Article FROM IDEALITY TO NATURE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE TRUE MASON. Page 1 of 5 →
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From Ideality To Nature.
many a charming cluster of buds and flowers , pleasant to behold , and reminding us of the coming spring . And later on , how siveet it is to A'ieAv the bright green fields Avhere " daisies pied " put forth their buds Avith rosy lips just peeping from the calices ; Avhen ripened by the sun , and panting to be free , they burst their tender bonds , and expanding to the light , SIIOAV their fair hearts ancl hoAV their blushing heads . HOAV happy and deli ghted the birds appear to be ! Even they with their little throats , Avarble sweet
songs of praise , and seem to watch aud sing of the earth ' s increasing loveliness . Yon Lark is soaring high , and pouring forth melodious strains of Nature ' s clear-toned minstrelsy . Hush ! the song hath ceased ; CI OAVII comes the tiny songster to the earth , and sipping refreshment from the moist grass , carols his prelude to another song . The Linnet twitters , and takes up the soug , singing softly Avith a Avondrous SAveetness , flying in jerks , he seems to say , "Come all ye birds and sing to-day . " Scarce hath the
Linnet ceased to sing , ere the spotted Thrush in yonder tree , tunes up its pretty throat , and Avarbles out a song of full and rounded notes , which , echoing through the trees , thrills the Blackbird's heart , and makes him whistle out of very joy . Soon then the denizens of wood and field , enlivened by these harmonious strains , lift up their voices in unison , and pour forth a chorus of gladness , bidding man be happy , ancl more natural , telling him to dAvell contented , and to study Nature by revelling in her beauties , seeking p leasures as innocent as the fields and the earth afford . Trusting more to loving-kinclness than to poAver . Living for each other , and not for selfish purposes .
Abounding Avith happy thoughts . Having sympathetic and generous hearts . Being endowed with feelings of good . Fellowship and Brotherly Love . Incapable . of doing a bad deed , or of imputing a Avroug motive to any one . But thoroughly capable of being moved by the best and the holiest of emotions . Forgiving and forgetting . Striving to please , and never displeasing . Studying the Avelfare and happiness of others ; and above all , delighting in Nature , and in Nature ' s God . Glorifying His wondrous AA'orks . Contemplating the heavens with joy . Having a reverential and loving humility .
Venerating all good and holy things . Looking upAvards Avith faith . Soaring Avith our souls beyond those beautiful clouds which have the silver linings—emblematical of the purity ancl brightness behind them . Drinking deep draughts of natural delight , and luxuriating in the glories of Nature . Watching the golden sunset , ancl hoping that our rest may be as bright aud as typical . Looking out for the rising of the sun , ancl trusting that our resurrection may be as fair , as pure , and as glorious . Beatifying ourselves
Avith sacred promises . Having Faith , Hope , ancl Charity . Exhorting , and exalting Truth . Loving purity and goodness . EscheAving evil . Having smiles on our faces , and kindness in our hearts . Trusting each ¦ other . Never doubting . Returning good for evil , dAvelling with the Christian Virtues . Spreading good broad-cast by word and deed . Having no pride , but seeking Avisdom . Fearing no man . Going to bed with a clear conscience , and having a pillow of roses . Rising refreshed and happy . Causing cheerfulness and gaiety to abound . Daily doing some good deed , and living a life of usefulness .
Did the birds sing all this 1 Well ! yes , they appeared to do so to me , ancl do so sing even UOAV . Listen to them , and listen long ; then it may do your heart good , and exalt you above the every day common things of life . So that thou mayest Avell exclaim : — " Oh . Earth ! Is Heaven more fair !"
The True Mason.
From the " New York Dispatch . " No Mason is he who is dead to the wailings Of those whom misfortune has placed under ban ; Who is harsh , unforgiving toward other men's failings , Or does any act that debases the man .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
From Ideality To Nature.
many a charming cluster of buds and flowers , pleasant to behold , and reminding us of the coming spring . And later on , how siveet it is to A'ieAv the bright green fields Avhere " daisies pied " put forth their buds Avith rosy lips just peeping from the calices ; Avhen ripened by the sun , and panting to be free , they burst their tender bonds , and expanding to the light , SIIOAV their fair hearts ancl hoAV their blushing heads . HOAV happy and deli ghted the birds appear to be ! Even they with their little throats , Avarble sweet
songs of praise , and seem to watch aud sing of the earth ' s increasing loveliness . Yon Lark is soaring high , and pouring forth melodious strains of Nature ' s clear-toned minstrelsy . Hush ! the song hath ceased ; CI OAVII comes the tiny songster to the earth , and sipping refreshment from the moist grass , carols his prelude to another song . The Linnet twitters , and takes up the soug , singing softly Avith a Avondrous SAveetness , flying in jerks , he seems to say , "Come all ye birds and sing to-day . " Scarce hath the
Linnet ceased to sing , ere the spotted Thrush in yonder tree , tunes up its pretty throat , and Avarbles out a song of full and rounded notes , which , echoing through the trees , thrills the Blackbird's heart , and makes him whistle out of very joy . Soon then the denizens of wood and field , enlivened by these harmonious strains , lift up their voices in unison , and pour forth a chorus of gladness , bidding man be happy , ancl more natural , telling him to dAvell contented , and to study Nature by revelling in her beauties , seeking p leasures as innocent as the fields and the earth afford . Trusting more to loving-kinclness than to poAver . Living for each other , and not for selfish purposes .
Abounding Avith happy thoughts . Having sympathetic and generous hearts . Being endowed with feelings of good . Fellowship and Brotherly Love . Incapable . of doing a bad deed , or of imputing a Avroug motive to any one . But thoroughly capable of being moved by the best and the holiest of emotions . Forgiving and forgetting . Striving to please , and never displeasing . Studying the Avelfare and happiness of others ; and above all , delighting in Nature , and in Nature ' s God . Glorifying His wondrous AA'orks . Contemplating the heavens with joy . Having a reverential and loving humility .
Venerating all good and holy things . Looking upAvards Avith faith . Soaring Avith our souls beyond those beautiful clouds which have the silver linings—emblematical of the purity ancl brightness behind them . Drinking deep draughts of natural delight , and luxuriating in the glories of Nature . Watching the golden sunset , ancl hoping that our rest may be as bright aud as typical . Looking out for the rising of the sun , ancl trusting that our resurrection may be as fair , as pure , and as glorious . Beatifying ourselves
Avith sacred promises . Having Faith , Hope , ancl Charity . Exhorting , and exalting Truth . Loving purity and goodness . EscheAving evil . Having smiles on our faces , and kindness in our hearts . Trusting each ¦ other . Never doubting . Returning good for evil , dAvelling with the Christian Virtues . Spreading good broad-cast by word and deed . Having no pride , but seeking Avisdom . Fearing no man . Going to bed with a clear conscience , and having a pillow of roses . Rising refreshed and happy . Causing cheerfulness and gaiety to abound . Daily doing some good deed , and living a life of usefulness .
Did the birds sing all this 1 Well ! yes , they appeared to do so to me , ancl do so sing even UOAV . Listen to them , and listen long ; then it may do your heart good , and exalt you above the every day common things of life . So that thou mayest Avell exclaim : — " Oh . Earth ! Is Heaven more fair !"
The True Mason.
From the " New York Dispatch . " No Mason is he who is dead to the wailings Of those whom misfortune has placed under ban ; Who is harsh , unforgiving toward other men's failings , Or does any act that debases the man .