony of First Degree , the lecture on tracing board , the charge , and 1 st and 2 nd Section of First Lecture . The lodge was closed .
HYDE PARK LODGE ( No . 142 S ) . —A meeting was held on Monday , the 26 th inst ., at the Porchester Hotel , Lcinster-placc , Cleveland . square , Porchestcr-terrace , Paddington , W . Present : Bros . M . 1 . Green , W . M . ; 1 . H . Wood , S . W . ; j . C . Allman , J . W . ; H . Dehane , P . M . 1543 , Sec ; E . C . Mulvey , S . D . ; C . S . Mote , J . D . ; VV . J . Mason , I . G . ; J . Cruttenden , Stwd . ; W . H . Chalfont , P . M . 1425 ; Captain A . Nicols , P . M . 1974 , P . D . G . S . of W . Punjab ; O . VV . Battley , E . Coleman , D . Stroud , J . H . Taylor , F . Chandler , and A . J , c Clair . Visitor : Bro . I , L . King , P . M .
657 . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last lodge meeting were read and confirmed . After the usual preliminaries , the ceremonies of initiation , passing , and raising were rehearsed , Bros . Stroud , Battley , and Chandler candidates . Bro . King was elected a member . Bro . Wood was elected W . M . for next meeting , and appointed his officers in rotation , A sincere vote of sympathy with Bro . Captain H . S . Andrews , 1574 , on his sad accident was unanimously voted to be recorded on the minutes . The lodge was closed .
WANDERERS LODGE ( No . 1 G 04 ) . —A meeting was held on Wednesday , the 28 th inst ., at Victoria Mansions Restaurant , Victoria-street , S . VV . Present : Bros . Spon , W . M . ; Gibson , Treas . and S . W . ; Hayes , J . W . ; Wray , P . M ., Preceptor ; Musson , Sec . ; Brindley , P . M ., S . D . ; Hamilton , ,. !> . ; Perry , I . G . ; Weeks , Tyler ; G . E . Saunders , Salter , C . ' Pugh , Power , Grist , Holland ,
anil Ray . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Uro . C . Pugh candidate . The W . M . worked the ist Section of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . The W . M . vacated the chair in favour of the W . M . of the mother lodge , Bro . Gibson . Bro . Holland answered the questions leading to the Second Degree
and was entrusted . Lodge was opened in the Second Degree , and Bro . Holland duly passed to the degree of a F . C . The W . M . resumed the chair and closed the lodge in the Second Degree . The S . W . was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . A vote of thanks was recorded to the W . M . for the able manner in which he had performed the duties of the chair for the first time . All Masonic business being ended , the lodge was closed . A ballot for the Charities was taken afterwards , which proved favourable to Bro . Hiel .
COVENT GARDEN LODGE ( No . 1614 ) . —The usual weekly meeting of this lodge of instruction was held at the Bedford Head Hotel , Maiden-lane , Covent-Garden , W . C , on the 15 th inst ., when there were present Bros . Frank Gulliford , W . M . ; H . S . Hunter , S . W . ; VVilkic ] ones , J . W . ; P . H . Rogers , S . D . ; G . P . Bertini , J . D . ; H . G . Marsdcn , I . G . ; D . Stroud , acting as Preceptor ; G . Reynolds , Secretary and Treasurer ; J . Cumming , C . Grassi , J . Woodward , T . A . Dickson , and T . A . Weeks ; The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last
meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . C . Grassi offering himselt as a candidate for initiation , the W . M . was pleased to rehearse the ceremony . Lodge opened in the Second Degree . Bro . C . Grassi again olfering himself as a candidate to be raised to the Third Degree , he was dulv questioned , entrusted , and retired . The lodge opened in the Third Degree . The W . M . rehearsed the Degree of M . M . Lodge resumed to the First Degree . On rising for the first time , Bro . J . Woodward proposed that Bro . P . M . Rogers , Duke of Connaught Lodge , No . 1524 , be admitted a joining member
of this lodge of instruction ; seconded by Bro . D . Stroud . Carried unanimously . On rising for the second time , Bro . H . S . Hunter was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing week , being proposed by Bro . D . Stroud , and Seconded by the J . W . The W . M . elect was pleased to appoint his olficers in rotation . On rising for the third time , nothing further offering for the good of Freemasonry , the lodge was closed . A meeting then took place in connection with the Charitable Association of this lodge of instruction , Bro . Frank Gulliford
having been voted to the chair , in the absence of Bro . W . H . Gulliford , P . M ., President . Bros . G . P . Bertini and J . Woodward were voted tellers , and ballots were taken for four Life Subscriberships to the Roval Masonic Charitable Institutions , which were declared , separately , in favour of Mrs . Smith , Bros . J . Rumbcllow , 1 . Cross , and W . Page . A vote of thanks to Bro . Frank Gulliford proposed by Bro . G . Reynolds , Secretary , and seconded by Bro . J . Woodward , brought the proceedings to a close . At the ensuing weekly meeting , held on the 22 nd inst ., there were
present Bros . H . S . Hunter , W . M . ; C . Grassi , S . W . ; R . \ . Hamell , j . W . ; B . Solomon , S . D .: A . Gamineli , J . D . ; J . Woodward , I . G . ; VV . Fowles , acting as Preceptor ; G . Reynolds , Sec . and Treas . ; J . Cumming , J . B . Wiglev , J . Skinner , P . M ., T . A . Dickson , J . S ' cawlev , E . C . Mulvey , G . H . Reynolds , and T . A . Weeks . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . J . Cumming having offered himself as a candidate for initiation , the W . M . was pleased to
rehearse the ceremony . Bro . W . Fowles worked the ist Section of the First Lecture , with Bro . R . J . Hamell . Lodge opened in the Second Degree . Bro . E . C . Mulvey offering himself as a candidate to be raised to the Third Degree , he was duly questioned , entrusted , andretircd . Lodge opened in the Third Degree . The W . M . rehearsed the Degree of M . M . Lodge was resumed in the First Degree . On rising for the first time , the following brethren were unanimously elected joining members of this lodge of instruction : Bros . James Scawley , JS 9 , P . P . G . P . Warwickshire , proposed by Bro . G . H . Reynolds , seconded by Bro . G . Reynolds ; Bro . W . C . Wigley , W . M . iu 8 . proposed by Bro . Fowles , seconded bv Bro . B . Solomon ;
anil Bro . A . Gamineli , 2012 , proposed hy Bro . H . S . Hunter , and seconded by Bro . R . J . Hamell . On rising for the second time , Bro . W . Fowles proposed that Bro . C . Grassi be W . M . for the ensuing week ; seconded by the J . W . ; carried unanimously . The W . M . elect was pleased to appoint his olficers in rotation . On rising for the third time , Bro . VV . Fowles proposed that a vote of thanks be recorded on the minutes of this lodge of instruction to Bro . H . S . Hunter , W . M ,, for the very able and efficient manner in which he had carried out the duties of the chair for the first time in the Covent Garden Lodge of Instruction ; seconded by the J . W . ; carried unanimously . Tnc W . M . made a suitable reply . Nothing further olfering for the good of Freemasonry , the lodge was closed .
NEW FINSBURY PARK LODGE ( No . 1695 ) . —The usual weekly meeting was held at the HornscyVVood Tavern , on Tuesday , the 37 th inst . Present : Bros . Sharpe , W . M . ; Gush , Preceptor ; Hildrcth , S . W . ; Cross , J . W . ; Berry , Sec . ; Salmon , S . D . ; A . Goode , J . D . ; Lovell , I . G . ; Fenner , Frampton , Burnett , Aynsley , Partington , Knights , and Oldis .
The lodge was opened , and the minutes read and confirmed . Lodge opened in the Second Degree , and Bro . Oldis answered the questions for raising and was entrusted . The lodge was opened in the Third Degree , and the ist Section of the lecture was worked by Bro . Fenner . The ceremony of passing was then rehearsed , and the 2 nd and 3 rd Sections worked by Bro . Fenner . Bro . Hildreth was elected W . M . for the ensuing week , and the lodge was closed .
UB 1 QUE LODGE ( No . 1789 ) . —A meeting was held on Friday , the 23 rd inst ., at the Crown and Anchor , 79 , Ebury-strcet , S . W . Present : Bros . Hayes , W . M . ; Mann , jun ., S . W . ; Folson , J . W .: Boulton , P . M ., Preceptor ; P . Coughlan , Sec . ; Gibson , jun ., S . D . ; Wade , P . M ., J . D . ; Taylor . I . G . ; Chilcott , Green , jun ., Nice , Ray , Green , sen ,, P . M . ; Mason , Chinn , Christian , Arnold , and Flattely , P . M . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Green , sen ., being the candidate . Bro . Nice ,
a candidate to be passed to the Second Degree , answered the usual questions , and was entrusted . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Nice being the candidate . Bro . Nice , a frcllow Craft , answered the questions leading to the Third Degree . The lodge was resumed to the First Degree ; and Bros . Chinn , Arnold , and Christian , of 1789 , were unanimously elected joining members . Bro . Arnold returned thanks on behalf of himself and Bros . Chinn and Christian . The W . M . rose for the second time , and . Bro . Mann , jun ., was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing fortnight . Nothing further offering , the lodge was closed .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
PLYMOUTH . —St . John ' s Chapter ( No . 70 ) . — A meeting of this chapter was held at the Huyshe Temple , on Tuesday evening , the 20 th inst ., under the presidency of Comp . J . Griffin . The following were elected as officers for the ensuing year : Comps . J . K . Bond , Z . ; E . Tout , u . 17 n u ; n . uni , A T . n u cAt ! A „ i . CM . T D
Lord , S . E . ; j . Maton , P . S . ; A . J . Rider , ist A . S . ; T . King , 2 nd A . S . ; L . D . Westcott , Treas . ; C . W . Bovey , Org . j G . Sercombe , D . C . ; W . T . Hocking , A . D . C ; W . H . Symons and J . Hicks , Stwds . ; and W . H . Phillips , Janitor .
TREDEGAR . —Prince of Wales Chapter ( No . 1098 ) . —On Thursday , the 22 nd inst ., the members of this chapter met at the Private Rooms , Temperance Hall , for the purpose of installing the three principals for the
ensuing year . The chapter was opened under M . E . Comp . J . J . Morgan , Z . ; Ex .-Comps . C Widdowson , H . ; and I . Williams , J . ; together with the following : Comps . W . H . Williams , S . E . ; C . L . Phillips , P . S . ; J . Donlevy , Janitor ; E . Barnard , Assistant Janitor ; L . P .
Royal Arch.
Gravenor , P . Z . ; N . Brdley , P . Z . ; W . Davis , P . Z . ; G . A . Brown , P . Z . ; and J . J . Williams . Visitors : Comps . S . G . Homfray , P . G . H . ; A . T . Perkins , P . G . J . ; T . Goldsworthy , Silurian ; A . Taylor , Silurian ; E . J . Whitley , Silurian ; G . Hazel , St . Woolos ; and J . A . Kelly , St . Woolos . The following were duly installed by the retiring Principals , Comp . VV . Davies , Z . ; J . Williams , H . ; and G . Golding , J . The M . E . Z . appointed his officers as
follows : Comps . C L . Phillips , S . N . ; VV . H . Williams , S . E . ; J . Green , P . S . ; G . A , Brown , P . Z ., Treas . ; J . Donlevy , Tyler ; and E . Barnard , Asst . Tyler . A pleasant and interesting part of the programme was the presentation of a handsome gold jewel to Comp . J . J . Morgan , P . Z . The presentation was made by Com . G . A . Brown , who , in gracious terms , alluded to the long and
valuable services of the recipient . Comp . J . J . Morgan responded , thanking the companions for their kindness . The jewel , which was manufactured by Bro . George Kenning , bore the following inscription : " Presented by the companions of the Prince of Wales Chapter , No . 109 S , Tredegar , to M . E . Comp . J . J . Morgan , P . Z ., as a mark of their appreciation of his services . October , 18 S 5 . "
TWICKENHAM . —Sir Francis Burdett Chapter ( No . 1503 ) . —This chapter met for the dispatch of business at the Albany Hotel ; among those present were Comps . T . C . Walls , P . P . Soj . Middx ., M . E . Z . ; Parkhouse , P . Z . 1642 , acting H . ; Hogard , P . Z . 10 , acting J . ; Richnell , S . E . ; the Rev . R . Hosken , P . S . ; W . Taylor , P . P . G . J . Middx ., P . Z ., Treasurer ; Cama , P . P . G . S . B . Middx ., P . Z . ; W . H . Saunders , I . P . Z . ; Bunn ; and
others . The visitors were Comps . Hogard , 10 ; Colonel Cumming , 112 ( Ceylon ); and Parkhouse , 1642 . The The minutes of the previous convocation having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken on behalf of Bro . H . D . Cama , No . 255 , and it proving to be unanimous , he was duly exalted to the Degree of the R . A . The election of officers for the year ensuing then took place , with the following result : Comps . R . H . Saunders , M . E . Z . ; the Rev . S . T . H . Saunders , M . A ., H . ; Smiles , J . ; Richnell ,
S . E . ; Hosken , S . N . ; Tomlinson , M . P ., P . S . ; W . Taylor , Treasurer ; andjHarrison , Janitor . A . Past Principal's jewel having been voted to the M . E . Z ., a vote of thanks was passed to Ex . Comps . Hogard and Parkhouse for their services . Letters of apology for non-attendance were read from Comps . R . Thrupp , P . G . H . Middx . ; R . Saunders , H . ; the Rev . S . T . H . Saunders , J . ; Dunkley , Org . ; and others . The chapter was then closed , and the companions adjourned , to the banquet . The usual toasts followed .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
YORK . —York Lodge ( T . I . )—The regular meeting was held on Tuesday evening , the 20 th inst . Present : Bros . J . T . Seller , W . M . ; A . T . B . Turner , S . W . j F . Smith , J . W . ; Rev . W . C . Lukis , P . M . ; T . B . Whytehead , P . M ., Secretary ; G . Balmford , P . M . ; and most of the officers and several brethren . Bro . T . Watkinson , of the York Lodge , No . 236 , was balloted for successfully . The ballot for W . M . resulted in the election of Bro . F . Smith
( Ripon ) , and Bro . T . B . Whytehead , P . M ., was re-elected Treasurer . Auditors were appointed , and a petition to the Mark Educational Fund was adopted . A grant of money was made from the lodge funds towards the education of the children of a deceased brother , and the lodge was closed at an early hour , the members being anxious to hear an address , which was being given at the Exhibition Building , by the Chancellor of the Exchequer , Bro . Sir M . Hicks-Beach , Bart .
BUXTON—Duke of Connaught ( Lodge ( No . 246 ) . —This—the eldest of the Derbyshire lodges—held its anniversary meeting at the Court House on Tuesday , the 20 th inst ., when there were present Bros . J . H . Lawson , Prov . G . R ., W . M . ; Percy Wallis , P . M ., Prov . G . S . W ., G . S . D . England , as l . P . M . ; J . O . Manton , S . W . ; E . C . Milligan , P . M ., P . G . I . G . England , as l . W . : W :
. ' Boughen , M . O . ; E . Home , S . O . ; Oram , S . D . ; Harrison , Sec . ; Sutton , as I . G . ; Smedley , Gladwin , and others . The W . M . opened his lodge and transacted the business on the circular , after which Bro . Percy Wallis , G . S . D ., took the chair , and installed Bro . J . O . Manton in ancient form , and also delivered the charges . After the W . M . had
« I | appointed and invested his officers for the ensuing year , two brethren were proposed for advancement , and the lodge was then closed , the brethren adjourning to the Old Hall Hotel , where a sumptuous banquet was provided by Bro . J . H . Lawson , and a most enjoyable evening was spent . Letters of apology were read from officers and others who were unable to be present .
Scotland .
RENFREWSHIRE EAST . — Sir George Cathcart Lodge ( No . 617 ) . —A special meeting was held on Wednesday evening , the 21 st inst ., to receive a visiting deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge , R . W . M . Bro , Capt . Allan presiding . The deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge having been introduced with due Masonic ceremonialmade a complete inspection
, of the lodge books from date of last visitation on 2 nd April , 18 S 4 . The deputation , which consisted of Bros . James Caldwell , D . P . G . M . ; R . Nisbet , S . P . G . M . ; Geo . Fisher , P . S . P . G . M . ; and A . Macpherson , Treasurer , P . G . L ., reported that they found all the books correctly kept , and the lodge , financially and otherwise , in a thoroughly satisfactory state . Bro . Sir A . C Campbell
, P . G . M ., sent an apology for unavoidable absence as a member of the deputation . The members of the deputation were awarded honorary affiliation , Bro . R . W . M . Allan _ officiating . Bro . Caldwell expressed the gratification it afforded himself and the other members of the deputation in visiting the Sir George Cathcart Lodge , and
their thanks tor the honour conferred on them of having been affiliated as honorary members . They had , as they expected it would be , found the lodge in excellent wonting order , and they all felt some pride in being admitted as honorary members of so efficient a body of Freemasons . Bro . Fisher also addressed the brethren , after which the peputation took their leave , and the lodge was closed in due and ancient form .