Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic And General Tidings
Bro . Gen . Sir F . and Lady Roberts left London for Carmarthenshire on Monday . Bro . Justice Field , with Justices Denman and Day , have been appointed judges for the ensuing year for the trial of election petitions .
Bro . Thomas Trounccr , of Victoria , has been elected M . W . G . M . of the Grand Lodgeof British Columbia for the current year . Bros . E . Clarke , Q . C ., M . P ., and the Hon . H . S . Northcote , M . P ., addressed a political meeting at Newton Abbot , Devonshire , on Saturday last . According to the Toronto Mail , a member of a lodge in Ithaca , Michigan , has been suspended on a charge clearly established against him of agnosticism .
Bro . Sir Charles Warren is spoken of as a Liberal candidate at the General Election for the Hallamshire division of Yorkshire , in opposition to Bro . C . S . Wortley , M . P . Bro . Lord Carrington , P . G . W ., and Lady Carvington left Victoria Station for Paris shortly before n a . m . on Monday , on their way , vitl Brindisi and Port Said , to
Sydney , New South Wales . It has been resolved by the Great Priory of Canada to present an appropriate jewel to Sir Knight T . S . Parvin , who is its representative near the Grand Encampment of the United States . R . W . Bro . Sir Michael Hicks-Beach , Bart ., M . P ., addressed a large meeting of the electors in the
Winter Gardens , Cheltenham , on Monday evening , the chair being occupied by Bro . J . T . Agg-Gardner . Bros , the Duke of Manchester and Lord Randolph Churchill were of the party of guests which reached Tunbridge Wells on Monday afternoon for a few days '
shooting on the Marquis of Abergavenny's preserves . Bro . the Lord Mayor , M . P ., on Saturday last unveiled the painted window which has been placed at the North West London Hospital , Kentish Town , as a memorial to the late Misses Eliza and Elizabeth Learmonth .
Bros . Col . A . Loftus Tottenham , M . P ., W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., and Walter Long were present among the guests at the public breakfast given at the Guildhall , Winchester , on Tuesday , to Mr . James Dear , the veteran Hampshire sportsman . Bro . Sir H . D . Wolff , M . P ., had an audience of the Sultan on Monday , and at the close of the interview ,
which was of a very cordial character , embarked on board the Imogene for Besika Bay , where H . M ' s . despatch boat Iris is waiting to convey him to Egypt . The widow of Bro . J . A . Pazzoni , of St . Louis , has presented the munificent sum of 60 , 000 dollars ( £ 12 , 000 ) towards the establishment of a Masonic Widows' and Orphans' Home for Missouri , and has further announced her intention of contributing largely towards its endowment .
A meeting- was held on Monday afternoon in the Long Parlour of the Mansion House in aid of the City and Shoreditch Branch of the Metropolitan Association for Befriending Young Servants . Bro . the Lord Mayor was prevented from taking the chair , and his place was occupied by Cardinal Manning . Some of the leading actors in London have
arranged for a performaace to take place in aid of the widow of the late Bro . Harry Jackson , and Bro . Augustus Harris has , with his usual kindness , placed Drury Lane Theatre at their disposal for the purpose on the afternoon of Saturday , the 21 st prox .
The Freemason ' s Repository of Providence , R . I ., entered this month on the fifteenth year of its existence . It is among our most welcome exchanges , and we offer to its editor and publisher our sincere congratulations in its successful progress hitherto , and our hopes for an even more successful career in the future .
Bro . the Lord Mayor , M . P ., and Lad y Mayoress received and entertained at the Mansion House on Monday the party of natives from India who have been brought over to this country to occupy the village now in course of construction at the Albert Palace , Battersea . Bro . Sir Edward Lee , chairman of the company , introduced the party and explained the purpose of their visit .
Bro . Alderman Staples , Lord Mayor elect , was presented on Monday to the Lord Chancellor , who conveyed Her Majesty's approval of his election to the chief magistracy of the City of London for the year 1 SS 5-6 . A banquet followed at the hall of the Leathersellers' Company , at which our respected brother presided , and met with a very cordial reception . Among the principal guests
were Bros . Alderman Stone , P . G . W . ; Alderman Sir H . K . Knight , Alderman Sir R . Hanson , P . G . Std ., Alderman Savory , Alderman De Keyser , Alderman and Sheriff Evans , Sheriff Clarke , Sir J . B . Monckton ( Town Clerk ) , P . G . W ., G . P . Goldney ( Remembrancer ) , H . H . Crawford ( City Solicitor ) , Alderman Cowan , and J . D . Allcroft , P . G . Treasurer .
According to the Jewish Chronicle of Friday , the 23 rd inst ., Bro . Captain Moroin , " who styles himself Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Roumanian Freemasons , " has " addressed to all the Grand Orients throughout the world a circular , in which he charges the Jews with being usurers and perjurers , and claims that the Roumanians are fully justified in whatever measures they may take
to rid themselves of the Jews . " The statement is given as emanating from the correspondent of the Archives Israelites , who writes from Bucharest , and our London contemporary , in order to place the Craft abroad on their guard against this proceeding , says there is no national Masonic body in Roumania , and that Captain Moroin , who was expelled from a French lodge in Bucharest , has arrogated himself the title of Grand Master of Roumanian Masonry .
Masonic And General Tidings
^ Bro . Sir W . Hart-Dyke , Bart ., M . P ., Chief Secretary for Ireland , left Dublin for London on Monday . R . W . Bro . Sir M . E . Hicks-Beach , Bart ., M . P ., Chancellor of the Exchequer , has left town for his seat , Williamstrip Park . The King of Denmark has been pleased , to create Prince George of Wales a Knight of the Order of
the Elephant . Prince George of Wales returned from the Continent on Monday , and has since been on a visit to the Queen at Balmoral Castle . The Prince of Wales reached London on Tuesday . On Tuesday , the 10 th prox ., Bro . Sir Charles Warren will read a paper on " Our Portion in South
Africa " at the opening meeting of the iSth session of the Royal Colonial Institute . Bro . Sir Thomas Brassey , K . C . B ., M . P ., was one of the speakers at a ' conversazione held on Thursday , the 22 nd inst ., of the Junior Liberal Association of Hastings and St . Leonard's . Bro . General Sir F . Roberts , G . C . B ., visited
Aldershot on Friday , the 23 rd inst ., and lunched with the officers of the Seaforth Highlanders , one of the regiments which served under him in Afghanistan . It is expected that the Queen , accompanied by Prince and Princess Henry of Battenberg , will return to
Windsor Castle about the 20 th prox . Preparations for Her Majesty ' s reception will be commenced shortly . A farewell banquet by the prominent Liberals of the old borough of Chelsea will be given on Thursday next , the 5 th of November , at the Kensington Town Hall , to Bros . Sir Charles Dilke , Bart ., M . P ., and J . F . B . Firth , M . P .
Bro . the Lord Mayor has received from the Countess of Dufferin a letter in which she thanks his lordship for having called a meeting at the Mansion House in aid of her fund for supplying medical aid to the women of India .
There were about 700 brethren present at the annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of Illinois , held in Chicago on the 7 th instant . According to the report of the Grand Secretary , there are in this jurisdiction 36 , 430 subscribing members . At the Metropolitan Board of Works on Friday , the 23 rd inst ., Bro . Sir J . McGarel Hogg , Bart ., M . P .,
received a deputation of the Strand Improvement Association , on the subject of improving that part of the Strand between St . Clement Dane ' s and St . Mary-le-Strand . Bro . Lord Randolph Churchill , M . P ., addressed a vast meeting of the electors of Mid-Birmingham in the Town Hall of the borough , on Friday , the 23 rd inst ., and the following day his lordship delivered a second address at
the house dinner of the Birmingham Conservative Club . The marriage of Prince Waidemar of Denmark with the Princess Marie of Orleans was celebrated in the private chapel of the Chateau d'Eu , on Thursday , the 22 nd inst . At the wedding breakfast " The Health of the Bride and Bridegroom " was proposed by the Prince of Wales . It is intended to hold a meeting at the
Fishmongers' Arms , Wood Green , to-day ( Friday ) , at S p . m ., with a view to arranging for the establishment of a lodge of instruction . Brethren desirous of joining should attend , or place themselves in communication with the worthy host , Bro . Wigmorc . At a convocation of the Industry Chapter , No .
1 S 6 , held at Freemasons' Hall on Tuesday , the 20 th inst ., the following were installed as the Three Principals : — Comps . Geo . Allen , M . E . Z . ; John James Taffs , H . ; and Chas . H . Phillips , j . Comp . James Terry performed the ceremony of installation . The retiring M . E . Z ., Comp . John G . Horsey , was presented with a P . Z . jewel .
Bros . H . H . Crawford ( City Solicitor ) and G . P . Goldney ( City Remembrancer ) were among the Cit y officials who attended , as representatives of the Sheriffs of London and Middlesex , at the chambers of the Queen ' s Remembrancer , Master Sir W . Pollock , Bart ., tcTrender
suit , rent , and service to the Crown in respect of certain property granted by Royal charter to the City some centuries ago , viz ., a tenement known as the Wild Moor in Shropshire , and another known as The Forge , in the parish of St . Clement Dane ' s , Strand .
Bro . General Sir r . Roberts , who has lately been appointed Commander-in-Chief in India , and has been home on leave for a few weeks , was entertained by Bro . the Lord Mayor at a grand banquet at the Mansion House , on Saturday last . Among the principal guests were H . R . H .
the Duke of Cambridge , the Duke of Teck , Lady Roberts , the Lady Mayoress , and Bros . Sir J . Fergusson , Bart ., General Viscount Wolseley , Major General SirC . Warren , Alderman Sir J . Whittaker Ellis , Bart ., M . P ., Major General Sir Evelyn Wood , and others .
Bro . the Lord Mayor , M . P ., has addressed through the columns of the daily press a special appeal to the public on behalf of the London Orphan Asylum , Watford , which , since its foundation in 1 S 13 , has maintained and educated close on 5000 fatherless children . It appears that , owingto the want of funds , not more than 40 children can be received at the half-yearly admission in January next , though there are 100 vacancies , and nearly 200 appliin aid if
cants . An old friend has offered to give ^ iooo a like sum is raised in annual subscriptions of half-a-guinea and upwards ; and it is to promote this object in particular , as well as generally to help the asylum , that Bro . Lord Mayor Fowler is now making this appeal . Subscriptions will be received by Mr . Arthur E . Capel , 1 , St . Helen'splace , Bishopsgate-street , E . C , the Treasurer of the Charity , and by him acknowledged in the press .
HOLLOWAY s OINTMENT AND PILLS . —Diseases of the most formidable and chronic characters have been cured by Holloway ' s remedies . Ulcerations which have proved themselves incurable b y any other known means have healed kindly under the purifying and regenerating influence of this excellent Ointment . Sjirains , stilf joints , contracted muscles , and glandular swellings can be
most safely and eliectually healed by Holloway ' s Ointment and Pills , which can do no harm under any circumstances . Neilher of these medicaments lias anything deleterious in its composition ; both arc essentially purifying and strengthening in their nature . The combined power of these noble remedies enables them successfully to cope with most descrii > tions of impurities , and to cure , or , at least , relieve , most varieties of diseases . —[ Aim . ]
Masonic And General Tidings
Bro . P . G . Philps was on Saturday last elected W . M . of the West Kent Lodge , No . 1297 . It is announced , authoritatively , that Parliament will be dissolved on Wednesday , the 10 th proximo . Bro . G . A . Taylor , late of 27 , Change-alley , has removed to 1 , Castle-court , Birchin-Iane . There are reported to be 16 , 69 s subscribing members in the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Wisconsin .
A Masonic Hall is in course of erection at St , John's , Newfoundland , the estimated cost being set down at 20 , 000 dollars ( £ 4000 ) . Bro . William Holland , the well-known theatrical manager , has undertaken the arrangement of the City Guilds exhibition in the coming Lord Mayor's Show .
On Thursday , the 22 nd inst ., at a meeting of the Brunswick Mark Lodge , No . 44 , Plymouth , Bro . Jas . Rose was elected W . M ., and Bro . James Price , Treasurer , for the ensuing year . The annual banquet of the Faith Lodge of Instruction , No . 141 , will take place on Tuesday next , Nov . 3 , at the Victoria Mansions Restaurant , Victoriastreet . President C A . Cottebrune , P . M ., P . G . P .
Bro . Alderman Farncombe has been unanimously elected Mayor of Lewes for the ensuing year . His selection for that office has drawn forth in the local press most flattering encomiums on his career as a public man . Bros , the Earl of Meath , Viscount Powerscourt , and Colonel Tottenham were present at a meeting of Irish loyalists of East Wicklow , held in the Leinster Hall , Molesworth-street , Dublin , on Friday , the 23 rd inst .
According to the Baltimore Sunday News , Bro . Wiesenfeld , 33 ° , of that city , has in his possession one of the curious tokens struck in 1790 in honour of the election of George Prince of Wales as Grand Master of England . It has been arranged that the next Freemasons ' Ball , to be held under the auspices of the three Swansea lodges , shall take place on Wednesday , the 23 rd December
next , and no effort will be spared to make it as great a success as in former years . A lodge of sorrow was held in the Masonic Hall , Philadelphia , on the 7 th instant , under the auspices of the various bodies holding under the Supreme Council A . and A . Rite , in the Valley of Philadelphia , Bro . Charles E . Meyer preparing the ritual , and Bro . James S . Barber presiding as VV . Master .
The following are the principal executive Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge of Delaware for the current year—namely , Bro . Thomas Davidson , of Wilmington , M . W . G . M . ; Williiam Palmer , G . Treasurer ; and William S . Hayes , of Wilmington , G . Secretary . They were elected to office at the annual communication held on the 7 th instant .
This week there has been grand doings at Latham House , in honour of the coming of age of Lord Skelmersdale , eldest son and heir of Bro . the Earl of Lathom , D . G . M . England , and Prov . G . M . of West Lancashire , whom we congratulate as cordially as we did in reference to the anniversary of his silver wedding , on this further auspicious celebration .
Bro . John W . Simons , Past G . Master of New York , and Masonic editor of the New York Dispatch , celebrated the 65 th anniversary of his birthday on the Sth instant , in the midst of his family , four generations being represented on the auspicious occasion . We heartily congratulate our worthy brother on the event , and trust he may live to see many more celebrations of a similar character .
A meeting of the Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of Kent will be held at the Masonic Hall , 3 S , St . Peter'sstreet , Canterbury , to-day ( Friday ) , the chair being occupied by R . W . Bro . the Rev . T . Robinson , M . A ., P . G . M . M . M . This will be the first occasion on which a Provincial Grand Mark Lodge has been held in Canterbury , and hence a large attendance of Mark brethren may be expected . The
usual banquet will follow at the Royal Fountain Hotel , under the presidency of the P . G . M . Master . The Fifteen Sections will be worked in the Ranelagh Lodge of Instruction , No . S 34 , at the Six Bells Hotel , Queen-street , Hammersmith , on Friday , November 6 th . Bro . Jesse Collings , P . M . 15 S 5 , in the chair . First Lecture—First Section , Bro . W . j .
Coplestone , S . D . S 34 ; Second Section , Bro . VV . C . Williams , J . W . 1585 ; Third Section , H . Blunden , P . M . S 65 ; Fourth Section , Bro . W . W . Williams , S 34 ; Fifth Section , Bro . D . Stroud , 55 ; Sixth Section , Bro . P . Burton , W . M . 1 S 2 S ; Seventh Section , Bro . Captain A . Nicols , P . M . 1308 , 728 , 1074 . P . D . G . Sunt , of Works
Punjab . Second Lecture—First Section , Bro . Arthur Williams , I . G . 2090 ; Second Section , J . Davies , 1 C 9 ; Third Section , Bro . j . H . Taylor , P . M . S 34 , 17 O 7 ; Fourth Section , Bro . VV . Ayling , P . \ I . 975 ; Fifth Section , Bro . J . Collings , P . M . 1585 . Third Lecture—First Section , Bro . II . Purdue , l . P . M . S 34 ; Second Section , Bro . V . Wing , J . D . 15 S 5 ; Third Section , Bro . D . S . Long , I . G . 1275 .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
For the week ending Saturday , November 7 , 18 S 5 . The Editor will be glad to receive notice from Secretaries of Craft Lodges , Royal Arch Chapters , Mark Lodges , Rose Croix Chapters , Preceptorics , Conclaves , & c , of any change in place , day , or month of meeting .
MONDAY , NOVEMBER 2 . Lodge 12 , Fortitude and Old Cumberland , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-st . „ 16 , Royal Alpha , Willis ' s Rooms , St . James ' s . „ 25 , Robert Burns , Freemasons' Hall .
„ 72 , Royal Jubilee , Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet-st . „ 144 , St . Luke's , Anderton's Hot ., Fleet-st . „ 1 S 8 , Joppa , Freemasons' Tav . „ 25 6 , Unions , Freemasons' Hall . ,, 1319 , Asaph , Freemasons' Hall . „ 1669 , Royal Leopold , Surrey M . H ., Camberwell .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic And General Tidings
Bro . Gen . Sir F . and Lady Roberts left London for Carmarthenshire on Monday . Bro . Justice Field , with Justices Denman and Day , have been appointed judges for the ensuing year for the trial of election petitions .
Bro . Thomas Trounccr , of Victoria , has been elected M . W . G . M . of the Grand Lodgeof British Columbia for the current year . Bros . E . Clarke , Q . C ., M . P ., and the Hon . H . S . Northcote , M . P ., addressed a political meeting at Newton Abbot , Devonshire , on Saturday last . According to the Toronto Mail , a member of a lodge in Ithaca , Michigan , has been suspended on a charge clearly established against him of agnosticism .
Bro . Sir Charles Warren is spoken of as a Liberal candidate at the General Election for the Hallamshire division of Yorkshire , in opposition to Bro . C . S . Wortley , M . P . Bro . Lord Carrington , P . G . W ., and Lady Carvington left Victoria Station for Paris shortly before n a . m . on Monday , on their way , vitl Brindisi and Port Said , to
Sydney , New South Wales . It has been resolved by the Great Priory of Canada to present an appropriate jewel to Sir Knight T . S . Parvin , who is its representative near the Grand Encampment of the United States . R . W . Bro . Sir Michael Hicks-Beach , Bart ., M . P ., addressed a large meeting of the electors in the
Winter Gardens , Cheltenham , on Monday evening , the chair being occupied by Bro . J . T . Agg-Gardner . Bros , the Duke of Manchester and Lord Randolph Churchill were of the party of guests which reached Tunbridge Wells on Monday afternoon for a few days '
shooting on the Marquis of Abergavenny's preserves . Bro . the Lord Mayor , M . P ., on Saturday last unveiled the painted window which has been placed at the North West London Hospital , Kentish Town , as a memorial to the late Misses Eliza and Elizabeth Learmonth .
Bros . Col . A . Loftus Tottenham , M . P ., W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., and Walter Long were present among the guests at the public breakfast given at the Guildhall , Winchester , on Tuesday , to Mr . James Dear , the veteran Hampshire sportsman . Bro . Sir H . D . Wolff , M . P ., had an audience of the Sultan on Monday , and at the close of the interview ,
which was of a very cordial character , embarked on board the Imogene for Besika Bay , where H . M ' s . despatch boat Iris is waiting to convey him to Egypt . The widow of Bro . J . A . Pazzoni , of St . Louis , has presented the munificent sum of 60 , 000 dollars ( £ 12 , 000 ) towards the establishment of a Masonic Widows' and Orphans' Home for Missouri , and has further announced her intention of contributing largely towards its endowment .
A meeting- was held on Monday afternoon in the Long Parlour of the Mansion House in aid of the City and Shoreditch Branch of the Metropolitan Association for Befriending Young Servants . Bro . the Lord Mayor was prevented from taking the chair , and his place was occupied by Cardinal Manning . Some of the leading actors in London have
arranged for a performaace to take place in aid of the widow of the late Bro . Harry Jackson , and Bro . Augustus Harris has , with his usual kindness , placed Drury Lane Theatre at their disposal for the purpose on the afternoon of Saturday , the 21 st prox .
The Freemason ' s Repository of Providence , R . I ., entered this month on the fifteenth year of its existence . It is among our most welcome exchanges , and we offer to its editor and publisher our sincere congratulations in its successful progress hitherto , and our hopes for an even more successful career in the future .
Bro . the Lord Mayor , M . P ., and Lad y Mayoress received and entertained at the Mansion House on Monday the party of natives from India who have been brought over to this country to occupy the village now in course of construction at the Albert Palace , Battersea . Bro . Sir Edward Lee , chairman of the company , introduced the party and explained the purpose of their visit .
Bro . Alderman Staples , Lord Mayor elect , was presented on Monday to the Lord Chancellor , who conveyed Her Majesty's approval of his election to the chief magistracy of the City of London for the year 1 SS 5-6 . A banquet followed at the hall of the Leathersellers' Company , at which our respected brother presided , and met with a very cordial reception . Among the principal guests
were Bros . Alderman Stone , P . G . W . ; Alderman Sir H . K . Knight , Alderman Sir R . Hanson , P . G . Std ., Alderman Savory , Alderman De Keyser , Alderman and Sheriff Evans , Sheriff Clarke , Sir J . B . Monckton ( Town Clerk ) , P . G . W ., G . P . Goldney ( Remembrancer ) , H . H . Crawford ( City Solicitor ) , Alderman Cowan , and J . D . Allcroft , P . G . Treasurer .
According to the Jewish Chronicle of Friday , the 23 rd inst ., Bro . Captain Moroin , " who styles himself Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Roumanian Freemasons , " has " addressed to all the Grand Orients throughout the world a circular , in which he charges the Jews with being usurers and perjurers , and claims that the Roumanians are fully justified in whatever measures they may take
to rid themselves of the Jews . " The statement is given as emanating from the correspondent of the Archives Israelites , who writes from Bucharest , and our London contemporary , in order to place the Craft abroad on their guard against this proceeding , says there is no national Masonic body in Roumania , and that Captain Moroin , who was expelled from a French lodge in Bucharest , has arrogated himself the title of Grand Master of Roumanian Masonry .
Masonic And General Tidings
^ Bro . Sir W . Hart-Dyke , Bart ., M . P ., Chief Secretary for Ireland , left Dublin for London on Monday . R . W . Bro . Sir M . E . Hicks-Beach , Bart ., M . P ., Chancellor of the Exchequer , has left town for his seat , Williamstrip Park . The King of Denmark has been pleased , to create Prince George of Wales a Knight of the Order of
the Elephant . Prince George of Wales returned from the Continent on Monday , and has since been on a visit to the Queen at Balmoral Castle . The Prince of Wales reached London on Tuesday . On Tuesday , the 10 th prox ., Bro . Sir Charles Warren will read a paper on " Our Portion in South
Africa " at the opening meeting of the iSth session of the Royal Colonial Institute . Bro . Sir Thomas Brassey , K . C . B ., M . P ., was one of the speakers at a ' conversazione held on Thursday , the 22 nd inst ., of the Junior Liberal Association of Hastings and St . Leonard's . Bro . General Sir F . Roberts , G . C . B ., visited
Aldershot on Friday , the 23 rd inst ., and lunched with the officers of the Seaforth Highlanders , one of the regiments which served under him in Afghanistan . It is expected that the Queen , accompanied by Prince and Princess Henry of Battenberg , will return to
Windsor Castle about the 20 th prox . Preparations for Her Majesty ' s reception will be commenced shortly . A farewell banquet by the prominent Liberals of the old borough of Chelsea will be given on Thursday next , the 5 th of November , at the Kensington Town Hall , to Bros . Sir Charles Dilke , Bart ., M . P ., and J . F . B . Firth , M . P .
Bro . the Lord Mayor has received from the Countess of Dufferin a letter in which she thanks his lordship for having called a meeting at the Mansion House in aid of her fund for supplying medical aid to the women of India .
There were about 700 brethren present at the annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of Illinois , held in Chicago on the 7 th instant . According to the report of the Grand Secretary , there are in this jurisdiction 36 , 430 subscribing members . At the Metropolitan Board of Works on Friday , the 23 rd inst ., Bro . Sir J . McGarel Hogg , Bart ., M . P .,
received a deputation of the Strand Improvement Association , on the subject of improving that part of the Strand between St . Clement Dane ' s and St . Mary-le-Strand . Bro . Lord Randolph Churchill , M . P ., addressed a vast meeting of the electors of Mid-Birmingham in the Town Hall of the borough , on Friday , the 23 rd inst ., and the following day his lordship delivered a second address at
the house dinner of the Birmingham Conservative Club . The marriage of Prince Waidemar of Denmark with the Princess Marie of Orleans was celebrated in the private chapel of the Chateau d'Eu , on Thursday , the 22 nd inst . At the wedding breakfast " The Health of the Bride and Bridegroom " was proposed by the Prince of Wales . It is intended to hold a meeting at the
Fishmongers' Arms , Wood Green , to-day ( Friday ) , at S p . m ., with a view to arranging for the establishment of a lodge of instruction . Brethren desirous of joining should attend , or place themselves in communication with the worthy host , Bro . Wigmorc . At a convocation of the Industry Chapter , No .
1 S 6 , held at Freemasons' Hall on Tuesday , the 20 th inst ., the following were installed as the Three Principals : — Comps . Geo . Allen , M . E . Z . ; John James Taffs , H . ; and Chas . H . Phillips , j . Comp . James Terry performed the ceremony of installation . The retiring M . E . Z ., Comp . John G . Horsey , was presented with a P . Z . jewel .
Bros . H . H . Crawford ( City Solicitor ) and G . P . Goldney ( City Remembrancer ) were among the Cit y officials who attended , as representatives of the Sheriffs of London and Middlesex , at the chambers of the Queen ' s Remembrancer , Master Sir W . Pollock , Bart ., tcTrender
suit , rent , and service to the Crown in respect of certain property granted by Royal charter to the City some centuries ago , viz ., a tenement known as the Wild Moor in Shropshire , and another known as The Forge , in the parish of St . Clement Dane ' s , Strand .
Bro . General Sir r . Roberts , who has lately been appointed Commander-in-Chief in India , and has been home on leave for a few weeks , was entertained by Bro . the Lord Mayor at a grand banquet at the Mansion House , on Saturday last . Among the principal guests were H . R . H .
the Duke of Cambridge , the Duke of Teck , Lady Roberts , the Lady Mayoress , and Bros . Sir J . Fergusson , Bart ., General Viscount Wolseley , Major General SirC . Warren , Alderman Sir J . Whittaker Ellis , Bart ., M . P ., Major General Sir Evelyn Wood , and others .
Bro . the Lord Mayor , M . P ., has addressed through the columns of the daily press a special appeal to the public on behalf of the London Orphan Asylum , Watford , which , since its foundation in 1 S 13 , has maintained and educated close on 5000 fatherless children . It appears that , owingto the want of funds , not more than 40 children can be received at the half-yearly admission in January next , though there are 100 vacancies , and nearly 200 appliin aid if
cants . An old friend has offered to give ^ iooo a like sum is raised in annual subscriptions of half-a-guinea and upwards ; and it is to promote this object in particular , as well as generally to help the asylum , that Bro . Lord Mayor Fowler is now making this appeal . Subscriptions will be received by Mr . Arthur E . Capel , 1 , St . Helen'splace , Bishopsgate-street , E . C , the Treasurer of the Charity , and by him acknowledged in the press .
HOLLOWAY s OINTMENT AND PILLS . —Diseases of the most formidable and chronic characters have been cured by Holloway ' s remedies . Ulcerations which have proved themselves incurable b y any other known means have healed kindly under the purifying and regenerating influence of this excellent Ointment . Sjirains , stilf joints , contracted muscles , and glandular swellings can be
most safely and eliectually healed by Holloway ' s Ointment and Pills , which can do no harm under any circumstances . Neilher of these medicaments lias anything deleterious in its composition ; both arc essentially purifying and strengthening in their nature . The combined power of these noble remedies enables them successfully to cope with most descrii > tions of impurities , and to cure , or , at least , relieve , most varieties of diseases . —[ Aim . ]
Masonic And General Tidings
Bro . P . G . Philps was on Saturday last elected W . M . of the West Kent Lodge , No . 1297 . It is announced , authoritatively , that Parliament will be dissolved on Wednesday , the 10 th proximo . Bro . G . A . Taylor , late of 27 , Change-alley , has removed to 1 , Castle-court , Birchin-Iane . There are reported to be 16 , 69 s subscribing members in the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Wisconsin .
A Masonic Hall is in course of erection at St , John's , Newfoundland , the estimated cost being set down at 20 , 000 dollars ( £ 4000 ) . Bro . William Holland , the well-known theatrical manager , has undertaken the arrangement of the City Guilds exhibition in the coming Lord Mayor's Show .
On Thursday , the 22 nd inst ., at a meeting of the Brunswick Mark Lodge , No . 44 , Plymouth , Bro . Jas . Rose was elected W . M ., and Bro . James Price , Treasurer , for the ensuing year . The annual banquet of the Faith Lodge of Instruction , No . 141 , will take place on Tuesday next , Nov . 3 , at the Victoria Mansions Restaurant , Victoriastreet . President C A . Cottebrune , P . M ., P . G . P .
Bro . Alderman Farncombe has been unanimously elected Mayor of Lewes for the ensuing year . His selection for that office has drawn forth in the local press most flattering encomiums on his career as a public man . Bros , the Earl of Meath , Viscount Powerscourt , and Colonel Tottenham were present at a meeting of Irish loyalists of East Wicklow , held in the Leinster Hall , Molesworth-street , Dublin , on Friday , the 23 rd inst .
According to the Baltimore Sunday News , Bro . Wiesenfeld , 33 ° , of that city , has in his possession one of the curious tokens struck in 1790 in honour of the election of George Prince of Wales as Grand Master of England . It has been arranged that the next Freemasons ' Ball , to be held under the auspices of the three Swansea lodges , shall take place on Wednesday , the 23 rd December
next , and no effort will be spared to make it as great a success as in former years . A lodge of sorrow was held in the Masonic Hall , Philadelphia , on the 7 th instant , under the auspices of the various bodies holding under the Supreme Council A . and A . Rite , in the Valley of Philadelphia , Bro . Charles E . Meyer preparing the ritual , and Bro . James S . Barber presiding as VV . Master .
The following are the principal executive Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge of Delaware for the current year—namely , Bro . Thomas Davidson , of Wilmington , M . W . G . M . ; Williiam Palmer , G . Treasurer ; and William S . Hayes , of Wilmington , G . Secretary . They were elected to office at the annual communication held on the 7 th instant .
This week there has been grand doings at Latham House , in honour of the coming of age of Lord Skelmersdale , eldest son and heir of Bro . the Earl of Lathom , D . G . M . England , and Prov . G . M . of West Lancashire , whom we congratulate as cordially as we did in reference to the anniversary of his silver wedding , on this further auspicious celebration .
Bro . John W . Simons , Past G . Master of New York , and Masonic editor of the New York Dispatch , celebrated the 65 th anniversary of his birthday on the Sth instant , in the midst of his family , four generations being represented on the auspicious occasion . We heartily congratulate our worthy brother on the event , and trust he may live to see many more celebrations of a similar character .
A meeting of the Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of Kent will be held at the Masonic Hall , 3 S , St . Peter'sstreet , Canterbury , to-day ( Friday ) , the chair being occupied by R . W . Bro . the Rev . T . Robinson , M . A ., P . G . M . M . M . This will be the first occasion on which a Provincial Grand Mark Lodge has been held in Canterbury , and hence a large attendance of Mark brethren may be expected . The
usual banquet will follow at the Royal Fountain Hotel , under the presidency of the P . G . M . Master . The Fifteen Sections will be worked in the Ranelagh Lodge of Instruction , No . S 34 , at the Six Bells Hotel , Queen-street , Hammersmith , on Friday , November 6 th . Bro . Jesse Collings , P . M . 15 S 5 , in the chair . First Lecture—First Section , Bro . W . j .
Coplestone , S . D . S 34 ; Second Section , Bro . VV . C . Williams , J . W . 1585 ; Third Section , H . Blunden , P . M . S 65 ; Fourth Section , Bro . W . W . Williams , S 34 ; Fifth Section , Bro . D . Stroud , 55 ; Sixth Section , Bro . P . Burton , W . M . 1 S 2 S ; Seventh Section , Bro . Captain A . Nicols , P . M . 1308 , 728 , 1074 . P . D . G . Sunt , of Works
Punjab . Second Lecture—First Section , Bro . Arthur Williams , I . G . 2090 ; Second Section , J . Davies , 1 C 9 ; Third Section , Bro . j . H . Taylor , P . M . S 34 , 17 O 7 ; Fourth Section , Bro . VV . Ayling , P . \ I . 975 ; Fifth Section , Bro . J . Collings , P . M . 1585 . Third Lecture—First Section , Bro . II . Purdue , l . P . M . S 34 ; Second Section , Bro . V . Wing , J . D . 15 S 5 ; Third Section , Bro . D . S . Long , I . G . 1275 .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
For the week ending Saturday , November 7 , 18 S 5 . The Editor will be glad to receive notice from Secretaries of Craft Lodges , Royal Arch Chapters , Mark Lodges , Rose Croix Chapters , Preceptorics , Conclaves , & c , of any change in place , day , or month of meeting .
MONDAY , NOVEMBER 2 . Lodge 12 , Fortitude and Old Cumberland , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-st . „ 16 , Royal Alpha , Willis ' s Rooms , St . James ' s . „ 25 , Robert Burns , Freemasons' Hall .
„ 72 , Royal Jubilee , Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet-st . „ 144 , St . Luke's , Anderton's Hot ., Fleet-st . „ 1 S 8 , Joppa , Freemasons' Tav . „ 25 6 , Unions , Freemasons' Hall . ,, 1319 , Asaph , Freemasons' Hall . „ 1669 , Royal Leopold , Surrey M . H ., Camberwell .