Article Craft Masonry. ← Page 2 of 3 Article Craft Masonry. Page 2 of 3 →
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Craft Masonry.
Lodge of Instruction was a labour of love , and whatever he had done as Preceptor of that flourishing lodge in the past would be most cheerfully accorded in the future . The W . M . next pr > posed " The Health of the Installing Master , Bro . T . R . CasV who was a very great favourite in the lodge ; in fact , beloved by all . He ( the W . M . ) felt a great honour conferred uoon him—first he was introduced into Freemasonry by
Bro . Cass , and now installed into the chair of K . S . also by him . The lodge had ircrea'ed corsiderably through his exertions , and , above all , the Charities of our noble Institutions had also profitted greatly at his hands . He could say much more , but time at pr < " = ent would not permit . The toa ; t was drunk most rapturously .
In reply , Bro . Cass said he had to thank the W . M . for such gen ? rou 5 sentiments repressed towards him as Installing Master , and also to the brethren for such a reception , f what he considered but feeble < fforts . The ceremony of installation did requ i re a l ? r ) ie amount tf attention , and the first time he heard it , when installed by Bro . H . A . S ' rnt , P . M ., the wo t y Secretary , it s > d < c > ly imprrssrd him , that at the end of his year h installed Brn . 1 e Cren . He had hoped the W . M . would have been installed by the
j P . M ., and really had no thought of being called upon to perform it the second time . However , he had done his best , and he thanked all for their kind acceptance of the same . His opmion was that any worthy brother who had worked up to and filled the posi'ion of VV . M . should do his very utmost to give the crowning touch of installation , which contained the very pith of Freemasonry . He again most heartily thanked the brethren for their corcr d greetings . The toast of " The Past Masters " was next honoured .
Bros . Morson , Treas ., and Stunt , Sec , responded , promising the continuance of l heir support to the lodge to maintain its efficiency . Tbe W . M . next gave the toast of " The Officers " in eulogistic terms . Bros . Rice , S . W ., and Hobley , J . W ., ably replied . The Tyler ' s toast closed a most happy meeting . An excellent programme of music was given under the able directorship of Bro . F . E . Choveaux , ably assisted by Madame Alice Sampson , Miss Bessie Spells , Bros . T . Powley , T . W . Turner , T . G . Hobley , J . W ., and S . J . Derham ( flautist ) . Bro . Choveaux ably presided at the piano .
King Harold Lodge , No . 1327 . The regular meeting of the above lodge was held at the Four Swans Hotel , Waltham Cross , Herts , on Thursday , the 15 th inst . Present : Bros . VV . S . Metcalfe , W . M ., in the chair j J . Mark , I . P . M . ; J . Priddle , S . W . j H . Park , J . W . j W . A . Sprout , Treas . j T . Reilly , Sec . ; VV . Bangs , S . D . ; H . Trask , P . M . 2372 , P . G . S . of Wks ., J . D .: J . Robinson , P . M ., P . P . J . G . W ., D . C . ; Piatt , I . G . ; Witte and Holdsworth , Stewards ; Lewis , P . M . ; Holdsworth , P . M . ; Bilby , P . M . j Blackmore , P . M . ;
Bickel , P . M . j Metcalfe , P . M . ; Smith , P . M . ; Robinson , Shepherd , Hodgson , Newman , Jackson , Carter , Brant , W . J . Nash , Blackburn , Sharp , Cohen , F . Godfree , S . W . 2372 ; Harwood , Clifton , Fairhurst , Antcliff , A . J . Williamson , I . P . M . 251 S , P . G . Std . Br . j Burgum , Rutherford , and Chittenden . Visitors : Bros . Mclnerny , P . M . 234 O ; Mascall , 1 G 52 ; Thompson , 15 S 6 ; Ainsley , 7 G 5 ; Leaman , 217 j Jacobs , 20 5 j and Boggis , 1804 . The lodge was opened and the minutes read and confirmed . Three gentlemen were balloted for , and the ballot proving unanimous in their favour , they were regularly
initiated . The candidates were Messrs . Wm . Passfield , Joseph Brown , and George Parnell . Bro . VV . I . Nash was then passed , _ the W . M . performing the ceremony in excellent style , which elicited high commendations from the brethren . Two gentlemen were proposed as candidates for next meeting . The Secretary read the report of the Herts Masonic Charity Committee , which was ordered to be inserted in the minute-book . This concluded the business , and the lodge was closed . The brethren adjourned to supper , provided by the new host , Bro . W . J . Nash . During the intervals between the toasts there was some good harmony , and the Tyler's toast brought a very successful and pleasant meeting to a close .
Clausentum Lodge , No . 1461 . The above lodge paid a late , though well-deserved , compliment to Bro . Admiral Martin , their first W . M . and founder , on Wednesday , the 14 th instant . Some months ago a founder ' s jewel was voted him by the lodge , and it was hoped he would have been able to attend at their October meeting to receive it , but a severe illness not only prevented his being present , but has made it impossible for him to attend for some months
to come . In consequence of this , the lodge appointed their W . M ., Bro . A . B . khoss , together with Bros . Chapman , Methven , Brown , and Dr . Ehrmann , to wait upon him at his residence , Bitterne Lodge , Bitterne , and make the presentation . On assembling there , Bro . Methven , the Secretary of the lodge , made a few remarks , explaining the intention of the brethren , and thanked him , in their name , for the great interest he had taken in the lodge since its foundation . The W . M ., in presenting the iewel , said that the members had heard with great
regret of his illness , and expressed their hope for a speedy recovery . They would alwavs owe him a deep debt of gratitude , not only for his services as their first Master and founder , but also for his kindly presence and assistance on many occasions . He hoped that the jewel would recall to him many happy memories of brethren , with whom he had worked , and that he would long be spared to wear it and continue his attendance . The other brtihren testified to the great services of Bio . Admiral Martin , and stated tbat the lodge's present success was due to his exertions in its earlier days .
Bro . Martin , in returning thanks , spoke of the difficulties encountered in the early days of the lodge , expressed the pleasure it gave him as its first W . M . to note its success , impressed upon the deputation the necessity of the careful election of candidates and members , and while thanking them all sincerely for the compliment paid him , expressed a hope that he would soon be present at lodge to thank them in person . Bro . Admiral Martin was initiated in the Watford Lodge , Hertfordshire , b y special dispensation , in 1849 , and took his Second and Third Degrees at Malta , where he
afterwards held the position of Deacon . He joined the Royal Gloucester Lodge , Southampton , in 186 C , and only severed his connection with it in 1 S 75 , when he became W . M . of the Clausentum Lodge . He was elected a second time W . M . of that lodge in 1 S 77 , and was appointed P . S . G . W . of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight , in 1880 , by the present P . G . M ., Bro . VV . W . B . Beach , M . P . Turning to his naval career , we find that he joined the navy as a volunteer of the first class in 1843 , in the Craysfoot , and on being transferred to the Vernon , he landed a party of seamen at Monte-Video to
defend it when beleagured by the forces of General Rosa . After serving in other vessels , he was appointed to the Medea as lieutenant in 1 S 4 S . In 1 S 53 he joined the Terrible , and as its senior lieutenant , took part in all those operations in the Black Sea , which earned for that vessel the commendations of both Sir James Dundas and Lord Lyons . The latter said that no vessel was more distinguished or did better service than the
omnipresent Black Sea Cat , as the Russians called the Terrible . After further services he was employed in the suppression of the slave trade on the Coast of Cuba , and at Fort Monroe during the Civil War of the States . He was promoted captain in 18 C 5 , and retired from the Active Service List in 1 S 73 j was promoted Rear-Admiral in 1 S 73 j Vice-Admiral in 188 S j and Admiral in 1893 . He is a J . P . of the County of Hampshire , and represents South Stoneham on the County Council .
Isle of Axholme Lodge , No . 1482 . The monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Rooms , Crowle , on the -oth instant . Present : Bros . J . Hemingbrough , VV . M . j H . L . Burtonshaw , I . P . M . ; } V . S Scholey , S . W . j J . Franks , ! . W . ; T . Staniforth , Treas . j G . S . Tyack , S . D . ; J-Lee , Org . j J . W . Cundall , I . G . ; M . Dowson and G . Barratt , Stewards ; W ,
"urtonshaw , P . M . ; J . Constable , P . M . ; C . Fox , P . M . ; and G . Naylor , P . M ., 1 yler . The lodge was opened , and the ballot was taken for Mr . A . E . Brock , which proving successful , he was initiated , the whole of the work being splendidly done by the W . M ., who clearly showed himself no " book-Mason . " After lodge the brethren adjourned to the Court Room , where Bro . Cranidge had Provided a substantial supper .
Sir Francis Burdett Lodge , No . 1503 . This lodge held a meeting at the Albany Hotel , Twickenham , on the 14 th instant , Among those in attendance were Bros . W . Fisher , P . P . G . T ., W . M . ; E . W . Davis , I" r ;' ., .. - - " Brown - 1-W-i J- T . Biiggs , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D ., Treas . ; Capt . I- C . Walls , P . M ., P . P . G . W ., P . G . S . B ., Sec ; Dr . J . Hinton , M . A ., Mus . Doc ,
Craft Masonry.
P . M ., P . P . G . O ., S . D . ; H . Bright , J . D . ; E . Tompsett , acting I . G . ; A . Toulmin , jun ., P . P . S . G . D . ; and G . Harrison , Tyler . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Bros . A . Macchi , S . W ., was unanimously elected W . M . ; J . T . Brigg , P . M ., Treas . ; G . Harrison , Tyler ; and E . Tompsett , Auditor . A vote of thanks was passed to the W . M . and a
Past Master ' s jewel voted to him in recognition of his services during the past year . The resignation of B ro . Col . R . Cuming , P . M ., was received with regret . Aoologies for non-attendance were received from Bros . A . Macchi , S . W . ; the Rev . S . T . H . Saunders , P . M ., P . P . G . C , Ch'p . ; Capt . R . Perry , P . M . ; and others . The lodge was then closed . A banquet followed . The usual toasts were proposed in happy and genial terms by the W . M .
Bro . A . Toulmin , jun ., responded on behalf of "The Provincial Grand Officers , " Bro . E . W . Davis , P . M ., for " The Past Masters , " and Bros . J . T . Briggs , Brown , Dr Hinton , and H . Bright for "The Officers . " The brethren then separated .
Hemming Lodge , No . 1512 . A meeting of this lodge was held at the Greyhound Hotel , Hampton Court , on the 15 th inst ., when there were present , among others , Bro ; . J . VV . Clarke , P . M ., P . A . G . P . Middx ., as VV . M . ; W . Hopkins , S . W . ; P . Cronin , J . W . ; J . C . Jessell , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B ., Treas . ; Capt . T . C Walls , P . M .. P . P . G . W ., P . G . S . B ., Sec ; Gale , J . D . ; C Davis , I . G . ; G . Ransford , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B ., D . C ; H . Wheatley , P . M .. P . P . A . G . D . C , Stwd . ; W . Spearing , P . M ., P . G . S . B . j VV . Fisher , P . M .,
P . P . G . Treas . ; and J . Gilbert , Tyler . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken on behalf of Mr . F . Tarrant , and it being unanimous , he was duly and impressively initiated by the acting W . M . Apologies for non-attendance were received from Bros . G . J . T ' agg , W . M . ; C . Wheatley , S . D . j A . F . Scholding , P . M . ; and others . The name of a candidate for joining was proposed and seconded . The lodge was then closed . Refreshment followed labour ,
and the usual toasts received full j ustice . In response to his health , the initiate expressed himself as being thoroughly sitisfied with the step he had taken that evening . He had to thank his friend , Bro . W . Spearing , P . M ., for having proposed him . It appeared to him that Freemasonry was a great institution , and the principles taught by it were pure and noble to a degree . He hoped to become a good member , and a frequent attendant at both the lodge and convivial board .
Bros . Spearing , P . M ., and G . Ransford , P . M ., responded on behalf of " The Past Masters , " and Bros . J . C . Jessell , P . M ., W . Hopkins , S . W ., and H . Wheatley , Stwd ., for " The Officers . " During the proceedings several of the members and their guests instrumentally and vocally entertained the brethren .
Abercorn Lodge , No . 1549 . The last meeting of the season of the above lodge was held at the Royal Abercorn Hotel , Great Stanmore , on the 7 th instant . Bro . C . J . Veal , W . M ., presided , and was supported by Bros . Blackburn , I . P . M . ; Conway , S . W . ; Winterbottom , J . W . ; E . Bamford , P . M ., Treas . j C . Veal , P . M ., Sec . j F . S . Winkley , S . D . j R . E . H . Fisher , J . D . ; VV . Taylor . I . G . ; J . Percival , Tyler ; W . Mansfield , P . M . ; C Tolman , P . M . ; R . VV . Bilby , P . M . ; Bull , Hilsden , F . Gurney , Overhead , Bleaney , J . Gurney , J . Hayes , Westcott , Jones , R . Woodman , A . Withers , A . Harris , Dickson ,
Webh , b . Lea-bmith , H , Grinling , F . Tootell , VV . Woodman , G . Cheshire , and J . S . Bailey . The following visitors were also present : Bros . Wilton Smith , I . P . M . 19 , Sec . 239 6 ; G . Coleman , P . M . 1425 ; J . S . Gridstein , 22 O 5 ; F . Harris , 1 S 05 ; A . Toovey , P . M . 1541 ; and J . Hill , P . M ., Sec . 1702 . The lodge having been opened by the W . M ., the minute" ; of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for five candidates for initiation , three of whom were present , viz ., Messrs . Joseph Harris . James Eldred , and James VVidmer .
These were each initiated . Bro . Hy . Grinling , having proved his efficiency , was prepared for the Third Degree and ably passed , the full traditional history being given by Bro . S . Lea-Smith , P . M . Bro , C J . Veal . W . M ., having made the usual inquiries , received " Hearty good wishes " from the visiting brethren , and also notice of several candidates for the next meeting . Prior to closing the lodge , a very agreeable ceremony was performed by Bro . John BlacKburn , I . P . M ., assisted by Bro . E . Bamford , Treas . This was the presentation of a beautifully-illuminated framed testimonial to Bro . C
Veal , P . M . and Sec , together with a small token of the regard of the brethren , whose names are added to the testimonial , as some recognition of his services for over 21 years . Bro . C . Veal , with much emotion , duly acknowledged the kind words which had been expressed , and accepted the souvenir with gratitude . The lodge having been closed , the brethren partook of a dinner such as is usually prepared at the Abercorn Hotel . Comment would be flattery , as it is notorious that none know better how to provide refreshment after labour than host and hostess Veal .
^ Esculapius Lodge , No . 2410 . A most successful and enjoyable installation meeting was held at ths Cafe Royal , Regent-street , on the 14 th instant , when there was a very full attendance of members . Bro . G . Crawford Thomson , M . D ., VV . M ., presided , supported by Bros . VV . Anthony Nutt , S . W . ; W . J . D . Best , P . M ., acting J . W . j Rev . VV . Harrison , M . A ., Chap . ; J . Pickett , M . D ., P . M ., Treas . ; Thomas Dutton , M . D ., P . M ., Sec . ; E . H . Ezard , MM c n . u \\ r i . * -: * . !! .. .. 1 . ti M 1 n . T n _ : 11— 1 DM M / - . nlu 11 ixiauumiK 1 trui \ li
_ . L ,,, u . u . , . * v . , . m ., | . u ., J . uunuicy James , .., u , s , , . Clarke , M . D ., Org . ; H . G . Bhckman , I . G . ; E . S . Bill and M . Cheale , Stewards ; Thomas Shepperd , acting Tyler ; J . Davies , M . D . ; W . C . Dring , P . P . G . D . ; L . Wilde , M . D . j G . Herschell , M . D . ; A . B . Alexander , G . Rowel ! , F . R . CS . j C M . Simpson , J . Bosworth , J . Startin , F . Fowler , W . Arbuthnot Lane , M . S . ; H . K . Simpson , W . C Blaker , P . M . ; T . H . G . Wrightson , and H . J . Sharpe . Visitors and Hon . Members : Bros . Rev . R . J . Simpson . M . A ., P . G . C . ; Ralph Gooding , M . D ., P . G . D . ; F . Lawrence , VV . M . elect Cavendish Lodge , P . A . G . D . C . ; E . H . Cartwright ,
357 , P . P . G . P . ; VV . E . Wailes , 404 ; T . Stonnill , 1306 ; G . Taylor , W . M . 171 ; J . Wallraf ; VV . Dothridgc , 135 G ; F . Lloyd Palmer , 20 . 54 ; A . Milner , S 6 7 J Dere William and Albert Fox , 1706 . The lodge was duly opened , when the minutes were read and confirmed . Bro . ) . Campbell Maclean , M . D ., CM . Ed ., P . P . S G . W . Wilts , was elected a joining member . A very satis'actory balance-sheet was distributed to the members , which , on the motion of Bro . Ezard , was unanimousl > passed and ordered to be entered on the minutes . Bro .
Brindley James , P . M ., D . C , then presented Bro . Thomas Dutton , M . D ., P . M ., W . M . elect , to receive at the hands of the W . M . the ceremony of installation , which was performed in a very perfect manner by Bro . G . Crawford Thomson , W . M , who afterwards gave the addresses . The newly-installed W . M . appointed and invested the following officers : Bros . G . Crawford Thomson , M . O ., l . P . M . ; Edward H . Ezard , M . D ., D . Sc , S . W . ; H . W . Kiallmark , P . M ., J . W . ; Rev . W . Harrison , M . A ., Chap . ; G . Danford Thomas , M . D ., Treas . ( elected ); | . Pickett , M . D ., P . M ., Sec . ; H . G .
Blackmore , S . D . ; Montague Cheale , J . D . ; Montague Simpson , D . C . ; E . Clarke , M . D ., I . G . ; E . Stock Bell , A . B . Alexander , and W . Arbuthnot Lane , M . S ., Stwds . ; J . Davies , M . D ., Org . ; and S . Ellis , P . M ., Tyler ( elected ) . The business of the lodge was then proceeded with . Several propositions for initia'ion w n received , and a number of letters of regret for inability to attend were read by the Secretary , among those from Bros . Sir John B . Monckton , P . G . W . ; Edward Letchworth , G . Secretary ; Thomas Fenn , P . G . D ., P . President of the Board of General Purposes ; A . Cooper ,
VV . M . S 5 < j and 254 O , P . G . D . ; and Professor G . H ire Ph . lipson , M . D ., D , CL . The W . M . presented Bro . G . Crawford Thomson , l . P . M ., with a Past Master ' s jewel , and , in doing so , he said , although the lodge had been fortunate in having exceptionally good Masons as Masters , none had ruled the lodge better or rendered the ritual more perfectly than Bro . Thomson , and he 'the W . M . ) felt a gieal suoport ia having an I . P . M
who he could always rely upon in edse of dilli ; jlty . Bro . Thomson made a suitable reply , and thanked the brethren for the gift . A banquet followed , which fully maintained the reputation of the Cafe Royal . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were honoured in an adequitc manner . Bros . Fox , Herschell , and Kiallmark entertained the brethren between the toasts , and added much to the pleasure ol a very pleasant meeting .
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Craft Masonry.
Lodge of Instruction was a labour of love , and whatever he had done as Preceptor of that flourishing lodge in the past would be most cheerfully accorded in the future . The W . M . next pr > posed " The Health of the Installing Master , Bro . T . R . CasV who was a very great favourite in the lodge ; in fact , beloved by all . He ( the W . M . ) felt a great honour conferred uoon him—first he was introduced into Freemasonry by
Bro . Cass , and now installed into the chair of K . S . also by him . The lodge had ircrea'ed corsiderably through his exertions , and , above all , the Charities of our noble Institutions had also profitted greatly at his hands . He could say much more , but time at pr < " = ent would not permit . The toa ; t was drunk most rapturously .
In reply , Bro . Cass said he had to thank the W . M . for such gen ? rou 5 sentiments repressed towards him as Installing Master , and also to the brethren for such a reception , f what he considered but feeble < fforts . The ceremony of installation did requ i re a l ? r ) ie amount tf attention , and the first time he heard it , when installed by Bro . H . A . S ' rnt , P . M ., the wo t y Secretary , it s > d < c > ly imprrssrd him , that at the end of his year h installed Brn . 1 e Cren . He had hoped the W . M . would have been installed by the
j P . M ., and really had no thought of being called upon to perform it the second time . However , he had done his best , and he thanked all for their kind acceptance of the same . His opmion was that any worthy brother who had worked up to and filled the posi'ion of VV . M . should do his very utmost to give the crowning touch of installation , which contained the very pith of Freemasonry . He again most heartily thanked the brethren for their corcr d greetings . The toast of " The Past Masters " was next honoured .
Bros . Morson , Treas ., and Stunt , Sec , responded , promising the continuance of l heir support to the lodge to maintain its efficiency . Tbe W . M . next gave the toast of " The Officers " in eulogistic terms . Bros . Rice , S . W ., and Hobley , J . W ., ably replied . The Tyler ' s toast closed a most happy meeting . An excellent programme of music was given under the able directorship of Bro . F . E . Choveaux , ably assisted by Madame Alice Sampson , Miss Bessie Spells , Bros . T . Powley , T . W . Turner , T . G . Hobley , J . W ., and S . J . Derham ( flautist ) . Bro . Choveaux ably presided at the piano .
King Harold Lodge , No . 1327 . The regular meeting of the above lodge was held at the Four Swans Hotel , Waltham Cross , Herts , on Thursday , the 15 th inst . Present : Bros . VV . S . Metcalfe , W . M ., in the chair j J . Mark , I . P . M . ; J . Priddle , S . W . j H . Park , J . W . j W . A . Sprout , Treas . j T . Reilly , Sec . ; VV . Bangs , S . D . ; H . Trask , P . M . 2372 , P . G . S . of Wks ., J . D .: J . Robinson , P . M ., P . P . J . G . W ., D . C . ; Piatt , I . G . ; Witte and Holdsworth , Stewards ; Lewis , P . M . ; Holdsworth , P . M . ; Bilby , P . M . j Blackmore , P . M . ;
Bickel , P . M . j Metcalfe , P . M . ; Smith , P . M . ; Robinson , Shepherd , Hodgson , Newman , Jackson , Carter , Brant , W . J . Nash , Blackburn , Sharp , Cohen , F . Godfree , S . W . 2372 ; Harwood , Clifton , Fairhurst , Antcliff , A . J . Williamson , I . P . M . 251 S , P . G . Std . Br . j Burgum , Rutherford , and Chittenden . Visitors : Bros . Mclnerny , P . M . 234 O ; Mascall , 1 G 52 ; Thompson , 15 S 6 ; Ainsley , 7 G 5 ; Leaman , 217 j Jacobs , 20 5 j and Boggis , 1804 . The lodge was opened and the minutes read and confirmed . Three gentlemen were balloted for , and the ballot proving unanimous in their favour , they were regularly
initiated . The candidates were Messrs . Wm . Passfield , Joseph Brown , and George Parnell . Bro . VV . I . Nash was then passed , _ the W . M . performing the ceremony in excellent style , which elicited high commendations from the brethren . Two gentlemen were proposed as candidates for next meeting . The Secretary read the report of the Herts Masonic Charity Committee , which was ordered to be inserted in the minute-book . This concluded the business , and the lodge was closed . The brethren adjourned to supper , provided by the new host , Bro . W . J . Nash . During the intervals between the toasts there was some good harmony , and the Tyler's toast brought a very successful and pleasant meeting to a close .
Clausentum Lodge , No . 1461 . The above lodge paid a late , though well-deserved , compliment to Bro . Admiral Martin , their first W . M . and founder , on Wednesday , the 14 th instant . Some months ago a founder ' s jewel was voted him by the lodge , and it was hoped he would have been able to attend at their October meeting to receive it , but a severe illness not only prevented his being present , but has made it impossible for him to attend for some months
to come . In consequence of this , the lodge appointed their W . M ., Bro . A . B . khoss , together with Bros . Chapman , Methven , Brown , and Dr . Ehrmann , to wait upon him at his residence , Bitterne Lodge , Bitterne , and make the presentation . On assembling there , Bro . Methven , the Secretary of the lodge , made a few remarks , explaining the intention of the brethren , and thanked him , in their name , for the great interest he had taken in the lodge since its foundation . The W . M ., in presenting the iewel , said that the members had heard with great
regret of his illness , and expressed their hope for a speedy recovery . They would alwavs owe him a deep debt of gratitude , not only for his services as their first Master and founder , but also for his kindly presence and assistance on many occasions . He hoped that the jewel would recall to him many happy memories of brethren , with whom he had worked , and that he would long be spared to wear it and continue his attendance . The other brtihren testified to the great services of Bio . Admiral Martin , and stated tbat the lodge's present success was due to his exertions in its earlier days .
Bro . Martin , in returning thanks , spoke of the difficulties encountered in the early days of the lodge , expressed the pleasure it gave him as its first W . M . to note its success , impressed upon the deputation the necessity of the careful election of candidates and members , and while thanking them all sincerely for the compliment paid him , expressed a hope that he would soon be present at lodge to thank them in person . Bro . Admiral Martin was initiated in the Watford Lodge , Hertfordshire , b y special dispensation , in 1849 , and took his Second and Third Degrees at Malta , where he
afterwards held the position of Deacon . He joined the Royal Gloucester Lodge , Southampton , in 186 C , and only severed his connection with it in 1 S 75 , when he became W . M . of the Clausentum Lodge . He was elected a second time W . M . of that lodge in 1 S 77 , and was appointed P . S . G . W . of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight , in 1880 , by the present P . G . M ., Bro . VV . W . B . Beach , M . P . Turning to his naval career , we find that he joined the navy as a volunteer of the first class in 1843 , in the Craysfoot , and on being transferred to the Vernon , he landed a party of seamen at Monte-Video to
defend it when beleagured by the forces of General Rosa . After serving in other vessels , he was appointed to the Medea as lieutenant in 1 S 4 S . In 1 S 53 he joined the Terrible , and as its senior lieutenant , took part in all those operations in the Black Sea , which earned for that vessel the commendations of both Sir James Dundas and Lord Lyons . The latter said that no vessel was more distinguished or did better service than the
omnipresent Black Sea Cat , as the Russians called the Terrible . After further services he was employed in the suppression of the slave trade on the Coast of Cuba , and at Fort Monroe during the Civil War of the States . He was promoted captain in 18 C 5 , and retired from the Active Service List in 1 S 73 j was promoted Rear-Admiral in 1 S 73 j Vice-Admiral in 188 S j and Admiral in 1893 . He is a J . P . of the County of Hampshire , and represents South Stoneham on the County Council .
Isle of Axholme Lodge , No . 1482 . The monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Rooms , Crowle , on the -oth instant . Present : Bros . J . Hemingbrough , VV . M . j H . L . Burtonshaw , I . P . M . ; } V . S Scholey , S . W . j J . Franks , ! . W . ; T . Staniforth , Treas . j G . S . Tyack , S . D . ; J-Lee , Org . j J . W . Cundall , I . G . ; M . Dowson and G . Barratt , Stewards ; W ,
"urtonshaw , P . M . ; J . Constable , P . M . ; C . Fox , P . M . ; and G . Naylor , P . M ., 1 yler . The lodge was opened , and the ballot was taken for Mr . A . E . Brock , which proving successful , he was initiated , the whole of the work being splendidly done by the W . M ., who clearly showed himself no " book-Mason . " After lodge the brethren adjourned to the Court Room , where Bro . Cranidge had Provided a substantial supper .
Sir Francis Burdett Lodge , No . 1503 . This lodge held a meeting at the Albany Hotel , Twickenham , on the 14 th instant , Among those in attendance were Bros . W . Fisher , P . P . G . T ., W . M . ; E . W . Davis , I" r ;' ., .. - - " Brown - 1-W-i J- T . Biiggs , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D ., Treas . ; Capt . I- C . Walls , P . M ., P . P . G . W ., P . G . S . B ., Sec ; Dr . J . Hinton , M . A ., Mus . Doc ,
Craft Masonry.
P . M ., P . P . G . O ., S . D . ; H . Bright , J . D . ; E . Tompsett , acting I . G . ; A . Toulmin , jun ., P . P . S . G . D . ; and G . Harrison , Tyler . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Bros . A . Macchi , S . W ., was unanimously elected W . M . ; J . T . Brigg , P . M ., Treas . ; G . Harrison , Tyler ; and E . Tompsett , Auditor . A vote of thanks was passed to the W . M . and a
Past Master ' s jewel voted to him in recognition of his services during the past year . The resignation of B ro . Col . R . Cuming , P . M ., was received with regret . Aoologies for non-attendance were received from Bros . A . Macchi , S . W . ; the Rev . S . T . H . Saunders , P . M ., P . P . G . C , Ch'p . ; Capt . R . Perry , P . M . ; and others . The lodge was then closed . A banquet followed . The usual toasts were proposed in happy and genial terms by the W . M .
Bro . A . Toulmin , jun ., responded on behalf of "The Provincial Grand Officers , " Bro . E . W . Davis , P . M ., for " The Past Masters , " and Bros . J . T . Briggs , Brown , Dr Hinton , and H . Bright for "The Officers . " The brethren then separated .
Hemming Lodge , No . 1512 . A meeting of this lodge was held at the Greyhound Hotel , Hampton Court , on the 15 th inst ., when there were present , among others , Bro ; . J . VV . Clarke , P . M ., P . A . G . P . Middx ., as VV . M . ; W . Hopkins , S . W . ; P . Cronin , J . W . ; J . C . Jessell , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B ., Treas . ; Capt . T . C Walls , P . M .. P . P . G . W ., P . G . S . B ., Sec ; Gale , J . D . ; C Davis , I . G . ; G . Ransford , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B ., D . C ; H . Wheatley , P . M .. P . P . A . G . D . C , Stwd . ; W . Spearing , P . M ., P . G . S . B . j VV . Fisher , P . M .,
P . P . G . Treas . ; and J . Gilbert , Tyler . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken on behalf of Mr . F . Tarrant , and it being unanimous , he was duly and impressively initiated by the acting W . M . Apologies for non-attendance were received from Bros . G . J . T ' agg , W . M . ; C . Wheatley , S . D . j A . F . Scholding , P . M . ; and others . The name of a candidate for joining was proposed and seconded . The lodge was then closed . Refreshment followed labour ,
and the usual toasts received full j ustice . In response to his health , the initiate expressed himself as being thoroughly sitisfied with the step he had taken that evening . He had to thank his friend , Bro . W . Spearing , P . M ., for having proposed him . It appeared to him that Freemasonry was a great institution , and the principles taught by it were pure and noble to a degree . He hoped to become a good member , and a frequent attendant at both the lodge and convivial board .
Bros . Spearing , P . M ., and G . Ransford , P . M ., responded on behalf of " The Past Masters , " and Bros . J . C . Jessell , P . M ., W . Hopkins , S . W ., and H . Wheatley , Stwd ., for " The Officers . " During the proceedings several of the members and their guests instrumentally and vocally entertained the brethren .
Abercorn Lodge , No . 1549 . The last meeting of the season of the above lodge was held at the Royal Abercorn Hotel , Great Stanmore , on the 7 th instant . Bro . C . J . Veal , W . M ., presided , and was supported by Bros . Blackburn , I . P . M . ; Conway , S . W . ; Winterbottom , J . W . ; E . Bamford , P . M ., Treas . j C . Veal , P . M ., Sec . j F . S . Winkley , S . D . j R . E . H . Fisher , J . D . ; VV . Taylor . I . G . ; J . Percival , Tyler ; W . Mansfield , P . M . ; C Tolman , P . M . ; R . VV . Bilby , P . M . ; Bull , Hilsden , F . Gurney , Overhead , Bleaney , J . Gurney , J . Hayes , Westcott , Jones , R . Woodman , A . Withers , A . Harris , Dickson ,
Webh , b . Lea-bmith , H , Grinling , F . Tootell , VV . Woodman , G . Cheshire , and J . S . Bailey . The following visitors were also present : Bros . Wilton Smith , I . P . M . 19 , Sec . 239 6 ; G . Coleman , P . M . 1425 ; J . S . Gridstein , 22 O 5 ; F . Harris , 1 S 05 ; A . Toovey , P . M . 1541 ; and J . Hill , P . M ., Sec . 1702 . The lodge having been opened by the W . M ., the minute" ; of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for five candidates for initiation , three of whom were present , viz ., Messrs . Joseph Harris . James Eldred , and James VVidmer .
These were each initiated . Bro . Hy . Grinling , having proved his efficiency , was prepared for the Third Degree and ably passed , the full traditional history being given by Bro . S . Lea-Smith , P . M . Bro , C J . Veal . W . M ., having made the usual inquiries , received " Hearty good wishes " from the visiting brethren , and also notice of several candidates for the next meeting . Prior to closing the lodge , a very agreeable ceremony was performed by Bro . John BlacKburn , I . P . M ., assisted by Bro . E . Bamford , Treas . This was the presentation of a beautifully-illuminated framed testimonial to Bro . C
Veal , P . M . and Sec , together with a small token of the regard of the brethren , whose names are added to the testimonial , as some recognition of his services for over 21 years . Bro . C . Veal , with much emotion , duly acknowledged the kind words which had been expressed , and accepted the souvenir with gratitude . The lodge having been closed , the brethren partook of a dinner such as is usually prepared at the Abercorn Hotel . Comment would be flattery , as it is notorious that none know better how to provide refreshment after labour than host and hostess Veal .
^ Esculapius Lodge , No . 2410 . A most successful and enjoyable installation meeting was held at ths Cafe Royal , Regent-street , on the 14 th instant , when there was a very full attendance of members . Bro . G . Crawford Thomson , M . D ., VV . M ., presided , supported by Bros . VV . Anthony Nutt , S . W . ; W . J . D . Best , P . M ., acting J . W . j Rev . VV . Harrison , M . A ., Chap . ; J . Pickett , M . D ., P . M ., Treas . ; Thomas Dutton , M . D ., P . M ., Sec . ; E . H . Ezard , MM c n . u \\ r i . * -: * . !! .. .. 1 . ti M 1 n . T n _ : 11— 1 DM M / - . nlu 11 ixiauumiK 1 trui \ li
_ . L ,,, u . u . , . * v . , . m ., | . u ., J . uunuicy James , .., u , s , , . Clarke , M . D ., Org . ; H . G . Bhckman , I . G . ; E . S . Bill and M . Cheale , Stewards ; Thomas Shepperd , acting Tyler ; J . Davies , M . D . ; W . C . Dring , P . P . G . D . ; L . Wilde , M . D . j G . Herschell , M . D . ; A . B . Alexander , G . Rowel ! , F . R . CS . j C M . Simpson , J . Bosworth , J . Startin , F . Fowler , W . Arbuthnot Lane , M . S . ; H . K . Simpson , W . C Blaker , P . M . ; T . H . G . Wrightson , and H . J . Sharpe . Visitors and Hon . Members : Bros . Rev . R . J . Simpson . M . A ., P . G . C . ; Ralph Gooding , M . D ., P . G . D . ; F . Lawrence , VV . M . elect Cavendish Lodge , P . A . G . D . C . ; E . H . Cartwright ,
357 , P . P . G . P . ; VV . E . Wailes , 404 ; T . Stonnill , 1306 ; G . Taylor , W . M . 171 ; J . Wallraf ; VV . Dothridgc , 135 G ; F . Lloyd Palmer , 20 . 54 ; A . Milner , S 6 7 J Dere William and Albert Fox , 1706 . The lodge was duly opened , when the minutes were read and confirmed . Bro . ) . Campbell Maclean , M . D ., CM . Ed ., P . P . S G . W . Wilts , was elected a joining member . A very satis'actory balance-sheet was distributed to the members , which , on the motion of Bro . Ezard , was unanimousl > passed and ordered to be entered on the minutes . Bro .
Brindley James , P . M ., D . C , then presented Bro . Thomas Dutton , M . D ., P . M ., W . M . elect , to receive at the hands of the W . M . the ceremony of installation , which was performed in a very perfect manner by Bro . G . Crawford Thomson , W . M , who afterwards gave the addresses . The newly-installed W . M . appointed and invested the following officers : Bros . G . Crawford Thomson , M . O ., l . P . M . ; Edward H . Ezard , M . D ., D . Sc , S . W . ; H . W . Kiallmark , P . M ., J . W . ; Rev . W . Harrison , M . A ., Chap . ; G . Danford Thomas , M . D ., Treas . ( elected ); | . Pickett , M . D ., P . M ., Sec . ; H . G .
Blackmore , S . D . ; Montague Cheale , J . D . ; Montague Simpson , D . C . ; E . Clarke , M . D ., I . G . ; E . Stock Bell , A . B . Alexander , and W . Arbuthnot Lane , M . S ., Stwds . ; J . Davies , M . D ., Org . ; and S . Ellis , P . M ., Tyler ( elected ) . The business of the lodge was then proceeded with . Several propositions for initia'ion w n received , and a number of letters of regret for inability to attend were read by the Secretary , among those from Bros . Sir John B . Monckton , P . G . W . ; Edward Letchworth , G . Secretary ; Thomas Fenn , P . G . D ., P . President of the Board of General Purposes ; A . Cooper ,
VV . M . S 5 < j and 254 O , P . G . D . ; and Professor G . H ire Ph . lipson , M . D ., D , CL . The W . M . presented Bro . G . Crawford Thomson , l . P . M ., with a Past Master ' s jewel , and , in doing so , he said , although the lodge had been fortunate in having exceptionally good Masons as Masters , none had ruled the lodge better or rendered the ritual more perfectly than Bro . Thomson , and he 'the W . M . ) felt a gieal suoport ia having an I . P . M
who he could always rely upon in edse of dilli ; jlty . Bro . Thomson made a suitable reply , and thanked the brethren for the gift . A banquet followed , which fully maintained the reputation of the Cafe Royal . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were honoured in an adequitc manner . Bros . Fox , Herschell , and Kiallmark entertained the brethren between the toasts , and added much to the pleasure ol a very pleasant meeting .