Article PAPERS ON THE GREAT PYRAMID. ← Page 2 of 4 →
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Papers On The Great Pyramid.
Avith the chronology of the- Western Jews , between Avhich ancl Great Pyramid chronology I have recently discovered a remarkable agreement to exist . Any Avay , there is the strange coincidence that Dr . Nolan has fixed as his limits , dates which strangel y agree Avith the Great Pyramid reckoning for the birth of Abraham , 2170 B . C ., and the confusion of Babel , 2122 B . C . It appears to have been on this reckoning of Dr . Nolan ' s , that Sir John Herschel at the request of Colonel Vyse calculated the place of the then Polar Star .
Now the Polar Star of the year 2170 B . C . Avas a Dracouis ,, and at the instant of its crossing the meridian Avas in a direct line with the Entrance Passage of the Great Pyramid . But the question Avhich natunilly presents itself is this : —Why should any special significance be given to that particular Pole Star 1 Tho ansAver to this depends upon the nature of the evidence Avhieh can be adduced in favour of that particular period for the building Of the Great Pyramid . la fact , we must look for that relation betAveen its building and the formulating—I use the word in preference to origin , because true Science , Knowledge , or Light , is eternal in its character , as proceeding from Him Avho is the source of all Light—of exact science for the benefit of man . To such a period , too , Ave should very naturally look for the origin of Masonry .
In his article on the origin of the Constellation Figures , Avhich first appeared as one of a series iu Belgravia , 1877 , ancl which have been re-issued quite recently , under the title of " Myths and Marvels of Astronomy , " Mr . Richard A . Proctor seeks to determine the origin of exact Astronomy by a method which he considers less uncertain than any other . This he does by calculating the period at Avhich the Southern Pole Avould be central Avith regard to the old southern constellations . He proceeds thus ;—"NOAV it is a matter of no difficulty Avhatever to determine the epoch when the
Southern Pole of the Heavens was thus placed . BetAveen 2 , 100 , and 2 , 200 years before the Christian era , the Southern Constellations had the position described ., the invisible Southern Pole lying at the centre of the vacant space of the star-sphere , or rather of the space free from constellations . It is noteworthy that for other reasons this period , or rather a definite epoch Avithin it , is indicated as that to which must be referred the beginning of exact astronomy . " Andagainhe says" It seems to me
, , , highly probable that the date to Avhich all inquiries into the origin of the constellations aud the zodiacal signs , seems to point , Adz ,, 2170 B . C . —Avas the date at Avhich the Chaldean astronomers definitely adopted the new system—the luni-solar instead of lunar division of the zodiac and of time . "
The difficulties , Avhich Mr . Proctor finds in assigning the actual origin of Astronomy to the 2170 B . o . date , disappear Avhen AVO regard that era as specially selected for monumentalising knoAvledge ancl taking measures for transmitting to and securing for posterity that knoAvledge Avhich in the long period of strife and confusion Avhich Avas coming upon the earth , Avould be sunk for a time in oblivion , and remembered only by the Sons of Light , AA'I IO clung to the truths committed to them by their fathers . Bat I am getting alongperhapstoo fastfor these matters belong to a later stage of this
, , ; enquiry , and it AVEI not do to . appear to be building too- high before my readers aro satisfied that the foundations are established upon the solid rock . Now let us again look to the astronomical occurences of the year 2170 B . C ., and note whether there is any thing to be observed of such a nature as to be of peculiar interest to Masons . In all the range of traditionary knoAvledge there is , perhaps , no belief—superstition some may call it—more remarkable for the Avorid-Avide unanimity which attaches ' to it ,
than that Avhich ascribes to the " Seven Stars " some mysterious influence on the fate of the human race . Such a belief must have ori g inated , before our common ancestors spread themselves over the Avorld from their central homo , and " the sweet influence ol the Pleiades" * must then have had a direct application to some well-known fact . Hence we find Bro . R . G . Haliburton tracing this primeval knoAvledge among the orig ines ol almost all nations , and among many unaltered Savage tribes still . Perplexed by many
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Papers On The Great Pyramid.
Avith the chronology of the- Western Jews , between Avhich ancl Great Pyramid chronology I have recently discovered a remarkable agreement to exist . Any Avay , there is the strange coincidence that Dr . Nolan has fixed as his limits , dates which strangel y agree Avith the Great Pyramid reckoning for the birth of Abraham , 2170 B . C ., and the confusion of Babel , 2122 B . C . It appears to have been on this reckoning of Dr . Nolan ' s , that Sir John Herschel at the request of Colonel Vyse calculated the place of the then Polar Star .
Now the Polar Star of the year 2170 B . C . Avas a Dracouis ,, and at the instant of its crossing the meridian Avas in a direct line with the Entrance Passage of the Great Pyramid . But the question Avhich natunilly presents itself is this : —Why should any special significance be given to that particular Pole Star 1 Tho ansAver to this depends upon the nature of the evidence Avhieh can be adduced in favour of that particular period for the building Of the Great Pyramid . la fact , we must look for that relation betAveen its building and the formulating—I use the word in preference to origin , because true Science , Knowledge , or Light , is eternal in its character , as proceeding from Him Avho is the source of all Light—of exact science for the benefit of man . To such a period , too , Ave should very naturally look for the origin of Masonry .
In his article on the origin of the Constellation Figures , Avhich first appeared as one of a series iu Belgravia , 1877 , ancl which have been re-issued quite recently , under the title of " Myths and Marvels of Astronomy , " Mr . Richard A . Proctor seeks to determine the origin of exact Astronomy by a method which he considers less uncertain than any other . This he does by calculating the period at Avhich the Southern Pole Avould be central Avith regard to the old southern constellations . He proceeds thus ;—"NOAV it is a matter of no difficulty Avhatever to determine the epoch when the
Southern Pole of the Heavens was thus placed . BetAveen 2 , 100 , and 2 , 200 years before the Christian era , the Southern Constellations had the position described ., the invisible Southern Pole lying at the centre of the vacant space of the star-sphere , or rather of the space free from constellations . It is noteworthy that for other reasons this period , or rather a definite epoch Avithin it , is indicated as that to which must be referred the beginning of exact astronomy . " Andagainhe says" It seems to me
, , , highly probable that the date to Avhich all inquiries into the origin of the constellations aud the zodiacal signs , seems to point , Adz ,, 2170 B . C . —Avas the date at Avhich the Chaldean astronomers definitely adopted the new system—the luni-solar instead of lunar division of the zodiac and of time . "
The difficulties , Avhich Mr . Proctor finds in assigning the actual origin of Astronomy to the 2170 B . o . date , disappear Avhen AVO regard that era as specially selected for monumentalising knoAvledge ancl taking measures for transmitting to and securing for posterity that knoAvledge Avhich in the long period of strife and confusion Avhich Avas coming upon the earth , Avould be sunk for a time in oblivion , and remembered only by the Sons of Light , AA'I IO clung to the truths committed to them by their fathers . Bat I am getting alongperhapstoo fastfor these matters belong to a later stage of this
, , ; enquiry , and it AVEI not do to . appear to be building too- high before my readers aro satisfied that the foundations are established upon the solid rock . Now let us again look to the astronomical occurences of the year 2170 B . C ., and note whether there is any thing to be observed of such a nature as to be of peculiar interest to Masons . In all the range of traditionary knoAvledge there is , perhaps , no belief—superstition some may call it—more remarkable for the Avorid-Avide unanimity which attaches ' to it ,
than that Avhich ascribes to the " Seven Stars " some mysterious influence on the fate of the human race . Such a belief must have ori g inated , before our common ancestors spread themselves over the Avorld from their central homo , and " the sweet influence ol the Pleiades" * must then have had a direct application to some well-known fact . Hence we find Bro . R . G . Haliburton tracing this primeval knoAvledge among the orig ines ol almost all nations , and among many unaltered Savage tribes still . Perplexed by many