Article PROVINCIAL LODGES. ← Page 13 of 21 →
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Provincial Lodges.
must again express his gratitude for the great honour done him , and particularly to the W . M . for the many warm expressions of his regard ( cheers ) . Br . Punshon then rose and said , last year the wet weather prevented his paying a visit to St . Peter ' s on the occasion of the installation , for he ( Br . Punshon ) was an old man , and not so strong as he once was . He was proud to tell ihem he was a Mason of forty years ' Standing . He thanked God he was still able to pay his respects to the W . M . of St . Peter ' s Lodge , the more so as the W . M . ' s father ancl he were schoolfellows , and he
hoped good fellows , he believed , happy fellows . That warm feep ' ng which he had towards the father of the W . M . he now entertained to tho W . M . himself . He was proud and happy to propose the health of the W . M . who had had the honour of being re-elected , and who , he felt , would continue to perform his duties well ( cheers ) . Drunk with Masonic honours . The W . M . on rising to replv , said he could not find words to express to them his gratitude . To Br . Punshon his warmest thanks were especially due . Br . Punshon had gone far back into the past with his warm-hearted expressions , he had also dwelt kindl
very y on the present It was true his brethren had honoured him hy re-electing him their AV . M . During the past year , he ( the W . M . ) had done all he could for St . Peter ' s Lodge , ancl he trusted during the present year he would equally , or better perform his duties . ( Hear , hear , and cheers ) . St . Peter ' s hacl long been the pet lodge in the province , and ne trusted St . Peter ' s would still be blest with prosperity and true brotherly feeling . In conclusion , he warmly thanked Br . Punshon , and his other brethren for the honour done him , and could assure all who were not members of St . Peter's Lodge that they would still have at St . Peter ' s a real hearty welcome . ( Cheers ) . The health of Br . Dove was then proposed in flattering terms by the W . M ., who
said that Br . Dove was once secretary of St . Peter ' s Lodge , and hacl also been one of its best treasurers ; in fact , Br . Dove was treasurer of St . Peter ' s at its birth , and to his good and wise management St . Peter ' s owed much of its present prosperity . ( Hear , and cheers ) . Br . Dove made 3 neat reply . The health of the W . M . of Lodge 24 was imposed in appropriate terms by the W . M ., and Br . Johnson , W . M . 24 , replied in a neat and happy speech , in which he said the brethren had only clone their duty in conferring the honour of re-election on Br . Cook . The health of Br . Dalziel
, P . P . G . S . W ., and D . C , for the province was then given in eulogistic terms by the W . M ., who characterized Br . Dalziel as " the father of St . Peter ' s , " a man who hacl done more for Masonry than perhaps any other man in the north . ( Drunk with Masonic honours . ) Br . Dalziel , in reply , said never had he risen with warmer feelings of gratitude than on that occasion . The W . M . had spoken of him ( Bv . Dalziel ) in very flattering terms ; he feared the W . M . had spoken of him very , very far above his deserts ( No , no ) . He was proud to see St . Peter ' s grow moie prosperous
year after year—never had it had such a tide of prosperity as under the now reinstalled W . M ., Br . Cook . ( Hear , hear ) . He ( Br . Dalziel ) in conclusion , returned his warmest thanks for the very flattering marks of their regard —( Cheers ) . "The S . M ., ancl J . W ., and other officers of St . Peter ' s Lodge" was given , and neatly replied to by Br . Neimeitty , S . W . "The health of Br . Pulock , S . W ., St . George ' s Lodge , 624 ; " "The health of Br . Henry Bell , P . M ., 706 ; " "The health of Br . J . HopperP . M . G 14 " "The health of BrHLMonroPM 56 " ancl several
, , ; . . . , .., ; Other toasts were given and replied . to . Several beautiful songs by Brs . Dalziel , Pullock , ancl Hopper were given at intervals with hearty good will , and with happy effect . We cannot conclude this report without a meed of praise to Br . AUinson for the very sumptuous entertainment and etceteras on this very happy occasion .
SOMERSETSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . The Annual Meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Somersetshire was held on the 7 th ult . at the High bridge Inn , Hunstspill , under the presidency of the R . W . the P . G . M . Br . Colonel Tynte , who stands second to none in the admiration and affectionate regards of the Craft . The Lodge having been opened in ample form , the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed , and riie returns from the subor-
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Provincial Lodges.
must again express his gratitude for the great honour done him , and particularly to the W . M . for the many warm expressions of his regard ( cheers ) . Br . Punshon then rose and said , last year the wet weather prevented his paying a visit to St . Peter ' s on the occasion of the installation , for he ( Br . Punshon ) was an old man , and not so strong as he once was . He was proud to tell ihem he was a Mason of forty years ' Standing . He thanked God he was still able to pay his respects to the W . M . of St . Peter ' s Lodge , the more so as the W . M . ' s father ancl he were schoolfellows , and he
hoped good fellows , he believed , happy fellows . That warm feep ' ng which he had towards the father of the W . M . he now entertained to tho W . M . himself . He was proud and happy to propose the health of the W . M . who had had the honour of being re-elected , and who , he felt , would continue to perform his duties well ( cheers ) . Drunk with Masonic honours . The W . M . on rising to replv , said he could not find words to express to them his gratitude . To Br . Punshon his warmest thanks were especially due . Br . Punshon had gone far back into the past with his warm-hearted expressions , he had also dwelt kindl
very y on the present It was true his brethren had honoured him hy re-electing him their AV . M . During the past year , he ( the W . M . ) had done all he could for St . Peter ' s Lodge , ancl he trusted during the present year he would equally , or better perform his duties . ( Hear , hear , and cheers ) . St . Peter ' s hacl long been the pet lodge in the province , and ne trusted St . Peter ' s would still be blest with prosperity and true brotherly feeling . In conclusion , he warmly thanked Br . Punshon , and his other brethren for the honour done him , and could assure all who were not members of St . Peter's Lodge that they would still have at St . Peter ' s a real hearty welcome . ( Cheers ) . The health of Br . Dove was then proposed in flattering terms by the W . M ., who
said that Br . Dove was once secretary of St . Peter ' s Lodge , and hacl also been one of its best treasurers ; in fact , Br . Dove was treasurer of St . Peter ' s at its birth , and to his good and wise management St . Peter ' s owed much of its present prosperity . ( Hear , and cheers ) . Br . Dove made 3 neat reply . The health of the W . M . of Lodge 24 was imposed in appropriate terms by the W . M ., and Br . Johnson , W . M . 24 , replied in a neat and happy speech , in which he said the brethren had only clone their duty in conferring the honour of re-election on Br . Cook . The health of Br . Dalziel
, P . P . G . S . W ., and D . C , for the province was then given in eulogistic terms by the W . M ., who characterized Br . Dalziel as " the father of St . Peter ' s , " a man who hacl done more for Masonry than perhaps any other man in the north . ( Drunk with Masonic honours . ) Br . Dalziel , in reply , said never had he risen with warmer feelings of gratitude than on that occasion . The W . M . had spoken of him ( Bv . Dalziel ) in very flattering terms ; he feared the W . M . had spoken of him very , very far above his deserts ( No , no ) . He was proud to see St . Peter ' s grow moie prosperous
year after year—never had it had such a tide of prosperity as under the now reinstalled W . M ., Br . Cook . ( Hear , hear ) . He ( Br . Dalziel ) in conclusion , returned his warmest thanks for the very flattering marks of their regard —( Cheers ) . "The S . M ., ancl J . W ., and other officers of St . Peter ' s Lodge" was given , and neatly replied to by Br . Neimeitty , S . W . "The health of Br . Pulock , S . W ., St . George ' s Lodge , 624 ; " "The health of Br . Henry Bell , P . M ., 706 ; " "The health of Br . J . HopperP . M . G 14 " "The health of BrHLMonroPM 56 " ancl several
, , ; . . . , .., ; Other toasts were given and replied . to . Several beautiful songs by Brs . Dalziel , Pullock , ancl Hopper were given at intervals with hearty good will , and with happy effect . We cannot conclude this report without a meed of praise to Br . AUinson for the very sumptuous entertainment and etceteras on this very happy occasion .
SOMERSETSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . The Annual Meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Somersetshire was held on the 7 th ult . at the High bridge Inn , Hunstspill , under the presidency of the R . W . the P . G . M . Br . Colonel Tynte , who stands second to none in the admiration and affectionate regards of the Craft . The Lodge having been opened in ample form , the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed , and riie returns from the subor-