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On thy knees for ever pray That the Lord crush not thy Avay ; From tho Lords of Tartary May He truly thee defend , For Siberia ' s near to thee—Be true to thyself , 0 Germany That Prince and People trust each
other—That no Monk thy light shall smother—That no Marat mislead thee , Or fill thee full of massacre ; For Marats already are in thee—Beware of them , 0 Germany ! That God shall keep thee in His grace ,
Darling of our worldly race ! Defence of peoples free !—That thy word go far and near , Thy Star of Honour gleam from sea to sea , Ancl thy sword , 0 Germany ! We might prolong these extracts , but Ave think that we have given enough to interest some of our readers . We may recur to the subject , as some of Straclrwitz ' s poems display a very reverent spirit , and we have had to leave out one or two extracts .
The True History Of Freemasonry In England.
A LODGE LECTURE . ( Continued from page 473 . ) A THIRD difficulty is an opposing theory which commends itself to some mindsnamely , that of a select and secret Order , which has preserved the teaching and
mysteries of Masonry , having derived them from the Knightly Orders , and mainly the Kni ghts Templar , who brought Freemasonry—or rather Egyptian traditions—back from the East . The only objection to such a theory is , that Ave have evidence that Preemasonry existed , as a system and brotherhood , long before the Knights Templar were founded . Indeed , it is much more likely , from the known facts of the case , that
the Kni ghtly Orders Avere , as our own traditions say , patrons of Freemasonry , and adapted the existing system , of which they obtained cognizance as protectors of the Guilds , with its secret forms and mysteries , to their own secret receptions . The Knightly Orders , the Templars , certainly had Avhat they called a " secreta receptio , " or secret ritual of acceptance , and there can be no doubt that many of their forms and ceremonies were very much akin to our OAVU .
I have read carefully every work on Templary , home or foreign , I could find , but I never have been able to discover anything confirmatory of a Templar origin for Freemasonry , though much which is most adverse to such a theory . I have seen , for instance , in the great Library at Paris , a Templar ritual , which is of last century , ar 'd professes to give , as if apparently not long after the period , an account of Jacques de Molais' death . But that ritual makes a marked difference between the three degrees of O perative Freemasonry , and the order or degree to which the candidate was about to be admitted . It confirmed me , -when I read it and transcribed it , in the conclusion I had
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
On thy knees for ever pray That the Lord crush not thy Avay ; From tho Lords of Tartary May He truly thee defend , For Siberia ' s near to thee—Be true to thyself , 0 Germany That Prince and People trust each
other—That no Monk thy light shall smother—That no Marat mislead thee , Or fill thee full of massacre ; For Marats already are in thee—Beware of them , 0 Germany ! That God shall keep thee in His grace ,
Darling of our worldly race ! Defence of peoples free !—That thy word go far and near , Thy Star of Honour gleam from sea to sea , Ancl thy sword , 0 Germany ! We might prolong these extracts , but Ave think that we have given enough to interest some of our readers . We may recur to the subject , as some of Straclrwitz ' s poems display a very reverent spirit , and we have had to leave out one or two extracts .
The True History Of Freemasonry In England.
A LODGE LECTURE . ( Continued from page 473 . ) A THIRD difficulty is an opposing theory which commends itself to some mindsnamely , that of a select and secret Order , which has preserved the teaching and
mysteries of Masonry , having derived them from the Knightly Orders , and mainly the Kni ghts Templar , who brought Freemasonry—or rather Egyptian traditions—back from the East . The only objection to such a theory is , that Ave have evidence that Preemasonry existed , as a system and brotherhood , long before the Knights Templar were founded . Indeed , it is much more likely , from the known facts of the case , that
the Kni ghtly Orders Avere , as our own traditions say , patrons of Freemasonry , and adapted the existing system , of which they obtained cognizance as protectors of the Guilds , with its secret forms and mysteries , to their own secret receptions . The Knightly Orders , the Templars , certainly had Avhat they called a " secreta receptio , " or secret ritual of acceptance , and there can be no doubt that many of their forms and ceremonies were very much akin to our OAVU .
I have read carefully every work on Templary , home or foreign , I could find , but I never have been able to discover anything confirmatory of a Templar origin for Freemasonry , though much which is most adverse to such a theory . I have seen , for instance , in the great Library at Paris , a Templar ritual , which is of last century , ar 'd professes to give , as if apparently not long after the period , an account of Jacques de Molais' death . But that ritual makes a marked difference between the three degrees of O perative Freemasonry , and the order or degree to which the candidate was about to be admitted . It confirmed me , -when I read it and transcribed it , in the conclusion I had