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The Adventures Of Don Pasquale.
But for the -moment he was a rock ahead for Bechner , inasmuch as Anna laughed at his jokes , and admired his "bonhommie . " Seeing clearly , as a Avoman ahvays can see , IIOAV much there Avas of tenderness , and truth , aud loyalty , and chivalry in his composition , and as she AA'as an admirer of such things , as all true Avomen are she did not conceal her pleasure in his society , or her appreciation of his attentions . Not that she Avas a flirt , or a coquette—she , happily , did not think either habit justifiable , not did she consider them " good form . " She Avas ahvays the same for Bechner , but she claimed for herself the right to bo amused , and she objected on principle to those
manly Heroics not uncommon among some ot us lords of the creation , AA'I IO affect to blame in a Avoman the innocent liberty ancl the agreeability of friendly intercourse they claim so openly ancl avoAvedly for themselves . But still , on the AA'hole , the matter , as PaesieEo confesses in his Diary , began to become a nuisance . The AA'hole aspect of that cheery society Avas changed in a moment—intercourse began to become so ' meAvhat precise , conversation to appear " gene , " ancl , to use a common if significant expression everyone Avas on "pins ancl needles . " PaesieEoAvho Avas very observantancl
, , very considerate for others , saw that if the present posture of affairs continued , everybod y would get across , ancl he therefore determined to make a diversion , AA'hich ho thought might have a good effect . It is astonishing IIOAV in love , in Avar , or politics , a diversion often creates a marvellous change in the veriest if shortest space of time . There AA'as then living at Rome a good-looking , buxom , Avell-preserved AvidoAV of a
certain age , AVIIO was a " foraging Avoman , " and " patrolling " for a comfortable home foi herself and her IAVO unmarried daughters . She Avas Avhat the Germans call " adel "she had married " adel , " and so her theories and tastes Avere " adel" in every sense and degree . To her , Baron Puchner-Priessler Avas a very great man indeed . In tho first place , he AA'as Puchner-Priessler ; in the next , he had great Avealth and a high position . He AA'as " adel" and richshe AA'as " adel" and poor . Her husbanda good sort
, , of man in his Avay , had left her nothing but heaA'y debts and IAA' 0 daughters , plain and portionless , good-natured , and Avell-educated . Here Avas a chance for the good Avoman . She Avho AA'as living on the " minimum" of an income , might positively reach to a " maximum , " ancl she and her daughters might becomingly fill that high position in society , and Avith the greatest eclat and prestige , in AA'hich they Avere born , ancl for AA'hich
they Avere clearly intended . Why , she might even marry them ! So Avhen PaesieEo , Avith crafty and gentle Avords , insinuated to the imposing dame , that he thought that Baron Puchner-Priessler positively admired her , but Avas too modest to say so , not only did she blush—yes ! blush AA'ith delight and excitement!—but she became so marked in her sympathy for the Baron , that he , AVIIO AA'as not very far-seeing , AA'as quite touched by it . It AA'as consoling for himin the state of mind he then Avasto haA'e his feelings
, , considered , his Avords hung upon , his tastes admired , and his speeches quoted ; ancl if it be true that eA'ery one likes to be appreciated here , Baron Puchner-Priessler found that he could have a little Court of his OAA ' , in AA'hich he could play the part , ( at present ) , of an autocratic sovereign Avith perfect success and complete contentment . Under these circumstances the situation was improved ancl bettered itself .
Every one , except PaesieEo and Compton , seemed , as they say , to be " suited , ' ancl probably a feAv . days Avould have beheld a remarkable " eclaircissement , " as the French put it , for all , Avhen an event took place which upset all the hopes ancl arrangements of that happy party , both by its suddenness and seriousness , and seemed to cast a shadoAV of doubt and darkness over the future of so many deeply-interested individuals .
What that event Avas , if any of my readers have the curiosity to seek to learn , they will discover in our next number . UntE then I must ask them to remain in suspense , but to Avish Avell to all true hearts and loyal faith , brave cavaliers and trusting womankind , ( To be Continued . )
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Adventures Of Don Pasquale.
But for the -moment he was a rock ahead for Bechner , inasmuch as Anna laughed at his jokes , and admired his "bonhommie . " Seeing clearly , as a Avoman ahvays can see , IIOAV much there Avas of tenderness , and truth , aud loyalty , and chivalry in his composition , and as she AA'as an admirer of such things , as all true Avomen are she did not conceal her pleasure in his society , or her appreciation of his attentions . Not that she Avas a flirt , or a coquette—she , happily , did not think either habit justifiable , not did she consider them " good form . " She Avas ahvays the same for Bechner , but she claimed for herself the right to bo amused , and she objected on principle to those
manly Heroics not uncommon among some ot us lords of the creation , AA'I IO affect to blame in a Avoman the innocent liberty ancl the agreeability of friendly intercourse they claim so openly ancl avoAvedly for themselves . But still , on the AA'hole , the matter , as PaesieEo confesses in his Diary , began to become a nuisance . The AA'hole aspect of that cheery society Avas changed in a moment—intercourse began to become so ' meAvhat precise , conversation to appear " gene , " ancl , to use a common if significant expression everyone Avas on "pins ancl needles . " PaesieEoAvho Avas very observantancl
, , very considerate for others , saw that if the present posture of affairs continued , everybod y would get across , ancl he therefore determined to make a diversion , AA'hich ho thought might have a good effect . It is astonishing IIOAV in love , in Avar , or politics , a diversion often creates a marvellous change in the veriest if shortest space of time . There AA'as then living at Rome a good-looking , buxom , Avell-preserved AvidoAV of a
certain age , AVIIO was a " foraging Avoman , " and " patrolling " for a comfortable home foi herself and her IAVO unmarried daughters . She Avas Avhat the Germans call " adel "she had married " adel , " and so her theories and tastes Avere " adel" in every sense and degree . To her , Baron Puchner-Priessler Avas a very great man indeed . In tho first place , he AA'as Puchner-Priessler ; in the next , he had great Avealth and a high position . He AA'as " adel" and richshe AA'as " adel" and poor . Her husbanda good sort
, , of man in his Avay , had left her nothing but heaA'y debts and IAA' 0 daughters , plain and portionless , good-natured , and Avell-educated . Here Avas a chance for the good Avoman . She Avho AA'as living on the " minimum" of an income , might positively reach to a " maximum , " ancl she and her daughters might becomingly fill that high position in society , and Avith the greatest eclat and prestige , in AA'hich they Avere born , ancl for AA'hich
they Avere clearly intended . Why , she might even marry them ! So Avhen PaesieEo , Avith crafty and gentle Avords , insinuated to the imposing dame , that he thought that Baron Puchner-Priessler positively admired her , but Avas too modest to say so , not only did she blush—yes ! blush AA'ith delight and excitement!—but she became so marked in her sympathy for the Baron , that he , AVIIO AA'as not very far-seeing , AA'as quite touched by it . It AA'as consoling for himin the state of mind he then Avasto haA'e his feelings
, , considered , his Avords hung upon , his tastes admired , and his speeches quoted ; ancl if it be true that eA'ery one likes to be appreciated here , Baron Puchner-Priessler found that he could have a little Court of his OAA ' , in AA'hich he could play the part , ( at present ) , of an autocratic sovereign Avith perfect success and complete contentment . Under these circumstances the situation was improved ancl bettered itself .
Every one , except PaesieEo and Compton , seemed , as they say , to be " suited , ' ancl probably a feAv . days Avould have beheld a remarkable " eclaircissement , " as the French put it , for all , Avhen an event took place which upset all the hopes ancl arrangements of that happy party , both by its suddenness and seriousness , and seemed to cast a shadoAV of doubt and darkness over the future of so many deeply-interested individuals .
What that event Avas , if any of my readers have the curiosity to seek to learn , they will discover in our next number . UntE then I must ask them to remain in suspense , but to Avish Avell to all true hearts and loyal faith , brave cavaliers and trusting womankind , ( To be Continued . )