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2 . Elle regards la liberty de conscience comme un droit propre a chacjue homme et n ' exclut personne pom- ses croyances . 3 . EEe a pour devise : Liberie , Egalit 6 , Fraternitd
As they UOAV stand they are as folloAv : —
La Franc-Macjonnerie , Institution essentiellement philanthropique , philosophique , et progressive , a pour objet la recherche de la ve ' ritd , l'dtnde de la morale universelle , des sciences et des arts , et l ' exercice de la bienfaisance .
1 . Elle a pour principes la liberty absolue de conscience et la solidarity humaine . 2 . Elle n ' exclut personne pom' ses croyances . 3 . Elle a pour devise : Liberie ' , Ega-1 H 6 , Fraternite .
2 . It regards liberty of conscience as the common right of every man , and excludes no person on account of his belief . 3 . Its motto is Liberty , Equality , and Fraternity .
Freemasonry , an Institution essentially philanthropic , philosophical , ancl progressive , has for its object the enquiry after truth , the study of universal morality , sciences and arts , and the practice of benevolence .
1 . Its principles are absolute liberty of conscience and human solidarity . 2 . It excludes no person on account of his belief . 3 . Its motto is Liberty , Equality , and Fraternity .
The Committee have carefully considered this action on the part of the Grand Orient of France , and having regard to all the circumstances of the case , they have unanimously agreed to recommend the following resolutions for the adoption of Grand Lodge : — 1 st Resolution . —That this Grand Lodge vieAvs Avith profound regret the step
taken by the Grand Orient of France in thus removing from its Constitution those paragraphs Avhich assert a belief in the existence of T . G . A . O . T . U ., because such an alteration is opposed to the traditions , practice , ancl feelings of all " true and genuine " Masons from the earliest to the present time .
2 nd Resolution . —That this Grand Lodge , whilst ahvays anxious to receive in tlie most fraternal spirit the Brethren of any Foreign Grand Lodge Avhose proceedings are conducted according to the Ancient Landmarks of the Order , of Avhich a belief in T . G . A . O . T . U . is the first and moat important , cannot recognise as " true and genuine " Brethren any AA'I IO have been initiated in Lodges Avhich either deny or ignore that belief .
3 rd Resolution . —That in VIBAV of the foregoing Resolutions the W . Masters of ail Lodges holding under the Grand Lodge of England be directed not to admit any foreign Brother as a Visitor unless—1 st . He is duly vouched for , or unless his Certificate shoAvs that he has been initiated according to the Ancient rites and ceremonies in a
Lodge professing belief in T . G . A . O . T . U ., and 2 ndly . Not unless he himself shall acknowledge that this belief is an essential landmark of the Order . 4 th Resolution . —That a copy of the foregoing Resolutions be transmitted to the , Grand Lodges of Scotland and Ireland , to each Grand Lodge , with which this Grand Lodge is in communication , and to the W . Masters of all Lodges holding
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
2 . Elle regards la liberty de conscience comme un droit propre a chacjue homme et n ' exclut personne pom- ses croyances . 3 . EEe a pour devise : Liberie , Egalit 6 , Fraternitd
As they UOAV stand they are as folloAv : —
La Franc-Macjonnerie , Institution essentiellement philanthropique , philosophique , et progressive , a pour objet la recherche de la ve ' ritd , l'dtnde de la morale universelle , des sciences et des arts , et l ' exercice de la bienfaisance .
1 . Elle a pour principes la liberty absolue de conscience et la solidarity humaine . 2 . Elle n ' exclut personne pom' ses croyances . 3 . Elle a pour devise : Liberie ' , Ega-1 H 6 , Fraternite .
2 . It regards liberty of conscience as the common right of every man , and excludes no person on account of his belief . 3 . Its motto is Liberty , Equality , and Fraternity .
Freemasonry , an Institution essentially philanthropic , philosophical , ancl progressive , has for its object the enquiry after truth , the study of universal morality , sciences and arts , and the practice of benevolence .
1 . Its principles are absolute liberty of conscience and human solidarity . 2 . It excludes no person on account of his belief . 3 . Its motto is Liberty , Equality , and Fraternity .
The Committee have carefully considered this action on the part of the Grand Orient of France , and having regard to all the circumstances of the case , they have unanimously agreed to recommend the following resolutions for the adoption of Grand Lodge : — 1 st Resolution . —That this Grand Lodge vieAvs Avith profound regret the step
taken by the Grand Orient of France in thus removing from its Constitution those paragraphs Avhich assert a belief in the existence of T . G . A . O . T . U ., because such an alteration is opposed to the traditions , practice , ancl feelings of all " true and genuine " Masons from the earliest to the present time .
2 nd Resolution . —That this Grand Lodge , whilst ahvays anxious to receive in tlie most fraternal spirit the Brethren of any Foreign Grand Lodge Avhose proceedings are conducted according to the Ancient Landmarks of the Order , of Avhich a belief in T . G . A . O . T . U . is the first and moat important , cannot recognise as " true and genuine " Brethren any AA'I IO have been initiated in Lodges Avhich either deny or ignore that belief .
3 rd Resolution . —That in VIBAV of the foregoing Resolutions the W . Masters of ail Lodges holding under the Grand Lodge of England be directed not to admit any foreign Brother as a Visitor unless—1 st . He is duly vouched for , or unless his Certificate shoAvs that he has been initiated according to the Ancient rites and ceremonies in a
Lodge professing belief in T . G . A . O . T . U ., and 2 ndly . Not unless he himself shall acknowledge that this belief is an essential landmark of the Order . 4 th Resolution . —That a copy of the foregoing Resolutions be transmitted to the , Grand Lodges of Scotland and Ireland , to each Grand Lodge , with which this Grand Lodge is in communication , and to the W . Masters of all Lodges holding