Article Craft Masonry. ← Page 3 of 3 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 2 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 2 →
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Craft Masonry.
Lancastrian Lodge , No . 2528 . The installation meeting of this young and prosperous lodge was held at the Frascati Restaurant , ' on the uth inst ., when Bro . James J . Marsh was re-elected to the chair of King Solomon . The members present included Bros . Rev . J . S . Brownripg , P . G . Chap ., acting I . P . M . j R . J . Rpiltnn , S . W . ; W . II . Booth , I . D . ; Thomas Evans , Treas . ; T .. H . Openshaw , F . R . C . S .. Sec ; R . H . Hampsnn , LL . B ., B . A ., Stwd . ; A . Jones-Roberts , and Patrick , P . M ., Tyler . Visitors : Bros . A . Gibbes , 1 S 72 , P . P . G . Treas . Surrey ; S . M . Worthington , 1350 ; H . 1 . Clipp ? rton , 50 S , P . m . 1 S 0 ; C . E . Everett , SCo ; F . B . Beck , I . G . 2272 ; Morgan , T . H . Mills , and others .
After the opening of the lodge and confirmation of minutes of the previous meeting , Bro . J . J . Marsh was re-installed as W . M . by Bro . Rev . J . S . Brownrigg , P . G Chap ., in his usual masterly manner . After he had been prrcla ' med and saluted , the W . M . invested his officers as follows : Bro . R . 1 . Railton , S . W . ; T . H . Openshaw , F . R C . S ., J . W . ; Rev . T . S . Rallies , M . A ., P . P . G . Chap ., Chaplain ; Thomas Evans , Treas . ; H . Horrocks , M . D ., B . Sc , Sec . ; VV . H . Booth . S . D . j R . H . Hampson , LL . B ., B . A ., J . D . ; Peter Horrocks , M . D ., P . M ., 'D . C .,- R . Maguire , M . D .. Org . ; J . R . Hosker , I . G . ; G . W . Taylor and A . F . Penny , Stwds . ; and Patrick , KM ., Tyler . A number of apologies were received from absent brethren , and after " Hearty good wishes " the lodge was closed .
The brethren adjourned to a recherche banquet , presided over by the genial VV . M ., who proved himself a thorough Master of the art . The preliminary toasts having been disposed ol , Bio . Marsh , W . M ., propored "The Health of the M . W . Pro Grand Master , the Earl of Lathom , the R . W . Deputy Grand Master , and the rest of the Grand Officers , Present and Past . " He said no man was more beloved than Lord Lathom . Two years ago , when that lodge was consecrated ,
his lordship was first Master , and ever since had taken the greatest interest in its welfare . He had just received a letter from him saying how sorry he was in not being able to attend at Ihe installation , and wishing the lodge every success . He felt it difficult to follow such an I . P . M . who had Masonry at heart , and that lodge in particular . "The Installing Master" was proposed by the VV . M ., who said in Bro . Brownrigg they found a marvel of electricity in his work , so beautifully rendered as Installing Master .
Bro . Railton , S . W ., in proposing "The Health of the W . M ., " said Bro . Marsh bad been elected for the second time . Last year he carried out his duties so well that this year , by the unanimous wish of the brethren , he was again in the chair . They owed a debt of gratitude to the W . M ., who had done his very best for the comfort of the lodge in every way ; by his genial manner he had overcome obstacles , and he had done it to the satisfaction of the brethren , he had therefore the greatest possible pleasure in proposing the toast .
Bro . Marsh , W . M ., in returning thanks , said , to be again their W . M . was a great pleasure to him . Lancashire was a county they all need be proud of , associated as it was with their beloved Queen . The little he had done had been a labour of love . The officers were jolly good fellows , and anything he could do lor the benefit of the Lancastrian Lcdg : e he would do with all his heart . The VV . M . next proposed " The Officers of the Lodge . " Bro . Railton , S . W ., in reply , said the lodge was not a large one , being a representative one restricted to Lancashire men , to whom they would always give a hearty welcome . Bro . Openshaw , F . R . C . S ., echoed in similar language .
The W . M ., in giving " The Masonic Charities , " said Charity was the great virtue impressed on every Mason from the time he entered . The W . M . next proposed "The Visitors . " They were always pleased to see visitors amongst them and to do their best for their comfort . He hoped they had had a pleasant evening , both at the lodge and banquet . Bro . Gibbes , in reply , said he presumed he was responding for the visitors in particular , and being a very old friend of their esteemed W . M ., he was very pleased to be
present . The prosperity of a lodge depended on the firmness of the Master . He wished he had been present earlier in the evening , and to have listened to Bro . Brownrigg ' s installation ceremony . He heard him install Lord Onslow , Prov . Grand Master of Surrey , and it was a Masonic treat . His experience told him it was better to have one working only . When visiting South Africa a little while since he visited one or two Dutch lodges , and was greatly impressed with their beautiful rendering of the ritual ; it was of ancient date . He advised any brother when visiting South Africa to see for themselves how beautiful and impressive it was carried out .
Bro . Everett also replied , endorsing the remarks of Bro . Gibbes as regards the working of the ritual . It was a common occurrence in visiting lodges to hear Preceptors sav that or this mode was not according to our working . He quite agreed with Bro . Gibbes that there should be one ritual only . He congratulated the brethren on having such a good man and Mason installed for the second time into the chair of King Solomon . He had known him many years , and the more they knew of him the more they would like him .
Bro . Worthington replied for the Lancashire lodges in a true Masonic spirit . Although a young Mason he had Masonry at heart , and hoped to become a joining member . The Tyler ' s toast brought to a close a very happy meeting . The proceedings throughout were enlivened by excellent vocal and instrumental music .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
Chapter of Emulation , No . 40 . The installation meeting of this chapter was held at the Castle Hotel , Hastings , on Monday , the 19 th instant . There were present Comps . VV . Carless , M . E . Z . ; G . IT . Gaze . H . ; A . E . Young , J . ; G . Randell , S . E . ; H . Boyce , S . N . ; F . W . Hotham , P . S . ; H . A . Stratford , ist A . S . ; F . Rossiter , P . Z ., P . P . G . P . S ., Treas . ; J . Baker Guy , Org . ; C E . Botley , P . Z ., Prov . G . J . ; R , Hughes , P . Z .,. P . P . G . Std . Br . ; W . T . Jordan , P . Z ., P . P . G . Std . Br . ; W . H .. Russell , P . Z ., P . P . G . S . B . ; C VV . Duke
P . Z ., P . P . G . S . N . ; T . Trollope , P . Z ., P . A . G . S ., Prov . G . H . ; H . VV . H . Elwes , P . Z ., P . P . G . H . Suffolk ; F . Duke , Percy Beer , L . V . St . John , H . C . Wilson , J . T . Edmed , J . B . Foster , \ V . S . Allen , and J . Foster , Janitor . Visitors : Comps . V . P . Freeman , P . G . Std . Br ., Prov . G . S . E . ; H . Pearce , M . E . Z . Sit ; A . Lloyd , M . E . Z . 732 ; J . Bray , and J . Pearce . The chapter having been op er . ed , and tbe minutes of tbe previous convocation read snd ccnfinned , Comps . G . II . Gaze was duly installed M . E . Z . ; A . E . Young , as H . j
and F . VV . Hotham , as J . The M . E . Z . afterwards invested the following officeis Comps . P . Beer , S . E . j H . Boyce , S . N . ; F . Rossiter , P . Z ., Treas . ; G . Randell , P . S . j H . A . Stratford , istA . S . j J . Baker Guy , Org . ; and J . Foster , Janitor . Comp . Boyce having intimated his intention of going up as Steward for the Old People in February next , the sum of five guineas was voted for his list . The Treasurer read the report of the Audit Committee , which showed the chapter to be in a flourishing condition .
All business being ended , the companions sat down to an excellent banquet , which reflected the greatest credit uti Comp . Boyce's catering , and a most enjoyable evening was spent .
Industry Chapter , No . 48 . The annual convocation of this thriving chapter was held on Thursday , the 8 th instant , at the Industry Masonic Hall , Gateshead , for the installation of the Principals and investment of officers . The proceedings were opened by Comps . K . H . Holme , M . E . Z . ; R . Stewart , H . ; and VV . ] . Jobson , J ., who were assisted by Comps . T . R , Jobson , P . Z . ; Win . Brown , P . Z ., D . C ; M . Corbitt , P . Z . ; R . Whitfield , P . Z . ; C B . Ford , P . Z . 4 S 1 ; John I ' sher , P . Z . 481 ; Wm . M . Lyon , P . Z . 405 ; and others .
The installations then followed , when Lump . R . Stewart wa ; installed as M . E . Z . by Comp . VV . Brown , )' . ' / .. ; Comp . W . J . Jobson as 11 . by C < nip . Stewart , M . E . / .. ; and Comp . Hugh Jackson as J . by Comp . VV . J . Jobson , II . I he Treasurer ' s report was afterwards received and adopted , showing a balance of more than £ T 6 in favour of the chapter . The investment of officers then took place as follows : Comps . R . IT . Holme , l . P . Z .. VV . Stafford , S . E . ; W . C . A . Ilolzapfel , S . N . ; Wm . Dalrymple , Treas . ; Allred Simpson , P . S . j A . Dodds , ist A . S . ; T . A . MolYitt , 2 nd A . S . ; Wm . Brown ,
Royal Arch.
P . Z ., D . C . ; R . Ferry ,. Org . ; H . H . Pitt , Steward ; and J . Curry , Janitor . There were six propositions for exaltation , which augurs well for the prosperity of next year . 'After the usual good wishes , the chapter was closed , and those present adjourned to the banquet room , where the annual festival was enjoyed .
Jerusalem Chapter , No . 185 . A meeting of this chapter was held at Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street , on the 13 th instant . Among those present were Comps . Eisenmann , M . E . /; . ; BlanMev H . elect ; Hill , J . elect j G . Davis , P . Z ., S . E . ; Witthaus , S . N . ; Harfeld , P . z ' Treas . ; Hambley , P . S . ; Dr . Frye , P . G . S . B . Buck =, l . P . Z . j Capt . T . C . Walls ' P . Z ., P . D . G . D . C . ; Nathan Moss , J . P ., P . Z . ; Cleghorn , P . Z . ; and V . C . Edmunds ' P . Z ., Janitor . Comp . Tuck , H . elect 201 , was a visitor . '
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . At the request of the M . E . Z ., Comp . Dr . Frye took the chair , and ably installed Comps . Blankley and Hill respectively as Second and Third Principals . The resignation of Comp . J . Mander , P . Z ., was received with regret . The chapter was then closed . A banquet followed , after which the customary loyal and Royal Arch toasts were duly honoured .
The I . P . Z ., in proposing "The Health of the M . E . Z ., " expressed a hope that at the next meeting Comp . Eisenmann would have an opportunity of performing the ceremony of exaltation . He ( the speaker ) felt confident that the work would lie ably performed .
T he M . E . Z ., in his reply , said that it was a difficult matter to follow in the footsteps of so many excellent workers in the Royal Arch Degree as the old Jerusalem Chapter possessed . However , he hoped to acquit himself to their satisfaction , with the valuable assistance of such excellent workers and Pas ! First Principals as Comp ; . Dr . Frye , Harfeld , Cleghorne , Divis , and others . Other toasts followed .
For the first time for many years there was no vocal or instrumental entertainment , and the proceedings were somewhat tame in consequence .
Lion and Lamb Chapter , No . 192 . A meeting was held on Wednesday , the 21 st inst .. at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-str » et , when there were present . Comps . John Taylor , P . Z ., M . E . Z . ; S . M . Banker , l . P . Z . ; T . E . Biddlecombe . H . ; W . H . Dunn , J . j George Kenning , P . Z ., Treas . ; F . D . R . Copestick , P . Z ., S . E . ; Frederick Hughes , S . N . ; Robert Sarson , ist A . S . j G . Grant , 2 nd A . S . j Thos . Cohu , P . Z ., D . C . j G . Couchman , Janitor ; Dr . W . A . Dingle , P . Z . ; Rev . T . Selby Henrey , Herbert Todd , George K . Durrant , David Ringrose , and Walter Fisher . Comp . Cooper , 496 , was a visitor .
The minutes of the last convocation were read and confirmed . The following companions were elected officers for the ensuing year : Comps . T . E . Biddlecombe , M . E . Z . ; W . H . Dunn , IT . ; Fredk . Hughes , J . ; F . D . R . Copestick , P . Z ., S . E . ; T . W . Fisher , S . N . ; George Kenning , P . Z ., Treas . ; Robert Sarson , P . S . ; George Grant , ist A . S . ; William Baker , 2 nd A . S . ; Thos . Cohu , P . Z ., D . C . ; and G . Couchman , Janitor . A brother was proposed for exaltation at the next convocation , and the chapter was closed . The companions afterwards dined together under the gavel of the M . E . Z ., Comp . John Taylor . The pleasure of the evening was enhanced by the vocal ability of Comps . F . D . R . Copestick , Frederick Hughes , David Ringrose , and others .
Star Chapter , No . 1275 . The election meeting of this prosperous and influential chapter was held at the Guildhall Tavern on Tuesday , the 27 th inst . Present : Comps . H . VV . P . Makeham , M . E . Z . j Wm . Eckersall , H . ; C H . Stone , P . Z ., J . j Woolmer Williams , P . Z ., Treas . j Thos . Grummant , P . Z ., S . E . j J . H . Edwards , S . N . ; W . R . Barr , acting P . S . ; Hy . Hardman , 2 nd A . S . ; C N . Mclntyre North , P . Z , D . C . ; C . Patrick P . Z . 1 G 23 , Janitor ; Chas . Meierhoff , P . Z . j Jas . Addington , P . Z . ; G . G . Elliott
P . Z . ; Win . Cowley , P . Z . j G . G . Benedetti . P . Z . j J . H . Witty , Wm . H . Smith , and Angehco Cogliati . Comp . R . J . Wishart , P . Z ., P . D . G . H . Malta , was a visitor . The minutes of the previous convocation having been read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for Bro . Angtlico Cogliati , VV . M . 1559 , which proving unanimous , he was exalted most impressively by Comp . Thomas Grummant , P . Z . ( by the courtesy of the M . E . Z . ) , he being a great friend of the exaltee . The historical and symbolical lectures
were ably rehearsed by Comps . C H . Stone , J ., and Wm . Eckersall , H ., respectively . The election of officers for the ensuing year was as follows : Comps . W . Eckersall , H . M . E . Z . j W . R . Barr , H . ; Hy . Hardman , J . ; Woolmer Williams , P . Z ., Treas . ; T . Grummant , P . Z ., S . E . j C N . Mc I . . North , P . Z ., D . C . j Targett , S . N . j J . H . Witty , P . S . j Wyatt ,. ist A . S . j and C Patrick , P . Z ., Janitor . A Past Principal's jewel was voted to Comp . II . W . P . Makeham , M . E . Z ., for able services rendered the chapter , on his retiring from the chair .
1 he business of the convocation ended , it was closed , and the companions adjourned to a capital repast , which was much appreciated . On the removal of the cloth , the M . E . Z . gave the customary loyal and Royal Arch The M . E . Z . having proposed " Tbe Grand Officers , " Comp . Stone , I . P . Z ., upon rising to present the toast of "The M . E . Z ., " remarked
upon the amount of zeal which had been shown towards the chapter by him , and his attendance was as regular as his many professional engagements would allow him . He had always conducted the affairs of the chapter to the utmost of his . ability , and thoroughly deserved the Past Principal ' s jewel which had been voted him by the chapter . All heartily desired to see him wear it for many years to come . The toast was drunk most cordially .
Hie M . E . Z . most heartily thanked the l . P . Z . for his very kind remarks , and to the cordial reception by the companions . It had always been a source of very great pleasure to attend to the duties of the Star Chapter , and specially during the past year , holding the exalted position of its First Principal . His time would always be devoted for the benefit of the chapter so far as his duties would allow .
The toast of " Co-Principals , H . and J . " was ably given by the M . E . Z ., who stated they were two such excellent companions , Comp . Eckersall , 1 L , had done his duties remarkably well , and fully justified the " choice of the companions in the selection of their First Principal . Of Comp . C . H . Stone , J ., and also Past Principal of the chapter , every one knew his capabilities and the very perfect manner he performed bis duties .
Comp . VV . Eckersall , II ., M . E . Z . elect , in reply , returned his sincere thanks for the honour done him in electing him to the chair of M . E . Z . He accepted the same with some amount ot misgiving , as the office required a very great study . He trusted the companions would kindly overlook his many shortcomings j he had done his best , and would endeavour to do the same to uphold th ; piestige of the chaotcr . Comp . C . IT . Stone , J ., stated he was very proud of having filled the position of Jfor the second time , and especially during the year of his having been l . P . Z .
Circumstances had occurred which caused it , and he was delighted to have kept the chair m readiness for Comp . Hy . Hardman , who was initiated with him in the Crichton Lodge some iC years ago . The chapter had elected two worthy Companions—W . R . Barr and H . Ilardyman— to the respective chairs of IT . and J ., and they had every confidence of the work being carried out in a very perfect manner during the coming year . He ( Comp . Stone ) felt in relinquishing the position of J . he would take his seat at the lowest among the Past Principals ot the chapter , which was a position honourable and one to be coveted .
The M . E . Z . next presented the toast of the evening— " The Exaltee . " He slid said he was a very worthy brother and W . M . of the New Cross Lodge . He had shown his capabilities in the lodge . iand all were convinced he would prove an excellent companion . The one great fault of the exaltee was his ex ' reme modesty , but the memb : rs of the Star Chapter would help him to overcome that difficulty , and would render him the assistance he required to aspire to the position of M . E . Z . All gave him a most cordial welcome .
Comp . Cogliati , who seemed quite overcome with such a greeting , said he felt quite at home seeing so many worthy brethren of the New Cross Lodge around him . He was certainly much impressed with the splendid ceremony , and should do his utmost to advance the chapter by mentioning to his worthv brethren the rtearty manner in which he had been received .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Craft Masonry.
Lancastrian Lodge , No . 2528 . The installation meeting of this young and prosperous lodge was held at the Frascati Restaurant , ' on the uth inst ., when Bro . James J . Marsh was re-elected to the chair of King Solomon . The members present included Bros . Rev . J . S . Brownripg , P . G . Chap ., acting I . P . M . j R . J . Rpiltnn , S . W . ; W . II . Booth , I . D . ; Thomas Evans , Treas . ; T .. H . Openshaw , F . R . C . S .. Sec ; R . H . Hampsnn , LL . B ., B . A ., Stwd . ; A . Jones-Roberts , and Patrick , P . M ., Tyler . Visitors : Bros . A . Gibbes , 1 S 72 , P . P . G . Treas . Surrey ; S . M . Worthington , 1350 ; H . 1 . Clipp ? rton , 50 S , P . m . 1 S 0 ; C . E . Everett , SCo ; F . B . Beck , I . G . 2272 ; Morgan , T . H . Mills , and others .
After the opening of the lodge and confirmation of minutes of the previous meeting , Bro . J . J . Marsh was re-installed as W . M . by Bro . Rev . J . S . Brownrigg , P . G Chap ., in his usual masterly manner . After he had been prrcla ' med and saluted , the W . M . invested his officers as follows : Bro . R . 1 . Railton , S . W . ; T . H . Openshaw , F . R C . S ., J . W . ; Rev . T . S . Rallies , M . A ., P . P . G . Chap ., Chaplain ; Thomas Evans , Treas . ; H . Horrocks , M . D ., B . Sc , Sec . ; VV . H . Booth . S . D . j R . H . Hampson , LL . B ., B . A ., J . D . ; Peter Horrocks , M . D ., P . M ., 'D . C .,- R . Maguire , M . D .. Org . ; J . R . Hosker , I . G . ; G . W . Taylor and A . F . Penny , Stwds . ; and Patrick , KM ., Tyler . A number of apologies were received from absent brethren , and after " Hearty good wishes " the lodge was closed .
The brethren adjourned to a recherche banquet , presided over by the genial VV . M ., who proved himself a thorough Master of the art . The preliminary toasts having been disposed ol , Bio . Marsh , W . M ., propored "The Health of the M . W . Pro Grand Master , the Earl of Lathom , the R . W . Deputy Grand Master , and the rest of the Grand Officers , Present and Past . " He said no man was more beloved than Lord Lathom . Two years ago , when that lodge was consecrated ,
his lordship was first Master , and ever since had taken the greatest interest in its welfare . He had just received a letter from him saying how sorry he was in not being able to attend at Ihe installation , and wishing the lodge every success . He felt it difficult to follow such an I . P . M . who had Masonry at heart , and that lodge in particular . "The Installing Master" was proposed by the VV . M ., who said in Bro . Brownrigg they found a marvel of electricity in his work , so beautifully rendered as Installing Master .
Bro . Railton , S . W ., in proposing "The Health of the W . M ., " said Bro . Marsh bad been elected for the second time . Last year he carried out his duties so well that this year , by the unanimous wish of the brethren , he was again in the chair . They owed a debt of gratitude to the W . M ., who had done his very best for the comfort of the lodge in every way ; by his genial manner he had overcome obstacles , and he had done it to the satisfaction of the brethren , he had therefore the greatest possible pleasure in proposing the toast .
Bro . Marsh , W . M ., in returning thanks , said , to be again their W . M . was a great pleasure to him . Lancashire was a county they all need be proud of , associated as it was with their beloved Queen . The little he had done had been a labour of love . The officers were jolly good fellows , and anything he could do lor the benefit of the Lancastrian Lcdg : e he would do with all his heart . The VV . M . next proposed " The Officers of the Lodge . " Bro . Railton , S . W ., in reply , said the lodge was not a large one , being a representative one restricted to Lancashire men , to whom they would always give a hearty welcome . Bro . Openshaw , F . R . C . S ., echoed in similar language .
The W . M ., in giving " The Masonic Charities , " said Charity was the great virtue impressed on every Mason from the time he entered . The W . M . next proposed "The Visitors . " They were always pleased to see visitors amongst them and to do their best for their comfort . He hoped they had had a pleasant evening , both at the lodge and banquet . Bro . Gibbes , in reply , said he presumed he was responding for the visitors in particular , and being a very old friend of their esteemed W . M ., he was very pleased to be
present . The prosperity of a lodge depended on the firmness of the Master . He wished he had been present earlier in the evening , and to have listened to Bro . Brownrigg ' s installation ceremony . He heard him install Lord Onslow , Prov . Grand Master of Surrey , and it was a Masonic treat . His experience told him it was better to have one working only . When visiting South Africa a little while since he visited one or two Dutch lodges , and was greatly impressed with their beautiful rendering of the ritual ; it was of ancient date . He advised any brother when visiting South Africa to see for themselves how beautiful and impressive it was carried out .
Bro . Everett also replied , endorsing the remarks of Bro . Gibbes as regards the working of the ritual . It was a common occurrence in visiting lodges to hear Preceptors sav that or this mode was not according to our working . He quite agreed with Bro . Gibbes that there should be one ritual only . He congratulated the brethren on having such a good man and Mason installed for the second time into the chair of King Solomon . He had known him many years , and the more they knew of him the more they would like him .
Bro . Worthington replied for the Lancashire lodges in a true Masonic spirit . Although a young Mason he had Masonry at heart , and hoped to become a joining member . The Tyler ' s toast brought to a close a very happy meeting . The proceedings throughout were enlivened by excellent vocal and instrumental music .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
Chapter of Emulation , No . 40 . The installation meeting of this chapter was held at the Castle Hotel , Hastings , on Monday , the 19 th instant . There were present Comps . VV . Carless , M . E . Z . ; G . IT . Gaze . H . ; A . E . Young , J . ; G . Randell , S . E . ; H . Boyce , S . N . ; F . W . Hotham , P . S . ; H . A . Stratford , ist A . S . ; F . Rossiter , P . Z ., P . P . G . P . S ., Treas . ; J . Baker Guy , Org . ; C E . Botley , P . Z ., Prov . G . J . ; R , Hughes , P . Z .,. P . P . G . Std . Br . ; W . T . Jordan , P . Z ., P . P . G . Std . Br . ; W . H .. Russell , P . Z ., P . P . G . S . B . ; C VV . Duke
P . Z ., P . P . G . S . N . ; T . Trollope , P . Z ., P . A . G . S ., Prov . G . H . ; H . VV . H . Elwes , P . Z ., P . P . G . H . Suffolk ; F . Duke , Percy Beer , L . V . St . John , H . C . Wilson , J . T . Edmed , J . B . Foster , \ V . S . Allen , and J . Foster , Janitor . Visitors : Comps . V . P . Freeman , P . G . Std . Br ., Prov . G . S . E . ; H . Pearce , M . E . Z . Sit ; A . Lloyd , M . E . Z . 732 ; J . Bray , and J . Pearce . The chapter having been op er . ed , and tbe minutes of tbe previous convocation read snd ccnfinned , Comps . G . II . Gaze was duly installed M . E . Z . ; A . E . Young , as H . j
and F . VV . Hotham , as J . The M . E . Z . afterwards invested the following officeis Comps . P . Beer , S . E . j H . Boyce , S . N . ; F . Rossiter , P . Z ., Treas . ; G . Randell , P . S . j H . A . Stratford , istA . S . j J . Baker Guy , Org . ; and J . Foster , Janitor . Comp . Boyce having intimated his intention of going up as Steward for the Old People in February next , the sum of five guineas was voted for his list . The Treasurer read the report of the Audit Committee , which showed the chapter to be in a flourishing condition .
All business being ended , the companions sat down to an excellent banquet , which reflected the greatest credit uti Comp . Boyce's catering , and a most enjoyable evening was spent .
Industry Chapter , No . 48 . The annual convocation of this thriving chapter was held on Thursday , the 8 th instant , at the Industry Masonic Hall , Gateshead , for the installation of the Principals and investment of officers . The proceedings were opened by Comps . K . H . Holme , M . E . Z . ; R . Stewart , H . ; and VV . ] . Jobson , J ., who were assisted by Comps . T . R , Jobson , P . Z . ; Win . Brown , P . Z ., D . C ; M . Corbitt , P . Z . ; R . Whitfield , P . Z . ; C B . Ford , P . Z . 4 S 1 ; John I ' sher , P . Z . 481 ; Wm . M . Lyon , P . Z . 405 ; and others .
The installations then followed , when Lump . R . Stewart wa ; installed as M . E . Z . by Comp . VV . Brown , )' . ' / .. ; Comp . W . J . Jobson as 11 . by C < nip . Stewart , M . E . / .. ; and Comp . Hugh Jackson as J . by Comp . VV . J . Jobson , II . I he Treasurer ' s report was afterwards received and adopted , showing a balance of more than £ T 6 in favour of the chapter . The investment of officers then took place as follows : Comps . R . IT . Holme , l . P . Z .. VV . Stafford , S . E . ; W . C . A . Ilolzapfel , S . N . ; Wm . Dalrymple , Treas . ; Allred Simpson , P . S . j A . Dodds , ist A . S . ; T . A . MolYitt , 2 nd A . S . ; Wm . Brown ,
Royal Arch.
P . Z ., D . C . ; R . Ferry ,. Org . ; H . H . Pitt , Steward ; and J . Curry , Janitor . There were six propositions for exaltation , which augurs well for the prosperity of next year . 'After the usual good wishes , the chapter was closed , and those present adjourned to the banquet room , where the annual festival was enjoyed .
Jerusalem Chapter , No . 185 . A meeting of this chapter was held at Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street , on the 13 th instant . Among those present were Comps . Eisenmann , M . E . /; . ; BlanMev H . elect ; Hill , J . elect j G . Davis , P . Z ., S . E . ; Witthaus , S . N . ; Harfeld , P . z ' Treas . ; Hambley , P . S . ; Dr . Frye , P . G . S . B . Buck =, l . P . Z . j Capt . T . C . Walls ' P . Z ., P . D . G . D . C . ; Nathan Moss , J . P ., P . Z . ; Cleghorn , P . Z . ; and V . C . Edmunds ' P . Z ., Janitor . Comp . Tuck , H . elect 201 , was a visitor . '
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . At the request of the M . E . Z ., Comp . Dr . Frye took the chair , and ably installed Comps . Blankley and Hill respectively as Second and Third Principals . The resignation of Comp . J . Mander , P . Z ., was received with regret . The chapter was then closed . A banquet followed , after which the customary loyal and Royal Arch toasts were duly honoured .
The I . P . Z ., in proposing "The Health of the M . E . Z ., " expressed a hope that at the next meeting Comp . Eisenmann would have an opportunity of performing the ceremony of exaltation . He ( the speaker ) felt confident that the work would lie ably performed .
T he M . E . Z ., in his reply , said that it was a difficult matter to follow in the footsteps of so many excellent workers in the Royal Arch Degree as the old Jerusalem Chapter possessed . However , he hoped to acquit himself to their satisfaction , with the valuable assistance of such excellent workers and Pas ! First Principals as Comp ; . Dr . Frye , Harfeld , Cleghorne , Divis , and others . Other toasts followed .
For the first time for many years there was no vocal or instrumental entertainment , and the proceedings were somewhat tame in consequence .
Lion and Lamb Chapter , No . 192 . A meeting was held on Wednesday , the 21 st inst .. at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-str » et , when there were present . Comps . John Taylor , P . Z ., M . E . Z . ; S . M . Banker , l . P . Z . ; T . E . Biddlecombe . H . ; W . H . Dunn , J . j George Kenning , P . Z ., Treas . ; F . D . R . Copestick , P . Z ., S . E . ; Frederick Hughes , S . N . ; Robert Sarson , ist A . S . j G . Grant , 2 nd A . S . j Thos . Cohu , P . Z ., D . C . j G . Couchman , Janitor ; Dr . W . A . Dingle , P . Z . ; Rev . T . Selby Henrey , Herbert Todd , George K . Durrant , David Ringrose , and Walter Fisher . Comp . Cooper , 496 , was a visitor .
The minutes of the last convocation were read and confirmed . The following companions were elected officers for the ensuing year : Comps . T . E . Biddlecombe , M . E . Z . ; W . H . Dunn , IT . ; Fredk . Hughes , J . ; F . D . R . Copestick , P . Z ., S . E . ; T . W . Fisher , S . N . ; George Kenning , P . Z ., Treas . ; Robert Sarson , P . S . ; George Grant , ist A . S . ; William Baker , 2 nd A . S . ; Thos . Cohu , P . Z ., D . C . ; and G . Couchman , Janitor . A brother was proposed for exaltation at the next convocation , and the chapter was closed . The companions afterwards dined together under the gavel of the M . E . Z ., Comp . John Taylor . The pleasure of the evening was enhanced by the vocal ability of Comps . F . D . R . Copestick , Frederick Hughes , David Ringrose , and others .
Star Chapter , No . 1275 . The election meeting of this prosperous and influential chapter was held at the Guildhall Tavern on Tuesday , the 27 th inst . Present : Comps . H . VV . P . Makeham , M . E . Z . j Wm . Eckersall , H . ; C H . Stone , P . Z ., J . j Woolmer Williams , P . Z ., Treas . j Thos . Grummant , P . Z ., S . E . j J . H . Edwards , S . N . ; W . R . Barr , acting P . S . ; Hy . Hardman , 2 nd A . S . ; C N . Mclntyre North , P . Z , D . C . ; C . Patrick P . Z . 1 G 23 , Janitor ; Chas . Meierhoff , P . Z . j Jas . Addington , P . Z . ; G . G . Elliott
P . Z . ; Win . Cowley , P . Z . j G . G . Benedetti . P . Z . j J . H . Witty , Wm . H . Smith , and Angehco Cogliati . Comp . R . J . Wishart , P . Z ., P . D . G . H . Malta , was a visitor . The minutes of the previous convocation having been read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for Bro . Angtlico Cogliati , VV . M . 1559 , which proving unanimous , he was exalted most impressively by Comp . Thomas Grummant , P . Z . ( by the courtesy of the M . E . Z . ) , he being a great friend of the exaltee . The historical and symbolical lectures
were ably rehearsed by Comps . C H . Stone , J ., and Wm . Eckersall , H ., respectively . The election of officers for the ensuing year was as follows : Comps . W . Eckersall , H . M . E . Z . j W . R . Barr , H . ; Hy . Hardman , J . ; Woolmer Williams , P . Z ., Treas . ; T . Grummant , P . Z ., S . E . j C N . Mc I . . North , P . Z ., D . C . j Targett , S . N . j J . H . Witty , P . S . j Wyatt ,. ist A . S . j and C Patrick , P . Z ., Janitor . A Past Principal's jewel was voted to Comp . II . W . P . Makeham , M . E . Z ., for able services rendered the chapter , on his retiring from the chair .
1 he business of the convocation ended , it was closed , and the companions adjourned to a capital repast , which was much appreciated . On the removal of the cloth , the M . E . Z . gave the customary loyal and Royal Arch The M . E . Z . having proposed " Tbe Grand Officers , " Comp . Stone , I . P . Z ., upon rising to present the toast of "The M . E . Z ., " remarked
upon the amount of zeal which had been shown towards the chapter by him , and his attendance was as regular as his many professional engagements would allow him . He had always conducted the affairs of the chapter to the utmost of his . ability , and thoroughly deserved the Past Principal ' s jewel which had been voted him by the chapter . All heartily desired to see him wear it for many years to come . The toast was drunk most cordially .
Hie M . E . Z . most heartily thanked the l . P . Z . for his very kind remarks , and to the cordial reception by the companions . It had always been a source of very great pleasure to attend to the duties of the Star Chapter , and specially during the past year , holding the exalted position of its First Principal . His time would always be devoted for the benefit of the chapter so far as his duties would allow .
The toast of " Co-Principals , H . and J . " was ably given by the M . E . Z ., who stated they were two such excellent companions , Comp . Eckersall , 1 L , had done his duties remarkably well , and fully justified the " choice of the companions in the selection of their First Principal . Of Comp . C . H . Stone , J ., and also Past Principal of the chapter , every one knew his capabilities and the very perfect manner he performed bis duties .
Comp . VV . Eckersall , II ., M . E . Z . elect , in reply , returned his sincere thanks for the honour done him in electing him to the chair of M . E . Z . He accepted the same with some amount ot misgiving , as the office required a very great study . He trusted the companions would kindly overlook his many shortcomings j he had done his best , and would endeavour to do the same to uphold th ; piestige of the chaotcr . Comp . C . IT . Stone , J ., stated he was very proud of having filled the position of Jfor the second time , and especially during the year of his having been l . P . Z .
Circumstances had occurred which caused it , and he was delighted to have kept the chair m readiness for Comp . Hy . Hardman , who was initiated with him in the Crichton Lodge some iC years ago . The chapter had elected two worthy Companions—W . R . Barr and H . Ilardyman— to the respective chairs of IT . and J ., and they had every confidence of the work being carried out in a very perfect manner during the coming year . He ( Comp . Stone ) felt in relinquishing the position of J . he would take his seat at the lowest among the Past Principals ot the chapter , which was a position honourable and one to be coveted .
The M . E . Z . next presented the toast of the evening— " The Exaltee . " He slid said he was a very worthy brother and W . M . of the New Cross Lodge . He had shown his capabilities in the lodge . iand all were convinced he would prove an excellent companion . The one great fault of the exaltee was his ex ' reme modesty , but the memb : rs of the Star Chapter would help him to overcome that difficulty , and would render him the assistance he required to aspire to the position of M . E . Z . All gave him a most cordial welcome .
Comp . Cogliati , who seemed quite overcome with such a greeting , said he felt quite at home seeing so many worthy brethren of the New Cross Lodge around him . He was certainly much impressed with the splendid ceremony , and should do his utmost to advance the chapter by mentioning to his worthv brethren the rtearty manner in which he had been received .