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NOVELTY THEATRE , GREAT QUEEN ST ., HOLBORN . Open all the year round . Miss V . ST . LAWRENCE AND POWERFUL COMPANY . MONDAY , NOVEMBER 2 nd , at 7 . 30 o ' clock , and durirg tie week , will be produced "THE LADY OF LYONS . " PRICES 3 d . GUINEA . Manager , Mr . WALTEK TYRRELL .
BRIGHTON , GORDON HOUSE , 35 , CANNON PLACE , BOARDING HOUSE , 8 doors from the Sea-tront , from 30 s . to 42 s . per week ; per day , 5 s . to Cs . Gd . No extras . Sanitation perfect . Liberal Table . Masonic Instruction ( Gratis ) if desired . Proprietor—Bro . J . RHODES , P . M . 132 S & 1556 , P . P . G . O . Surrey .
A NDERTON'S HOTEL & TAVERN f \ . FLEET STREET , LONDON . F . H . CLEMOW , Proprietor . In connection with the Peacock Hotel , and Royal Hotel , Boston , Lincolnshire . The central position of Anderton ' s is unequalled for Masonic Banquets , Public Dinners , Wedding Breakfasts , Meetings of Creditors , Arbitrations , & c . The RESTAURANT on Eastern Side of Hotel Fntrance is open to the public from 7 a . m . to 7 p . m . for Breakfasts , Luncheons , Teas , and Dinners . The 2 s . Hot Luncheon , from 1 p . m . to 3 p . m ., in Coffee Room , unequalled . Registered Address for Telegrams : — CLEMOW , LONDON .
np H . STEVENS'S GAME , POULTRY , AND PROVISION STORES , 6 , HAYMARKET , LONDON , S . W . SURREY FOWLS , YORK HAMS , AND CHOICE OLD CHEDDAR CHEESE . Clubs , Restaurants and Hotels supplied on the most advantageous terms . Prompt attention given lo Country orders . Telephone No . 35 , 299 .
THE SHIP AND TURTLE . Proprietor , Bro . C . J . PAINTER . Best and oldest house in London for recherche ? Masonic Banquets , Private Parties , and Dinners . ASSEMBLY ROOMS FOR COMPANIES , & C . OUR TURTLE " THE ELIXIR OF LIFE , " Vide faculty . Purveyors to H . R . H . Prince of Wales , II . I . M . Emperor of Russia , Dukes of Saxe Gotha , Connaught , Cambridge , and most ol Crowned Heads of Europe . Manager , Bro . E . ASIIBY .
MAYO'S CASTLE HOTEL , EAST MOLESEY , HAMPTON COURT STATION . BRO . JOHN MAYO , MASONIC TEMPLE . Accommodation in the new wing for Banquets for any number up to 120 . Every convenience for Ladies' Gatherings . Spacious landing to river , whence Steam Launches can start . Five Lodges meet here , and , reference may be made to the respective Masters as to the catering , & c .
BREE'S ROYAL HOTEL , JERSEY Healthiest situation in St . Helicr . zo degrees cooler than the sea front . BED AND BREAKFAST 5 / 6 AND 6 / -. FULL BOARD , ROOMS & SERVICE , 8 / 6 & 9 / - per day . Telegraphic Address—** BREES , JERSEY . "
liSTAULtSHEO OVER A CENTURY . OFFICE FURNITURE & IRON SAFES ( NEW AND SECONDHAND ) , Largest Stock in London lo select from . Bricklayers , Plumbers , Painters , Papcthangers , Writers and Engraveis , Shop fillers , Carpels , Linoleums , Safes , Gaslitters , Smiths , Blind Makers , Upholsterers , Licensed Valuers , Sanitary Engineers , Insurance and General Agents . ELECIIUC LIGHTING AN 10 BELLS . li-Jimutc * in alt Ucparlmaih . lion Safe :, icinovcd for the Trade . A . AKDLEY it SON , Gf ) Uc : ;~ ij , GREAT ST , HELEN ' S ; Workshops—* ,, Helmct-c ' jurt ; Furniture Warehouses—10 and 27 , Wormwood-street ; LONDON , E . C
THE MISSES TTAIDKE & BLANCHE DE SOLLA 0 VOCAL 1 ) U ETTIS T S , Accept Engagements for MASONIC GATHERINGS , AT HOMES , & c . Address : Bro . ISIDORE DE SOLLA , 5 , Harrington-square , London .
THE RAINBOW TAVERN , FLEET STREET . THE 0 1 . 1 ) ENGLISH DINNER . This fine old-fashioned house is now under ENTIRELY NEW MANAGEMENT , And the RARE OI . D-FASHIONED ENGLISH DINNHRS for which it has so long been famous ARE NOW SERVED DAILY . The Cellar of Wines is one of the choicest in London . Special Rooms for Ladies and Private Parties . Proprietor , C . R . ACKLAND . A COMPLETE SET OF MASONIC FURNITURE FOR SALE . The owner having no further use for it . Having only been used a few times , consequently as good as new . For particulars apply to THE RAINBOW , 15 , Fleet-st ., E . C . CHARLES R . ACKLAND , Proprietor .
MONTAGUE MANSION ( Opposite the British Museum Entrance ) , GREAT RUSSELL STREET , W . C . Most conveniently situated for Business or Pleasure . Cab Fare from * ' Montague Mansion " is One Shilling to nearly all Railways , Theatres , and the Royal Courts of J ustice . Omnibuses to all parts for a few pence . Bedroom , Bath , Breakfast , and Attendance , 5 s . and 5 s . 6 d . Night Porter . Telephone 2906 . Terms Moderate .
FOR ECONOMICAL AND RESPECTABLE FUNERALS at stated charges . To cover all expenses , exclusive of cemetery fees . BRO . C . G . HATT , UNDERTAKER , 82 , HIGH STREET , KENSINGTON , W . CREMATION AND EMBALMING . " Distance no object . Orders by post or telegrams promptly attended to . Price Lists free on application .
Telephone No . OS 79 . Established 1808 . MATTHEWS , DREW , & CO ., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STATIONERS , PRINTERS , LITHOGRAPHERS , ACCOUNT BOOK MAKERS . HSTIMATES SUBMITTED . " THE PROFESSIONAL NOTE , " A High-class Vellum Paper , with Rough or Satin Surface . SAMPLES ON APPLICATION . Send for Illustrated Price List Fret . MATTHEWS , DREW , & COMPANY , 37 & 38 , HIGH HOLBORN , LONDON , W . C . ( Opposite Chancery Lane ) . Law Writing Department—10 , GRAY ' INN PLACE , W . C .
FISH , POULTRY , GAME , OYSTERS . IOHN GOW ) LIMITED J 17 , NEW BROAD STREET , E . C , , 12 , HONEY LANE MARKET , CHEAPSIDE , E . C , 23 , LONDON STREET , MARK LANK , E . C , 93 , THEOBALD'S RD ., HOLBORN , W . C , AND 86 , HIGH STREET , PECKHAM , S . Ei JOHN GOW , Limited , always have on sale the Largest S : ock in London of the Very Best Quality at Lowest Price ? ,
-pHOMAS MORING , Established 1791 . SEAL ENGRAVER , HERALDIC PAINTER , & c 52 HIGH HOLBORN , LONDON , W . C . ILLUMINATED ADDRESSES IN THE BEST STYLE . MASONIC AND HERALDIC BANNERS . Send lor Specimens of High Class Stationery , Visiting Cards , and Dies gratis . Also gratis on application : —Book of Examples of Monumental Brasses , and Specimen Book of Brass Door Plates . Catalogue of Seal Engraving , etc . ( illustrated ) , 13 stamps .
THE MASTER MASON'S HANDBOOK , by Bro . FRED . J . W . CROWE , with an Introduction by Bro . W . J . HUGHAN , P . G . D ., & c . The Master Mason's Handbook is acompendium of all information necessary to a knowledge of English Masonry , comprising—An Historical Sketch of Freemasonry—The Grand Lodge : Its Origin and Constitution—Private Lodges , Metropolitan and Provincial—Visiting Private Lodges-Titles , their uses and abbreviations—The Great Masonic Institutions—The " Higher" or additional Degrees , and how to obtain them . Price is . GEORGE KENNING , 16 ft 16 i , GT . QUIBN ST ., W . O .
WAN TED .-Copy of a MASONIC ENGRAVING published for B . A . Neely , Hulmc , and dedicated , & c , by Juhn Bradshaw , Manchester ( size about 24-ins . by lyins . ); also one published by John Harris , Bristol , 1 S 39 , and dedicated by Wm . Brodnck . Send price and particulars to W . J . J ODSON , i ) , Malvernstreet , Newcastle-on-Tyne .
STAGE LADIES & GENTLEMEN desirous of entering the Theatrical Profession in Drama , Comedy , Comic Opera , or Music Hall , apply for terms to MR . CARLTON ST . AUBYN , Late Manager Olympic Theatre , Royal Aquarium Theatre , Theatre Royal , Scarboro' , & c . ( Letter for interview ) . Mr . CARLTON ST . AUBYN , School of Dramatic Art , S 7 , New Oxford-street .
/ - * OALS . COALS . COALS . COCKERELL'S ( LIMITED ) , 13 , CORNHILL , LONDON , E . C . For Prices , see Daily Papers . Trucks direct from the Colliery to every Railway Station ,
JUST PUBLISHED . THE DESCENT 0 E CYMBOLIC MASONRY , with an account of the ANCIENT MYSTERIES , UY JOHN ARMSTRONG , P . M ., P . Z ., & c , Sic . Price : —2 s . 0 d . Post free from THE AUTHOR , 79 , Kingsley-road , Liverpool .
ONLY TWO COPIES LEFT . 4 I 0 . 440 pages . Cloth . Gilt Lettered . HISTORY OF " THE LODGE OF EDINBURGH ( MARY ' CHAPEL , No . 1 ) , Embracing an account of the rise and progress of Freemasonry in Scotland , By DAVID MURRAY LYON , Grand Secretary . PRICE fits .
MONEY PROMPTLY ADVANCED ON BILLS OF SALE , And other Securities , at moderate Interest , repayable ' }' instalments or otherwise . Office Established iStf . G . J . SHIPWAY , 3 , TAVISTOCK STREET , STRAND .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
NOVELTY THEATRE , GREAT QUEEN ST ., HOLBORN . Open all the year round . Miss V . ST . LAWRENCE AND POWERFUL COMPANY . MONDAY , NOVEMBER 2 nd , at 7 . 30 o ' clock , and durirg tie week , will be produced "THE LADY OF LYONS . " PRICES 3 d . GUINEA . Manager , Mr . WALTEK TYRRELL .
BRIGHTON , GORDON HOUSE , 35 , CANNON PLACE , BOARDING HOUSE , 8 doors from the Sea-tront , from 30 s . to 42 s . per week ; per day , 5 s . to Cs . Gd . No extras . Sanitation perfect . Liberal Table . Masonic Instruction ( Gratis ) if desired . Proprietor—Bro . J . RHODES , P . M . 132 S & 1556 , P . P . G . O . Surrey .
A NDERTON'S HOTEL & TAVERN f \ . FLEET STREET , LONDON . F . H . CLEMOW , Proprietor . In connection with the Peacock Hotel , and Royal Hotel , Boston , Lincolnshire . The central position of Anderton ' s is unequalled for Masonic Banquets , Public Dinners , Wedding Breakfasts , Meetings of Creditors , Arbitrations , & c . The RESTAURANT on Eastern Side of Hotel Fntrance is open to the public from 7 a . m . to 7 p . m . for Breakfasts , Luncheons , Teas , and Dinners . The 2 s . Hot Luncheon , from 1 p . m . to 3 p . m ., in Coffee Room , unequalled . Registered Address for Telegrams : — CLEMOW , LONDON .
np H . STEVENS'S GAME , POULTRY , AND PROVISION STORES , 6 , HAYMARKET , LONDON , S . W . SURREY FOWLS , YORK HAMS , AND CHOICE OLD CHEDDAR CHEESE . Clubs , Restaurants and Hotels supplied on the most advantageous terms . Prompt attention given lo Country orders . Telephone No . 35 , 299 .
THE SHIP AND TURTLE . Proprietor , Bro . C . J . PAINTER . Best and oldest house in London for recherche ? Masonic Banquets , Private Parties , and Dinners . ASSEMBLY ROOMS FOR COMPANIES , & C . OUR TURTLE " THE ELIXIR OF LIFE , " Vide faculty . Purveyors to H . R . H . Prince of Wales , II . I . M . Emperor of Russia , Dukes of Saxe Gotha , Connaught , Cambridge , and most ol Crowned Heads of Europe . Manager , Bro . E . ASIIBY .
MAYO'S CASTLE HOTEL , EAST MOLESEY , HAMPTON COURT STATION . BRO . JOHN MAYO , MASONIC TEMPLE . Accommodation in the new wing for Banquets for any number up to 120 . Every convenience for Ladies' Gatherings . Spacious landing to river , whence Steam Launches can start . Five Lodges meet here , and , reference may be made to the respective Masters as to the catering , & c .
BREE'S ROYAL HOTEL , JERSEY Healthiest situation in St . Helicr . zo degrees cooler than the sea front . BED AND BREAKFAST 5 / 6 AND 6 / -. FULL BOARD , ROOMS & SERVICE , 8 / 6 & 9 / - per day . Telegraphic Address—** BREES , JERSEY . "
liSTAULtSHEO OVER A CENTURY . OFFICE FURNITURE & IRON SAFES ( NEW AND SECONDHAND ) , Largest Stock in London lo select from . Bricklayers , Plumbers , Painters , Papcthangers , Writers and Engraveis , Shop fillers , Carpels , Linoleums , Safes , Gaslitters , Smiths , Blind Makers , Upholsterers , Licensed Valuers , Sanitary Engineers , Insurance and General Agents . ELECIIUC LIGHTING AN 10 BELLS . li-Jimutc * in alt Ucparlmaih . lion Safe :, icinovcd for the Trade . A . AKDLEY it SON , Gf ) Uc : ;~ ij , GREAT ST , HELEN ' S ; Workshops—* ,, Helmct-c ' jurt ; Furniture Warehouses—10 and 27 , Wormwood-street ; LONDON , E . C
THE MISSES TTAIDKE & BLANCHE DE SOLLA 0 VOCAL 1 ) U ETTIS T S , Accept Engagements for MASONIC GATHERINGS , AT HOMES , & c . Address : Bro . ISIDORE DE SOLLA , 5 , Harrington-square , London .
THE RAINBOW TAVERN , FLEET STREET . THE 0 1 . 1 ) ENGLISH DINNER . This fine old-fashioned house is now under ENTIRELY NEW MANAGEMENT , And the RARE OI . D-FASHIONED ENGLISH DINNHRS for which it has so long been famous ARE NOW SERVED DAILY . The Cellar of Wines is one of the choicest in London . Special Rooms for Ladies and Private Parties . Proprietor , C . R . ACKLAND . A COMPLETE SET OF MASONIC FURNITURE FOR SALE . The owner having no further use for it . Having only been used a few times , consequently as good as new . For particulars apply to THE RAINBOW , 15 , Fleet-st ., E . C . CHARLES R . ACKLAND , Proprietor .
MONTAGUE MANSION ( Opposite the British Museum Entrance ) , GREAT RUSSELL STREET , W . C . Most conveniently situated for Business or Pleasure . Cab Fare from * ' Montague Mansion " is One Shilling to nearly all Railways , Theatres , and the Royal Courts of J ustice . Omnibuses to all parts for a few pence . Bedroom , Bath , Breakfast , and Attendance , 5 s . and 5 s . 6 d . Night Porter . Telephone 2906 . Terms Moderate .
FOR ECONOMICAL AND RESPECTABLE FUNERALS at stated charges . To cover all expenses , exclusive of cemetery fees . BRO . C . G . HATT , UNDERTAKER , 82 , HIGH STREET , KENSINGTON , W . CREMATION AND EMBALMING . " Distance no object . Orders by post or telegrams promptly attended to . Price Lists free on application .
Telephone No . OS 79 . Established 1808 . MATTHEWS , DREW , & CO ., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STATIONERS , PRINTERS , LITHOGRAPHERS , ACCOUNT BOOK MAKERS . HSTIMATES SUBMITTED . " THE PROFESSIONAL NOTE , " A High-class Vellum Paper , with Rough or Satin Surface . SAMPLES ON APPLICATION . Send for Illustrated Price List Fret . MATTHEWS , DREW , & COMPANY , 37 & 38 , HIGH HOLBORN , LONDON , W . C . ( Opposite Chancery Lane ) . Law Writing Department—10 , GRAY ' INN PLACE , W . C .
FISH , POULTRY , GAME , OYSTERS . IOHN GOW ) LIMITED J 17 , NEW BROAD STREET , E . C , , 12 , HONEY LANE MARKET , CHEAPSIDE , E . C , 23 , LONDON STREET , MARK LANK , E . C , 93 , THEOBALD'S RD ., HOLBORN , W . C , AND 86 , HIGH STREET , PECKHAM , S . Ei JOHN GOW , Limited , always have on sale the Largest S : ock in London of the Very Best Quality at Lowest Price ? ,
-pHOMAS MORING , Established 1791 . SEAL ENGRAVER , HERALDIC PAINTER , & c 52 HIGH HOLBORN , LONDON , W . C . ILLUMINATED ADDRESSES IN THE BEST STYLE . MASONIC AND HERALDIC BANNERS . Send lor Specimens of High Class Stationery , Visiting Cards , and Dies gratis . Also gratis on application : —Book of Examples of Monumental Brasses , and Specimen Book of Brass Door Plates . Catalogue of Seal Engraving , etc . ( illustrated ) , 13 stamps .
THE MASTER MASON'S HANDBOOK , by Bro . FRED . J . W . CROWE , with an Introduction by Bro . W . J . HUGHAN , P . G . D ., & c . The Master Mason's Handbook is acompendium of all information necessary to a knowledge of English Masonry , comprising—An Historical Sketch of Freemasonry—The Grand Lodge : Its Origin and Constitution—Private Lodges , Metropolitan and Provincial—Visiting Private Lodges-Titles , their uses and abbreviations—The Great Masonic Institutions—The " Higher" or additional Degrees , and how to obtain them . Price is . GEORGE KENNING , 16 ft 16 i , GT . QUIBN ST ., W . O .
WAN TED .-Copy of a MASONIC ENGRAVING published for B . A . Neely , Hulmc , and dedicated , & c , by Juhn Bradshaw , Manchester ( size about 24-ins . by lyins . ); also one published by John Harris , Bristol , 1 S 39 , and dedicated by Wm . Brodnck . Send price and particulars to W . J . J ODSON , i ) , Malvernstreet , Newcastle-on-Tyne .
STAGE LADIES & GENTLEMEN desirous of entering the Theatrical Profession in Drama , Comedy , Comic Opera , or Music Hall , apply for terms to MR . CARLTON ST . AUBYN , Late Manager Olympic Theatre , Royal Aquarium Theatre , Theatre Royal , Scarboro' , & c . ( Letter for interview ) . Mr . CARLTON ST . AUBYN , School of Dramatic Art , S 7 , New Oxford-street .
/ - * OALS . COALS . COALS . COCKERELL'S ( LIMITED ) , 13 , CORNHILL , LONDON , E . C . For Prices , see Daily Papers . Trucks direct from the Colliery to every Railway Station ,
JUST PUBLISHED . THE DESCENT 0 E CYMBOLIC MASONRY , with an account of the ANCIENT MYSTERIES , UY JOHN ARMSTRONG , P . M ., P . Z ., & c , Sic . Price : —2 s . 0 d . Post free from THE AUTHOR , 79 , Kingsley-road , Liverpool .
ONLY TWO COPIES LEFT . 4 I 0 . 440 pages . Cloth . Gilt Lettered . HISTORY OF " THE LODGE OF EDINBURGH ( MARY ' CHAPEL , No . 1 ) , Embracing an account of the rise and progress of Freemasonry in Scotland , By DAVID MURRAY LYON , Grand Secretary . PRICE fits .
MONEY PROMPTLY ADVANCED ON BILLS OF SALE , And other Securities , at moderate Interest , repayable ' }' instalments or otherwise . Office Established iStf . G . J . SHIPWAY , 3 , TAVISTOCK STREET , STRAND .