Article "VALE PONTIFEX MAXIME!" ← Page 4 of 5 →
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"Vale Pontifex Maxime!"
The actual voting for a HCAV Pope takes place invariably in a chapel within the Avails of the Conclave—or rather , more strictly speaking , in Avhat is called the Presbytery of the Chapel , the loAver end of Avhieh is closed by a curtain of violet-coloured silk . Tho interior decorations of the Presbytery are all of a gorgeous kind , and suited altogether to the auspicious event of an accession rather than to the melancholy ceremony of the funeral just concluded . At the other end of the building is the altar , covered with a
crimson pallium embroidered with gold , upon Avhieh are placed . lighted candles illuminated in colours after the Roman fashion . In front of it , on the Gospel side , is placed the Papal Cross , ancl near to it the Papal chair upon Avhich the Pope Elect will presently take his seat to receive the first "adoration'' of his late coUeagues . On the other side is a large table , also covered AA'ith crimson cloth , and having upon it the necessary appliances for proceeding to the baEot . These consist of a vast number of
voting papers , printed Avith the accustomed formula , ancl folded ready for use , \ yafers , Avax candles , needles , aud red thread , the purposes of all Avhich wEl be seen in the sequel . There is also a printed card containing the words of the oath Avhich each Cardinal takes as he deposits his scheelidla or voting-paper .
Against the side walls of the Presbytery are ranged in order the seats of the august electors . Their backs , and the beddaechini above them , are of silk , which is of a violet colour for all those Cardinals created by the late Pope , and of green for those created by his predecessors . These canopies are , moreover , attached to cords , by means of Avhich each can be instantly loAvered at will , and , as soon as a valid election has taken place , the Camerlengo loAvers every one of them except that Avhich coA'ers the seat of the
new Pope . In front of each seat is a smaE desk Arith black blotting-book Avith golden tassels , quill pens , ink , and paper , and candles , in case the daylight should not be sufficiently strong at any afternoon sitting . There is also a detached desk in the middle of the space betAveen the IAVO IOAA ' of chairs , at Avhich any Cardinal AA'ho is afraid of being overlooked by his neighbours may sit doAvn and inscribe his seheclulla undisturbed .
When the hour of voting arrives—viz ., at eleven o ' clock on the first day—and if the first attempt is ineffectual , then at eleven and five each day of the Conclave the Cardinals are- summoned by a bell , and by the voice of the Master of the Ceremonies , calling them "in Capellam Domini . " They arrive , clad in the cassock , sash , and amice , and Avith the red hat , and take their seats in order . Mass is celebrated ; the hynm , Veni Creator , is sung ; and then the door of the chapel having been locked , the
important business of the day begins . Three modes of election have been established by the long usage of centuries . The first , " per inspirationem , adorationem , et acelamationem , " is Avhen the whole number of assembled Cardinals with one consent choose aud duct by acclamation the occupant of the Holy Chair . The second method is folloAved when , after discussing the claims of tAvo or more candidates Avho are knoAvn to bo likely to succeedan arrangement is come to by Avhich the partisans-of all except one give up
, their own opinions , and accede to the vote of the majority . In each of these cases no voting is necessary , and the new Pope is immediately conducted to the throne on the altar steps . More commonly , hoAvever , the succession has to be . decided by actual A'oting , and then the folloAving proceeding is scrupulously carried out .
Each Cardinal advances m order of precedence to the great table , and takes up a voting-paper , Avith which he returns to his desk . Upon the voting-paper , which is about 8 inches long by 4 inches broad , is this formula in Latin : — " I , Cardinal ( name ) choose as Supreme Pontiff my most reverend Lord ( name ) Cardinal . " The motto and device of the Avriter IOEOAA ' , and the paper , folded in four , is sealed AA'ith four seals , and then folded once more and carried to the silver chalice in Avhich the votes are taken . As he does so he pronounces the oath binding him to elect that whom he thinks most fit for the
person sacred office . When all the schedulle have been p laced in the chalice the scrutator shakes them or mixes them up together , and transfers them into a second receptacle , from Avhich they are poured out and counted , to see that they correspond Avith the number of the vote . They are then unfolded one by one , so that the name of the candidate written upon each is seen , Avhile the name of the voter remains unknoAvn ancl covered by its four 2 K
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
"Vale Pontifex Maxime!"
The actual voting for a HCAV Pope takes place invariably in a chapel within the Avails of the Conclave—or rather , more strictly speaking , in Avhat is called the Presbytery of the Chapel , the loAver end of Avhieh is closed by a curtain of violet-coloured silk . Tho interior decorations of the Presbytery are all of a gorgeous kind , and suited altogether to the auspicious event of an accession rather than to the melancholy ceremony of the funeral just concluded . At the other end of the building is the altar , covered with a
crimson pallium embroidered with gold , upon Avhieh are placed . lighted candles illuminated in colours after the Roman fashion . In front of it , on the Gospel side , is placed the Papal Cross , ancl near to it the Papal chair upon Avhich the Pope Elect will presently take his seat to receive the first "adoration'' of his late coUeagues . On the other side is a large table , also covered AA'ith crimson cloth , and having upon it the necessary appliances for proceeding to the baEot . These consist of a vast number of
voting papers , printed Avith the accustomed formula , ancl folded ready for use , \ yafers , Avax candles , needles , aud red thread , the purposes of all Avhich wEl be seen in the sequel . There is also a printed card containing the words of the oath Avhich each Cardinal takes as he deposits his scheelidla or voting-paper .
Against the side walls of the Presbytery are ranged in order the seats of the august electors . Their backs , and the beddaechini above them , are of silk , which is of a violet colour for all those Cardinals created by the late Pope , and of green for those created by his predecessors . These canopies are , moreover , attached to cords , by means of Avhich each can be instantly loAvered at will , and , as soon as a valid election has taken place , the Camerlengo loAvers every one of them except that Avhich coA'ers the seat of the
new Pope . In front of each seat is a smaE desk Arith black blotting-book Avith golden tassels , quill pens , ink , and paper , and candles , in case the daylight should not be sufficiently strong at any afternoon sitting . There is also a detached desk in the middle of the space betAveen the IAVO IOAA ' of chairs , at Avhich any Cardinal AA'ho is afraid of being overlooked by his neighbours may sit doAvn and inscribe his seheclulla undisturbed .
When the hour of voting arrives—viz ., at eleven o ' clock on the first day—and if the first attempt is ineffectual , then at eleven and five each day of the Conclave the Cardinals are- summoned by a bell , and by the voice of the Master of the Ceremonies , calling them "in Capellam Domini . " They arrive , clad in the cassock , sash , and amice , and Avith the red hat , and take their seats in order . Mass is celebrated ; the hynm , Veni Creator , is sung ; and then the door of the chapel having been locked , the
important business of the day begins . Three modes of election have been established by the long usage of centuries . The first , " per inspirationem , adorationem , et acelamationem , " is Avhen the whole number of assembled Cardinals with one consent choose aud duct by acclamation the occupant of the Holy Chair . The second method is folloAved when , after discussing the claims of tAvo or more candidates Avho are knoAvn to bo likely to succeedan arrangement is come to by Avhich the partisans-of all except one give up
, their own opinions , and accede to the vote of the majority . In each of these cases no voting is necessary , and the new Pope is immediately conducted to the throne on the altar steps . More commonly , hoAvever , the succession has to be . decided by actual A'oting , and then the folloAving proceeding is scrupulously carried out .
Each Cardinal advances m order of precedence to the great table , and takes up a voting-paper , Avith which he returns to his desk . Upon the voting-paper , which is about 8 inches long by 4 inches broad , is this formula in Latin : — " I , Cardinal ( name ) choose as Supreme Pontiff my most reverend Lord ( name ) Cardinal . " The motto and device of the Avriter IOEOAA ' , and the paper , folded in four , is sealed AA'ith four seals , and then folded once more and carried to the silver chalice in Avhich the votes are taken . As he does so he pronounces the oath binding him to elect that whom he thinks most fit for the
person sacred office . When all the schedulle have been p laced in the chalice the scrutator shakes them or mixes them up together , and transfers them into a second receptacle , from Avhich they are poured out and counted , to see that they correspond Avith the number of the vote . They are then unfolded one by one , so that the name of the candidate written upon each is seen , Avhile the name of the voter remains unknoAvn ancl covered by its four 2 K