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Supreme Grand Chapter Of England
4 th . From Comps . the Earl of Portarlington , as ' / ..-. Capt .. George Hewen , as H . ; Lieut . Robert Andrew Marshall , as J . ; and i . S others for a chapter to be attached to the Military Lodge , No . 2621 , to be called the Military Chapter , and to meet at the New Trocidero , Piccadilly , London . 5 th . From Comps . Rev . William Morris , as Z . ; William Calder Aiken , as ff . ¦ John Wetherston , as J . ; and six othe s for a chapter to be attached to the Tyrian Lodge , No . 1628 , to be called the Tyrian Chapter , and to meet at the Masonic Hall , Bundaberg , Queensland .
6 th . From Comps . W . Trevor Parkins , as Z . ; James Daniel Murray , as H . ; John Hackett , as J . ; and seven others for a chapter to be attached to the St . Augustine ' s Lodge , No . 1941 , to be called the St . Augustine ' s Chapter , and to meet at the Shrewsbury Arms Hotel , Rurjeley , in the county of Stafford . The foregoing petitions being regular , the Committee recommend that the prayers thereof be respectively granted .
The Committee have likewise received' memorials , with extracts of minutes , for permission to remove tbe following chapters :- — The Cray Valley Chapter , No . 2147 , from the Institute , St . Mary Cray , to the Crown Hotel , Chislehurst . The Addiscombe Chapter , No . 1556 , from the Masonic Hall , High street , to the Public Hall , Croydon . The Punjab Chapter , No . 782 , to meet at Meean Meer , and at Lahore , alternately or as occasion may arise .
The Committee being satisfied of the reasonableness of the requests , recommend that the removal of these chapters be sanctioned . A memorial with particulars has also been received from the companions of Fortitude Chapter , No . 279 , praying for a charter authorising them to wear a centenary jewel . This memorial being in form , and the chapter having proved an
uninterrupted existence of 100 years , the Committee recommend that the prayer thereof be granted . ( Signed ) GEORGE D . HARRIS , President . Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C , 21 st October , 1 S 96 .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Leicestershire And Rutland.
The annual communication of the above Prov . Grand Lodge was held at the Town Hall , Hinckley , on Thursday , Ihe 8 : h inst ., under the banner of the Knights of Malta Lodge , No . 50 . Bro . li irl Ferrers , the Provincial Grand Master , was unfortunately unable to be present , and Bro . S . S . Partridge , P . A . G . D . of Cers ., D . P . G . M ., presided in his absence , and was supported by Bro . C . J . Wilkinson , P . P . S . G . W ., as acling D . P . G . M .
Other Prov . Grand Officers present included Brcs . W . M . Williams , P . M . 279 and 2429 , Prov . S . G . W . ; F . B . Wilmer , P . M . 2028 , Prov . J . G . W . ; the Rev . R . Blakeney , M . A ., Prov . G . Chap . ; E . Holmes , P . M . 279 and 2429 , Prov . G . Sec . ; G . Neighbour , P . M . 523 , Prov . G . D . of C . ; A . J . West , P . M . 2081 , Prov . G . S . B . ; H . J . Grace , P . M . 2028 , Prov . G . Std . Br . ; H . R . Fox , Org , 2081 , Prov . G . Organist ; and J . J . W . Knowles , I . P . M . 1007 , G . J . B . Woolley , I . P . M . 1391 , and C . Arnd Jahn , I . P . M . 2081 , Prov . G . Stwds .
There was a large attendance from the various lodges in ihe province , amengst whom were Bros . B . A . S-nith , M . \ ., LL . M , P . M . 523 , P . P . S . G . W . ; W . S . Allen , P . M . 779 , P . P . J . G . W . ; W . J . New . P . M . 11 , 30 , P . P . J . G . W . ; the Rev . H . J . Mason , P . P . G . Chap . ; T . Harrcld , P . M . 5 " , P . P . J . G . W . j and others .
Letters and telegrams , expressing regret at inability to be present , were received from over So brethren , including Bros . R . Vassar Smith , D . P . G . M . Gloucestershire , P . G . D . ; T . B . Whytehead , P . G . S . B . ; R . G . Venables , D . P . G . M . Shropshire , P . A . G . D . C . ; John Lane , P . A . G . D . C . ; R . Hudson , Prov . G . Sec . Durham , P . P . G . S . B . ; and Percy Wallace , P . P . S . G . W . Derbyshire .
The ACTING PROV . GRAND MASTER expressed the regret of the Prov . Grand Master at his enforced absence , and said how pleased the brethren would have been if it had been possible for him to be present . The report of the Committee of General Purposes showed that on the 24 th June last there were 738 subscribing brethren in the province , or an
increase of 11 on the year . Regular lodges held numbered 120 , emergency lod ges seven . The wcrk performed included 58 initiations , 47 passings , and o S raisings . Reference was made in the report to the brethren who had died during the year , particularly to the death of Bros . G . Oliver , Prov . G . Treas ., and S . Knight , P . M . 1391 .
From the report of the Charity Committee , as read by the Hon . Secretary , Bro . G . NEIGHBOUR , P . G . D . C ., it appeared that two children—a boy and a girl—had been elected to the Schools during the year , and that Bro . S- S . Partrid ge , D . P . G . M ., had , as Charity Steward for the year , taken up a list of ^ 231 10 s . to the Boys' School . Good progress was reported with the Kelly Memorial Fund , on behalf of which Bro . S . S . Partridge , D . P ,
" , M ., had appealed to the various Masonic bodies in the province , with the result that over ^ 230 had actually been subscribed and several further sums hid been promised . The report concluded with a very hearty acknowledgment of the able services which had been rendered , as Hon . Secretary to the Committee , by Bro . B . A . Smith , M . A ., LL . M ., and an expression of deep regret at his resignation .
oro . b . A . Smith , M . A ., LL . M ., was unanimously nominated for election on the Board of Management of the Boys' School , and to represent the Province at the elections and other meetings in Lone / on of the Masonic Charities .
Bro . Grorge Carter Oliver , P . M . 1007 , P . P . S . G . D ., was unanimously e 'ected P . G . Treasurer , in place of his deceased father . The following brethren , all of whom ( excepting Bros . Maynard and jy'en , P . G . Stewards ) were present , were then invested by the A ; ting Proir . ' jrand Master as P . G . Officers for the ensuing year :
br ° - Robert Bradshaw Smith , P . M . 50 ... ... Prov . S . G . W . » VVillliam Wilkns Vincent , P . M . 1391 ... Prov . J . G . W . >> Rev . Richard Blakeney , M . A ., Chap . 1130 ... } „ r -. „„ " Rev . Warwick Whiteley , M . A ., Chap . 202 S ... ) " - u # u , a P •1 George Carter Oliver , P . M . 1007 ... ... Prov . G . Trear , 'I Charles Frederick Oliver , P . M . 1007 ... Prov . G . Reg .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Leicestershire And Rutland.
Bro . Edward Holmes , P . M . 279 ... ... Prov . G . Sec . . „ Richard Ball Starkey , P . M . 1391 ... ... Prov . S . G . D . „ Walter Daniel Grant , P M . 279 ... ... Prov . J . G . D . „ Michael Shelbourne , I . P . M . 1130 ... ... Prov . G . S . of W . ,, George Nei g hbour , P . M . 523 ... ... Prov . G 1 ) . of C . ,, Richard Porter Keates , P . M . 2428 ... ... Prov . A . G . D . of C „ Charles Arno lahn . I . P . M . 20 S 1 ¦•¦ ... Prov . G . S . B .
„ Willam Singleton Wilshaw , I . P . M . 511 ... } p r < - , „ „ William Aldridge Spencer , I . P . M . 523 ... ) l rov' Ul ™ ' B's " ,, Harry Nicholson , Org " . 1256 ... ... Prov . G . Org . ,, Benjimin Furlev , I . P . M . 12 ( 15 ... ... Prov . G . Purst . „ John Turner , I . P . M . 779 ... ... Prov . A . G . Purst . „ AKred Ernest Hawlev . W . M . 50 ... ... " 1
,, Thomas Williscroft , J . W . 779 ... ... | „ Wyatt d'Auvergne Barnard , W . M . 1265 ... ' , „ ,. , „ Henry Robert Maynard . P . M . 25 , W . M . 1330 | l fov - u * Stwd ; " „ Edwin James Allen , J . W . 2028 ... ... 1 „ John Wootton , I . P . M . 242 S ... ... J ,, James Tanser , Tyler 279 ... ... Prov . G . Tyler .
The rank of P . P . S . G . W . was conferred on Bro . li . Holmes , Prov . G . Sec , who was subsequently elected Provincial Charity Steward , the Girls ' School being the Charity selected . The special report of the Board of Management , with respect to t ^ e proposed removal of the Boys' School , was submitted for the consideration of the brethren by the acting Prov . Grand M ister , and on the proposal of
Bro . B . A . SMITH , M . A ., LL . M ., seconded by Bro . G . S . CATI . OW , the following resolution was ultimately unanimously approved : " In view of the proposal to remove the Boys' School , the members of this Provincial Grand Lodge desire to express their entire confidence in the judgment of the Board of Management , feeling fully assured that its decision will b : in the best interests of the Institution . "
In reviewing the events of the ycir , tin Ac TI . VG PROV . GRAND MASTER expressed his great personal satisfaction tint only a small increase had occurred in the number of brethren in the province , as he inferred from ( his that proper care and judgment had been exercised in accepting candid ites for initiation . Considerable laxity in this respect had been shown at
different times in the province , freemasonry was not a benefit society , and candidates should not be approved who would not be acceptable in one ' s own home . He thought it very likely that the present strain on the accommodation of the Boys' School was largely owing to a want of proper care and judgment in this respect .
The annual bmqiettook place at the George Hotel , Hinckley , Bro . S . S . Partridge , D . P . G . M ., acting Prov . G . M ., presided , and was supported by a large number of brethren .
Provincial Grand Chapter Of Cheshire.
A meeting of the above Prov . Grand Chapter was held at the 'I own Hall , Altrincham , on Saturday afternoon , the 24 th inst . The Hon . Al in de Talton Egerton , MP ., ( he G . Supt ., presided , and there was a large attendance of companions from all parts of the province , including Comps . Rev . C . C . Atkinson , P . G . P . S . ; Frederick Broadsmith , P . G . H . ; J .
Beaumont P . ' ercey , P . G . J . ; Richard Newhouse , P . G . S . E . ; John Lewis , P . G . P . S . ; Hugh Lowndes , P . A . G . S . ; R . B . Du ' . ton , P . G . D . C . ; J . S . Deibyshire , P . G . O . ; Charles Viikers , P . G . T . ; and others . The GRAND SUI'ERINTKNDENT said he was pleased to find lhat the chapters generally were in a healthy state financially . They were thus all the better enabled to carry on the grand work for which the Degree wa s instituted .
The followirg Prov . G . olhcers were invested for the ensuing year ;—Comp . John Armstrong ... ... ... Prov . G . H . „ James Cookson ... ... ... Prov . G . J . ,, Hugh Lowndes ... ... ... Prov . G . R . „ Joel F ' oden ... ... ... Prov . G . Treas .
„ Richard Newhouse ... ... ... Prov . G . S . E . „ John Frazer ... ... ... Prov . G . S . N . „ Thomas H . Annett ... ... ... Piov . G . P . S . ,, Charles S . Bremer ... ... ... Prov . G . ist A . S . ,, Francis Harding Tait ... ... Prov . G . 2 nd A . S .
„ William r . Thompson ... ... Prov . G . S . B . ,, William Henry Pugh ... ... ¦) „ William Peers ... ... ... - Prov . G . Sid . Brs . ,, William A . Doherty ... ... ... J ,, Andrew Henry Baird ... ... Prov . G . D . C . i i \ ooinsun 1
„ ^ oDerr . ... ... ... „ William Barnes ... ... ... [ P . ov . A . G . D Cs . „ Thomas Wood ... ... ... ) ,, John Stanley Derbyshire ... ... Prov . G . O . „ John herguson ... ... ... Prov . A . G . Sec . ,, George H . Hollins ... ... ... " 1
::U; D $ S ) Uom ::: ::: ::: p-. c . stwd , ,, James Davenport ... ... ... J ,, Arthur Huxley ... ... ... Prov . G . Janitor . It was decided that the next meeting of Piov . Grand Chapter should be held at Birkenhead , in connection with the Dc Tabley Chapter .
"The Old Masonians."
On 1 ' riday , the ibth instant , the above Association of old scholars of our School at Wood Green h . ld their first social gathering of the eleventh season of the existence of the Society . The concert was arranged by the Committee , and the chair was occupied by Mr . R . S . Chandler , the Treasurer of the Association .
Ihe evening was opened by the singing of the National Anthem , all present standing and joining in it most heartily in celebration of her Majesty's record reign . The programme was mainly composed of Old Masonian talent , and comprised the tollowing ; Bro . C . P . O'Doherty , " Thy sentinel am I" and "The sailor ' s grave ; " Mr . Gilbert Wilkinson , " The vagabond " and " The deathless
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Supreme Grand Chapter Of England
4 th . From Comps . the Earl of Portarlington , as ' / ..-. Capt .. George Hewen , as H . ; Lieut . Robert Andrew Marshall , as J . ; and i . S others for a chapter to be attached to the Military Lodge , No . 2621 , to be called the Military Chapter , and to meet at the New Trocidero , Piccadilly , London . 5 th . From Comps . Rev . William Morris , as Z . ; William Calder Aiken , as ff . ¦ John Wetherston , as J . ; and six othe s for a chapter to be attached to the Tyrian Lodge , No . 1628 , to be called the Tyrian Chapter , and to meet at the Masonic Hall , Bundaberg , Queensland .
6 th . From Comps . W . Trevor Parkins , as Z . ; James Daniel Murray , as H . ; John Hackett , as J . ; and seven others for a chapter to be attached to the St . Augustine ' s Lodge , No . 1941 , to be called the St . Augustine ' s Chapter , and to meet at the Shrewsbury Arms Hotel , Rurjeley , in the county of Stafford . The foregoing petitions being regular , the Committee recommend that the prayers thereof be respectively granted .
The Committee have likewise received' memorials , with extracts of minutes , for permission to remove tbe following chapters :- — The Cray Valley Chapter , No . 2147 , from the Institute , St . Mary Cray , to the Crown Hotel , Chislehurst . The Addiscombe Chapter , No . 1556 , from the Masonic Hall , High street , to the Public Hall , Croydon . The Punjab Chapter , No . 782 , to meet at Meean Meer , and at Lahore , alternately or as occasion may arise .
The Committee being satisfied of the reasonableness of the requests , recommend that the removal of these chapters be sanctioned . A memorial with particulars has also been received from the companions of Fortitude Chapter , No . 279 , praying for a charter authorising them to wear a centenary jewel . This memorial being in form , and the chapter having proved an
uninterrupted existence of 100 years , the Committee recommend that the prayer thereof be granted . ( Signed ) GEORGE D . HARRIS , President . Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C , 21 st October , 1 S 96 .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Leicestershire And Rutland.
The annual communication of the above Prov . Grand Lodge was held at the Town Hall , Hinckley , on Thursday , Ihe 8 : h inst ., under the banner of the Knights of Malta Lodge , No . 50 . Bro . li irl Ferrers , the Provincial Grand Master , was unfortunately unable to be present , and Bro . S . S . Partridge , P . A . G . D . of Cers ., D . P . G . M ., presided in his absence , and was supported by Bro . C . J . Wilkinson , P . P . S . G . W ., as acling D . P . G . M .
Other Prov . Grand Officers present included Brcs . W . M . Williams , P . M . 279 and 2429 , Prov . S . G . W . ; F . B . Wilmer , P . M . 2028 , Prov . J . G . W . ; the Rev . R . Blakeney , M . A ., Prov . G . Chap . ; E . Holmes , P . M . 279 and 2429 , Prov . G . Sec . ; G . Neighbour , P . M . 523 , Prov . G . D . of C . ; A . J . West , P . M . 2081 , Prov . G . S . B . ; H . J . Grace , P . M . 2028 , Prov . G . Std . Br . ; H . R . Fox , Org , 2081 , Prov . G . Organist ; and J . J . W . Knowles , I . P . M . 1007 , G . J . B . Woolley , I . P . M . 1391 , and C . Arnd Jahn , I . P . M . 2081 , Prov . G . Stwds .
There was a large attendance from the various lodges in ihe province , amengst whom were Bros . B . A . S-nith , M . \ ., LL . M , P . M . 523 , P . P . S . G . W . ; W . S . Allen , P . M . 779 , P . P . J . G . W . ; W . J . New . P . M . 11 , 30 , P . P . J . G . W . ; the Rev . H . J . Mason , P . P . G . Chap . ; T . Harrcld , P . M . 5 " , P . P . J . G . W . j and others .
Letters and telegrams , expressing regret at inability to be present , were received from over So brethren , including Bros . R . Vassar Smith , D . P . G . M . Gloucestershire , P . G . D . ; T . B . Whytehead , P . G . S . B . ; R . G . Venables , D . P . G . M . Shropshire , P . A . G . D . C . ; John Lane , P . A . G . D . C . ; R . Hudson , Prov . G . Sec . Durham , P . P . G . S . B . ; and Percy Wallace , P . P . S . G . W . Derbyshire .
The ACTING PROV . GRAND MASTER expressed the regret of the Prov . Grand Master at his enforced absence , and said how pleased the brethren would have been if it had been possible for him to be present . The report of the Committee of General Purposes showed that on the 24 th June last there were 738 subscribing brethren in the province , or an
increase of 11 on the year . Regular lodges held numbered 120 , emergency lod ges seven . The wcrk performed included 58 initiations , 47 passings , and o S raisings . Reference was made in the report to the brethren who had died during the year , particularly to the death of Bros . G . Oliver , Prov . G . Treas ., and S . Knight , P . M . 1391 .
From the report of the Charity Committee , as read by the Hon . Secretary , Bro . G . NEIGHBOUR , P . G . D . C ., it appeared that two children—a boy and a girl—had been elected to the Schools during the year , and that Bro . S- S . Partrid ge , D . P . G . M ., had , as Charity Steward for the year , taken up a list of ^ 231 10 s . to the Boys' School . Good progress was reported with the Kelly Memorial Fund , on behalf of which Bro . S . S . Partridge , D . P ,
" , M ., had appealed to the various Masonic bodies in the province , with the result that over ^ 230 had actually been subscribed and several further sums hid been promised . The report concluded with a very hearty acknowledgment of the able services which had been rendered , as Hon . Secretary to the Committee , by Bro . B . A . Smith , M . A ., LL . M ., and an expression of deep regret at his resignation .
oro . b . A . Smith , M . A ., LL . M ., was unanimously nominated for election on the Board of Management of the Boys' School , and to represent the Province at the elections and other meetings in Lone / on of the Masonic Charities .
Bro . Grorge Carter Oliver , P . M . 1007 , P . P . S . G . D ., was unanimously e 'ected P . G . Treasurer , in place of his deceased father . The following brethren , all of whom ( excepting Bros . Maynard and jy'en , P . G . Stewards ) were present , were then invested by the A ; ting Proir . ' jrand Master as P . G . Officers for the ensuing year :
br ° - Robert Bradshaw Smith , P . M . 50 ... ... Prov . S . G . W . » VVillliam Wilkns Vincent , P . M . 1391 ... Prov . J . G . W . >> Rev . Richard Blakeney , M . A ., Chap . 1130 ... } „ r -. „„ " Rev . Warwick Whiteley , M . A ., Chap . 202 S ... ) " - u # u , a P •1 George Carter Oliver , P . M . 1007 ... ... Prov . G . Trear , 'I Charles Frederick Oliver , P . M . 1007 ... Prov . G . Reg .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Leicestershire And Rutland.
Bro . Edward Holmes , P . M . 279 ... ... Prov . G . Sec . . „ Richard Ball Starkey , P . M . 1391 ... ... Prov . S . G . D . „ Walter Daniel Grant , P M . 279 ... ... Prov . J . G . D . „ Michael Shelbourne , I . P . M . 1130 ... ... Prov . G . S . of W . ,, George Nei g hbour , P . M . 523 ... ... Prov . G 1 ) . of C . ,, Richard Porter Keates , P . M . 2428 ... ... Prov . A . G . D . of C „ Charles Arno lahn . I . P . M . 20 S 1 ¦•¦ ... Prov . G . S . B .
„ Willam Singleton Wilshaw , I . P . M . 511 ... } p r < - , „ „ William Aldridge Spencer , I . P . M . 523 ... ) l rov' Ul ™ ' B's " ,, Harry Nicholson , Org " . 1256 ... ... Prov . G . Org . ,, Benjimin Furlev , I . P . M . 12 ( 15 ... ... Prov . G . Purst . „ John Turner , I . P . M . 779 ... ... Prov . A . G . Purst . „ AKred Ernest Hawlev . W . M . 50 ... ... " 1
,, Thomas Williscroft , J . W . 779 ... ... | „ Wyatt d'Auvergne Barnard , W . M . 1265 ... ' , „ ,. , „ Henry Robert Maynard . P . M . 25 , W . M . 1330 | l fov - u * Stwd ; " „ Edwin James Allen , J . W . 2028 ... ... 1 „ John Wootton , I . P . M . 242 S ... ... J ,, James Tanser , Tyler 279 ... ... Prov . G . Tyler .
The rank of P . P . S . G . W . was conferred on Bro . li . Holmes , Prov . G . Sec , who was subsequently elected Provincial Charity Steward , the Girls ' School being the Charity selected . The special report of the Board of Management , with respect to t ^ e proposed removal of the Boys' School , was submitted for the consideration of the brethren by the acting Prov . Grand M ister , and on the proposal of
Bro . B . A . SMITH , M . A ., LL . M ., seconded by Bro . G . S . CATI . OW , the following resolution was ultimately unanimously approved : " In view of the proposal to remove the Boys' School , the members of this Provincial Grand Lodge desire to express their entire confidence in the judgment of the Board of Management , feeling fully assured that its decision will b : in the best interests of the Institution . "
In reviewing the events of the ycir , tin Ac TI . VG PROV . GRAND MASTER expressed his great personal satisfaction tint only a small increase had occurred in the number of brethren in the province , as he inferred from ( his that proper care and judgment had been exercised in accepting candid ites for initiation . Considerable laxity in this respect had been shown at
different times in the province , freemasonry was not a benefit society , and candidates should not be approved who would not be acceptable in one ' s own home . He thought it very likely that the present strain on the accommodation of the Boys' School was largely owing to a want of proper care and judgment in this respect .
The annual bmqiettook place at the George Hotel , Hinckley , Bro . S . S . Partridge , D . P . G . M ., acting Prov . G . M ., presided , and was supported by a large number of brethren .
Provincial Grand Chapter Of Cheshire.
A meeting of the above Prov . Grand Chapter was held at the 'I own Hall , Altrincham , on Saturday afternoon , the 24 th inst . The Hon . Al in de Talton Egerton , MP ., ( he G . Supt ., presided , and there was a large attendance of companions from all parts of the province , including Comps . Rev . C . C . Atkinson , P . G . P . S . ; Frederick Broadsmith , P . G . H . ; J .
Beaumont P . ' ercey , P . G . J . ; Richard Newhouse , P . G . S . E . ; John Lewis , P . G . P . S . ; Hugh Lowndes , P . A . G . S . ; R . B . Du ' . ton , P . G . D . C . ; J . S . Deibyshire , P . G . O . ; Charles Viikers , P . G . T . ; and others . The GRAND SUI'ERINTKNDENT said he was pleased to find lhat the chapters generally were in a healthy state financially . They were thus all the better enabled to carry on the grand work for which the Degree wa s instituted .
The followirg Prov . G . olhcers were invested for the ensuing year ;—Comp . John Armstrong ... ... ... Prov . G . H . „ James Cookson ... ... ... Prov . G . J . ,, Hugh Lowndes ... ... ... Prov . G . R . „ Joel F ' oden ... ... ... Prov . G . Treas .
„ Richard Newhouse ... ... ... Prov . G . S . E . „ John Frazer ... ... ... Prov . G . S . N . „ Thomas H . Annett ... ... ... Piov . G . P . S . ,, Charles S . Bremer ... ... ... Prov . G . ist A . S . ,, Francis Harding Tait ... ... Prov . G . 2 nd A . S .
„ William r . Thompson ... ... Prov . G . S . B . ,, William Henry Pugh ... ... ¦) „ William Peers ... ... ... - Prov . G . Sid . Brs . ,, William A . Doherty ... ... ... J ,, Andrew Henry Baird ... ... Prov . G . D . C . i i \ ooinsun 1
„ ^ oDerr . ... ... ... „ William Barnes ... ... ... [ P . ov . A . G . D Cs . „ Thomas Wood ... ... ... ) ,, John Stanley Derbyshire ... ... Prov . G . O . „ John herguson ... ... ... Prov . A . G . Sec . ,, George H . Hollins ... ... ... " 1
::U; D $ S ) Uom ::: ::: ::: p-. c . stwd , ,, James Davenport ... ... ... J ,, Arthur Huxley ... ... ... Prov . G . Janitor . It was decided that the next meeting of Piov . Grand Chapter should be held at Birkenhead , in connection with the Dc Tabley Chapter .
"The Old Masonians."
On 1 ' riday , the ibth instant , the above Association of old scholars of our School at Wood Green h . ld their first social gathering of the eleventh season of the existence of the Society . The concert was arranged by the Committee , and the chair was occupied by Mr . R . S . Chandler , the Treasurer of the Association .
Ihe evening was opened by the singing of the National Anthem , all present standing and joining in it most heartily in celebration of her Majesty's record reign . The programme was mainly composed of Old Masonian talent , and comprised the tollowing ; Bro . C . P . O'Doherty , " Thy sentinel am I" and "The sailor ' s grave ; " Mr . Gilbert Wilkinson , " The vagabond " and " The deathless