Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article To Correspondents. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Original Correspondence. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic Notes and Queries. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 4 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
10 B . 000 ACCIDENTS For which Two Millions have been paid as Compensation By the RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE COMPANY 64 , CORNHILL , ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS . Paid-up and Invested Funds , £ 260 , 000 ; Premium Income , £ 235 , 000 . CHAIRMAN . —HARVIE M . FARQUHAR , ESQ . Apply to the Clerks at the Railway Stations , the Local Agents , or West End Office : 8 , GRAND HOTEL BUILDINGS , CHARING CROSS ; or at the HEAD OFFICE : —64 , CORNHILL , LONDON , E . C . WILLIAM J . VIAN , Secretary .
ATLAS ASSURANCE COMPANY , 92 , CHEAPSIDE , LONDON , E . C . FIRE , LIFE ^ ACCIDENT . Capital—One Million Two Hundred Thousand Pounds . Instituted 1808 , and Empowered by Special Act of Parliament . The Company has been in existence more than 76 Years . All its Funds are Invested in Great Britain . FIRE , RESERVE , & OTHER FUNDS IN HAND ... £ 317 , 885 Equal to more than Three Years' Premium Income UEE FUNDS , IN HAND exceed £ 1 , 476 , 524 \ . ilt applicable to Poticy-Holttcrs ) . TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS ... . „ £ 1 , 819 , 748 LIFE DEPARTMENT—Whole-World Assurances . Surrender Values of about 40 per cent , of the Premium paid given in Cash or by paid-up Policies . ' . The Policies of this Company are not forfeited by neglect to pay the Premium so long as there is a Surrender Value . Payment of Claims IMMEDIATELY on proof of death . ACCIDENTS—Assured Against , whether fatal or causing total or partial disablement , at moderate rates , and with liberal Compensation . FIRELOSSES OCCASIONED BY LIGHTNING will bepaid whether the property be set on fire or not . LOSS OR DAMAGE caused by Explosion of Coal Gas in any building assured will be made good . Seven Years' Policies granted on payment of Six Years' Premiums . Active Agents Wanted . SAMUEL J . PIPKIN , Secretary .
WINTER WORK AMONGST THE DESTITUTE . FIELD LANE REFUGES AND RAGGED SCHOOLS , & c „ & c . SUPPORTED BY VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS . 3000 Persons Benefited Weekly . LATE PRESIDENT : THE EARL OF SHAFTESBURY , K . G . TREASURER : WILFRID A . BEVAN , Esq ., 54 , Lombard-street , E . C . BANKERS : MESSRS . BARCLAY , BEVAN , and CO ., and MESSRS . RANSOM and CO . A Special Appeal is made tor Funds . The work is cripp \ ed for want of money . SECRETARY : MR . PEREGRINE PLATT , Vine-st ., Clerkemvell-rd ., E . C . By whom contributions will be gratefully received .
< £ > J . & W . TOLLEY , ^ <& Gun and Rifle Manufacturers , X V ^ vY PIONEER WORKS , BIRMINGHAM ; < £ N vVy 1 , Conduit Street , Regent Street , London , , ^ Ja y , \ , . NEW LISTS FREE . aOr fs " ay Sole Makers of the "STANDARD " V \> HAMMERLESS GUN .
BUMSTED'S36 , KINS WILLIAM ST ., TART T 7 LONDON , E , C . L ADl ^ H \ As supplied to SALT . 1 Her Majesty the Queen .
A PPEAL to the Brethren in London . Is it possible that a brother Mason , well educated , speaking and writing thoroughly English , German , French , and Spanish languages , which he has been successfully teaching Abroad to Private Pupils and Colleges , possessing highest references , should remain in this great Metropolis , where he has been seeking EMPLOYMENT for the last Three Months , without being able to gain a living ? He most anxiously appeals to those brethren who may have opportunity to avail themselves of his services to come to "is aid and thus morally support him . —Address , J . P ., f reemason Office , 16 , Great Queen-street , W . C .
ALEX . ROSS'S NOSE MACHINE . —Applied to the nose for an hour daily , so directs the soft cartilage of which the member consists , that an '" -formed nose is quickly shaped to perfection . 10 s . 6 d . ; Post , ios . 8 d . —21 , Lamb ' s Conduit-street , near Holborn , London . Ross's Toilet Magazine , is .
WILLING'S SELECTED THEATRICAL PROGRAMME . DRURY LANE THEATRE . Every Evening at 7 . 45 , HUMAN NATURE . COVENT GARDEN THEATRE . Every Evening at S . o , GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT . HER MAJESTY'S THEATRE . Every Evening at 9 . 30 , EXCELSIOR ; at S . o , SECRET SERVICE . ¦ ADELPHI THEATRE . Every EveningatS . o , THE COLLEEN BAWN ; Farceat 7 . i 5 . STRAND THEATRE . Everv Evening at 7 . 30 , THE MARRIED RAKE ; at S . 15 , OUR AMERICAN COUSIN . VAUDEVILLE THEATRE . Every Evening at S . o , CUPID ' S MESSENGER ; at 9 . 0 , LOOSE TILES . ¦ GLOBE THEATRE . Every Evening at S . o , A BAD PENNY ; at £ 9 . 0 , THE PRIVATE SECRETARY . SAVOY THEATRE . Every Evening at S . 15 , THE MIKADO ; or , THE TOWN OF TITIPU . " TOOLE'S THEATRE . Every Evening at S . 15 , ON CHANGE ; at 7 . 40 , Comedietta . COURT THEATRE . Every Evening at S . 45 , THE MAGISTRATE ; preceded by TWENTY MINUTES UNDER AN UMBRELLA . ROYALTY THEATRE . Every Evening at S . FANNY LEAR . NOVELTY THEATRE . Every Evening at 7 . 45 , YEOMAN ' S SERVICE ; at S . 30 , THE J . GRAND THEATRE . I Every Evening at 7 . 30 , NOT ALONE . STANDARD THEATRE . Every Evening at 7 . 30 , THE RULING PASSION . SURREY THEATRE . Every Evening at 7 . 30 , DEAD BEAT . ROYAL AQUARIUM . Open , 12 . 0 ; close , 11 . 30 . Constant Round of Amusement . Two Variety Performances Daily . INTERNATIONAL INVENTIONS EXHIBITION . Open , 10 . 0 till 10 . 0 . Division I ., Inventions ; Division II ., Music . Military and other Bands Daily . ALHAMBRA THEATRE OF VARIETIES . Every Evening at S . o , Variety Entertainment , Two Grand Ballets , & c . CANTERBURY THEATRE OF VARIETIES . Every Evening at 7 . 35 , Grand Musical and Variety Entertainments , & c . ' PARAGON THEATRE OF VARIETIES . Every Evening at 7 . 35 , Comic Ballet , Variety Entertainment , & c , & c . ""~~~ MADAME TUSSAUD AND SONS' EXHIBITION . Open , 10 . 0 till 10 . 0 , Portrait Models of Past and Present Celebrities .
teal , Military , and Tropical ^ - <^ BOOT MAKERS ^^ -r ^ C ^ l 5 ^ ' ^ - ^" ~ PICCADILLY , LONDON , W .
INVENTIONS EXHIBITION-GOLD MEDAL AWARDED . FlFNT'C } NEW ILLUSTRATED UillN A O CATALOGUE of HIGH-CLASS WATPTTTTQ WATCHES and CLOCKS at VVAiUIliaO , REDUCED PRICES , sent post Af ^^ ^ A , free on application to E . DENT sS % T >& and Co ., Makers to the Queen , * VT ) FNTST 6 I » STRAND , LONDON , W . C , S M . HI X or 4 j ROYAL EXCHANGE .
To Correspondents.
To Correspondents .
OUR EXCHANGE COLUMN . In compliance with the wishes of many of our subscribers and Correspondents , we have decided on commencing in the next issue of the Freemason an Exchange Column , open to all , for the purpose of facilitating sales or exchanges
of articles of Masonic interest , such as books , jewels , regalia , lodge furniture , & c . The charge for advertisements will beCd . for 12 words . Post office orders or stamps should in all cases be sent in advance to the Manager , Freemason Office , 16 , Great Queen-street , London , W . C .
The following communications stand over : CRAFT—Alexandra Lodge , No . 0 S 5 ; West Kent Lodge , No . 1297 ; Metropolitan Lodge , No . 1507 . INSTRUCTION—Temperance Lodge , No . 109 . ROYAL ARCH—Camden Chapter , No . 704 .
BOOKS . & c . RECEIVED . " Hull Packet , " "Sunday Times" ( London ) , " Citizen , " " Court Circular , " " Victorian Freemason , " " Masonic Chronicle , " " Kevstone , " "Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of New Brunswick ' , " " Freemasons' Repository , " " Mien's Indian Mail , " " Le Moniteur de la Chance Universelle , " " Baltimore Sunday News , " " The Freemason " ( Sydney ) , "Jewish Chronicle , " " The National Baptist Masonic World , " and " The Freemason " l ( Detroit ) .
SATURDAY , OCTOBER 31 , 1885 . »
Original Correspondence.
Original Correspondence .
[ We do not hold ourselves responsible for , or even approving of the _ opinionsexpressedby ourcorrcspondents . but we wish in a spirit of fair play to all to permit—within certain necessary limits—free discus 3 ion 0
"A SLANG PHRASE . " To the Editor of the "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , I am much obliged to " Dryasdust" for his kindly criticism . It does not affect my article ; but it contrasts his superior with my inferior acquaintance with the " Volume of the Sacred Law . " With all deference , however , I submit that "the skin of his teeth " is one of a large number
of expressions of most respectable origin , which in time descended into every day use by the multitude , and have thus become what are known as " slang "—though not necessarily , of course , " vulgarly slang" — " phrases . " This is all I intended when 1 used the term which has so disturbed ' * Dryasdust ' s" equanimity . Let me add that , whenever I come across a specimen of this kind of criticism , which people indulge in who have
plenty of leisure to occupy them , I am reminded of an observation made by a learned , but somewhat thin-skinned , friend of mine , after reading the first chapter of Genesis . Said he , but without the slightest feeling of irreverence : " I think it was a wise dispensation which reserved the creation of man till the last . Otherwise perhaps the Creator might have been worried or hampered in the prosecution of his labours by—the critics ! "—Fraternally and faithfully , THE LEADER WRITER IN QUESTION .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
Masonic Notes and Queries .
633 ] LISTS OF "ATHOLL" LODGES . 1 shall be glad to correspond with brethren who own or know of lists of "Atholl" ( or "ancient" ) lodges , other than those of 1 S 04 , 1 S 07 , and 1 S 13 . Bro . T . Francis ( Havant ) has one of 1 S 11 ( circa ) , by Bro . C . Goodchild , which is a second edition . It is quite new to me , and I am
anxious to know as to the existence of a first edition . Bro . T . Harper advertised a list of 1796 , but it has not been traced of late years . A reall y accurate official list of " Atholl" lodges , 17 S 0-90 , would be invaluable just now , as also any " Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of the ' Antients ' " before 1 S 02 . W . J . HUGHAN ( Torquay ) .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft jlasonrjj . BURGOYNE LODGE ( No . oo 2 . )_ An ordinary meeting of this lodge for the dispatch of business was held on Monday last at Anderton ' s Hotel . Bro . William Batty , the W . M ., opened the lodge at a quarter past four , supported by his officers and a large number of the members of the lodge . There was a considerable amount of business on the agenda paper , but in consequence of the unavoidable absence of three of the candidates the
pressure of work was not as heavy as had been anticipated . Bro . Munt was passed to the Second Degree , after which Messrs . Gardner and Joseph Foskett were initiated into the mysteries of the First Degree . The next business was the consideration of a notice of motion b y Bro . Wilkins , P . M ., " That instead of the present arrangement of subscribing ' two guineas annually to each of the Charities that in future
, the annual subscription shall be so arranged that the amounts subscribed shall , either immediately or in future , carry votes . " Bro . Wilkins said that under the present arrangement no votes were secured for future years , the voting power not extending beyond the year in which the donation was made ; but that it was possible by another arrangement to secure permanent votes to the W . M . for
the time being of the lodge . After some discussion , Bro . Wilkins' proposal was agreed to . The next business was to consider notice of motion b y Bro . Harvey , P . M ., "That a sum of ten guineas from the charity fund be given to a late P . M . of this lodge . " This also was agreed to ; and then a notice of motion by Bro . Bundy , I . P . M ., "That the sum of two guineas from our charity fund be
given to the widow of a deceased brother , who died in very necessitous circumstances , " was discussed with the result that the sum named was voted from the general funds of the lodge , and with regard to both cases it was , on the suggestion of Bro . Geo . Lambert , P . G . Sword Bearer , decided to promote petitions to the Board of Benevolence . Notices of motion were also given—first , that a further sum
of five guineas should be given to the late Past Master of the lodge above referred to , out of the charity fund , and secondly , that an alteration be made in one of the byelaws of the lodge . Among the members present were Bros . C . D . Bundv . l . P . M . ; Wm . Wilkins , P . M . ; S . J . Byng , P . M . ; H . A . Pocock , P . M . ; George Wall , P . M . ; W . George , P . M . ; Williams , S . W . ; C . Castell , J . W . ; R . Harvey ,
Treas , ,- H . Jeffreys , Sec . ; R . M . Field , D . C . ; J . C . Crosse , S . D . ; Gilbert , Tyler ; and among the visitors were Bros . Charles Lambert , 19 S , P . G . Swd . Br . ; j . W . Baldwin , 1 S 92 , Prov . G . Swd . Br . Surrey ; F . Binckes , P . G . Stwd ., Sec . of the Boys' School ; H . Williams , 101 j W . P . Cooper , 17 S 3 ; W . G . Smith , 933 ; G . T . Chretien , 132 S ; Alfred Bishop , S . W . 1 S 92 ; M . Fagan , 20 ; John Wyatt , 1044 ; Herbert Power , 1579 j H . Rawlins , 166 j and E . C . Masscy .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
10 B . 000 ACCIDENTS For which Two Millions have been paid as Compensation By the RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE COMPANY 64 , CORNHILL , ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS . Paid-up and Invested Funds , £ 260 , 000 ; Premium Income , £ 235 , 000 . CHAIRMAN . —HARVIE M . FARQUHAR , ESQ . Apply to the Clerks at the Railway Stations , the Local Agents , or West End Office : 8 , GRAND HOTEL BUILDINGS , CHARING CROSS ; or at the HEAD OFFICE : —64 , CORNHILL , LONDON , E . C . WILLIAM J . VIAN , Secretary .
ATLAS ASSURANCE COMPANY , 92 , CHEAPSIDE , LONDON , E . C . FIRE , LIFE ^ ACCIDENT . Capital—One Million Two Hundred Thousand Pounds . Instituted 1808 , and Empowered by Special Act of Parliament . The Company has been in existence more than 76 Years . All its Funds are Invested in Great Britain . FIRE , RESERVE , & OTHER FUNDS IN HAND ... £ 317 , 885 Equal to more than Three Years' Premium Income UEE FUNDS , IN HAND exceed £ 1 , 476 , 524 \ . ilt applicable to Poticy-Holttcrs ) . TOTAL INVESTED FUNDS ... . „ £ 1 , 819 , 748 LIFE DEPARTMENT—Whole-World Assurances . Surrender Values of about 40 per cent , of the Premium paid given in Cash or by paid-up Policies . ' . The Policies of this Company are not forfeited by neglect to pay the Premium so long as there is a Surrender Value . Payment of Claims IMMEDIATELY on proof of death . ACCIDENTS—Assured Against , whether fatal or causing total or partial disablement , at moderate rates , and with liberal Compensation . FIRELOSSES OCCASIONED BY LIGHTNING will bepaid whether the property be set on fire or not . LOSS OR DAMAGE caused by Explosion of Coal Gas in any building assured will be made good . Seven Years' Policies granted on payment of Six Years' Premiums . Active Agents Wanted . SAMUEL J . PIPKIN , Secretary .
WINTER WORK AMONGST THE DESTITUTE . FIELD LANE REFUGES AND RAGGED SCHOOLS , & c „ & c . SUPPORTED BY VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS . 3000 Persons Benefited Weekly . LATE PRESIDENT : THE EARL OF SHAFTESBURY , K . G . TREASURER : WILFRID A . BEVAN , Esq ., 54 , Lombard-street , E . C . BANKERS : MESSRS . BARCLAY , BEVAN , and CO ., and MESSRS . RANSOM and CO . A Special Appeal is made tor Funds . The work is cripp \ ed for want of money . SECRETARY : MR . PEREGRINE PLATT , Vine-st ., Clerkemvell-rd ., E . C . By whom contributions will be gratefully received .
< £ > J . & W . TOLLEY , ^ <& Gun and Rifle Manufacturers , X V ^ vY PIONEER WORKS , BIRMINGHAM ; < £ N vVy 1 , Conduit Street , Regent Street , London , , ^ Ja y , \ , . NEW LISTS FREE . aOr fs " ay Sole Makers of the "STANDARD " V \> HAMMERLESS GUN .
BUMSTED'S36 , KINS WILLIAM ST ., TART T 7 LONDON , E , C . L ADl ^ H \ As supplied to SALT . 1 Her Majesty the Queen .
A PPEAL to the Brethren in London . Is it possible that a brother Mason , well educated , speaking and writing thoroughly English , German , French , and Spanish languages , which he has been successfully teaching Abroad to Private Pupils and Colleges , possessing highest references , should remain in this great Metropolis , where he has been seeking EMPLOYMENT for the last Three Months , without being able to gain a living ? He most anxiously appeals to those brethren who may have opportunity to avail themselves of his services to come to "is aid and thus morally support him . —Address , J . P ., f reemason Office , 16 , Great Queen-street , W . C .
ALEX . ROSS'S NOSE MACHINE . —Applied to the nose for an hour daily , so directs the soft cartilage of which the member consists , that an '" -formed nose is quickly shaped to perfection . 10 s . 6 d . ; Post , ios . 8 d . —21 , Lamb ' s Conduit-street , near Holborn , London . Ross's Toilet Magazine , is .
WILLING'S SELECTED THEATRICAL PROGRAMME . DRURY LANE THEATRE . Every Evening at 7 . 45 , HUMAN NATURE . COVENT GARDEN THEATRE . Every Evening at S . o , GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT . HER MAJESTY'S THEATRE . Every Evening at 9 . 30 , EXCELSIOR ; at S . o , SECRET SERVICE . ¦ ADELPHI THEATRE . Every EveningatS . o , THE COLLEEN BAWN ; Farceat 7 . i 5 . STRAND THEATRE . Everv Evening at 7 . 30 , THE MARRIED RAKE ; at S . 15 , OUR AMERICAN COUSIN . VAUDEVILLE THEATRE . Every Evening at S . o , CUPID ' S MESSENGER ; at 9 . 0 , LOOSE TILES . ¦ GLOBE THEATRE . Every Evening at S . o , A BAD PENNY ; at £ 9 . 0 , THE PRIVATE SECRETARY . SAVOY THEATRE . Every Evening at S . 15 , THE MIKADO ; or , THE TOWN OF TITIPU . " TOOLE'S THEATRE . Every Evening at S . 15 , ON CHANGE ; at 7 . 40 , Comedietta . COURT THEATRE . Every Evening at S . 45 , THE MAGISTRATE ; preceded by TWENTY MINUTES UNDER AN UMBRELLA . ROYALTY THEATRE . Every Evening at S . FANNY LEAR . NOVELTY THEATRE . Every Evening at 7 . 45 , YEOMAN ' S SERVICE ; at S . 30 , THE J . GRAND THEATRE . I Every Evening at 7 . 30 , NOT ALONE . STANDARD THEATRE . Every Evening at 7 . 30 , THE RULING PASSION . SURREY THEATRE . Every Evening at 7 . 30 , DEAD BEAT . ROYAL AQUARIUM . Open , 12 . 0 ; close , 11 . 30 . Constant Round of Amusement . Two Variety Performances Daily . INTERNATIONAL INVENTIONS EXHIBITION . Open , 10 . 0 till 10 . 0 . Division I ., Inventions ; Division II ., Music . Military and other Bands Daily . ALHAMBRA THEATRE OF VARIETIES . Every Evening at S . o , Variety Entertainment , Two Grand Ballets , & c . CANTERBURY THEATRE OF VARIETIES . Every Evening at 7 . 35 , Grand Musical and Variety Entertainments , & c . ' PARAGON THEATRE OF VARIETIES . Every Evening at 7 . 35 , Comic Ballet , Variety Entertainment , & c , & c . ""~~~ MADAME TUSSAUD AND SONS' EXHIBITION . Open , 10 . 0 till 10 . 0 , Portrait Models of Past and Present Celebrities .
teal , Military , and Tropical ^ - <^ BOOT MAKERS ^^ -r ^ C ^ l 5 ^ ' ^ - ^" ~ PICCADILLY , LONDON , W .
INVENTIONS EXHIBITION-GOLD MEDAL AWARDED . FlFNT'C } NEW ILLUSTRATED UillN A O CATALOGUE of HIGH-CLASS WATPTTTTQ WATCHES and CLOCKS at VVAiUIliaO , REDUCED PRICES , sent post Af ^^ ^ A , free on application to E . DENT sS % T >& and Co ., Makers to the Queen , * VT ) FNTST 6 I » STRAND , LONDON , W . C , S M . HI X or 4 j ROYAL EXCHANGE .
To Correspondents.
To Correspondents .
OUR EXCHANGE COLUMN . In compliance with the wishes of many of our subscribers and Correspondents , we have decided on commencing in the next issue of the Freemason an Exchange Column , open to all , for the purpose of facilitating sales or exchanges
of articles of Masonic interest , such as books , jewels , regalia , lodge furniture , & c . The charge for advertisements will beCd . for 12 words . Post office orders or stamps should in all cases be sent in advance to the Manager , Freemason Office , 16 , Great Queen-street , London , W . C .
The following communications stand over : CRAFT—Alexandra Lodge , No . 0 S 5 ; West Kent Lodge , No . 1297 ; Metropolitan Lodge , No . 1507 . INSTRUCTION—Temperance Lodge , No . 109 . ROYAL ARCH—Camden Chapter , No . 704 .
BOOKS . & c . RECEIVED . " Hull Packet , " "Sunday Times" ( London ) , " Citizen , " " Court Circular , " " Victorian Freemason , " " Masonic Chronicle , " " Kevstone , " "Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of New Brunswick ' , " " Freemasons' Repository , " " Mien's Indian Mail , " " Le Moniteur de la Chance Universelle , " " Baltimore Sunday News , " " The Freemason " ( Sydney ) , "Jewish Chronicle , " " The National Baptist Masonic World , " and " The Freemason " l ( Detroit ) .
SATURDAY , OCTOBER 31 , 1885 . »
Original Correspondence.
Original Correspondence .
[ We do not hold ourselves responsible for , or even approving of the _ opinionsexpressedby ourcorrcspondents . but we wish in a spirit of fair play to all to permit—within certain necessary limits—free discus 3 ion 0
"A SLANG PHRASE . " To the Editor of the "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , I am much obliged to " Dryasdust" for his kindly criticism . It does not affect my article ; but it contrasts his superior with my inferior acquaintance with the " Volume of the Sacred Law . " With all deference , however , I submit that "the skin of his teeth " is one of a large number
of expressions of most respectable origin , which in time descended into every day use by the multitude , and have thus become what are known as " slang "—though not necessarily , of course , " vulgarly slang" — " phrases . " This is all I intended when 1 used the term which has so disturbed ' * Dryasdust ' s" equanimity . Let me add that , whenever I come across a specimen of this kind of criticism , which people indulge in who have
plenty of leisure to occupy them , I am reminded of an observation made by a learned , but somewhat thin-skinned , friend of mine , after reading the first chapter of Genesis . Said he , but without the slightest feeling of irreverence : " I think it was a wise dispensation which reserved the creation of man till the last . Otherwise perhaps the Creator might have been worried or hampered in the prosecution of his labours by—the critics ! "—Fraternally and faithfully , THE LEADER WRITER IN QUESTION .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
Masonic Notes and Queries .
633 ] LISTS OF "ATHOLL" LODGES . 1 shall be glad to correspond with brethren who own or know of lists of "Atholl" ( or "ancient" ) lodges , other than those of 1 S 04 , 1 S 07 , and 1 S 13 . Bro . T . Francis ( Havant ) has one of 1 S 11 ( circa ) , by Bro . C . Goodchild , which is a second edition . It is quite new to me , and I am
anxious to know as to the existence of a first edition . Bro . T . Harper advertised a list of 1796 , but it has not been traced of late years . A reall y accurate official list of " Atholl" lodges , 17 S 0-90 , would be invaluable just now , as also any " Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of the ' Antients ' " before 1 S 02 . W . J . HUGHAN ( Torquay ) .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft jlasonrjj . BURGOYNE LODGE ( No . oo 2 . )_ An ordinary meeting of this lodge for the dispatch of business was held on Monday last at Anderton ' s Hotel . Bro . William Batty , the W . M ., opened the lodge at a quarter past four , supported by his officers and a large number of the members of the lodge . There was a considerable amount of business on the agenda paper , but in consequence of the unavoidable absence of three of the candidates the
pressure of work was not as heavy as had been anticipated . Bro . Munt was passed to the Second Degree , after which Messrs . Gardner and Joseph Foskett were initiated into the mysteries of the First Degree . The next business was the consideration of a notice of motion b y Bro . Wilkins , P . M ., " That instead of the present arrangement of subscribing ' two guineas annually to each of the Charities that in future
, the annual subscription shall be so arranged that the amounts subscribed shall , either immediately or in future , carry votes . " Bro . Wilkins said that under the present arrangement no votes were secured for future years , the voting power not extending beyond the year in which the donation was made ; but that it was possible by another arrangement to secure permanent votes to the W . M . for
the time being of the lodge . After some discussion , Bro . Wilkins' proposal was agreed to . The next business was to consider notice of motion b y Bro . Harvey , P . M ., "That a sum of ten guineas from the charity fund be given to a late P . M . of this lodge . " This also was agreed to ; and then a notice of motion by Bro . Bundy , I . P . M ., "That the sum of two guineas from our charity fund be
given to the widow of a deceased brother , who died in very necessitous circumstances , " was discussed with the result that the sum named was voted from the general funds of the lodge , and with regard to both cases it was , on the suggestion of Bro . Geo . Lambert , P . G . Sword Bearer , decided to promote petitions to the Board of Benevolence . Notices of motion were also given—first , that a further sum
of five guineas should be given to the late Past Master of the lodge above referred to , out of the charity fund , and secondly , that an alteration be made in one of the byelaws of the lodge . Among the members present were Bros . C . D . Bundv . l . P . M . ; Wm . Wilkins , P . M . ; S . J . Byng , P . M . ; H . A . Pocock , P . M . ; George Wall , P . M . ; W . George , P . M . ; Williams , S . W . ; C . Castell , J . W . ; R . Harvey ,
Treas , ,- H . Jeffreys , Sec . ; R . M . Field , D . C . ; J . C . Crosse , S . D . ; Gilbert , Tyler ; and among the visitors were Bros . Charles Lambert , 19 S , P . G . Swd . Br . ; j . W . Baldwin , 1 S 92 , Prov . G . Swd . Br . Surrey ; F . Binckes , P . G . Stwd ., Sec . of the Boys' School ; H . Williams , 101 j W . P . Cooper , 17 S 3 ; W . G . Smith , 933 ; G . T . Chretien , 132 S ; Alfred Bishop , S . W . 1 S 92 ; M . Fagan , 20 ; John Wyatt , 1044 ; Herbert Power , 1579 j H . Rawlins , 166 j and E . C . Masscy .